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波西卡与丘比特波西卡与丘比特 Once, there was a young woman by the name of Psyche and she was extraordinarily beautiful. tler popularity and fame grew after a while; people came to say her beauty was too great for that of a mere mortal. She must in fact be a goddess, and they began to d...
波西卡与丘比特 Once, there was a young woman by the name of Psyche and she was extraordinarily beautiful. tler popularity and fame grew after a while; people came to say her beauty was too great for that of a mere mortal. She must in fact be a goddess, and they began to desert the temple of Aphrodite. Goddess of Beauty and Love. They actually began to worship Psyche. 从前,有位名叫波西卡的年轻女子,她非常美丽。她的名声越来越 大,一段时间以后,人们开始传说她的美不是人间所有的,她一定是一 位女神于是人们渐渐地不再去爱之神阿芙洛狄特神庙,转而膜拜波西 卡。 Now, Aphrodite was a cry jealous goddess and she grew very angry about Psyche.So she went to find her son, the god, Cupid.When this story took place, Cupid has grown into a very handsome young man. but still with the wings.Aphrodite asked Cupid to punish Psyche.Cupid flew down to the Earth. He found Psyche sleeping in her room. He drew an arrow at hrr but he was startled by her great beauty, and he found himself hopelessly in love with Psyche. He just couldn?t bring himself to punish her in any way. So away he flew. This made Aphrodite even angrier with Psyche. 阿芙洛狄特是位嫉妒心很强的女人,她对波西卜大为恼怒于是阿 芙洛狄特找来她的儿子,丘比特当这个故事发生时,丘比特已是一个十 分英俊的小伙了,当然背上仍长着翅膀阿芙洛狄特要丘比特去惩罚波 西卡于是丘比特牡到J‘人间,他发现波西卜正在房间里熟睡他从箭袋 单抽出一只箭搭在玄,当他刚看她一眼,就不禁被她的美丽惊呆了。他 意识到他已经死心塌地爱上波西长了,他不可能再用任何方式惩罚她, 于是便飞走了。这使得阿芙洛狄特对波西卡更为恼怒. Time went by and Psyche?s father realized that his daughter was not like other mortals. So he went to sec the oracle. an ole woman through whom the god. Apollo. spoke s of wisdom and truth, and the old woman said:”Psyche is not like other mortal woman and she will not marry a mortal husband. Hm husband would be a mon,tcr feared by both god and man. And he awaits her on the mountain top” So the family brought Psyche to the top of a nearby mountain, and with tear, in their eyes. they left? her there. But shortly after her family left, a gentle breeze suddenly c 上一篇英语: 谅下一篇英语: 没有了查看更多关于佳作欣赏的文 章网友同时还浏览了: 谅 悲惨的爱情故事 爱情样板 不只是朋友 最浪漫的回忆 相中有缘人 ame up and lift her right off the mountain top and took her across the、 alleys and to another mountain where it set her gently down. Up ahead. she saw a grove of straight, tall, beautiful trees, and she went in that direction. At the end. there was a beautiful palace full of gold and ivory and jewels, so wethine too beautiful for a mere mortal. “„My lady Psyche”suddenly a voice was heard. “I am one the invisible servants of this place. And this place is for your joy. Your husband-to-be has set it here for you.And we will fulfill your every wish and desire’.”So from then on Psvche began her new life During thr day, she would live in the palace of dreams and wishes.At night, a mysterious husband appeared to spend the night with het until the dawn. She never did sec his face. But he was gentle and loving and fultilled her every wish for a husband. 时光流逝,波西卡的父亲也意识到他的女儿与众不同,于是他就去 找了一位神喻—一位老妇人,她传达阿波罗神饱含智慧和真理的话。 她说道:“波西卡和别的凡间女子不同。她不会嫁给凡人。她的丈夫将 是神和人都害怕的怪物,他在高山之巅等着她。”于是全家人将波西卡 带到附近的一座山峰上,含着眼泪把她留在了那儿她的家人刚离开不 久,就突然刮来一阵轻柔的风,风儿裹着她飞离了山顶,越过山谷,将她 轻轻放在另一座山顶上她看见前边有一片树林,树木高大、美丽,便朝 着树林走去在尽头,有一座由黄金、象牙、珠宝建成的华丽宫殿。对 一个凡人来说,它实在是美丽得难以想象。突然,她听到一个声音:“波 西卡夫人,我是这座宫殿的隐形仆人这座宫殿是为您而建的,您的未婚 夫为您安排了这一切,我们将满足您的每一个愿望和要求”从此,波西 卜开始了她的全新的生活。自天,她生活在充满梦幻和希望的宫殿里; 夜晚,那位神秘的丈夫就会出现,和她共度良宵直到天明她从未见过他 的脸,但作为丈夫,他温柔可爱且满足她的每一个愿望。 经典英语爱情美文欣赏 However, once she asked him、why can I not see you? Why can I not see your feature,and he replied”I am a god, I am afraid you will fear me rather than love me if you actually could see me.And therefore would prefer darkness only.”She accepted this. But as time went by, she grew lonely, and one night, she aid to her husband, “I wish to see my sisters My family must... must pink that I?m dead by now.” He tried to argue her out of it. But at least, as always. he paid he would 上一篇英语: 谅下一篇英语: 没有了查看更多关于佳作欣赏的文 章网友同时还浏览了: 谅 悲惨的爱情故事 爱情样板 不只是朋友 最浪漫的回忆 相中有缘人 do as she wished. 一次.她问他:“为什么我不能看见你呢?为什么我不能看见你的容 貌呢?”他答道:“我是神,我担心如果你真的看见我,你就会害怕我而不 爱我因此我宁愿选择黑暗”她接受了这个答复但是随着时间的推移, 她日益感到孤单一天晚上,她对丈夫说:’我想见见我的姐妹们.我的家 人一定认为我已经死了、”他试着劝她改变主意,但是最后,和往常一样, 他说他会实现她的愿望. The next day ,as Psyche?s two sisters were walking, picking up some flowers, the gentle wind rose again and lilted the two of them and flew them off to Psyche?s palace, where their sister was awaiting them. How joyous was that reunion!At the end of day, the sisters parted.But they had planted the seed of suspicion in Psyche?s mind. That night, as her husband lay sleeping in the pitch black darkness of their room, she held the oil lamp high and approached their bed. It wasn”t a fearsome monster. In fact, it was a remarkably handsome young man with wings growing from his back. I”m sure you?ve sucssed by now” it was Cupid himsclt”. So startled was Psyche at his appearance that she stumbled a bit atd several drops of oil from the lamp spattered out on Cupid”s chest and burned him and he awoke suddenly.When he saw her standing there,he knew at once what had happened. And he sprang for the window and stared her as he stood then.’Yon?vc lost me forever, Psyche. I must leave you forever now. Love can not live with mistrust.” 第二天,波西卡的两个妹妹正在边走边摘花,一阵清风吹来,将她们 带到了波西卡的宫殿,她正在那儿等着呢久别重逢很令人惊喜一天结 束后,妹妹们离去了,但是她们在波西卡心里种下了怀疑的种子这天晚 上,她丈夫在漆黑的卧室里熟睡时,她拿一盏油灯走近床边一她举起油 灯,他哪是可怕的怪物,事实土他是一位非常英俊的青年,背上长着翅 膀,我想你现在已经猜出来了,他就是丘比特。波西卡对他的外貌大吃 一惊,不慎一个踉跄,几滴油从灯上滴落到了丘比特的胸部,他突然被 烫醒了他看见她站在那儿,立刻明自到底发生什么事他跃仁窗台,盯着 她说:“你已经永远失去我了,波西仁。我现在必须永远离开你了,没有 信任是不会有爱的” Before she could speak. he spread his wings and flew off.And the palace disappeared.She began to travel around the countryside trying to find a way back to her husband.She went through many adventures and at last she found the temple of the Gods.she went inside and lit a candle and got down upon her knees, and she prayed and said: “my husband, you are a god and I know therefore y 上一篇英语: 谅下一篇英语: 没有了查看更多关于佳作欣赏的文 章网友同时还浏览了: 谅 悲惨的爱情故事 爱情样板 不只是朋友 最浪漫的回忆 相中有缘人 ou can hear me. I love you with all my soul. There?s one thing I must say to you.” Cupid appeared,”what is it” he asked. And she replied. “you said you have to leave because I did not crust you. But did you trust me?”how could I fully love you without letting me know you?” and Cupid saw the justice in this. “Come with me,” he said, and he lifted her in his strong arms and off they flew up the very top of Mount Olympus, home of gods. And they went to see Zeus, king of all the gods. 她还没来得及申辩,他已展开翅膀飞走了宫殿也随之消失。她开始 在乡间四处寻觅,想找到一条回到她丈夫身边的路她历尽艰险,终于找 到了神殿,她走了进去,点燃一只蜡烛,跪在地上祈祷:“夫君啊,你是一 位神,我知道你能听见我的话。我全心全意地爱你,有一件事我必须要 跟你讲”于是丘比特出现了。“你想说什么?”“你说你要离开我是因为 我不信任你但你相信我吗?如果你不让我完全地了解你,我又如何能 完完全全地爱你呢,”丘比特知道她是对的。“跟我来,”他说他用坚实的 臂膀抱起她,一起飞向众神之家—奥林匹斯山顶,去见众神之王—宙 斯。 Cupid told the whole story to Father Zeus,and asked hitn to talk to his mother.Zeus finally persuaded Aphrodite to accept the girl.Later Aphrodite herself brought ambrosia, the food and drink of gods and gave them to Psyche and once she had done that, Psyche, too, became immortal and went to live on Mount Olympus with Cupid happily ever after. 丘比特把整件事情的经过告诉父工,并请他跟母亲谈谈。最终,宙 斯说阿芙洛狄特。后来阿芙洛狄特亲自带了神水仙肴给波西卡享用、 波西卡也获得r永生,从此和丘比特一起幸福地生活在奥林匹斯山上。 Now,”psyche” is the old Greek word for soul and also for butterfly. Perhaps the Greeks knew that the soul could fly as joyfully and beautifully as a butterfly, but only when soul has combined with love. 波西卡是古希腊语的一个词,是心灵和蝴蝶的意思。也许希腊人认 为心灵可以像蝴蝶一样美妙而欢快地飞翔,但要达到如此境界,心灵必 须和爱结合在一起。 经典英语爱情美文欣赏:你愿意和我约会吗 Every day I anxiously wait for you to gel to class. I and say good morning. Some days, when you arrive only can?t wait for us to smile at each other incredibly and listen impatient. Instead of reading the Daily Calendar, seconds before the lecture begins, I?m I anticipate your footsteps from behind for your voice. Today is one of your late d 上一篇英语: 谅下一篇英语: 没有了查看更多关于佳作欣赏的文 章网友同时还浏览了: 谅 悲惨的爱情故事 爱情样板 不只是朋友 最浪漫的回忆 相中有缘人 ays. But I don?t mind, because after a month of desperately desiring to ask you out, today I am going to一Encourage me, because letting you know like you seems as risky to me as skydiving into the sea. 我每天都急切地等着你来上课我迫不及待地想与你相视一笑,互 道一声早上好有些天你在上课前最后儿秒才进教室,我着实心烦意乱 _我表面在看当天的课程表,内心却盼;望着从后面传来的脚步声,盼望 听到你的说话声。今大你又晚到,可是,我并不介意,因为在经受一个月 渴望和你约会的煎熬之后,今天就要付诸行动了,鼓励我吧,为让你知 道我喜欢你我需要豁出去,就像高空跳伞到大海里面一样. I know that dating has changed dramatically in the past few years, and for many women asking men out isn?t at all daring. But 1 was raised in a traditional European household’where simply the thought of my asking you out spells-naughty. Growing up, I learned that men call, ask and pay for the date. During my 3 years at Berkeley, I have learned othcnvise. Many Berkeley women have brightened their social lives by taking the initiative、with men. My girlfriends insist it?s essential for women to participate snore in the dating process. “I can?t sit around and wait any more,”my former roommate once blurted out.‘Hard as it is, I have to ask guys oW if I want to date at all!” 我知道最近几年,男女约会已经与以前大不样〕对许多女士而言, 邀请男人出去根本算不上什么大胆的举动了。可我在一个传统的欧洲 家庭长大,在那样的家教下,就连脑海中闪过约你出去的念头都觉得不 妥,从小我知道的都是男士打电话约女士,男士掏腰包但在伯克利的3 年当中,我看到的却完全不同〔二许多伯克利女士为了交际更广一此, 往往与男士交往时采取主动我的女性朋友们坚持,女士在约会中更积 极主动是非常必要的“我再不能坐在这里干等了,”我曾经的室友有次 大喊道。“尽管很难,但是我必须主动约男孩了—如果我还想约会的 话!” Wonderful, more women are inviting men out, and men say they are delighted, often relieved, that dating no longer solely depends on their willingness and courage to take the first step. Then why am I digging my nails into my hand trying to muster up courage?? 太妙了。如今越来越多的女士约男士们出去,男士们说他们很高兴, 如释重负,约会不再完全依靠他们去决定、去鼓起勇气迈出第一步r 那么,我又何必用手指掐着手掌,半天鼓不起勇气呢. I keep telling myself to relax since dating is less stereotypical and more casual today. A college date means anything from studying together to sex. Most of my peers prefer casual dating 上一篇英语: 谅下一篇英语: 没有了查看更多关于佳作欣赏的文 章网友同时还浏览了: 谅 悲惨的爱情故事 爱情样板 不只是朋友 最浪漫的回忆 相中有缘人 anyway because it`s cheaper and more comfortable. Students have fewer anxiety attacks when they ask somebody to play tennis than when they plan a formal dinner date. They enjoy last minute let?s make dinner together“dates because they not only avoid hassling with attire and transportation but also dun?t have time to agonize. 我一直提醒自己放松点,因为如今约会远不是老一套了,非常随 意。大学生约会干什-么的都有,一起学习,甚至会上床。同龄人中的大 多数更喜欢随意的约会,因为这样的花费更少,而且更加轻松自在。学 生邀请某人出去打网球自然比邀人共进正式的晚餐更不容易紧张。他 们喜欢约会到最后说:“我们一起去吃晚饭吧”,因为这样既无需为着装 和交通发愁,而且也没时间去烦恼。 Casual dating also encourages people to form healthy friendship prior to starting relationships My roommate and he;r boyfriend were friends for four months before their chemistries clicked,they went to movies and meals and often rot together with mutual friends, they alternated paying the dinner check.”He was like a girlfriend “my roommate once laughed-blushing”. Mcn and women relax and get to know each other more easily through such friendships. Another friend of mine believes that casual dating is improving people?s social lives. When she wants to Iw a guy know she is interested. she will say, “Hey, let?s go pct a yoghurt” 随意的约会还促进人们在恋爱之前培养健康的友谊我的室友和 她男朋友在共浴爱河之前,已经是相处4个月的朋友了,他们一起看电 影、吃饭,还常常与彼此的朋友们聚会,他们吃饭轮流买单。“他像个女 性朋友,”我的室友曾经羞涩地笑着说。通过这种友谊,男人和女人都很 放松,这样更容易深人了解对方我的另一个朋友相信,随意的约会!在 改善人们的社交生活。当她想让一个小伙子知道她对他感兴趣时,她 会说:“嗨,我们去吃块酸奶酪吧。” Who payfor it? My past tlatrs have taught me some things. You don?t know if I?ll get the wrong idea if you treat me for dinner,and I don?t know if paying for myself. John whipped out his wallet on our first flute betore I could suggest we go Dutch. 谁来买单呢?过去的约会经验让我懂得了一些东西。如果你请我 吃饭,你知道我是否误解你的意思:如果我坚持为自己的那份付钱,我 不知道是否会惹你不快或者冒犯你。我和约翰第一次约会时,我还来 不及提议AA制,约翰就突然掏出了钱包。 During our full dinner stroll he told me he wa; interested in dating me 上一篇英语: 谅下一篇英语: 没有了查看更多关于佳作欣赏的文 章网友同时还浏览了: 谅 悲惨的爱情故事 爱情样板 不只是朋友 最浪漫的回忆 相中有缘人 on steady basis. After I explained I was more interested in a friendship. he told me he would have understood have I paid for my dinner. “I have practically ;topped treating women on dates.?”He said defensively. “It is safer and more comtbrtable when we each pay for ourselves.” John has assumed that because I graciously accepted his treat, I was in love. He was mad at Himself for treating me,and I regretted allowing him to. 饭后散步时,他告诉我,他有意与我定期约会。我向他解释说我更 愿意和他做朋友,他告诉我,要是我是自己付的钱,他就能理解我的意 思。“现在约会的时候我几乎不请女人吃饭了,”他辩解道“各付各的账, 更安全,心里更舒服”约翰以为,我毫不客气地接受他的请客,说明我爱 上他了他因为请我吃饭而埋怨自己,而我也后悔当初没有阻止他。 Larry. on the other hand. blushed when I otfercd to pay fur my meal on our first date. I unzipped my purse and Hung out my wallet, and he looked at me as if I had addressed him in a foreign language. Hesitant. I asked politely, “How much do I owe you??” Larry muttered, “uh, uh, you really don”t owe me anything, but if you insist...” 拉里却不同,和他第一次约会,当我提出为自己的那份付钱时,拉里 的脸红f我拉开手提包,匆忙拿出钱包时,他看着我,就像我用外语和他 说了什么似的。我迟疑一会儿,客气地问道“我该付你多少钱?”拉里说 “嗯,嗯,你其实不用付我,可是,如果你坚持……” Insist. I thought. I only offered. To Larry, my gesture was a suggestion of rejection. 我还是坚持给了他钱对拉里来说,我的举动是拒绝他的暗示。 Sliding into his desk, he taps my shoulde and says “Hi, Laura, what?s up??” 他悄悄溜进座位,轻轻拍拍我的肩膀问道:“你好劳拉,怎么了?” “Good morning”I answered with nervous chills Hey, how would you like to have lunch after class on Friday” “早上好,”我答道,紧张地回过神来,“晦,星期五放学后一起吃午餐 好吗?” “You meant attcr the tnidtenn??” he says encouragingly I?d love to go to lunch with you. “你的意思是期中考试以后?”他的口气令人鼓舞“十分乐意和你共 进午餐” “We have a date”I smile. “那我们说定了,”我微笑道。 上一篇英语: 谅下一篇英语: 没有了查看更多关于佳作欣赏的文 章网友同时还浏览了: 谅 悲惨的爱情故事 爱情样板 不只是朋友 最浪漫的回忆 相中有缘人
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