

2018-04-16 13页 doc 42KB 30阅读




40岁人流注意事项40岁人流注意事项 40岁人流-瑞丽年华产后健康管理中心 瑞丽年华产后健康管理中心专家介绍:人工流产又称为人流。是指用手术的方法终止妊娠,也就是“人工”终止妊娠。手术方式包括负压吸引术和钳刮术等;负压吸引术就是用一根中空的吸管进到宫腔,通过负压将子宫内的胚胎组织吸出来,而钳刮术是用卵圆钳将子宫内大块的胚胎组织夹出来。在怀孕14周以前可以行人工流产术。意外怀孕又不想要孩子,也许,做人流是必然的选择。要知道,人流或多或少的对女性身体有一定的伤害。 哪些人不适宜做人流---40岁人流 哪些人不适宜做人流? 各种急性传染病或慢...
40岁人流注意事项 40岁人流-瑞丽年华产后健康管理中心 瑞丽年华产后健康管理中心专家介绍:人工流产又称为人流。是指用手术的方法终止妊娠,也就是“人工”终止妊娠。手术方式包括负压吸引术和钳刮术等;负压吸引术就是用一根中空的吸管进到宫腔,通过负压将子宫内的胚胎组织吸出来,而钳刮术是用卵圆钳将子宫内大块的胚胎组织夹出来。在怀孕14周以前可以行人工流产术。意外怀孕又不想要孩子,也许,做人流是必然的选择。要知道,人流或多或少的对女性身体有一定的伤害。 哪些人不适宜做人流---40岁人流 哪些人不适宜做人流? 各种急性传染病或慢性传染病急性发作期、严重的全身性疾病(如心力衰竭、症状明显的高血压、伴有高热的肺结核、贫血、阴道霉菌等妇科疾病者)不能承受手术者。 急性生殖器官炎症,如阴道炎、重度宫颈糜烂、盆腔炎等。在炎症治愈后可进行人流。 妊娠剧烈呕吐引起的酸中毒尚未纠正者。 术前4小时内,两次体温在37.5?以上者。 哪些人适合做无痛人流-----40岁人流 1(妊娠40天以内的孕妇; 2(药物过敏者; 3(未生育、剖腹产妇女、或生育后对疼痛恐惧者; 4(贫血患者及其他有凝血障碍者; with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure 5(意在流产后安置宫内节育器者。 无痛人流使用的是一种新型安全、有效的静脉注射全身麻醉药。在孕妇毫无知觉的情况下进行的,一般3-5分钟医生便可完成手术,在手术后意识完全恢复,观察两个小时即能自行离院。 40岁人流过程第一步, 首先是确定妊娠。 根据停经史,妊娠试验阳性者一般可诊断为妊娠,但必须排除宫外孕及葡萄胎等滋养细胞疾病。停经45天时B超显示宫内见孕囊,可确定为宫内孕;若宫内无孕囊,而宫外有,可诊断为宫外孕;若宫内无孕囊,但有雪花状阴影,可考虑为葡萄胎。只有确诊为宫内孕,才能行人流术。有些农村医院条件简陋,无B超设施,此时必须细查刮出物,刮出物见到胚胎或绒毛,才可确诊为宫内孕。如无,须考虑宫外孕的可能。 第二步 为手术期。 用手术或药物将胚胎从子宫内清除出来,这是关键的—步。手术方式有多种,当前使用最多的方法是无痛人流、微管无痛人流和可视无痛人流,适合于3个月内的早孕。尤其是怀孕1个半月到2个月者。无痛人流是使患者处于麻醉状态,“—觉醒来”手术已经结束。其优点是:可视性强,由于手术在可视技术的引导和监测下进行,医生对宫腔内情况一目了然,可准确迅速取出孕囊,不损伤正常组织,在短时间内便可以安全地完成手术。有效避免并发症的发生,有效避免了with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure 瑞丽年华产后健康管理中心 传统人流术中因为紧张、恐惧、躁动和挣扎造成的子宫穿孔、吸宫不完全、漏吸、人流综合征等并发症的发生,在睡眠状态下就能轻松的完成手术。 其次是药流。有两种,一是用于早孕,另一种是用于大月份的。小于49天者使用用于早孕的药流法可有大出血、残留、再次刮宫、耗时长及流产后出血时间长等可能,故不作首选。有青光眼和心血管疾患的患者,应尽可能避免药流。二是中期妊娠,即孕3—5个月者,可用药物羊膜腔注射方法使孕妇产生宫缩,将胎儿排出。由于有时胎盘排出不全,常须刮宫,这—点应注意。 第三步 是40岁人流术后康复期。 这一时期处理不好。也可引起严重的后果,流产虽是“小月子”,也应按足月产“大月子”一样调养,应进食鸡蛋、牛奶、排骨、鸡、鱼等营养丰富易消化的饮食,禁忌用冷水洗头、擦澡等,否则冷水刺激可诱发关节炎,遗留下受冷部位关节、肌肉疼痛的毛病。 40岁人流术后应格外注意卫生,勤换洗内衣、内裤,每日清洗外阴,经常更换、消毒卫生纸,血未净者绝对禁止灌洗阴道及坐浴,以免引起上行性感染,术后4周内禁止性生活,恢复生活后,应坚持避孕。 并发症及处理 若进行人工流产术者严格遵守操作规程,则并发症的发生率是很低的,少数人可发生: with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure 40岁人流子宫出血手术出血量多在30ml以下。若出血量多,则除给子宫收缩药外,还应迅速清除宫腔内残留胚胎组织。流产后一般出血3,4天,若出血似月经量,且持续不断,可能为流产不完全或合并感染,应去医院检查。 妊娠组织残留手术时未将胚胎组织清除干净,可引起出血及下腹痛。可用中药、宫缩药促其排出,甚至再次刮宫,清理宫腔。 子宫穿孔极少见,若手术者思想重视,操作细致轻柔,便可以避免其发生。如果仅是子宫穿孔,无腹腔内出血,可住院观察,否则应立即手术缝合穿孔。 感染若术前有生殖器炎症未经控制,或手术当中未严格执行无菌操作,可造成盆腔感染,应立即进行抗感染治疗。 月经失调术后3,6个月内,月经量可增多,月经不准,但多可自然恢复。 宫腔粘连偶尔发生。多系手术时损伤宫颈和宫腔所致。可阻断经血排出,造成闭经、周期性腹痛、长期不育或反复流产。处理方法主要为扩张宫口和分离粘连后放置宫内避孕器,以防再度宫腔粘连。编辑本段人流前准备 工作发现自己怀孕后而又不想生育时,应尽量争取在10周内做人工流产。因为妊娠月份愈大,手术并发症愈多,故不要等妊娠月份大了再行流产或引产手术。作40岁人流产术前1周内应避免性生活,术前1日要洗澡、更衣,避免着凉和感冒。 with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure 瑞丽年华产后健康管理中心 准备做人工流产术前1周内应避免性生活,术前1天要洗澡更衣,避免着凉和感冒。手术前需禁食、禁水四小时。但是需要注意的是,如果有急、慢性的全身性疾病或严重的心、肝、肾功能损害;或者有急、慢性的生殖系统炎症的女性,就不适合进行人流。 手术当天早晨禁食或喝点糖开水。体温超过37.5?时应改日手术。手术时要与医生密切配合,不要过分紧张。 先在当地专业妇科医院做一次B超,检查一下妊娠时间多长,适合不适合做无痛人流(B超之前需充盈膀胱)做手术之前要空腹,也不能说一点东西也没吃,吃一些少量的白粥。还有带上一件衣服离开医院的时候穿上,不要着凉了,还要记得带上一片卫生巾。 步骤一:别拿自己的性命开玩笑,应选择正规的医院 正规医院做一次人流手术需要用到的器材有:手术中的一次性耗材、负压吸引器、B超、心电监护仪、麻醉机、呼吸机等,而无痛人流需要上麻醉,因此还包括麻醉药品。 步骤二:选择合适的人流方法 人工流产对妊娠时间的要求相对药物流产要宽,它适用于妊娠6-12周的终止。 人工流产出血量较药物流产少,子宫出血时间较药物流产短,一般术后10天内出血干净。不过它也有缺点:有人工流产手术并发症的可能,包括有吸宫不全、漏吸、子宫穿孔、宫颈裂伤、术后感染、术中术后出血、人流综合征、宫颈宫腔粘连、月经失调等。 人工流产按照术中麻醉方法的不同,可再分为普通人流及无痛人流两种。其手术过程是一样的,只是无痛人流在手术中使用了麻醉药with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure (静脉推注镇痛),而传统人流则只采用局部麻醉。其麻醉效果不同:局部麻醉只能减轻疼痛,而静脉使用麻醉药能达到完全无痛的效果。 从手术来看,两者适用和禁用的人群是相同的,但具体还需了解血常规情况,在医生的建议下再决定何时用哪种手术方式。 步骤三:选择合适的手术时间 流产时间以在孕6-8周内为宜。怀孕时间太短,因为胚胎太小,容易发生人流不全;而怀孕时间太长,胎儿过大,手术时间会延长,出血增多,对受术者的创伤也会显著增加。 步骤四:术前做好充足的准备 人流术前三天及术后一个月内禁止性生活,有阴道炎症者需要治愈后方能手术,否则容易引起感染扩散,出现盆腔炎、附件炎等严重后果。若采用无痛人流,手术前应禁食8小时。 步骤五:术后调理,要得当 人流术后应休息两周,不适宜进行剧烈的体育活动及繁重的脑力劳动,术后一个月内不能盆浴、游泳,忌吃人参、鹿茸等。 术后身体抵抗力下降,应注意局部的卫生,防止感染的发生。术后半年内应注意避孕,以使子宫得到较好的恢复。 1(患者在决定做流产术前1周内应该禁忌性生活。 2(患者在术前1日应该洗澡、更衣,但应该注意要尽量避免着凉以及感冒。 3(患者在无痛人流术当天早晨必须禁食水6小时,从而避免在术中出现呼吸系统的并发症,也保障了您手术的安全性。 with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure 瑞丽年华产后健康管理中心 4(患者手术前需按医嘱服用宫颈软化药物。 5(如果患者在遇有下列情况时,暂时不适合作无痛人流手术。 A.先前患有性生殖器官炎症的患者(例如阴道炎、尿道炎、重度宫颈糜烂、盆腔炎等),在治疗后才可以进行手术; B.患者在术前4小时内,两次体温都在37.5?以上; C.还有因妊娠剧烈呕吐所引起的酸中毒但还没有治疗的患者。 with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure with the supervising engineer in the construction process, strictly in accordance with the owner and engineer for construction approval of construction organization design and quality control. In the team of "self-inspection, mutual inspection, handover inspection" and mass spot check on the basis of the technology sector, initiative to accept supervision engineers, tianjing quality supervision and quality supervision station of Beijing railway administration supervision and inspection, with the supervising engineer for good construction quality inspection and supervision engineer's request for rectification, and ensure the timely completion of construction quality. 4, with the coordination of railway-related units to give full play of my units in railway construction experience, familiar with the advantages of existing procedures relating to the construction, active railway-related functions, contact the facilities management unit, comply with the relevant provisions of existing line construction, signed before construction to maintain existing equipment security operations and ensure the safety of construction match the custody agreement, and implementation in the construction process. 5, coordination with local governments, transportation agencies actively contact with local governments, transportation, environmental protection and other sectors, actively seeking the cooperation and support of the local government sector, with local governments and make the construction of law and order in the region, environmental protection, ensure
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