
【日淘教程】日本亚马逊海淘购物 日本转运公司超详细图文攻略

2018-01-10 32页 doc 1MB 14阅读




【日淘教程】日本亚马逊海淘购物 日本转运公司超详细图文攻略【日淘教程】日本亚马逊海淘购物 日本转运公司超详细图文攻略 1、海外购物网站注册; 2、注册转运公司,拿到自己的海外转运仓库地址,如果海外购物网站支持免费直运到中国,则不需要转运公司,可跳过此环节,; 3、到海外购物网站上挑选商品,加入购物车; 4、全部挑选完毕,确认数量及金额,直接check out; 5、输入转运公司提供的代收地址和收货人名,如果海外购物网站支持免费直运到中国,则可直接填写国内的收件地址和收件人信息,; 6、输入信用卡账单地址,卡号,姓名,有效期限; 7、购物成功; 8、过几个小时后收到海外...
【日淘教程】日本亚马逊海淘购物 日本转运公司超详细图文攻略
【日淘教程】日本亚马逊海淘购物 日本转运公司超详细图文攻略 1、海外购物网站注册; 2、注册转运公司,拿到自己的海外转运仓库地址,如果海外购物网站支持免费直运到中国,则不需要转运公司,可跳过此环节,; 3、到海外购物网站上挑选商品,加入购物车; 4、全部挑选完毕,确认数量及金额,直接check out; 5、输入转运公司提供的代收地址和收货人名,如果海外购物网站支持免费直运到中国,则可直接填写国内的收件地址和收件人信息,; 6、输入信用卡账单地址,卡号,姓名,有效期限; 7、购物成功; 8、过几个小时后收到海外购物网站的扣款短信; 9、海外购物网站发货;+J 10、转运公司代收仓库收到包裹,支付转运费并提交转运回国内的发货指令,如果海外购物网站支持免费直运到中国,跳过此环节,; 11、转运公司发货,一般7-15天后到达,如果海外购物网站支持免费直运到中国,跳过此环节,; 12、快递送货上门 Ke station a level 75275 Simon station two level 11333 South door station level 16650 Creek station two level 6000 gold hung station two level 15000 Pro Hong Kong station level 64870 Figure 3.1-1 Yibin city main highway passenger station distribution schematic (4) Highway freight station distribution according to information displayed, Yibin City status only has 2 a three level LTL Terminal, respectively for nine home village Terminal and 【日淘教程】日本亚马逊海淘购物&日本转运公司超详细图文攻略 虽然国外商品很诱人,但新手可能觉得在海外购物,语言不通看不懂@@!货币不同@@!距离又这么远@@!根本是遥不可及的事情!其实比想象得简单得多~你需要准备的就是一张支持双币的信用卡,visa或者master都行;另外因为海外电商大多数不支持直接寄到中国,所以需要有家转运公司帮你接收电商的包裹再将包裹代发寄到中国来。 现在以最快速的日淘为例主要流程大致说一下:?先注册一个日本转运公司(中文界面)的帐号,得到转运公司提供的收货地址;?在日本亚马逊购物(下文简称日亚)并寄到转运公司提供的收货地址;?登录转运公司网站设置好自己的收货地址并充值运费?等待收货。 =========================华丽的分页符========================= Ke station a level 75275 Simon station two level 11333 South door station level 16650 Creek station two level 6000 gold hung station two level 15000 Pro Hong Kong station level 64870 Figure 3.1-1 Yibin city main highway passenger station distribution schematic (4) Highway freight station distribution according to information displayed, Yibin City status only has 2 a three level LTL Terminal, respectively for nine home village Terminal and 日淘第一步:注册一个日本转运公司帐号,获得日本收货地址 楼主使用的是日本四通转运 ,他家支持多种发货渠道,除了基本的EMS渠道,还有性价比高的SAL航空(空气净化器,PS4,IH电饭锅等合适),也有最实惠的海运(寄纸尿裤、书籍等重物最划算,但是速度比较慢一两个月),中文界面和在线客服在使用上会比较方便。另外注意包裹最重不超过30KG,超过是运输不了的,我个朋友想在日亚买个电子琴,50多KG~~汗,必须运不了~。详细的运输条例注意事项可以登录四通官网查询,楼主就不一一说明了,特别说明的是易燃易爆危险有毒品是禁止运输的,买前一定要了解清楚了,免得麻烦~ ?这里输入注册信息 Ke station a level 75275 Simon station two level 11333 South door station level 16650 Creek station two level 6000 gold hung st3 ation two level 15000 Pro Hong Kong station level 64870 Figure 3.1-1 Yibin city main highway passenger station distribution schematic (4) Highway freight station distribution according to information displayed, Yibin City status only has 2 a three level LTL Terminal, respectively for nine home village Terminal and ?注意这里所填发货人地址并不是收货地址,收货地址会在后面设置。 ?在“仓库地址”里可以看到详细的日本收货地址,在日亚购物时复制就可以了 Ke station a level 75275 Simon station two level 11333 South door station level 16650 Creek station two level 6000 gold hung station two level 15000 Pro Hong Kong station level 64870 Figure 3.1-1 Yibin city main highway passenger station distribution schematic (4) Highway freight station distribution according to information displayed, Yibin City status only has 2 a three level LTL Terminal, respectively for nine home village Terminal and 日淘第二步:在日亚购物并寄到四通转运给出的收货地址 输入日本亚马逊网址:www.amazon.co.jp , 如果速度慢可以用代理服务器访问,推荐chorme 浏览器,还支持网页翻译,不明白的请度娘一下~ ?日本亚马逊首页,操作简单,对国内信用卡支持良好,日淘入门推荐: Ke station a level 75275 Simon station two level 11333 South door station level 16650 Creek station two level 6000 gold hung st5 ation two level 15000 Pro Hong Kong station level 64870 Figure 3.1-1 Yibin city main highway passenger station distribution schematic (4) Highway freight station distribution according to information displayed, Yibin City status only has 2 a three level LTL Terminal, respectively for nine home village Terminal and ?这里是登录界面,如果没有帐号先注册新帐号 Ke station a level 75275 Simon station two level 11333 South door station level 16650 Creek station two level 6000 gold hung station two level 15000 Pro Hong Kong station level 64870 Figure 3.1-1 Yibin city main highway passenger station distribution schematic (4) Highway freight station distribution according to information displayed, Yibin City status only has 2 a three level LTL Terminal, respectively for nine home village Terminal and ?这里是日文片假名转换 ?注册后点击回到首页,在搜索栏搜索商品 Ke station a level 75275 Simon station two level 11333 South door station level 16650 Creek station two level 6000 gold hung st7 ation two level 15000 Pro Hong Kong station level 64870 Figure 3.1-1 Yibin city main highway passenger station distribution schematic (4) Highway freight station distribution according to information displayed, Yibin City status only has 2 a three level LTL Terminal, respectively for nine home village Terminal and ?搜索的结果 ?点击进去是商品详情 Ke station a level 75275 Simon station two level 11333 South door station level 16650 Creek station two level 6000 gold hung station two level 15000 Pro Hong Kong station level 64870 Figure 3.1-1 Yibin city main highway passenger station distribution schematic (4) Highway freight station distribution according to information displayed, Yibin City status only has 2 a three level LTL Terminal, respectively for nine home village Terminal and ?页面右边选择购买数量,然后加入购物车 ?加入购物车后日亚会向你确认购买信息 Ke station a level 75275 Simon station two level 11333 South door station level 16650 Creek station two level 6000 gold hung st9 ation two level 15000 Pro Hong Kong station level 64870 Figure 3.1-1 Yibin city main highway passenger station distribution schematic (4) Highway freight station distribution according to information displayed, Yibin City status only has 2 a three level LTL Terminal, respectively for nine home village Terminal and ?这里是填写收货地址,也就是转运给出的收货地址,第一次需要填写,添加地址以后购物就 直接选择该地址就行了(但也要经常留意转运有没有变更收货地址,如果变更日亚的地址也要 随之更改) ?这里是选择快递,选择“通常配送”即可,不要想占小便宜试用30天收年费快递,往往记不Ke station a level 75275 Simon station two level 11333 South door station level 16650 Creek station two level 6000 gold hung station two level 15000 Pro Hong Kong station level 64870 Figure 3.1-1 Yibin city main highway passenger station distribution schematic (4) Highway freight station distribution according to information displayed, Yibin City status only has 2 a three level LTL Terminal, respectively for nine home village Terminal and 得取消而被自动扣除年费~ ?这里是输入信用卡信息,要注意的是日亚是不需要支付密码的,商品即将发货会自动扣款。 ?录入信用卡信息后日亚会再次向你确认 Ke station a level 75275 Simon station two level 11333 South door station level 16650 Creek station two level 6000 gold hung st11 ation two level 15000 Pro Hong Kong station level 64870 Figure 3.1-1 Yibin city main highway passenger station distribution schematic (4) Highway freight station distribution according to information displayed, Yibin City status only has 2 a three level LTL Terminal, respectively for nine home village Terminal and ?之后日亚又会让你体验收年费快递服务,不要理会,直接选择右下角的“登录” ?这是订单最后一步,再次确认订单信息、收货地址、总价等,不要弄错了~ Ke station a level 75275 Simon station two level 11333 South door station level 16650 Creek station two level 6000 gold hung station two level 15000 Pro Hong Kong station level 64870 Figure 3.1-1 Yibin city main highway passenger station distribution schematic (4) Highway freight station distribution according to information displayed, Yibin City status only has 2 a three level LTL Terminal, respectively for nine home village Terminal and ?提交后显示订单成功,注文番号就是订单编号,并不是快递单号,要注意 ?要查询订单情况可在首页点击(因为要获取快递单号,之后要用到) Ke station a level 75275 Simon station two level 11333 South door station level 16650 Creek station two level 6000 gold hung st13 ation two level 15000 Pro Hong Kong station level 64870 Figure 3.1-1 Yibin city main highway passenger station distribution schematic (4) Highway freight station distribution according to information displayed, Yibin City status only has 2 a three level LTL Terminal, respectively for nine home village Terminal and ?这里是订单详情,如果日亚发货了,会在这里提供快递单号,有了快递单号,就可以登录转 运进行“包裹预报”,这样发货速度更快一些 ?如果买错或者不想买了在日亚没发货的情况下可以取消订单,选择取消理由 Ke station a level 75275 Simon station two level 11333 South door station level 16650 Creek station two level 6000 gold hung station two level 15000 Pro Hong Kong station level 64870 Figure 3.1-1 Yibin city main highway passenger station distribution schematic (4) Highway freight station distribution according to information displayed, Yibin City status only has 2 a three level LTL Terminal, respectively for nine home village Terminal and ?这里提示订单已经取消 日淘第三步:回到转运登记包裹信息提交订单并充值,等待发货到中国 楼主订购了一台SHARP的空气净化器,国内的空气大家都懂的,空气净化器现在绝对是日淘的 大热门,很多海淘买家一起分享使用心得,而且日本销售的型号国内是没有销售的,比国内先 Ke station a level 75275 Simon station two level 11333 South door station level 16650 Creek station two level 6000 gold hung st15 ation two level 15000 Pro Hong Kong station level 64870 Figure 3.1-1 Yibin city main highway passenger station distribution schematic (4) Highway freight station distribution according to information displayed, Yibin City status only has 2 a three level LTL Terminal, respectively for nine home village Terminal and 进一两代的水平,国内销售的某种意义上可以说是日本淘汰的型号(悲催)~ 关于发货特别说明一下,对于只有一个包裹的(比如楼主只买了一台空气净化器),可以选择原箱闪运,预先填好相关信息,再充值足够余额,转运收到货后会优先处理闪运订单,不用你再反复登录核实订单,比较方便。需要注意金额要预存多一些的余额,因为日亚标识的发货重量一般比实际都要轻。比如这台净化器,日亚标识是10KG的发货重量,建议按照10.5KG估算,这样就不会因为余额不足导致无法及时发货。 注意:不是原箱的,也就是说需要合箱或者分箱的,不能使用原箱闪运,之后会教大家如何使用合箱发货。 ?首先刚注册的会员需要添加收货地址,如下图 ?在“物流管理”>“原箱闪运”里面预报原箱闪运订单。如下图: Ke station a level 75275 Simon station two level 11333 South door station level 16650 Creek station two level 6000 gold hung station two level 15000 Pro Hong Kong station level 64870 Figure 3.1-1 Yibin city main highway passenger station distribution schematic (4) Highway freight station distribution according to information displayed, Yibin City status only has 2 a three level LTL Terminal, respectively for nine home village Terminal and ?点击生成运单后,如果账户没有余额系统会提示,接着就要使用支付宝充值 Ke station a level 75275 Simon station two level 11333 South door station level 16650 Creek station two level 6000 gold hung st17 ation two level 15000 Pro Hong Kong station level 64870 Figure 3.1-1 Yibin city main highway passenger station distribution schematic (4) Highway freight station distribution according to information displayed, Yibin City status only has 2 a three level LTL Terminal, respectively for nine home village Terminal and ?然后回到会员中心“财务管理>在线充值”,对刚才计算出的运费进行人民币划算,例如刚才是8569.9日元,那么换算成人民币为8568.9*0.062=531.28元人民币,那么就充值532元人民币(为了保险起见,建议充值550元人民币,多余的运费可以留到下次使用也可以提出但要收取少额手续费) ?点击确认充值后就跳转到熟悉的支付宝页面,完成充值即可 Ke station a level 75275 Simon station two level 11333 South door station level 16650 Creek station two level 6000 gold hung station two level 15000 Pro Hong Kong station level 64870 Figure 3.1-1 Yibin city main highway passenger station distribution schematic (4) Highway freight station distribution according to information displayed, Yibin City status only has 2 a three level LTL Terminal, respectively for nine home village Terminal and ?充值后订单已经生成,然后就可以等待工作人员操作发货了,自己也不用等反复登录查看订 单状态,这是原箱闪运的好处。 ?等包裹发货了会在“我的运单”看到国际快递单号,然后就可以追踪包裹进度了。跟国内快 递一样。 Ke station a level 75275 Simon station two level 11333 South door station level 16650 Creek station two level 6000 gold hung st19 ation two level 15000 Pro Hong Kong station level 64870 Figure 3.1-1 Yibin city main highway passenger station distribution schematic (4) Highway freight station distribution according to information displayed, Yibin City status only has 2 a three level LTL Terminal, respectively for nine home village Terminal and 以上就是原箱闪运的流程,是不是很简单~~ 下面说说合箱发货,有时会买好几样东西(日亚很奇怪,就算是同一个订单里的几样商品,经常会分几个包裹发货,难道日亚不考虑成本的吗,),想节省运费合成一个包裹,就要选择合箱发货, ?第一步,根据日亚提供的快递单号,到转运做包裹预报,这样入库速度会更快些,例如2个包裹就要做2个预报 ?做了包裹预报后可以查询包裹情况,等待转运仓库接收包裹并入库称重 Ke station a level 75275 Simon station two level 11333 South door station level 16650 Creek station two level 6000 gold hung station two level 15000 Pro Hong Kong station level 64870 Figure 3.1-1 Yibin city main highway passenger station distribution schematic (4) Highway freight station distribution according to information displayed, Yibin City status only has 2 a three level LTL Terminal, respectively for nine home village Terminal and ?仓库入库称重后,在“包裹管理”里可以查看包裹情况,这时就可以对包裹进行操作了,我 们在这里是要将2个包裹合箱成1个包裹发货,所以选择的是“合箱发货”:将2个包裹勾选后 点击“合箱发货” ?之后是按照要求填写订单情况,选择发货渠道等,一共四步,生成订单后要充值足够余额, 之后就等仓库根据订单要求打包发货。 Ke station a level 75275 Simon station two level 11333 South door station level 16650 Creek station two level 6000 gold hung st21 ation two level 15000 Pro Hong Kong station level 64870 Figure 3.1-1 Yibin city main highway passenger station distribution schematic (4) Highway freight station distribution according to information displayed, Yibin City status only has 2 a three level LTL Terminal, respectively for nine home village Terminal and Ke station a level 75275 Simon station two level 11333 South door station level 16650 Creek station two level 6000 gold hung station two level 15000 Pro Hong Kong station level 64870 Figure 3.1-1 Yibin city main highway passenger station distribution schematic (4) Highway freight station distribution according to information displayed, Yibin City status only has 2 a three level LTL Terminal, respectively for nine home village Terminal and ?转运发货后,在“我的运单”里可以看到国际快递单号,这样订单算是完成了,剩下的就是 在家等待收货了~ 如何查询国际包裹: ?需要注意的是如果包裹未到达中国,在中国的邮政网是查询不到包裹进度的,必须在日本邮 Ke station a level 75275 Simon station two level 11333 South door station level 16650 Creek station two level 6000 gold hung st23 ation two level 15000 Pro Hong Kong station level 64870 Figure 3.1-1 Yibin city main highway passenger station distribution schematic (4) Highway freight station distribution according to information displayed, Yibin City status only has 2 a three level LTL Terminal, respectively for nine home village Terminal and 政官网查询,如下图 ?这里举例说明: Ke station a level 75275 Simon station two level 11333 South door station level 16650 Creek station two level 6000 gold hung station two level 15000 Pro Hong Kong station level 64870 Figure 3.1-1 Yibin city main highway passenger station distribution schematic (4) Highway freight station distribution according to information displayed, Yibin City status only has 2 a three level LTL Terminal, respectively for nine home village Terminal and ?包裹到达中国后即可在中国查询进度了,非常方便。 以上就是日淘的全部基本流程了,楼主应该是写的够详细的了,刚开始接触日淘的淘友,按照 流程一步步走就行了,淘过一次,基本就熟悉了, Ke station a level 75275 Simon station two level 11333 South door station level 16650 Creek station two level 6000 gold hung st25 ation two level 15000 Pro Hong Kong station level 64870 Figure 3.1-1 Yibin city main highway passenger station distribution schematic (4) Highway freight station distribution according to information displayed, Yibin City status only has 2 a three level LTL Terminal, respectively for nine home village Terminal and
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