首页 > 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计


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智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 摘要 当今市场上智能化楼房的不断升温,智能化的防盗语音门铃系统已经作为智能化办公室和智能化住宅小区的一个重要组成部分,逐渐备受用户的欢迎。 传统的主流门锁其保密性不强,钥匙容易被仿制和意外丢失,结构较简单,被撬可能性极高。而门铃作为日常生活中较常见且已经普遍被使用的产品,门铃也越来越多样化,如今简单的叮咚门铃或音乐门铃已不足以满足当今的用户。基于这种现状,提出设计一款集增强防盗能力的电子密码锁和语音留言功能门铃于一身的智能化系统。将两者功能结合起来,真正进一步实现系统的人性化、智能化。 本设...
智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 摘要 当今市场上智能化楼房的不断升温,智能化的防盗语音门铃系统已经作为智能化办公室和智能化住宅小区的一个重要组成部分,逐渐备受用户的欢迎。 传统的主流门锁其保密性不强,钥匙容易被仿制和意外丢失,结构较简单,被撬可能性极高。而门铃作为日常生活中较常见且已经普遍被使用的产品,门铃也越来越多样化,如今简单的叮咚门铃或音乐门铃已不足以满足当今的用户。基于这种现状,提出设计一款集增强防盗能力的电子密码锁和语音留言功能门铃于一身的智能化系统。将两者功能结合起来,真正进一步实现系统的人性化、智能化。 本设计针对传统门锁和普通门铃的不足,设计一款电子密码锁功能和智能语音留言功能结合的门铃。本系统具有开关锁和报警功能的电子密码锁,LCD显示提示,以及响铃和外机按键等功能。其中设计的中心系统由AT89C51单片机完成的,主要硬件电路有单片机,复位电路、选择按键输入电路、储存电路、音频发生器、音频放大器、扬声器、1602LCD显示电路以及ISD1820语音电路。实现更智能化,人性化的设计,满足人类各种需要。 关键词: 密码锁;门铃;AT89C51;智能化 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 The Design of the Intelligent Password Lock Voice Doorbell ABSTRACT Rising intelligent buildings on the market today, anti-theft intelligent speech doorbell system has been as an important part of intelligent office and intelligent community, gradually attracts users. The traditional mainstream locks the confidentiality is not strong, easy to be imitated and accidentally lost keys, simple structure, broken possibility. The doorbell is commonly. Seen in daily life and has been widely used products, the doorbell is also increasingly diversified, now simply a Ding Dong doorbell or music door bell has been insufficient to meet today ‘s users. Based on this situation. The intelligent system design of a set of enhanced electronic cipher anti-theft lock and the ability of a voice message in a body of the doorbell.The two functions together, really achieve further humanization, intelligent system. The deficiency of traditional design aiming at the door lock and ordinary doorbell, a design of electronic password lock function and intelligent voice message function combining the doorbell..This system has an electronic password lock and alarm lock, LCD display, and the ring and outside the machine key functions. The centers sysem design is completed by AT89C51 microcontroller, the main hardware circuit with MCU, reset circuit, the select button input circuit, storage ciruit, audio frequency generator, audio amplifier, speakers, 1602LCD display circuit and ISD1820 circuit. The more intelligent, humanization design, to meet the human needs Key words: Password lock;Doorbell;AT89C51;Intellectualization I 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 目 录 摘要.................................................................................................................................. ABSTRACT....................................................................................................................I 1 引言............................................................................................................................ 1 1.1研究背景........................................................................................................... 1 1.2 研究的目的与意义.......................................................................................... 2 1.3 论文结构安排.................................................................................................. 3 2 系统总体设计和模块简介........................................................................................ 4 2.1 系统设计框图.................................................................................................. 4 2.2控制模块........................................................................................................... 5 2.2.1 AT89C51的介绍 .................................................................................... 5 2.2.2 时钟电路................................................................................................ 9 2.2.3 复位电路................................................................................................ 9 2.2.4 存储电路.............................................................................................. 10 2.3语音模块......................................................................................................... 12 2.3.1 ISD1820芯片介绍 ............................................................................... 12 2.3.2驻极体话筒的介绍............................................................................... 14 2.4 LCD显示模块................................................................................................ 16 2.5 按键模块........................................................................................................ 18 2.6其他电路......................................................................................................... 19 2.6.1LED控制电路 ....................................................................................... 19 2.6.2蜂鸣器驱动电路................................................................................... 20 3系统软件设计........................................................................................................... 20 3.1主程序设计框图............................................................................................. 21 3.2密码锁程序设计............................................................................................. 23 3.2.1初始化及按键识别............................................................................... 23 3.2.2开锁处理............................................................................................... 24 3.2.3改密处理............................................................................................... 24 3.2.4液晶显示子程序................................................................................... 25 3.3语音门铃程序设计......................................................................................... 26 3.3.1按键扫描子程序设计........................................................................... 26 3.3.2显示子程序........................................................................................... 27 3.3.3录音和播放子程序设计....................................................................... 27 4 系统调试.................................................................................................................. 29 4.1系统操作测试................................................................................................. 29 4.2系统调试问题................................................................................................. 32 结论.............................................................................................................................. 33 参考文献...................................................................................................................... 34 致谢.............................................................................................................................. 35 附录A 系统原理图 .................................................................................................... 36 附录B 作品实物图 .................................................................................................... 37 附录C 元件清单 .......................................................................................................... 0 附录D 程序.................................................................................................................. 1 andards and standardized management in the countries involved in the project or industry standard specification for many, thecessms so that the whole management is controlled. Sixth section, installation management systems engineering is a technical, prond norrefore, we will carefully in systems design, equipment supply and installation of link check against the relevant standards acal stng techniques, acceptance criteria and other aspects of technical supervision and effective management. Fifth section, techniackaging, handling, transport, storage requirements and programmes; ... Wire specifications, installation requirements, testibuilt drawings and test reports. We will submit to the next information: the design specification; P-ect is completed to provide ason process, we work according to attributes by hand the responsibility to implement. Regular progress reports; After the projtructirds, documents related to sending and receiving records, document management, document management, and so on. During the consct, project schedule, project budget, project design, construction and acceptance criterion, basis and standard, project recocontras for project documents implemented detailed and orderly management. Including: customer sources of raw materials, contract, sely with construction schedule management. Four, project document management project documents management system requirementrk clober and their approach to avoid unnecessary waste of labor, increased labor costs. That combination of management need to woion organization and management system during construction, the project managers, technicians, installers and engineer of numThree, arrange the whole project construct0 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 1 引言 1.1研究背景 近年来,随着电子技术、计算机技术的迅猛发展,人们对生活质量提出了更加高的要求,信息化、智能化的浪潮正在席卷时代的每个角落,使人们的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。 当今市场上智能化楼房的不断升温,智能化的防盗语音门铃系统已经作为智能化办公室和智能化住宅小区的一个重要组成部分,逐渐备受用户的欢迎。 传统的主流门锁其保密性不强,钥匙容易被仿制和意外丢失,结构较简单,被撬可能性极高。而门铃作为日常生活中较常见且已经普遍被使用的产品,门铃也越来越多样化,如今简单的叮咚门铃或音乐门铃已不足以满足当今的用户。 早在80年代,日本生产了最早的电子密码锁。随着电子兴业的快速发展,一些利用简单的门电路设计的密码锁也出现了。这类电路安全性差,容易破解。到了90年代,微电子技术的进步和通信技术的发展为密码锁提供了技术上的基 [1]础,从而推动密码锁走向实际应用的阶段。而我国于90年代初开始对密码锁进行初步的探索。到目前为止,在此领域已有较大的发展,采用各种电路进行设计较多,技术也相当先进,电子技术发展至今已达到相当高的水平,电子密码锁 [2]的技术也相当成熟。而门铃的主要功能类似敲门,可以发出声音提醒主人有客来访。“门铃”在中国古代,大户人家是在大门上装有装饰性的门环,或吊一个硕大的青铜手柄。马夫将客人送到门前时,会顺便拉到它牵动里面的铃铛以示来人;在近代“门铃”不再是有钱人的专利,“门铃”早已飞入寻常百姓家,各式“门铃”比比皆是,近代市民最常见的“门铃”是电子门铃:一般安两节5号电池在内,门外的触发电钮被人按动后,门内的“门铃”就会叮咚地响几声。也有的是由IC片播放一段电子音乐;现代高级住宅的“门铃”是当中最高级的类型,不但可以叫门对话,还可以通过摄像头让家中主人在屏幕上看到远在门外楼下的 [3]来客,并且从黑白屏演化成了彩色屏,这也就是现在所说的楼宇对讲系统。 1 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 1.2 研究的目的与意义 近年来,随着科学技术的不断发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,“智能化住宅”这一概念正在逐步地被引入到普通住宅小区的建设之中。并且随着时代的发展,人们的自卫意识越来越强。早期开发的密码锁由于电子器件所限,种类不多,保密性差,最基本的就是模拟电子开关来实现的,制作简单但不安全。后来多是基于EDA实现,其电路结构复杂,电子元件繁多。随着电子元件的进一步发展,电子密码锁也出现很多种类,功能日益强大,使用方便且保密性更强,实现真正的电子加密。电子密码锁是一种通过密码输入来控制电路或芯片来进行工作,从而控制机械开关的闭合,完成开闭锁的电子产品。电子密码锁的出现给人们带来极大的方便,有很广阔的市场前景。而门铃,在目前的市场上同样种类繁多,既有功能简单的,也有一些功能较强的。以往的一些音乐门铃、语音门铃,价格便宜,耗电量少,安装也便捷。但是设计制作出来之后,就只能按照硬件和程序预先设好的功能和声音进行工作。 本设计具有开关锁和报警功能的电子密码锁,LCD显示提示,以及响铃和外机按键等功能。其中设计的中心系统由AT89C51单片机完成的,主要硬件电路有单片机,复位电路、选择按键输入电路、储存电路、音频发生器、音频放大器、扬声器、1602LCD显示电路以及ISD1820语音电路。实现更智能化,人性化的设计,满足人类各种需要。 其优势是首先加入了密码锁功能,又有屋内远程开关门功能,大大增强了防盗能力。其次,加入了留言功能,既实现了普通门铃的功能,而当主人不在家时,又可以让客人通过门铃来告知主人自己在什么时候来过,留下信息。这样就不会出现主人不在家而客人一直按门铃的情况,另外客人有事也不会耽误时间且再跑一趟。整体设计具有很强的实用价值和现实意义。 ackaging, handling, transport, storage requirements and programmes; ... Wire specifications, installation requirements, testicessms so that the whole management is controlled. Sixth section, installation management systems engineering is a technical, prond norrefore, we will carefully in systems design, equipment supply and installation of link check against the relevant standards aandards and standardized management in the countries involved in the project or industry standard specification for many, thecal stng techniques, acceptance criteria and other aspects of technical supervision and effective management. Fifth section, technibuilt drawings and test reports. We will submit to the next information: the design specification; P-ect is completed to provide ason process, we work according to attributes by hand the responsibility to implement. Regular progress reports; After the projtructirds, documents related to sending and receiving records, document management, document management, and so on. During the consct, project schedule, project budget, project design, construction and acceptance criterion, basis and standard, project recocontras for project documents implemented detailed and orderly management. Including: customer sources of raw materials, contract, sely with construction schedule management. Four, project document management project documents management system requirementrk clober and their approach to avoid unnecessary waste of labor, increased labor costs. That combination of management need to woion organization and management system during construction, the project managers, technicians, installers and engineer of numThree, arrange the whole project construct2 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 1.3 论文结构安排 本论文以智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计为主要内容,其设计主要以AT89C51单片机作为主控制器的设计,具有开关锁、报警、响铃以及外机按键等功能,并且对门铃留言功能原理进行了简要的介绍。 全文共分为5个章节: 引言之后为论文的第2章:系统的总体设计和模块简介。在这一章节中,主要介绍系统硬件设计方案的总体框图,并且详细解释各模块的功能。包括控制模块,键盘输入模块,语音模块等。 第3章为系统软件设计。介绍系统的软件设计框图和程序。 第4章是系统调试。简单展示系统硬件电路调试的过程。 最后为论文的总结。简述本设计的优点以及不足之处,还有加以改进的方法。 3 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 2 系统总体设计和模块简介 2.1 系统设计框图 本系统主要有控制模块,语音模块,键盘输入模块,密码存储模块以及LCD显示模块组合而成。具体系统框图如图2.1所示。 本系统以单片机AT89C51为主控制器,其中矩阵键盘用于输入数字密码和进行各种功能的实现。通过链接单片机的矩阵键盘输入所设定的密码,液晶显示管显示输入数字,后经过单片对用户输入密码与保存密码进行对比,从而判断密码是否正确。并且通过单片机接收和发送数据,控制ISD1820语音电路以及其他电路。 LCD 显示模块 时钟电路 ISD1820 控制模块 复位电路 语音模块 AT89C51 存储模块 蜂鸣器 控制电路 按键模块 图2.1系统框图 refore, we will carefully in systems design, equipment supply and installation of link check against the relevant standards acessandards and standardized management in the countries involved in the project or industry standard specification for many, thems so that the whole management is controlled. Sixth section, installation management systems engineering is a technical, prond norcal stng techniques, acceptance criteria and other aspects of technical supervision and effective management. Fifth section, techniackaging, handling, transport, storage requirements and programmes; ... Wire specifications, installation requirements, testibuilt drawings and test reports. We will submit to the next information: the design specification; P-ect is completed to provide ason process, we work according to attributes by hand the responsibility to implement. Regular progress reports; After the projtructirds, documents related to sending and receiving records, document management, document management, and so on. During the consct, project schedule, project budget, project design, construction and acceptance criterion, basis and standard, project recocontras for project documents implemented detailed and orderly management. Including: customer sources of raw materials, contract, sely with construction schedule management. Four, project document management project documents management system requirementrk clober and their approach to avoid unnecessary waste of labor, increased labor costs. That combination of management need to woion organization and management system during construction, the project managers, technicians, installers and engineer of numThree, arrange the whole project construct4 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 2.2控制模块 控制模块是一个系统的核心部分,而其中主控制器是一个系统的核心器件,也是系统的重要组成部分。它既是系统内部各单元之间沟通联系的桥梁,也是与外部通信的纽带。因此,对系统主控制器的研究也是硬件设计中非常重要的一个环节。本系统的控制模块以单片机AT89C51作为主控制器。 控制模块电路原理图如图2.2所示。 图2.2 控制模块电路图 2.2.1 AT89C51的介绍 AT89C51是一种带4K字节FLASH存储器(FPEROM—Flash Programmable and Erasable Read Only Memory)的低电压、高性能CMOS 8位微处理器,俗称单片机。AT89C2051是一种带2K字节闪存可编程可擦除只读存储器的单片机。单片机的可擦除只读存储器可以反复擦除1000次。该器件采用ATMEL高密度非易失存储器制造技术制造,与工业的MCS-51指令集和输出管脚相兼容。由于将多功能8位CPU和闪速存储器组合在单个芯片中,ATMEL的AT89C51是一种高效 [4]微控制器,AT89C2051是它的一种精简版本。AT89C51单片机为很多嵌入式控制系统提供了一种灵活性高且价廉的方案。 5 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 AT89C51 提供以下标准功能:4k 字节Flash 闪速存储器,128字节内部RAM,32 个I/O 口线,两个16位定时/计数器,一个5向量两级中断结构,一个全双工串行通信口,片内振荡器及时钟电路。同时,AT89C51可降至0Hz的静态逻辑操作,并支持两种软件可选的节电工作模式。空闲方式停止CPU的工作,但允许RAM,定时/计数器,串行通信口及中断系统继续工作。掉电方式保存RAM中的内 [5]容,但振荡器停止工作并禁止其它所有部件工作直到下一个硬件复位。 主要特性如下: 1、与MCS-51兼容 2、4K字节可编程FLASH存储器 3、寿命:1000写/擦循环 4、数据保留时间:10年 5、全静态工作:0HZ-24MHZ 6、三级程序存储器锁定 7、128×8位内部RAM 8、32可编程I/O线 9、两个16位定时器/计数器 10、5个中断源 11、可编程串行通道 、低功耗的闲置和掉电模式 12 13、片内振荡器和时钟电路 管脚说明: VCC:供电电压。 GND:接地。 P0口:P0口为一个8位漏级开路双向I/O口,每脚可吸收8TTL门电流。当P0口的管脚第一次写1时,被定义为高阻输入。P0能够用于外部程序数据存储器,它可以被定义为数据/地址的低八位。在FIASH编程时,P0 口作为原码输入口,当FIASH进行校验时,P0输出原码,此时P0外部必须接上拉电阻。 P1口:P1口是一个内部提供上拉电阻的8位双向I/O口,P1口缓冲器能接收输出4TTL门电流。P1口管脚写入1后,被内部上拉为高,可用作输入,P1口cessms so that the whole management is controlled. Sixth section, installation management systems engineering is a technical, prond norrefore, we will carefully in systems design, equipment supply and installation of link check against the relevant standards aandards and standardized management in the countries involved in the project or industry standard specification for many, thecal stng techniques, acceptance criteria and other aspects of technical supervision and effective management. Fifth section, techniackaging, handling, transport, storage requirements and programmes; ... Wire specifications, installation requirements, testibuilt drawings and test reports. We will submit to the next information: the design specification; P-ect is completed to provide ason process, we work according to attributes by hand the responsibility to implement. Regular progress reports; After the projtructirds, documents related to sending and receiving records, document management, document management, and so on. During the consct, project schedule, project budget, project design, construction and acceptance criterion, basis and standard, project recocontras for project documents implemented detailed and orderly management. Including: customer sources of raw materials, contract, sely with construction schedule management. Four, project document management project documents management system requirementrk clober and their approach to avoid unnecessary waste of labor, increased labor costs. That combination of management need to woion organization and management system during construction, the project managers, technicians, installers and engineer of numThree, arrange the whole project construct6 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 被外部下拉为低电平时,将输出电流,这是由于内部上拉的缘故。在FLASH编程和校验时,P1口作为低八位地址接收。 P2口:P2口为一个内部上拉电阻的8位双向I/O口,P2口缓冲器可接收,输出4个TTL门电流,当P2口被写“1”时,其管脚被内部上拉电阻拉高,且作为输入。并因此作为输入时,P2口的管脚被外部拉低,将输出电流。这是由于内部上拉的缘故。P2口当用于外部程序存储器或16位地址外部数据存储器进行存取时,P2口输出地址的高八位。在给出地址“1”时,它利用内部上拉优势,当对外部八位地址数据存储器进行读写时,P2口输出其特殊功能寄存器的内容。P2口在FLASH编程和校验时接收高八位地址信号和控制信号。 P3口:P3口管脚是8个带内部上拉电阻的双向I/O口,可接收输出4个TTL门电流。当P3口写入“1”后,它们被内部上拉为高电平,并用作输入。作为输入,由于外部下拉为低电平,P3口将输出电流(ILL)这是由于上拉的缘故。 P3口也可作为AT89C51的一些特殊功能口,如下所示: 口管脚 备选功能 P3.0 RXD(串行输入口) P3.1 TXD(串行输出口) P3.2 /INT0(外部中断0) P3.3 /INT1(外部中断1) P3.4 T0(计时器0外部输入) P3.5 T1(计时器1外部输入) P3.6 /WR(外部数据存储器写选通) P3.7 /RD(外部数据存储器读选通) P3口同时为闪烁编程和编程校验接收一些控制信号。 RST:复位输入。当振荡器复位器件时,要保持RST脚两个机器周期的高电平时间。 ALE/PROG:当访问外部存储器时,地址锁存允许的输出电平用于锁存地址的低位字节。在FLASH编程期间,此引脚用于输入编程脉冲。在平时,ALE端以不变的频率周期输出正脉冲信号,此频率为振荡器频率的1/6。因此它可用作对外部输出的脉冲或用于定时目的。然而要注意的是:每当用作外部数据存储器时, 7 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 将跳过一个ALE脉冲。如想禁止ALE的输出可在SFR8EH地址上置0。此时, ALE只有在执行MOVX,MOVC指令是ALE才起作用。另外,该引脚被略微拉高。如果微处理器在外部执行状态ALE禁止,置位无效。 /PSEN:外部程序存储器的选通信号。在由外部程序存储器取指期间,每个机器周期两次/PSEN有效。但在访问外部数据存储器时,这两次有效的/PSEN信号将不出现。 /EA/VPP:当/EA保持低电平时,则在此期间外部程序存储器(0000H-FFFFH),不管是否有内部程序存储器。注意加密方式1时,/EA将内部锁定为RESET;当/EA端保持高电平时,此间内部程序存储器。在FLASH编程期间,此引脚也用于施加12V编程电源(VPP)。 XTAL1:反向振荡放大器的输入及内部时钟工作电路的输入。 XTAL2:来自反向振荡器的输出。 振荡器特性: XTAL1和XTAL2分别为反向放大器的输入和输出。该反向放大器可以配置为片内振荡器。石晶振荡和陶瓷振荡均可采用。如采用外部时钟源驱动器件,XTAL2应不接。有余输入至内部时钟信号要通过一个二分频触发器,因此对外部时钟信号的脉宽无任何要求,但必须保证脉冲的高低电平要求的宽度。AT89C51管脚如图2.3所示。 [6]2.3 AT89C51管脚图 cessms so that the whole management is controlled. Sixth section, installation management systems engineering is a technical, prond norrefore, we will carefully in systems design, equipment supply and installation of link check against the relevant standards aandards and standardized management in the countries involved in the project or industry standard specification for many, thecal stng techniques, acceptance criteria and other aspects of technical supervision and effective management. Fifth section, techniackaging, handling, transport, storage requirements and programmes; ... Wire specifications, installation requirements, testibuilt drawings and test reports. We will submit to the next information: the design specification; P-ect is completed to provide ason process, we work according to attributes by hand the responsibility to implement. Regular progress reports; After the projtructirds, documents related to sending and receiving records, document management, document management, and so on. During the consct, project schedule, project budget, project design, construction and acceptance criterion, basis and standard, project recocontras for project documents implemented detailed and orderly management. Including: customer sources of raw materials, contract, sely with construction schedule management. Four, project document management project documents management system requirementrk clober and their approach to avoid unnecessary waste of labor, increased labor costs. That combination of management need to woion organization and management system during construction, the project managers, technicians, installers and engineer of numThree, arrange the whole project construct8 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 2.2.2 时钟电路 时钟电路连接了控制器的18,19脚。提供系统周期。电路图如图2.4所示 图2.4时钟电路原理图 2.2.3 复位电路 [7]复位电路是由电容、按键和一个电阻组成,接入控制器的9脚和20脚。其电路图如图2.5所示 图2.5复位电路原理图 2.2.4 存储电路 存储电路的主要功能是记录存储控制器的工作数据,采用AT24C02来实现这 ,6脚接入控制器的1、2脚。电路如图2.6所示。 一功能。5 9 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 图2.6存储电路原理图 1、AT24C02介绍 AT24C02是一个2K位串行CMOS E2PROM, 内部含有256个8位字节,CATALYST公司的先进CMOS技术实质上减少了器件的功耗。AT24C02有一个16字节页写缓冲器。该器件通过IC总线接口进行操作,有一个专门的写保护功能。 AT24C02支持IC,总线数据传送IC,总线协议规定任何将数据传送到总线的器件作为发送器。任何从总线接收数据的器件为接收器。数据传送是由产生串行时钟和所有起始停止信号的主器件控制的。主器件和从器件都可以作为发送器或接收器,但由主器件控制传送数据(发送或接收)的模式,通过器件地址输入端A0、A1和A2可以实现将最多8个AT24C02 [6]器件连接到总线上。管脚封装图如图2.7所示。 [8]图2.7 AT24C02管脚封装图 (1) 极限参数 工作温度工业级-55? +125? 商业级0 ?+75? cessms so that the whole management is controlled. Sixth section, installation management systems engineering is a technical, prond norrefore, we will carefully in systems design, equipment supply and installation of link check against the relevant standards aandards and standardized management in the countries involved in the project or industry standard specification for many, thecal stng techniques, acceptance criteria and other aspects of technical supervision and effective management. Fifth section, techniackaging, handling, transport, storage requirements and programmes; ... Wire specifications, installation requirements, testibuilt drawings and test reports. We will submit to the next information: the design specification; P-ect is completed to provide ason process, we work according to attributes by hand the responsibility to implement. Regular progress reports; After the projtructirds, documents related to sending and receiving records, document management, document management, and so on. During the consct, project schedule, project budget, project design, construction and acceptance criterion, basis and standard, project recocontras for project documents implemented detailed and orderly management. Including: customer sources of raw materials, contract, sely with construction schedule management. Four, project document management project documents management system requirementrk clober and their approach to avoid unnecessary waste of labor, increased labor costs. That combination of management need to woion organization and management system during construction, the project managers, technicians, installers and engineer of numThree, arrange the whole project construct10 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 贮存温度-65? +150? 各管脚承受电压-2.0 Vcc+2.0V Vcc管脚承受电压-2.0 +7.0V 封装功率损耗(Ta=25?) 1.0W 焊接温度(10 秒) 300? 输出短路电流100mA 表2.1 AT24C02可靠性参数 符号 参数 最小 最大 单位 参考测试 模式 1 NEND 耐久性 1,000,000 , 周期/字节 MIL-STD- 883测试 方法1033 2 TDR 数据保存100 , 年 MIL-STD- 时间 883 测试 方法1008 3 VZAP ESD 2000 , V MIL-STD- 883 测试 方法3015 4 ILTH 上拉电流 100 , mA JEDEC 标准17 表2.2 AT24C02管脚描述 管脚名称 功能 1 A0 A1 A2 器件地址选 择 2 SDA 串行数据/ 地址 3 SCL 串行时钟 4 WP 写保护 5 Vcc +1.8V~ 6.0 V 工作电压 6 Vss 地 11 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 2.3语音模块 语音模块的主要功能是,通过驻极体话筒存储留言,然后在查看留言信息时, [9]将留言的音频信号放大后由扬声器播放。在这个电路中,ISD1820语音芯片是核心元件。 电路图如图2.8所示。 图2.8语音模块电路图 2.3.1 ISD1820芯片介绍 美国ISD公司于2001年最新推出一种8~20秒单段语音录放电路ISD1820,它的基本结构与ISD1110\1420完全相同,采用CMOS技术、内含振荡器,话筒前 [10]置放大,自动增益控制,防混淆滤波器,扬声器驱动以及FLASH阵列。 一、其主要特征描述如下: 1、使用方便的单片8至20秒语音录放 2、高质量、自然的语音还原技术 andards and standardized management in the countries involved in the project or industry standard specification for many, thecessms so that the whole management is controlled. Sixth section, installation management systems engineering is a technical, prond norrefore, we will carefully in systems design, equipment supply and installation of link check against the relevant standards acal stng techniques, acceptance criteria and other aspects of technical supervision and effective management. Fifth section, techniackaging, handling, transport, storage requirements and programmes; ... Wire specifications, installation requirements, testibuilt drawings and test reports. We will submit to the next information: the design specification; P-ect is completed to provide ason process, we work according to attributes by hand the responsibility to implement. Regular progress reports; After the projtructirds, documents related to sending and receiving records, document management, document management, and so on. During the consct, project schedule, project budget, project design, construction and acceptance criterion, basis and standard, project recocontras for project documents implemented detailed and orderly management. Including: customer sources of raw materials, contract, sely with construction schedule management. Four, project document management project documents management system requirementrk clober and their approach to avoid unnecessary waste of labor, increased labor costs. That combination of management need to woion organization and management system during construction, the project managers, technicians, installers and engineer of numThree, arrange the whole project construct12 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 3、边沿电平触发放音 4、自动节电,维持电流0.5uA 5、不耗电信息保存100年(典型值) 6、外接电阻调整录音时间 7、内置喇叭驱动放大电路 8、10,000次录音周期(典型值) 9、3-5V单电源工作 10、借助专用设备可批量拷贝 二、裸片定图 [10]图2.9 裸片定图 三、引脚描述 ?电源(VCC) 芯片内部的模拟和数字电路使用的不同电源总线在此引脚汇合,这样使得噪声最小。去耦电容应尽量靠近芯片。 ?地线(VSSA, VSSD) 片内部的模拟和数字电路的不同线汇合在这个引脚。 ?录音 (REC) 高电平有效。只要REC 变高(不管芯片处在节电状态还是正在放音),芯片即开始录音。录音期间,REC 必须保持为高。REC 变低或内存录满后,录音周期结束,芯片自动写入一个信息结束标志(EOM),使以后的重放操作可以及时停止。然后芯片自动进入节电状态。注:REC 的上升沿有84 毫秒防颤,防止按键误触发。 ?边沿触发放音(PLAYE) 此端出现上升沿时,芯片开始放音。放音持续到EOM 标志或内存结束,之后芯片自动进入节电状态。开始放音后,可以释放PLAYE。 ?电平触发放音(PLAYL) 此端从低变高时,芯片开始放音。放音持续至此端 13 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 回到低电平,或遇到EOM 标志,或内存结束。放音结束后芯片自动进入节电状态。 ?录音指示(/RECLED) 处于录音状态时,此端为低,可驱动LED。此外,放音遇到EOM标志时,此端输出一个低电平脉冲。此脉冲可用来触发PLAYE,实现循环放音。 ?话筒输入(MIC) 此端连至片内前置放大器。片内自动增益控制电路(AGC)控制前置放大器的增益。外接话筒应通过串联电容耦合到此端。耦合电容值和此端的10KΩ 输入阻抗决定了芯片频带的低频截止点。 ?话筒参考(MIC REF) 此端是前置放大器的反向输入。当以差分形式连接话筒时,可减小噪声,提高共模抑制比。 ?自动增益控制(AGC) AGC 动态调整前置增益以补偿话筒输入电平的宽幅变化,使得录制变化很大的音量(从耳语到喧嚣声)时失真都能保持最小。通常4.7uF 的电容器在多数场合下可获得满意的效果。 ?喇叭输出(SP+,SP-) 这对输出端可直接驱动8Ω 以上的喇叭。单端使用时必须在输出端和喇叭之间接耦合电容,而双端输出既不用电容又能将功率提高至4 倍。SP+和SP-之间通过内部的50KΩ 的电阻连接,不放音时为悬空状态。 ?外部时钟(XCLK) 此端内部有下拉元件,只为测试用,不用接。 ?振荡电阻(ROSC) 此端接振荡电阻至VSS,由振荡电阻的阻值决定录放音的时间。 ?直通模式(FT) 此端允许接在MIC 输入端的外部语音信号经过芯片内部的AGC 电路、滤波器和喇叭驱动器而直接到达喇叭输出端。平时FT 端为低,要实现直通功能,需将FT端接高电平,同时REC、PLAYE 和PLAYL 保持低。 2.3.2驻极体话筒的介绍 驻极体话筒也称驻极体传声器,它是利用驻极体材料制成的一种特殊电容式“声—电”转换器件。其主要特点是体积小、结构简单、频响宽、灵敏度高、耐震动、价格便宜。驻极体话筒是目前最常用的传声器之一,在各种传声、声控和通信设备(如无线话筒、盒式录音机、声控电灯开关、电话机、手机、多媒体电脑等)中应用非常普遍。 cessms so that the whole management is controlled. Sixth section, installation management systems engineering is a technical, probuilt drawings and test reports. We will submit to the next information: the design specification; Pnd norrefore, we will carefully in systems design, equipment supply and installation of link check against the relevant standards aandards and standardized management in the countries involved in the project or industry standard specification for many, thecal stng techniques, acceptance criteria and other aspects of technical supervision and effective management. Fifth section, techniackaging, handling, transport, storage requirements and programmes; ... Wire specifications, installation requirements, testi-ect is completed to provide ason process, we work according to attributes by hand the responsibility to implement. Regular progress reports; After the projtructirds, documents related to sending and receiving records, document management, document management, and so on. During the consct, project schedule, project budget, project design, construction and acceptance criterion, basis and standard, project recocontras for project documents implemented detailed and orderly management. Including: customer sources of raw materials, contract, sely with construction schedule management. Four, project document management project documents management system requirementrk clober and their approach to avoid unnecessary waste of labor, increased labor costs. That combination of management need to woion organization and management system during construction, the project managers, technicians, installers and engineer of numThree, arrange the whole project construct14 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 驻极体话筒的内部结构如图2.10所示,它主要由“声一电”转换和阻抗变换两部分组成。“声—电”转换的关键元件是驻极体振动膜片,它以一片极薄的塑料膜片作为基片,在其中一面蒸发上一层纯金属薄膜,然后再经过高压电场“驻极”处理后,在两面形成可长期保持的异性电荷——这就是“驻极体”(也称“永久电荷体”)一词的来历。振动膜片的金属薄膜面向外(正对音孔),并与话筒金属外壳相连;另一面靠近带有气孔的金属极板,其间用很薄的塑料绝缘垫圈隔离开。这样,振动膜片与金属极板之间就形成了一个本身具有静电场的电容——可见驻极体话筒实际上是一种特殊的、无需外接极化电压的电容式话筒。金属极板与专用场效应管的栅极G相接,场效应管的源极S和漏极D作为话筒的引出电[11]极。这样,加上金属外壳,驻极体话筒一共有3个引出电极,其内部电路如图2.11所示。如果将场效应管的源极S(或漏极D)与金属外壳接通,就使得话筒只剩下了2个引出电极。 [12][12] 图2.10 驻极体话筒内部结构 图2.11 驻极体话筒内部电路 15 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 2.4 LCD显示模块 显示模块与主控制器连接,运行时显示系统的状态,密码的输入修改以及语音留言的查询和删除等。电路图如图2.12所示。该模块选用的芯片是LCD1602液晶显示器。 图2.12 LCD显示模块电路图 液晶显示的原理是利用液晶的物理特性,通过电压对其显示区域进行控制,有电就有显示,这样即可以显示出图形。液晶显示器具有厚度薄、适用于大规模集成电路直接驱动、易于实现全彩色显示的特点。 1602字符型液晶显示模块是一种专门用于显示字母、数字、符号等点阵式LCD,目前常用16*1,16*2,20*2和40*2行等的模块。用LCD显示一个字符时比较复杂,因为一个字符由6×8或8×8点阵组成,既要找到和显示屏幕上某几个位置对应的显示RAM区的8字节,还要使每字节的不同位为“1”,其它的为“0”,为“1”的点亮,为“0”的不亮。这样一来就组成某个字符。但由于内带字符发生器的控制器来说,显示字符就比较简单了,可以让控制器工作在文本cessms so that the whole management is controlled. Sixth section, installation management systems engineering is a technical, prond norrefore, we will carefully in systems design, equipment supply and installation of link check against the relevant standards a-andards and standardized management in the countries involved in the project or industry standard specification for many, thecal stng techniques, acceptance criteria and other aspects of technical supervision and effective management. Fifth section, techniackaging, handling, transport, storage requirements and programmes; ... Wire specifications, installation requirements, testibuilt drawings and test reports. We will submit to the next information: the design specification; Pect is completed to provide ason process, we work according to attributes by hand the responsibility to implement. Regular progress reports; After the projtructirds, documents related to sending and receiving records, document management, document management, and so on. During the consct, project schedule, project budget, project design, construction and acceptance criterion, basis and standard, project recocontras for project documents implemented detailed and orderly management. Including: customer sources of raw materials, contract, sely with construction schedule management. Four, project document management project documents management system requirementrk clober and their approach to avoid unnecessary waste of labor, increased labor costs. That combination of management need to woion organization and management system during construction, the project managers, technicians, installers and engineer of numThree, arrange the whole project construct16 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 方式,根据在LCD上开始显示的行列号及每行的列数找出显示RAM对应的地址, [13]设立光标,在此送上该字符对应的代码即可。 如图2.13是本设计中1602字符型液晶显示器实物图。 图2.13 1602字符型液晶显示器实物图 2.5 按键模块 本电路共有19个功能按键,在这里分成两部分。一部分是4×4矩阵键盘(如图2.14)所示和另外排列的三个功能按键。(如图2.15所示) 17 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 图2.14 4×4矩阵键盘电路图 矩阵键盘原理:每个按键都有两个相对应的I/O口与之相连,按键按下前,其两端的I/O口分别输出一高一低电平。当按键按下时,高电平被拉低,利用这 [14]个原理我们就能通过程序判断出具体是哪个按键按下。 Sw15,Sw2~Sw4,Sw6~Sw8,Sw10~Sw12,依次代表数字0~9:用于数字输入功能。 Sw5, 退出:退出当前状态回到初始界面。 Sw9, 删除:用于在输入数字的时候删除前一位数据。 Sw13,改密:用于修改密码。 Sw14,输入:输入密码 Sw16,确认:输入完成 Sw17,停驻/关闭:用于在开锁后长时间停止上锁,和快速关锁。 andards and standardized management in the countries involved in the project or industry standard specification for many, thecessms so that the whole management is controlled. Sixth section, installation management systems engineering is a technical, prond norrefore, we will carefully in systems design, equipment supply and installation of link check against the relevant standards acal stng techniques, acceptance criteria and other aspects of technical supervision and effective management. Fifth section, techniackaging, handling, transport, storage requirements and programmes; ... Wire specifications, installation requirements, testibuilt drawings and test reports. We will submit to the next information: the design specification; P-ect is completed to provide ason process, we work according to attributes by hand the responsibility to implement. Regular progress reports; After the projtructirds, documents related to sending and receiving records, document management, document management, and so on. During the consct, project schedule, project budget, project design, construction and acceptance criterion, basis and standard, project recocontras for project documents implemented detailed and orderly management. Including: customer sources of raw materials, contract, sely with construction schedule management. Four, project document management project documents management system requirementrk clober and their approach to avoid unnecessary waste of labor, increased labor costs. That combination of management need to woion organization and management system during construction, the project managers, technicians, installers and engineer of numThree, arrange the whole project construct18 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 图2.15另外按键电路图 Sw18,按下此键,通过继电器模拟开关门。 Sw19,该键有2个功能。按一下,起到查询留言的功能。长按此键清除留言(蜂鸣器响两声)。 Sw20,该键同样具备2个功能。按一下时,当作门铃键使用。当按3次过后,系统提示留言,此时按住该键进行录音留言。 2.6其他电路 2.6.1 LED控制电路 LED控制电路主要是提示作用,其中一个是通过继电器模拟开关门,另外一个是留言时的提示灯作用,电路图如图2.16所示。 19 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 图2.16 LED控制电路 2.6.2蜂鸣器驱动电路 蜂鸣器驱动电路主要用于门铃提示和安全警报时发出响声,电路图如图2.17所示。 [15]图2.17 蜂鸣器驱动电路 3系统软件设计 系统的软件设计采用汇编语言编码。设计方法是先用文本编辑器编写源码,然后用软件Keil C51编译,如果没有错误,可连接生成.HEX格式的文件(需事先在Keil C51中设置)。如果有错误则无法连接,但可在生成的.OBJ文件中找cessms so that the whole management is controlled. Sixth section, installation management systems engineering is a technical, prond norrefore, we will carefully in systems design, equipment supply and installation of link check against the relevant standards a-andards and standardized management in the countries involved in the project or industry standard specification for many, thecal stng techniques, acceptance criteria and other aspects of technical supervision and effective management. Fifth section, techniackaging, handling, transport, storage requirements and programmes; ... Wire specifications, installation requirements, testibuilt drawings and test reports. We will submit to the next information: the design specification; Pect is completed to provide ason process, we work according to attributes by hand the responsibility to implement. Regular progress reports; After the projtructirds, documents related to sending and receiving records, document management, document management, and so on. During the consct, project schedule, project budget, project design, construction and acceptance criterion, basis and standard, project recocontras for project documents implemented detailed and orderly management. Including: customer sources of raw materials, contract, sely with construction schedule management. Four, project document management project documents management system requirementrk clober and their approach to avoid unnecessary waste of labor, increased labor costs. That combination of management need to woion organization and management system during construction, the project managers, technicians, installers and engineer of numThree, arrange the whole project construct20 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 [16]到代码错误的地方,便于修改。当然也可以直接在Keil中编码。 生成的HEX文件是记录文本行的ASCII文本文件,在HEX文件中,每一行是一个HEX记录,由十六进制数组成的机器码或者数据常量。HEX文件经常被用于将程序或数据传输存储到ROM、EPROM,大多数编程器和模拟器使用HEX文件。 3.1主程序设计框图 本设计是集密码锁和语音留言于一身的门铃,其通过密码锁功能加强系统的防盗功能,并且留言功能能让主人不在家时,不会错过一些客人来访信息,又不会让客人白跑一趟。 系统程序主要由主程序和子程序组成。主程序流程图如图3.1所示。 21 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 开始 初始化 按键选择 按门铃 输入密码 n=n+1 n=n+1 N n,3? n,3? N 警报 N 正确否? Y Y 改密模式 判断按键 LCD提示 输入密码 留言 N 开锁模式 正确否? N 留言, Y 上锁 再次输入 Y N 一致否? 录音留言 Y 修改、储存 结束 图3.1 主程序流程图 cessms so that the whole management is controlled. Sixth section, installation management systems engineering is a technical, prond norrefore, we will carefully in systems design, equipment supply and installation of link check against the relevant standards aandards and standardized management in the countries involved in the project or industry standard specification for many, thecal stng techniques, acceptance criteria and other aspects of technical supervision and effective management. Fifth section, techniackaging, handling, transport, storage requirements and programmes; ... Wire specifications, installation requirements, testibuilt drawings and test reports. We will submit to the next information: the design specification; P-ect is completed to provide ason process, we work according to attributes by hand the responsibility to implement. Regular progress reports; After the projtructirds, documents related to sending and receiving records, document management, document management, and so on. During the consct, project schedule, project budget, project design, construction and acceptance criterion, basis and standard, project recocontras for project documents implemented detailed and orderly management. Including: customer sources of raw materials, contract, sely with construction schedule management. Four, project document management project documents management system requirementrk clober and their approach to avoid unnecessary waste of labor, increased labor costs. That combination of management need to woion organization and management system during construction, the project managers, technicians, installers and engineer of numThree, arrange the whole project construct22 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 3.2密码锁程序设计 3.2.1初始化及按键识别 如图3.2所示,系统的初始化包括堆栈起始地址的设定,两个定时/计数器的设定,液晶显示模式的设定,密码缓冲区的初始化,一些自定义数据空间的初始化,蜂鸣器初始化发声等操作。 如果AT24C02里没有存储密码,或者读取AT24C02失败,则载入系统初始化密码;如果AT24C02里有掉电存储的密码,则会读出该密码。系统初始化并读取 [17]密码完成后,液晶显示“Welcome to use”,按下“输入”键开始输入密码。 此时程序即不断测试按键,检查是否有按键被按下。如果有,则进行按键识别;如果没有按键按下,或者按下的按键没有被识别,kevyal赋值0FFH,并跳转至按键测试。实际程序运行时,绝大部分时间都在测试按键,等待用户输入。 按键测试子程序 开始 否 系统初始化 有按键按下, 延时0.5S 是 读取密码 按键识别子程序 否 载入 成功, 否 初始密码 识别成功, 是 是 按键输入密码 按键重定位 图3.2初始化及按键识别流程图 23 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 3.2.2开锁处理 首先LCD初始化,输入密码,密码正确后则使用开锁电路动作,LCD显示“Data Entry OK”,并开锁,系统回到初始界面,等待十秒左右自动关闭上锁。开锁流程图如图3.3所示。 开始 LCD初始化 按输入键 输入密码 确认程序 报警程序 密码正确, N Y 开锁成功 结束 图3.3开锁流程图 3.2.3改密处理 如图3.4所示,可以看出,改密键的处理流程跟开锁键类似,都需检查密码是否正确,错误的话,提示重新输入,只有输入密码正确才可以进行改密。然后再按更改键,密码更改程序被调用,进而更改密码,此过程,LCD都会显示信息。 andards and standardized management in the countries involved in the project or industry standard specification for many, thecessms so that the whole management is controlled. Sixth section, installation management systems engineering is a technical, prond norrefore, we will carefully in systems design, equipment supply and installation of link check against the relevant standards acal stng techniques, acceptance criteria and other aspects of technical supervision and effective management. Fifth section, techniackaging, handling, transport, storage requirements and programmes; ... Wire specifications, installation requirements, testibuilt drawings and test reports. We will submit to the next information: the design specification; P-ect is completed to provide ason process, we work according to attributes by hand the responsibility to implement. Regular progress reports; After the projtructirds, documents related to sending and receiving records, document management, document management, and so on. During the consct, project schedule, project budget, project design, construction and acceptance criterion, basis and standard, project recocontras for project documents implemented detailed and orderly management. Including: customer sources of raw materials, contract, sely with construction schedule management. Four, project document management project documents management system requirementrk clober and their approach to avoid unnecessary waste of labor, increased labor costs. That combination of management need to woion organization and management system during construction, the project managers, technicians, installers and engineer of numThree, arrange the whole project construct24 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 开始 密码错误 重新输入 输入密码 N 密码正确 提示输入新再次输入新两次输入比 密码 密码 对相同 Y 更改成功 图3.4 改密流程图 3.2.4液晶显示子程序 液晶显示子程序在每次更新显示内容时都会被调用,其流程如图3.5所示。 每次更新显示内容前,需清显示清空LCD原先的显示内容,清屏指令的指令码为01H,即将P0口赋值01H,然后写入指令寄存器IR。 LCD1602要显示的内容是根据其控制器内置的字符码表,事先列出要显示的ASCII字符串。每次送一个字符的ASCII码入P0口,然后写入数据寄存器DR,最后将字符地址加一,LCD1602会将写入的ASCII码对应的字符依次显示出来。由于显示字符串的长度不尽相同,约定每串字符以00H结尾;程序检测到字符码 [18]为00H时,即停止写入,返回。LCD显示的内容在下次更新前会一直保持。 25 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 图3.5 液晶显示子程序流程图 3.3语音门铃程序设计 3.3.1按键扫描子程序设计 本程序采用非编码键盘,单片机对所有按键进行监控。一旦发现有按键按下,单片机扫描按键,然后转入相应的处理程序,实现该键功能。当按下K1键时,起播放以及查询留言功能;当按下K2键时,用作门铃使用,三次之后按住K2即可进行录音;K3按键模拟主人在家时,可控制该键进行开关门。 按键扫描子程序流程图如图3.6所示。 开始 K1 K1键功能程序 K2键功能程序 K2 K3键功能程序 K3 图3.6 按键扫描子程序流程图 结束 refore, we will carefully in systems design, equipment supply and installation of link check against the relevant standards acessandards and standardized management in the countries involved in the project or industry standard specification for many, thems so that the whole management is controlled. Sixth section, installation management systems engineering is a technical, prond norcal stng techniques, acceptance criteria and other aspects of technical supervision and effective management. Fifth section, techniackaging, handling, transport, storage requirements and programmes; ... Wire specifications, installation requirements, testibuilt drawings and test reports. We will submit to the next information: the design specification; P-ect is completed to provide ason process, we work according to attributes by hand the responsibility to implement. Regular progress reports; After the projtructirds, documents related to sending and receiving records, document management, document management, and so on. During the consct, project schedule, project budget, project design, construction and acceptance criterion, basis and standard, project recocontras for project documents implemented detailed and orderly management. Including: customer sources of raw materials, contract, sely with construction schedule management. Four, project document management project documents management system requirementrk clober and their approach to avoid unnecessary waste of labor, increased labor costs. That combination of management need to woion organization and management system during construction, the project managers, technicians, installers and engineer of numThree, arrange the whole project construct26 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 3.3.2显示子程序 显示子程序是主人不在家时,来访者按门铃达3次后,LCD会有显示提示,提示为“Please message doorbell button”。如图3.7所示,显示子程序流程图。 开始 按下门铃 N 是否,3次, Y 显示录音 结束 图3.7 显示子程序流程图 3.3.3录音和播放子程序设计 ISD1820语音芯片是一种单片8~20秒单段录放电路。在电源电压3-5V,录放模式下。按住K2不放则进行录音,指示灯会亮起。当松开K2键时录音停止。播放录音时,按一下K1,即将全段语音播放出来,其间不能中断播放。如图3.8所示。 27 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 开始 扫描按键 按铃后提示开锁进入 录音 按住K2进按K1播放留言 行录音 播放结束 录音结束 返回 [19]图3.8 录放子程序流程图 cessms so that the whole management is controlled. Sixth section, installation management systems engineering is a technical, probuilt drawings and test reports. We will submit to the next information: the design specification; Pnd norrefore, we will carefully in systems design, equipment supply and installation of link check against the relevant standards aandards and standardized management in the countries involved in the project or industry standard specification for many, thecal stng techniques, acceptance criteria and other aspects of technical supervision and effective management. Fifth section, techniackaging, handling, transport, storage requirements and programmes; ... Wire specifications, installation requirements, testi-ect is completed to provide ason process, we work according to attributes by hand the responsibility to implement. Regular progress reports; After the projtructirds, documents related to sending and receiving records, document management, document management, and so on. During the consct, project schedule, project budget, project design, construction and acceptance criterion, basis and standard, project recocontras for project documents implemented detailed and orderly management. Including: customer sources of raw materials, contract, sely with construction schedule management. Four, project document management project documents management system requirementrk clober and their approach to avoid unnecessary waste of labor, increased labor costs. That combination of management need to woion organization and management system during construction, the project managers, technicians, installers and engineer of numThree, arrange the whole project construct28 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 4 系统调试 4.1系统操作测试 首先插入电池,通电开启系统。此时LCD开始初始化,然后显示“Welcome to ues~”如图4.1所示。 图4.1开机画面 此时有2个状态可以选择。 一个是开锁输入密码,如图4.2所示。 图4.2 开锁输入密码状态 此时可以按输入键,开始输入密码。这时候存在2种可能,当输入密码正确,LCD则显示“Data Entry OK” ,而当输入密码错误,LCD则显示“Data Entry Error”。如图4.3和图4.4所示。 29 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 图4.3 输入密码正确界面 图4.4输入密码错误界面 开锁状态下,当有人按响门铃,可通过K3键模拟开门,用继电器表现。如图4.5所示。 图4.5 模拟开关门状态 cessms so that the whole management is controlled. Sixth section, installation management systems engineering is a technical, prond norrefore, we will carefully in systems design, equipment supply and installation of link check against the relevant standards aandards and standardized management in the countries involved in the project or industry standard specification for many, thecal stng techniques, acceptance criteria and other aspects of technical supervision and effective management. Fifth section, techniackaging, handling, transport, storage requirements and programmes; ... Wire specifications, installation requirements, testibuilt drawings and test reports. We will submit to the next information: the design specification; P-ect is completed to provide ason process, we work according to attributes by hand the responsibility to implement. Regular progress reports; After the projtructirds, documents related to sending and receiving records, document management, document management, and so on. During the consct, project schedule, project budget, project design, construction and acceptance criterion, basis and standard, project recocontras for project documents implemented detailed and orderly management. Including: customer sources of raw materials, contract, sely with construction schedule management. Four, project document management project documents management system requirementrk clober and their approach to avoid unnecessary waste of labor, increased labor costs. That combination of management need to woion organization and management system during construction, the project managers, technicians, installers and engineer of numThree, arrange the whole project construct30 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 另外一个状态模拟当家中无人时,来访者按下门铃达到三次时,LCD显示“Please message doorbell button”提示来访者进行留言。如图4.6所示。 图4.6 提示留言画面 当来访者需要留言时,按住K2键,进行留言,指示灯亮起表示录音进行中。如图4.7所示。 图4.7 录音时状态 31 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 4.2系统调试问题 在系统调试过程,出现了如下问题: 1、当系统运行时,模拟开关门功能的继电器不工作,指示灯不亮。在检查了电路连接没有问题之后,发现原来是三极管型号的问题,导致电路工作点偏移而使得放大电路无法正常工作。更换成三极管8550后,继电器则能正常工作,问题得以解决。 2、4×4矩阵键盘输入密码数字时,速度较慢,而密码输入时间设置成了超过12秒则按错误一次处理,设置的时间较短。导致经常会突然被当作错误来处理,而需要重新输入。 3、系统另外一个比较突出的缺点在于只能录取一段语音信息,如果在同一时段有多人来访需要留言的话,后来的语音信息将会覆盖掉原来的留言,造成信息的丢失。但是,由于分段录音及分段读取在软件的设计上比较复杂,目前还实现不了,今后,需在这个方面进行改进。 ackaging, handling, transport, storage requirements and programmes; ... Wire specifications, installation requirements, testicessms so that the whole management is controlled. Sixth section, installation management systems engineering is a technical, prond norrefore, we will carefully in systems design, equipment supply and installation of link check against the relevant standards aandards and standardized management in the countries involved in the project or industry standard specification for many, thecal stng techniques, acceptance criteria and other aspects of technical supervision and effective management. Fifth section, technibuilt drawings and test reports. We will submit to the next information: the design specification; P-ect is completed to provide ason process, we work according to attributes by hand the responsibility to implement. Regular progress reports; After the projtructirds, documents related to sending and receiving records, document management, document management, and so on. During the consct, project schedule, project budget, project design, construction and acceptance criterion, basis and standard, project recocontras for project documents implemented detailed and orderly management. Including: customer sources of raw materials, contract, sely with construction schedule management. Four, project document management project documents management system requirementrk clober and their approach to avoid unnecessary waste of labor, increased labor costs. That combination of management need to woion organization and management system during construction, the project managers, technicians, installers and engineer of numThree, arrange the whole project construct32 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 结论 智能密码锁语音留言门铃系统是当今智能化办公室和智能化商业住宅小区的一个重要组成部分,近年来越来越受到广大用户的喜爱。它将两种功能结合在一起,既能最大程度的加强用户的防盗能力,大大提高居住的安全。同时,语音功能可以用户不会错过一些重要的来访信息,使信息能得到及时的反馈。可见,在科学技术不断发展和人民生活水平不断提高的今天,智能化门铃系统会创造更加大的社会经济效益。 在这次的设计中,主要实现了以下的工作。 1、系统的硬件设计。硬件设计总体分为控制部分和功能部分。设计以AT89C51为主控制器,功能实现有LCD显示,密码锁,语音信息的录取和播放。 2、软件程序的设计。包括了系统的主程序,密码锁模块设计和语音模块程序设计等。 通过系统调试,本设计基本能够完成预想的功能。当然还有一些不足的地方比如:门铃的录音和放音部分设计的比较简单,没有录音的存储区域,需要占用较长的时间播放,播放过程中不能中断。 从完善方面来看,首先采用带多段存储的语音芯片,将门铃部分的设计加以修改,且可加入主人的留言提示。门铃的声音可设置多种音乐切换,增强实用性等等。 33 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 参考文献 [1]于润伟, 电子密码锁设计方案[M]. 机械工业出版社,2010. [2] 刘萌,基于语音识别技术的家庭智能监控系统设计[J],电子技术应用,2006.3. [3] 路南,基于单片机的电子音乐门铃设计[D],西安:西安工业大学,2005.6 [4] 张先庭主 《单片机原理、接口与C51应用程序设计》[M].国防工业出版社. [5] 永雄,新编单片机原理与应用[M] 西安:西安电子科技大学出版社,2005. [6] 杭和平,AT89C51串行通信及应用[M],机械工业出版社,2008. [7] 王晖,薛永存。基于MCS-51单片机的复位电路抗干扰分析与设计[J]. [8] datasheet of Serial EEPROM 2K(256*8) AT24C02.Amel,Inc. [9] 黎育红,基于语音识别技术的门禁系统的研究[J],电子技术应用,2006.3. [10] 赵广林编著.新型语音芯片应用手册[M].电子工业出版社.2008. [11] 谢魁.一种新型的语音门铃[J].电子自动化. [12] 吴宗汉,驻极体与驻极体话筒[M] 东南出版社,2004. [13] 通用LCD1602液晶显示模块使用手册(J/OL)。伟纳电子. [14] 石文轩,宋薇。基于单片机MSC-51的智能密码锁设计[S]。武汉职业技术学院学报,2004. [15] 51单片机综合学习系统——蜂鸣器、继电器(J/OL)。维普资讯. [16] 淑红,张国玉,单片机系统的PROTEUS和KEIL联调设计于仿真[J].仪器仪表用户. [17] 李杰 陈典涛 陈键华 一种基于单片机的电子密码锁的设计[期刊论文]-农 2004(05). 机化研究 [18] 宁爱民 应用AT89C2051单片机设计电子密码锁[刊期论文]-淮海工学院学.报. [19] 张武,吴扬生等.基于ISD2560的语音录放系统设计[J].自动化与仪器仪表. andards and standardized management in the countries involved in the project or industry standard specification for many, thecessms so that the whole management is controlled. Sixth section, installation management systems engineering is a technical, prond norrefore, we will carefully in systems design, equipment supply and installation of link check against the relevant standards acal stng techniques, acceptance criteria and other aspects of technical supervision and effective management. Fifth section, techniackaging, handling, transport, storage requirements and programmes; ... Wire specifications, installation requirements, testibuilt drawings and test reports. We will submit to the next information: the design specification; P-ect is completed to provide ason process, we work according to attributes by hand the responsibility to implement. Regular progress reports; After the projtructirds, documents related to sending and receiving records, document management, document management, and so on. During the consct, project schedule, project budget, project design, construction and acceptance criterion, basis and standard, project recocontras for project documents implemented detailed and orderly management. Including: customer sources of raw materials, contract, sely with construction schedule management. Four, project document management project documents management system requirementrk clober and their approach to avoid unnecessary waste of labor, increased labor costs. That combination of management need to woion organization and management system during construction, the project managers, technicians, installers and engineer of numThree, arrange the whole project construct34 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 致谢 四年的时间转瞬即逝,毕业设计的完成,也将意味着我的大学生涯要结束了。在人生这宝贵的四年时光中,我不仅在大学许多老师的指导下学习到了知识,还从他们身上学到了很多做人的道理。这所学府给了我太多太多的东西,留下了太多太多的回忆。在这里,我要感谢天河学院,感谢电气工程系这四年来对我的培养。 非常感谢老师在我大学的最后学习阶段,给予我的悉心指导,从最初的定题,到资料收集,到设计、写作、修改,再到论文的定稿,她给了我许多无私的帮助。为了指导我的毕业设计,她放弃了自己的休息时间,这种无私奉献的敬业精神令人钦佩。老师严谨的治学态度、渊博的专业知识以及这无私奉献的精神令我感动,我从老师身上学到了做学问的态度、方法和知识,更重要的是学到了做人的道理,和做任何事都应该保持认真严谨的态度,这些使我受用终身。在此,我再次向林雁飞老师致上我最衷心最诚挚的感谢。 感谢本电信101的各位同学对我的帮助,在完成毕业设计的过程中,每当我遇到不懂或者解决不了的问题,他们都会不厌其烦的为我解答,帮助我解决问题。 毕业设计是一次系统学习的过程。通过这一段时间的学习,我感到自己各方面都得到的锻炼。无论是理论上还是实际动手上的能力都得到了很大的提高,让我对自己的认识又更进一步。 最后,大学生活即将步入尾声。感谢院系、感谢所有的老师对我的帮助,感谢我的家人,感谢所有同学朋友们对我的支持鼓励,让我的毕业设计,让我的大学生涯得以画上一个完美的句号~ 35 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 附录A 系统原理图 图A 系统原理图 ackaging, handling, transport, storage requirements and programmes; ... Wire specifications, installation requirements, testicessms so that the whole management is controlled. Sixth section, installation management systems engineering is a technical, prond norrefore, we will carefully in systems design, equipment supply and installation of link check against the relevant standards aandards and standardized management in the countries involved in the project or industry standard specification for many, thecal stng techniques, acceptance criteria and other aspects of technical supervision and effective management. Fifth section, technibuilt drawings and test reports. We will submit to the next information: the design specification; P-ect is completed to provide ason process, we work according to attributes by hand the responsibility to implement. Regular progress reports; After the projtructirds, documents related to sending and receiving records, document management, document management, and so on. During the consct, project schedule, project budget, project design, construction and acceptance criterion, basis and standard, project recocontras for project documents implemented detailed and orderly management. Including: customer sources of raw materials, contract, sely with construction schedule management. Four, project document management project documents management system requirementrk clober and their approach to avoid unnecessary waste of labor, increased labor costs. That combination of management need to woion organization and management system during construction, the project managers, technicians, installers and engineer of numThree, arrange the whole project construct36 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 附录B 作品实物图 图B 系统实物图 37 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 附录C 元件清单 名称 数量(个) 单片机AT89C51 1 22P 2 12M 1 103排阻 1 1602液晶 1 按键 20 1K 3 LED发光管 2 蜂鸣器 1 三极管8550 2 10K 3 25V/10UF 1 DIP40管座 1 16针排阵 1 16针排座 1 AT24C02 1 继电器 1 4.7K电阻 2 驻极体话筒 1 喇叭 1 ISD1820语音芯片 1 104瓷片电容 2 100K电阻 1 47uf电容 1 1N4007 1 ng techniques, acceptance criteria and other aspects of technical supervision and effective management. Fifth section, technicessms so that the whole management is controlled. Sixth section, installation management systems engineering is a technical, prond norrefore, we will carefully in systems design, equipment supply and installation of link check against the relevant standards aandards and standardized management in the countries involved in the project or industry standard specification for many, thecal stackaging, handling, transport, storage requirements and programmes; ... Wire specifications, installation requirements, testibuilt drawings and test reports. We will submit to the next information: the design specification; P-ect is completed to provide ason process, we work according to attributes by hand the responsibility to implement. Regular progress reports; After the projtructirds, documents related to sending and receiving records, document management, document management, and so on. During the consct, project schedule, project budget, project design, construction and acceptance criterion, basis and standard, project recocontras for project documents implemented detailed and orderly management. Including: customer sources of raw materials, contract, sely with construction schedule management. Four, project document management project documents management system requirementrk clober and their approach to avoid unnecessary waste of labor, increased labor costs. That combination of management need to woion organization and management system during construction, the project managers, technicians, installers and engineer of numThree, arrange the whole project construct0 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 附录D 程序 #include #include #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int ////////端口定义////////////////// sbit jdq=P1^5;// 模拟开锁 sbit beep=P1^6;//蜂鸣器接口 ///////1602液晶控制接口///////// sbit rs=P2^6; sbit en=P2^7; /////存储器接口/////////// sbit scl=P1^0; sbit sda=P1^1; //////特殊功能独立按键定义////////////////// sbit k1=P2^0; sbit k2=P2^1; sbit k3=P2^2; sbit rec=P2^4; sbit playe=P2^3; //液晶显示字符 uchar code table[16]="Welcome to use !";//欢迎使用 uchar code table1[16]="Control Password"; //登陆时密码 uchar code table2[6]="Enter:";//输入 uchar code table3[13]="Data Entry OK";//数据输入正确 uchar code table4[16]="Data Entry Error";//数据输入错误 uchar code table5[15]="Change Password";//修改密码 uchar code table6[12]="Please enter";//请输入 uchar code table7[15]="Modify Complete";//修改完成 uchar code table8[14]="Please message";//留言 uchar code table9[15]="doorbell button";//门铃键 uchar ma10,ma11,ma12,ma13,ma14,ma15;//按键输入的密码 uchar ma20,ma21,ma22,ma23,ma24,ma25;//?存储起来用于比较的密码 uchar num,temp; uchar wflag;//密码输入位数 bit ajflag;//数字按键按下标志位 bit shu_ru_flag=0;//输入按键标志位 bit gai_flag=0;//修改密码按键按下标志位 //功能变量定义 //退出 删除 改密 停驻/关闭 确认 输入 bit tui_chu,shan_chu,gai_mi;guan_bi,que_ren,shu_ru; uint num1; 1 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 uchar ling;//按下门铃次数 bit liu;//留言标志位 void delay(uint ms) //延时函数 { uchar y; { for(ms;ms>0;ms--) for(y=110;y>0;y--); } } //AT24C02读写操作时序 void delay_us() {;;} void iic_init()//初始化 { sda=1;delay_us(); scl=1;delay_us(); } void start()//开始 { sda=1;delay_us(); scl=1;delay_us(); sda=0;delay_us(); } void response()//应答 { uchar i=0; scl=1;delay_us(); while((sda==1)&&(i<250))i++; scl=0;delay_us(); } void stop()//停止 { sda=0;delay_us(); scl=1;delay_us(); sda=1;delay_us(); } uchar read_byte()//读字节 { uchar i,date; scl=0;delay_us(); sda=1;delay_us(); for(i=0;i<8;i++) { nd norcessrefore, we will carefully in systems design, equipment supply and installation of link check against the relevant standards ams so that the whole management is controlled. Sixth section, installation management systems engineering is a technical, proandards and standardized management in the countries involved in the project or industry standard specification for many, thecal stng techniques, acceptance criteria and other aspects of technical supervision and effective management. Fifth section, techniackaging, handling, transport, storage requirements and programmes; ... Wire specifications, installation requirements, testibuilt drawings and test reports. We will submit to the next information: the design specification; P-ect is completed to provide ason process, we work according to attributes by hand the responsibility to implement. Regular progress reports; After the projtructirds, documents related to sending and receiving records, document management, document management, and so on. During the consct, project schedule, project budget, project design, construction and acceptance criterion, basis and standard, project recocontras for project documents implemented detailed and orderly management. Including: customer sources of raw materials, contract, sely with construction schedule management. Four, project document management project documents management system requirementrk clober and their approach to avoid unnecessary waste of labor, increased labor costs. That combination of management need to woion organization and management system during construction, the project managers, technicians, installers and engineer of numThree, arrange the whole project construct2 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 scl=1;delay_us(); date=(date<<1)|sda; scl=0;delay_us(); } return date; } void write_byte(uchar date)//写字节 { uchar i; for(i=0;i<8;i++) { date=date<<1; scl=0;delay_us(); sda=CY;delay_us(); scl=1;delay_us(); } scl=0;delay_us(); sda=1;delay_us(); } void write_add(uchar add,uchar date)//写数据 { start(); write_byte(0xa0); response(); write_byte(add); response(); write_byte(date); response(); stop(); } uchar read_add(uchar add)//读数据 { uchar date; start(); write_byte(0xa0); response(); write_byte(add); response(); start(); write_byte(0xa1); response(); date=read_byte(); stop(); return date; 3 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 } void yj1602_write_com(uchar com)//液晶写地址 { en=0;delay(1); en=1;delay(1); rs=0;delay(1); P0=com; en=0;delay(1); } void yj1602_write_date(uchar date)//液晶写数据 { en=0;delay(1); en=1;delay(1); rs=1;delay(1); P0=date; en=0;delay(1); } void yj1602_init()//液晶初始化 { yj1602_write_com(0x38); yj1602_write_com(0x0c); yj1602_write_com(0x06); yj1602_write_com(0x01); } void keyscan()//矩阵按键扫描函数 { //////////////////////////////////////////// P3=0xfe; temp=P3; temp=temp&0xf0; if(temp!=0xf0) { delay(10); temp=P3; temp&=0xf0; if(temp!=0xf0) { temp=P3; switch(temp) { case 0xee:wflag++;num=1;ajflag=1;break; cal stcessms so that the whole management is controlled. Sixth section, installation management systems engineering is a technical, prond norrefore, we will carefully in systems design, equipment supply and installation of link check against the relevant standards aandards and standardized management in the countries involved in the project or industry standard specification for many, theng techniques, acceptance criteria and other aspects of technical supervision and effective management. Fifth section, techniackaging, handling, transport, storage requirements and programmes; ... Wire specifications, installation requirements, testibuilt drawings and test reports. We will submit to the next information: the design specification; P-ect is completed to provide ason process, we work according to attributes by hand the responsibility to implement. Regular progress reports; After the projtructirds, documents related to sending and receiving records, document management, document management, and so on. During the consct, project schedule, project budget, project design, construction and acceptance criterion, basis and standard, project recocontras for project documents implemented detailed and orderly management. Including: customer sources of raw materials, contract, sely with construction schedule management. Four, project document management project documents management system requirementrk clober and their approach to avoid unnecessary waste of labor, increased labor costs. That combination of management need to woion organization and management system during construction, the project managers, technicians, installers and engineer of numThree, arrange the whole project construct4 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 case 0xde:wflag++;num=4;ajflag=1;break; case 0xbe:wflag++;num=7;ajflag=1;break; case 0x7e:shu_ru=1;break; } while(temp!=0xf0) { temp=P3; temp=temp&0xf0; } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// P3=0xfd; temp=P3; temp=temp&0xf0; if(temp!=0xf0) { delay(10); temp=P3; temp&=0xf0; if(temp!=0xf0) { temp=P3; switch(temp) { case 0xed:wflag++;num=2;ajflag=1;break; case 0xdd:wflag++;num=5;ajflag=1;break; case 0xbd:wflag++;num=8;ajflag=1;break; case 0x7d:wflag++;num=0;ajflag=1;break; } while(temp!=0xf0) { temp=P3; temp=temp&0xf0; } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// P3=0xfb; temp=P3; temp=temp&0xf0; if(temp!=0xf0) { 5 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 delay(10); temp=P3; temp&=0xf0; if(temp!=0xf0) { temp=P3; switch(temp) { case 0xeb:wflag++;num=3;ajflag=1;break; case 0xdb:wflag++;num=6;ajflag=1;break; case 0xbb:wflag++;num=9;ajflag=1;break; case 0x7b:que_ren=1;break; } while(temp!=0xf0) { temp=P3; temp=temp&0xf0; } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// P3=0xf7; temp=P3; temp=temp&0xf0; if(temp!=0xf0) { delay(10); temp=P3; temp&=0xf0; if(temp!=0xf0) { temp=P3; switch(temp) { case 0xe7:tui_chu=1;break; case 0xd7:shan_chu=1;break; case 0xb7:gai_mi=1;break; case 0x77:guan_bi=1;break; } while(temp!=0xf0) { temp=P3; temp=temp&0xf0; } ackaging, handling, transport, storage requirements and programmes; ... Wire specifications, installation requirements, testicessms so that the whole management is controlled. Sixth section, installation management systems engineering is a technical, prond norrefore, we will carefully in systems design, equipment supply and installation of link check against the relevant standards aandards and standardized management in the countries involved in the project or industry standard specification for many, thecal stng techniques, acceptance criteria and other aspects of technical supervision and effective management. Fifth section, technibuilt drawings and test reports. We will submit to the next information: the design specification; P-ect is completed to provide ason process, we work according to attributes by hand the responsibility to implement. Regular progress reports; After the projtructirds, documents related to sending and receiving records, document management, document management, and so on. During the consct, project schedule, project budget, project design, construction and acceptance criterion, basis and standard, project recocontras for project documents implemented detailed and orderly management. Including: customer sources of raw materials, contract, sely with construction schedule management. Four, project document management project documents management system requirementrk clober and their approach to avoid unnecessary waste of labor, increased labor costs. That combination of management need to woion organization and management system during construction, the project managers, technicians, installers and engineer of numThree, arrange the whole project construct6 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 } } } void key_init() { tui_chu=0; shu_ru=0; shan_chu=0; gai_mi=0; guan_bi=0; que_ren=0; } void input_data()//输入密码 { if(ajflag==1) { while(ajflag==1) { ajflag=0; keyscan(); } if(wflag==1)ma10=num; if(wflag==2)ma11=num; if(wflag==3)ma12=num; if(wflag==4)ma13=num; if(wflag==5)ma14=num; if(wflag==6)ma15=num; } if(shan_chu==1)//删除输入的密码前一位 { while(shan_chu==1) { shan_chu=0; keyscan(); } if(wflag>0) { if(wflag==1)ma10=0; if(wflag==2)ma11=0; if(wflag==3)ma12=0; if(wflag==4)ma13=0; if(wflag==5)ma14=0; if(wflag==6)ma15=0; wflag--; 7 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 } } if(tui_chu==1) { while(tui_chu==1) { tui_chu=0; keyscan(); } key_init(); shu_ru_flag=0; wflag=0; yj1602_init();//液晶初始化 } } void xiu_gai_mi_ma()//修改密码 { uchar i; uchar error;//输入错误的次数,超过三次警报,锁死键盘 bit gai_ok1,gai_ok2;//可以改密码 keyscan(); if(gai_mi==1) //修改密码 { while(gai_mi==1) { gai_mi=0; keyscan(); } key_init(); wflag=0; ajflag=0; gai_flag=1;//修改密码按键按下的标志位 yj1602_init();//液晶初始化 } while(gai_flag==1) { keyscan(); //修改密码界面 yj1602_write_com(0x80); for(i=0;i<15;i++) //"Change Password";//修改密码 { yj1602_write_date(table5[i]); } yj1602_write_com(0x80+0x40); nd norcessrefore, we will carefully in systems design, equipment supply and installation of link check against the relevant standards ams so that the whole management is controlled. Sixth section, installation management systems engineering is a technical, proandards and standardized management in the countries involved in the project or industry standard specification for many, thecal stng techniques, acceptance criteria and other aspects of technical supervision and effective management. Fifth section, techniackaging, handling, transport, storage requirements and programmes; ... Wire specifications, installation requirements, testibuilt drawings and test reports. We will submit to the next information: the design specification; P-ect is completed to provide ason process, we work according to attributes by hand the responsibility to implement. Regular progress reports; After the projtructirds, documents related to sending and receiving records, document management, document management, and so on. During the consct, project schedule, project budget, project design, construction and acceptance criterion, basis and standard, project recocontras for project documents implemented detailed and orderly management. Including: customer sources of raw materials, contract, sely with construction schedule management. Four, project document management project documents management system requirementrk clober and their approach to avoid unnecessary waste of labor, increased labor costs. That combination of management need to woion organization and management system during construction, the project managers, technicians, installers and engineer of numThree, arrange the whole project construct8 智能密码锁语音留言门铃的设计 for(i=0;i<6;i++) //"input:";//输入 { yj1602_write_date(table2[i]); } //输入正确的密码 if(wflag<1)yj1602_write_date('-'); else yj1602_write_date('*'); if(wflag<2)yj1602_write_date('-'); else yj1602_write_date('*'); if(wflag<3)yj1602_write_date('-'); else yj1602_write_date('*'); if(wflag<4)yj1602_write_date('-'); else yj1602_write_date('*'); if(wflag<5)yj1602_write_date('-'); else yj1602_write_date('*'); if(wflag<6)yj1602_write_date('-'); else yj1602_write_date('*'); input_data();//ÊäÈëÃÜÂë if(que_ren==1) { while(que_ren==1) { que_ren=0; keyscan(); } if(wflag==6) { wflag=0; if((ma10==ma20)&&(ma11==ma21)&&(ma12==ma22)&&(ma13==ma23)&&(ma14==ma2 4)&&(ma15==ma25)) { beep=0;delay(300);beep=1; gai_ok1=1; gai_flag=0; error=0; yj1602_init();//液晶初始化 } else goto lp; } else//数据输入错误 { lp: error++; 9
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