

2018-03-03 12页 doc 99KB 41阅读




苏州市民卡详情苏州市民卡详情 市民卡 备受瞩目的苏州社会保障?市民卡今天起开始发放。从市政府召开的新闻发布会上获悉,该卡是一张集个人身份识别、社会保障、电子凭证、电子支付、信息查询等功能于一体的智能实名卡。预计全市250万张卡将在11月底全部发放到位,目前首期发行覆盖沧浪、平江、金阊、高新区、吴中、相城所有参保人员,不含参加工业园区社会保险(公积金)制度人员。吴中、相城参保人员待12月两区社保与市区并轨后,所持社会保障?市民卡即可使用。 protection measures or programmes. To prevent su...
苏州市民卡详情 市民卡 备受瞩目的苏州社会保障?市民卡今天起开始发放。从市政府召开的新闻发布会上获悉,该卡是一张集个人身份识别、社会保障、电子凭证、电子支付、信息查询等功能于一体的智能实名卡。预计全市250万张卡将在11月底全部发放到位,目前首期发行覆盖沧浪、平江、金阊、高新区、吴中、相城所有参保人员,不含参加工业园区社会保险(公积金)人员。吴中、相城参保人员待12月两区社保与市区并轨后,所持社会保障?市民卡即可使用。 protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of 【首次申领社保市民卡免费 损坏或变更信息可申请换卡】 根据规定,首次申领社会保障?市民卡免费; 非人为因素导致社会保障?市民卡损坏,以及非本人因素导致需要变更卡内信息的,可免费换卡;办理补卡须收取补卡工本费。社保市民卡一旦损坏或需变更个人信息时,也可申请换卡。申请换卡后7天即可领取新卡,原医保账户余额、银行账户资金自动转入新卡。同时,可至各社会保障?市民卡服务中心办理电子钱包转值。此外,社会保障?市民卡还可依据规定办理挂失、解挂、补卡等手续,挂失期间,社会保障功能、银行账户将会自动冻结,电子钱包遗失不补。 protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of 值得一提的是,在制发社会保障?市民卡过程中,相关部门也发现有一部分参保人员由于个人信息缺失或有误而未能成功办理,目前已统一采用信函形式告知。在此提示广大市民,若在社会保障?市民卡发行期间,尚未领取新卡的参保人员,亦可主动与社会保障?市民卡服务中心联系,以便及时采集个人信息、顺利办理社会保障?市民卡。此外,凡在发卡期间有人利用社保名义进行诈骗,或是市民存有疑虑的,都可拨打市民卡服务热线或12333进行咨询。 苏州市社会保障?市民卡服务中心 提供信息采集、制卡、领卡、检测、换卡、挂失、解挂、补卡、充值等服务。 率先在市区统筹范围内发行 不含参加园区社保人员 社会保障?市民卡是由苏州市人民政府统一发行,主要用于市民办理人力资源社会保障领域相关社会事务和享受政府公共服务的多功能复合卡。从即日起,社会保障?市民卡面向拥有本市户籍以及参加本市社保的非本市户籍人员发行,首期发行覆盖沧浪、平江、金阊、高新区、吴中、相城所有参保人员,不含参加工业园区社会保险(公积金)制度人员。9月,吴中、相城社会保障?市民卡发行工作也将一并启动,预计11月底全市250万张社会保障?市民卡将全部发放到位。也就是说,从12月开始,市本级、吴中区、相城区将如期实现社会保障?市民卡的全面统一。 protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of 据介绍,社会保障?市民卡发行分为存量发行和新增发行。存量发行中凡是百人以上单位,将统一采用邮政配送方式,其余单位,将在旧学前8号(即原平江区行政服务中心)设置临时网点办理集中领卡。社会化管理的退休人员、已进行登记的灵活就业人员至所在社区领卡。对于8月1日以后的新增参保人员,办妥参保手续并提供照片后,即完成申办流程。社会保障?市民卡制卡周期为30天,届时,单位或个人按照属地原则前往指定社会保障?市民卡服务中心领卡。 【8月18日起可持新卡就医购药 吴中、相城区待并轨后才能使用】 社会保障?市民卡上除印有身份证号外,还包括一串银行账号。该卡卡面标识持卡人姓名、照片、卡号以及社会保障号码等基本信息,具有社会保障功能,即具有与人社事业相关的身份识别、信息记录、信息查询、业务办理等作用,还具有苏州银行借记卡的全部功能,不仅如此,也涵盖了原苏州通卡的全部功能。其中,针对该卡所具有的电子钱包功能,未来还计划公共自行车租赁、图书馆图书借阅、道路泊车等功能都将划入功能范围内。 关于新卡的使用,8月18日医疗保险新的信息系统正式上线运行之后,市区参保人员的社会保障?市民卡和原医保卡并行使用,个人领取社会保障?市民卡并持卡首次购药就医时,即自动激活新卡,原医保卡随之废止;吴中、相城参保人员待12月两区社保与市区并轨后,所持protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of 社会保障?市民卡即可使用。因此,吴中、相城两区参保人员领取社会保障?市民卡后,要注意妥善保管。 【社保账户可设密码苏州通退出暂无时间表】 与原先的社保卡不同的是,社保市民卡社会保障功能可根据需要设置密码。其金融账户统一设有密码,电子钱包账户不设密码不挂失。持卡人如有需要,可持有效身份证原件,至市本级社保市民卡服务中心办理设置、解锁、修改或重置密码等业务。 社保市民卡与一般银行卡的区别是不收取年费。使用市民卡在ATM机上取款,每卡每日累计支取现金最高2万元,每日累计支取次数最高10次,单笔每次最高2000元。对一日内连续三次以上输入不正确交易密码的,苏州银行将按规定锁定社保市民卡银行账户,持卡人需持有效证件到网点解锁。 另悉,从今年4月开始,原先发行的苏州通卡已停止发放,以市民卡B卡代替,办理时需要交纳18元工本费。有关负责人表示,老的苏州通卡何时退出目前暂无时间表。 【市民卡有三大功能 社会保障、金融服务和电子钱包】 一是社会保障功能。具有与人社事业相关的身份识别、信息记录、信息查询、业务办理等作用。持卡人可用于就医购药、社会保险事务办protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of 理、社会保险待遇申领、求职和就业失业登记、参加职业技能培训等;并可查询个人劳动、社会保险权益记录等信息; 还将逐步实现其他人力资源和社会保障相关事务功能。 二是金融功能。具有苏州银行借记卡的全部功能,可办理零售负债、零售授信、个人理财、个人结算、第三方存管、代收代付、消费刷卡等各项业务,并可直接购买理财产品,享受网上银行、手机银行、电话银行等服务,还可办理水、电、固定电话等缴费。 三是电子钱包功能。涵盖原苏州通卡的全部功能,可在社会保障?市民卡及苏州通卡特约商户刷卡消费。同时还加载:公交高龄优惠、月票、轨交优惠功能;园林年卡功能;休闲年卡功能; 爱心卡功能; 公用事业缴费功能等。未来还计划公共自行车租赁功能、图书借阅功能、道路泊车功能等等。 市民卡的话自己缴金的只有医保和社保都缴才有的,领的话要先到社区去登记,才在社区领,不登记的自己带好照片和养老金手册去三香路市民卡服务中心自己办 protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of
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