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2014年4月心理健康活动月方案2014年4月心理健康活动月方案 武汉科技大学 第十四届心理健康教育月活动方案 为认真贯彻落实教育部《教育部办公厅关于印发的通知》(教思政厅[2011]1号)等文件精神,加快实施我校“大学生心理健康素质提升计划”,进一步加强我校的心理健康教育工作,完善心理健康教育工作机制,提高大学生的心理健康水平,建立积极健康的爱情观,学工部(处)心理健康教育中心举办武汉科技大学第十四届心理健康教育月,具体内容如下: 一、活动主题 谁的爱情,恰逢花开 二、活动时间 2014年4月 三、主办单位:学生工作部(处)心理健康教育中心...
2014年4月心理健康活动月 武汉科技大学 第十四届心理健康教育月活动方案 为认真贯彻落实教育部《教育部办公厅关于印发<普通高等学校学生心理健康教育工作基本建设(试行)>的》(教思政厅[2011]1号)等文件精神,加快实施我校“大学生心理健康素质提升”,进一步加强我校的心理健康教育工作,完善心理健康教育工作机制,提高大学生的心理健康水平,建立积极健康的爱情观,学工部(处)心理健康教育中心举办武汉科技大学第十四届心理健康教育月,具体内容如下: 一、活动主题 谁的爱情,恰逢花开 二、活动时间 2014年4月 三、主办单位:学生工作部(处)心理健康教育中心 协办单位:各学院心理健康教育工作站、大学生心理健康协会 四、活动内容: (一)宣传动员阶段 学工处召集各学院辅导员学习《武汉科技大学第十四届心理健康教育月活动方案》,并对方案内容和实施方式展开讨论。各学院召开“心理健康教育月”活动动员大会,制定本学院活动方案,全方位、多层次发动宣传,努力营造浓厚的舆论氛围,使学生充分认识和理解心理健康和心理适应的重要性,调动学生的积极性来参与“心理健康教育月”活动。 (二)组织实施阶段 1、学校方面 (1)组织全校开展以大学生恋爱为主题的系列活动。 (2)对全校心理委员和心理健康协会成员进行心理健康知识培训。 (3)推动各学院建设心理健康教育工作站。 (4)召开心理健康课程建设研讨会。 (5)召开各学院心理健康工作联络人集中会议。 (6)对辅导员进行心理健康教育技能培训。 (7)编辑出版《心理动态》。 (8)开展心理健康知识宣传活动。 2、学院方面 (1)开展“谁的爱情,恰逢花开”主题班会。 Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good, 各学院结合学院、班级实际,根据“谁的爱情,恰逢花开”主题自行设计活动方案开展特色主题班会活动,帮助学生建立积极健康的恋爱观,学会处理恋爱中常见的问题。 (2)开展以下关于“恋爱”的心理教育活动,可任选: ?《爱的艺术》读书分享会。 各学院老师向学生布置阅读任务:阅读经典爱情理论著作《爱的艺术》(电子版将发给各学院)。各班组织召开《爱的艺术》读书分享会,班干部引导学生讨论所阅读的书籍内容,对某些章节段落展开详细讨论,分享阅读感受。 《爱的艺术》是著名心理学家艾里希〃弗洛姆最著名的作品~自1956年出版至今已被翻译成32种文字~在全世界畅销不衰~被誉为当代爱的艺术理论专著最著名的作品。在《爱的艺术》中~弗洛姆认为~如果不努力发展自己的全部人格并以此达到一种创造倾向性~那么每种爱的试图都会失败~如果没有爱他人的能力~如果不能真正谦恭地、勇敢地、真诚地和有纪律地爱他人~那么人们在自己的爱情生活中也永远得不到满足。 ?电影赏析——《早熟》 《早熟》涉及了当代年轻人常见的现象——“早恋”、“婚前性行为”、“未婚先孕”等,通过观赏电影,促使学生们正视这些问题,做出思考。在电影播放后,应由班干部引导同学们对于电影里的内容进行探讨,列出几个主题展开讨论,例如:年轻人的爱情,到底应该何去何从,恋爱过程中,应该遵从的原则是什么,不能触碰的底线是什么,如果你是电影导演,结局你将如何来拍, 《早熟》讲述了一对青年男女由于早恋种下恶果~被迫离开父母~私自组成家庭。过早地步入社会令他们尝尽了生活的艰辛~体味了生存的磨难~但同时也让他们学会了相互扶持~懂得了为人父母的苦衷与~虽然他们付出了惨痛的代价~可是却也因此通过历练~步入了成人的殿堂。这部影片表现出年轻人的纯真、努力、对爱情的执着和向往~也表现出年轻人面对生存压力时的天真和无助。 ?辩论赛 面对有关大学生爱情的话题,往往是众说纷纭,而大学生对于这些问题也有自己的态度。通过辩论赛的形式,启发大学生对这些论题进行深入的思考,让他们更加全面地看待这些论题。论题参考如下: “不求天长地久只求曾经拥有”和“不求曾经拥有只求天长地久”, “爱情能与学业兼顾”和“爱情不能与学业兼顾”, “大学不恋爱不完整”和“大学不恋爱也可以很精彩”。 (3)自行组织开展其它关于“恋爱”的心理健康教育活动,例如关于大学生恋爱心理、失恋应对的讲座等。 (4)建设心理健康教育工作站,工作站由师生共同维护,开展心理教育工Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good, 作,跟踪学生心理动态,有条件的学院应建立谈心室(可称为“成长指导室”)。 3、心理协会方面 (1)为活动的开展提供人员支持。 (2)开展心理健康知识宣传工作。 (三)总结表彰阶段 1、学院对“第十四届心理健康教育月”活动进行总结,总结材料包括:学院活动实施方案,学院活动总结,附学院精选主题班会材料,要求图文并茂。若有其它,可另附。材料汇编(电子版和纸质版)于5月10日之前交心理健康教育中心崔佳。 2、心理健康教育中心对各学院的活动总结进行评比,评选出优秀心理健康教育月活动,给予表彰奖励。 3、从制度上巩固活动成果,进一步建立健全学院心理辅导工作站各项规章制度,建立开展心理健康教育工作的长效机制。 五、活动要求 (一)各学院要高度重视“心理健康教育月”活动工作,并根据学院实际情况制定行之有效的活动方案。 (二)学生党员和各级学生干部要在“心理健康教育月”活动中担当骨干,积极带头,充分发挥先锋模范和桥梁纽带作用。 学生工作部(处) 二〇一四年三月二十八日 Pile bored pile can be used, and artificial digging pile, prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles or sheet pile, and so on. When excavation depth is large, you can set multi channel support, to reduce stress, rush drilling through rock, the old base. In retaining pile water jet Grouting curtain between effects, but because of the depth of excavation within the great wall could not anchor or support, bolt can not construction, bolt, North and South would not be symmetrical on both sides use piles, in setting up a support without the appropriate support methods. 2.1.4 channel steel sheet pile which is a simple steel sheet pile retaining wall pros and cons by channel steel buckle lap or side-by-side components. Channel 6 ~ 10 m long, model determined by calculation. Features: steel with good durability, pit construction channel can be pulled out after the completion of backfill soil recycling to use again; Convenient, short; Impervious to water and small particles in the soil, in areas with high water or rain-proof measures are needed; Bending strength is weak, and more for the depth of shallow Foundation pit is less than 4m, or Groove, support or pulled together should be installed at the top anchor; Supporting stiffness of small deformation after excavation. 2.1.5 bored pile retaining wall on bored pile is the up-pile has been widely used in China. Its more for the excavation of the pit 7 ~ 10m, in good soil in the North area of China has 8 ~ 9m arm pile retaining wall. Drilling perfusion pile support nursing wall body of features has: construction Shi no vibration, and no noise, environment pollution-, no squeeze soil phenomenon, on around environment effect small; wall body strength high, stiffness big, support nursing stability good,
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