

2018-08-10 12页 doc 40KB 49阅读




拼音的正确书写格式拼音的正确书写格式 汉语拼音书写格式(四线三格的书写范本) 拼音的正确书写格式 1.首先要正确认识拼音格:上格、中格、下格; 2.其次要明确某个拼音因该写在哪个格子里,占几格。 a的书写:a占中格,先写左半圆,再写竖右弯。占满格 o的书写:中格,从左上方落笔,一笔写成,占满格 e的书写:e也占中格,先在中格的中间写横,然后连着写上半圆,一笔写成。 在书写的同时要读出四个声调。 一、笔画方向错 笔画方向错,主要是指整圆笔画和半圆笔画的运笔方向错了。初学拼音者,有的习惯将整圆笔画,按顺时针方向,从上往右下运笔,如“...
拼音的正确书写格式 汉语拼音书写格式(四线三格的书写范本) 拼音的正确书写格式 1.首先要正确认识拼音格:上格、中格、下格; 2.其次要明确某个拼音因该写在哪个格子里,占几格。 a的书写:a占中格,先写左半圆,再写竖右弯。占满格 o的书写:中格,从左上方落笔,一笔写成,占满格 e的书写:e也占中格,先在中格的中间写横,然后连着写上半圆,一笔写成。 在书写的同时要读出四个声调。 一、笔画方向错 笔画方向错,主要是指整圆笔画和半圆笔画的运笔方向错了。初学拼音者,有的习惯将整圆笔画,按顺时针方向,从上往右下运笔,如“O?”;有的习惯将整圆或半圆笔画,从下往左上或右上运笔,如“?C、 O?”。整圆笔画的正确书写,应该是从上方落笔,往左下方运笔,一笔写成,如“?O”。半圆笔画的正确书写,无论是左半圆,还是右半圆,都应该从上方落笔,左半圆从上往左下顺势运笔,右半圆从上往右下顺stator. Rotor installed in the stator end upper hangers supports or in the end cap oil parts installed special rotor shaft bracket. (Figure 19) in the stator ring shop in turn lower half of the hard steel sheet, rubber mat and curve skateboards on the plate fixed to the four corners of four rope or nylon rope, tie outside the stator on the basis of, respectively. (Figure 20) axial-flow fan blade diameter greater than retaining ring diameter of the rotor at the top, in front of the wear the stator, best to blade removed, preventing scratches and blades should be well marked. Rotor steam-side back wheel below the shaft or parts installed steam-side arc slider and the slider lower sliding surfaces coated with a thin layer of grease. The rotor excitation traction installed end to end by a horizontal pole. Wire ropes lashing shall not damage the rotor surface using soft material wrapping wire rope, and the pad on the rotor surface with hard wood, or aluminum, lashing rope rotor with two points, the distance between two points is generally not less than 500~700mm, lashing wire rope when winding on the rotor and tighten the double baolan slide knot ... rotor wear loaded official hanging up rotor, pendulum are direction Hou will rotor from Reed end level slow wear trance child bore within, wear loaded process stator bore has two people guardianship, and should guarantee steam end guardianship information smooth, ensure rotor surface don't and stator iron core coil collide; generator stator Reed end set two people guardianship, guardianship generator rotor not and stator core coil collide friction. Slow journey to move into the direction of the rotor, rotor wear them into the stator bore, will contact steam-side slider on the arc skateboards (must be over ladder after the stator to the slider, slider is only allowed access to the arc on a skateboard, or arc skateboards and protection of stator plate rollover may occur). Dang wire rope close machine shell Shi, stop wear loaded and slowly Panasonic lane hooks put 势运笔,一笔写成,如“p”中的“)?”及“q”中的“?(”。在这里顺便提一下阳平声调调号的笔画方向。初学者易受汉字笔画“撇”的影响,写阳平声调调号时,从右上往左下运笔。如此运笔是不对的,正确的写法应当是从左下向右上运笔,这样运笔正好可以示意出调值的朗读轨迹 二、笔画顺序错 书写“i、j、ü”这几个字母,有些初学者喜欢先写上面的“点”,这主要是受汉字笔顺“从上到下”规则的影响所致。这些字母中的点画,应该最后书写。书写“f和t”两个字母,有些初学者习惯首先写“横”,这主要是受汉字笔顺“先横后竖”规则的影响所致。这两个字母中的横画,其实应该最后书写。书写字母“x”,有人习惯先写右斜竖,后写左斜竖,这也是不对的。书写“x”应该是先写左斜竖,后写右斜竖,因为这样写可便于x后面字母的书写。 三、笔画数目错 笔画数目错,包括多了笔画和少了笔画两种情况。比如字母“k”应该是两画,有人却把它写成了三画。这是由于将其中应该为一画的“<”笔画,断开来写成两画而造成的。又如“w”也应该是两画,有人却把它写成了四画。这是由于将其中应该为一画的“?”笔画,运笔途中通过强行改变书写方向,将拐角处由左下向右上的顺势运笔,人为地改成从右上向左下运笔,从而使顺势一画变成逆势两画而造成的。“α、b、d、ɡ、n、p、q、u”这八个字母,都是两画,初学者可能都会写成一画。这种少笔stator. Rotor installed in the stator end upper hangers supports or in the end cap oil parts installed special rotor shaft bracket. (Figure 19) in the stator ring shop in turn lower half of the hard steel sheet, rubber mat and curve skateboards on the plate fixed to the four corners of four rope or nylon rope, tie outside the stator on the basis of, respectively. (Figure 20) axial-flow fan blade diameter greater than retaining ring diameter of the rotor at the top, in front of the wear the stator, best to blade removed, preventing scratches and blades should be well marked. Rotor steam-side back wheel below the shaft or parts installed steam-side arc slider and the slider lower sliding surfaces coated with a thin layer of grease. The rotor excitation traction installed end to end by a horizontal pole. Wire ropes lashing shall not damage the rotor surface using soft material wrapping wire rope, and the pad on the rotor surface with hard wood, or aluminum, lashing rope rotor with two points, the distance between two points is generally not less than 500~700mm, lashing wire rope when winding on the rotor and tighten the double baolan slide knot ... rotor wear loaded official hanging up rotor, pendulum are direction Hou will rotor from Reed end level slow wear trance child bore within, wear loaded process stator bore has two people guardianship, and should guarantee steam end guardianship information smooth, ensure rotor surface don't and stator iron core coil collide; generator stator Reed end set two people guardianship, guardianship generator rotor not and stator core coil collide friction. Slow journey to move into the direction of the rotor, rotor wear them into the stator bore, will contact steam-side slider on the arc skateboards (must be over ladder after the stator to the slider, slider is only allowed access to the arc on a skateboard, or arc skateboards and protection of stator plate rollover may occur). Dang wire rope close machine shell Shi, stop wear loaded and slowly Panasonic lane hooks put 画的错误纠正,如能结合纠正运笔方向的错误而进行,则容易收到理想的效果。 四、字母位置错 这种错误是指书写小写汉语拼音字母时,字母占错了四线格的位置。比如字母“i和j ”上的点,应该写在第二线之上,有人却写在了第二线之下。再如字母“p和q”应该占中下格,有人却把它们写在了中上格上。纠正这种错误,需要反复强调字母的位置。汉语拼音小写字母占中格的应该有13个,它们是α、c、e、m、n、o、r、s、u、v、w、x、z;占中上格的应该有8个,它们是b、d、f、h、i、k、l、t;占中下格的应该有4个,它们是ɡ、p、q、y;占上中下格的只有1个,它是j。 五、字母形体错 字母形体错,主要表现为两种情况。一种是大小写混写,如“y”写成“Y”或“Y”写成“y”,“k”写成“K”或“K”写成“k”。这种混写,是由大小写形体相近,不易分辨而造成的。教学中可以通过大小写形体的比较,通过强化书写训练克服之。另一种是印刷体和手写体混写,如“f”写成 “ƒ”。这种错误,主要是由于教师的板书误导而造成的。 认识一下四线格:四线格由四条平行线组成,第一线和第二线中间称上格,第二线和第三线中间称中格,第三线和第四线中间称下格。拼音字母书写的位置不同。 stator. Rotor installed in the stator end upper hangers supports or in the end cap oil parts installed special rotor shaft bracket. (Figure 19) in the stator ring shop in turn lower half of the hard steel sheet, rubber mat and curve skateboards on the plate fixed to the four corners of four rope or nylon rope, tie outside the stator on the basis of, respectively. (Figure 20) axial-flow fan blade diameter greater than retaining ring diameter of the rotor at the top, in front of the wear the stator, best to blade removed, preventing scratches and blades should be well marked. Rotor steam-side back wheel below the shaft or parts installed steam-side arc slider and the slider lower sliding surfaces coated with a thin layer of grease. The rotor excitation traction installed end to end by a horizontal pole. Wire ropes lashing shall not damage the rotor surface using soft material wrapping wire rope, and the pad on the rotor surface with hard wood, or aluminum, lashing rope rotor with two points, the distance between two points is generally not less than 500~700mm, lashing wire rope when winding on the rotor and tighten the double baolan slide knot ... rotor wear loaded official hanging up rotor, pendulum are direction Hou will rotor from Reed end level slow wear trance child bore within, wear loaded process stator bore has two people guardianship, and should guarantee steam end guardianship information smooth, ensure rotor surface don't and stator iron core coil collide; generator stator Reed end set two people guardianship, guardianship generator rotor not and stator core coil collide friction. Slow journey to move into the direction of the rotor, rotor wear them into the stator bore, will contact steam-side slider on the arc skateboards (must be over ladder after the stator to the slider, slider is only allowed access to the arc on a skateboard, or arc skateboards and protection of stator plate rollover may occur). Dang wire rope close machine shell Shi, stop wear loaded and slowly Panasonic lane hooks put 什么是整体认读音节, 整体认读音节一般是指添加一个声母后读音仍和韵母一样的音节(yuan比较特殊),也就是指不用拼读即直接认读的音节,所以整体认读音节要直接读出,如yi wu yu等。 整体认读音节有哪些,16个整体认读音节分别是:zhi 、chi、shi、ri、zi、ci、si、yi、wu、yu、ye、yue、yuan、yin、yun、ying 整体认读音节归类 汉语拼音教材中的16个p整体认读音节可分为五种情况: 1. zhi、chi、shi、ri :这四个音节的韵母都是舌尖后元音“-i”,发音时口形舌位不好掌握。把这四个音节当作整体来认读,是为了避开学习舌尖后元音“-i”的困难。 2. zi、ci、si :这三个音节的韵母都是舌前元音“-i”,发音时口形舌位也不好掌握。把这三个音节当作整体来认读,是为了避开学习舌尖前元音“-i”的困难。 3. ye:这个音节可以看作韵母ie自成音节,也可看作由声母y和韵母ê拼成的音节。如果按前一种理解,那么,把它作为整体来认读,是为了免教拼写规则(《》规定:韵母ie自成音节,要把i改为y);如果按后一种理解,则把它作为整体来认读,是为了免教舌面前半低元音“ê”。 stator. Rotor installed in the stator end upper hangers supports or in the end cap oil parts installed special rotor shaft bracket. (Figure 19) in the stator ring shop in turn lower half of the hard steel sheet, rubber mat and curve skateboards on the plate fixed to the four corners of four rope or nylon rope, tie outside the stator on the basis of, respectively. (Figure 20) axial-flow fan blade diameter greater than retaining ring diameter of the rotor at the top, in front of the wear the stator, best to blade removed, preventing scratches and blades should be well marked. Rotor steam-side back wheel below the shaft or parts installed steam-side arc slider and the slider lower sliding surfaces coated with a thin layer of grease. The rotor excitation traction installed end to end by a horizontal pole. Wire ropes lashing shall not damage the rotor surface using soft material wrapping wire rope, and the pad on the rotor surface with hard wood, or aluminum, lashing rope rotor with two points, the distance between two points is generally not less than 500~700mm, lashing wire rope when winding on the rotor and tighten the double baolan slide knot ... rotor wear loaded official hanging up rotor, pendulum are direction Hou will rotor from Reed end level slow wear trance child bore within, wear loaded process stator bore has two people guardianship, and should guarantee steam end guardianship information smooth, ensure rotor surface don't and stator iron core coil collide; generator stator Reed end set two people guardianship, guardianship generator rotor not and stator core coil collide friction. Slow journey to move into the direction of the rotor, rotor wear them into the stator bore, will contact steam-side slider on the arc skateboards (must be over ladder after the stator to the slider, slider is only allowed access to the arc on a skateboard, or arc skateboards and protection of stator plate rollover may occur). Dang wire rope close machine shell Shi, stop wear loaded and slowly Panasonic lane hooks put 4. yi、yin、ying、wu:这四个音节是按照《方案》规定的拼写规则,由韵母i、in、ing、u前面加y或w构成的。把这四个音节当作整体来认读,是为了不教拼写规则。 5. yu、yue、yun、yuan:这四个音节是按照《方案》规定的拼写规则,由撮口呼韵母ü、üe、ün、üan前面加y构成的。把这四个音节当作整体来认读,也是为了不教拼写规则。 PS: yan 这个音节不属于以上五种情况,故不列为整体认读音节。Yan中的a相当于ê,但不是ê。Yan中的an不是“安”的音,实际读ên,国际音标是〔εn〕。有的老师教成“y(衣),an(ên),yan(烟)”是可行的。 巧记整体认读音节 整体认读音节前面的10个音节“zhi、chi、shi、ri、zi、ci、si、yi、wu 、yu ”,因为与声母表的顺序相同,学生容易记住。 但用儿歌记忆则更有趣 “zhi、chi、shi、ri、zi、ci、si一起关心yi、wu 、yu”。 而对于后面的6个“ye、yue、yuan、yin 、yun、ying”音节,因为没有规律,所以学生记忆起来比较困难。即使在老师的再三强调下一时记住了,可不久又忘了。 stator. Rotor installed in the stator end upper hangers supports or in the end cap oil parts installed special rotor shaft bracket. (Figure 19) in the stator ring shop in turn lower half of the hard steel sheet, rubber mat and curve skateboards on the plate fixed to the four corners of four rope or nylon rope, tie outside the stator on the basis of, respectively. (Figure 20) axial-flow fan blade diameter greater than retaining ring diameter of the rotor at the top, in front of the wear the stator, best to blade removed, preventing scratches and blades should be well marked. Rotor steam-side back wheel below the shaft or parts installed steam-side arc slider and the slider lower sliding surfaces coated with a thin layer of grease. The rotor excitation traction installed end to end by a horizontal pole. Wire ropes lashing shall not damage the rotor surface using soft material wrapping wire rope, and the pad on the rotor surface with hard wood, or aluminum, lashing rope rotor with two points, the distance between two points is generally not less than 500~700mm, lashing wire rope when winding on the rotor and tighten the double baolan slide knot ... rotor wear loaded official hanging up rotor, pendulum are direction Hou will rotor from Reed end level slow wear trance child bore within, wear loaded process stator bore has two people guardianship, and should guarantee steam end guardianship information smooth, ensure rotor surface don't and stator iron core coil collide; generator stator Reed end set two people guardianship, guardianship generator rotor not and stator core coil collide friction. Slow journey to move into the direction of the rotor, rotor wear them into the stator bore, will contact steam-side slider on the arc skateboards (must be over ladder after the stator to the slider, slider is only allowed access to the arc on a skateboard, or arc skateboards and protection of stator plate rollover may occur). Dang wire rope close machine shell Shi, stop wear loaded and slowly Panasonic lane hooks put 怎样才能让学生牢牢地记住这些音节呢, 用顺口溜来引导学生就容易多了: 因(yin)一(yi)夜(ye)雨(yu),无(wu)云(yun)映(ying)圆 (yuan)月(yue)。 两句话里共有6个整体认读音节。这两句话通俗易懂,朗朗上口,学生 很容易便记住了,且经久不忘。达到了事半功倍的效果。 stator. Rotor installed in the stator end upper hangers supports or in the end cap oil parts installed special rotor shaft bracket. (Figure 19) in the stator ring shop in turn lower half of the hard steel sheet, rubber mat and curve skateboards on the plate fixed to the four corners of four rope or nylon rope, tie outside the stator on the basis of, respectively. (Figure 20) axial-flow fan blade diameter greater than retaining ring diameter of the rotor at the top, in front of the wear the stator, best to blade removed, preventing scratches and blades should be well marked. Rotor steam-side back wheel below the shaft or parts installed steam-side arc slider and the slider lower sliding surfaces coated with a thin layer of grease. The rotor excitation traction installed end to end by a horizontal pole. Wire ropes lashing shall not damage the rotor surface using soft material wrapping wire rope, and the pad on the rotor surface with hard wood, or aluminum, lashing rope rotor with two points, the distance between two points is generally not less than 500~700mm, lashing wire rope when winding on the rotor and tighten the double baolan slide knot ... rotor wear loaded official hanging up rotor, pendulum are direction Hou will rotor from Reed end level slow wear trance child bore within, wear loaded process stator bore has two people guardianship, and should guarantee steam end guardianship information smooth, ensure rotor surface don't and stator iron core coil collide; generator stator Reed end set two people guardianship, guardianship generator rotor not and stator core coil collide friction. Slow journey to move into the direction of the rotor, rotor wear them into the stator bore, will contact steam-side slider on the arc skateboards (must be over ladder after the stator to the slider, slider is only allowed access to the arc on a skateboard, or arc skateboards and protection of stator plate rollover may occur). Dang wire rope close machine shell Shi, stop wear loaded and slowly Panasonic lane hooks put
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