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古代著名书法家的故事古代著名书法家的故事 偶创飞白 汉朝的蔡邕不但是个文学家,还是一名著名的书法家。“飞白书”就是他独创的。什么叫“飞白书”呢,你们听完这个故事就知道了。 蔡邕不是一个闭门读书、写字的人,他经常出门旅行,为的是捕捉灵感,丰富阅历。这一天,他把写好的文章,送到皇家藏书的鸿都门去。那儿的人架子挺大,谁来了都得在门外等上一阵。蔡邕等待接见的时候,有几个工匠正用扫帚蘸这石灰水在刷墙。他就站在一边看了起来。 一开始,他不过是为了消磨一下时光。可看着看着,他就看出点“门道儿”来了。只见工匠一扫帚下去,墙上出现了一道白印。由于扫帚苗比较...
古代著名书法家的 偶创飞白 汉朝的蔡邕不但是个文学家,还是一名著名的书法家。“飞白书”就是他独创的。什么叫“飞白书”呢,你们听完这个故事就知道了。 蔡邕不是一个闭门读书、写字的人,他经常出门旅行,为的是捕捉灵感,丰富阅历。这一天,他把写好的文章,送到皇家藏书的鸿都门去。那儿的人架子挺大,谁来了都得在门外等上一阵。蔡邕等待接见的时候,有几个工匠正用扫帚蘸这石灰水在刷墙。他就站在一边看了起来。 一开始,他不过是为了消磨一下时光。可看着看着,他就看出点“门道儿”来了。只见工匠一扫帚下去,墙上出现了一道白印。由于扫帚苗比较稀,蘸不了多少石灰水,墙面又不太光滑,所以一扫帚下去,白道里仍有些地方露出墙皮来。蔡邕一看,眼前不由一亮。他想,以往写字用笔蘸足了墨汁,一笔下去,笔道全是黑的。要是像工匠刷墙一样,让黑笔道里露出些帛或纸来,那不是更加生动自然吗,想到这儿,他一下来了情绪。交上文章,马上奔回家去。 蔡邕回到家里,顾不上休息,准备好笔墨纸砚。想着工匠刷墙时的情景,提笔就写。谁知想起来容易,做起来就难了。一开始不是露不出纸来,就是露出来的部分太生硬了。他一点儿也不气馁,一次又一次的尝试。他终于在蘸墨多少、用力大小和行笔速度各方面,掌握好了分寸,写出了黑色中隐隐露白的笔道,使字变得飘逸飞动,别有风味。 蔡邕独创的这种写法,很快就推广开来,并成为“飞白书”。直到今天,还被书法家们所应用。 designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and, 羲之换鹅 王羲之从小喜爱写字。经过勤学 苦练,王羲之的书法就达到很高的水 平。因为他出身士族,加上他的才华 出众,朝廷中的公卿大臣都推荐他做 官。他做过刺史,也当过右军将军(人 们也称他王右军)。后来又在会稽郡 做官。有一次,王羲之和他的朋友在 会稽郡山阴的兰亭举行宴会。大家一 面喝酒,一面写诗。最后由王羲之当 场挥笔,写了一篇文章纪念这次宴会,这就是有名的《兰亭集序》。那幅由王羲之亲笔书写的《兰亭集序》,历来被认为是我国书法艺术的珍品。 王羲之的书法越来越有名,当时的人都把他写的字当宝贝看待。据说有一次,他到他门生家里去,门生很热情地接待他。他坐在一个新的几案旁,看到几案的面又光滑又干净,引起了他写字的兴趣,叫门生拿笔墨来。那个门生高兴得不得了,马上把笔墨拿来给王羲之。王羲之在几案上写了几行字,留作纪念,就回去了。 过了几天,那个门生有事出门去了。他的父亲进书房收拾,一看新几案给墨迹弄脏了,就用刀把字刮掉。等门生回来,几案上的字迹已经不见了。门生为这件事懊恼了好几天。 又有一次,王羲之到一个村子去。有个老婆婆拎了一篮子六角形的竹designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and, 扇在集上叫卖。那种竹扇很简陋,没有什么装饰,引不起过路人的兴趣,看样子卖不出去了,老婆婆十分着急。王羲之看到这情形,很同情那老婆婆,就上前跟她说:“你这竹扇上没画没字,当然卖不出去。我给你题上字,怎么样,”老婆婆不认识王羲之,见他这样热心,也就把竹扇交给他写了。 王羲之提起笔来,在每把扇面上龙飞凤舞地写了五个字,就还给老婆婆。老婆婆不识字,觉得他写得很潦草,很不高兴。王羲之安慰她说:“别急。你只告诉买扇的人,说上面是王右军写的字。”王羲之一离开,老婆婆就照他的话做了。集上的人一看真是王右军的书法,都抢着买。一箩竹扇马上就卖完了。 许多艺术家都有各自的爱好,有的爱种花,有的爱养鸟。但是王羲之却有他特殊的癖好。不管哪里有好鹅,他都有兴趣去看,或者把它买回来玩赏。山阴地方有一个道士,他想要王羲之给他写一卷《道德经》。可是他知道王羲之是不肯轻易替人抄写经书的。后来,他打听到王羲之喜欢白鹅,就特地养了一批品种好的鹅。王羲之听说道士家有好鹅,真的跑去看了。当他走近那道士屋旁,正见到河里有一群鹅在水面上悠闲地浮游着,一身雪白的羽毛,映衬着高高的红顶,实在逗人喜爱。王羲之在河边看着看看,简直舍不得离开,就派人去找道士,把这群鹅卖给他。那道士笑着说:“既然王公这样喜爱,就用不到破费,我把这群鹅全部送您好了。不过我有一个要求,就是请您替我写一卷经。”王羲之毫不犹豫地给道士抄写了一卷经,那群鹅就被王羲之带回去了。 肖金小学校本教材designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and, 潜心苦学墨当饭 王羲之大约五六岁的时候,就拜卫夫人为老师学习书法。他的书法进步很快,7岁的时候,便以写字而在当地小有名气了,很得前辈的喜爱和夸奖。 王羲之在11岁的时候,就读了大人才能读懂的《笔说》。他按照《笔说》中所讲的方法,天天起早摸黑地写呀,练呀,简直都入了迷。一天他的老师卫夫人看了后吃了一惊,对人说:“这孩子一定是看到书法秘诀了,我发现他近来的字,已达到成年人的水平了,照这样发展下去,这孩子将来在书法方面的成就一定会淹没我的名声的。”王羲之并没有因老师称赞而沾沾自喜,骄傲自满,他临帖更用心、更刻苦了,甚至达到了废寝忘食的地步。 有一次吃午饭,书童送来了他最爱吃的蒜泥和馍馍,几次催他快吃,他仍然连头也不抬,像没听见一样,专心致志地看帖、写字。饭都凉了,书童没有办法,只好去请王羲之的母亲来劝他吃饭。母亲来到书房,只见羲之手里正拿着一块沾了墨汁的馍馍往嘴里送呢,弄得满嘴乌黑。原来羲之在吃馍馍的时候,眼睛仍然看着字,脑子里也在想这个字怎么写才好,结果错把墨汁当蒜泥吃了。母亲看到这情景,憋不住放声笑了起来。王羲之还不知道是怎么回事呢~听到母亲的笑声他还说:“今天的蒜泥可真香啊~” 王羲之坚持数十年如一日,勤学苦练,临帖不辍,练就了很扎实的功夫,这为他以后的发展奠定了基础,铺平了道路。 designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and, 乞 米 帖 颜真卿为唐代三朝旧臣,忠正刚正,名重海内。但是因廉洁自持, 绝不贪枉苟取,因此衣食也常不 能自给。他曾写一封乞米的信给 当时的李太保,表明他拙于生 产,家里食指浩繁,全家喝粥度 日已经数月了,现在又没米了, 感到十分扰心,希望看在以往的 交情上,请求救济一些米给他。 那种情况实在令人同情。颜真卿 的书法成就一直为后代尊崇,多 少都受到了他的人格感召之故。 颜真卿自幼勤奋好学,有文学才能,他的书法受家庭和外祖家殷氏的影响,同时得到张旭的指导,他又广泛地向历代书法名家如蔡邕、王羲之、王献之、褚遂良等汲取营养,经过融会贯通,创造了出类拔萃、雄伟刚劲、大气磅礴的独特风格,被称为颜体,成为代表有唐一代的大书法家,他的书法在中国书法发展史上起了承先启后的作用,对后世书法影响极大。颜真卿的楷书具有庄严雄伟的气派,他用笔横轻竖重,笔力雄强而有厚度;在结构上方正茂密,方中呈圆。竖笔向中略呈弧度,刚中有柔,富有弹性感,兼以笔画重,力足中锋,更增加他那气势宏大、圆润浑厚的美感。 肖金小学校本教材designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and,
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