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不规则名词变复数练习题不规则名词变复数练习题 精品文档 不规则名词变复数练习题 小老鼠爬灯台,偷油吃下不来。 男人当警察,保护妇女跟儿童; 英国人的牙咬了法国人的脚; 养了一头日本羊,送给了中国人; 养了一头鹿跟鹅,卖给了瑞士人。 1.man—men, woman—women, tooth—teeth, foot—feet, goose—geese child—children, mouse— mice, 2.单复数相同: sheep, deer, Chinese, Japanese Swiss. 3.以man, woman...
不规则名词变复数练习题 精品文档 不规则名词变复数练习题 小老鼠爬灯台,偷油吃下不来。 男人当警察,保护妇女跟儿童; 英国人的牙咬了法国人的脚; 养了一头日本羊,送给了中国人; 养了一头鹿跟鹅,卖给了瑞士人。 1.man—men, woman—women, tooth—teeth, foot—feet, goose—geese child—children, mouse— mice, 2.单复数相同: sheep, deer, Chinese, Japanese Swiss. 3.以man, woman 修饰名词构成合成词时,两个词都变化. man servant—men servants. woman doctor—women doctors. 1.名词复数的不规则变化 1)child---children foot---feet tooth---teeth mouse---miceman---men woman---women 注意:与 man 和 woman构成的合成词,其复数形式也是 -men 和-women。 如: an Englishman,two Englishmen. 但German不是合成词,故复数形式为 1 / 18 精品文档 Germans;Bowman是姓,其复数是the Bowmans。 2)单复同形 如: deer,sheep,fish,Chinese,Japanese li,jin,yuan,two li,three mu,four jin 但除人民币元、角、分外,美元、英镑、法郎等都有复数形式。 2) 如: a dollar, two dollars; a meter, two meters 3)集体名词,以单数形式出现,但实为复数。 如: people police cattle 等本身就是复数,不能说 a people,a police,a cattle,但可以说 a person,a policeman,a head of cattle,the English,the British,the French,the Chinese,the Japanese,the Swiss 等名词,表示国民总称时,作复数用。 如: The Chinese are industries and brave. 中国人民是勤劳勇敢的。 4)以s结尾,仍为单数的名词,如: a. maths,politics,physics等学科名词,为不可数名词,是单数。 b. news 是不可数名词。 c. the United States,the United Nations 应视为单数。 2 / 18 精品文档 The United Nations was organized in 1945. 联合国是1945年组建起来的。 d. 以复数形式出现的名,剧名,报纸,杂志名,也可视为单数。 “The Arabian Nights” is a very interesting story-book. >是一本非常有趣的故事书。 5) 表示由两部分构成的东西,如:glasses trousers, clothes 若表达具体数目,要借助数量词 pair; suit a pair of glasses; two pairs of trousers 6) 另外还有一些名词,单复数表不同概念,如:goods货物,waters水域,fishes鱼 名词复数练习题 一、 写出下列名词的复数形式 1、2、class 、text、5、6、 7、shelf、bed 、 10、family 11、toy 12、foot 13、、15、 16、army17、18、fox 19、woman 、knife 、 二、选择填空 1、on the wall .They are very beautiful. 3 / 18 精品文档 A. are photoesB. are photos C. is a photo D. is photos 2. made in Shanghai. A. isB .areC .were D .has 3.A. Japanese, Germen B Japaneses, Germen C. Japanese,German C.Japanese, Germans 4. That’s A. anB. aC. the D are already. A. two breadB. two breads C. two pieces of bread D. two piece of bread . A. six boxes of applesB. six boxes of apple C. six box of apples D. six boxs of apples A. is, fishB. are, fishs C. is, fishs D. are, fish in the box. A. is watch B. are watches C. are watch D. is watches twice a day. A .our tooth B. our tooths C. teeth D. our teeth 10.The _____ meeting room is near the reading room. 4 / 18 精品文档 A. teacherB.teacher’sC.teachers’ D.teachers 11. In Britain _____ are all painted red. A. letter boxes B.letters boxes C. letter box D.letters box 名词变复数 一(名词变复数规则变化及发音: 1、绝大多数的可数名词在词尾加上s ; eg: book?books;desk?desks;pen?pens;car?cars s遇t读浊辅音[ts],遇d读清辅音[dz]eg:friend?friends; cat?cats; 2.、以s、x、ch、sh结尾的单词,在该词末尾加上 -es;读音规则:读[iz]; eg:bus?buses; box?boxes; watch?watchches; dish?dishes 3、以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,要把y变为i,再加 -es;读音规则:读[z]。 eg:fly?flies; baby?babies; 元音字母加y结尾的单词直接加s;eg:toy?toys; boy?boys; 4、以-f或-fe结尾的名词,要将-f或-fe变为-v, 再加es;读音规则:读[vz]; eg:knife?knives;leaf?leaves; 5、以-o结尾的名词,初级阶段只有三个单词要加-es, 其余都加-s;读音规则:读[z]。 5 / 18 精品文档 eg:tomato?tomatoes西红柿; potato?potatoes 土豆; hero?heroes 英雄; Negro—Negroes口诀:“黑人英雄喜欢吃土豆和西红柿” 其余eg:zoo?zoos; hippo?hippos; 二(名词变复数不规则变化: 1.单词内部发生变化:口诀―oo常常变ee,男人女人a变e‖ eg:foot?feet脚;tooth?teeth牙齿;man?men 男人;woman?women女人; 2.单复数相同:―羊鱼小鹿无变化,单数复数是一家‖ eg:sheep?sheep绵羊;fish?fish鱼;deer?deer鹿; 3.不规则变化:child?children孩子;mouse?mice 老鼠;German?Germans德国人; 4―某国人‖的复数有三种类型: 口诀“中日不变,英法变,其它S加后边” Chinese, Japanese单数复数同形,不需加s; Englishman, Frenchman, Dutchman复数要把 man 变为men; 其他各国人以–an, -ian收尾的均直接加s。如: 6 / 18 精品文档 Americans, Australians, 三.不可数名词: ?不可数名词概念:不可以数的名词叫做不可数名 词。包括物质名词和抽象名词。 ?不可数名词特点: ?不可数名词没有复数形式,也不能与a, an及数词 连用,常作单数看待。 例: waterThere’s some water in the bottle. foodMy favorite food is noodles. ?不可数名词如表数量,常和a bottle of, a glass of等名词词组连用。如表示复数,只把量词改为复数。 例:a bottle of pop一瓶汽水 , two glasses of orange juice 两杯桔子汁, three cups of tea 三杯茶 , a piece of paper一张纸 ?有些物质名词有时可数,有时不可数,要根据上下 文决定,其意义也有所不同。 A glass is made of glass.玻璃杯是玻璃制成的。 I bought a melon yesterday. I want to eat some melon. 四(特殊名词的讲解: ?people 作“人们,人民”解时,只有复数形式,谓语动词作复数。 作“民族”解时,单复数不同,复数要在词尾加s。 7 / 18 精品文档 There are five people in my family. 我家有五口人。 There are fifty-six peoples in our country.我们国家有56个民族。 ?clothes,pyjamas等属于无单数形式的复数名词,谓语作复数。 例:My favorite clothes are pants. These pyjamas are too small. ? pants , shoes , glasses ,shorts,scissors等名词,由两部分构成,常以复数形式出现,谓语动词要用复数。要表示单数常用a pair of表示,此时如作主语,谓语要作单数看待。 例:Your pants are blue. This pair of pants is mine. ?集体名词看作整体时,谓语用单数; 指成员时,谓语用复数。 指整体指成员 ?有的名词单复数意思不同: 例:hair 和fruit 通常作单数,表示总体。 My hair is black. 我的头发是黑色的。 I like fruit .It’s good for you.我喜欢水果,水果对你的身体有好处。 但如果表示若干根头发或各种水果,则需用复数形式. 8 / 18 精品文档 Danny has three hairs.丹尼有三根头发。 She likes pears, peaches and other fruits. 他 喜欢梨,桃和其它水果。 练 习: ?. 写出下列单词的复数形式: fish- boy- watch- knife- leaf- wife- baby- family-man-woman- child- tooth- goose- mouse-sheep-peach-picture- Chinese- he-his- I- this- is- it-that- she- you- me-him- her-my-mine- am- tomato- potato- zoo- foot- toy- ?. 将下列句子 改为复数句子: 1. He is a student .____________________________ 2. It’s a box.__________________________________ 3. This picture is nice. ____________________________________ 4. She is a teacher. _______________________________ 5. I’m a good child. ___________________________________ 6. That’s a delicious meal. _________________________________ 9 / 18 精品文档 7. This is my friend.___________________________________ 8. This is a bike. ___________________________________ 9.That is her brother. ___________________________________ 10.This is a book. ___________________________________ 11.That is an eraser.___________________________________ 12.It is a red orange.___________________________________ 13.He is a doctor.___________________________________ 14. What’s this?___________________________________ 15.This is my mother.___________________________________ 16.He is a Chinese boy.___________________________________ 17.Who is she ? ___________________________________________ 10 / 18 精品文档 18.Is this a pen ? ____________________________________________ 19.Are those your sisters ? ___________________________________ 20.Is that your friend ? _____________________________________ ?. 将下列句子改为单数句子: 1. These are their grandparents. ________________________________________ 2. Who’re the boys? They’re my students.__________________________________ 3. What are they ? _____________________________________ 4. We are boys._______________________________ 5. What are these? They are buses.________________________________ 6. Those are flowers._____________________________________ 7. Who are they ? ____________________________________ 英语名词变复数通常可以分为以下几种情况: 1, 直接在名词后加字母s.如:books,desks,ect. 11 / 18 精品文档 2,以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,把y变成i,再加es. 如:city-->cities;story-->stories;ect. 3,以字母x,s,ch,sh等结尾的名词,加es. 如:class-->classes;fish-->fishes;box-->boxes;match- ->matches;ect. 4,以元音字母加o结尾的词,直接加s.以辅音字母加 o结尾的词,加es.如:radio-->radios; potato-->potatoes;但是有例外,如:piano-->pianos; 5,一些不规则名词,有其特殊的形式,要特别记忆. 如:child-->children; man-->men; woman-->women; foot-->feet;ect. 6,与man 和woman两个词组成的复合词,名词本身和 这两个词都要变成复数.如:woman doctor-->women doctors; man driver-->men drivers; 7,还有一些名词的单数与复数是一样的,不需要变化. 如:sheep; chinese; beer; ect. 附注:表示有生命的东西的名词及某些表示时间、距 离、星球、世界、国家等无生命的东西的名词后加 ’s来表 示所有关系,叫做名词所有格。例如:men’s room 男厕所 // Chairman Mao’s works 毛主席著作 // 但如果该名词是以-s或-es接尾,则只在该名词后加 “ ’ ”来构成所有格。例如:hours’ walk 三小时的 12 / 18 精品文档 路程 新目标名词变复数练习题精选 1. The ____ of the room were covered with ____. A. roofs, leafsB. roofs, leaves C. rooves, leafs D. rooves, leaves 2. There are three ____ in our factory. A. woman doctors B. women doctors C. woman doctor D. women doctor 3. Which do you prefer ____ or ____? A. potatos, tomatos B. potatos, tomatoes C. potatoes, tomatos D. potatoes, tomatoes 4. They are ____ of different presses. Now they are having a meeting in one of the ____ office. A. editor-in-chiefs, editors-in-chief’s B. editors-in-chief, editor-in-chief’s C. editors-in-chiefs, editor’s-in-chief’s D. editors-in-chief, editors-in-chief’s 5. The ant has two ____. A. stomaches B. stomacks C. stomach D. stomachs 6. He doesn’t like ____ for supper. A. chickB. chicken C. chickens D. chicks 7. My family raises a lot of ____, including two 13 / 18 精品文档 ____. A. cattle, cowsB. cows, cattle C. cattles, cows D. cow, cattles 8. ____ work has been done to improve the people’ s living standard. A. Many B. A great many C. A great deal ofD. A number of. Two ____, please. A. coffeeB. coffees C. cup of coffee D. cups coffee 10. ____ knowledge of space develops rapidly. A. Man’s B. Men’sC. Mens’ D. Person’s 14.I stayed at ____. A. Xiao Wang’sB. Wang’ s home C. the WangsD. home of Wang 11. Have you ever read ____? A. today newspaper B. newspaper today C. newspaper of today D. today’ s newspaper 12、 A. are photoes B. are photos C. is a photo D. is photos 13. made in Shanghai. A. isB .areC .were D .has 14. in the group. A. Japanese, Germen B Japaneses, Germen C. Japanese,German C.Japanese, Germans 14 / 18 精品文档 15. That’ book. A. anB. aC. the D are . A. six boxes of applesB. six boxes of apple C. six box of apples D. six boxs of apples in the river. A. is ,fishB. are, fishsC. i s, fishsD. are ,fish in the box. A. is watch B. are watchesC. are watchD. is watches A .our tooth B. our toothsC.teeth D.our teeth A. two bread B. two breadsC. two pieces of bread D. two piece of bread 21. Two ____ walk didn’t made me tired. A. hour B. hours C. hour’s D. hours’ 22. The mother over there is ____ mother. A. Julia and Mary B. Julia and Mary’s C. Julia’s and Mary’sD. Julia’s and Mary 23. Li Ming’s handwriting is better than ____ in the class. A. anyone’sB. anyone else C. anyone’s else’s D. anyone else’s 28. Food and ____ are daily necessitiesfor the people. 15 / 18 精品文档 A. cloth B. clothe C. clothesD. clothing 33. He was an ____ in the government ____. A. office, official B. official, office C. officer, office D. official, officer 45. I saw many ____ seated in the corner reading something. A. JapaneseB. JapanesesC. of JapaneseD. of Japaneses 46. Father went to his doctor for ____ about his heart trouble. A. an adviceB. advice C. advicesD. the advices 47. We are ____ and they are ____. A. Englishmen, Germans B. Englishmen, German C. Englishmans, Germans D. Englishmen, Germen 48. ____ are made of ____. A. A glass, a glass B. Glasses, glass C. The glass, the glass D. Glasses, glasses 49. I’ll have to buy ____ trousers.A. a B. two C. a pair of D. a couple of 50. There are two ____ in our class. A. Liu B. Lius C. Liu’s D. Lius’ 51. ____ is needed in cold countries. 16 / 18 精品文档 A. A lot of clothes B. Much clothing C. Many a cloth D. Lots of clothes 52. They are ____.A. mathematics studentB. mathematic students C. students in mathematics D. mathematics students 54. This letter was sent by ____. A. my father friend B. my father friend’s C. a friend of my father’s D. a friend of my father 55. Ten years had passed. I found she had ____. A. a little white hair B. some white hair C. a few white hair D. a few white hairs 56. I have made ____ with Billy. A. friends B. friend C. a friend D. the friend 57. The population of Beijing is ____ than that of Xi’an. A. more B. larger C. fewer D. small 58. There are thirty-two ____ in our school. A. woman teacher B. women teacher C. women teachers D. woman teachers 59.He dropped the ___and broke it . A. cup of coffee B. coffee’s cup C. cup for coffeeD. coffee cup 17 / 18 精品文档 18 / 18
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