首页 > 郴州盛名房地产开发有限公司2013年度总结及2014年工作计划


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郴州盛名房地产开发有限公司2013年度总结及2014年工作计划郴州盛名房地产开发有限公司2013年度总结及2014年工作计划 岭秀福城项目2013年终总结暨2014年工作计划 一、2013年工作总结 (一)工程概况:本工程位于郴州市北湖区寒溪路,由郴州盛名房地产有限公司开发,福建成森集团工程建设有限公司承建,监理单位为广东广信监理工程有限公司。目前已开工的楼号为一期1#、2#、3#、5#、6#楼及其副楼,总建筑面积约17万平方米,结构形式为框架剪力墙结构,除5#楼为31+1层外,其余4栋为30层高层住宅小区,地下室为二层,副二层地下室建筑面积12081.84平方米,含377个标准停...
郴州盛名房地产开发有限公司2013年度总结及2014年工作 岭秀福城项目2013年终总结暨2014年工作计划 一、2013年 (一)工程概况:本工程位于郴州市北湖区寒溪路,由郴州盛名房地产有限公司开发,福建成森集团工程建设有限公司承建,监理单位为广东广信监理工程有限公司。目前已开工的楼号为一期1#、2#、3#、5#、6#楼及其副楼,总建筑面积约17万平方米,结构形式为框架剪力墙结构,除5#楼为31+1层外,其余4栋为30层高层住宅小区,地下室为二层,副二层地下室建筑面积12081.84平方米,含377个标准停车位,负一层地下室建筑面积12220.57平方米,含372个标准停车位。 (二)工程质量、安全生产、进度方面情况: 1.工程质量: 岭秀福城项目的施工质量得到公司、项目部、班组的高度重视,大家也意识到质量是企业的立足之本,在工程建设过程中我们狠抓质量,从打桩到主体到装修,每个环节都不放松。在打桩阶段,为抢抓进度,桩基工程24小时施工,在5个栋号及其副楼24小时同时施工造成施工管理人手紧缺,在地质情况及其复杂等不利因素下,工程部全体人员客服重重困难,多次召开会议商讨对策,大家一致认为质量是企业的生命线,质量问题决不能出任何问题,遇到复杂的桩,我们会同勘察、、监理、施工单位共同研究,共同商议解决办法,在桩基施工完毕后我们加大检测力度,采取低应变动测,取芯,静载等多种检测手段,后经时候检测所有800多根桩基全部合格,这是全体同事共同努力的结果。在做基础阶段,我们安排专职人员对承台砖模的放样,尺寸等进行严格复查。在做主体的时候,我们安排专人对各个班组及工人进行安全技术交底,对一些关键部位进行单独交底。同时对钢筋、混凝土进行现场取样,委托郴州市质检站实验室进行检测,严格把好材料关;对柱子、梁板尺寸,柱子垂直度、梁板支撑,钢筋绑扎、焊接,混凝土振捣等严格检查,确保主体质量。当然由于现阶段工人技术,现场条件的限制,有些质量通病如混凝土振捣不够密实,偶尔出现蜂窝麻面等质量通病,发生这些质量问题后我们及时采取措施进行修补,同时认真分析出现质量问题的原因,力争杜绝或减少这些问题的发生。在售楼部大楼装修阶段,在工期及其紧张,图纸多次变更的不利前提下,我们和设计、监理、施工单位等相关人员认真分析,科学安排施工工艺流程,认真组织各班组交叉作业,该加班的加班,该整改的整改,最终在本项目开盘日---2013年1月10日前将样板房顺利完工,获得集团领导的高度赞扬~ 2.安全生产: deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction, 岭秀福城项目至2013年5月开工以来,没有发生过一起安全事故,将安全事故控制在0‰。得到了郴州市建设局和安检站的高度赞扬和一致好评,这与公司领导和职工的共同努力是分不开的。为了保证安全生产,项目部加强安全防范意识,投入了大量现场教育时间,增强安全施工生产的宣传和教育,取得了较显著的效果。我们在安全检查、安全教育、安全责任到人等方面做了大量的工作,凡是我项目主要设备都是持证上岗,防范了各种事故的发生。2013年全年没有出现安全事故,但不是一点问题都没有,安全工作是一项常抓不懈的工作,例如我们在临时用电上还不规范,安全防护还不是很到位,公司安全检查也指出一些不足,对现场发现安全隐患整改不及时等,这些方面是我们今后工作中需要改进的,要把安全教育工作化、治理规范化。 3.工程进度 本工程于2013年5月开工,截至2013年12月31日止,所有桩基全部完成,1#楼二层地下室已经全部完成,主体完成标准层7层,总完成面积约8000平方米,2#楼负二层地下室结构层全部完成,总完成建筑面积约1500平方米,3#楼二层地下室已经全部完成,主体完成标准层7层,总完成建筑面积约4500平方米,5#楼负二层地下室结构层全部完成,总完成建筑面积约1500平方米,6#楼二层地下室全部完成,标准层完成一层,总完成建筑面积约2000平方米,本年度总完成建筑面积约17500平方米,本年度总完成投资额约6000万元,由于由于天气、地质复杂、农民工工资过快上涨、工程设计变更等因素,造成本工程进度与原进度计划有一定的差距。 二、2014年工作设想 (一)2014年郴州岭秀福城项目部总方针目标是: 坚持以人为本,结合成功与失败的经验攀登高峰,抓住时机敢于挑战,加强完善规范治理。实现项目整体又好又快发展,建立健全激励机制,回报公司利润,让员工实现自我价值。 (二)2014年具体工作计划和安排: 一、原计划2月7日(农历正月初八)开工,但由于天气原因,推迟至2月15日(农历正月16)所有栋号必须正式开工,各栋号各班组人员施工人员、工人食堂工作人员陆续进场施工,各栋号安排人员检查水电等是否完好,塔吊等施工机器是否正常运转,做好准备工作。 二、1#、3#、6#楼由于基础及地下室已经施工完毕,目前在做标准层,工人施工比较容易,进度容易上去,在天气允许的情况下,上述栋号进度必须每月完成5层以上,2#、5#楼目前完成负二层地下室结构层,工人进场后要抓紧做负一层的柱筋对deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction, 焊及模板拼模工作,先从西边靠山一侧开始做,甲方工程部配合外剪力墙土方回填。 三、2#楼化粪池及其附属管网必须在2月底前施工完毕,以便于北侧土方回填。 四、7#楼2月底前完成土方外运,岩石爆破,场地平整,并协调设计院出具7#楼图纸。 五、工程部坚持分工明确又团结协作,具体分工为蒋丕文负责工程技术、质量、进度等方面,陈建负责计量审计及对外协调, 、2#楼的工程施工管理,王登负责3#、5#、6#楼的施工管理,邓美士、邓小玉、李永生负责工程计量及日常用张文钦负责1# 品采购,邓亚峰负责工程机械调配及土方外运。工程部是一个集体,在分工的同时,还必须坚持团结协作,群策群力,确保本工程能如期、顺利完成。 六、质量、安全方面坚持严字当头,严把质量、安全关,同时督促监理单位加强日常旁站监督,加强原材料进场复检工作,定期或不定期召开监理例会,对施工单位不符合质量、安全要求的行为坚决制止,该返工的坚决返工,确保工程质量、安全、进度符合规范要求。 deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction,
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