

2017-09-02 50页 doc 1MB 11阅读




2012白宫里的美国总统2012白宫里的美国总统 2013年1月3日,白宫发布了一组2012年度图片。 图为2012年1月1日,奥巴马在其家乡夏威夷的大海里游泳,他正和家人、朋友一 起度过年度圣诞假期 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should ...
2012白宫里的美国总统 2013年1月3日,白宫发布了一组2012年度图片。 图为2012年1月1日,奥巴马在其家乡夏威夷的大海里游泳,他正和家人、朋友一 起度过年度圣诞假期 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年1月24日,奥巴马在国会山发表年度国情咨文讲演之前与在亚利桑那 州枪击案中受伤的女众议员吉福兹拥抱 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年1月25日,第一夫人米歇尔在白宫东室和电视主持人吉米?法论参加 套袋跑,他们当时在录制“让我们动起来”倡议两周年特别纪念节目 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年1月30日,希拉里不小心把她的简报文件掉在椭圆形办公室地毯上, 她和副总统拜登对摄影师拍照作出反应 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年2月1日,奥巴马总统抱着3岁的阿里娜-霍尔姆斯,他随后和霍尔姆 斯的家人在椭圆形办公室合影 2012年2月7日,奥巴马总统接见美国出生缺陷基金会国家大使劳伦?佛莱明,劳伦的弟弟拿起总统的电话玩耍 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年2月13日,奥巴马早上与英国首相卡梅伦进行电话交谈 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年2月16日,一群女性在游览白宫红室时意外见到第一夫人米歇尔喜出 望外 2012年2月21日,奥巴马在白宫东室举行的音乐会上演唱“甜蜜的家乡,芝 加哥” equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年2月29日,白宫第一狗“波”在白宫东门廊参加复活节滚蛋活动录像 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年3月17日,美国副总统拜登和他的安保人员在匹兹堡参加圣帕特里克 节游行时奔跑 2012年3月30日,奥巴马夜里步入白宫,外交官接待室的灯光照在他的身上, 影子被电视灯光反射在右面 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年4月18日,美国密歇根州迪尔伯恩市福特汽车博物馆,奥巴马坐在当 年民权积极分子罗莎-帕克斯拒绝遵从种族隔离政策时乘坐的公共汽车上 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年4月24日,奥巴马在北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校参加“吉米-法论深夜” 节目,他在听取制片人和吉米-法论的介绍时放声大笑 2012年4月24日,科罗拉多大学博尔多分校,奥巴马擦去溅裤子上的冷冻酸 牛奶 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年5月1日,奥巴马坐在从喀布尔飞回巴格拉姆空军基地的直升机上,他的陪 同人员包括驻阿美军司令艾伦、驻阿美国大使克罗克、副国家安全事务顾问麦克唐 纳 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年5月1日,一位士兵在美军驻阿富汗巴格拉姆空军基地拥抱奥巴马 2012年5月1日,奥巴马探视美军驻阿富汗巴格拉姆空军基地重症监护室的伤 兵 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年5月11日,第一夫人米歇尔在为弗吉尼亚理工大学发表毕业讲演前触 摸学校的吉祥石 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年5月11日,奥巴马早上在洛杉矶和一些好莱坞演员一起打篮球后与他 们交谈 2012年5月19日,欧洲国家领导人在戴维营参加八国集团峰会的休息时间观 看欧冠拜仁慕尼黑VS切尔西决赛加时赛,英国首相卡梅伦奥巴马总统、德国默克尔 总理、法国总统奥朗德在决胜球一刻作出不同反应 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年5月,美国总统奥巴马、英国首相卡梅伦、德国默克尔总理、法国总统 奥朗德等在戴维营参加八国集团峰会 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年5月19日,八国集团峰会结束后,奥巴马在戴维营打台球 2012年5月20日,在芝加哥出席北约工作晚宴后,奥巴马在战士体育场为橄 榄球比赛开球 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年5月25日,4岁的乌尔基拉看着奥巴马在椭圆形办公室为她的绘画作品 签名 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年5月25日,奥巴马在白宫家庭剧场招待现役军人和他们的家庭成员观 看《黑衣人3》 2012年6月13日,奥巴马和第一夫人在举行欢迎以色列总统佩雷斯的宴会后 向他挥手告别 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年6月14日,奥巴马在参加一个竞选活动后访问克利夫兰的男孩女孩俱 乐部,他与一位年轻女孩交谈,并与另一群孩子互动 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年6月15日,奥巴马夫妇来到密歇根湖湖边,观看他们家乡的天际线 2012年6月16日,高级顾问贾勒特的芝加哥家中,奥巴马夫妇出席贾勒特女 儿的婚礼 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年6月18日,墨西哥,奥巴马在等待俄罗斯总统普京时,走到外面与总 统办公厅主任杰克-卢交谈 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年6月28日,从白宫法律顾问凯茜-罗依梅勒那里获悉最高法院并未否决 奥巴马医改的消息后,奥巴马与罗依梅勒拥抱 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年6月28日,奥巴马在探视沃特尔-里德国家军事医疗中心与伤兵及其家 人一起祈祷 2012年6月28日,第一夫人米歇尔和非洲卫理公会的主教进行群体祈祷 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年6月29日,奥巴马在科罗拉多州多斯普林斯市和消防队员、官员们一 起视察火灾破坏情况 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年7月5日,奥巴马在俄亥俄州的一家饭店邀请邻座吃草莓馅饼,一位小 男孩接受了邀请,大咬一口 2012年7月14日,奥巴马冒着大雨在弗吉尼亚格伦阿林的一个竞选活动中发 表讲话 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年7月16日,奥巴马和第一夫人米歇尔在观看美国男子奥运篮球队与巴 西比赛时亲吻 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年7月22日,奥巴马拥抱在科多拉多州奥罗拉电影院枪击案救助朋友的 斯蒂芬尼?达维斯 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年7月26日,奥巴马在内阁房间里坐在总统座椅上参加内阁会议。椅子 上写着“总统(2009年1月20日)” equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年7月27日,美国奥运摔跤运动员埃琳娜在东伦敦大学抱起第一夫人米 歇尔 2012年8月8日,奥巴马在椭圆形办公室欢迎八岁的皮尼一家后,皮尼难掩激 动之情 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年8月14日,奥巴马在造访衣阿华州一家饭店时向客人们提供了一瓶白 宫啤酒,客人们对此感到很兴奋 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年8月14日,奥巴马在其竞选巴士上向站在车队路线两边的衣阿华居民 挥手致意 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年8月15日,在第一夫人米歇尔向人群介绍奥巴马后,奥巴马拥抱了米 歇尔 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年8月28日,奥巴马在出席科罗拉多州立大学户外竞选活动时走上主席 台 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年9月1日,奥巴马在衣阿华州厄班戴尔参加竞选集会 2012年9月2日,副总统拜登借助手电灯光在学校后台上给自己的照片签名 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年9月5日,奥巴马在民主党全国代表大会后台观看前总统克林顿发表他 的提名讲演 2012年9月6日,奥巴马等待在民主党全国代表大会上发表讲演,他的两个女 儿走进来祝他一切顺利 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年9月6日,当奥巴马在民主党全国代表大会上发表演讲后,奥巴马和拜 登家人一起出现在主席台上 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年9月7日,奥巴马和拜登在参加新罕布什尔州朴次茅斯的竞选活动时一 起大笑 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年9月8日,拜登向奥巴马竞选办公室外的人们打招呼 2012年9月11日,国家安全副顾问丹尼斯-麦克多诺向奥巴马和拜登统汇报中 东地区和北非局势的最新进展 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年9月14日,安德鲁斯空军基地,奥巴马在接迎美国驻利比亚大使棺木 回国仪式上发表讲话后拉着希拉里的手 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年9月28日,会议期间的奥巴马 # 2012年10月2日,奥巴马在准备总统候选人辩论期间与克莱恩交谈 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年10月12日,奥巴马驾驶前白宫新闻秘书吉布斯的雪佛兰Volt电动车 在白宫车道里跑了三圈 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年10月18日,纽约,参加2012年艾尔弗雷德-史密斯晚宴之前,奥巴马 系上白色领带 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年10月23日,佛罗里达州,中午的阳光照在参加竞选活动的奥巴马身上 2012年10月25日,奥巴马在克利夫兰发表讲话后,他的支持者发出欢呼声 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年10月26日,奥巴马在椭圆形办公室欢迎3岁的塔马林时假装被困在蜘 蛛人网里 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年10月29日,白宫情况室,奥巴马与数名重要官员的电视电话会议中听 取应对桑迪飓风的最新准备工作 2012年10月31日,奥巴马和新泽西州州长克里斯蒂与受到飓风桑迪影响的居民 交谈 2012年11月3日,奥巴马出发前往参加衣阿华州的竞选活动时经过一面旗帜 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年11月6日,奥巴马家人和密友们在芝加哥的一家宾馆观看选举结果, 在看到自己获得连任的消息后,奥巴马拥抱了第一夫人米歇尔 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年11月6日,奥巴马在等待罗姆尼承认自己落选的电话时,与顾问在芝 加哥一家宾馆写胜选演讲稿 2012年11月6日,奥巴马发表胜选演讲后,奥巴马夫妇和拜登夫妇站在主席 台上 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年11月14日,奥巴马在椭圆形办公室就加沙暴力事件升级与埃及总统穆 尔西举行电话交谈 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年11月15日,奥巴马接见美国奥运体操运动队。奥巴马请美国体操选手 麦凯拉?马罗尼一起摆拍经典撅嘴造型 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年11月15日,奥巴马和纽约市长布隆伯克在对纽约飓风桑迪破坏情况进 行空中视察时查看地图 2012年11月15日,奥巴马试图在纽约斯塔滕岛联邦应急事务管理署恢复中心 安慰摩尔夫妇,他们的两个孩子在飓风桑迪来袭时被洪水冲走遇难 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年11月15日,奥巴马在白宫与《林肯》的导演、编剧、演员们一起观看 了《林肯》,他还邀请丹尼尔?戴?刘易斯上楼参观林肯卧室 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年11月19日,奥巴马参观缅甸最古老的塔 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年11月10日,警察试图控制欢迎美国总统奥巴马车队的缅甸居民 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年11月18日,奥巴马在离开泰国政府大楼前跟泰国总理英拉交谈 2012年11月29日,奥巴马和罗姆尼共进午餐后向罗姆尼挥手告别 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年12月12日,奥巴马会见齐柏林飞艇摇滚乐队仍在世的成员 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年12月14日,奥巴马听取高级反恐顾问布伦南有关康州纽敦桑迪?胡克 小学枪击案细节的汇报。奥巴马随后在接受电视采访时称,那一天是他总统生涯中 最糟糕的一天 2012年12月16日,奥巴马在华盛顿市郊准备纽敦枪击案讲演稿 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年12月16日,奥巴马前往康州会见纽敦镇小学枪击案的遇难者家属,并 在祈祷守夜活动上发表讲话。 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年12月28日,奥巴马从圣诞假期提前归来,他和副总统拜登在椭圆形办 公室与国会领导人讨论财政悬崖 2012年12月29日,奥巴马在椭圆形办公室会见高级顾问,以讨论正在进行中 的财政悬崖谈判 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年12月31日,奥巴马在发表财政悬崖讲话后返回白宫西翼时与联邦总务 署的数名工作人员打招呼 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 2012年12月31日,奥巴马就财政悬崖谈判向总统立法事务助理纳波尔斯下达 指示 equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power
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