

2017-10-23 12页 doc 208KB 14阅读




qq皮肤新装换不停qq皮肤新装换不停 新装换不停~QQ皮肤的管理与制作 出处:斑马资讯 责任编辑:xieyongkang [07-1-14 22:53] 作者:白雪飘飘 如今聊天软件已成为电脑用户的必备工具。作为桌面上的常驻风景,它们的皮肤外观早已成为很多人追求个性化以及桌面美化的重要一环。要想使聊天软件的皮肤更加出众,那不妨来看笔者精心撰写的主流聊天软件QQ的皮肤更换和DIY制作方法,一起体验DIY皮肤的乐趣吧。 QQ的皮肤更换和制作功能相当完善。可通过安装第三方皮肤和手工制作皮肤来满足所有人的个性化需要,让用户充分享受到换肤的乐趣。...
qq皮肤新装换不停 新装换不停~QQ皮肤的管理与制作 出处:斑马资讯 责任编辑:xieyongkang [07-1-14 22:53] 作者:白雪飘飘 如今聊天软件已成为电脑用户的必备工具。作为桌面上的常驻风景,它们的皮肤外观早已成为很多人追求个性化以及桌面美化的重要一环。要想使聊天软件的皮肤更加出众,那不妨来看笔者精心撰写的主流聊天软件QQ的皮肤更换和DIY制作方法,一起体验DIY皮肤的乐趣吧。 QQ的皮肤更换和制作功能相当完善。可通过安装第三方皮肤和手工制作皮肤来满足所有人的个性化需要,让用户充分享受到换肤的乐趣。 1.QQ皮肤轻松换——皮肤管理器 QQ皮肤的更换方法非常简单,只须在QQ主面板上点击“菜单”按钮,在“更换皮肤”菜单的“皮肤管理器”选项下方会看到当前已安装的QQ皮肤,点击皮肤名称即可更换。 图1 点击皮肤名称即可快速更换皮肤 点击“皮肤管理器”选项打开“皮肤管理器”窗口,在“已有皮肤”列表中可以更mortar (that removal rough aggregate of concrete), concrete should layered pouring, layered vibration pound, each layer of thickness is unlikely to Yu 500mm, vibration pound Rod mobile spacing is unlikely to Yu 500mm, and must insert lower concrete 50 mm to elimination two layer concrete of seams, concrete of vibration pound time to concrete is not significantly sinking, no bubble and returned water mud Shi for degrees. When the beams and slabs of concrete poured, use flat-combination of vibrators and vibrator insertion, shall not be leakage, and assurance of compacting. (1) base plate concrete pouring (see pouring of mass concrete in Foundation programme) will focus on control in construction of Foundation slab concrete construction, waterproof concrete of basement exterior wall and other key parts of the construction. Concrete thickness of 1300 mm of this project, during the construction process must be strictly controlled temperature and mix to ensure uniform quality and vibration compacting of concrete, timely maintenance, to avoid cracks. Temperature cracks control of mass concrete checking and measuring portfolio in detail. Concrete using a one-time continuous concrete plans, stratified vibration of floor vibration using slopes, slope formed by the natural flow of pump concrete and grade control around 1:3, vibration from the bottom of the LIFT began to move, to ensure that the layer of concrete construction quality. Concrete vibration in the process should be the vibrator up and down slightly twitching, uniform concrete vibrating up and down, each vibration 换和删除已安装的QQ皮肤。 图2 管理QQ皮肤文件 要使用更多的QQ皮肤,在“最新皮肤”窗口中可以直接下载和安装QQ官方推荐的皮肤。点击“访问下载中心”选项则可以登录QQ皮肤资源网站 (im.qq.com/cgi-bin/skin/skin)下载更多的QQ皮肤。先点击皮肤名称在返回页面中查看皮肤效果,若感觉满意,就点击“立刻下载”选项下载皮肤文件。 图3 在QQ皮肤资源站点可下载更多皮肤 如果皮肤文件是“.kip”格式文件,双击即可自动安装(自动安装后,只能在“更mortar (that removal rough aggregate of concrete), concrete should layered pouring, layered vibration pound, each layer of thickness is unlikely to Yu 500mm, vibration pound Rod mobile spacing is unlikely to Yu 500mm, and must insert lower concrete 50 mm to elimination two layer concrete of seams, concrete of vibration pound time to concrete is not significantly sinking, no bubble and returned water mud Shi for degrees. When the beams and slabs of concrete poured, use flat-combination of vibrators and vibrator insertion, shall not be leakage, and assurance of compacting. (1) base plate concrete pouring (see pouring of mass concrete in Foundation programme) will focus on control in construction of Foundation slab concrete construction, waterproof concrete of basement exterior wall and other key parts of the construction. Concrete thickness of 1300 mm of this project, during the construction process must be strictly controlled temperature and mix to ensure uniform quality and vibration compacting of concrete, timely maintenance, to avoid cracks. Temperature cracks control of mass concrete checking and measuring portfolio in detail. Concrete using a one-time continuous concrete plans, stratified vibration of floor vibration using slopes, slope formed by the natural flow of pump concrete and grade control around 1:3, vibration from the bottom of the LIFT began to move, to ensure that the layer of concrete construction quality. Concrete vibration in the process should be the vibrator up and down slightly twitching, uniform concrete vibrating up and down, each vibration 换皮肤”菜单中正常更换)。如果是RAR或ZIP压缩文件,则先进行解压,将以皮肤名命名的文件夹复制到QQ安装目录下的“NewSkins”文件夹中,即可在“更换皮肤”菜单中看到并使用该皮肤了。 图4 QQ皮肤文件安装在“NewSkins”文件夹 2.轻松自制QQ皮肤——QQ皮肤编辑器 “QQ皮肤编辑器”软件采用所见即所得和参考模板方式,让用户可以快速制作出自己的皮肤来了。 运行软件后,点选中“创建新的皮肤工程”选框,点击“确定”按钮打开“新建皮肤”对话框。依次设定皮肤名称,保存路径和皮肤模板后(皮肤模板为“.qsd”格式文件,但不是所有的皮肤都提供皮肤模板),点击“确定”按钮即可进入QQ皮肤制作窗口了。 mortar (that removal rough aggregate of concrete), concrete should layered pouring, layered vibration pound, each layer of thickness is unlikely to Yu 500mm, vibration pound Rod mobile spacing is unlikely to Yu 500mm, and must insert lower concrete 50 mm to elimination two layer concrete of seams, concrete of vibration pound time to concrete is not significantly sinking, no bubble and returned water mud Shi for degrees. When the beams and slabs of concrete poured, use flat-combination of vibrators and vibrator insertion, shall not be leakage, and assurance of compacting. (1) base plate concrete pouring (see pouring of mass concrete in Foundation programme) will focus on control in construction of Foundation slab concrete construction, waterproof concrete of basement exterior wall and other key parts of the construction. Concrete thickness of 1300 mm of this project, during the construction process must be strictly controlled temperature and mix to ensure uniform quality and vibration compacting of concrete, timely maintenance, to avoid cracks. Temperature cracks control of mass concrete checking and measuring portfolio in detail. Concrete using a one-time continuous concrete plans, stratified vibration of floor vibration using slopes, slope formed by the natural flow of pump concrete and grade control around 1:3, vibration from the bottom of the LIFT began to move, to ensure that the layer of concrete construction quality. Concrete vibration in the process should be the vibrator up and down slightly twitching, uniform concrete vibrating up and down, each vibration 图5 可以选择要参考的皮肤模板 在“元件列表”中可以看到QQ皮肤就是由这些元件共同组成的,选中一个元件,就会在预览窗口显示它的位置和效果。例如依次点击“窗体”?“最小化”选项,在预览窗口中就会用虚线框标明最小化按钮的位置。接着在“属性设置”框中可根据需要更改该按钮的大小、位置和背景图片等,更换后的效果会实时显示在预览窗口中,制作步骤非常简单。 图6 更换QQ皮肤中的元件大小、位置和背景图片 第三步:自己设计皮肤 mortar (that removal rough aggregate of concrete), concrete should layered pouring, layered vibration pound, each layer of thickness is unlikely to Yu 500mm, vibration pound Rod mobile spacing is unlikely to Yu 500mm, and must insert lower concrete 50 mm to elimination two layer concrete of seams, concrete of vibration pound time to concrete is not significantly sinking, no bubble and returned water mud Shi for degrees. When the beams and slabs of concrete poured, use flat-combination of vibrators and vibrator insertion, shall not be leakage, and assurance of compacting. (1) base plate concrete pouring (see pouring of mass concrete in Foundation programme) will focus on control in construction of Foundation slab concrete construction, waterproof concrete of basement exterior wall and other key parts of the construction. Concrete thickness of 1300 mm of this project, during the construction process must be strictly controlled temperature and mix to ensure uniform quality and vibration compacting of concrete, timely maintenance, to avoid cracks. Temperature cracks control of mass concrete checking and measuring portfolio in detail. Concrete using a one-time continuous concrete plans, stratified vibration of floor vibration using slopes, slope formed by the natural flow of pump concrete and grade control around 1:3, vibration from the bottom of the LIFT began to move, to ensure that the layer of concrete construction quality. Concrete vibration in the process should be the vibrator up and down slightly twitching, uniform concrete vibrating up and down, each vibration 图片比较困难,大家可参照已有皮肤的图片素材进行加工制作,这样就容易多了。 例如“标准模板-2004”的皮肤图片都保存在“QQ皮肤编辑器”安装目录的“Template”?“QQ2004”文件夹中,这些图片分别就是QQ皮肤中的背景图片、按钮图片和图标等。只须照猫画虎,比着他们的大小和样式制作出自己的皮肤图片即可。比如要把主窗口图片更改为“满城尽带黄金甲”海报图片,在复制的文件夹中找到“Background.bmp”的主窗口图片。然后根据它的大小制作一张海报图片,并在合适的地方添加相关文字等,然后保存成BMP格式的图片。 在“元件列表”中点击“主窗口”选项,在“属性设置”中点击“导入”按钮打开海报图片,即可将海报图片设为QQ皮肤的主窗口图片了。然后再使用同样的方法更改其它的皮肤图片,再替换原有的QQ皮肤图片即可。这样很快就可以制作出比较规范的皮肤了。最后点击“生成”?“确定”按钮即可制作成皮肤文件,并自动安装到QQ目录中。在“更换皮肤”菜单中即可找到该皮肤更换使用了。 mortar (that removal rough aggregate of concrete), concrete should layered pouring, layered vibration pound, each layer of thickness is unlikely to Yu 500mm, vibration pound Rod mobile spacing is unlikely to Yu 500mm, and must insert lower concrete 50 mm to elimination two layer concrete of seams, concrete of vibration pound time to concrete is not significantly sinking, no bubble and returned water mud Shi for degrees. When the beams and slabs of concrete poured, use flat-combination of vibrators and vibrator insertion, shall not be leakage, and assurance of compacting. (1) base plate concrete pouring (see pouring of mass concrete in Foundation programme) will focus on control in construction of Foundation slab concrete construction, waterproof concrete of basement exterior wall and other key parts of the construction. Concrete thickness of 1300 mm of this project, during the construction process must be strictly controlled temperature and mix to ensure uniform quality and vibration compacting of concrete, timely maintenance, to avoid cracks. Temperature cracks control of mass concrete checking and measuring portfolio in detail. Concrete using a one-time continuous concrete plans, stratified vibration of floor vibration using slopes, slope formed by the natural flow of pump concrete and grade control around 1:3, vibration from the bottom of the LIFT began to move, to ensure that the layer of concrete construction quality. Concrete vibration in the process should be the vibrator up and down slightly twitching, uniform concrete vibrating up and down, each vibration 图7 用QQ皮肤装点节日桌面 图8 把喜欢的明星做成QQ皮肤 mortar (that removal rough aggregate of concrete), concrete should layered pouring, layered vibration pound, each layer of thickness is unlikely to Yu 500mm, vibration pound Rod mobile spacing is unlikely to Yu 500mm, and must insert lower concrete 50 mm to elimination two layer concrete of seams, concrete of vibration pound time to concrete is not significantly sinking, no bubble and returned water mud Shi for degrees. When the beams and slabs of concrete poured, use flat-combination of vibrators and vibrator insertion, shall not be leakage, and assurance of compacting. (1) base plate concrete pouring (see pouring of mass concrete in Foundation programme) will focus on control in construction of Foundation slab concrete construction, waterproof concrete of basement exterior wall and other key parts of the construction. Concrete thickness of 1300 mm of this project, during the construction process must be strictly controlled temperature and mix to ensure uniform quality and vibration compacting of concrete, timely maintenance, to avoid cracks. Temperature cracks control of mass concrete checking and measuring portfolio in detail. Concrete using a one-time continuous concrete plans, stratified vibration of floor vibration using slopes, slope formed by the natural flow of pump concrete and grade control around 1:3, vibration from the bottom of the LIFT began to move, to ensure that the layer of concrete construction quality. Concrete vibration in the process should be the vibrator up and down slightly twitching, uniform concrete vibrating up and down, each vibration
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