

2017-12-01 13页 doc 40KB 6阅读




酒店空降兵着落酒店空降兵着落 酒店空降兵如何成功着陆 作者:甘雄 空降兵是以伞降或机降方式投入地面作战的兵种~是一支具有空中快速机动和超越地理障碍能力的突击力量。而酒店空降兵则是指职业酒店经理人空降到新的地方~在此主持大局~有效实现业主或者集团的经济目标。 中国酒店业在2013年的发展,因为国家相关政策的出台~而受到了相当大的影响~但是随着中国国家经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高~并没有改变对高星级酒店需求增加的大趋势。中、高星级酒店数量大规模的不断增加~当前截止2013年一季度共有704家五星级酒店~而未来十几内预计还有500家五星...
酒店空降兵着落 酒店空降兵如何成功着陆 作者:甘雄 空降兵是以伞降或机降方式投入地面作战的兵种~是一支具有空中快速机动和超越地理障碍能力的突击力量。而酒店空降兵则是指职业酒店经理人空降到新的地方~在此主持大局~有效实现业主或者集团的经济目标。 中国酒店业在2013年的发展,因为国家相关政策的出台~而受到了相当大的影响~但是随着中国国家经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高~并没有改变对高星级酒店需求增加的大趋势。中、高星级酒店数量大规模的不断增加~当前截止2013年一季度共有704家五星级酒店~而未来十几内预计还有500家五星级酒店开业。由此可以看出~对中国的酒店高管人才的需求还将大幅度增加~而中国的酒店人才培养远远跟不上酒店发展的脚步~集团、单体店等对于人才的大量需求~造成了职业经理人的人才需求缺口~使酒店空降兵成为猎头公司的香饽饽。以中国中端酒店品牌代深圳维也纳国际集团为例~短短的几年付给猎头公司的金额已经就超过两千万人民币。中国酒店业的空降兵正呈现欣欣向荣的情景。 众所周知~在战场上培养一个空降兵所花费的人力和财力都是巨大的。同理~培养一个优秀的酒店空降兵也需要不小财力、物力的投入~而且培养酒店空降兵也需要一定是周期~而不是短平快。罗马不是一日建成~酒店空降兵的也不是一日就能培养成才。笔者认为~空降兵的成功着陆与合适的土壤以培育、适当的授权以用人、文化融合以留人等方面着手。 首先~从空降兵的培养来看~对接才能实现合作共赢。高等教育作为我国培养后备人才的大本营~其的理论知识培养体系较为成熟~但是酒店业作为服务业~人与人之间的面对面的沟通需求相较~就比其他行业多~决定了其专业的实践技能极其重要~培养的体制也定就有所区别。近几年~在酒店教育业~我们也收获了许多喜讯~酒店管理专业当前已经作为是二级学科~越来越多的学校开设该专业~奠定了更扎实的理论基础。纵观酒店业~许多酒店集团也有自己的人才培养体系~我们是否考虑更早的将企业培养管培生延伸到高校~实现校企的更深入合作~校企双方双主体育人~共同培养~共同将未来职业经理人的职业规划更早提上日程。 空降兵需要有强大的后备选才队伍~校企的无缝对接~让企业和校方大家共聚在同一屋檐下~倾听彼此~携手并进。21世纪的竞争是人才的竞争~在培养未来职业酒店经理人的道路上~校企合作如火如荼~但是拥有国际品牌背景的项目居多。集美大学工商管理学院与厦门喜达屋集团在厦门的三家酒店——喜来登酒店、厦门艾美酒店、厦门威斯汀酒店共同创办的“喜达屋人才班”。除校企合作外~还有管培生计划直接选拔、培养职业经理人~国际品牌所占的吸引人才的能力更强~以希尔顿在2013年的管培生计划来看~超过2万多份简历竞争不足100的岗位机会~而且简历硬件要求也相当之高。目前国内酒店及旅游院校的“短板”就是不善于同企业对接。结合中国国内酒店集团发展大环境~酒店业考outside network voice medical floor 285 45 120 322 10 339 14 277 13 145 5 23 11 3 5 3 rehabilitation floor 44 3 10 18 5 28 5 2 6 3 66 1 52 1 0 70 18 0 72 0, 26, 2nd floor 20-59, East on the 1th floor 3 54 58 4 58 4 4 4 1th Lou-Lou 79 1 52 54 0 26 22 6 4-West building, 1th floor 53 23 36 80 2 80 2 5 1 Intranet total medical floor 1394 rehabilitation floor 234 1th, floor 562 2nd, floor 0 intranet total: 2190 outside network total medical floor 103 rehabilitation floor 18 1th, floor 70 2nd, floor 162 outside network total: 352 voice total medical floor 435 rehabilitation floor 120 1th, floor 435 2nd, floor 46 voice total: 1036 notes: indoor mobile communications cover system mobile communications cover system meet in rehabilitation center for normal mobile communications of requirements. Indoor mobile communication coverage system coverage range and signal power should ensure that the normal use of medical equipment and patient safety ... Cable TV systems as an important part of the rehabilitation centre electronic system for receiving international/domestic economic, trade, financial, information, culture and entertainment meet Center, nursing units, waiting for use in public areas. Cable systems as an integral part of the building intelligent systems, 860MHZ adjacent-channel design of bidirectional HFC network transmission mode. For city cable TV signal and Internet value-added services (videoconference) teletext and sound signals to provide a broadband distribution and interactive information delivery platform. From municipal cable TV operators a single optical fiber cable TV signal source to the medical floor information center front-end receiver. TV signal leads to first floor of weak hospital other monomers CATV box. Transmission main TV system coaxial cable, to user terminal branch line with SYWV-75-5-4P-coaxial cable, is wearing a metal pipe in the ceiling, floor and wall installation. The splitter and amplifiers installed in weak current shaft or the ceiling of the corridor. According to 860MHz 虑的不仅仅是要低廉的实习生成本~也要探索与酒店自身实际情况相符合的校企人才发展道路~学校与企业~专业设臵与职业岗位、课程教材与职业标准~教学过程与生产过程的深度对接与融合。英国的现代学徒制尚且可以给予我们以启示~酒店职业经理人的现代学徒制-酒店集团与高校的双向定向培养~率先抢占拥有未来职业酒店人。 拿破仑说~不想当将军的士兵不是好士兵。不想当总经理的酒店人不是好的酒店人~作为一个酒店人在进入职场~从一开始就应该规划好自己的职业生涯道路~时刻提醒自己、激励自己。一个空降预备兵的培养是双向的、长期的~也需要对自己的严格要求和不断进取的心。一个合格预备队员需要熟悉与掌握各个部门运营技能~和学会运用管理艺术。同时~也要有用人单位给予酒店工作者发展成为预备队员的机会~让员工看到成为预备队员希望的曙光~这也更能激发其的热情和潜力~还能更好的为企业吸收更多潜力人才~促进传承酒店的企业文化。 其次~有了空降兵~还得选对空降兵。业主或集团在选择酒店空降兵的类型时~要结合酒店的生产经营状况和酒店的文化来选择空降兵。甲是国际联号酒店的总经理~被单体店业主所看中~其的业务管理能力毋庸臵疑~将酒店的硬件条件和服务质量都改善了~但是成本的增加~其的收益管理表明其的回报率和收益状况是下降的~并没有为企业创造更大的效益。为什么甲不是该店的所需要的空降兵~因为该单体店没有国际联号酒店所具备的: 1.国际联号品牌的品牌价值 2.全球化的营销网络、预定系统、客史档案 3.国人崇洋媚外的心理 4.缺乏集团化的监管体系 在国际酒店集团做得相当出色的总经理~却在一家远没有之前奢华、规模大的酒店岗位上载了跟头~经过后~这并不奇怪。业主在空降兵的选择上~常常被其过去耀眼的光环及其业绩所打动~而没有仔细的综合考虑其是否能在“山地”成功着陆。酒店空降兵的类型一般分为单体店型和连锁类型~又有分为营销型、管理型、人力型、财务型、运营型、筹建型等。这就需要紧密的与门店的当前与长远发展战略相结合~且认同老板的企业文化。同时~也要避免在用人上要么是急功近利的误区~要求经理人是摇钱树~或者是通才,要么就是迷信所谓的资深专家~经营专家,更要考虑到对职业经理人的具体要求并不是教科上现成的版本~不同的酒店具有不同的企业文化~由于企业多处的发展阶段不同~都会对职业经理人的要求产生影响。 酒店职业经理人在不同性质的企业~有着大相径庭的职业生存环境~再优秀的职业经理人也有适合自己理念和个性的市场选择~“良禽择木而栖”~明智的职业经理人不会去抱怨“木”的不同质地~而是能正确选择适合自己的酒店~包括酒店性质、酒店经济与社会实力、酒店规模、酒店文化、业主个性、酒店所处的社会环境等要要素的判断。空降兵降落前就要观察好周围的环境~选择在安全、outside network voice medical floor 285 45 120 322 10 339 14 277 13 145 5 23 11 3 5 3 rehabilitation floor 44 3 10 18 5 28 5 2 6 3 66 1 52 1 0 70 18 0 72 0, 26, 2nd floor 20-59, East on the 1th floor 3 54 58 4 58 4 4 4 1th Lou-Lou 79 1 52 54 0 26 22 6 4-West building, 1th floor 53 23 36 80 2 80 2 5 1 Intranet total medical floor 1394 rehabilitation floor 234 1th, floor 562 2nd, floor 0 intranet total: 2190 outside network total medical floor 103 rehabilitation floor 18 1th, floor 70 2nd, floor 162 outside network total: 352 voice total medical floor 435 rehabilitation floor 120 1th, floor 435 2nd, floor 46 voice total: 1036 notes: indoor mobile communications cover system mobile communications cover system meet in rehabilitation center for normal mobile communications of requirements. Indoor mobile communication coverage system coverage range and signal power should ensure that the normal use of medical equipment and patient safety ... Cable TV systems as an important part of the rehabilitation centre electronic system for receiving international/domestic economic, trade, financial, information, culture and entertainment meet Center, nursing units, waiting for use in public areas. Cable systems as an integral part of the building intelligent systems, 860MHZ adjacent-channel design of bidirectional HFC network transmission mode. For city cable TV signal and Internet value-added services (videoconference) teletext and sound signals to provide a broadband distribution and interactive information delivery platform. From municipal cable TV operators a single optical fiber cable TV signal source to the medical floor information center front-end receiver. TV signal leads to first floor of weak hospital other monomers CATV box. Transmission main TV system coaxial cable, to user terminal branch line with SYWV-75-5-4P-coaxial cable, is wearing a metal pipe in the ceiling, floor and wall installation. The splitter and amplifiers installed in weak current shaft or the ceiling of the corridor. According to 860MHz 适合自己降落的地区降落。空降兵自己也要对能否胜任工作有充分的初步正确判断~要对自己的能力有充分的认识~万万不可因为对于金钱的盲目渴望或者对自己尚未准备好的而到来的机会~就奋不顾身的向前冲去。这不仅仅是对业主或集体的不负责~更是对自己不负责的表现。空降兵不仅考虑到这个酒店能给我带来多大的经济利益~更要考虑到我能对我所空降的酒店能带来什么~是否与我的擅长之处相吻合~还要想到我在这个酒店我能学到什么~对我的今后成长的好处。除了平和务实的心态~职业经理人需要摆正自己与老板、股东、企业的位臵~所以我们酒店职业经理人要严予律己~充分发挥自己的能力~使酒店职业经理人的良好大环境不被破坏。 当选择好空降兵~空降兵就要适应该处的水土环境。 酒店环境各不相同~空降兵必须能根据环境而变~适应不同的业主。从这个意义上说~“业主永远是对的”~职业经理人要摆脱长期在酒店该做的思维和惯性~以业主和市场为导向~增强在不同性质酒店的生存能力。通常酒店空降兵的到来有两种情况~一是前任急流勇退或者被挖了墙角~二是被老板炒了鱿鱼。在第一种情况下~往往会给你留下一批老臣子~很可能会产生对新任老大的产生排斥情绪~小团体很容易在此时产生~以保全自己的利益。第二种情况就不破不利~既然双向选择了这次联姻~就要勇敢大胆的去改革。作为一名合格的酒店职业经理人~不仅要有信念~还应把信念推向极致~更要有这种极致的职业精神演绎为企业的竞争力~成就事业~带出队伍~形成文化。 职业经理人成就事业~不但要求职业经理人把工作经营为事业~更是要把业主委托经营管理的酒店或部门通过自己的有效管理达到既定的目标~以实际行动体现对也负责、对客人负责、对员工负责、对行业负责、对社会公众负责、对自己负责。不仅注重企业眼前的绩效~更要关注企业的未来发展~既能脚踏实地~又要仰望星空~抓好当前~着眼今后~使企业健康可持续发展。 空降兵来到降落区~马上要充分了解酒店的经营状况和企业文化~接着积极的融入该酒店的文化中~空降兵也应当怀有一颗感恩的心~感谢业主或者集团给予了你这次机会~心存善念~方能少犯原则性错误。当然最重要的是明白该酒店的优势与缺点~找出该酒店难点和病症。这个熟悉的过程中~首先要正确的处理与业主的合作关系。开始的不仅了解这个酒店业主团队~也是让酒店业主团队来了解你~接着让业主相信你是在为酒店着想~是在为酒店的发展作出自己的决定~这也是职业经理人们所应该具备的职业操守。只有当酒店业主或者上层管理真正相信你了~他们才会对你充分的逐步授权~不至于今后工作中经常发生的越权管理行为。做好与酒店业主或聘任单位关系的渠道有: 1.与酒店业主和管理公司有清晰明确的职权、义务标记合同, 2.查阅过去的酒店的相关材料~了解酒店的高管的相关人事结构, 3.多向老板汇报工作~多于老板沟通~还可建立例行的碰头会、视频会等, outside network voice medical floor 285 45 120 322 10 339 14 277 13 145 5 23 11 3 5 3 rehabilitation floor 44 3 10 18 5 28 5 2 6 3 66 1 52 1 0 70 18 0 72 0, 26, 2nd floor 20-59, East on the 1th floor 3 54 58 4 58 4 4 4 1th Lou-Lou 79 1 52 54 0 26 22 6 4-West building, 1th floor 53 23 36 80 2 80 2 5 1 Intranet total medical floor 1394 rehabilitation floor 234 1th, floor 562 2nd, floor 0 intranet total: 2190 outside network total medical floor 103 rehabilitation floor 18 1th, floor 70 2nd, floor 162 outside network total: 352 voice total medical floor 435 rehabilitation floor 120 1th, floor 435 2nd, floor 46 voice total: 1036 notes: indoor mobile communications cover system mobile communications cover system meet in rehabilitation center for normal mobile communications of requirements. Indoor mobile communication coverage system coverage range and signal power should ensure that the normal use of medical equipment and patient safety ... Cable TV systems as an important part of the rehabilitation centre electronic system for receiving international/domestic economic, trade, financial, information, culture and entertainment meet Center, nursing units, waiting for use in public areas. Cable systems as an integral part of the building intelligent systems, 860MHZ adjacent-channel design of bidirectional HFC network transmission mode. For city cable TV signal and Internet value-added services (videoconference) teletext and sound signals to provide a broadband distribution and interactive information delivery platform. From municipal cable TV operators a single optical fiber cable TV signal source to the medical floor information center front-end receiver. TV signal leads to first floor of weak hospital other monomers CATV box. Transmission main TV system coaxial cable, to user terminal branch line with SYWV-75-5-4P-coaxial cable, is wearing a metal pipe in the ceiling, floor and wall installation. The splitter and amplifiers installed in weak current shaft or the ceiling of the corridor. According to 860MHz 4.凡事从企业的角度出发~为老板的切身利益点出发~积极平衡利益相关矛盾, 深圳某酒店聘请职业经理人A到酒店问诊~酒店业主团队庞大~都争先恐后的向这家酒店塞人~一个准四星级饭店的各个部门都有关系户~最可怕的不是养一群闲人~而是养着一群蛀虫。营销部经理刚毕业的文静女生~不但没任何工作经验~反而总经理A外出谈生意还必须得带上她。采购负责人的采购物品单~A都不敢在上签字了。中餐部经理过去只在厨房呆过~客房部经理也从未曾独当一面。最终A与业主的矛盾慢慢积累到爆发的一日~果然、终于没有逃离369的危险期~双方闹得不可开交。由此可观~空降兵要有得到充分的授权是多么重要~是今后顺利开展工作的前提。 队伍成就事业。对于职业经理人~不仅要有业绩~更要带出一支能够创造出此业绩的队伍。空降兵初到新的环境~也要能够接地气——稳定军心~毕竟在今后的酒店管理运营中还得靠当前的这批团队。空降兵要运用管理沟通的最基本方法换位思考~尊重员工~合理科学的人事安排~不要计算着要裁剪多少人~据相关调查表明老员工可以增加顾客20%的酒店忠诚度。空降兵此刻切莫着急~作出让业主信服的业绩~而对酒店的人员作出改变~其实是欲速则不达。空降兵的工作重心应该是留用原有的团队~得到员工的理解、肯定与支持~今后工作中阻力和其他障碍才会少得多~对于初期现状~更要有一个统帅的胸怀。 在抗日战争前期~日本皇军几个人就足以扫平一个县~靠的就是我们中国人-——皇协军和伪军~几个皇军就可以占领若大的县~我们在悲叹的同时~也不禁感叹~他们的士兵定位于将帅。当前国际酒店在中国也是演绎的空手套白狼的一面~合理的整合资源~科学的人事安排~充分的利用现有资源和坏境~做到物尽其用~人尽其才。将团队凝聚在一起~最终打造团结在自己周围的工作团队~这才是空降兵应该做的工作。 在实干中~谨记空谈误国~实干兴邦。企业需要的实干家~不是务虚拍马屁者。想要超越前人的工作业绩~想要扭转企业的发展的不利情况~想要在企业的发展篇目上留下属于自己的一页~就必须得做事。 空降兵要做到如下几点: 1.端正态度~先做事~后做人。不管曾经多么辉煌~应该有归零的心态。以谦恭的态度~与人做事, 2.不抱怨~看到问~积极采取措施解决~有效率~有质量。不让消极的心态弥漫到团队中,不管他是粪坑还是清澈的池塘~你都必须去认同这个环境, 3.敢于承担责任~即使面临下课的危险~也不应该因为胆怯而放弃, 4.权利的运用柔性胜于刚性~做事低调胜于高调~有所为有所不为, 5.“我只管”~只管不行~除带管外~还要考虑销售~投资回报, outside network voice medical floor 285 45 120 322 10 339 14 277 13 145 5 23 11 3 5 3 rehabilitation floor 44 3 10 18 5 28 5 2 6 3 66 1 52 1 0 70 18 0 72 0, 26, 2nd floor 20-59, East on the 1th floor 3 54 58 4 58 4 4 4 1th Lou-Lou 79 1 52 54 0 26 22 6 4-West building, 1th floor 53 23 36 80 2 80 2 5 1 Intranet total medical floor 1394 rehabilitation floor 234 1th, floor 562 2nd, floor 0 intranet total: 2190 outside network total medical floor 103 rehabilitation floor 18 1th, floor 70 2nd, floor 162 outside network total: 352 voice total medical floor 435 rehabilitation floor 120 1th, floor 435 2nd, floor 46 voice total: 1036 notes: indoor mobile communications cover system mobile communications cover system meet in rehabilitation center for normal mobile communications of requirements. Indoor mobile communication coverage system coverage range and signal power should ensure that the normal use of medical equipment and patient safety ... Cable TV systems as an important part of the rehabilitation centre electronic system for receiving international/domestic economic, trade, financial, information, culture and entertainment meet Center, nursing units, waiting for use in public areas. Cable systems as an integral part of the building intelligent systems, 860MHZ adjacent-channel design of bidirectional HFC network transmission mode. For city cable TV signal and Internet value-added services (videoconference) teletext and sound signals to provide a broadband distribution and interactive information delivery platform. From municipal cable TV operators a single optical fiber cable TV signal source to the medical floor information center front-end receiver. TV signal leads to first floor of weak hospital other monomers CATV box. Transmission main TV system coaxial cable, to user terminal branch line with SYWV-75-5-4P-coaxial cable, is wearing a metal pipe in the ceiling, floor and wall installation. The splitter and amplifiers installed in weak current shaft or the ceiling of the corridor. According to 860MHz 6.持续性的改革~务实性的工作~坚持不懈的努力工作, 7.要有创新精神~鼓励创新~争做创新~穷则思变, 8.敢于对自己说不~敢于否定自己~怀着一颗学习的心, 9.以身作则~不要因为是领导而就做领导~而脱离基层。多走动式管理~不要抱着做办公室的心态, 10.思考酒店职业经理人变通之路~转变股东、创业等~培养更多的酒店职业经理人。 最后~酒店职业经理人流动性的特征~决定了其不可能在一个酒店就职一辈子。因此~酒店职业经理人就可能前往不同行业、不同地域、不同文化背景的酒店任职。这就要求酒店职业经理人能对不同文化背景的酒店进行跨文化的沟通和管理。酒店文化就是总经理文化~进入了不同文化背景的酒店~在了解这个酒店的优秀文化、特色文化后~只有对于正面的、积极地因素给予肯定~并进行深入挖掘、提炼、宣传、发扬、优化、创新~紧接自己的领导魅力和领导特质~形成鲜明的酒店文化构建思路~才能有效的、正确的建立属于自己领导下的特色酒店文化。这就给空降兵提出了挑战~只有不断的挑战自己~战胜自己~跟上现代化的发展道路~空降兵才能安全的成功软着陆。 ,以下无正文, outside network voice medical floor 285 45 120 322 10 339 14 277 13 145 5 23 11 3 5 3 rehabilitation floor 44 3 10 18 5 28 5 2 6 3 66 1 52 1 0 70 18 0 72 0, 26, 2nd floor 20-59, East on the 1th floor 3 54 58 4 58 4 4 4 1th Lou-Lou 79 1 52 54 0 26 22 6 4-West building, 1th floor 53 23 36 80 2 80 2 5 1 Intranet total medical floor 1394 rehabilitation floor 234 1th, floor 562 2nd, floor 0 intranet total: 2190 outside network total medical floor 103 rehabilitation floor 18 1th, floor 70 2nd, floor 162 outside network total: 352 voice total medical floor 435 rehabilitation floor 120 1th, floor 435 2nd, floor 46 voice total: 1036 notes: indoor mobile communications cover system mobile communications cover system meet in rehabilitation center for normal mobile communications of requirements. Indoor mobile communication coverage system coverage range and signal power should ensure that the normal use of medical equipment and patient safety ... Cable TV systems as an important part of the rehabilitation centre electronic system for receiving international/domestic economic, trade, financial, information, culture and entertainment meet Center, nursing units, waiting for use in public areas. Cable systems as an integral part of the building intelligent systems, 860MHZ adjacent-channel design of bidirectional HFC network transmission mode. For city cable TV signal and Internet value-added services (videoconference) teletext and sound signals to provide a broadband distribution and interactive information delivery platform. From municipal cable TV operators a single optical fiber cable TV signal source to the medical floor information center front-end receiver. TV signal leads to first floor of weak hospital other monomers CATV box. Transmission main TV system coaxial cable, to user terminal branch line with SYWV-75-5-4P-coaxial cable, is wearing a metal pipe in the ceiling, floor and wall installation. The splitter and amplifiers installed in weak current shaft or the ceiling of the corridor. According to 860MHz
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