

2017-10-15 12页 doc 40KB 31阅读




教育的根本任务是育人教育的根本任务是育人 任何人类的活动都离不开理念的指导或影响,我们的教育也不例外。新的教育教学理论我们时时在学,而2012年7月,我参加的北京师范大学高中骨干教师高级研修培训活动则是一次课改下新理念的洗礼,各位专家的讲座,使我受益颇多,感受颇多,启迪也颇多,它使我明白了教育的根本任务,并且为我怎样成为一名好老师指明的方向。下面我把自己的一些反思说出来,以共勉。 一、我们是在办学还是在办教育, 以往我们听到的讲座,大多是怎样提高教育教学质量,把提高升学率当作教育的重要目的,而此次各位专家们从不同的角度强调了学校教育所肩负的...
教育的根本任务是育人 任何人类的活动都离不开理念的指导或影响,我们的教育也不例外。新的教育教学理论我们时时在学,而2012年7月,我参加的北京师范大学高中骨干教师高级研修活动则是一次课改下新理念的洗礼,各位专家的讲座,使我受益颇多,感受颇多,启迪也颇多,它使我明白了教育的根本任务,并且为我怎样成为一名好老师指明的方向。下面我把自己的一些反思说出来,以共勉。 一、我们是在办学还是在办教育, 以往我们听到的讲座,大多是怎样提高教育教学质量,把提高升学率当作教育的重要目的,而此次各位专家们从不同的角度强调了学校教育所肩负的时代重任——育人。 回顾我们的教学历程,我们教育方向的贯彻到位如何?我们 的教育目的落实正确与否?我们培养了怎样的人才?我们的教育 为什么会让一些学生逃离学校,远离亲人,被社会抛弃?各位专家 多次强调的“钱学森之问”更是振聋发聩~我们的教育怎么了, 教育方向偏差,我们大多重视智育的教育,却忽视德育的培养。 教育工作者习惯于传统的教育方式——搬运式,捆绑式方法而忽 视了学生的智慧与需求。教学过程中注重学生共性的培养而忽视 了学生个性差异的存在。教学管理者重视别人经验,重模式化, 大众化,而忽视了教师个体体验,缺乏对独立思考,与众不同者 的赏识。教育改革者的功利主义取向。等等问题,成为当前我们 教育之痛,值得我们每一个人深深反思~ poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 从注重培养人的才识到注重培养人的品德;从注重培养优秀人才到注重培养合格公民;从注重培养全民的科学文化知识到注重培养全民的思想道德文化素养等等,这一切真正揭开了教育的庐山真面目,我们为此欣喜,激动。是的,我们常常感慨学生的高分数低素质,公民道德的沦丧等等不良的社会现象,也许,正是我们对教育的理解认识的偏差所致。注重学识,忽视品德,远离了教育的本质所在。正如教育部基础教育司德育工作处原处长孙学策教授所言“教书育人——教书是手段,是途经,育人才是教育的终极目的。”北京师范大学教育学部教授博士生导师肖川对学校教育的诠释是:学校是一种社会机构,学校的文化精神决定着他的品质,学校就应该笑声朗朗,书声琅琅,歌声朗朗。校园生活应成为每一个人终身美好记忆的巨大源泉。学校教育不是通向人上人的阶梯,而是通向完美人生的路径~学校教育不仅要为学生升学服务,也要对其终生幸福负责,要对学生的幸福人生奠定一个坚实的基础。教育的真正目的应该是完整的人的成全。因此,我们特别需要生命教育~ 二、教育是教师的孤军奋战, 家庭,学校,社会是学生生活的三大空间,三者的环境,尤其是文化环境深深影响着孩子的成长和发展。因此,良好的教育是家庭,学校,社会合作的杰作。北京大学教育文化战略研究所所长,学校文化发展战略研修首席教授王继华老师说:“人是环境物化出来的”,由此,足见环境对孩子成长影响之大。我们的教育只关注校园环境的干净,清雅,礼仪,而忽视了家庭和社会环境,我们的孩子恰恰失足poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 在家庭和社会坏境中。试想一想,我们的学生一系列道德问题的出现乃至青少年犯罪,那个不是因为家庭、社会环境造成的。不同的家庭,家长的素养在很大程度影响着孩子的成长。家长的爱好兴趣,待人接物方式,思考问题的方式,及语言表达方式耳濡目染,无时不在影响着孩子的习惯形成。而一个好的社会坏境,应是个人自由,社会公正,政治民主的大环境。为此,肖川教授强调:“教育不仅要开发学生谋生与自主的能力,教育也需要为一个民主,自由,公正文明的社会服务。”当然,学生家庭环境的改善,社会大环境的提升并非我们一人所能。但是,我们可以从我做起,立足本职,尽我所能,做一个合格的家长,称职的老师,良好的公民 。所以,作为父母的我们,尽力给自己的孩子的成长创造一个温暖,智慧的家庭文化,有可能的话,影响到所教学生家长以达到共勉。作为老师的我们,除创造可见的校园文化外,更应从自己的品德,言行,学识,才能,等隐性的东西出发,创造出一个融教育熏陶合一的校园文化。教师文化是校园文化的亮点,作为教师的我们,如何做到“学高为师,身正为范”, 还值得我们每一个教育工作者深深的思考。作为一个合格的公民,,除行使权力,履行义务外,更应该把政治民主当做既是一个政治原则,也是一种生活态度和方法。这样,我们才能尽可能的落实“家校社会合一,尽文化育人”的时代重任。 三、如何做新形势下的好教师, 新的社会发展,新的教育改革,新的形势呼唤着新的好老师,那么,什么样的老师是新形势下的好老师呢,下面我们听听,北京教poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 育学院校长研修学院副院长杨秀治教授的见解。 杨老师指出,现在社会是一个整体化,全球化不断加强的社会,为此,我们的教育,必须使学生学会共事,学会求知,学会做事,学会生存。因此,新形势需要好老师。 杨老师强调,好老师必须要有高的素质。高素质包涵以下三个关键点;首先,极高的专业情怀。高境界,好心态,深情意是专业情怀所指,它指出了作为一名教育工作者的价值取向,健康的心理及正确的教育方式。高的教育,就是宣扬公平,倡导理解,体会宽容。其次,精湛的专业知识。广博的文化知识,精深的学科知识,深厚的教育知识是精湛的专业知识的内涵。这些知识新形势下,教师必须广读自然,社会,人文,生活,精通教育学,心理学,管理学等知识。最后,独特的专业能力。专业能力是指,教师必需要有科学化的教书能力,艺术性的育人能力,智慧式的研究能力。 长期以来,我们的教育改革热衷于教育理论模式的引进,而忽视了一线教育工作者——教师自身的体验,感悟,和反思。所以,教育部基础教育课程教材发展中心主任教育学博士田慧生一针见血的指出:“当下我们的课堂最缺的是教育智慧。教育智慧表现为一种自由,和谐,开放,和创造的状态,表现为真正意义上尊重生命。智慧型的老师应具有以下特征:自主思考,独立见解:心怀敬畏,探索规律:常规性把握,创造性驾驭:敏锐反应,机智应对。智慧型的老师,是时代的呼唤。 十多天的讲座,各位专家均从不同角度阐述了教育所担poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 负的育人重任,也强调了爱的教育的重要性。北京师范大学政治学与国际关系学院教授杨世文老师从国学的儒,道,佛学的角度阐释了国学的精髓,道德的崇高境界就是爱。爱国,爱人,爱自然界。而爱的本质就是服务,服务说到底就是一种“利他”行为,“利他”既是一种无私的服务,也是道德的最高境界。面对当今社会,信念,信仰,诚信三大危机,我们如何以爱来呼唤学生的心灵苏醒;引导孩子的健康成长;培养孩子的“利他”品质;造就时代人才,听听各位专家所言:“你脸上的微笑有多少,孩子心中的阳光就有多”,“爱就是放飞”“爱和关心孩子是教育的前提条件”。是的,我们与其以恐吓,打骂或冷暴力方式让学生屈从而远离我们教育,何不以爱抚慰学生来创造良好的师生情谊,在爱中享受教育的魅力所在呢。 十多天的学习,我们亲见了各位专家们的大师风范及人格魅力:和蔼可亲,平易近人的学者风度; 乐贫安道,宁静致远的处事态度; 严谨不怠,孜孜不倦的治学风格 ;从我做起,以身作则的主人翁精神; 修身,平家,治天下的社会使命感~这一切,让我们耳目一新,倍感亲切,为之感动,肃然起敬。我们尤如遇到了可亲可敬的德、才、识兼备的长者,学者。尤其是,7月22日,北京遭遇了61年未遇的暴雨洗礼。暴雨过后,教育部基础教育司德育工作处原处长孙学策老师,第二天,一大早从灾区出发,历经交通堵塞的艰难,下午两点准时到达讲座地。他73岁的高龄,讲座期间,没有文稿,没有讲义,腰杆笔直地稳坐于椅子上,一字不误,有条不紊的为我们做了三个多小时的讲座,我们为之喝彩的同时,也一次次为之而感动落泪。不仅poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 是因为他精辟的讲义,还有他守时,虔诚的人格魅力。我们常言:身教重于言教,人格魅力的感染是最好的教育。是的,我们作为教育工作者,德、才、学识缺一不可,而德堪称基石,只有光辉灿烂的人格,才会让才、学、识绽放出更加耀眼的光芒。 最后。我用肖川教授的几段话共勉: 教师的职责就在于创造一种安全,愉快与和谐的学习坏境,保持一个充满赞扬和肯定的环境,使学生感到安全,受到鼓励,得到尊重和富于挑战。 良好的教育是:成长过程中感受到人性的光辉,走进了丰富多彩的精神世界,有百读不厌常读常新的读物,有自己稳定的兴趣和爱好,系统的探究过某个问题,有至少一次刻骨铭心的体验。 教育的力量是:给无助的心灵带来力量,给羸弱的身躯带来强健。 参考文献资料: ?北京教育学院副教授杨修治《教师生涯规划与专业发展》 ?北京师范大学教授杨世文《国学精髓:道德的崇高境界》 ,教育部基础课程教材发展中心主任田慧生《教育智慧与智慧型教师修炼》 ?北京师范大学教育学部教授 肖川《教育的方向与方法》 ?教育部基础教育司德育工作处原处长孙学策《中小学德育工作理念 》 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County,
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