

2018-04-11 23页 doc 85KB 31阅读




四医大口腔医院预约挂号系统解决方案四医大口腔医院预约挂号系统解决方案 第四军医大口腔医院 [预约挂号、导分诊、自助 、查询 、咨询 医院推介、卫生宣教、媒体播放] 实施方案 to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of i...
四医大口腔医院预约挂号系统解决 第四军医大口腔医院 [预约挂号、导分诊、自助 、查询 、咨询 医院推介、卫生宣教、媒体播放] 实施方案 to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note e-门诊系统介绍 方式与功能 此方案为大规模医院实现“全功能e-门诊与导分诊系统方案”,即应用现有各种媒介方式,电话(循序、快捷)、web、wap、短信(循序、快捷)、邮件、触屏及人工,,实现e-门诊系统及导分诊系统全部功能,将颠覆传统的就诊模式——预约后将按约定时间,直接候诊就诊,不需再挂号: 预约:包括挂号、体检、检查、治疗、手术、取药、床位及服务(住宿、餐饮、购物、票务、护工)的预约、查询、取消。 自助:包括挂号、体检、检查、治疗、手术、取药、床位及服务(住宿、餐饮、购物、票务、护工)的自助、查询、取消。 查询:包括医院、科室、专家、医生查询与预约、检查治疗项目(检查治疗内容、地点、时间、临床意义、注意事项)查询与预约、结果(检查、体检、献血)查询、信息(药品、资费、材料、专业知识、科普常识)查询。还包括导诊(医院、科室、检查室、治疗室、手术室、药房等布局、方位、路线、工作时间、服务内容等导引)。 咨询:可分为人工咨询(医患互动)和自动咨询(针对固定内容,调用系统知识库,并通过界面短信、邮件回复)。 网站:相对独立,内容灵活,主要服务是医院门诊功能的网络实现,其互动部分是e-门诊的核心要素,其中聊天室、博客及邮件咨询是主要方式,网页中医院指南、学科推介、专家介绍、新闻知识、卫生宣教、预防保健、科普常识、牙齿养护、合理用药、膳食营养等版块是查询的主要方式,网上注册、预约、充值、购买、远程医疗、健康管理、咨询、健康大讲堂、病友俱乐部、专家博客、 inves e of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject,sp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significancTo graefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. ique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to caris more cadres, improve research conditions are unterm leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability -rch, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and longresea ve thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area ofnew ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovatito reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting ve analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Notepment of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictilooking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the develo-tigate forward2 专病博客等互动是服务实操方式。 会员管理、媒体宣传及商务平台:实名及虚拟会员注册、服务、互动、资费管理等及以医院为中心的有偿、增值服务等。多功能、多空间、多媒体宣传平台为医院形象推介、商务传媒空间提供最佳实现方案。 挂号:主要是人工挂号管理,适于无挂号系统或原挂号系统功能受限及内、外网分立时挂号。 智能导分诊功能 1、信息获取模块定时扫描数据库获取病人的挂号信息。 2、导诊护士根据当日出诊医生分配诊室;智能导分诊模块根据门诊数据库信息自动排队,给出本诊区就诊队列。 3、医生启动(虚拟)呼叫模块,该模块根据本机IP自动获取就诊队列,同时与导分诊模块建立Socket连接,医生呼叫病人后,导诊屏自动显示该医生队列,同时播放呼叫声音。 4、病人根据提示到对应诊室就医,保证一对一就诊实现。 5、按需要,医生应用接诊助手功能(查询检查、药品、价格、值、参考值等,需软、硬件支持)、健康管理功能(患者病史、既往检查、治疗等,需软、硬件支持)。 6、如需要,医生也可应用办公助手功能(对讲、聊天、邮件、录音、录相、视频、播放器等,须硬件支持)。 7、信息统计功能。按需求处理数据、提供统计信息。 8、后台管理。调整数据、保证运行。 9、评价模块。对医生进行服务评价管理。 10、考勤模块。对医生进行考勤管理 11、绩效管理模块。对医疗工作进行绩效考核。 12、自动化办公模块。管理人员对工作状况即时及延时管理。 此方案系统完善、功能强大、便于升级、实用性强、易于管理、数据安全、可实现无人操作自动处理,利于医院建立会员管理与服务平台及打造以医院为中 tee. Noresearch on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front lin ower, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategylooking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal p-es. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forwardgrasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issuspot; ing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hotgation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyznvestimore cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular im leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is ter-nggation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and loy at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investiffice staff Assistant role to plato reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research O3 第 3 页 共 12 页 心的商务平台,方便用户和员工。其兼容性好、接口齐全,可接入医院现有Hs系统,可与导分诊系统等软件结合使用、便于功能拓展,适于医院长期使用,利于提升医院管理与服务形象,提高社会效益和经济效益。 方案一 直接使用惠宾导分诊系统可实现预约数据连接实现 “全功能e-门诊与导分诊系统方案”,即应用现有e-门诊各种媒介方式,电话(循序、快捷)、web、wap、短信(循序、快捷)、邮件、触屏及人工,,实现e-门诊系统及导分诊系统全部功能,将颠覆传统的就诊模式——预约后将按约定时间,直接候诊就诊,不需再挂号: 配置方案 导分诊软件模块及优惠价格 型号 产品名称 配置 备注 01? 数据库及管理模块 必配 定制另议 02? 后台控制模块 必配 定制另议 03? 信息获取模块 必配 04? 语音控制模块 必配 Tts另计 05? 信息统计处理模块 必配 06? 导诊模块 必配 07? 分诊模块 必配 08? 排队模块 必配 09? 应用后台管理模块 必配 10? (虚拟)呼叫模块 必配 终端另配 11? 接诊助手模块 选配 12? 健康管理模块 选配 13? 办公助手模块 选配 14? 宣教播放模块 选配 15? 服务评价模块 选配 终端另酏 16? 考勤模块 选配 17? 自动化办公模块 选配 18? 局域网及管理模块 必配 方案二 如不使用惠宾导分诊系统而是与医院现有导诊系统相互连接,则需要二次开发接口和使用e-门诊预约挂号全配置系统,通过二次开发接口与医院导分诊连 ve analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Notepment of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictilooking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the develo-tigate forwardinves e of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject,sp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significancTo graefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. ique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to caris more cadres, improve research conditions are unterm leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability -rch, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and longresea ve thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area ofnew ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovatito reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting 4 接也可实现预约后将按约定时间,直接候诊就诊,不需再挂号的功能, 同时使用E-门诊软件产品,为医院实现“全功能预约挂号系统”,即应用现有各种媒介方式,电话(循序、快捷)、web网络、wap、短信(循序、快捷)、邮件、触摸屏终端及人工,7种方式,实现预约挂号全部功能,包括电话、网络(web、wap)、短信、邮件、触屏及人工的预约、自助、咨询、查询功能与会员管理和服务功能,构建医院自己的服务平台和商务平台。 e-门诊系统软件配置单及价格表 序号 名 称 配置 备 注 E09-M01 数据库及管理模块 必配 定制另议 E09-M02 后台控制模块 必配 定制另议 E09-M03 HS信息获取模块 必配 E09-M04 语音控制模块 选配 TTS另记 E09-M05 医院信息管理模块 必配 E09-M06 信息统计处理模块 必配 E09-M07 预约管理模块 必配 Y09-M08 自助管理模块 选配 E09-M09 查询模块 选配 E09-M10 应用后台管理模块 必配 E09-M11 咨询模块 选配 E09-M12 通知模块 选配 E09-M13 触摸终端模块 选配 终端另计 E09-M14 电话管理模块 选配 E09-M15 短信管理模块 选配 E09-M16 电子邮件管理模块 选配 E09-M17 网站管理模块 选配 E09-M18 会员管理模块 必配 E09-M19 播放管理模块 选配 E09-M20 资费管理模块 选配 E09-M21 呼叫中心模块 选配 E09-M22 出诊管理模块 必配 E09-M23 网络接口模块 选配 E09-M24 数据接口模块 选配 E09-M25 挂号模块(人工) 选配 E09-M26 网站 必配 附:e-门诊系统软件模块及功能介绍 序号 名 称 功能简介 SQL数据库管理及数据库构架结构管理模块组,主要 功能进行数据信息转储、储存、定时备份、定时清除、01 数据库及管理模块 数据换算、变量定义、数据临时变量控制等功能。 tee. Noing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hotresearch on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front lin ower, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategylooking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal p-es. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forwardgrasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issu spot;gation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyz nvestimore cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular im leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is ter-nggation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and loy at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investiffice staff Assistant role to plato reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research O5 第 5 页 共 12 页 后台控制模块:主要功能包括对(医院管理、科室管理、医生管理、会员管理、非会员管理、预约管理、统计信息、密码管理、操作员管理、操作明细情况)02 后台控制模块 等管理功能的SQL数据信息导入、导出、统计、变量转换的操作模块组。 截取HIS系统动态变化数据功能,可迅速根据HIS信息进行医院、医生、科室的临时动态数据调整,方便03 HS信息获取模块 因临时坐诊时间调整而带来的数据信息变化。 TTS电话语音控制模块功能:即时语音读取数据库内信息的功能,可调整语音变化如男声、女声语音,可04 语音控制模块 自动设置语音流程,实现设置全自动化引导用户进行电话预约的功能。 医院信息管理模块功能:包括医院信息数据管理(医院名称、地址、简介、联系电话、网站、领取预约号介绍、医院各类工作时间控制、电话识别控制等);科室信息数据管理(科室名称、科室编号、科室诊察费用、科室介绍);医生信息数据管理包括(姓名、职称、性别、所属科室、数字编号、个人简历、联系05 医院信息管理模块 电话、预约费用、非会员上下午号量控制、会员上下午号量控制、电话咨询状态、预约挂号状态、长期坐诊时间、临时调整坐诊时间、退号设置、退号周期设置、预约周期设置)等功能,还可通过管理信息表单看到所有科室医生当前信息状态表进行添加、编辑、查看、删除、刷新等功能的操作。 信息统计处理模块主要功能:进行预约挂号、个人信息、挂号信息、板卡信息的数据统计,精确统计到单日、一周、每月、全年的信息数据;还可进行各项信息下子项目统计例如(预约统计子项可分单科室、单06 信息统计处理模块 医生项目分开统计),同时可进行统计信息导出Excel表格文档,和直接进行打印的功能,也可导出线形图形数据统计查询。 预约管理模块下包括(预约管理、放假控制、预约设置、预约统计)等功能,其中预约设置可先设置好数据更新时间例如(从晚上12点开始进行下一轮预约时间的放号控制),预约管理及包括(确认赴约、预约人证件号码、姓名、预约是否有效、卡内余额、通知电话、非会员或会员状态、所预约科室、所预约专07 预约管理模块 家、专家的职称、预约的时间、登记的时间、主叫电话、通知Email信箱、预约的方式、PID值)的信息控制及查询显示,还可进行预约表导出导出Excel表格文档,和直接进行打印的功能。放假控制可直接设置节假日放假不可预约的状态,预约统计包括子项各类预约信息的统计值。 自助管理功能:用户可自行进行各类远程预约控制管08 自助管理模块 -tigate forwardinves e of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject,sp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significancTo graefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. ique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to caris more cadres, improve research conditions are unterm leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability -rch, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and longresea ve thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area ofnew ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovatito reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting ve analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Notepment of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictilooking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the develo6 理,包括(网站预约、电话预约、短信预约、院内触摸屏预约、邮件预约)的预约控制,和在后台内对各类远程自主管理信息的通道显示控制等。 查询模块功能:可根据设定的时间内进行各类信息查询和精确信息定位,及模糊搜索查询功能等,应用模块包括会员信息、预约信息、科室信息、专家信息等,09 查询模块 应用平台包括网站、后台、触摸终端、短信、邮件等平台。 应用后台管理模块主要功能:包括操作员在可视化界面内对医院信息、科室信息、医生信息、会员信息、非会员信息、预约信息、统计信息的功能操作,及信10 应用后台管理模块 息修改、编辑、查询、查看、统计、打印、导表的操作管理。 咨询模块功能:远程进行医患信息咨询及回复的即时通讯互动信息管理平台模块组,患者可根据自身情况11 咨询模块 进行网络电话语音病例咨询,医生也可通过此平台进行病例问答管理。 通知模块功能:应用于短信、邮件、电话的预约信息通知管理模块,可根据患者预约的信息的进行确认通12 通知模块 知及再次通知信息管理。 触摸终端模块功能:患者通过远程触摸终端进行图形化手指触摸引导预约控制(包括数字键盘输入、预约挂号、现场挂号、挂号信息查询、挂号信息取消、科室查询、医生查询、咨询查询医院各类帮助信息等)触摸终端模块 13 同时触摸终端模块还包含预约时间读秒控制杜绝长时间占用,用户还可通过触摸终端模块直接注册成为虚拟会员,触摸终端模块通过内网远程连接后台数据中心可及时反映各类数据变化。 TTS全自动男女声切换语音自助式引导预约控制管理模块,患者只需要使用数字键按流程输入会员卡号密码;预约科室代码;预约专家代码就可轻松进行预约 电话管理模块 挂号,同时还电话管理还包括可以进行电话会员注册14 功能;电话管理模块通过电话网远程连接后台数据中心可及时反映各类数据变化,方便用户对预约时间及预约专家的调整。 短信管理模块功能开通后用户可直接使用手机输入8位数字串码即可进行预约服务,流程简单只需要发送一次短信就可进行预约控制,同时短信管理模块还可进行用户注册功能,短信管理模块通过连接通知模块短信管理模块 15 还可对用户进行短信提示预约信息提示服务功能,短信管理模块通过移动联通网络远程连接后台数据中心可及时反映各类数据变化,方便用户对预约时间及预约专家的调整。 电子邮件管理模块 电子邮件模块功能开通后用户可直接使用电子邮件16 tee. Noresearch on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front lin ower, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategylooking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal p-es. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forwardgrasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issuing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot;gation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyznvestimore cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular im leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is ter-nggation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and loy at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investiffice staff Assistant role to plato reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research O7 第 7 页 共 12 页 输入8位数字串码即可进行预约服务,流程简单只需要发送一次邮件就可进行预约控制,同时电子邮件模块还可进行用户注册功能,电子邮件管理模块通过连接通知模块还可对用户进行邮件提示预约信息提示服务功能,电子邮件管理模块支持各类邮箱通过互联网远程连接后台数据中心可及时反映各类数据变化,方便用户对预约时间及预约专家的调整。 网站管理模块功能:友好化、可视化自动图形引导式患者网络预约模块,包括远程数据提取功能;网络会 网站管理模块 员中心管理功能;网络后台管理包括医院、科室、医17 生坐诊、资费的数据管理及远程控制,同时可独立操作或与后台进行关联操作及提供各类应用导出接口。 会员管理模块功能:会员模块加载后,操作员可通过应用后台对(单个会员、企业会员,会员卡办理)等功能进行操作处理;其中单个会员信息管理包含(会员卡号、密码、姓名、证件号、性别、出生日期、籍贯、住址、联系方式、通知电话、通知邮件、职业、工作单位、主叫电话、会员卡类型、会员卡使用明细项目)等,企业会员信息管理包括(企业会员名称、联系电话、企业描述、企业内会员信息详细记录表);18 会员管理模块 会员卡办理管理包括(会员卡类型、会员卡名称、有效期、销售价格、卡内金额、预约挂号次数、体检预约、床位预约、绿色通道使用、专家会诊次数、短信使用次数、网络使用次数、电话使用次数、电子邮件使用次数)等,同时会员管理模块还可进行各类会员的添加、删除、查询、导出表格、打印等管理,当与资费管理模块连接时还可进行资费缴纳等更多功能。 播放管理主要功能可进行远程连接各视频媒体平台进行多媒体影音文件播放,包括可使用媒体连播、单19 播放管理模块 体循环播放、导出多媒体文件列表进行播放等功能,应用平台多媒体触摸终端,网站等平台。 资费管理模块功能包括应用于各模块的接口程序及对各类资费进行统一管理,综合统计、资费管理独立等应用功能,资费管理信息包括(会员预约挂号收费、电话咨询费、短信咨询费、邮件咨询费、网上门诊、短信通知订制、非会员预约挂号费、会员卡手续费、20 资费管理模块 专家会诊费、专家预约费)等,其中专家按照各类职称进行费用划分,资费管理还包括对会员卡进行缴费和远程网络、触摸终端、电话、短信、邮件平台的扣费信息管理功能。 TTS呼叫中心功能:当用户拨打电话TTS自助挂号线路占满时,可自动导入进入TTS内线呼叫中心,呼叫21 呼叫中心模块 中心可使用人工操作的方式来为用户进行预约挂号,同时呼叫中心包含用户信息自动导入功能,呼叫接收 e of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject,sp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significancTo graefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. ique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to caris more cadres, improve research conditions are unterm leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability -rch, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and longresea ve thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area ofnew ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovatito reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting ve analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Notepment of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictilooking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the develo-tigate forwardinves8 人员可根据用户的信息进行语音提示信息服务等。 出诊管理模块开通后,即可通过应用后台对医院信息模块中医生管理子模块种的出诊信息管理控制模块进行操作,出诊信息管理包括(长期坐诊时间管理、临时调整坐诊时间管理、放假坐诊时间管理等),出诊模块调整后,系统各接口平台可根据即时出诊信息22 出诊管理模块 接口控制模块,对各应用平台如网站、电话、短信、邮件、触摸终端的医生出诊时间进行变动,如果开通通知服务即可通过开通的平台对会员预约变动进行通知。 网络接口模块使用标准远程数据安全隔离接口,实现对预约挂号信息、资费扣除状态、会员注册添加状态23 网络接口模块 等信息的远程数据传导。 各操作平台如网站、电话、短信、邮件、触摸终端通过数据接口模块对所属各类信息数据进行远程导入24 数据接口模块 和数据接收功能。 通过应用后台模块人工挂号模组的开通,可实现后台操作管理员添加挂号信息的功能,同时挂号模块还可导出挂号信息数据提供接口与各类HIS,导分诊系统25 挂号模块(人工) 相互连接实现挂号数据一体化操作,挂号模块其他功能包括可实现TTS呼叫中心人工自动导入预约的功能及现场人工挂号的功能。 本系统网站包含众多以上系统模块功能,可与应用后台进行连接或独立进行操作,按功能实现可分为两大类;一、预约挂号网站模块,功能主要有:(1、基本设置:点击基本设置模块您可以设置您的医院名称及定制您医院的个性化LOGO。2、医院信息:点击医院信息,填写您的医院详细资料和您医院的介绍,页面即将自动加载这些信息让患者方便了解您的医院。3、科室管理:点击科室管理,填写您的医院的各科室详细资料设置科室代码和科室介绍,页面即将自动加载科室信息让患者方便预约您医院的科室。4、医生管理:点击医生管理,填写医生详细资料设置医生26 网站 代码和医生坐诊时间,页面即将自动加载科室信息让患者方便预约您医院的医生。5、会员管理:点击医生管理,可查看你医院的注册会员信息,方便掌握会员病历状况,建设您医院自己的会员库,同时也可直接添加会员,方便患者长期预约就诊。6预约管理:点击预约管理:您使用预约列表了解到“预约赴约信息、会员证件类型、证件号、会员卡号、会员姓名、预约XX科室、XX专家、专家职称、预约时间、登记时间、预约方式"等信息。 7、新闻管理:开通医院门户网站即可自主管理门户新闻界面,以便患者随时了解医院政策和医院面貌,是您医院在扩大宣传知名 tee. Noresearch on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front lin gation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzower, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategylooking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal p-es. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forwardgrasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issu spot; ing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hotnvestimore cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular im leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is ter-nggation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and loy at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investiffice staff Assistant role to plato reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research O9 第 9 页 共 12 页 度的一大利器。8、留言管理:查看回复广大患者对 医生的诊断评价,咨询病理情况,深化医院多元化服 务体制的改革和发展)。 二、医院综合门户网站:主要信息版块功能包括:(网 络预约、医院简介、医院动态 、快速搜索、科室简 介 、专科名医、健康指引 、会员中心) 等。 注:此表位所有预约挂号系统模块功能简介,更多及具体功能请参看预约挂号系统使用帮助。 inves e of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject,sp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significancTo graefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. ique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to caris more cadres, improve research conditions are unterm leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability -rch, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and longresea ve thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area ofnew ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovatito reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting ve analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Notepment of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictilooking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the develo-tigate forward10 设备运行安装调试日程 为保障医院设备及项目正式运行,公司保障在15个工作日内安装调试完毕(具体时间可根据医院实际情况进行调整)。 执行部门: 技术部、工程部、售后部 负责人:魏经理 安装调试人员: 汤工 周工 苏工 时间安排:15个工作日 时间安排 工作活动细则 工作进度完成度 1日 提交方案、现场查看环境配置 10% 2日 签署、安排人员进行数据库搭建 20% 3日 技术部实现网站搭建 30% 4日 技术部实现后台软件系统搭建 40% 5日 技术部实现电话软件系统搭建 45% 6日 技术部实现短信软件系统搭建 50% 7日 技术部实现触摸终端软件系统搭建 55% 8日 技术部安排进行网络系统测试 65% 9日 技术部安排进行软件系统测试 70% 10日 工程部安排进行硬件环境搭建 75% 11日 工程部安排进行硬件环境测试 80% 12日 交付医院进行现场测试 85% 远程测试及线路铺设 13日 交付医院进行现场测试 90% 远程测试及线路铺设 spot;tee. Noresearch on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front lin ower, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategylooking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal p-es. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forwardgrasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issu ing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hotgation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyznvestimore cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular im leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is ter-nggation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and loy at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investiffice staff Assistant role to plato reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research O11 第 11 页 共 12 页 14日 协助医院进行操作培训及数据录入 95% 15日 协助医院进行操作培训及数据录入 100% 16日 交付医院正式启用,签署售后合同 100% 售后服务及技术支持 ?售前服务: 详细了解客户需求,合理解决方案 ?售后服务: 7*24小时技术服务(电话、QQ、电子邮件) ?定期走访客户 定期由专业技术人员对系统及硬件进行维护和对进行数据加密保护处理,定期回访客户,采纳合理建议,不断完善产品服务体系。 ?培训服务 公司建立完善培训体系,定期举行各类技术培训,医院运行系统后可进行为期一月的操作人员培训。 ?紧急服务 针对突发性事件,我们将在2小时(外地为24时)内迅提供技术支持,为您排忧解难。 pment of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictilooking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the develo-tigate forwardinves e of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject,sp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significancTo graefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. ique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to caris more cadres, improve research conditions are unterm leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability -rch, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and longresea ve thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area ofnew ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovatito reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting ve analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note12
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