

2017-09-23 50页 doc 199KB 23阅读




市场营销计划案市场营销计划案 目录 序言 一、部门概述 二、部门关系 三、营销组织架构 1、营销组织构建计划 2、营销组织架构图及费用预算 3、营销配置人员职位说明 四、营销计划 1、3年短期营销计划 2、年度营销计划 3、区域营销计划 4、季度营销计划 五、市场开发及调整 1、渠道市场规划 2、市场细分 3、市场开发 、市场调整 4 六、营销政策 1、代理营销政策 2、加明营销政策 3、直营营销政策 七、营销制度 1、营销部门制度 2、物流部门制度 3、直营店铺制度 八、营销人员薪资方案 1、...
市场营销案 目录 序言 一、部门概述 二、部门关系 三、营销组织架构 1、营销组织构建计划 2、营销组织架构图及费用预算 3、营销配置人员职位说明 四、营销计划 1、3年短期营销计划 2、年度营销计划 3、区域营销计划 4、季度营销计划 五、市场开发及调整 1、渠道市场规划 2、市场细分 3、市场开发 、市场调整 4 六、营销政策 1、代理营销政策 2、加明营销政策 3、直营营销政策 七、营销制度 1、营销部门制度 2、物流部门制度 3、直营店铺制度 八、营销人员薪资方案 1、薪资构成方案 2、营销人员薪资 3、物流人员薪资 4、店铺人员薪资 九、营销管理、分析表格 、年、季、月销售计划表 1 2、表 3、产品分析表 4、产品跟单表 5、货款管控表 6、其它相关表格 十、客户管理及货款管控 1、客户细分 2、客户信用机制的有效建立 3、客户回访 十一、营销其它事务 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 序 言 市场博弈,胜在优势。营销建设,贵在人和。 新秀品牌的不断崛起,老品牌的衰落,市场在演译着一场无声的销烟。市场的转移,市场的细分,知名品牌也在一步步的蚕食着中小品牌的市场份额,从一线市场至二线市场到三线市场,留给中小品牌的空间越来越少,新秀品牌如何在龙头品牌的打压下,争取属于自己的一块市场,成为中小品牌考虑的第一课题。构建网络渠道,发展终端市场,扩大品牌知名度,提高市场份额。市场对企业营销组的要求越来越高。满足市场、培育市场成为企业营销组织的首要任务。 立足企业本身,建立适合自己发展的营组织,是中小企业品牌需要解决的关间问题。让市场创造品牌,用品牌带动企业,通过不断的完善企业内部不足,逐步打造出具有企业自身特色的营销系统。 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 一、部门概述 随着竞急的白热化,企业的竞争从价格竞争到企业战略竞争,从企业战略竞争到企业人才 竞争,从企业人才竞争到企业理念竞争,从企业理念竞争到企业文化竞争,每一次的跨跃都要 求行业公司做出及时的调整与判断。 而营销也随之而出,从最开始的简单销售到现有的文化营销(即卖产品—卖服务—卖文化), 营销也在经历一次次的洗礼后变得更加具有文化韵味。如何让自己企业的营销更加具有理念、 文化、实用,是每个企业不断探索的首要任务。而建立一套适合自己企业的营销系统也是当务 之急。成也营销,败也营销~ 二、部门关系 直接与客户联系 服务支持 市场 可为市场分析及, 销售服务 , 营销环境 定位提供依据 , 产品培训 , 客户 , 解决方案 , 行业竞争者 , 相关资料 , 市场活动 , 广告、POP 财务支持 通过一系列的销 , 销售费用售活动配合营销 控制 计划的实施 选择目标市场 , 货款控制 , 预测、衡量市场 , 销售报表, 市场细分 生成及管, 产品定位 理 通过销售活动的 开展、检验营销 计划的合理性 物流管理 , 仓储出入产品 管理 , 产品设计 , 货品的配, 产品定位 , 产品促销 发 , 仓库管理 , 商品档案 管理 制定营销计划 拟定营销计划 , 拟定竞争性营销策略 修改营销计划 , 拟定并控制营销成本 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 三、营销组织架构 1、 营销组织构建计划 营销组织构建计划为三年时间,分为三个阶段: A、2010年10月——2011年10月 营销部初期建立 配置基本营销人员,增加与客户的沟通,有效处理公司客情关系,建立初步的营销部门 管理标准,为后期营销部的进一步完善,做好准备。营销部与其它相关部门的协调运作。 B、2011年11月——2012年11月 营销部中期完善 主要为公司内部部门流程协调性的调整、营销部人员配置调整、区域代理客户的初步调 整 C、2012年12月——2013年1月 营销部后期规范运作 规划公司营销部工作流程、区域代理商的运作机制、调整区域代理客户初步实行代理 商专厅(卖)经营操作、品牌VI形象设计统一 2、 营销组织架构图及费用预算 A:营销部初期建立人员配置架构(2010年10月——2011年10月) 营销经理 销售部 市场部 物流部 区区督拓成配 域域导 展品货 员 主主经仓 管 管 理 管 人员配置:营销经理1名,区域主管2名,督导1名,拓展经理1名,成品仓管1名, 配货员3名,共计9人。 营销费用预算: 项目 基本工全勤奖 福利 津贴 其它 合计 资 人 营销经理 员 区域主管 费 督导 用 拓展经理 成品仓管 配货员 广告 订货会 住宿 餐饮 POP促 销宣传消耗品 宣传品 品 画册 春季 夏季 秋季 冬季 费用合计 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card B、营销部中期组织架构(2011年11月——2012年11月) 营销经理 市场部 销售部 企划部 物流部 拓区督三配成 导 展域维货品 经经设员 仓 理 理 计 管 代加直代加 理盟营理盟 区区区区 直 营 AAA D D D 人员配置:营销经理1名,拓展经理1名,区域经理3名,AD员3名,督导2名,三维设 计1名,成品仓管1名,配货员4名,共计16人。 营销费用预算: 项目 基本工全勤奖 福利 津贴 其它 合计 资 人 营销经理 员 拓展经理 费 区域经理 用 AD员 督导 三维设计 成品仓管 配货员 广告 订货会 住宿 餐饮 POP促销 宣传品 消耗品 宣传品 画册 春季 夏季 秋季 冬季 费用合计 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card C、营销部后期规范运作架构(2012年12月——2013年1月) 营销经理 市场部 销售部 企划部 物流部 代加代加直三平工成配 理盟理盟营维面程品货 拓拓区 区 区 设设监仓员 展 展 计 计 理 管 代 代代加陈直督 理理理盟列 营导 督陈主主主 管 列 管 导 管 人员配置:营销经理1名,拓展经理2名,区域主管3名,督导2名,陈列2名,AD员 3名,三维设计1名,平面设计1名,工程监理1名,成品仓管1名,配货 员6名,共计人员:23人。 项目 基本工全勤奖 福利 津贴 其它 合计 资 人 营销经理 员 拓展经理 费 区域主管 用 督导 陈列 AD员 三维设计 平面设计 工程监理 成品仓管 配货员 广告 订货会 住宿 餐饮 POP促销 消耗品 宣传品 宣传品 画册 春季 夏季 秋季 冬季 费用合计 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 3、 营销配置人员职位说明 职位 营销经理 隶属部门 营销部 直接上级 总经理 直接下级 职位级别 A级 可晋升职位 总经理 姓名 入职时间 工作概要: 协助总经理制定企业经营战略的编编制,营销部门人员管理,市场开发规划,销售管理,客户关系维护及人员绩效考核 隶属架构 总经理(副总经理) 营销经理 工作细责 1. 协助总经理制度企业年度经营计划目标。 2. 编制部门、人员考核方案 3. 年度销售计划制定及分解 4. 营销政策的编制及客户签约 5. 市场渠道规划及目标达成 6. 区域客户销售管理 7. 销售货款的安全回笼 8. 建立良好的客户关系,维护好重点客户的合作关系 9. 产品的下单、返单及信息反馈 10. 部门间的协调 11. 指导、管理、监督部门员工的业务工作 12. 部门各项事务的协调、安排。 备注: planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 职位 拓展经理 隶属部门 营销部 直接上级 市场经理 直接下级 职位级别 C级 可晋升职位 市场经理 姓名 入职时间 工作概要: 市场信息收集、客户信息收集、根据营销部制定的市场规划编制定合理的开发计划,参与营销政策的制定,品牌推广,意向客户洽谈、合约签署,市场调整客户的储备。 隶属架构 市场经理 拓展经理 工作细责 1. 根据营销部制定的市场规划编制定合理的开发计划 2. 年、季、月开发目标的制定及达成 3. 区域市场信息的收集、反馈、建档 4. 品牌的推广及推广计划的实施 5. 意向客户信息收集 6. 意向客户洽谈、合约签署 7. 经营状况较差区域的调整 备注: planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 职位 区域主管 隶属部门 营销部 直接上级 销售经理 直接下级 职位级别 C级 可晋升职位 销售经理 姓名 入职时间 工作概要: 根据营销部制定的销售计划,对区域客户进行指标分解,产品信息跟进与分析,区域客户维护、生产产品补单跟进及其它相关工作 隶属架构 销售经理 区域主管 工作细责 1. 根据营销部制定的销售计划,制定管辖区域销售计划并分解。 2. 对所管辖区域客户的维护 3. 传达营销部制定的新营销政策与管辖区域客户 4. 制定管辖区域年、季、月度销售目标 5. 制定管辖区域的上货计划及货品分配计划 6. 制定年度促销计划,并实时传达与管辖客户 7. 做好管辖区域的客户服务工作 8. 及时、快捷的处理客户提出的各项问题,并定期回访 9. 订货会客户指标制定、跟进、达成 10. 统计分析管辖区域客户销售情况,对产品做出及时、合理分析 11. 对生产补单产品的生产情况进行实时跟进,确保及时有效的补单产品 12. 根据销售情况及时建议产品补单 13. 了解管辖区域客户的年、季、月度销售及库存情况 14. 其它相关事务 备注: planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 职位 督导 隶属部门 营销部 直接上级 销售经理 直接下级 职位级别 C级 可晋升职位 销售经理 姓名 入职时间 工作概要: 负责区域终端店铺培训及业绩提升 隶属架构 销售经理 市场督导 工作细责 1. 新店开业前人员销售技巧、货品知识、陈列培训 2. 公司企业文化及营销理念传导 3. 区域店铺上货前货品结构、色系调整与组合 4. 区域品牌销售信息收集与反馈 5. 新品上柜后的跟进与销售动态的信息反馈 6. 产品画册、陈列手册制作的参与及建议 7. 区域店铺培训计划及销售提升 8. 订货会期间的产品陈列、产品解说信息的制定 备注: planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 职位 陈列 隶属部门 营销部 直接上级 销售经理 直接下级 职位级别 C级 可晋升职位 销售经理 姓名 入职时间 工作概要: 区域店铺货品陈列方案制定、橱窗设计及促销陈列方案制定 隶属架构 销售经理 陈列督导 工作细责 1、公司画册、陈列手册的制作 2、根据区域上货计划,制定合理的陈列方案及橱窗设计 3、节假日及其它促销活动前的货品陈列方案的制定 4、公司新旧款式组合陈列方案的制定 5、产品FAB的制作 6、产品陈列计划的制定及完成 7、饰品采样 8、陈列方案的区域推广 备注: planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 职位 AD员 隶属部门 营销部 直接上级 区域主管 直接下级 职位级别 D级 可晋升职位 区域主管 姓名 入职时间 工作概要: 区域市场进、销、存管理,终端数据分析、客户沟通 隶属架构 销售经理 AD员 工作细责 1、根据部门制定上货计划,按时完成区域上货 2、收集区域店铺日销售数据 3、对收集的店铺数据做季、月度SUK分析 4、跟进区域店铺补单货品 5、每月底收集区域店铺库存状况 6、做好区域店铺退货处理 7、跟进区域店铺货品的收发情况,并对到店货品进行跟进 8、跟进公司新品生产进度,并做好合理的上货按排 9、区域客户日常货款跟进工作及日常的客户沟通工作 11、熟悉公司所有产品,在订货会中指导客户订货并达成订货指标及后期预会订 金的催缴 备注: planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 职位 三维设计 隶属部门 营销部 直接上级 企划经理 直接下级 职位级别 C级 可晋升职位 企划经理 姓名 入职时间 工作概要: 负现品牌终端店铺形象设计,企业品牌形象更新,终端形象资料的收集、建档,订货会会场设计与布置 隶属架构 企划经理 三维设计 工作细责 1. 负责企业品牌终端店铺形象设计 2. 负责企业品牌终端店铺形象更新 3. 负责订货会会场设计与布置 4. 负责终端店铺形象资料收集、建档 备注: planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 职位 平面设计 隶属部门 营销部 直接上级 企划经理 直接下级 职位级别 C级 可晋升职位 企划经理 姓名 入职时间 工作概要: 负责促销广告设计、订货会宣传广设计,订货手册排版设计、陈列手册排版设计 隶属架构 企划经理 平面设计 工作细责 1、 负责制作年、季、月度节假日促销广告 2、 负责制作促销广告的推广计划 3、 负责订货会会场所需宣传广告设计 4、 负责终端店铺形象画、厨窗背景画的制作设计 备注: planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 职位 工程监理 隶属部门 营销部 直接上级 企划经理 直接下级 职位级别 C级 可晋升职位 企划经理 姓名 入职时间 工作概要: 负责终端店铺形象装修监督,更新形象的材料选择。 隶属架构 企划经理 工程监理 工作细责 5、 跟进终端店铺,装修形象的统一化 6、 确保装修形象与设计形象的一致化 7、 装修过程中对形象装修的监督 8、 更新形象的材料选择 10、同类品牌店铺形象资料的收集 11、装修道具的下单、配发及成本核算 12、直营店铺开业前期相关证件的申请办理 13、订货会会场的布置 职位舒适度: 备注: planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 职位 成品仓管 隶属部门 营销部 直接上级 物流经理 直接下级 职位级别 可晋升职位 物流经理 姓名 入职时间 工作概要: 负责管辖品牌货品上架、库存管理、盘点工作 隶属架构 物流经理 成品仓管 工作细责 1. 负责货品储位管理 2. 负责货品出入库事宜 3. 负责货品盘点事宜 4. 负责货品调整事宜 5. 负责货品储放管理 6. 负责货品库存数据精确性 7. 负责月盘点工作事宜 8. 其它相关工作事宜 备注: planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 职位 配货员 隶属部门 营销部 直接上级 成品仓管 直接下级 职位级别 D级 可晋升职位 成品仓管 姓名 入职时间 工作概要: 负责日常货品配发、退货点清点、入库上架、库存整理工作 隶属架构 成品仓管 配货员 工作细责 1. 负责营销部下达的销售单的配发事宜 2. 负责日常库存产品的清点工作 3. 负责日常进出库产品的上架事宜 4. 负责日常调整货品的清点事宜 5. 负责月盘点产品清点事宜 6. 其它相关工作事宜 备注: planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 职位 直营主管 隶属部门 营销部 直接上级 销售经理 直接下级 职位级别 C级 可晋升职位 销售经理 姓名 入职时间 工作概要: 直营店铺销售计划、店铺陈列、店铺人员、人员考核、培训工作 隶属架构 销售经理 直营主管 工作细责 9、 制定直营店铺年、季、月度销售计划指标并达成 10、 负责直营店铺货品分配、调配工作 11、 负责店铺销售过程中的促销活动策划 12、 负责店铺销售的盈亏核算 13、 负责直营店铺人员考核、培训事宜 14、 负责直营店铺货品陈列、厨窗更新。 15、 负责直营店铺人员招聘 16、 负责直营店铺货品分析 17、 负责营店铺铺周围品牌信息收集 备注: planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 四、营销计划 1、3年短期营销计划 3年营销计划 客户 年度 2011年 2012年 2013年 合计 备注 销售额 销售额 增长率 销售额 增长率 销售额 增长率 项目 代理 实销额 成本 毛利 毛利率 加盟 实销额 成本 毛利 毛利率 直营 实销额 成本 毛利 毛利率 实销额 备注 3年促销计划 年度 代理商 加盟商 直营店 特卖场 销售额 增长率 销售额 增长率 销售额 增长率 销售额 增长率 2011年 实销 成本 毛利 2012年 实销 成本 毛利 2013年 实销 成本 毛利 合计 实销 成本 毛利 备注 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 2、年度营销计划 区域 省份(直辖市) 代理城市 春 夏 秋 冬 合计 销售比例 黑龙江 哈尔滨 吉林部分区域 东 北 辽宁 沈阳 吉林部分区域 小计 3省 陕西 西安 甘肃 西青海 兰州 北 宁夏 新疆 乌鲁木齐 小计 5省 北京 天津 北京 河北 华 北 内蒙古 山西 太原 山东 济南 小计 4省2市 湖北 武汉 湖南 株洲 华 中 河南 郑州 江西 南昌 小计 4省 四川 成都 西藏 西贵州 贵阳 南 云南 昆明 重庆 重庆 小计 4省1市 福建 福州 广东 华/ 南 广西 / 海南 / 小4省 计 上海 总加盟店 江苏 华 东 浙江 安徽 3省1市 总直营店 小计 3省1市 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 合计 27省4市 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 3、区域营销计划 区域 省份(直辖市) 代理城市 2011年 2012年 2013年 合计 销售比例 黑龙江 哈尔滨 吉林部分区域 东 北 辽宁 沈阳 吉林部分区域 小计 3省 陕西 西安 甘肃 西青海 兰州 北 宁夏 新疆 乌鲁木齐 小计 5省 北京 天津 北京 河北 华 北 内蒙古 山西 太原 山东 济南 小计 4省2市 湖北 武汉 湖南 株洲 华 中 河南 郑州 江西 南昌 小计 4省 四川 成都 西藏 西贵州 贵阳 南 云南 昆明 重庆 重庆 小计 4省1市 福建 福州 广东 华/ 南 广西 / 海南 / 小4省 计 上海 总加盟店 江苏 华 东 浙江 安徽 3省1市 总直营店 小计 3省1市 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 合计 27省4市 4、 季度营销计划 月份 季度 春 夏 秋 冬 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月 五、市场开发及调整 1、 渠道市场规划 重点区域 北京、辽宁、兰州、郑州、成都、株洲、虎门、济南 用 表示 上海 辅助区域 新疆、西安、重庆、武汉、贵阳、昆明、柳州、福州 用 表示 南昌、杭州、合肥、哈尔滨、太原 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 2、 市场细分 根据客户销售、信用、市场容量划分市场区域 现有市场网络分布 现有市场网络 重点区域 支持区域 辅助区域 备注 3、 空白市场开发 市场开发分为两部分:A、代理区空白区域市场开发 B、浙江加盟区域市场开发 代理商市场: , 为空白市场,2011年12月份之前需要去寻找意向客户,在秋装上货前必须拿下两个市场; , 为目前经营客户,经营状况不佳,在公司调整范围内,在2011年12月份前寻找合适的意向客 户,在各项准备工作做好之前不要惊动目前经营客户,秋装上货前六个市场必须更换三个。 , 随着产品提升,公司必须确定新的店铺标准并初步实行全国区域终端品牌店铺形象的统一,客 户的基础层次也要有所提高,经营模式同时也需要调整。 , 下步目标客户要求:2013年4月份开启双门面档口(店铺实用面积60?以上),完全公司标准 装修,代理商需6个月至一年内在所属市场开启直营店铺,初期经营模式:直营+加盟+会员, 不允许散客经营。 , 确定新的文本,各类条款公司备案,严格按照合同执行政策,坚决杜绝拖款现象。 浙江加盟市场: , 加盟市场开发分为二三级地、县市商场专厅、商业街专卖、会员客户为主 , 确定加盟合同,各类条款公司备案,严格按照合同执行政策,坚决杜绝拖款现象。 , 在2013年4月初开发十家有效专厅(卖)店铺,为后期代理商指导提供样版店。 , 在2013年4月初在杭州市开设一至两家形象店铺,为后期品牌店运作提供样版 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card A、新开发总代档口、加盟商面积、时间及销售要求 1)总代开发计划表(2011年1月-----2012年8月) 区域 地址 面积 店铺形象 销售目标 合同条款 开发时限 2011.1—2012.8 2011.1—2012.8 2011.1—2012.8 2011.1—2012.8 2011.1—2012.8 2011.1—2012.8 2011.1—2012.8 2)加盟商开发计划表(2011年1月-----2012年6月) 区域 地址 面积 店铺形象 销售目标 合同条款 开发时限 2011.1—2012.6 2011.1—2012.6 2011.1—2012.6 2011.1—2012.6 2011.1—2012.6 2011.1—2012.6 2011.1—2012.6 、 区域市场调整 4 , 区域需要进行调整。 , 制定新的总代理合同,严格按照合同执行政策,坚决杜绝拖款现象。 , 寻找一些初具公司化经营模式的总代理合作,制定本区域的市场规划与年度、季度销目标。 , 2013年秋装(8月1日)上市前,必须更换其中80%客户,加入新的合作伙伴。 1)第一阶段客户调整计划表(2011年1月-----2011年12月) 区域 地址 面积 店铺形象 销售目标 合同条款 调整时限 2011.1—2011.12 2011.1—2011.12 2011.1—2011.12 2011.1—2011.12 2)第二阶段客户调整计划表(2012年1月-----2012年12月) 区域 地址 面积 店铺形象 销售目标 合同条款 调整时限 2012.1—2011.12 2012.1—2011.12 2012.1—2011.12 2012.1—2011.12 3)第三阶段客户调整计划表(2013年1月-----2013年8月) 区域 地址 面积 店铺形象 销售目标 合同条款 调整时限 2013.1—2013.8 2013.1—2013.8 2013.1—2013.8 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 六、营销政策 1、 代理商营销政策 A、供货折扣:吊牌价 折 B、换货率:按总进货额 换货,其中季内 ,跨季 。 C、品牌保证金:单区域 万元 D、店铺装修:必须按公司统一形象进行装修,使用道具由公司以成本价提供 E、代理期限:以一年为合同代理期限 F、必须专厅单做,档口实用面积最低 ? 2、 加盟商营销政策 加盟区域营销政策 A、供货折扣:吊牌价 折 B、换货率:按总进货额 换货,其中季内 %,跨季 % C、品牌保证金:单区域 万元 D、店铺装修:必须按公司统一形象进行装修,使用道具由公司以成本价提供 E、代理期限:以一年为合同代理期限 F、专厅实用面积最低 ? ,专卖最低实用面积 ? 会员营销政策 A、供货折扣:吊牌价 折 季内换货 B、换货率:按总进货额 C、品牌保证金:单区域 元 E、首批上货额最低 元 3、 代理/加盟支持政策 为有效提升品牌竟争力,提高区域销售,公司对各区域代理、加盟客户提供相关支持。 , 销售返利 A、代理商 1、公司针对每个区域设定相关年度销售指标,代理商完成公司所设定的年度销售指标, 公司根据完成比例进行相关返点 达标比例 返利比例 返利日期 备注:达标比例=(年进货额—年换货额—特价促销(代销)额)/年指标 2、公司定期召开四季订货会,并对各区域客户设立相应的订货指标,订货达标区域客户, 公司根据相关情况进行比例返点 达标比例 返利比例 返利日期 备注:达标比例=(订货总额—订货退货额)/订货指标 B、加盟商 1、公司针对每个区域设定相关年度销售指标,代理商完成公司所设 定的年度销售指 标,公司根据完成比例进行相关返点 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 达标比例 返利比例 返利日期 备注:达标比例=(年进货额—年退货额—特价促销(代销)额)/年指标 2、公司定期召开四季订货会,并对各区域客户设立相应的订货指标,订货达标区域客 户,公司根据相关情况进行比例返点 达标比例 返利比例 返利日期 备注:达标比例=(订货总额—订货退货额)/订货指标 , 装修返利 1、为更好的对客户进行支持,提升品牌在终端店铺装修形象,公司对店铺面积达到一 定比例的店铺进行装修返利 、代理区域如开设直营店铺,并按公司要求进行标准装修,公司对其给予相关装修返 2 利 区域级别 店铺性质 面积返利 60?—80 ? 80 ?—120 ? 120 ?以上 A类区域 专卖 150元/ ? 200元/ ? 300元/ ? B类区域 100元/ ? 150元/ ? 300元/ ? 40?—60 ? 60 ?—80 ? 80?以上 A类区域 专厅 150元/ ? 200元/ ? 300元/ ? B类区域 100元/ ? 150元/ ? 300元/ ? 备注 A类区域:国内省会城市、直辖市区域 B类区域:各省二级城市、地级市 , 换货率返利 为更好的让利客户,减低客户库存压力,公司针对区域客户换货率未使用区域进行库存返利 换货率使用 按未换货金额返预计折扣 返利时间 利比例 使用5% 2.9折 下季季末产品销售结束月为返利10% 月 使用2% 2.7折 15% 使用0% 2.6折 20% , 公司统一免费提供店铺形象设计图纸 , 公司统一免费提供四季产品画册、陈列手册及加盟手册 , 公司定期为区域客户提供终端指导服务 , 公司为代理商市场开发、管理提供指导服务 七、营销制度 1、 营销部门管理制度(略) planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 2、 物流部门管理制度(略) 3、 直营店铺管理制度(略) 八、营销人员薪资方案 1、 薪资构成方案 薪资构成为:基本工资、职务工资、业绩提成、福利津贴、全勤奖 2、 营销人员 营销经理:基本工资+职务工资+业绩提成+福利津贴+全勤奖 业绩提成以全年销售总额完成情况的 %提成 拓展经理:基本工资+业绩提成+福利津贴+全勤奖 业绩提成以店铺开发数量、店铺存活率进行提成 区域主管:基本工资+业绩提成+福利津贴+全勤奖 业绩提成以管辖区域销售总额完成情况的 %提成 督 导:基本工资+业绩提成+福利津贴+全勤奖 业绩提成以出差服务店铺业绩提升率、客户进行提成 陈 列:基本工资+福利津贴+全勤奖 A D 员:基本工资+业绩提成+福利津贴+全勤奖 业绩提成以服务客户单区域销售额完成情况以每家 元提成 3、 物流人员 成品仓管:基本工资+福利津贴+全勤奖 配 货 员:基本工资+福利津贴+全勤奖 、 直营店铺人员 4 店长: 职务 级别 基本工资 备注 见习店长/见习店长或店长助理必须在有三个月以上资质的一级导购中 店助 选拔,能严格贯彻执行公司经营理念,具有凝聚力. 有半年以上的见习店长或店助的工作经历,有良好 二级店长 的管理理念与诚信的职业美德,并在店铺的业绩提升中起到 重要的督促能力. 店 长 具备两年以上的店长工作经验,会根据不同的工作岗位进行 新的人员培训、及时给总部献计献策~给出有利于店铺扩展一级店长 和发展的计划~在工作中有主动性、创造性、积极性、及纪 律性。在店铺业绩增长的过程中起到举足轻重的效应 备注:公司将根据各店长的管理能力,单店的赢利指标及出勤状况等要素对店长进行级别考核. 考核工作将在每年的3月/9月进行,店长等级划分由市场部经理考核,再呈报营销总监核定. 导购: 职 务 级别 基本月薪 考核标准 见习导购 经过短期培训,有三个月以上销售工作的人员. 有半年以上销售工作经历,工作努力,积极进取, 二级导购 勇于承担责任的业务骨干. 导 购 能够协助上级工作,对其他员工能起到指导,监督作用.具备 一级导购 优秀品格的模范员工.一级导购要有两年以上的销售工作经 验,并且在近半年的销售工作中取得优异的成绩. planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 备注:公司将根据各导购的营业能力,工作实绩,出勤状况等要素来确定工资等级的升降.考核 工作将在每年的3月\9月进行.导购等级划分首先由直营店主管考核,再呈报营销总监核定. 直营店铺销售奖金分配: 职 务 奖金类别 核算方式 A班月销售额*2%=A班月销售提成/A班当班导购人数=A班人均销售提 成 B班月销售额*2%=B班月销售提成/B班当班导购人数=B班人均销售提 成 月销售提成 核算标准 店长根据店铺考勤表及销售报表核算A;B班销售提成,并申报至财务 部,由财务部复核确定. 核算方式 导 购 超额部分销售额*0.5%=超指标提成/店铺导购人数=人均超指标提成 超指标提成 核算标准 店长根据当月销售指标申报超指标额,由财务核算确定. 销售明星奖 奖金额 核算标准 第一名 100 销售额第一名,由店长申报,直营店主管核实 第二名 50 销售额第二名,由店长申报,直营店主管核实 销售贡献奖 50 当月销售额超额定指标30%的店铺,导购每人奖励50元 A班月销售额*0.5%=A班见习店长或助店月销售提成 B班月销售额*0.5%=B班见习店长或助店月销售提成 月销售提成 核算标准 店长根据店铺考勤表及销售报表核算A、B班见习店长或助店销售提 成,并申报至财务部,由财务部复核确定. 见习店长 核算方式 (店助) 超额部分销售额*0.3%=超指标提成 超指标提成 核算标准 店长根据当月销售指标申报超指标额,由财务核算确定. 销售明星奖 50 标准:业绩第一名的当班见习店长或助店 销售贡献奖 70 标准:当月销售额超额定指标30%的见习店长或助店 店长的销售奖金及考核标准: 公司根据店铺面积及租金等要素将店铺分为A类及B类店铺,店长的绩效考核依据店铺的类别 进行评定.以下为店铺分类标准: A类:1、店铺面积大于70—80平方.2、年租金不低于20万.3、人员配置6—7人(依实际状况而定) 4、月销售额在10万以上的店铺均为A类店铺. planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card B类:1、店铺面积小于70—80平方.2:年租金低于20万.3、人员配置3—5人(依实际状况而定). 4、月销售额在10万以下的店铺均为B类店铺. 职 务 奖金类别 核算方式 核算标准 月销售*0.5% 店长(A类) 月销售提成 由财务部根据当月总销售额核算销售提成. =月销售提成 月销售*0.8% 店长(B类) 月销售提成 由财务部根据当月总销售额核算销售提成. =月销售提成 超额部分销售店长(A/B超指标提成 额*0.3% 由财务部根据当月销售指标核算超指标提成. 类) =超指标提成 店长(A/B由财务部根据当月销售指标核定超额部分是否达销售贡献奖 奖励100元 类) 到30%. 节假日加班薪资 1:依据国家法定假日计算加班天数. 2:店铺销售人员日薪计算方式:a:导购:基本薪资/30天=日薪/人 b:店长:基本薪资/28天=日薪/人 3:节假日加班薪资计算方式: 加班天数*日薪*3=节假日加班薪资. 员工津贴 1:财务部根据各店铺考勤表发放每人5元/天的餐费津贴. 2:财务部根据各店铺考勤表发放月全勤奖30元. 九、营销工作表格 1、 年、季、月度销售计划表 年度销售计划表 区域 季节 合计 春季 夏季 秋季 冬季 销售量 销售额 销售量 销售额 销售量 销售额 销售量 销售额 销售量 销售额 合计 比例 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 季度销售计划表 季度 销售额 销售量 达标率 春季 夏季 秋季 冬季 合计 月度销售计划表 区域 销售指标 上半月 下半月 备注 销售量 销售额 销售量 销售额 合计 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 2、 工作计划表 部门: 年 月 第 周 完成情况 序 工 作 事 项 责任人 完成日期 1 2 本 3 周 工4 作5 计6 划 7 8 9 10 本周工作重点 内 容 说 明 未完成原因 改善对策 上周 未完 成工 作 上周 工作 总结 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 3、 货配配发计划 月 日 月 日 月 日 月 日 月 日 月 日 月 日 月 日 月 日 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 4、 产品跟单表 款号 颜色 属性 下单 生产库存 后道 入库 在线 预计S M L XL 入库 5、 货款管控表 区域主管/AD员必须每月与管辖区域客户进行月底对账,并与区域客户签字确认回传公司留底。对在 货品配发过程中出现数额较大款项,必须有上级领导签字,方可配发货品。 职位 欠款限额 收款时限 备注 营销经理 30000元 15天内 必须经上级领导签字同意 销售经理 15000元 10天内 必须经上级领导签字同意 区域主管 8000元 7天内 必须经上级领导签字同意 AD员 4000元 7天内 必须经上级领导签字同意 区域 上期账户结余 催款日期 谈话内容 本期汇款 本期结余 十、客户管理及货款管控 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 1、 客户细分 区域 销售排名 市场级别 客户评定级别 备注 A类客户拥有补单优先权,市场支持及其它 根据客户评定级别,确定出其次年销售指标,同时制定出相应的业绩提升计划方案 2、 客户信用机制有效建立 信用级别表 信用级别 合作时效 信用评价 A级 B级 C级 备注 客户信用评价表 区域 客户 合同时间 春季信用考核 正常汇款 综合信用评价 延期汇款 长时间拖款 备注 夏季信用考核 正常汇款 综合信用评价 延期汇款 长时间拖款 备注 秋季信用考核 正常汇款 综合信用评价 延期汇款 长时间拖款 备注 冬季信用考核 正常汇款 综合信用评价 延期汇款 planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card 长时间拖款 备注 3、 货款管控 , 区域主管/AD员所负责区域客户账务必须建立清晰有效的账目 , 做好所负责区域货品的配发,退换,汇款情况的记录 , 定期核对所负责区域客户账目结余情况,并制定回款计划 , 对于配发货品过程中,出现客户资金周转困难,需欠款发货的,必须经上级领导批准,并签 字方可出货。 , 对于欠款区域客户需填写欠款承诺书,以便于留档备案。 , 欠款区域必须结清上期欠款方可进行后期的欠款信用额度的使用 十一、营销其它事务 , 营销部门管理制度,物流部门管理制度,店铺管理制度需根据公司具体情况制定,本计划案 暂不提报。 , 订货会组织方案根据公司实际情况及往年举办方式,进行参考、改进,具体制定本计划案就 不在编写。 , 营销部人员绩效考核方案,具体考核项目需根据公司制定的人事绩效考核制度有调整的编制 定。 计划人: planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split" of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project, and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve people's livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (2016-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County ... ... A poor village and ... ... Library district all "pick hat" and "five-ten", ... ... All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve "two worry about three". To accomplish these tasks, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? ' first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card
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