

2018-06-15 18页 doc 52KB 56阅读




关于高考三本还是复读关于高考三本还是复读 高考上三本还是复读 作为一个经历过我高三、复读,以及三本、考研和北大的人,我想我比较适合回答这个问题。 简单的说,我的建议是:如果你能做到全力以赴、心无旁骛地复读一年,并且有自信第二年走一个全国前十、至少是前二十的名校,那么你去复读也无妨;否则,请选报一个好点的三本就去读了吧。 我有以下几个论点:1.一个好点的三本比一些差点的二本要好,至少不会更差;2.二本和普通重点的教学质量、学习氛围、校园环境等等灰常参差不齐,如果你复习一年只上了一个一般的二本,那么这个学校和三本之间的差距不足以弥补你一年大好...
关于高考三本还是复读 高考上三本还是复读 作为一个经历过我高三、复读,以及三本、考研和北大的人,我想我比较适合回答这个问题。 简单的说,我的建议是:如果你能做到全力以赴、心无旁骛地复读一年,并且有自信第二年走一个全国前十、至少是前二十的名校,那么你去复读也无妨;否则,请选报一个好点的三本就去读了吧。 我有以下几个论点:1.一个好点的三本比一些差点的二本要好,至少不会更差;2.二本和普通重点的教学质量、学习氛围、校园环境等等灰常参差不齐,如果你复习一年只上了一个一般的二本,那么这个学校和三本之间的差距不足以弥补你一年大好的时间;3.真正的好大学,确实不一样,能给你很高的逼格和台阶、很牛的校友圈子,更不要说学习环境、资源、氛围这些了。如果大学本科期间就能进入一个这样的地方,那么应该说是值得你多一年的努力的。 就我的本科学校的师资而言,确实存在如之前的回答里面所说的刚毕业的研究生过来的老师。但是,我们也有南开大学过来的很棒的老师。虽然,这个比例不是很高吧。我本科四年期间,我只遇到了两个非常好的老师。这两个不光是放在我们学校出类拔萃,而且也不会输与其他名校的好老师。 venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a 就学习环境、资源言,我们学校有一个很大的图书馆,考研冲刺和四六级冲刺期间都是要排队占座仔细的。学校有一些固定的自习室,只是用来自习用。我考研的时候,就把所有的书籍全都放到一个座位上,从来不拿走,也没人动他们。期间这些自习室总是有一些初入大学的孩子们过来开会,我们能把他们赶走就赶走,赶不走了我们就换一间教室自习。 就学习氛围来说,确实不咋地。如前面的回答里所说,你的周围全部都是在玩游戏的。那些日子,在校园里走,几乎前后左右的男生全部都在谈论魔兽世界。不过,在自习室总是好的。另外,寝室的同学也都是可以协调的。只要你会混事,当你休息的时候,大家是不会拿着麦克喊yy指挥伙伴们打竞技场的。 如果你立志要学一些东西,让自己四年的大学生活不要白过。你肯定是会遭受一些孤独感的。但是,人人生而孤独。何况,高手自古寂寞。一些二本、甚至重本的学生也不会比我们本科强到哪里。 此外,大学不是只为了学习而创立的。真正优秀的大学是一个平台,能够让全世界最优秀的大脑聚集在一起,共同交流、成长、发展。在一个三本院校,你一样可以有很精彩的大学生活。你可以参加,甚至创立你喜欢的社团;谈一场轰轰烈烈的恋爱;发展你自己的兴趣爱好。 venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a 至于北大,则是一个完全不同的世界。在我们学院,我见到了来自世界顶尖法学院的教授,见到了牛得吐血的同学,有一个好的不能再好的学习氛围(自习室24小时从来就没断过人),有非常精彩的活动。可以说,进入北大是我这么多年来最重要的人生选择。如果,你复习一年,你自信你能考到类似这样一个环境里,那么,你一年的努力是完全值得的。所以我说,至少要是前十、前二十的全国名校才值得你这样。 Ps:如果你要参加的是今年的高考,那么,你问这个问题还早。因为2个月还是能够创造奇迹的。 三本的教学质量不敢恭维啊,会去复读吧。我上的是重庆工商大学的三本,。肠子都悔青了。如果你现在去了三本,那么把学费退出来,回去复读吧。上三本就是去混文凭,什么也学不到,反而耽误了自己的时光。 为什么不要去读三本呢,理由有四。 一、三本的学校教学质量很差劲。以我所在的那所学校来讲,差劲到了让人无法容忍的地步。学校找来一些刚毕业的二本研究生来教你专业课。但是那些比我们大不了几岁的孩子们连职场也没进过,怎么给我们讲呢,无非是去在网上搜点资料,制成PPT。来给我们讲。期末考试的时候,有意无意的把试题透露给我们。然后大家就都过了。你想想看,这种教学模式下学生会学到什么,有人也许会跟我抬杠,说什么大学主要靠自学。靠你妹啊~你连基本上自学什么都不知道,你学个屁啊!好一点的学校的老师都会推荐自学书籍的,有没有~我的venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a 那个学校呢,连课本都是简编本的。每一本课本都超不过100页去,学个屁啊~糊弄自己吧~ 二、三本的学校学习氛围很差。因为到三本的学生基本上都是不爱读书的高考失败者。所以学生们本来就不愿意学习,再加上学校根本不怎么管你。学生都放了羊。导致什么现象呢,一旦有哪位老师把课程讲的深入一点,学生们就起哄。去某些领导那里告老师,说老师讲的不好。结果越是那种半瓶子醋的、喜欢给学生放假的、期末考试给学生透露试题的老师越在学校里呆住了。我记得一个姓王的女老师上课给我们讲《会计电算化》,结果那厮是计算机本科毕业,在硕士的时候才学的财务管理,专业素质连半瓶子醋都达不到,于是她就在网上找一点金算盘会计软件的,上课时照着这个教程叫我们,跟挤牙膏一样,毫无知识框架。她见我们听不下去,就跟我们扯八卦,什么刘德华有几个老婆了,四大是什么样子了,其实我估计那厮连四大的们都没进过。就这样,一扯扯上半天。记得有一次,我问她,有没有介绍金算盘软件的书籍。你们猜那厮怎么反应,她说,你问这个干嘛,我说,想课下学习。她皱着眉头说,不知道。后来我在重庆图书馆里找到了一本书,然后对照着书和她上课时用的看了一下,发现90%是一样的。就这样的老师还是被我们学院视为中流砥柱呢。吐。。。。这样子恶性循环下去。那些想自己学点东西的学生也过河随大流跟着一起玩乐去了。说就不好听的。我们学校大部分学生4年下来连“如何在图书馆里找到自己想要的书籍,”这样的问题都不知道。你想想看,这个学校的学生堕落到什么地步, venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a 也许有人又说,“大学里要靠自觉,自己要把握住自己。管别人干什么,”我告诉你,当你一个人在学习的话,你会遇到如下困难。1、宿舍里很吵。因为学生都在打游戏。你学了一天了,想睡觉,结果人家才刚刚起床,正兴奋呢。半夜凌晨正是人家的大好时光呢。说什么,和他们搞好关系,算了,我告诉你,和他们搞好关系的办法有两种选择,一是跟他们一样也玩游戏,二是搬出去租房子住。2、学生们会孤立你,因为这个学校不肯定爱学的学生,只肯定精于世故的人。3、你找不到好的学习资源。因为一般而言,三本都是在什么分校区。远离主校区。老师们也是些混混。没有人去指导你。所以你根本找不到好的学习资源。 三、三本的治安条件很差。因为去三本的人都是些专升本啊、自考啊、农民工夜校啊什么的人去的。人员成分很杂。一些小混混花了几个钱也进去读。在那里打架斗殴、争吵辱骂是家常便饭。记得我学校就发生过学生喝醉了酒,在宿舍里打架的事情。你的笔电和手机丢了更是常事,学校连管都不管。因为学校把保卫工作承包给了物业公司。物业公司的保安本来就是些小混混。 四、三本的学生会受到同一个学校的二本的师生歧视。我所在的学校是一个分校区。学校领导根本不重视我们这个校区,把主要的人力和财力都投入到主校区。结果主校区修的还可以,我们校区还都是上个世纪80年代的楼房,又破又旧,校方领导知道这个情况,但是就是不管。分配给我们的老师也都是些二把刀,一个个吹牛皮一个顶两。但是真正问他们点专业问题,他们就搪塞你,你问的深入了,他们表venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a 面上会说我回去查查资料,再告诉你。结果呢,下了课就找你的辅导员,在背后说你是个问题学生,不好好上课什么的。然后辅导员就找你来了。于是大家就在上课的时候选择闭嘴了,就这样子也不行,因为那些老师还会抓住这一点讽刺你们“三本的学生就是没有思辨能力,上课也不知道思考。也不知道提问,沉默未必是金„„„„在主校区就不一样了,那里的学生„„„„”每当这时,我就在心里骂他,你麻辣隔壁的,问了问题,你去告黑状,不问问题,你还要讽刺我们。这他妈的什么老师~?记得一个姓刘的老(hun)师(dan)在教我们《会计案例》的时候,一口一个“你们三本的学生„„„„,看看人家主校区„„„„”。我们大家对他真的是反感透了,就是这样的人,还是和我们院长穿一条裤子的。 大概是太多的学生是来混文凭的,课程教学的质量到底怎么样,大家已经不关心了。但是民以食为天,学校食堂伙食也透着一股歧视的味道。因为我在主校区有同学。消息还灵通。自己偶尔也去主校区。我把三本的食堂和主校区的食堂对比了一下。总结出三点。1、三本食堂的饭菜无论是质量、花样品种上都不如主校区任何一个食堂。主校区一个食堂一层楼可以一次出售30多种饭菜,我们最多只有20种,而且质量上根本无法相提比伦,主校区做荤菜用的猪肉是普通的猪肉,而我们校区的食堂用的猪肉却是那种怎么也嚼不烂,总是带着很多膈膜组织的猪肉。刚开始我大一去食堂吃到这种肉,我还以为四川的猪肉和家乡的不一样啊。后来一次去主校区考试,中午我们几个同学去筱园吃饭,一顿饭下来,大家都沉默了。回来的路上各种吐槽啊。venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a 为什么都是一个学校的学生,三本的饭菜要比二本的饭菜差那么多!,,,这不是歧视,是什么,2、三本的食堂饭菜价格高,分量少。我周围男生都是四川贵州的学生,他们在给老师反映的时候都说,食堂的饭菜分量不够,6元一份的荤菜,根本吃不饱。我们去主校区,那里食堂打饭,不是用三本食堂的小勺子(狗日的食堂工(zha)人(zhong)想给我们多少就给我们多少。你跟他争辩,他也不理你。),而是用一个带手柄的小碟子,那个小碟子比起小勺子要大很多。食堂师傅会给你一大碟。价格也要比三本的便宜很多。有一段时间,我们校区的煮鸡蛋价格涨到2元一个,我去问主校区的学生,那里的价格,他们说一直是一元一个。我当时就愤怒了。为什么学校领导对我们三本的事情不闻不问的。摆明是歧视三本。 还有一件事,临毕业了,大家答辩完了,要照毕业照。肯定要学士袍啊。但是因为我们是三本,所以一个班也只能有7、8件学士袍。多了不给。正好那时去主校区,发现校园里到处穿着学士袍照相的。在9教前面,一个年级的学生都穿着学士袍照相。而我们三本就是在一个小破楼前面,大家穿着便装照了张相。后来很多人问我是不是上的专科,我说何出此言,人家说,但凡是本科生都要穿学士袍照毕业照的啊。我顿时被噎的答不上来。真是各种歧视啊~ 每当我去主校区,遇到一些二本的学生,我们自报家门的时候,他就会说,你是三本啊~我虽然会反问一句,三本怎么了,但是自己的底气也是不足的。因为上面那些歧视都客观存在着,主校区的学生也知道这一点。我们于是经常自嘲说,主校区是亲娘养的,我们是后娘养venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a 的。 所以不要去三本了,加油吧,孩子。你的未来之路还很长。复读一年又怎么样呢,考上一个好的学校,对于你的自信心是一个很大的肯定啊~很多时候人就是输在自信心上啊。 有位朋友说,有的3本也不错,其实只限于有的。比如我所在的城市的重庆理工大学的三本就不错,因为2本和3本是在一起的。但是由于我自己的失误,去了重庆工商大学的3本读书,远离主校区,才出现了上面讲的那些很糟糕的情况。所以高考结束之后依旧对3本还感兴趣的孩子们,请一定要选择那些和主校区的学生在一起的3本学院就读。至少你们可以去蹭蹭课,听听讲座什么的。也可以利用那里的学习氛围。加入很多上进的组织。这样一来。3本的劣势就可能被抵消掉了。 另外 @曹达 这位同学的励志故事确实很感人,但是我们都是学过概率统计的。在几千人的远离主校区的3本院校,像他这样的故事,只是被人用来给自己打气而已,至于他到底用什么手段考上了北大,就不得而知了。因为3本的资源很有限。而大部分时间我们只是在学校里听课,记住,只要你进了3本的门,而且想在那里学下去,那帮子管理学校的混蛋就有办法拾掇你。他们的目的就是想让你安静的坐下来上课,不退学,继续交学费就行了,其实关于课程的质量什么的,人家是不会管你的,比如每天的课程都点到啊。安插间谍在你们中间啊,等等,反正就是让你必须坐在教室里听完他的课,无论那个课程有多烂,如果你不听,那好,他就绝对不给你成绩。你自己根本没有venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a 自由空间去听别的学校的课,因为时间都被他的那些烂课填满了。现在回想一下,都是些被时代淘汰的知识,像是我学的会计类的课程,却一点也不讲有关证券股票之类的课程,相反却给我们上什么《会计行业比较》《出纳实务》《会计信息系统》之类的课程。这些课程是怎么上的呢,就是在那里念课本。而且我后来和在自己家乡读职高的朋友一聊,才发现上面那些课程其实就是职高生才上的。我们和主校区的会计专业的课程完全不一样。闹了半天,学校是按职高生培养我们的。现在想想真的是各种恨啊~~~ @曹达 这种3本考上211、985的情况的确有,我们学校每年都是什么海文、山海之类的考研辅导机构的重点照顾对象。但是我一直在想,我们本科都学的这么烂,去了研究生,给导师打打工,2年半就又下来了。你真正能得到多少呢,我们4年的时光都扔在这里有什么用,只是用研究僧这个光环来抵消3本这个“污点”吗,这样的做法真的很可笑。因为这段人生阅历就是像烙印一样刻在你身上了。 @曹达 这样的情况是小概率事件,大部分学生都是会在偏离主校的混乱氛围中随波逐流,然后去按照父母的旨意做一份被安排好的工作,结婚生子,人生就此定格。有时候他们也许会对自己的3本经历有些遗憾,但是他们又在自我安慰自己,说这样子活着挺好。这种精神的侏儒是3本里面大部分人的写照。你如果不愿意做这种精神的侏儒,你就会受到排挤。打击。这样我们学校每年都会有选择退学的学生。因为他们受够了那种萎靡不振的气息,有一个学生曾跟我说:如果我继续在这里混下去,我今后的人生就再也没有激情了。学生们每天就是课上玩玩手机。课下玩玩电脑就这样venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a 度过。真的很无语。而且 @曹达 这样的例子我也接触过,是一个考上西南大学的人,他通过报考研辅导班考上了研究生,但是他每天的工作是什么呢,坐在自习室里考各种证件。这就是3本的学生能做的事情。我不禁想问,如此一来,你考研的意义何在, 先说这么多吧。 ——----------------------------------------------------再次补充 ----------------------------------------------------------- -------- 我感觉读大学,就是找到真正适合你的专业领域。然后你把自己的时光投到那上面去。大学不是来混文凭的。如果混文凭,大学就失去了它的意义。如果是混文凭,四年下来,你和就毕业去社会打拼的同伴多了什么,你自己最清楚。一个的大学,综合性大学,里面有各种专业学科。你即便高考后学错了专业,进入大学,你依旧可以去挤出时间接触各种专业学科知识。从而找到你喜欢的适合你的专业。但是在一个偏居一角的三本院,最多设十几个专业。而且那些专业大多是那种迎合市场需要的生拼硬凑的专业,纯粹是应用技术层面的,你能接触到什么呢,这在无形中就限制了你学习知识的视野。你很难享受到知识的融会贯通的美感。你仔细想想,你和一个专科小学校的学生相比有什么区别(除了学位证和毕业证),而在一个设有几十个专业的大学校园,你接触的东西就不一样了。那里的课程很多,人也多,你只要稍微一接触学生,你就在接触他所学的专业知venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a 识。你只要搞到了课表,想蹭谁的课就蹭谁的课。想听什么讲座就听 什么讲座。然后在找几个志同道合的小基友搞搞发明什么的,写写文 章什么,青春就这么充实的过去了。在三本小学院,周围都是刀塔迷, cf迷,炫舞迷,美剧迷,约炮迷,炫富者,小流氓。你能得到什么, 这几天看了一部纪录片《为什么贫穷,》后面有一个影评,是个三本 生写的。大家参考一下吧。 venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a
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