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中国白氏针刀舌下取栓康复法介绍中国白氏针刀舌下取栓康复法介绍 中国白氏针刀舌下取血栓清瘀泻毒康复疗法 【疗法介绍】 中国白氏针刀舌下取血栓清淤泄毒康复疗法是白清文教授在祖国传统医学刺络泄血疗法基础之上,集取众家之长,完善众家之缺,经过大量的临床实践、实验研究逐渐改进发展,并最终完善成熟的。 白氏针刀舌下取栓采用自然康复法,应用特制针刀施以微创术,从患者舌下金津玉液二穴中取出瘀堵在头脑,脏腑中的血垃圾(血栓、血瘀、血稠,血毒)。取过栓后的人体气血畅通,促进整个人体细胞排毒,细胞修复,细胞再生。促使大脑脏器生理功能向好的方面调整恢复。对高血压、高血脂、糖...
中国白氏针刀舌下取栓康复法介绍 中国白氏针刀舌下取血栓清瘀泻毒康复疗法 【疗法介绍】 中国白氏针刀舌下取血栓清淤泄毒康复疗法是白清文教授在祖国传统医学刺络泄血疗法基础之上,集取众家之长,完善众家之缺,经过大量的临床实践、实验研究逐渐改进发展,并最终完善成熟的。 白氏针刀舌下取栓采用自然康复法,应用特制针刀施以微创术,从患者舌下金津玉液二穴中取出瘀堵在头脑,脏腑中的血垃圾(血栓、血瘀、血稠,血毒)。取过栓后的人体气血畅通,促进整个人体细胞排毒,细胞修复,细胞再生。促使大脑脏器生理功能向好的方面调整恢复。对高血压、高血脂、糖尿病等症, 有明显改善,能预防及治疗众多疾病及其后遗症。如各种心脑血管疾病(如脑中风,冠心病等等),肿瘤癌症,老年痴呆等。 在当今时代,糖尿病,高血压,心脑血管疾病,肿瘤癌症发病率超过病毒瘟疫对人类生命健康构成重大伤害的今天,白氏针刀舌下取栓康复法是祖国医学的一次重大进步,是医学微创术的重要发展,也是对全人类健康福祉的重大贡献。希望更多的患者通过白氏舌下取栓康复术而受益。 2006年7月15日,全国中医微创学术大会确立“针刀”“中医微创医学”的概念,用“微创”重新诠释医学,重新定位医学,重新改造医学。《人民日报》、新华社、中国国际广播电台、《光明日报》、《科技日报》、《健康报》、《文汇报》、《经济日报》等中hot standby mode, ensure that the rehabilitation centre 7*24 hours/normal, secure network working condition. network outlet is equipped with a firewall. Guarantees stable and secure operation of the network. According to the star-shaped structure of computer networks to achieve medical ground floor second floor access layer switches to ground five layer Interconnect as well as rehabilitation, 1, 2nd floor access layer switch interconnect. Network route 12-core single-mode fiber-optic cable through a weak pipeline laying perpendicular to the shaft from the FD to the device of floors of BD. 48 data points corresponding to each pair of optical fiber intranet, Internet 24 data points, and fully reserve standby, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Internet medical room as core telecommunication line, the four-storey information directly into a layer of weak lines, with 1 large Gigabit switch as the core of Internet System. meet the rehab hospital-wide Internet applications, data exchange and social access, public information release. Together, access switch selection based on fast, load power, security and stability, business integration, ease of management and maintenance of equipment basic conditions to meet hospital-wide data exchange, to provide users with access to multiple business, Exchange and integration of secure network. Network outlet is equipped with 央、国家级新闻媒体都对此进行了大量的报道,称之为:“小针刀创大奇迹” 中国白氏针刀舌下取栓疗法已为世人所重视,前国家卫生部长张文康称赞道:“白氏针刀舌下取栓疗法吸取了中、西医之长,具有“简、便、验、廉四大特点,是白清文教授为中医临床康复治疗方面的一大贡献,将来必定普及全国,造福人民。” 【疗法特点】 1、疗效好,见效快。在临床上对很多久治不愈的慢性心脑血管疾病及后遗症,疑难杂症等都能起到立竿见影的疗效,比如高血压,高血脂,高血糖,冠心病,心绞痛,脑中风及其后遗症,肿瘤癌症等等。对很多不治之症找到了突破口,治愈率90%以上。 2、安全性。严格按照白氏针刀舌下取栓操作流程规范来做,没有任何风险,只有益处。 3、简易、易学、不繁琐。培训内容都是白清文教授多年临床总结的系统操作经验,只要学生完全掌握培训的就可以取得良好的疗效,即使是没有任何医学基础的人,经过系统的培训后都可以熟练掌握中国白氏针刀舌下取栓康复术。 4、适应症广泛。白氏针刀舌下取栓疗法可以治疗人体系统百余多种疾病,临床常见的慢性心脑血管疾病及后遗症,疑难杂症等都可以治疗且疗效显著。 5、经济实惠,回报丰厚。一次投资学习,终身受益。目前针刀舌下取栓一次治疗费用至少6000元以上,北京上海等经济发达hot standby mode, ensure that the rehabilitation centre 7*24 hours/normal, secure network working condition. network outlet is equipped with a firewall. Guarantees stable and secure operation of the network. According to the star-shaped structure of computer networks to achieve medical ground floor second floor access layer switches to ground five layer Interconnect as well as rehabilitation, 1, 2nd floor access layer switch interconnect. Network route 12-core single-mode fiber-optic cable through a weak pipeline laying perpendicular to the shaft from the FD to the device of floors of BD. 48 data points corresponding to each pair of optical fiber intranet, Internet 24 data points, and fully reserve standby, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Internet medical room as core telecommunication line, the four-storey information directly into a layer of weak lines, with 1 large Gigabit switch as the core of Internet System. meet the rehab hospital-wide Internet applications, data exchange and social access, public information release. Together, access switch selection based on fast, load power, security and stability, business integration, ease of management and maintenance of equipment basic conditions to meet hospital-wide data exchange, to provide users with access to multiple business, Exchange and integration of secure network. Network outlet is equipped with 地区一次取栓费用3万至10万元。 6、系统权威,培训专家是白清文教授。白清文教授是针刀舌下取栓领域业界的权威泰斗,声名卓著。中国白氏针刀舌下取栓疗法是总结历代医学大家临床经验,集取众家之长,完善众家之缺,经过白教授大量的临床实践、实验研究并最终发展成熟的。培训时将全面,系统,真实的,全部传授给学员,手把手亲授真传。 【主治范围】 中国白氏针刀舌下取栓疗法对高血压、高血脂、糖尿病等症, 有明显改善,能预防及治疗众多心脑血管疾病及其后遗症。如各种心脑血管疾病(如脑中风,冠心病等等),肿瘤癌症,老年痴呆等。 在当今时代,糖尿病,高血压,心脑血管疾病,肿瘤癌症发病率超过病毒瘟疫对人类生命健康构成重大伤害的今天,白氏针刀舌下取栓康复法是祖国医学的一次重大进步,是医学微创术的重要发展,也是对全人类健康福祉的重大贡献。希望更多的患者通过中国白氏舌下取栓康复术而受益。 中国白氏针刀舌下取血栓清瘀泻毒康复疗法五大疗效 一, 取出大脑,脏腑,血液中的垃圾和栓质, 恢复各脏器生理功能,促使人体细胞排毒,细胞修复,细胞再生。达到治愈多种疾病的目的。 二,预防及治疗三高症(高血压,高血脂,糖尿病),让三高症状患者从此不再终生吃药, 减轻患者的药物依赖。 hot standby mode, ensure that the rehabilitation centre 7*24 hours/normal, secure network working condition. network outlet is equipped with a firewall. Guarantees stable and secure operation of the network. According to the star-shaped structure of computer networks to achieve medical ground floor second floor access layer switches to ground five layer Interconnect as well as rehabilitation, 1, 2nd floor access layer switch interconnect. Network route 12-core single-mode fiber-optic cable through a weak pipeline laying perpendicular to the shaft from the FD to the device of floors of BD. 48 data points corresponding to each pair of optical fiber intranet, Internet 24 data points, and fully reserve standby, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Internet medical room as core telecommunication line, the four-storey information directly into a layer of weak lines, with 1 large Gigabit switch as the core of Internet System. meet the rehab hospital-wide Internet applications, data exchange and social access, public information release. Together, access switch selection based on fast, load power, security and stability, business integration, ease of management and maintenance of equipment basic conditions to meet hospital-wide data exchange, to provide users with access to multiple business, Exchange and integration of secure network. Network outlet is equipped with 三,预防及治疗各种心脑血管疾病, 如(脑中风及其后遗症,心脏病,心梗,老年痴呆等症及其后遗症),让患者重享健康人生. 四, 治疗长期头痛,顽固性失眠和眩晕症,治疗各种癌症,肿瘤,乳腺疾病,子宫疾病等等。 五, 排除体内毒素,让脸充满光泽, 祛斑美白,美容养颜,纤体瘦身 显年轻五至十岁, 是爱美中年女性最佳选择. 中国白氏针刀舌下取栓疗法步骤流程: 1、术前口服专用秘方中药胶囊扩张血管,溶落血栓血垃圾 2、40分钟后开始微创术,从患者舌下金津玉液二穴, 排出血垃圾 3、利用震动方式将心脑脏腑部位血管内的血垃圾和血栓排放出来 4、排栓时间因人而异(一般40至130分钟),最后止血处理 5、术后,按照调理者不同的体质症状,配服不同的调理药食 中国白氏针刀舌下取栓疗法优势: 1 疗法简便 2 疗效显著 3 费用低廉 4 技术成熟精练 5 安全可靠,无痛苦,无副作用 hot standby mode, ensure that the rehabilitation centre 7*24 hours/normal, secure network working condition. network outlet is equipped with a firewall. Guarantees stable and secure operation of the network. According to the star-shaped structure of computer networks to achieve medical ground floor second floor access layer switches to ground five layer Interconnect as well as rehabilitation, 1, 2nd floor access layer switch interconnect. Network route 12-core single-mode fiber-optic cable through a weak pipeline laying perpendicular to the shaft from the FD to the device of floors of BD. 48 data points corresponding to each pair of optical fiber intranet, Internet 24 data points, and fully reserve standby, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Internet medical room as core telecommunication line, the four-storey information directly into a layer of weak lines, with 1 large Gigabit switch as the core of Internet System. meet the rehab hospital-wide Internet applications, data exchange and social access, public information release. Together, access switch selection based on fast, load power, security and stability, business integration, ease of management and maintenance of equipment basic conditions to meet hospital-wide data exchange, to provide users with access to multiple business, Exchange and integration of secure network. Network outlet is equipped with 由于人与人之间的体质,病情不同, 取栓多少与取栓时间也会不同,一般3两至3斤左右。取栓过程耗时40分钟至300分钟不等。低血压, 气虚, 血小板少的人,取栓后有的还会在几天时间内出现头晕, 属正常现象, 可适当服用一些补气补血的药食。有条件的情况下半年左右可再取一次更好。 血管中的血栓,血垃圾积藏在人体,是人体健康的大敌,它们的凝集,造成众多疾病,随时可能毁掉宝贵的生命。必须取出,只有气血畅通, 才能健康长寿。 【培训内容】 培训内容安排: 1、1天的理论课程,系统的讲解白氏针刀舌下取栓疗法的起源,历史、国内外的关注,白氏针刀舌下取栓疗法介绍说明、主治范围及主治疾病。理论部分:白氏针刀取栓疗法是如何改善血液循环障碍的,对血液及其认识、血的概念、血的生成、血的组成,血的颜色、粘滞性、容量。 (重中之重):白氏针刀舌下取栓疗法所取穴位的分析;包括:取穴部位、局部解剖、进刀刀法讲解,进刀手法讲解、进刀位置选择,出血量、穴位小结等。白氏针刀舌下取栓疗法的操作步骤;包括:取栓五步法,特制针刀、刀具消毒、取栓前的要求、取栓的体位选择、取穴原则、病变血脉的辨认,分类。进刀施治可遵循的方法,取栓疗法的注意事项、还有一些取栓时常遇到问题的处理方法,白氏针刀舌下取栓疗法的病例分析,传授取栓施术完hot standby mode, ensure that the rehabilitation centre 7*24 hours/normal, secure network working condition. network outlet is equipped with a firewall. Guarantees stable and secure operation of the network. According to the star-shaped structure of computer networks to achieve medical ground floor second floor access layer switches to ground five layer Interconnect as well as rehabilitation, 1, 2nd floor access layer switch interconnect. Network route 12-core single-mode fiber-optic cable through a weak pipeline laying perpendicular to the shaft from the FD to the device of floors of BD. 48 data points corresponding to each pair of optical fiber intranet, Internet 24 data points, and fully reserve standby, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Internet medical room as core telecommunication line, the four-storey information directly into a layer of weak lines, with 1 large Gigabit switch as the core of Internet System. meet the rehab hospital-wide Internet applications, data exchange and social access, public information release. Together, access switch selection based on fast, load power, security and stability, business integration, ease of management and maintenance of equipment basic conditions to meet hospital-wide data exchange, to provide users with access to multiple business, Exchange and integration of secure network. Network outlet is equipped with 成后的口服止血药和外用止血药配方,需要购置的相关医疗用品器械采购。 2、理论课程结束,第2天时间是培训学员练习白氏针刀刀法,手法和临床教学。 3、第3天,白氏针刀舌下取栓疗法培训学习结束,白教授就学员提出的各种相关问题答疑解惑,并对全国其他各家流派取栓疗法做对比总结,让学员掌握的更加全面。 【培训专家】 白清文教授 石学敏院士亲传弟子 中西医结合临床博士 出生于十四代医学世家 毕业于北京中医药大学 中国白氏针刀“取栓前服用特制秘方中药胶囊”研发人 中国白氏针刀舌下取血栓清淤泄毒康复法 创始人 中国白氏奇穴特效泄血排瘀疗法 创始人 中国白氏针刀舌下取栓疗法研究培训中心院长 中国白氏奇穴特效泄血排瘀疗法培训中心院长 北京血栓中医研究院 专家组主任 中华国医群英会 评审团专家成员 中华医学国际发展联合会中华名医理事会副会长 北京中医药开发研究所 特聘顾问 hot standby mode, ensure that the rehabilitation centre 7*24 hours/normal, secure network working condition. network outlet is equipped with a firewall. Guarantees stable and secure operation of the network. According to the star-shaped structure of computer networks to achieve medical ground floor second floor access layer switches to ground five layer Interconnect as well as rehabilitation, 1, 2nd floor access layer switch interconnect. Network route 12-core single-mode fiber-optic cable through a weak pipeline laying perpendicular to the shaft from the FD to the device of floors of BD. 48 data points corresponding to each pair of optical fiber intranet, Internet 24 data points, and fully reserve standby, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Internet medical room as core telecommunication line, the four-storey information directly into a layer of weak lines, with 1 large Gigabit switch as the core of Internet System. meet the rehab hospital-wide Internet applications, data exchange and social access, public information release. Together, access switch selection based on fast, load power, security and stability, business integration, ease of management and maintenance of equipment basic conditions to meet hospital-wide data exchange, to provide users with access to multiple business, Exchange and integration of secure network. Network outlet is equipped with 全国中医药新技术专业委员会 学科专家 中医自然疗法培训组 培训组专家成员 上海交通大学兰州大学福建中医药大学苏州大学等多所大学 兼职教授,客座教授和名誉教授 中国特效医术专业委员会评审为 杰出专家 金针圣手 针刀圣手 【证办理】 免费颁发中国白氏针刀舌下取栓疗法传人证书。 【适合学习人群】 中国白氏针刀舌下取血栓疗法培训对学员没有硬性要求,有无医学基础均可。18岁以上中外人士都可以报名过来参加学习。本人(白清文)亲自授课,无任何医学基础的学员在培训时会重点培训相关医学知识,保证所有学员学即会,会即用。100%达到每个学员都能够完全掌握,自己独立操作,予人健康,收获财富,改变人生,世代受益。 执业医师、个体诊所、开养生馆、理疗店、按摩院、美容院的相关医疗保健业人士以及中医爱好者等等。有兴趣的在校学生都可报名参加学习,培训讲解的是白清文教授舌下取栓多年的临床治病经验,每个学生都可以完全系统掌握。 【招生范围】 面向全世界范围招生培训(包括中国大陆,港澳台地区,爱好中医的外国人士,对华友好的外国人士)。 hot standby mode, ensure that the rehabilitation centre 7*24 hours/normal, secure network working condition. network outlet is equipped with a firewall. Guarantees stable and secure operation of the network. According to the star-shaped structure of computer networks to achieve medical ground floor second floor access layer switches to ground five layer Interconnect as well as rehabilitation, 1, 2nd floor access layer switch interconnect. Network route 12-core single-mode fiber-optic cable through a weak pipeline laying perpendicular to the shaft from the FD to the device of floors of BD. 48 data points corresponding to each pair of optical fiber intranet, Internet 24 data points, and fully reserve standby, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Internet medical room as core telecommunication line, the four-storey information directly into a layer of weak lines, with 1 large Gigabit switch as the core of Internet System. meet the rehab hospital-wide Internet applications, data exchange and social access, public information release. Together, access switch selection based on fast, load power, security and stability, business integration, ease of management and maintenance of equipment basic conditions to meet hospital-wide data exchange, to provide users with access to multiple business, Exchange and integration of secure network. Network outlet is equipped with hot standby mode, ensure that the rehabilitation centre 7*24 hours/normal, secure network working condition. network outlet is equipped with a firewall. Guarantees stable and secure operation of the network. According to the star-shaped structure of computer networks to achieve medical ground floor second floor access layer switches to ground five layer Interconnect as well as rehabilitation, 1, 2nd floor access layer switch interconnect. Network route 12-core single-mode fiber-optic cable through a weak pipeline laying perpendicular to the shaft from the FD to the device of floors of BD. 48 data points corresponding to each pair of optical fiber intranet, Internet 24 data points, and fully reserve standby, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Internet medical room as core telecommunication line, the four-storey information directly into a layer of weak lines, with 1 large Gigabit switch as the core of Internet System. meet the rehab hospital-wide Internet applications, data exchange and social access, public information release. Together, access switch selection based on fast, load power, security and stability, business integration, ease of management and maintenance of equipment basic conditions to meet hospital-wide data exchange, to provide users with access to multiple business, Exchange and integration of secure network. Network outlet is equipped with
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