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银联在线支付平台方案银联在线支付平台方案 银联在线支付平台方案 protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, ...
银联在线支付平台方案 银联在线支付平台方案 protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of 一、平台概述 随着互联网技术的蓬勃发展,其高效、廉价、方便及无地域限制的特点已为众人所认同,越来越多的商家正是看到了其中的无限商机,纷纷开设网上商店。但是在资金的结算上始终是一个瓶颈,阻碍着网上交易的实现。中国银联电子支付有限公司(简称ChinaPay)作为中国银联的网络方面军,拥有中国银联的统一支付网关,其专业产品OneLinkPay解决了网上银行卡的支付问。 OneLinkPay主要针对网上支付系统而设计,采用了先进的安全数据加密技术,可以同时为商户提供安全有效的网络连接,支持多种操作平台和支付工具。 二、操作流程 1、消费者浏览商户网站,选购商品,放入购物车,进入收银台; 2、网上商户根据购物车内容,生成付款单,并调用ChinaPay支付网关商户端接口插件对付款单进行数字签名; 3、网上商户将付款单和商户对该付款单的数字签名一起交消费者确认; 4、一旦消费者确认支付,则该付款单和商户对该付款单的数字签名将自动转发至ChinaPay支付网关; 5、支付网关验证该付款单的商户身份及数据一致性,生成支付页面显示给消费者,同时在消费者浏览器与支付网关之间建立SSL连接; 6、消费者填写银行卡卡号、密码和有效期(适合信用卡),通过支付页面将支付信息加密后提交支付网关; 7、支付网关验证交易数据后,按照银行卡交换中心的要求组装消费交易,并通过硬件加密机加密后提交银行卡网络中心; 8、银行卡交换中心根据支付银行卡信息将交易请求路由到消费者发卡银行,银行系统进行交易处理后将交易结果返回到银行卡交换中心; 9、银行卡交换中心将支付结果回传到ChinaPay支付网关; protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of 银联电子支付服务有限公司 在线支付 10、支付网关验证交易应答,并进行数字签名后,发送给商户,同时向消费者显示支付结 11、商户接收交易应答报文,并根据交易状态码进行后续处理。 三、支付平台特点 , 一次性连接多家商业银行和金融机构,支持我国主要商业银行发行的各类银 行卡种; , 针对不同的业务模式,可度身设计支付结算方案,适用于电子商务支付业务; , 支持交易加密验证、转发、对帐、查询等功能,方便商户快速入网、交易监 控及事后处理; 四、技术说明 NetPayClient是一个安装在ChinaPay商户会员侧的应用编程接口函数库(API LIB)。 它与商户网上柜面系统相集成,实现消费者、商户和银行间的网上安全支付。提供如下功能: , 商户对订单进行数字签名 , 验证交易应答 , 按订单号查询交易 , 按交易日期和时间段查询交易 , 对交易明细 , 对交易总账 五、运行环境 商户可根据自己的实际情况,选用合适的开发平台和运行平台,我们将提供配套的NetPayClient版本。 目前支持的商户平台和开发工具为: , Microsoft Windows9x , Microsoft Windows/NT , Windows 2000 Server/Advanced Server , HP-UX 10.20以上 , Linux(Red Hat 6.1)以上 , IBM AIX 4.3以上 , Sun Solaris , Free BSD , Microsoft ASP , Microsoft ISAPI protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or dest ruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of , CGI(Common Gateway Interface) , Java Service Page , Servlet , JAVA 2 , PHP 六、支持的交易品种 , 网上消费 , 商户单笔交易查询 , 商户多笔交易查询 , 商户对帐 七、支持的交易应答发送方式 1. 实时 -收到银行应答后,首先向商户发送交易应答: , 如发送成功,系统则向消费者发送交易应答。 , 如发送失败且交易结果也为“失败”,则向消费者发送交易应答,并定时向 商户重发交易应答。 , 如发送失败且交易结果为“成功”,系统将自动产生退货交易,如退货成功, 则将交易结果改为“失败”,否则交易结果保持不变,然后向消费者发送交 易应答,并定时向商户重发交易应答。 2. 非实时 – 系统收到银行应答后,首先向商户发送交易应答,然后向消费者 发送交易应答。 如向商户发送交易应答失败,系统将定时向商户重发交易应 答。 3. 转商户 – 系统收到银行应答后,将消费者连接转向商户并以参数方式传递 交易应答, 然后由商户向消费者显示交易应答。如连接转接失败,系统将定 时向商户重发交易应答。 八、支持的发送报文有: 4. 明文 - 商户与ChinaPay间采用HTTP协议 5. 密文 - 商户与ChinaPay间采用数字信封方式 6. SSL - 商户与ChinaPay间采用HTTPS协议 protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of 银联电子支付服务有限公司 在线支付 九、如何开通 签订《网上银行卡支付接入服务协议》,填写《加入网关登记 》并支付相关费用 提交营业执照正本复印件及组织机构代码证复印件 更新购物页面和查询页面并获取商户端软件 安装软件,与ChinaPay进行系统调试 开通使用网上银行卡支付功能 十、联网银行 银行 支持范围 受理卡种 中国工商银行 全国 牡丹信用卡、牡丹灵通卡、牡丹贷记卡 中国农业银行 金穗借记卡、金穗信用卡 全国 中国银行 上海、广东 长城信用卡(上海、广东除深圳) 、 长城借记卡(上海、广州) 中国建设银行 全国 龙卡信用卡、龙卡借记卡 交通银行 全国 太平洋借记卡、太平洋信用卡 招商银行 全国 一卡通借记卡、招行信用卡 中国光大银行 全国 阳光借记卡 中信实业银行 全国 理财宝借记卡 中国民生银行 全国 民生借记卡 protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of 深圳发展银行 全国 发展借记卡 华夏银行 全国 华夏借记卡 广东发展银行 全国 理财通、一户通卡、广发信用卡 浦东发展银行 全国 东方信用卡、东方借记卡 兴业银行 全国 兴业借记卡 北京商业银行 北京 京卡 上海市农村信用合作上海 如意借记卡 社联合社 顺德农村信用合作社 全国 广州市商业银行 广州 羊城万事顺卡 广州市农村信用社合广州 麒麟借记卡 作联合社 温州市商业银行 温州 金鹿卡 邮政储蓄局 全国 邮政绿卡 VISA 全球 十一、重要客户 航空 东方航空 上海航空 南方航空 四川航空 春秋航空 旅游 GTA ELONG 携程 春秋国旅 锦江国旅 锦江之星 如家 汉庭 拍卖 亿贝易趣 网络游戏 网易 盛大 腾讯QQ 九城 光通 米果 目标 制造业 DELL 松下电器 夏新电子 大众汽车 OKWAP 保险 友邦保险 安联大众 太平人寿 票务 F1 大师杯 东方艺术中心 联合院线 美亚在线 东美航空 电信 中国电信 中国网通 中国移动 中国联通 门户网站 上海热线 东方网 263在线 搜狐 电视购物 东方CJ 橡果国际 TVSN 七星电视 友友电视 政府机关 市民信箱 希望工程 美国领事馆 上海职业能力考试院 搜索引擎 百度 Google 十二、费用 1(商户端软件费: 4000元(一次性收费) 2(ChinaPay会员年费: 3000元/年 每笔交易手续费: 1.8%,单笔最低0.2元 protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of
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