

2017-09-21 12页 doc 144KB 246阅读




LED日光灯接线图、日光灯接线图及双管日光灯接线图LED日光灯接线图、日光灯接线图及双管日光灯接线图 日光灯是现代生活必备的家用电器,日光灯又分为LED和双管日光灯。对于日光灯接线图是很多人都想了解知道的。不同类型的日光灯接线图也不一样,本下面小编就来详细给大家介绍LED日光灯接线图、日光灯接线图、双管日光灯接线图。 LED日光灯接线图 LED日光灯光源采用高亮度LED,包括冷白、暖白和正白三种色温。LED日光灯与传统荧光灯相对比有以下优点: 1、节能:比传统荧光灯节电80%; 2、绿色环保:无紫外光、红外光等辐射,不含汞等有害物质,灯体回收无污染; 3、寿命长...
LED日光灯接线图、日光灯接线图及双管日光灯接线图 日光灯是现代生活必备的家用电器,日光灯又分为LED和双管日光灯。对于日光灯接线图是很多人都想了解知道的。不同类型的日光灯接线图也不一样,本下面小编就来详细给大家介绍LED日光灯接线图、日光灯接线图、双管日光灯接线图。 LED日光灯接线图 LED日光灯光源采用高亮度LED,包括冷白、暖白和正白三种色温。LED日光灯与传统荧光灯相对比有以下优点: 1、节能:比传统荧光灯节电80%; 2、绿色环保:无紫外光、红外光等辐射,不含汞等有害物质,灯体回收无污染; 3、寿命长:正常使用可达5万小时以上; 4、无频闪:LED恒流工作,有效减少LED光衰,启动快,无闪烁,保护眼睛; 5、安装简单, 安装时将原有的日光灯取下换上LED日光灯,并将镇流器和起辉器去掉,让220V交流市电直接加到LED日光灯两端即可。 日光灯接线图 filing. 3, the safety records should be complete in time, and continues to project completion. 4, project safety production management information system of the Ministry of health planning, implementation, c d improved checking and correction, a total of four volumes. Construction and environmental protection in other security measures, such as the first civilization construction and environmental management objectives and civilized construction objectives of civil strive to obtain "safe and civilized model site of Zhuhai city" title. Environmental management goal 1, noise, dust, wastewater discharge standards; reducing and controlling the generation of solid waste; 2, reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding environment, noise complaints decreased by 20%; 3, reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy, construction raw material usage below the standards set by the State, average savings rate of 1% the following three materials. Section II project the civilization construct management system to establish a sound and civilized construction system, at all levels and all departments effective implementation of responsibility system for civil construction, ensure the goal of civilization. Ordinal system name 1 education system extensively and civilized construction management education, improve the overall construction initiative, ideology, so that workers form a building 上图是一幅日光灯接线图。日光灯的基本构造正如我们在导读中为大家介绍的。从这幅日光灯接线图中我们大致可以了解日光灯工作原理:当电流通过灯丝时,灯丝会发射电子,管内温度也随之升高,汞开始蒸发。灯管两头的电压又使氩气电离,从氩气放电转移到汞蒸气放电,而荧光粉的作用就是改变灯光的颜色。灯管外部还装有镇流器、启辉器和电容器。它们的作用分别是限制电流、自动闭合两电极和改善线路的功率因数。 双管日光灯接线图 上图是一幅双管日光灯接线图,大体是电子镇流器。是不是一个镇流器有六根线,如果是的话,接线方法如下:把两个镇流器进线也就是红线并联接好,每个镇流器余下4个接头,(这就是一根灯管的灯脚接线)一般是塑料平行线,每根平行线的两个线头接灯管一边的两个灯脚。 filing. 3, the safety records should be complete in time, and continues to project completion. 4, project safety production management information system of the Ministry of health planning, implementation, c d improved checking and correction, a total of four volumes. Construction and environmental protection in other security measures, such as the first civilization construction and environmental management objectives and civilized construction objectives of civil strive to obtain "safe and civilized model site of Zhuhai city" title. Environmental management goal 1, noise, dust, wastewater discharge standards; reducing and controlling the generation of solid waste; 2, reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding environment, noise complaints decreased by 20%; 3, reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy, construction raw material usage below the standards set by the State, average savings rate of 1% the following three materials. Section II project the civilization construct management system to establish a sound and civilized construction system, at all levels and all departments effective implementation of responsibility system for civil construction, ensure the goal of civilization. Ordinal system name 1 education system extensively and civilized construction management education, improve the overall construction initiative, ideology, so that workers form a building 小编总结:以上就是小编今天提供给大家关于LED日光灯接线图、日光灯接线图、双管日光灯接线图的相关小知识,如果大家有对日光灯接线图不了解的可相应参考本文,希望对大家有帮助。 日光灯是如何工作的,在日光灯电路中,电流从插头的左侧插脚开始,流经整流器、灯管的一根灯丝、启辉器中闭合的开关和灯管中的另一根灯丝,最后从插头的右侧插脚流出。电流会加热日光灯管两端的两个小元件,然后启辉器打开使电流通过日光灯。 整流器是一个磁性线圈,用于调节流过灯管的电流。启辉器打开时会使一个电弧浪涌通过灯管,随后在灯管发光之后,启辉器将保持电流以正确的速度流过。在大多数日光灯中,启辉器都是一个自动开关,当它检测到灯管发光时,它会一直处于断开状态,只要断开灯具电源,启辉器将关闭。 filing. 3, the safety records should be complete in time, and continues to project completion. 4, project safety production management information system of the Ministry of health planning, implementation, c d improved checking and correction, a total of four volumes. Construction and environmental protection in other security measures, such as the first civilization construction and environmental management objectives and civilized construction objectives of civil strive to obtain "safe and civilized model site of Zhuhai city" title. Environmental management goal 1, noise, dust, wastewater discharge standards; reducing and controlling the generation of solid waste; 2, reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding environment, noise complaints decreased by 20%; 3, reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy, construction raw material usage below the standards set by the State, average savings rate of 1% the following three materials. Section II project the civilization construct management system to establish a sound and civilized construction system, at all levels and all departments effective implementation of responsibility system for civil construction, ensure the goal of civilization. Ordinal system name 1 education system extensively and civilized construction management education, improve the overall construction initiative, ideology, so that workers form a building 许多日光灯包含多支灯管,以提供更好的照明。这些日光灯必须为每根灯管配备单独的整流器和启辉器。灯具看起来可能是两根灯管共用一个整流器,但实际上可能是两个整流器内置在一个盒子中。同样,包含四根灯管的灯具则配有四个启辉器和四个整流器,在某些类型的灯具中,启辉器是内置的不能单独跟换。 由于日光灯只有三个主要部件,因此有你自己就可以完成所有维修更换,所有日光灯都会随着时间流逝逐渐变暗,并且可能闪烁或忽明忽暗,这些都是警告信号,当你注意到日光灯上的正常性能发生任何变化后,就应该立刻进行必要的维修,变暗的灯管通常需要更换,如果不更换灯管则可能导致灯具的其它部件损坏,同样,不断忽闪忽暗的会消耗启辉器,从而导致启辉器的绝缘层老化。 如果灯管没有故障,请尝试更换启辉器,日光灯启辉器按功率分级,因此针对灯具中灯管使用正确的启辉器至关重要。拆下旧的启辉器的方法与拆下旧的灯管的方法相同,通过转动其拿出灯具灯座,安装启辉器时,只要将其插入插座并转动以锁定到位即可。 filing. 3, the safety records should be complete in time, and continues to project completion. 4, project safety production management information system of the Ministry of health planning, implementation, c d improved checking and correction, a total of four volumes. Construction and environmental protection in other security measures, such as the first civilization construction and environmental management objectives and civilized construction objectives of civil strive to obtain "safe and civilized model site of Zhuhai city" title. Environmental management goal 1, noise, dust, wastewater discharge standards; reducing and controlling the generation of solid waste; 2, reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding environment, noise complaints decreased by 20%; 3, reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy, construction raw material usage below the standards set by the State, average savings rate of 1% the following three materials. Section II project the civilization construct management system to establish a sound and civilized construction system, at all levels and all departments effective implementation of responsibility system for civil construction, ensure the goal of civilization. Ordinal system name 1 education system extensively and civilized construction management education, improve the overall construction initiative, ideology, so that workers form a building 整流器也是根据功率分级,与备用的启辉器一样,备用的整流器必须与灯管的功率灯具的类型相匹配。整流器是发生故障可能性最小的部件并且也是最难更换,因此在开始更换部件时请将整流器留在最后,如果灯管和启辉器都没故障,则问题一定出在整流器,要更换故障的整流器,请先将电路断电,拆开灯具,然后把电线从旧整流器转换至新整流器,(每次一根以免错误)最后从新组装灯具。如果灯管、启辉器、灯管全部正常,但日光灯仍然不亮,那么请检查开关是否有故障,如果日光灯由墙壁开关控制,请更换开关,这将在下一部分说明。如果日光灯使用按钮开关,那你可以使用相同类型的新开关替换旧开关。在对开关进行操作前要先使电路断电,请先拆下保险丝或断开断路器。 接线方法 filing. 3, the safety records should be complete in time, and continues to project completion. 4, project safety production management information system of the Ministry of health planning, implementation, c d improved checking and correction, a total of four volumes. Construction and environmental protection in other security measures, such as the first civilization construction and environmental management objectives and civilized construction objectives of civil strive to obtain "safe and civilized model site of Zhuhai city" title. Environmental management goal 1, noise, dust, wastewater discharge standards; reducing and controlling the generation of solid waste; 2, reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding environment, noise complaints decreased by 20%; 3, reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy, construction raw material usage below the standards set by the State, average savings rate of 1% the following three materials. Section II project the civilization construct management system to establish a sound and civilized construction system, at all levels and all departments effective implementation of responsibility system for civil construction, ensure the goal of civilization. Ordinal system name 1 education system extensively and civilized construction management education, improve the overall construction initiative, ideology, so that workers form a building filing. 3, the safety records should be complete in time, and continues to project completion. 4, project safety production management information system of the Ministry of health planning, implementation, c d improved checking and correction, a total of four volumes. Construction and environmental protection in other security measures, such as the first civilization construction and environmental management objectives and civilized construction objectives of civil strive to obtain "safe and civilized model site of Zhuhai city" title. Environmental management goal 1, noise, dust, wastewater discharge standards; reducing and controlling the generation of solid waste; 2, reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding environment, noise complaints decreased by 20%; 3, reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy, construction raw material usage below the standards set by the State, average savings rate of 1% the following three materials. Section II project the civilization construct management system to establish a sound and civilized construction system, at all levels and all departments effective implementation of responsibility system for civil construction, ensure the goal of civilization. Ordinal system name 1 education system extensively and civilized construction management education, improve the overall construction initiative, ideology, so that workers form a building
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