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电脑要按F1开机的解决方法电脑要按F1开机的解决方法 如果您的电脑开机时候必须要按F1键才能正常进入系统,这是因为你的BIOS设置不当但也能正常引导系统,属非致命性故障,按F1是在问你是否继续。 解决开机要按F1的方法是: 一:开机按Del键,进入BIOS设置,选择第一个"基本设置",把floopy一项设置没"Disabel"无效就可以了. 二:刚开始开机时按DEL进入BIOS,按回车键进入第一项,看看里面的“Drive A”项是不是“None”,不是的话按“Pgup”或“PgDn”进行修改,修改后按“ESC”退出,选“Save & Exit ...
电脑要按F1开机的解决方法 如果您的电脑开机时候必须要按F1键才能正常进入系统,这是因为你的BIOS设置不当但也能正常引导系统,属非致命性故障,按F1是在问你是否继续。 解决开机要按F1的方法是: 一:开机按Del键,进入BIOS设置,选择第一个"基本设置",把floopy一项设置没"Disabel"无效就可以了. 二:刚开始开机时按DEL进入BIOS,按回车键进入第一项,看看里面的“Drive A”项是不是“None”,不是的话按“Pgup”或“PgDn”进行修改,修改后按“ESC”退出,选“Save & Exit Setup”项按回车退出BIOS,重启,再不行的话就换了电池再按上面的步骤重新设置既可。 三:开机需要按下F1键才能进入,主要是因为BIOS中设置与真实硬件数据不符引起的,可以分为以下几种情况: 1、实际上没有软驱或者软驱坏了,而BIOS里却设置有软驱,这样就导致了要按F1才能继续。 2、原来挂了两个硬盘,在BIOS中设置成了双硬盘,后来拿掉其中一个的时候却忘记将BIOS设置改回来,也会出现这个问。 3、主板电池没有电了也会造成数据丢失从而出现这个故障。 4、重新启动系统,进入BIOS设置中,发现软驱设置为1.44M了,但实际上机箱内并无软驱,将此项设置为NONE后,故障排除。 ====================================================================== =============== 曾经有很多人问过这样的问题,下面把此类问题做一下总结,希望对大家有所帮助。 1、Hareware Monitor found an error,enter POWER MANAGEMENT SETUP for details,Press F1 to continue,DEL to enter SETUP 中文:监视功能发现错误,进入POWER MANAGEMENT SETUP察看详细资料,按F1键继续开机程序,按DEL键进入COMS设置。 解释:有的主板具备硬件的监视功能,可以设定主板与CPU的温度监视、电压调整器的电压输出准位监视和对各个风扇转速的监视,当 sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. ... Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, fineness modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials must 上述监视功能在开机时发觉有异常情况,那么便会出现上述这段话,这时可以进入COMS设置选择POWER MANAGEMENT SETUP,在右面的**Fan Monitor**、**Thermal Monitor**和**Voltage Monitor**察看是哪部分发出了异常,然后再加以解决。 2、pri slave drive-ATAPI LNCOMPatible press F1 to Resume 可能是你的光驱没接好或有故障,最好在CMOS中将各IDE口设为自动。 3、Press F1 to continue,DEL to enter SETUP 开机后 按DEL 进入 BIOS ,在选择软驱中选择 NONE 后按F10保存就可以了 4、CMOS checksum error,Defaults loaded Press F1 to contnue?DEL to enter SETUP 08,09,2000,i810,ITE8712,6A69ME1CC,00 cmos电池没电。 、Warning~CPU has been changed~Please Enter CPU speed CMOS setup and Remember to save 5 Before Exit~ 这说明BIOS设置被冲掉了,要重新设置BIOS(又叫做CMOS设置)。开机按住“Del”键进入设置,看你的主板说明书。你的CPU频率是多少,在BIOS中要选好外频,倍频反正是锁定的。外频总是66、100或133,要看CPU型号,从低往高设置。如果是AWARD的BIOS设置,在首页就选Frequency/Voltage Control (频率/电压的控制),使用此菜单可以对频率、电压进行特别的设定。其中“Clock By Slight Adjust(时钟频率微调)”允许你选择CPU时钟频率。各种主板的BIOS设置有差别,可以参考自己的主板说明书进行调整。 6、cpu has been changed please re-enter cpu settings in the cmos setup and remember to save before quit! 有些主板上有个外频跳线,默认为100MHZ,还有些主板不支持自动调频.你只要进BIOS里把外频设置成你的CPU外频就可以了,倍频方面一般是自动设置,最好不要超频。 如果上述解决办法都不能解决的话,你可以检查CMOS旁边电路是否有烧坏的迹象,我的机器就是因为CMOS旁边的电路有问题,上述机决方法都试过了也没用,最后一烙铁就搞定。呵呵,不妨你也试试~ ====================================================================== =============== 开机需要按F1才能进入系统的故障排除 sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. ... Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, fineness modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials must 在通常情况下,要求按F1进入系统都是系统的BIOS设置有不影响系统启动的小问题所致,所以请检查BIOS里的硬件信息设置与实际不符之处。 一般常见故障是: 1、主板上的电池没电了。 解决方法:换主板电池。 2、你设置了软驱启动,但是你的软驱有问题。 解决方法: a、开机按DEL进入bios,开机启动顺序,关闭软驱启动。 b、关闭开机软驱检测功能: 启动电脑,然后按【Del】键进入BIOS设置主界面; 选择“Advanced BIOS Features”设置项,按回车键进入; 将“Boot Up Floppy Seek”设置为“Disabled”,这样即可关闭开机软件检测功能了。 ====================================================================== =============== 开机按F1才能进入(启动)系统的解决 1、BIOS ROM check sum error,System halted (BIOS信息进行总和校验时发现错误,系统锁定) 解决方案:这个错误是一般人不会遇到的,这种信息多半是对主板BIOS刷新不完整才会出现的,惟一的处理方式就是重新刷新BIOS,但不能保证一定成功。 2、CMOS battery failed (CMOS电池失效) 解决方案:这说明CMOS电池已经没电了,只要将主板上的钮扣电池取下,换一块新电池即可。大部分主板都是使用3V的钮扣电池,你可别将5V的电池买回来哦~你只要仔细查看电池的面就可以清楚地看到上面标示“3V”的字样。 sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. ... Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, fineness modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials must 3、CMOS check sum error-Defaults loaded (CMOS执行全部检查时发现错误,要载入系统预设值) 解决方案:这种情况通常是因为电池电力不足所造成,建议先换个电池看看。如果问题还是没有解决,那么说明CMOS RAM可能而问题,因为CMOS RAM我们个人是无法维修的,如果主板还在保修期内请联系主板厂商或购买地的经销商处理。 4、Display switch is set incorrectly (显示开关配置错误) 解决方案:只要你的主板不是老掉牙的,就肯定不会出现这个信息。一般来说,老主板上有一个路线用来设置屏幕为单色或彩色。出现此信息表示主板上的设定和CMOS设置不一致,所以只要判断主板和CMOS设置谁为正确,然后更新错误的设置即可。 5、Floppy disk(s) fail或Floppy disk(s) fail (80)或Floppy disk(s) fail (40) (软驱检测失败) 解决方案:应检查软驱的数据线是否已正确连接,看看有没有反接或松脱。别告诉我,电源插头没有接上哦~如果没有软驱的话,建议在CMOS Setup程序中将“Drive A”设置为“None”。建议找个好软驱来试接一下。以证明原来的软驱是否有问题。 6、Hard disk(s) diagnosis fail (执行硬盘诊断时发生错误) 解决方案:出现这个信息一般就是说硬盘本身出现故障了。你可以把硬盘接到别的电脑上试试看。如果问题还是没有解决,那可能是这块硬盘出现严重的物理故障了。 7、Hard disk(s) install failure (硬盘安装失败) 解决方案:检查硬盘的电源线或数据线是否正确接上。如果同一条IDE数据线上持接两个IDE设备的跳线设置都一样的话,只要将这两个IDE设备的跳线设置不一样即可(一般将主硬盘设为Master,另一个设为Slave)。 8、Hard disk(s) initializing (Please wait a moment„) (正在对硬盘初始化,请稍等片刻) 解决方案:这种信息在较新的硬盘上根本看不到,但在较老的硬盘上,因为速度较慢,所以sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. ... Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, fineness modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials must 就会看到这个信息。 9、Hardware Monitor found an error,enter POWER MANAGEMENT SETUP for datails,Press F1 to continue,DEL to enter SETUP (监视功能发现错误,进入“POWER MANAGEMENT SETUP”查看详细资料,按F1键继续开机程序,按DEL键进入CMOS设置) 解决方案:有的主板具备硬件的监测功能,可以设定主板与CPU的温度监测、电压调整器的电压输出准位监测和对各个风扇转速的监测,当上述监测功能在开机时发觉有异常情况才会出现这个信息,这时可以进入CMOS设置,查看“POWER MANAGEMENT SETUP”中哪方面出现异常,然后加以解决。 10、Keyboard error or no keyboard present (键盘错误或者未接键盘) 解决方案:检查一下键盘的连线是否松动或者损坏,一些品质较次的键盘往往很容易出现此信息。 11、Memory test fail (内存检测失败) 解决方案:通常这种情形是因为内存不兼容或故障所致。建议你重新插拔一下内存条,也许是因为内存条间互相不兼容。建议以每次开机一条内存的方式分批测试,找出故障的内存,把它拿掉或送修即可。 12、Override enable-Defaults loaded (当前CMOS设定无法启动系统,载入BIOS中的预设值以便启动系统) 解决方案:一般是在CMOS设置内的设置出现错误才会出现此信息,只要重新进入CMOS设置选择“Load Setup Defaults”载入系统原来的设定值,然后重新启动即可。 13、Press TAB show POST screen (按TAB键可以切换屏幕显示) 解决方案:有些主板厂商会以自己的开机显示画面来取代BIOS预设的开机显示画面,而此信息是要告诉用户可以按“TAB”键把厂商自己设计的开机显示画面和BIOS预设的开机显示画面进行切换。 14、Press ESC to skip memory test sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. ... Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, fineness modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials must (正在进行内存检测,可按下ESC键跳过) 解决方案:当然你也可以按ESC键结束内存检测,或者等待检测通过。如果你不想等待的话,进入CMOS设置后选择“BIOS Features Setup”,将其中的“Quick Power On Self Test”设为“Enabled”,储存后重新启动即可。 15、Primary master hard fail或Primary slave hard fail或Secondary master hard fail或Secondary slave hard fail (检测硬盘失败) 解决方案:可能是CMOS设置不当,比如说没有从盘但在CMOS设置里设为有从盘,那么就会出现错误,这时可以进入CMOS设置对硬盘进行自动检测,也可能是硬盘的电源线,数据线可能未接好或者硬盘跳线设置不当。 16、Resuming from disk,Press TAB to show POST screen (从硬盘恢复开机,按TAB显示开机自检画面) 解决方案:这是因为有些主板的BIOS提供了“Suspend to disk(将硬盘挂起)”的功能,如果我们用Suspend to disk的方式来关机,那么我们在下次开机时就会显示此提示消息。 sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. ... Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, fineness modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials must
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