

2017-09-01 11页 doc 35KB 13阅读




女性时尚用品网店女性时尚用品网店 一、业务介绍 1、 本店定位于“女性时尚用品网店”。 不管从现实生活中的实体店来看,还是从网上各类女性时尚用品店的销售情况来看,女性时尚用品的市场前景可观。据有关资料表明,“美容和时装消费是女性时尚用品的主力军,市场永恒的热点。” 2、本店网点商品的特点: 2.1具备独特性或时尚性,网店销售不错的商品往往都是独具特色或者十分时尚的。 2.2体积较小,主要是方便运输,降低运输的成本 2.3价格较合理:如果网下可以用相同的价格买到,就不会有人在网上购买了。 2.4价位选择适当,了解自己所出售的产品。...
女性时尚用品网店 一、业务介绍 1、 本店定位于“女性时尚用品网店”。 不管从现实生活中的实体店来看,还是从网上各类女性时尚用品店的销售情况来看,女性时尚用品的市场前景可观。据有关资料表明,“美容和时装消费是女性时尚用品的主力军,市场永恒的热点。” 2、本店网点商品的特点: 2.1具备独特性或时尚性,网店销售不错的商品往往都是独具特色或者十分时尚的。 2.2体积较小,主要是方便运输,降低运输的成本 2.3价格较合理:如果网下可以用相同的价格买到,就不会有人在网上购买了。 2.4价位选择适当,了解自己所出售的产品。 1、运营方式 ,1, 、选择开店平台或者网站。需要选择一个提供个人店铺 平台的网站,注册为用户,这一步很重要,因为大多数网站会要求用真实姓名和身份证等有效证件进行注册。 ,2,、在选择网站的时候,人气旺盛和是否收费、以及收费情况等都是很重要的指标。现在很多平台提供免费开店服务, 然后向网站申请开设店铺。 本店共需四名管理人员 ,1,、店长,负责整体运营监督,以及与货物供应商联系沟通 ,2,、财务人员,负责买卖过程中与顾客价格询问和协商,以及月、年财务终结 ,3,、网页管理人员,负责网店网页设计、产品分类整理、信息调整 3、质量保证及货源保证 3.1 货源是最重要的因素,货源的好坏直接威胁到你的竞争对手. 3.2开网店最好是货源出自于厂家或者总批发商或者代理商,这些直接 影响到网店的利润和销售量。 3.3 可以从熟悉的渠道和平台进货,控制成本和低价进货是关键。 4、售后服务, 完善周到的售后服务是生意保持经久不衰的非常重要的筹码,不同的与客户保持联系,做好客户管理工作。 在购物之外下功夫。和贴吧、知道等决策辅助平台去合作,更大化地让消费者了解一个商品基本属性,购买者的评价等等。 5、评价与投诉: 信用是网上交易中很重要的因素,为了共同建设信用环境,如果交易满意,最好给与对方好评,并且通过良好的服务获取对方的好评。如果交易失败,应给予差评,或者向网站投诉,以减少损失,并警示他人。如果对方投诉,应尽快处理,以免为自己的信用留下污点。 erence material, dissolution constant volume after it becomes an accurate concentration of the standard solution. For exampleigh accurately ref1 and its concentration. Preparation of standard solution of two major direct method and indirect method. 1. direct method we-mple analysis list to collect sampling tool. Container holdingin chemical experiments, standard solution mol • Lile saspected, samples even meaningless. In order to avoid without a proper sampling tools, recommended the establishment of a sterf aseptic sampling device tools is essential. Unless you use the acquisition tools, otherwise the integrity of samples was sucess oinspection findings. First, getting ready for a test: 1. packaging aseptic sampling of tools: having the right product or prolaced into a sterile container. Sterile sample collection is intended to support, against the plant sanitation status of the then pterile sample collection should be adopted in such a way, that is: in the process of collecting, should avoid contamination, m, "sterile" is generally used in sampling, means that the sampling process, avoid the pollution caused by the operation. A se teron, before discussing the cause of aseptic sampling and collection methods, it is necessary to understand the "sterile" of thChapter III microbiological base (intermediate) first aseptic sampling techniques the unit about the aseptic sampling operati use. in the of carbon dioxide and water. Standard solution for unstable, long back, also recalibrated their concentration beforerole of alkali solution, best loaded in plastic bottle in the, and in bottle at loaded a alkali lime tube, to absorption air rosionon should storage Yu Brown bottle in the, and placed dark save; can absorption air in the carbon dioxide and on glass has corution concentration occurred changes; some enough stable, as see light easy decomposition of AgNO3 and KMnO4, standard solutisolution should properly save, avoid for water evaporation and makes sol。1-3mol standard solution containing iron • L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale, shake the 1.79x10-l • LStandard solution 10.00mL 100mL remove this volumetric flask with 1mo 。1-2mol • L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale. This standard solution containing iron 1.79x10-c acid to dissolve quantitatively transferred to one liter volumetric flask with 1mol • Lchloriccurate weighing of high purity (99.99%) iron 1.0000g, then joined in a small beaker approximately 30mL in concentrated hydroto prepare standard solutions and Diluted to the required concentration of the standard solution. On the analytical balance ate weighing, weighing errors due to its too small and large. Reserves so often used 1 standard solution. Calculations that must weigh accurately 10mg pure iron, but not on the General analytical balance accura-3mol • L-trophotometric analysis needs 1.79x10, spec00mL bottle, diluted with water to scale. Dilute standard solution by dilution of concentrated standard solution. For examplealance reference material K2Cr2O7 1.4709g, plus a small amount of water to make it dissolve quantitatively transferred to a 51 K2Cr2O7 solution, should weigh accurately on an analytical b-, required the preparation of 500mL concentration of 0.01000 mol • L2 1、创业初期宣传 目前最常用且最常见的推广就是通过登记各大搜索网站如Google,百度、QQ群发、以及发小广告单等等。发货包装里附上网店简介和宣传的卡片,这也不失为一种简单的推广策略。 宣传手段可以是, (1,、发传单 (2,、在校园中派送小卡片或书签。 (3)举行签名登记活动为了提升自己店铺的人气,在开店初期,应适当地进行营销推广,但只限于网络上是不够的,要网上网下多种渠道一起推广。 1 、场地 1、公司店面的正面长度 10 米 .公司总面积为 10 平方米。 2、公司店面类型为,租用 3、 租用店面费用为 7200 元 / 年,即月开支为600元 / 月。 4、 公司服务时间,全天候服务 2 、设备预算: 1,购买计算机四台。购买费用, 8000 元,使用年限,三至四年。 2,购买打印机 购买费用, 2000 元 使用年限,一至两年 3,安电话、购买桌、椅等办公工具费用,1000 元 使用年限,二至三年 3 3、开店成本预算: 开一个网店,首先要选择一个产品,产品的选择要经过大量的数据分析,市场调查,信息整理,才能得出最有效的数据,这其中的费用包括网费,电话费,车费等,此类费用在1000-2000元以上 . 4、选择资源占成本: 选择一个好货源是开店最重的环节,货源的质量,价格,包装等细节是我们选择和对比是应该注意的。我们常常会用一到六个月的时间花费在货源的选择上,但往往不一定得到最满意的货源,此类费用在1000-3000元以上。 5、发货成本 : 现在的物流,快递非常方便快捷,为我们的货物运输提供了条件,我们 最常用的就是航空快递和EMS业务,全国范围内3天可以到达,这以成 为网店货运的首选,此类费用一般由顾客承担。 6、广告宣传费用 传单制作、印刷、及发送所需人力费用,模特、摄像费用,此类费 用2000元左右。预算总合计为15000~20000元左右 7、融资方式 自己集资,从小做大、以商养商的运营方式发展,等有了一定名气和 资金后在考虑与大型单位等合伙,以图继续壮大与发展。 laced into a sterile container. Sterile sample collection is intended to support, against the plant sanitation status of the then pterile sample collection should be adopted in such a way, that is: in the process of collecting, should avoid contamination, m, "sterile" is generally used in sampling, means that the sampling process, avoid the pollution caused by the operation. A se teron, before discussing the cause of aseptic sampling and collection methods, it is necessary to understand the "sterile" of thChapter III microbiological base (intermediate) first aseptic sampling techniques the unit about the aseptic sampling operati use. in the of carbon dioxide and water. Standard solution for unstable, long back, also recalibrated their concentration beforerole of alkali solution, best loaded in plastic bottle in the, and in bottle at loaded a alkali lime tube, to absorption air rosionon should storage Yu Brown bottle in the, and placed dark save; can absorption air in the carbon dioxide and on glass has corution concentration occurred changes; some enough stable, as see light easy decomposition of AgNO3 and KMnO4, standard solutisolution should properly save, avoid for water evaporation and makes sol。1-3mol standard solution containing iron • L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale, shake the 1.79x10-l • LStandard solution 10.00mL 100mL remove this volumetric flask with 1mo 。1-2mol • L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale. This standard solution containing iron 1.79x10-c acid to dissolve quantitatively transferred to one liter volumetric flask with 1mol • Lchloriccurate weighing of high purity (99.99%) iron 1.0000g, then joined in a small beaker approximately 30mL in concentrated hydroto prepare standard solutions and Diluted to the required concentration of the standard solution. On the analytical balance ate weighing, weighing errors due to its too small and large. Reserves so often used 1 standard solution. Calculations that must weigh accurately 10mg pure iron, but not on the General analytical balance accura-3mol • L-trophotometric analysis needs 1.79x10, spec00mL bottle, diluted with water to scale. Dilute standard solution by dilution of concentrated standard solution. For examplealance reference material K2Cr2O7 1.4709g, plus a small amount of water to make it dissolve quantitatively transferred to a 51 K2Cr2O7 solution, should weigh accurately on an analytical b-, required the preparation of 500mL concentration of 0.01000 mol • Lerence material, dissolution constant volume after it becomes an accurate concentration of the standard solution. For exampleigh accurately ref1 and its concentration. Preparation of standard solution of two major direct method and indirect method. 1. direct method we-mple analysis list to collect sampling tool. Container holdingin chemical experiments, standard solution mol • Lile saspected, samples even meaningless. In order to avoid without a proper sampling tools, recommended the establishment of a sterf aseptic sampling device tools is essential. Unless you use the acquisition tools, otherwise the integrity of samples was sucess oinspection findings. First, getting ready for a test: 1. packaging aseptic sampling of tools: having the right product or pro4 8、回利时间: 半年左右 五、特色与发展前景, 1、本店宗旨 “以微笑对待客户、以真诚换取信任”。产品卖点 “时尚漂亮,质量过硬,价格公道 ”。参加淘宝公益活动,赚人心、赚人气。淘宝直通车,一元拍,荷兰拍,搞活人气。 2、货品补充 1. 根据网店的主,在原来产品的基础上可以适当补充货品。 也可以再进一些自己没有的其他类的货源。 2.在营销方面,可到大学里做小促销活动,也可赞助高校社团活动,取得活动冠名权,从而提升自己的知名度。 六、 风险与风险管理, 1、风险储备预提风险储备金5000元。用来消减项目成本、进度、范围、质量和资源等方面的风险。 2、根据风险监控制定,实施保护措施,在保护措施实施的每一个阶段都要进行监控和跟踪。风险贯穿于网店运营的整个生命周期中,因而风险管理是个动态的、连续的过程 退出方式, 5 一旦确认了失去了发展的可能性和成长速度太过缓慢,不能实现预期的回报时断地退出是明智的选择,这样可以尽可能地减少损失。网店做得好,它是摇钱树,做得不好,它就是无底洞。 永远记得二八定律,20% 的人成功,80%的人失败。因为20%的人坚持,80%的人放弃。 , 1、要做好一个网站,必须要有耐性,预判,科学的方法,要专研,要了解市场和网民的需要,真正做有把握的决策,再有把握的执行,有把握的改进,要有长远的发展目光。 2、不要过度的追求一时的销量增长,为了改善当前局面而多元化,而要真正想清楚,对于一次创业,一个团队一个项目,自己能把握的最重要的是什么。 ile saspected, samples even meaningless. In order to avoid without a proper sampling tools, recommended the establishment of a sterf aseptic sampling device tools is essential. Unless you use the acquisition tools, otherwise the integrity of samples was sucess oinspection findings. First, getting ready for a test: 1. packaging aseptic sampling of tools: having the right product or prolaced into a sterile container. Sterile sample collection is intended to support, against the plant sanitation status of the then pterile sample collection should be adopted in such a way, that is: in the process of collecting, should avoid contamination, m, "sterile" is generally used in sampling, means that the sampling process, avoid the pollution caused by the operation. A se teron, before discussing the cause of aseptic sampling and collection methods, it is necessary to understand the "sterile" of thChapter III microbiological base (intermediate) first aseptic sampling techniques the unit about the aseptic sampling operati use. in the of carbon dioxide and water. Standard solution for unstable, long back, also recalibrated their concentration beforerole of alkali solution, best loaded in plastic bottle in the, and in bottle at loaded a alkali lime tube, to absorption air rosionon should storage Yu Brown bottle in the, and placed dark save; can absorption air in the carbon dioxide and on glass has corution concentration occurred changes; some enough stable, as see light easy decomposition of AgNO3 and KMnO4, standard solutisolution should properly save, avoid for water evaporation and makes sol。1-3mol standard solution containing iron • L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale, shake the 1.79x10-l • LStandard solution 10.00mL 100mL remove this volumetric flask with 1mo 。1-2mol • L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale. This standard solution containing iron 1.79x10-c acid to dissolve quantitatively transferred to one liter volumetric flask with 1mol • Lchloriccurate weighing of high purity (99.99%) iron 1.0000g, then joined in a small beaker approximately 30mL in concentrated hydroto prepare standard solutions and Diluted to the required concentration of the standard solution. On the analytical balance ate weighing, weighing errors due to its too small and large. Reserves so often used 1 standard solution. Calculations that must weigh accurately 10mg pure iron, but not on the General analytical balance accura-3mol • L-trophotometric analysis needs 1.79x10, spec00mL bottle, diluted with water to scale. Dilute standard solution by dilution of concentrated standard solution. For examplealance reference material K2Cr2O7 1.4709g, plus a small amount of water to make it dissolve quantitatively transferred to a 51 K2Cr2O7 solution, should weigh accurately on an analytical b-, required the preparation of 500mL concentration of 0.01000 mol • Lerence material, dissolution constant volume after it becomes an accurate concentration of the standard solution. For exampleigh accurately ref1 and its concentration. Preparation of standard solution of two major direct method and indirect method. 1. direct method we-mple analysis list to collect sampling tool. Container holdingin chemical experiments, standard solution mol • L6
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[版权声明] 本站所有资料为用户分享产生,若发现您的权利被侵害,请联系客服邮件isharekefu@iask.cn,我们尽快处理。 本作品所展示的图片、画像、字体、音乐的版权可能需版权方额外授权,请谨慎使用。 网站提供的党政主题相关内容(国旗、国徽、党徽..)目的在于配合国家政策宣传,仅限个人学习分享使用,禁止用于任何广告和商用目的。

