

2018-01-11 12页 doc 35KB 58阅读




比较级、最高级比较级、最高级 一、两者相比,甲=乙,用“as +形容词或副词原级+ as”。如: He is as tall as me. He got up as early as I did. 二、两者相比,甲,乙,用“not as/so+形容词或副词原级+as”。如: He cannot run so/as fast as you. Corn doesn’t need as/so much water as rice. 1、as„as结构的基本用法 其基本意思为“与„„一样”,其中的第一个as副词,其后通常接形容词或副词...
比较级、最高级 一、两者相比,甲=乙,用“as +形容词或副词原级+ as”。如: He is as tall as me. He got up as early as I did. 二、两者相比,甲,乙,用“not as/so+形容词或副词原级+as”。如: He cannot run so/as fast as you. Corn doesn’t need as/so much water as rice. 1、as„as结构的基本用法 其基本意思为“与„„一样”,其中的第一个as副词,其后通常接形容词或副词(用原级),第二个as可用作介词(后接名词或代词)或连词(后接从句)。使用时应注意以下几点: (1)在否定句中,第一个 as也可换成 so: He doesn’t study as [so] hard as his brother. (2)两个as之间通常接形容词或副词的原级,但若涉及数量或程度,可用“as much+不可数名词+as”和“as many+可数名词复数+as”: You’ve made as many mistakes as I have. I haven’t got as much money as I thought. (3)中间接形容词时,有时该形容词还可修饰另一名词,但这个名词应 带有不定冠词(注意词序):当as…as中间有名词时,名词要放在形容词之后。如: This is asgood an example as the other is. I can carry asmuch paper as you can.。 She is as good a cook as her mother. (=She is a cook as good as her mother) 2、关于第二个as的词性 (1)第二个as后接从句时,该as通常为连词,但有时这个as还充当其后从句的主语或宾语,此时该as实为关系代词。如: I gave him as much as he could eat. We’ve got food for as many people as want it. (2)若第二个as用作连词引导一个表示将来意义的从句,则该从句可用现在时表示将来,也可直接使用将来时态。如: We’ll get there as soon as you do [will]. 3、as„as„结构的修饰语 该结构根据情况可用使用以下修饰语:(not) nearly, almost, just, nothing like, exactly, not quite, half, one-ten, twice, three times, 30 per cent等,并且这些修饰语必须置于第一个as之前,而不能置于其后。如: He doesn’t play half as well as his sister. This dress is twice as expensive as that. 4、as„as„结构的省略 (1)在非正式场合(尤其是美国英语中),有时可以省略第一个as。如: When over forty, he married a woman poor as himself. (2)若意思明确,有时可省略第二个as及其后的相关词语。如: The pianos in that shop will be cheaper, but not as good. 三、两者相比,甲,乙,用“比较级形容词或副词+ than”。如: You are taller than me. He reads more careful than me. (more…than…的用法) 1、表示“比……更多”:此时more为many或much的比较级,表示数 量,后接名词。如: I made more mistakes than you. Last year there were more births than deaths. He’s got more money than the rest of us together. 注:若more受much或many修饰,则分别与不可数和可数名词连用。 如: His car cost much more money than mine. There are many more people than we expected. 2、表示“比…更”:此时more后接多音节形容词或副词,构成比较级, 表示对两者进行比较。如: He is more careful than the others. Travelling by train is more relaxing than driving. This company is more concerned with quality than with quantity. 3、表示“与其说……不如说”:此时不是对两个对象进行比较,而是对同 一个人或物在两个不同方面进行比较或取舍,此时不论形容词或副词是单 音节、双音节还是多音节,一律用more…than…。如: He is more lucky than clever. He was more frightened than hurt. It is more grey than brown. He is more (a) scholar than (a) teacher. 四、多者比较,用“the+最高级+比较范围”。如: Tom is the tallestin his class. Kate wrote (the) most carefully of all. 五、比较等级的特殊句型 1、less/least +原级:表示降级的比较级或最高级。如: I am even less lucky. This is the least useful of the four books. 2、the+比较级, the+比较级:表示后者随着前者的变化而变化,意为“越……就越……”;前者相当于一个条件句,因此,要用一般现在时代替一般将 来时。如: The harder you work, the better result you’ll get. 3、the+比较级(+of the two):表示“两者中较……的那个人或物”。如: Tom is the taller of the two brothers. 4、比较级+and+比较级:表示“越来越……”,单音节形容词或副词用 “-er+and +-er”,如: warmer and warmer越来越暧和; 多音节形容词或副词用―more and more…‖如more and more beautiful越来越美。 5、比较级+than any other+单数名词:表示最高级意义。如: Mike is more intelligent than any other student in his class.(=Mike is the most intelligent in his class.) 6、否定词语+比较级:表示最高级含义。如: Nothing is easier than this.(=This is the easiest thing.) (注意:关于“never+比较级”结构) 否定副词never与比较级连用有时可表示最高级的意义。如: I have never drunk better beer. I have never met a kinder man. He had never spent a more worrying day. 注:有时也可不用never而用其他否定词。如: No news could be more delightful to me.这消息最令我高兴。 7、否定词语+ so…as:表示最高级含义。如: Nothing is so easy as this.没有比这更简单的了。 8、no +比较级+ than:表示对两者的否定,意为“和…一样不…”;“not+比较级前+than”表示前者不如后者。如: Tom is no taller than Mike. =Neither Tom nor Mike is tall. =Tom is as short as Mike. Tom is not taller than Mike. (注意:not more than和no more than的区别) (1)not more than是more than的否定式,more than意为“多于”,所以not more than的意思就是“不多于”“不超过”; (2)no more than主要强调more的反面,即强调数量之少或程度之低,其意为“只有”,如He gave no more than five dollars,其意为“他只给我5美元”。 因为同样的道理,我们可以推知,no less than强调的是less的反面,即强调多,如no less than 10 days,意为“多达10天”。比较: 再看所涉及的几个结构的意思: not more … than =不如…… no more … than =和……一样不(否定两者) not less … than =不如……不(即指不如 less后形容词的反面) no less … than =和……一样(肯定两者) 比较以下各句的意思: You are more careful than he is.你比他仔细。 You are not more careful than he is.你不如他仔细。 You are no more careful than he is.你和他一样不仔细。 You are less careful than he is.你不如他仔细(你比他粗心)。 You are not less careful than he is.你比他仔细(你不如他粗心)。 You are no less careful than he is.你和他一样仔细。 六、比较等级前常见修饰语 1、用a little, a bit, a little bit, slightly等修饰,表示“稍微”、“一点”。如: It’s a little colder today than it was yesterday. They’re a little bit better now. 2、用much, far, by far, a lot, a good deal, a great deal, rather等修饰,表示“……得多”。如: She’s a good deal better today. There are far more people than we expected. (1)quite 也可修饰比较级,表示―……得多‖,但该比较级通常只限于 better。如: He’s quite better now. (2)在作定语的比较级形容词前一般只用far或much。如: That was a much/far easier job. (3)在修饰或代替复数可数名词的more前不用much,要用many。如: I’ve made many more mistakes than you have. 3、用even, still修饰,表示“更……”。如: It was even colder than yesterday. The next day she got up still earlier. 4、as…as 前可用almost, exactly, half, just, nearly, quite,…times, twice等 修饰,表程度。如: Let’s walk. It’s just as quick as taking the bus. Waves of red light are about twice as long as those of blue light. 5、最高级可用 by far, the very, much the, about, almost, nearly及序数词 修饰,表示程度或顺序。如: This is by far the best. This is much the most difficult. Hainan is China’s second largest island. 注意:very和much修饰最高级时的不同位置。 This is the very best. =This is much the best. 6、当形容词比较等级修饰名词作定语时,其前通常加冠词(特指用定冠词, 泛指用不定冠词);另外,有时要表示两者之中的较为突出者(通常有 of the two 结构),此时要在比较级前使用定冠词。如: If there were no examinations, we should have a much happier time. Of the two shirts, I’d like to choose the cheaper one. (1)当比较级后接名词时,比较级前可能用冠词,此时的冠词不是修饰 比较级,而是修饰其后的名词。如: Which of them is the better choice?—Well, it’s hard to tell. Some of the more time-consuming jobs can now be done by machines. (2)若受比较级修饰的名词为表泛指的复数名词或不可数名词,则仍不 用冠词。如: He’s got more money than the rest of us (put) together. Fewer people write with their left hand than with their right. (3)当要特指两者中―较(更)……‖时,比较级前通常要带定冠词,此时可 视为比较级后省略了有关的名词或代词one,即定冠词实为修饰被省略的 名词或代词one。如: Which of the two methods is the better? Of the two brothers, the younger is more interesting. There are two books on this subject, but I am not sure which is the better. (4)在比较级前用the表示程度(通常有表示原因、理由或条件的短语或 从句)。如: He’s had a holiday and looks the better for it. I love him all the more for his faults. (5)用于―the+比较级,the+比较级‖,表示―越……越……‖。如: The younger you are, the easier it is to learn. The better I know her, the more I admire her. The more money you make, the more you spend. (6)当by far与比较级连用,通常要放在比较级之后,若放在比较级前, 则比较级通常应带有冠词。如: He is by far the cleverer than her. (=He is cleverer by far than her.) It’s quicker by far to go by train. (=It’s by far the quicker to go by train.) 七、含有比较级的几个有用习语 1、more or less:其意为“几乎,差不多”“大约,或多或少”。如: The work is more or less finished. The answers were more or less right. It’s an hour’s journey, more or less. 2、sooner or later:其意为“迟早,早晚,总有一天”。如: Don’t worry—the child will come back sooner or later. You should tell her, because she’ll find out sooner or later. 3、what’s more:其意为“而且”“此外”“还有”“更有甚者”。如: She says we could use her car, and what’s more, she’ll pay for the petrol. He came home after midnight, and what’smore, hew as drunk. 4、no sooner…than…:其意为“一…就…”。如: We had no sooner set out than a thunderstorm broke. No sooner had he gone to sleep than the telephone rang once again. 八、使用than的常见语法难点 1、后接人称代词用主格还是宾格 (1)由于than既可用作连词也可用作介词,所以当后接人称代词时,可 用主格也可用宾格。通常认为在正式文体中多用主格,在口语或非正式文 体中多用宾语。如: Everyone here is taller than I [me]. Her sister swims faster than she [her]. (2)若人称代词之后跟有动词,则只能用主格。如: Everyone here is taller than I am. Her sister swims faster than she does. (3)有时用主格或宾格会导致意思的变化。比较: I love you more than he (likes you). I love you more than (he likes) him. 2、后接动词用不定式还是动名词 (1)当连接两个非谓语动词时,通常应使用一样的形式。如: It is much easier to get into debt than to get out of it. He likes playing chess more than watching TV. (2)若不是连接两个非谓语动词,则其后出现的动词通常用动名词形式(虽 然也可用不定式,但不如用动名词普通)。如: There are worse calamities than failing your driving test. Nothing gives me more pleasure than listening to Mozart. Nothing is more unpleasant than finding [to find] insects in your bath. 3、引导比较状语从句的时态问题 (1)若than引导的比较状语从句与主句动作不一致,可以根据情况使用 适当的时态形式。如: He drives faster than he did a year ago. The house is rather bigger than we thought. (2)若主句为将来时,than引导的从句可用现在时态表示将来,也可直接 用将来时态。如: We’ll probably drive faster than you do [will]. 4、引导比较状语从句的倒装问题 than引导比较状语从句时,从句语序通常不需倒装,但在正式文体中,有 时也可倒装。如: City dweller have a higher death rate than country people do. =City dweller have a higher death rate than do country people. 5、引导比较状语从句且在从句中充当成分 有时可引导一个从句并在从句中充当句子成分(主语、宾语、表语),为便 于理解,有时可视为than后省略了what: We don’t want to do more than is necessary. The pain was almost more than he could bear. She’s not a very good manager she always spends more money than she earns. Life here is much easier than it used to be. 6、后接时间或条件状语从句 若语义需要,有时其后可接when引导的时间状语从句以及if引导的条件 状语从句。如: You are a little fatter than when I saw you last. Joe carries only nine pounds more than when he was twenty. They work better together than if they are alone. 7、同质比较还是异质比较 than通常用于两个不同的人或物在同一方面进行比较,但有时指的可能是 同一个人或物在两个不同的方面进行比较,此时只用于more…than…结构, 而不能用 –er…than…的形式(即使是单音节也是如此),这类结构通常可译 为―与其……不如……‖―有……无……‖。如: He’s more fat than short. They are more brave than wise. If we tell him about it, it may do more harm than good. 8、与never (a)连用时如何理解 有时than与带有never (a)的比较级结构连用,表示强调,通常表示最高级 的含义。如: I’ve never had a worse morning than today. 若意思明确,有时可省略than结构。如: He is fine, never better. I’ve never seen a finer bird. I’ve never found a better job. 9、than any other后接名词用单数还是复数 than any other后接名词时通常用单数形式。如: He swims faster than any other student in his class. More heat is lost through the head than any other part of the body. 九、最高级前不用the的五种情况 1、形容词最高级前通常用the,副词最高级前的the可以不用。 2、形容词最高级作表语时,有时可以省略the。如: Which of the boys is (the) strongest? 3、最高级形容词作表语,副词用状语时,没和别人比较时不用the。如: He’s busiest on Monday. He works hardest when doing something for his family. 4、最高级前已有名词所有格或物主代词时,不用the。如: He is my best friend. Hainan is China’s second largest island. 5、有时most是表示“非常”,而不是最高级,不用the。如: He is a most amazing person.
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