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论经济全球化对中国的影响论经济全球化对中国的影响 上个世纪八十年代美国最早提出了“经济全球化”这个概念,随着科学技术和社会生产力的迅速发展,国际分工的不断扩大和深化,世界各国和地区在经济上紧密地联系一起,逐渐地结合为一个统一的整体,形成了经济的全球化。三十年过去了,全球化思维已深入人心。通俗的说,全球化的显著特点是人们的交往空前扩大,生产和贸易相互依赖进一步加强,经济文化交流日益紧密,各个国家、民族的相互影响不断加深,造成了“你中有我,我中有你”的全球利益共同体,人们充分享受了全球化带来的种种便利。 然而,矛盾的普遍性决定了任何事情有正即有反,“...
论经济全球化对中国的影响 上个世纪八十年代美国最早提出了“经济全球化”这个概念,随着科学技术和社会生产力的迅速发展,国际分工的不断扩大和深化,世界各国和地区在经济上紧密地联系一起,逐渐地结合为一个统一的整体,形成了经济的全球化。三十年过去了,全球化思维已深入人心。通俗的说,全球化的显著特点是人们的交往空前扩大,生产和贸易相互依赖进一步加强,经济文化交流日益紧密,各个国家、民族的相互影响不断加深,造成了“你中有我,我中有你”的全球利益共同体,人们充分享受了全球化带来的种种便利。 然而,矛盾的普遍性决定了任何事情有正即有反,“经济全球化”也不例外。所谓经济全球化从本质上来说是生产力发展的客观结果,是不以人的意志为转移的客观趋势,就是说,不管是发达国家还是发展中国家,都要面临着世界范围内的经济的全球化并在此中谋求出路。对利益的追求,是“经济全球化”的本性。“资本概念”成了个人、企业、国家成败的主要度量衡,而全球资本主义则意味着全球金融风暴的风险不可避免,一旦爆发,其深重程度是空前的。1997年泰国金融危机发展为东南亚金融危机,接着又成为亚洲金融危机;2008年美国金融危机对全球的影响仍未平息,欧债危机使“欧猪五国”岌岌可危,欧元区前景不明。现如今的中国社会也不平稳,央行42个月来的首次降息,实际上是非对称的,名为降实为升,再加上所谓的“8万亿”刺激政策以及种种现状,中国经济的走向和前途在哪里, thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 在经济全球化大浪潮的冲击下,如何排除万难、趋利避害,实现利益最大化是中国的一场博弈。以生产力的发展程度来说,发达国家的发展无疑比发展中国家的发展面临着更好更有利的局面,他们坐拥着世界范围内的先进生产力和生产工具,强占或者分享了绝大部分的生产力资源和自然资源,形成了实质上的对发展中国家的经济掠夺,在此情形下,中国想要发展自己的经济实力,阻力不可谓不小。结合马克思主义经济学,纵观资本主义的历史,就是一部血泪史。资本主义通过掠夺进行资本累积,从而实现自身的发展。进入二十一世纪,曾经的殖民地掠夺模式已经不复存在,资本主义国家需要一种站在道德制高点的侵略方式。而当帝国主义内部的社会矛盾尖锐到无法缓解的时候,资产阶级常常会向外发动战争以解决国内的主要矛盾,比如经济危机在二战爆发中扮演的重要角色。二十世纪80年代中后期爆发的石油危机就重创了美国经济,可以说是战后影响最大最广的经济衰退之一。“全球化”正是在此背景下产生的。90年代克林顿政府上台后整顿经济出现了一定成效,信息产业高速发展,第二产业向亚太地区转移,拉动了美国经济向高科技、金融服务业方向发展,日本泡沫和亚洲金融危机都没有对美国经济产生大的负面影响。“全球化”是西方价值、西方利益、西方文化的全球化。 在改革开放短短的30多年以来,中国的经济实现了不可思议的飞跃。中国被视为成功全球化的典范,在巨大受益者的形象表层之下,我们又失去了什么,未来还会一帆风顺吗,中国有一个庞大得惊人的底层人口和一群毫无竞争力的本土企业。生产资本短缺,资本使用的thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 收益率高,而劳动力过剩,劳动力使用收益率低是目前中国的普遍现状。我国的劳动力收益与美国相差几十倍,甚至更多。在经济全球化市场中,资本是可以自由流动的,而劳动力却不可自由流动。在经济全球化的过程中,发达国家通过资本的流动获得了利益,而发展中国家的劳动力收益却只能被剥夺。低廉的劳动力价格固然可以在全球竞争中赢得有限且非常脆弱的比较成本优势,也可以因为外汇储备的扩张、贸易的增长而为国家赢得某种强大的形象,但中国在国际产业链中,仍然成为了产品的低端装配工厂。要改变“中国制造”在世人眼中“山寨、劣质”的形象,向技术和管理阶梯的高端攀升,需要的是企业的研发力和自主创新力。中国用相当于美、日将近1/25的微薄工资换来的仅仅是非常微弱的劳动力成本优势。这个优势随时可能被其他因素所抵消。 同时,中国目前和将来会面对比过去更多的竞争。印度、巴西、印度尼西亚和其他“不结盟”国家也逐渐成为中国的竞争对手。竞争对手和潜在竞争对手越来越多,它们也学得更快,因为可借鉴中国经验。外国投资者和国际产业链如今选择多多,而当年中国可以说是参与全球经济的唯一发展中大国。30年来中国得以快速发展,一党执政、高度集权的政治是重要因素。这促进了及时果断的行动,更容易协调体制内的不同。随着中国日益现代化和富裕,社会变得更多元化。不同地方、经济部门、利益集团对政治制度产生多种多样的期望。今后,摆平各种关切和呼声,权衡互相对立的要求,也将变得越来越复杂和困难。 thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 值得注意的是,经济全球化并不只是资本、生产力的全球化,更是文化的全球化。人们生活方式、消费观念的变化,在世界范围内,消费主义,拜金主义,享乐主义,极端个人主义正在盛行;轻松消费,过度消费,超前消费已经成为人们的习惯。而在这中生活方式的影响下,人们的心态也发生了变化,人们越来越倾向于及时行乐,及时满足,随心所欲,玩世不恭和缺乏信仰,而这也产生了一系列的社会问题。 中国要越来越难以维持过去那样的经济增长和生活水平改善的速度,一定要清醒地认识国际社会风云突变的局势,利用自身优势,扬长避短,稳中求胜。中国可以学习和利用国外的先进技术和管理经验,从而提高我国的企业竞争力,并使中国的企业可以面对广大的世界市场进行生产,而且积极吸引国际直接投资更是解决了我国经济发展缺少资金的瓶颈问题,并能带来相关的一系列的有益的连锁效应和加乘效应,从而极大的促进了我国经济的发展。 中国应该利用世界贸易组织成员国的身份,合理的利用世贸,联合广大的发展中国家,积极争取更为有利的经济发展环境,改变原有的不合理的规则和世界市场秩序,努力建立一个公正,公平,既顾及发达国家利益,也兼顾发展中国家利益的世界经济环境。中国的优势在于,拥有生产力和市场,我们最终会成为全球制造基地、广大处女市场。而挑战将来自于以下几方面:在农业的挑战是农产品的配销,金融业的挑战是加速金融改革,开放服务业,建立核心专长,将事业建立在虚拟的网路上。中国应全力建构资讯基础建设,利用知thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 识去创造顾客价值链,电商是中国经济发展中一股急速成长不可忽视 的力量。 面对全球化,面对机遇和挑战,中国加入其中的进程以不可逆转, 因此,中国更应也必须,迎难而上,虽遇百折而不挠,因为这是中国, 是中华民族崛起之路。 thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are
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