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【百家论坛】同治:个人命运的不由自主,王朝的无可奈何【百家论坛】同治:个人命运的不由自主,王朝的无可奈何 同治:个人命运的不由自主,王朝的无可奈何 范军 【载于《百家讲坛》(蓝版)2010年第3期】 公元1861年农历七月十七日,咸丰皇帝去世。临终前他立皇长子载淳为皇太子。同年十一月初一,同治皇帝载淳奉慈安皇太后、慈禧皇太后御养心殿垂帘听政。前后大约100天的日子里,一个王朝的政权交替就出现了这样耐人寻味的变化。而在耐人寻味的变化后面,则是同治皇帝一脸的无辜和同治王朝暧昧模糊的开局。 吊诡 八月初一,恭亲王奕欣入局,他获准赶赴承德避暑山庄去参加咸丰皇帝的追悼会。追...
【百家论坛】同治:个人命运的不由自主,王朝的无可奈何 同治:个人命运的不由自主,王朝的无可奈何 范军 【载于《百家讲坛》(蓝版)2010年第3期】 公元1861年农历七月十七日,咸丰皇帝去世。临终前他立皇长子载淳为皇太子。同年十一月初一,同治皇帝载淳奉慈安皇太后、慈禧皇太后御养心殿垂帘听政。前后大约100天的日子里,一个王朝的政权交替就出现了这样耐人寻味的变化。而在耐人寻味的变化后面,则是同治皇帝一脸的无辜和同治王朝暧昧模糊的开局。 吊诡 八月初一,恭亲王奕欣入局,他获准赶赴承德避暑山庄去参加咸丰皇帝的追悼会。追悼会后,他又获准同两宫太后会面约两个小时。这是影响历史进程的两个小时,正是在这次会面中,恭亲王奕欣同两宫太后密商了发动政变的细节与步骤。同治王朝权力格局的新走向在这一天峥嵘初现,此时距咸丰皇帝驾崩仅仅过了13天。 随后的一切就水到渠成了,历史在接下来的日子里逐渐将一种可能性变成现实性。八月初六,御史董元醇上奏请太后暂理朝政、并选择亲王一二人加以辅弼,从而为两宫太后未来的垂帘听政打下舆论基础;初七,亲太后派的准兵部侍郎胜保赶到避暑山庄,请旨不许各地统兵大臣赴承德祭奠,随后自己率兵经河间、雄县一带兼程北上,为两宫太后未来的垂帘听政保驾护航;九月二十三日,避暑山庄起灵驾。两宫太后和同治皇帝只陪了灵驾一天,就从小道赶回北京,于三十日发动政变。年幼的同治皇帝作为这场惊天阴谋的目击者,终于看到了一些人的青春洋溢,和另一些人的黯然出局。第一次,新王朝名义上的掌门人见识了权力的锋利和无情。 但他也什么都没得到,除了年号。1861年农历十月,当一切尘埃落定,阴谋以一种体面的形式收场后,两宫太后诏改“祺祥”年号为“同治”年号。这实在是一次含义丰富的诏改,因为“同治”含义可作四层理解:一是两宫同治,二是两宫与亲贵同治,三是两宫与载淳同治,四是两宫、载淳与亲贵同治。总之帝国要由两宫主导治理,共建大同世界。 当然大同世界不可能来临,相反,在这个神奇的国度,什么事情都可以发生。世事的吊诡既然有了一个难以言说的开头,必然会有令人心惊肉跳的伏笔和落脚。 rAt present, we have formed a "three-three" Park. …… Industrial Park, according to ... ... The instructions of comrade, focus on development needs in the next decade, based on the original, and then extended the 6 square kilometers. Of the Park, to further improve the roads, power supply, communications, water supply and drainage and sewage pipe network and other infrastructure, to achieve full coverage of infrastructure and interconnection with the facilities and raise capacity. Each park to determine 1 leading industries, in particular stone Materials, cans, gloves, through guided, force and other measures to promote the "road company" Park, industrial agglomeration. Currently, to focus on building better ... ... Industrial Park, ... ... Wood Park as the starting area of the industrial park, planners need to take out plan, start construction as soon as possible, undertake in a timely manner ... ... Transfer of the wood industry. This opportunity slip by, so the timing must be tight. Second is to optimize government service. Low efficiency of government services, departments do not coordinate the views of businesses large, poor business environment, it is ... ... Short Board, decide to change. We will continue to deepen reform of the administrative examination and approval system, good digestion, implement the Government canceled, adjustment and devolution of administrative examination and approval matters, strengthen the existing supervision in matters of administrative power, has made it clear to cancel, are not allowed to keep or disguised approval. To do list list of administrative powers and responsibilities 同治朝13年间,各种各样的异数开始露头、萌芽,甚至欣欣向荣:同治七年一月初三,日本明治维新开始,十月二十三日,日本天皇改元明治;同治四年五月十八日,山东菏泽捻军在高楼寨之战中,歼灭清朝精锐士兵7000名,第二天,亲王僧格林沁在山东曹州阵亡,京师震惊;同治五年十一月十二日,孙中山出生;同治十二年,梁启超出生;同治十三年,黄兴、秋瑾、陈天华出生。 这些人作为大清帝国的埋葬者,在同治朝不经意间埋下伏笔,似乎昭示帝国之路不远矣。 中兴 在王朝兴衰的周期律中,总有一些拐点时刻提醒世人下一个轮回即将来临。 事实上同治王朝已然走到新一轮朝代循环的节点。天子的权力被悬置了,大平天国、捻军、陕甘回子、云南回族起义、小刀会„„一波未平一波又起。当然还有前所未有的外患。所有这一切的联合作用完全可以将两个女人同治的帝国予以摧毁—在这个过程中,同治帝的作用可以忽略不计,他还是个孩子,一个无所作为的帝国灾难旁观者和受害者,仅此而已。 但帝国却意外地没有沉沦,相反,它走向了中兴。因为出现了以下这些名字:奕 、文祥、曾国藩、左宗棠、李鸿章、刘坤一、彭玉林、张之洞,他们在这个王朝衰落之际不约而同地涌现并且集体发力,终于挽狂澜于既倒。 文祥,道光二十年的进士,同治十三年升任武英殿大学士。他做过的官职有:礼部侍郎、户部尚书、体仁阁大学士等,直至武英殿大学士。毫无疑问,这是个在宦海很有成就的人,但他一生最大的成就是与恭亲王奕 联名上疏条陈六事:练兵、简器、造船、筹饷、用人、持久。这是同治朝“改革开放”的总纲领,文祥和奕 则是幕后最重要的推手。从这一举措或者说时刻出发,直到1894年甲午战前,危如累卵的帝国赢得了差不多30年的发展窗口期,这使它在最后时刻走向软着陆,帝国有惊无险。 以现在的眼光看过去,这六项(即练兵、简器、造船、筹饷、用人、持久)改革措施只是经济改革的尝试之举,但在当时,收效却很明显。大平天国、捻军、陕甘回子、云南回族起义、小刀会,都在同治朝富国强兵的背景下被平息了,起码暂时被平息了。而欧美各国也似乎乐见一个古老的国度与他们接轨,乐见一个古老文明的惆怅与嬗变。1872年,一位驻中国的外交官甚至不无妒忌地在一封信中写道:“中国正在迅速地成为一个令人生畏的对手;整个官僚阶级都决心恢复中国的国际地位;兵工厂和造船厂的产量给人以深刻的印象;中国建造的军舰不久就将达到欧洲的最高水平„„” 只是这样的局面并未持续多久,就像文祥临死前所担忧的那样—“改革开放”总纲领能走多远,关键看人心。这个试图挽狂澜于既倒的人忧心忡忡地上了一份遗奏,表达了对人心的担忧:“如(亲王大臣)今日议之行之,而异日不能同心坚持,则不如不办„„所谓必须上下一心,(京)内(京)外一心,局中局外一心,且历久永远一心,即此意也。” 世上事唯“持久”最难。事后证明,文祥的担忧不是杞人忧天。因为大学士倭仁就站出来坚决反对办洋务。这位同治年间的顽固派首领反对在同文馆内增设天文算学馆,反对选用科甲官员入馆学习天文、算学,后又长期反对清政府兴办洋务,他认为“立国之道,尚礼义不尚权谋;根本之图,在人心不在技艺”。 种种因素导致同治朝的“改革开放”不可能走多远。这一方面是顽固派的坚强存在,另一方面则在于“经改先行、政改不动”模式的先天缺陷。撕开包装,我们看到,同治朝的改革分明是向后看的改革,是精英们作出的向康乾盛世致意 itiese it clear to cancel, are not allowed to keep or disguised approval. To do list list of administrative powers and responsibilas madof administrative examination and approval matters, strengthen the existing supervision in matters of administrative power, hadministrative examination and approval system, good digestion, implement the Government canceled, adjustment and devolution the usinesses large, poor business environment, it is ... ... Short Board, decide to change. We will continue to deepen reform ofSecond is to optimize government service. Low efficiency of government services, departments do not coordinate the views of b tight.ossible, undertake in a timely manner ... ... Transfer of the wood industry. This opportunity slip by, so the timing must be .. ... Wood Park as the starting area of the industrial park, planners need to take out plan, start construction as soon as park, .res to promote the "road company" Park, industrial agglomeration. Currently, to focus on building better ... ... Industrial Pch park to determine 1 leading industries, in particular stone Materials, cans, gloves, through guided, force and other measuty. Eaand other infrastructure, to achieve full coverage of infrastructure and interconnection with the facilities and raise capaci. Of the Park, to further improve the roads, power supply, communications, water supply and drainage and sewage pipe network ade, based on the original, and then extended the 6 square kilometersthree" Park. …… Industrial Park, according to ... ... The instructions of comrade, focus on development needs in the next dec-rAt present, we have formed a "three2 的最后努力。朝廷内外,几乎集体洋溢着田园牧歌式的怀旧情感。儒教重回大地,慈禧太后或者说同治朝的执政合法性得到了默认甚至鼓励„„ 与此同时,日本也在改革。只是他们的改革路径与中国人截然相反,向前看,政改先行。当李鸿章着迷于军事层面的变革,缔造北洋海军时,伊藤博文却设计了日本的新宪法,新宪法规定:(政府)不得随意逮捕公民,财产权受到保护,公民享有宗教、言论和结社的自由。毫无疑问,这是一部重视人权的法律,这样一部法律的出现最终将日本推进到现代国家的行列。所以当同治中兴后,清政府自得于拥有世界第八大海军力量,而日本只是第十三位时,日本却出人意料地在1895年击败中国,并在1905年击败俄国,成为近代史上第一次也是第一个打败欧洲国家的亚洲国家。 领先或者说制度突破的优势到此时昭然若揭,同治中兴的胜利成果最终不堪一击。一个王朝的突围被历史证明未能走出多远,看上去更像一次自我安慰和回光返照,虽然红光满面,却是虚假高潮。所以,那些同治精英们的努力到底昙花一现,落花流水春去也。只是可怜了同治皇帝,又一次担了误国的罪名,尽管他的身份只是看客而已„„ 一个王朝的苦痛 一个人的成长线索和生存际遇,往往可以泄露世事的微妙,以及世道对一个人不由分说的影响和改变。 同治元年,登极大典。六岁的小皇帝在冗长的仪式中,终于失去了耐心和配合的兴趣,而是张扬起他的生命本能,不懂事地撒了一泡尿,尿湿了龙椅。这不是个好征兆,所谓乱世之中,不谈个性,尤其是非实力人物,但很显然,六岁的小孩不知道这些。在随后的权力格局中,小皇帝发现他和母亲的关系迥异于寻常。“一日,老佛爷召见载淳,载淳行于前,战栗不止,甚至不敢抬头仰望。”这是一个太监眼中同治母子关系的真实记录。这样的关系充满了隔阂和冷漠、阴谋和算计。权力切割了亲情,也让一切事变得不正常起来。同治13岁那年,慈禧并没有将最高权力移交给他,而按惯例,清廷的天子差不多都在这样的年龄开始亲政了。这是一种不正常。 不正常的母子关系具有巨大的杀伤力,它首先带来的是对同治帝生命活力的扼杀。每天,他作天子状在龙椅上正襟危坐,在养心殿里做那个时代最著名的行尸走肉。同治帝的权力被抽离了,他的情感也被抽离了。毫无疑问,这导致了一个人的异化。没有人知道这样的异化会产生什么样的后果,因为最大的伤害还没有到来—那是亲情对爱情的霸占或者说掠夺,它在最后时刻破灭了同治对这个世界的美好想象。 《清代外史》记载,同治帝18岁那年,看上了清朝唯一的“蒙古状元”崇绮的女儿阿鲁特氏。这大约是一种爱情,并且,同治帝也得到了爱情,这是皇帝宫廷生活中绝无仅有的美好体验。但很快,他的体验被蒙上了阴影。因为慈禧也看上了一个女人,侍郎凤秀家的女儿,她想让后者做自己的儿媳妇。最后虽然在同治帝的坚持下,阿鲁特氏被立为皇后,可与此同时,凤秀女也被封为慧妃。这实在是两败俱伤的结果—同治帝如鲠在喉,婚姻生活差强人意;慈禧太后也悻悻然茫茫然,觉得儿子大了,自己难以掌控了。 为了证明自己的掌控力一如从前,慈禧太后悍然下了这样一道懿旨或者说家规:慧妃贤明淑德,皇上宜多加体贴;皇后年少,礼节未娴,皇上不应太过耽迷,误了政事。这让同治帝进退两难。所谓动辄得咎,他难与人言的爱情在母亲这里遭到了粗暴的干涉。为了反抗这样的干涉,同治帝索性一个都不靠近,而在宫廷 istratrative examination and approval system, good digestion, implement the Government canceled, adjustment and devolution of adminge, poor business environment, it is ... ... Short Board, decide to change. We will continue to deepen reform of the administes laris to optimize government service. Low efficiency of government services, departments do not coordinate the views of businesstake in a timely manner ... ... Transfer of the wood industry. This opportunity slip by, so the timing must be tight. Second underod Park as the starting area of the industrial park, planners need to take out plan, start construction as soon as possible, the "road company" Park, industrial agglomeration. Currently, to focus on building better ... ... Industrial Park, ... ... Wo romoteto determine 1 leading industries, in particular stone Materials, cans, gloves, through guided, force and other measures to pastructure, to achieve full coverage of infrastructure and interconnection with the facilities and raise capacity. Each park infr Park, to further improve the roads, power supply, communications, water supply and drainage and sewage pipe network and other rade, focus on development needs in the next decade, based on the original, and then extended the 6 square kilometers. Of thethree" Park. …… Industrial Park, according to ... ... The instructions of com-rAt present, we have formed a "threear to cancel, are not allowed to keep or disguised approval. To do list list of administrative powers and responsibilitiesive examination and approval matters, strengthen the existing supervision in matters of administrative power, has made it cle3 之外寻找那点可怜的生命欢乐—野史记载:“伶人小六如、春眉,娼小凤辈,皆邀幸。”到了后期,同治帝乱性甚至到了不顾颜面的地步。一份史料这样记载同治狎幸太监杜之锡和他姐姐的:“有阉杜之锡者,状若少女,帝幸之。之锡有姊,固金鱼池娼也。更引帝与之狎。由是溺于色,渐致忘返。”同治帝,这个皇宫内的零余者,权力格局中最大的看客,就以这样一种自虐的方式完成了他生命中的人格嬗变。他毫无顾忌的放浪形骸实际上是一种人格反抗或者扭曲,他在宫廷之外一具具女人肉体上麻醉自己、放纵自己,从而也放纵了帝国的,丧失了可能的自救机会。 在这个意义上说,同治帝的人格嬗变其实也是帝国国家形象或者国家气质的一种深层嬗变。因为这样的乱性毫无疑问就是自戕,同治帝的报应呼之欲出,他的身体也很快出现了症状。在同治帝最后的日子里,翁同龢在他的日记里详细描述了报应的可怕程度:“十一月二十三日,腰间肿处,两孔皆流脓,亦流腥水,而根盘甚大,渐流向背,外溃则口甚大,内溃则不可言,意甚为难;二十八日,腰间溃如碗,其口在边上,揭膏药则汁如箭激,丑刻如此,卯刻复揭,又流半盅;二十九日,御医为他揭膏药挤脓,脓已半盅,色白而气腥,漫肿一片,腰以下皆平,色微紫,看上去病已深。”这样的描述反复让人闻到了一个王朝的恶臭,看到了一朵恶之花的邪恶绽放—也只有在这样的王朝,这样的人格嬗变中,一个皇帝才可能这样痛苦不堪。 但痛苦不仅仅属于同治帝一人,它弥漫于整个同治王朝。皇后阿鲁特氏也痛苦,她亲眼目睹了同治在恶臭中死去,也分明闻到了整个王朝的腐烂气味。慈禧皇太后和她是不相容的,慈禧甚至不允许她去养心殿探视丈夫,为此竟“牵后发以出,且痛之”—在大庭广众之下揪着阿鲁特氏的头发将她拖出养心殿,并且边拖边打—一个皇后的尊严就这样被践踏了,以至于阿鲁特氏要苦苦哀求慈禧才能保住自己性命:“媳妇是从大清门抬进来的,请太后留媳妇的体面~” 不过阿鲁特氏最终还是随同治帝去了。在同治帝死后75天,年仅22岁的她遵照慈禧的懿旨自杀身亡。夫妻二人终于在死后同居一室了。这是一个王朝的残酷与决绝,也可以说是最高权力锋利与无情的再一次证明。 那么,慈禧就不痛苦吗,在皇权角逐的游戏中,慈禧是不是那个唯一的收获者,也许,她是。但她的痛苦也是显而易见的,只是难与人言。在同治去世时,这位39岁的女人,虽然位极人臣,却丧夫又丧子,情感生活是空白的,也是变异的。帝国的重量压在她一个人身上,又要背负千古骂名,寻常女人的幸福,于她是一概无缘了。所以说到底,慈禧也是同治朝的失意者。这个王朝,到了没有一个赢家、人人不得好死之田地,真是衰败得可以了 后来 1875年1月17日,同治死后不久,美国《纽约时报》发表了一篇题为《同治皇帝暴卒,北京政局扑朔迷离》的文章。 历史总是惊人地相似。同治皇帝终于和咸丰皇帝一样暴卒了,北京的政局也一样扑朔迷离。后咸丰时代,一个女人的出现改变了帝国命运的走向。现在是后同治时代,那个被称为慈禧太后的女人,是否依然会改变帝国命运的走向呢, 四年之后,也就是光绪五年三月,吏部主事吴可读突然在苏州的一所废庙里服药自杀,从而揭开了围绕着皇位更替展开的那些阴谋与欲望。同治朝有一个被篡改的开头,也同样有一个被篡改的结局。这完全是一个被改变的王朝,那双不由分说改变历史的翻云覆雨之手依然是传说中的纤纤玉手。 e it clear to cancel, are not allowed to keep or disguised approval. To do list list of administrative powers and responsibilas madof administrative examination and approval matters, strengthen the existing supervision in matters of administrative power, hadministrative examination and approval system, good digestion, implement the Government canceled, adjustment and devolution the usinesses large, poor business environment, it is ... ... Short Board, decide to change. We will continue to deepen reform ofSecond is to optimize government service. Low efficiency of government services, departments do not coordinate the views of b tight.ossible, undertake in a timely manner ... ... Transfer of the wood industry. This opportunity slip by, so the timing must be .. ... Wood Park as the starting area of the industrial park, planners need to take out plan, start construction as soon as park, .res to promote the "road company" Park, industrial agglomeration. Currently, to focus on building better ... ... Industrial Pch park to determine 1 leading industries, in particular stone Materials, cans, gloves, through guided, force and other measuty. Eaand other infrastructure, to achieve full coverage of infrastructure and interconnection with the facilities and raise capaci. Of the Park, to further improve the roads, power supply, communications, water supply and drainage and sewage pipe network ade, based on the original, and then extended the 6 square kilometersthree" Park. …… Industrial Park, according to ... ... The instructions of comrade, focus on development needs in the next dec-rAt present, we have formed a "threeities4 慈禧成功了,同治朝至此彻底结束。虽然还有余音绕梁,比如,在慈禧强立载湉为帝后,内阁侍读学士广安和御史潘敦俨上奏表示反对,吏部主事吴可读甚至服药自杀,尸谏抗议慈禧的“倒行逆施”,但是反对无效,慈禧还是孤身走我路。那个叫光绪的天子最终被抱上了太和殿的龙椅,目睹了一场以他的名义举行的登基典礼。慈禧太后颁谕布告天下,改年号为“光绪”,年仅四岁的载湉被合法地宣布为清入关后的第九代皇帝—光绪皇帝。 虽然这个小皇帝看上去茫然无措,在龙椅上坐卧不宁,很有张扬其生命本能,在上面撒一泡尿的冲动,一如十多年前,六岁的咸丰干过的那样„„但一切都已结束,一切正在开始,任何的细枝末节或者说个人小情绪无关紧要。 历史正在不由分说地向前,它不容置疑。 ge, poor business environment, it is ... ... Short Board, decide to change. We will continue to deepen reform of the administes laris to optimize government service. Low efficiency of government services, departments do not coordinate the views of businesstake in a timely manner ... ... Transfer of the wood industry. This opportunity slip by, so the timing must be tight. Second underod Park as the starting area of the industrial park, planners need to take out plan, start construction as soon as possible, the "road company" Park, industrial agglomeration. Currently, to focus on building better ... ... Industrial Park, ... ... Wo romoteto determine 1 leading industries, in particular stone Materials, cans, gloves, through guided, force and other measures to pastructure, to achieve full coverage of infrastructure and interconnection with the facilities and raise capacity. Each park infr Park, to further improve the roads, power supply, communications, water supply and drainage and sewage pipe network and other rade, focus on development needs in the next decade, based on the original, and then extended the 6 square kilometers. Of thethree" Park. …… Industrial Park, according to ... ... The instructions of com-rAt present, we have formed a "threear to cancel, are not allowed to keep or disguised approval. To do list list of administrative powers and responsibilitiesive examination and approval matters, strengthen the existing supervision in matters of administrative power, has made it cleistratrative examination and approval system, good digestion, implement the Government canceled, adjustment and devolution of admin5
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