
肿瘤的分期 国际TNM分期

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肿瘤的分期 国际TNM分期肿瘤的分期 国际TNM分期 肺癌的分期 国际TNM分期: 目前肺癌的分期采用国际抗癌研究协会(IASLC)。2009年第七版分期标准。 原发肿瘤(T) Tx : 原发肿瘤不能评估,或痰、支气管冲洗液找到癌细胞但影像学或支气管镜没有可见的肿瘤。 T0 :没有原发肿瘤的证据。 Tis : 原位癌。 T1 : 肿瘤最大径?3 cm,周围被肺或脏层胸膜所包绕,支气管镜下肿瘤侵犯没有超出叶支气 管(即没有累及主支气管)。 T1a:肿瘤最大径?2cm; T1b:肿瘤最大径>2cm且?3cm。 T2 : 肿瘤大小或范围符合以下...
肿瘤的分期  国际TNM分期
肿瘤的分期 国际TNM分期 肺癌的分期 国际TNM分期: 目前肺癌的分期采用国际抗癌研究协会(IASLC)。2009年第七版分期。 原发肿瘤(T) Tx : 原发肿瘤不能评估,或痰、支气管冲洗液找到癌细胞但影像学或支气管镜没有可见的肿瘤。 T0 :没有原发肿瘤的证据。 Tis : 原位癌。 T1 : 肿瘤最大径?3 cm,周围被肺或脏层胸膜所包绕,支气管镜下肿瘤侵犯没有超出叶支气 管(即没有累及主支气管)。 T1a:肿瘤最大径?2cm; T1b:肿瘤最大径>2cm且?3cm。 T2 : 肿瘤大小或范围符合以下任何一项: 肿瘤最大径,3 cm;但不超过7cm; 累及主支气管,但距隆突?2 cm; 累及脏层胸膜; 扩展到肺门的肺不张或阻塞性肺炎,但不累及全肺。 T2a:肿瘤最大径?5cm,且符合以下任何一点:肿瘤最大径,3cm;累及主支气管,但距隆突?2cm;累及脏层胸膜;扩展到肺门的肺不张或阻塞性肺炎,但不累及全肺。 T2b:肿瘤最大径>5cm但?7cm。 T3 : 任何大小的肿瘤直接侵犯下述结构之一者:胸壁(包括肺上沟瘤)、膈肌、纵膈胸膜、心包; 或肿瘤位于距隆突2 cm以内的主支气管,但尚未累及隆突;或全肺的肺不张或阻塞性肺炎。肿瘤最大 径>7cm;与原发灶同叶的单个或多个的卫星灶。 T4 : 任何大小的肿瘤直接侵犯下述结构之一者:纵膈、心脏、大血管、气管、食道、喉返神经、 椎体、隆突;或与原发灶不同叶的单发或多发病灶。 区域淋巴腺(N) Nx :区域淋巴腺不能评估。 N0 :无区域淋巴腺转移。 N1 : 转移至同侧支气管旁淋巴腺和/或同侧肺门淋巴腺,和肺内淋巴腺,包括原发肿瘤直接侵犯。 N2 :转移至同侧纵膈和/或隆突下淋巴腺。 N3 :转移至对侧纵膈、对侧肺门淋巴腺、同侧或对侧斜角肌或锁骨上淋巴腺。 远处转移(M) Mx: 远处转移不能评估。 M0: 无远处转移。 M1: 有远处转移。 M1a:胸膜播散(包括恶性胸水、恶性心包积液、胸膜转移结节);对侧肺叶的转移性结节; M1b:胸腔外远处转移。 注释:大多数肺癌患者的胸水(或心包积液)是由肿瘤所造成的。但假如胸水(或心包积液)的屡次细胞学检查未能找到癌细胞,胸水(或心包积液)又是非血性和非渗出性的,临床判断该胸水(或心包积液)与肿瘤无关,这种类型的胸水(或心包积液)不影响分期。 美国癌症联合委员会(AJCC)乳腺癌TNM分期第六版 l 原发肿瘤(T) 原发肿瘤(T)的分期定义,不管是临床还是病理都是一样的。如果肿瘤的大小是由体检得到hot standby mode, ensure that the rehabilitation centre 7*24 hours/normal, secure network working condition. network outlet is equipped with a firewall. Guarantees stable and secure operation of the network. According to the star-shaped structure of computer networks to achieve medical ground floor second floor access layer switches to ground five layer Interconnect as well as rehabilitation, 1, 2nd floor access layer switch interconnect. Network route 12-core single-mode fiber-optic cable through a weak pipeline laying perpendicular to the shaft from the FD to the device of floors of BD. 48 data points corresponding to each pair of optical fiber intranet, Internet 24 data points, and fully reserve standby, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Internet medical room as core telecommunication line, the four-storey information directly into a layer of weak lines, with 1 large Gigabit switch as the core of Internet System. meet the rehab hospital-wide Internet applications, data exchange and social access, public information release. Together, access switch selection based on fast, load power, security and stability, business integration, ease of management and maintenance of equipment basic conditions to meet hospital-wide data exchange, to provide users with access to multiple business, Exchange and integration of secure network. Network outlet is equipped with 的,可用T1、T2或T3来表示。如果是由其它测量方法,如乳腺X线拍片或病理学测量得到 的。那么可用到T1的亚分类。肿瘤大小应精确到0.1 cm。 TX 原发肿瘤无法评估 T0 没有原发肿瘤证据 Tis 原位癌 Tis(DCIS) 导管原位癌 Tis(LCIS) 小叶原位癌 Tis(Paget's) 乳头Paget's病,不伴有肿块 注:伴有肿块的Paget's病按肿瘤大小分类。 T1 肿瘤最大直径?2 cm T1mic 微小浸润癌,最大直径?0.1 cm T1a 肿瘤最大直径>0.1 cm,但?0.5 cm T1b 肿瘤最大直径>0.5 cm,但?1 cm T1c 肿瘤最大直径>l cm,但?2 cm T2 肿瘤最大直径>2 cm,但?5 cm T3 肿瘤最大直径>5 cm T4 不论肿瘤大小,直接侵犯胸壁(a)或皮肤(b),如下所述 T4a 侵犯胸壁,不包括胸肌 T4b 患侧乳腺皮肤水肿(包括桔皮样变),溃破,或卫星结节 T4c T4a与T4b并存 T4d 炎性乳腺癌 l 区域淋巴结(N) 临床 NX 区域淋巴结无法评估(例如曾经切除) N0 无区域淋巴结转移 hot standby mode, ensure that the rehabilitation centre 7*24 hours/normal, secure network working condition. network outlet is equipped with a firewall. Guarantees stable and secure operation of the network. According to the star-shaped structure of computer networks to achieve medical ground floor second floor access layer switches to ground five layer Interconnect as well as rehabilitation, 1, 2nd floor access layer switch interconnect. Network route 12-core single-mode fiber-optic cable through a weak pipeline laying perpendicular to the shaft from the FD to the device of floors of BD. 48 data points corresponding to each pair of optical fiber intranet, Internet 24 data points, and fully reserve standby, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Internet medical room as core telecommunication line, the four-storey information directly into a layer of weak lines, with 1 large Gigabit switch as the core of Internet System. meet the rehab hospital-wide Internet applications, data exchange and social access, public information release. Together, access switch selection based on fast, load power, security and stability, business integration, ease of management and maintenance of equipment basic conditions to meet hospital-wide data exchange, to provide users with access to multiple business, Exchange and integration of secure network. Network outlet is equipped with N1 同侧腋窝淋巴结转移,可活动 N2 同侧腋窝淋巴结转移,固定或相互融合或缺乏同侧腋窝淋巴结转移的临床证据(但有临床明显*的同侧内乳淋巴结转移 N2a 同侧腋窝淋巴结转移,互相融合或与其它组织固定 N2b 仅有临床明显*的同侧内乳淋巴结转移,而无腋窝淋巴结转移的临床证据 N3 同侧锁骨下淋巴结转移伴或不伴腋窝淋巴结转移;或有临床明显*的同侧内乳淋巴结转移和腋窝淋巴结转移的临床证据;或同侧锁骨上淋巴结转移伴或不伴腋窝或内乳淋巴结转移 N3a 同侧锁骨下淋巴结转移 N3b 同侧内乳淋巴结及腋窝淋巴结转移 N3c 同侧锁骨上淋巴结转移 *“临床明显”的定义为:影像学检查(淋巴结闪烁扫描除外)、临床体检或肉眼可见的病理异常。 a病理学分期(pN) pNX 区域淋巴结无法评估(例如过去已切除,或未进行病理学检查) pN0 无组织学上区域淋巴结转移,没对孤立肿瘤细胞(isolated tumor cell, ITC)行进一步检查 注:ITC定义为:单个肿瘤细胞或小细胞簇的最大直径不超过0.2 mm,通常需要由免疫组织化学(immunohistochemical, IHC)或分子生物学方法检测,但有时也可采用苏木精和伊红(hematoxylin and eosin,H&E)染色证实。ITCs通常不表现恶性特征,如增生或间质反应。 pN0(i-) 无组织学上的区域淋巴结转移,IHC阴性 pN0(i+) 无组织学上的区域淋巴结转移,IHC阳性,但IHC簇直径不超过0.2 mm bpN0(mol-) 无组织学上的区域淋巴结转移,分子生物学方法测定阴性(RT-PCR) bpN0(mol+) 无组织学上的区域淋巴结转移,分子生物学方法测定阳性(RT-PCR) a:pN分类是基于腋窝淋巴结切除伴或不伴前哨淋巴结切除。分类如果仅仅基于前哨淋巴结切除,而没有随后的腋窝淋巴结切除,则前哨淋巴结标示为(sn),如pN0(i+)(sn)。 b:RT-PCR:逆转录酶/多聚酶链反应。 pN1 1-3个腋窝淋巴结转移,和/或通过前哨淋巴结切除发现内乳淋巴结有微小转移灶,但hot standby mode, ensure that the rehabilitation centre 7*24 hours/normal, secure network working condition. network outlet is equipped with a firewall. Guarantees stable and secure operation of the network. According to the star-shaped structure of computer networks to achieve medical ground floor second floor access layer switches to ground five layer Interconnect as well as rehabilitation, 1, 2nd floor access layer switch interconnect. Network route 12-core single-mode fiber-optic cable through a weak pipeline laying perpendicular to the shaft from the FD to the device of floors of BD. 48 data points corresponding to each pair of optical fiber intranet, Internet 24 data points, and fully reserve standby, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Internet medical room as core telecommunication line, the four-storey information directly into a layer of weak lines, with 1 large Gigabit switch as the core of Internet System. meet the rehab hospital-wide Internet applications, data exchange and social access, public information release. Together, access switch selection based on fast, load power, security and stability, business integration, ease of management and maintenance of equipment basic conditions to meet hospital-wide data exchange, to provide users with access to multiple business, Exchange and integration of secure network. Network outlet is equipped with 临床不明显** pN1mi 微小转移(>0.2 mm,<2.0 mm) pNla 1-3个腋窝淋巴结转移 pNlb 通过前哨淋巴结切除发现内乳淋巴结微小转移,但临床不明显** pNlc 1-3个腋窝淋巴结转移以及通过前哨淋巴结切除发现内乳淋巴结微小转移,但临床不明显** (如果阳性腋窝淋巴结>3个,内乳淋巴结被归为pN3b以反映肿瘤负荷增加) pN2 4-9个腋窝淋巴结转移或内乳淋巴结临床明显*,但腋窝淋巴结无转移 pN2a 4-9个腋窝淋巴结转移(至少一个转移病灶>2.0 mm) pN2b 内乳淋巴结临床明显*,但腋窝淋巴结无转移 pN3 ?10个腋窝淋巴结转移,或锁骨下淋巴结转移,或临床明显*的同侧内乳淋巴结转移,同时有1个或更多腋窝淋巴结阳性;或多于3个腋窝淋巴结转移同时内乳淋巴结临床阴性但有微小转移;或同侧锁骨上淋巴结转移 pN3a ?10个腋窝淋巴结转移(至少一个直径>2.0 mm),或锁骨下淋巴结转移 pN3b 临床明显*的同侧内乳淋巴结转移,同时有1个或更多腋窝淋巴结阳性;或多于3个腋窝淋巴结转移,同时前哨淋巴结切除发现内乳淋巴结有微小转移,但临床不明显** pN3c 同侧锁骨上淋巴结转移 *:“临床明显”的定义为:影像学检查(淋巴结闪烁扫描除外)或临床体检异常。 **:“临床不明显”的定义为:影像学检查(淋巴结闪烁扫描除外)或临床体检未发现异常。 l 远处转移(M) MX 远处转移无法评估 M0 无远处转移 M1 有远处转移 l 临床分期 Stage 0 Tis N0 M0 Stage ? T1 N0 M0 Stage ?A T0 N1 M0 T1 Nl M0 T2 N0 M0 Stage ?B T2 N1 M0 hot standby mode, ensure that the rehabilitation centre 7*24 hours/normal, secure network working condition. network outlet is equipped with a firewall. Guarantees stable and secure operation of the network. According to the star-shaped structure of computer networks to achieve medical ground floor second floor access layer switches to ground five layer Interconnect as well as rehabilitation, 1, 2nd floor access layer switch interconnect. Network route 12-core single-mode fiber-optic cable through a weak pipeline laying perpendicular to the shaft from the FD to the device of floors of BD. 48 data points corresponding to each pair of optical fiber intranet, Internet 24 data points, and fully reserve standby, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Internet medical room as core telecommunication line, the four-storey information directly into a layer of weak lines, with 1 large Gigabit switch as the core of Internet System. meet the rehab hospital-wide Internet applications, data exchange and social access, public information release. Together, access switch selection based on fast, load power, security and stability, business integration, ease of management and maintenance of equipment basic conditions to meet hospital-wide data exchange, to provide users with access to multiple business, Exchange and integration of secure network. Network outlet is equipped with T3 N0 M0 Stage ?A T0 N2 M0 T1 N2 M0 T2 N2 M0 T3 N1~2 M0 Stage ?B T4 N0~2 M0 Stage ?C 任何T N3 M0 Stnge ? 任何T 任何N M1 注: 如果无疾病进展的证据,未接受过术前化疗,术后影像学检查(且诊断后4个月内进行)发现 存在远处转移,分期可以更改。 T1包括T1mic 发表于:2011-03-27 20:20 评论 hot standby mode, ensure that the rehabilitation centre 7*24 hours/normal, secure network working condition. network outlet is equipped with a firewall. Guarantees stable and secure operation of the network. According to the star-shaped structure of computer networks to achieve medical ground floor second floor access layer switches to ground five layer Interconnect as well as rehabilitation, 1, 2nd floor access layer switch interconnect. Network route 12-core single-mode fiber-optic cable through a weak pipeline laying perpendicular to the shaft from the FD to the device of floors of BD. 48 data points corresponding to each pair of optical fiber intranet, Internet 24 data points, and fully reserve standby, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Internet medical room as core telecommunication line, the four-storey information directly into a layer of weak lines, with 1 large Gigabit switch as the core of Internet System. meet the rehab hospital-wide Internet applications, data exchange and social access, public information release. Together, access switch selection based on fast, load power, security and stability, business integration, ease of management and maintenance of equipment basic conditions to meet hospital-wide data exchange, to provide users with access to multiple business, Exchange and integration of secure network. Network outlet is equipped with
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