
伦敦塔里的鬼魂 --_1312

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伦敦塔里的鬼魂 --_1312伦敦塔里的鬼魂 --_1312 伦敦塔里的鬼魂 >> [标签:来源] 也许你知道伦敦塔藏有无数文物珍宝,保存着英国历代王冠和王 室珠宝;也许你听说过这里是全英国闹鬼传闻最多的地方,但你知道个 中原因吗,这里曾经被用作监狱,无数皇亲国戚命丧于此。伦敦塔里到 底藏着怎样的史实和谜题,住在这样一个地方又是怎样的感觉,想知道 答案,伦敦塔守卫将为你一一道来。 The gray bricks of the Tower of London are 1)damp to my touch, and as I run my hand ...
伦敦塔里的鬼魂   --_1312
伦敦塔里的鬼魂 --_1312 伦敦塔里的鬼魂 >> [标签:来源] 也许你知道伦敦塔藏有无数文物珍宝,保存着英国历代王冠和王 室珠宝;也许你听说过这里是全英国闹鬼传闻最多的地方,但你知道个 中原因吗,这里曾经被用作监狱,无数皇亲国戚命丧于此。伦敦塔里到 底藏着怎样的史实和谜题,住在这样一个地方又是怎样的感觉,想知道 答案,伦敦塔守卫将为你一一道来。 The gray bricks of the Tower of London are 1)damp to my touch, and as I run my hand over their rough surfaces, a layer of 2)mildew 3)clings to my fingertips. During the centuries, these massive walls have 4)held captive hundreds of prisoners. I can’t help but think of all the eyes that have stared at these bricks, knowing full well the only fate that awaited them. Some say that the Tower of London is the most 5)haunted place in England. “Hundreds of people have been held prisoner and died here. There are dozens of ghost stories,” says Phil Wilson, a 6)yeoman warder at the Tower. Wilson should know. As one of the queen’s 7)elite Tower caretakers, he has spent six years not only working in this fortress, but living here as well. Wilson and his wife, Ann, make their home in the Beauchamp Tower. The only 8)access to their apartment is a narrow, 9)winding staircase, and I have to watch my step as Wilson and I walk up to meet Ann. The ancient rooms of the apartment are oddly shaped, making furniture arrangement a difficult task. Yet the couple has decorated the rooms nicely, and I immediately feel welcome and at home. While Phil explains his work as a yeoman warder, Ann is busy preparing tea and 10)scones. There is a delicious 11)aroma in the room. For an instant, I forget that I am inside a prison. Then I look out the front window. “That there,” says Wilson, pointing to a 12)distinctive square of dark brick, “is an 13)executioner’s site.” A sick feeling comes over me as I picture the 14)gruesome scenes that have taken place there. Wilson happily 15)recounts some of the Tower’s tales as we sit down for tea. Many of those 16)condemned to death had done nothing but fall out of favor with the royal family, he says. Others were sentenced for 17)witchcraft, political activity, religious beliefs or 18)adultery. But the Tower was no ordinary prison. “It was a fortress and royal palace,” says Wilson. “You had to be a person of high status to be held prisoner here.” Some prisoners went to their deaths with 19)stoic bravery. Sixteen-year-old Lady Jane Grey was queen for nine days in 1553 before she was 20)overthrown by her cousin, Mary Tudor, who ordered Grey and her husband put to death. Right before her beheading, the teenager delivered an 21)eloquent speech, then laid her head bravely upon the executioner’s block. Since then, Lady Jane’s ghost has been seen many times, especially on the 22)anniversary of her death. Others have seen her husband’s weeping ghost in the Beauchamp Tower. “Isn’t it hard to live in a place with so much gruesome history?” I ask the Wilsons. Ann laughs and says that although she had some 23)hesitations at first, she enjoys it now. “It’s a wonderful place to live,” Wilson says. “Some 35 yeoman warder families live here. It’s like our own little village.” The only 24)drawback to living at the Tower, the couple admits, is that they can’t get pizza delivered. “The restaurants never believe it when I give my address,” Wilson says. By now, we’ve finished our tea and scones, and Wilson and I head across the 25)grounds to the 26)chapel, where many of those executed are buried. The chapel is deathly silent, and a 27)musty smell fills its rooms. “Anne Boleyn is probably the most 28)persistent ghost here,” Wilson says quietly as we move to the chapel 29)altar, where the queen’s body is buried. The second wife of Henry VIII, Boleyn was 30)accused of adultery and 31)incest, and beheaded by sword. “They say that her lips were still moving and her eyes looking around after she was beheaded,” Wilson states. I 32)suppress a shiver. “People have reported seeing Anne Boleyn’s headless figure leading a 33)procession of 34)dignitaries down the 35)aisle of the chapel to her final burial place,” Wilson tells me. Another well-known prisoner was William Wallace, the Scottish 36)patriot who rebelled against English rule, and whose life was depicted in the movie Braveheart. Perhaps the most touching ghostly sighting isthat of young King Edward V, 12, and his 9-year-old brother, Richard, Duke of York. The boys were taken to the Tower by a relative who wanted to 37)usurp their power, and they disappeared in 1483. “Their ghosts have been seen standing together, hand in hand, looking very lost,” Wilson says. “Isn’t it difficult living with all these strange stories?” I ask Wilson as we make our way back across the massive grass-covered grounds. “Sometimes children ask me about the ghosts,” Wilson says, “but I always say, although there were lots of people executed here, nobody has ever been hurt by a ghost.” “Sometimes, though, I wonder about them,” he adds. “I’ll get up at night, when it’s all quiet, and look out the window to the executioner’s site. Then I wonder if I’ll see something tonight.” 翻译见下页 [1] ||| ||| “那边那个,”威尔森指着一个显眼的用黑砖筑成的广场说,“是 刽子手行刑的地方。” 我联想到在那里发生过的恐怖场面,一种 可怕的感觉顿时涌上心头。在我们坐下喝茶的时候,威尔森很高兴地讲 起关于伦敦塔的一些故事。 他说,许多被判死刑的人都是无辜 的,他们只不过是失宠而已。其他人则因施行巫术、从事政治活动、宗 教信仰或通奸罪而被判刑。然而伦敦塔不是一个普通的监狱。“它是一 座堡垒和王室宫廷,”威尔森说。“只有位高权重的人才能被囚禁在这 里。” 有些囚犯临死不怯。1553年,16岁的简?格雷郡主当了九 天的女王就被其表亲玛丽?都铎赶下台,后者更下令处死她及其丈夫。 斩首之前,这位少女发表了雄辩的演讲,然后英勇地伏首于刑台上。 自从那以后,人们多次看见简?格雷郡主的鬼魂,特别是在她去世周年 纪念日的时候。还有人见到她丈夫的鬼魂在比彻姆塔内哭泣。 “在一个有着这么多可怕历史的地方住,难道不困难吗,”我问威尔森 夫妇。 安笑着说,虽然刚开始的时候有点犹豫,但她现在很喜欢 这里。“这个地方住得很舒服,”威尔森说。“大约有35个守卫在这 里安家,就像是咱们自己的小村庄一样。” 但这对夫妇承认,住 在伦敦塔的唯一不便就是他们不能享受比萨外卖服务。“当我把地址告 诉他们的时候,餐厅的人从来不相信这是真的,”威尔森说。 这 时候,我们已经用过茶点。威尔森和我穿过庭院前往教堂,那里埋葬了 许多被处死的人。教堂一片死寂,房间里还飘溢着一股发霉的味道。 “安妮?博林也许是呆在这里最久的鬼魂,”威尔森轻轻地说。这时我 们正往葬着这位王后遗体的教堂祭坛走去。 博林是亨利八世的第 二任妻子,被控犯了通奸罪和乱伦,最后以剑斩首。“他们说她的头被 斩下来后双唇还在一张一合,而且双目四处张望,”威尔森详细地描述着。 我按捺住自己的寒战。 “人们声称见到安妮?博林无头的身躯带领着一列达官贵人在教堂的过道上行进,一直走到她最终被埋葬的地方,”威尔森对我说。 另一位著名的囚犯是反抗英格兰统治的苏格兰爱国者威廉?华莱士。电影《勇敢的心》描述了他的一生。 人们见过的最让人怜惜的鬼魂应该是年轻的国王爱德华五世(12岁)和他的弟弟约克公爵理查(9岁)。这两名男孩被一个意图篡位的亲戚带到伦敦塔,于1483年失踪。“人们看见他们的鬼魂站在一起,手拉着手,很失落的样子,”威尔森说。 “难道跟所有这些古怪的故事生活在一起不辛苦吗,”穿过覆盖着绿草的广阔庭院往回走的时候,我问 威尔森。 “有时候孩子们会问我关于鬼怪的故事,”威尔森说,“但我总是说,尽管有很多人被处死在这儿,但从来没有人被鬼魂伤害过。” “但是,有时我又会琢磨着它们的事情,”他补充道。“我会在晚上起床,那时候四周都很安静,我便往窗外看看那个刑台。然后我会很好奇,不知道今晚会否看到些什么。” 伦敦塔绝对不能错过的景点项目 白塔:伦敦塔最重要的历史建筑,伦敦乃至英国的标志。 珍宝馆:里面藏有23578件宝石,其中包括世界上最有名的钻石—镶在十字权杖上、重达530克拉的“非洲之星1号”,保证让你看得头晕目眩。珠宝馆播放的影片中,有现任女王伊莉莎白二世的加冕典礼,以及王室珍藏王冠、珠宝、戒指、宝剑的介绍说明。 伦敦塔守卫(又叫Beefeater):他们既是导游,又是保安,本身还是旅游者的观赏对象—他们会穿着都铎时期色彩斑斓的制服为游客讲解伦敦塔的故事。 渡鸦:传说如果伦敦塔里的6只渡鸦飞走,伦敦塔以及整个王国就会崩塌。 绿塔:在绿塔被处死的都是地位很高的人,包括安妮?博林和简?格雷。绿塔修有纪念在此地被处死者的纪念馆。 护城河:过去的伦敦塔曾经被一条宽阔的护城河包围。然而,这条护城河在19世纪被填埋。20世纪90年代,英国对护城河进行修复,考古学家在这里发现了数世纪以前的文物,其中最重要的是一座建于13世纪的塔的遗址。 伦敦塔简介 ||| ||| 英文名称:The Tower of London 官方名称:女王陛下的宫殿与城堡,伦敦塔(Her Majesty’s Royal Palace and Fortress The Tower of London) 伦敦塔位于伦敦东部、泰晤士河北岸,是一个占地约7.2公顷,由城堡、炮台和箭楼等组成的庞大建筑群。伦敦塔的中心塔白塔(White Tower)建于1078年,由外族征服者威廉(William the Conqueror)下令建造。虽然人们在18世纪对白塔外部 进行了维修,但其内部仍然保持原有的诺曼第风格。 在过去,伦敦塔是英国王室居住的地方,也是著名的监狱。英格兰历史上多位在宫廷斗争中落败的国王、王后、王子和贵族纷纷被囚禁于此,有些甚至被送上断头台。直到19世纪,伦敦塔作为监狱的功能才得以告终。 伦敦塔现已成为对外开放的博物馆,是英国最著名的旅游胜地之一,并在1988年被联合国教科文组织正式列为世界文化遗产。 ||| ||| 我摸了摸伦敦塔的灰色墙砖,湿乎乎的。当我用手掠过其粗糙的表面时,指尖沾上了一层霉菌。 数世纪以来,成百上千的囚犯就被关押在这一堵堵高墙之内。我不禁联想到那一双双盯着这些墙砖的眼睛,他们深知等待着自己的唯一下场。 有人说伦敦塔是全英国闹鬼最厉害的地方。“曾经有数百人被囚禁并死于此地。这儿有一大堆鬼怪故事。”伦敦塔守卫菲尔?威尔森如是说。 威尔森确实是行家。作为英女王的伦敦塔精英看守之一,他不但在这个堡垒工作了六个年头,还以此为家。威尔森和他的妻子安住在比彻姆塔。通往他们寓所的唯一通道是一条狭长曲折的楼梯。威尔森带我上楼去见安的时候,我走得小心翼翼。 古老的公寓房间形状古怪,这给摆设家具增加了困难。但是这对夫妇把房间布置得整齐美观,我马上感受到主人的好客,觉得很自在。菲尔在解释他在伦敦塔守卫的工作,安则忙着沏茶和准备烤饼。房间内散发出一阵甜美的芳香。有那么一会儿,我忘记了自己身在监狱。 接着,我从前窗往外看。 |||
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