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2011年河南省对口升学语文高考题及参考答案2011年河南省对口升学语文高考题及参考答案 声明:由于官方网站还没有给出参考答案,此答案仅供参考 。 一、选择题(每小题2分,共20分)每小题中只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确的选项涂在答题卡上 1(下列词语中加点字的注音全部正确的一组是 B A(优渥(wò) 纶巾(lún) 愀然(qiǎo) B(和煦(xù) 肆虐(nûè) 疏远(shū) C(鄙陋(pǐ) 遁辞(dùn) 踟蹰(zhí) D(囫囵(hú) 吮吸(yǔn) 斟酌(chèn) 2(下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是 C A(寒宣 雍容华贵 瓮牖绳...
2011年河南省对口升学语文高考及参考答案 声明:由于官方网站还没有给出参考答案,此答案仅供参考 。 一、选择题(每小题2分,共20分)每小题中只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确的选项涂在答题卡上 1(下列词语中加点字的注音全部正确的一组是 B A(优渥(wò) 纶巾(lún) 愀然(qiǎo) B(和煦(xù) 肆虐(nûè) 疏远(shū) C(鄙陋(pǐ) 遁辞(dùn) 踟蹰(zhí) D(囫囵(hú) 吮吸(yǔn) 斟酌(chèn) 2(下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是 C A(寒宣 雍容华贵 瓮牖绳 B(纨裤 衣冠楚楚 偶断丝连 C(峥嵘 潜移默化 姹紫嫣红 D(庇右 自惭行秽 锱铢必较 3(下列句子中,加点的成语使用正确的一项是 B A(体操队的五个小队员,都是十五六岁的小男孩,豆蔻年华,风华正茂。 B(敢于仗义执言的人,即使有些缺点,我认为也不可与那种少说为佳、明 哲保身的“好好先生”同日而语。 C(西安事变时期,中国共产党以怨报德,协同张学良、杨虎城两将军,释放蒋介石,希望蒋介石悔过自新,共同抗日。 D(对于每个青年来说,机遇总是会有的,但是要善于抓住机遇,经过一番拼搏,才能取得成功。否则一旦失去机遇,便会一失足成千古恨。 4(下面各句中,没有语病、句意明确的一句是 D A(大豆含有大量蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物,特别是蛋白质的含量达到近40%以上,比所有粮食都高。 meet the standard requirements. Post weld heat treatment of pipes after heat treatment, hardness tests should be conducted, hardness test sampling of not less than 10%, hardness 120%,15CrMo hardness of carbon steel pipe shall be less than base metal steel after heat treatment, hardness should not be greater than the parent material of 125%. Rate of pipeline nondestructive testing shall be carried out according to the design requirements, no no design requirements the SH3501-2002 table 10 "percentage of radiographic examination of welded joints and acceptable level", and fixed number not less than the total number of 40% weld inspection. This project has a wall thickness of 32mm 20# steel high pressure tube, x-rays cannot penetrate, the situation may not allow non-destructive testing by γ-ray, used weld backing and two-layer welds before filled by x ray detection method, the other layer by ultrasonic detector method. Should be consistent with existing national standards for radiographic testing of the ... Gas tank used chain for this project promoted the upsidedown construction. Chain reversal installation method shown in the following figure: welders Welders and welding methods to participate in this project should be in accordance with the Ministry of personnel issued by the boilers and pressure vessels welder examination rules for qualification examination, after passing the qualification certificate of welding work. Tank welding manual arc welding, automatic welding. Manual arc welding company has a number of excellent welder, took part in all kinds of large, medium and small storage tank, pressure vessel welding, with rich experience, manual welding characteristics are not subject to location restrictions, welding deformation easy to control. This engineering welding construction of shielded metal arc welding methods. B(多边关贸组织是乌拉圭回合谈判的成果之一,今后将负责商议国际间的贸易纠纷问题。 C(说不清经过多少天的冥思苦想,我才弄明白他为什么要带我回来的原因。 D(为了更好地掌握学过的知识,集中一段复习是必要的。 5(下列作家、作品、体裁对应错误的一项是 D A(李乐薇——《我的空中楼阁》——散文 B(施耐庵——《林教头风雪山神庙》——小说 C(张若虚——《春江花月夜》——诗歌 D(欧?亨利——《警察和赞美诗》——戏剧 6(下列古诗词默写全部正确的一项是 A A(天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来。 B(大江东去,浪涛尽,千古风流人物。 C(间关莺语花底滑,幽咽全流冰下难。 D(风急天高猿啸衰,渚清沙白鸟飞回。 7(下列对有关语文知识的解说,不正确的一项是 B A(议论文从论证方式上可以分为立论和驳论。阐明观点的叫立论,其目的在于一个观点的正确。反驳观点的叫驳论,其目的在于证明一个观点的错误。 B(散文是文学体裁的一种,它以高度凝练的语言,形象地达作者丰富的思想感情,集中地反映社会生活,并具有一定的节奏和韵律。 C(故事情节是小说的第一要素,它一般包括开端、发展、高潮、结局四个部分,有的还包括序幕、尾声。 D(戏剧按矛盾冲突的性质分为悲剧、喜剧和正剧。 8(下列各句标点符号使用正确的一项是 C A(你是萍,凭,凭什么打我的儿子~ B(水生笑了一下,女人看出他笑得不像平常。“怎么了你,” meet the standard requirements. Post weld heat treatment of pipes after heat treatment, hardness tests should be conducted, hardness test sampling of not less than 10%, hardness 120%,15CrMo hardness of carbon steel pipe shall be less than base metal steel after heat treatment, hardness should not be greater than the parent material of 125%. Rate of pipeline nondestructive testing shall be carried out according to the design requirements, no no design requirements the SH3501-2002 table 10 "percentage of radiographic examination of welded joints and acceptable level", and fixed number not less than the total number of 40% weld inspection. This project has a wall thickness of 32mm 20# steel high pressure tube, x-rays cannot penetrate, the situation may not allow non-destructive testing by γ-ray, used weld backing and two-layer welds before filled by x ray detection method, the other layer by ultrasonic detector method. Should be consistent with existing national standards for radiographic testing of the ... Gas tank used chain for this project promoted the upsidedown construction. Chain reversal installation method shown in the following figure: welders Welders and welding methods to participate in this project should be in accordance with the Ministry of personnel issued by the boilers and pressure vessels welder examination rules for qualification examination, after passing the qualification certificate of welding work. Tank welding manual arc welding, automatic welding. Manual arc welding company has a number of excellent welder, took part in all kinds of large, medium and small storage tank, pressure vessel welding, with rich experience, manual welding characteristics are not subject to location restrictions, welding deformation easy to control. This engineering welding construction of shielded metal arc welding methods. C(《红楼梦》里茗烟骂金荣说:“你是好小子,出来动一动你茗大爷~” D(北京胡同文化的精义是“忍~”安分守己、逆来顺受。 9(下列各句与修辞手法对应错误的一项是 C A(生则异室,死则同穴。——对偶 B(屋里静极了,就是掉地上一枚针,也会听得清清楚楚。——夸张 C(当年用自己的血汗保卫过红色政权的战士们,谁不记得井冈山的青青翠竹呢,——设问 D(谈笑间,樯橹灰飞烟灭。——借代 10(下列各句没有通假字的一项是 A A(浴乎沂,风乎舞雩,咏而归。 B(师者,所以传道受业解惑也。 C(彼路斯何,君子之车。 D(操吴戈兮被犀甲,车错毂兮短兵接。 二、文言文阅读(16分) 阅读下面的文字,完成61—63题 积土成山,风雨兴焉;积水成渊,蛟龙生焉;积善成德,而神明自得,圣心备焉。故不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。骐骥一跃,不能十步;驽马十驾,功在不舍。锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。蚓无爪牙之利,筋骨之强,上食埃土,下饮黄泉,用心一也。蟹六跪而二螯,非蛇鳝之穴无可寄托者,用心躁也。 61(解释文中加点的词语。(每空1分,共4分) 跬: 半步 无以:没有办法用来 螯: 蟹钳 躁: 浮躁 62(把文中划横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。(每句3分,共9分) 积善成德,而神明自得,圣心备焉。 积累善行养成了习惯,那么高尚的品质自然就会得到,圣贤之心就会具备了。 meet the standard requirements. Post weld heat treatment of pipes after heat treatment, hardness tests should be conducted, hardness test sampling of not less than 10%, hardness 120%,15CrMo hardness of carbon steel pipe shall be less than base metal steel after heat treatment, hardness should not be greater than the parent material of 125%. Rate of pipeline nondestructive testing shall be carried out according to the design requirements, no no design requirements the SH3501-2002 table 10 "percentage of radiographic examination of welded joints and acceptable level", and fixed number not less than the total number of 40% weld inspection. This project has a wall thickness of 32mm 20# steel high pressure tube, x-rays cannot penetrate, the situation may not allow non-destructive testing by γ-ray, used weld backing and two-layer welds before filled by x ray detection method, the other layer by ultrasonic detector method. Should be consistent with existing national standards for radiographic testing of the ... Gas tank used chain for this project promoted the upsidedown construction. Chain reversal installation method shown in the following figure: welders Welders and welding methods to participate in this project should be in accordance with the Ministry of personnel issued by the boilers and pressure vessels welder examination rules for qualification examination, after passing the qualification certificate of welding work. Tank welding manual arc welding, automatic welding. Manual arc welding company has a number of excellent welder, took part in all kinds of large, medium and small storage tank, pressure vessel welding, with rich experience, manual welding characteristics are not subject to location restrictions, welding deformation easy to control. This engineering welding construction of shielded metal arc welding methods. 骐骥一跃,不能十步;驽马十驾,功在不舍。 骏马跳跃一次,不能到达十步远的地方;劣马走十天也能到达很远的地方,(它的)成功在于没有放弃。 锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。 雕刻一下就放弃它,即使是腐朽的木头也不能刻断;雕刻时如果能够不放弃,即使是金属或石头也能刻断。 63(上文出自《荀子》的第一篇《 劝学 》,作者在论述学习贵在积累时运用了比喻 和 对比 的论证方法。(每空1分,共3分) 三、现代文阅读(24分) 阅读下面的文字,完成64—69题 曲曲折折的荷塘上面,弥望的是田田的叶子。叶子出水很高,像亭亭的舞女的裙。层层的叶子中间,零星地点缀着些白花,有袅娜地开着的,有羞涩地打着朵儿的;正如一粒粒的明珠,又如碧天里的星星。微风过处,送来缕缕清香,仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的。这时候叶子与花也有一丝的颤动,像闪电般,霎时传过荷塘的那边去了。叶子本是肩并肩密密地挨着,这便宛然有了一道凝碧的波痕。叶子底下是脉脉的流水,遮住了,不能见一些颜色;而叶子却更见风致了。 月光如流水一般,静静地泻在这一片叶子和花上。薄薄的青雾浮起在荷塘里。叶子和花仿佛在牛乳中洗过一样;又像笼着轻纱的梦。虽然是满月,天上却有一层淡淡的云,所以不能朗照;但我以为这恰是到了好处——酣眠固不可少,小睡也别有风味的。月光是隔了树照过来的,高处丛生的灌木,落下参差的斑驳的黑影;弯弯的杨柳的稀疏的倩影,却又像是画在荷叶上。塘中的月色并不均匀;但光与影有着和谐的旋律,如梵婀玲上奏着的名曲。 64(结合上面两段文字,解释文中加点词语的含义。(每空2分,共4分) 脉脉: 形容水流无声的样子。 斑驳: 形容影子明暗不一的样 子。 65(给加点的字注音。(每空1分,共2分) 袅娜( nuo ) 倩影( qian ) 66(作者为何先说月光“不能朗照”,后又说“恰到好处”,请解释其中的原因。(2分) meet the standard requirements. Post weld heat treatment of pipes after heat treatment, hardness tests should be conducted, hardness test sampling of not less than 10%, hardness 120%,15CrMo hardness of carbon steel pipe shall be less than base metal steel after heat treatment, hardness should not be greater than the parent material of 125%. Rate of pipeline nondestructive testing shall be carried out according to the design requirements, no no design requirements the SH3501-2002 table 10 "percentage of radiographic examination of welded joints and acceptable level", and fixed number not less than the total number of 40% weld inspection. This project has a wall thickness of 32mm 20# steel high pressure tube, x-rays cannot penetrate, the situation may not allow non-destructive testing by γ-ray, used weld backing and two-layer welds before filled by x ray detection method, the other layer by ultrasonic detector method. Should be consistent with existing national standards for radiographic testing of the ... Gas tank used chain for this project promoted the upsidedown construction. Chain reversal installation method shown in the following figure: welders Welders and welding methods to participate in this project should be in accordance with the Ministry of personnel issued by the boilers and pressure vessels welder examination rules for qualification examination, after passing the qualification certificate of welding work. Tank welding manual arc welding, automatic welding. Manual arc welding company has a number of excellent welder, took part in all kinds of large, medium and small storage tank, pressure vessel welding, with rich experience, manual welding characteristics are not subject to location restrictions, welding deformation easy to control. This engineering welding construction of shielded metal arc welding methods. 答:不能朗照的情形刚好符合了作者淡淡喜悦与淡淡哀愁的心境。 67(文中在描写景物时,巧妙地运用了通感这一修辞方法,请指出下面两句中感觉的转移及其艺术效果。(每句3分,共6分) 微风过处,送来缕缕清香,仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的。 答:用听觉来写嗅觉。写出了清香的若有若无的特征。 塘中的月色并不均匀;但光与影有着和谐的旋律,如梵婀玲上奏着的名曲。 答:用听觉来写视觉。写出了月光下光与影的和谐美妙的特征。 68(除通感外,上面两段文字还使用了哪些修辞手法,每种修辞手法找出一个例句写在下面,并注明是修辞手法的哪一种。(4分) 叶子出水很高,像亭亭的舞女的裙。(比喻) 有羞涩地打着朵儿的(拟人) 69(上面两段文字出自散文名篇《 荷塘月色 》,作者为 朱自清 。(每空1分,共2 月光下的荷 塘 ,第二段则主要写 荷塘分)在内容上,第一段主要描写的是 上的月色 。(每空2分,共4分) meet the standard requirements. Post weld heat treatment of pipes after heat treatment, hardness tests should be conducted, hardness test sampling of not less than 10%, hardness 120%,15CrMo hardness of carbon steel pipe shall be less than base metal steel after heat treatment, hardness should not be greater than the parent material of 125%. Rate of pipeline nondestructive testing shall be carried out according to the design requirements, no no design requirements the SH3501-2002 table 10 "percentage of radiographic examination of welded joints and acceptable level", and fixed number not less than the total number of 40% weld inspection. This project has a wall thickness of 32mm 20# steel high pressure tube, x-rays cannot penetrate, the situation may not allow non-destructive testing by γ-ray, used weld backing and two-layer welds before filled by x ray detection method, the other layer by ultrasonic detector method. Should be consistent with existing national standards for radiographic testing of the ... Gas tank used chain for this project promoted the upsidedown construction. Chain reversal installation method shown in the following figure: welders Welders and welding methods to participate in this project should be in accordance with the Ministry of personnel issued by the boilers and pressure vessels welder examination rules for qualification examination, after passing the qualification certificate of welding work. Tank welding manual arc welding, automatic welding. Manual arc welding company has a number of excellent welder, took part in all kinds of large, medium and small storage tank, pressure vessel welding, with rich experience, manual welding characteristics are not subject to location restrictions, welding deformation easy to control. This engineering welding construction of shielded metal arc welding methods.
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