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小学五年级语文竞赛试题小学五年级语文竞赛试题 (2011——2012学年度下学期) 题号 一 二 三 四 总分 得分 卷首寄语:亲爱的同学们,当你打开试卷的时候,你就是本次活动的小主人,先填好自己的档案(学校、班级、姓名、考号)。要记住自信是成功的保证,相信自己,你一定会交一份满意的答卷~ 答卷时间100分钟 得分 一、知识乐园(将正确答案序号填在括号里,每小题2分,共14分)。 1、下列加点字注间完全古确的一组是( ) A.语塞(sâ) 恬静(tián) 投降(xiáng) 正月里(zēng) (((( B.纸屑(xiâ) 勾勒(lâ...
小学五年级语文竞赛 (2011——2012学年度下学期) 题号 一 二 三 四 总分 得分 卷首寄语:亲爱的同学们,当你打开试卷的时候,你就是本次活动的小主人,先填好自己的档案(学校、班级、姓名、考号)。要记住自信是成功的保证,相信自己,你一定会交一份满意的答卷~ 答卷时间100分钟 得分 一、知识乐园(将正确序号填在括号里,每小题2分,共14分)。 1、下列加点字注间完全古确的一组是( ) A.语塞(sâ) 恬静(tián) 投降(xiáng) 正月里(zēng) (((( B.纸屑(xiâ) 勾勒(lâ) 放肆(sì) 一刹那(shà) ((((C.萝卜(bo) 住宅(zhái) 噩耗(háo) 点将台(jiàng) (((( o) 粗糙(cāo) 汲水(jí) 入场券(quàn) D.俊俏(qià(((( 2、下列词语书写全部正确的一项是( ) A.斩钉截铁 鸟语花香 鞠躬尽粹 风调雨顺 B.置之不理 龇牙咧嘴 纹丝不动 语重心长 C.三年五载 心悦诚服 秉烛夜游 调兵遣将 D.襟飘代舞 垂头上气 丢盔弃甲 囫囵吞枣 3、下列词语中加点字意思完全相同的一组是( ) A.火速 火光 灯火 火红 (((( B.出口 伤口 口才 口技 (((( C.报名 名医 名著 名贵 (((( D.发水 发病 发芽 发生 (((( 4、下面的4个句子,意思相同的一组是( ) (1)王平不知道老师是在批评他。 (2)王平知道老师不是在批评他。 (3)老师不是在批评他,王平不是不知道。 (4)老师是在批评他,王平是知道的。 A(1)(2) B(3)(4) C(2)(3) D(1)(4) 5、选出没有语病的一句( ) A.万里长城、赵州桥、黄河都是我国古代的伟大工程。 B.语文对我很感兴趣,所以上语文课我总是特别用心。 C.国庆节的夜晚,在雄伟的天安门广场上,到处是欢声笑语,到处是鲜花旗帜。 fertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection can be carried out. Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not less than 90cm, shrubs not less than 60cm, to be not less than 20cm. Poor quality of the soil, should enlarge the hole (hole) specifications, and debris picked up by clearing encountered lime slag, against the growth substances such as stone, asphalt, you should pit (hole) diameter increased 1 to twice times, harmful substances removal clean and put on suitable planting soil. F, green natural trees found in the planting hole dug seriously affect the operation of the underground obstacle, get in touch with designers, the appropriate changes. ?, seedling quality of trees dug a well ... C, trees have been delivered to the site in a given place, to turn the roots covered with straw to prevent water loss. ? trees planted seedlings before planting quality requirements: should be checked according to the design drawings and seedling varieties, specifications and plant location. Principles of plant "outside the high to low, the first after the first" grown order "big tree---small tree---shrub-plants" before the tree into planting holes, you should check the planting hole size and depth, while root system requirements are not met, trimming plants dibble. A, seedling rate should be commensurate with the speed of planted seedlings, planted along, kind of finish, minimizing root exposure. On planting trench, remaining seedling exposed roots should be kept buried with soil. B, depending on the specific seedlings, good seedlings and planting depth should be identified, roots with soil plug solid rear mud balls can be under the D.夏天的江南农村是一年中最繁忙的季节。 6、下面关于古诗没有错误的一组是( ) A.南朝四百八十寺,多少楼台烟雨中。《江南春》(杜甫) B.两岸青山相对出,孤帆一片日边来。《望天门山》(李白) C.不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。《题西林壁》(杨万城) D.水光潋滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇。《忆江南》(白居易) 7、给下列这段话的空白处选择关联词语正确的一组是( ) 在人的一切活动中,记忆力具有重大的意义。?人们没有记忆力,?不可能获得知识和经验。记忆力?生来就有的,?自然而然发展起来的,?在正常的教学影响下培养起来的。 A. ?因为 ?所以 ?不是 ?也不是 ?而是 B. ?因为 ?所以 ?不是 ?不是 ?而是 C. ?如果 ?就 ?不管 ?还是 ?都 D. ?如果 ?就 ?不是 ?也不是 ?而是 得分 二、积累运用。(36分) 1、按要求写成语。(14分) (1)看数字写成语。(4分) (2)成语填空。(4分) ? 333 555 一 ? ? 血 ? 99 ? ? ? 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 ? ? ? 9寸+1寸=1尺 先 ? ? 人 (3)把成语补充完整,使填上的字前后搭配组成一个地名。(2分) 万古长( ) ( )市蜃楼 重于泰( ) ( )山再起 (4)写出四个含“龙”字的成语。(4分) 2、按要求写句子。(12分) (1)微风吹拂着千万条才展开带黄色的嫩叶的柳丝。(1分) 缩成最简单句子: (2)不劳动,连棵花也养不活,谁说这不是真理。(2分) ?改为肯定句: ?改为反问句: (3)将句?贝多芬是伟大的音乐家。句?贝多芬创作了《月光曲》(1分) 合成一句话: s are not met, trimming plants dibble. A, seedling rate should be commensurate with the spplants" before the tree into planting holes, you should check the planting hole size and depth, while root system requirement-shrub---small tree---own order "big treet" grseedling varieties, specifications and plant location. Principles of plant "outside the high to low, the first after the firs trees planted seedlings before planting quality requirements: should be checked according to the design drawings and ?loss. water ees dug a well ... C, trees have been delivered to the site in a given place, to turn the roots covered with straw to prevent, seedling quality of tr?ct the operation of the underground obstacle, get in touch with designers, the appropriate changes. affe l substances removal clean and put on suitable planting soil. F, green natural trees found in the planting hole dug seriouslyslag, against the growth substances such as stone, asphalt, you should pit (hole) diameter increased 1 to twice times, harmfu lime n 20cm. Poor quality of the soil, should enlarge the hole (hole) specifications, and debris picked up by clearing encounteredbe carried out. Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not less than 90cm, shrubs not less than 60cm, to be not less tha fertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection canntified, roots with soil plug solid rear mud balls can be under thebe ideosed roots should be kept buried with soil. B, depending on the specific seedlings, good seedlings and planting depth should eed of planted seedlings, planted along, kind of finish, minimizing root exposure. On planting trench, remaining seedling exp2 (4)把歇后语补充完整。(2分) ?千里送鹅毛—— ( ) ?曹操败走华容道—— ( ) (5)用一个比喻句写出老师育人的辛苦。(1分) (6)聪聪跟妈妈去公园,看见古牌楼的石柱上有一副对联,可惜其中有三个字被一张布告挡住了,所见到的是:“此木为出,因为成烟夕夕多。”请你把上联空白处的三个字写出来。(1分) (7)按要求各写一句古诗:(4分) ? 描写春天的: ? 描写夏天的: ? 描写秋天的: ? 描写冬天的: 3、读下面句子,你知道每一句指的是哪个人物吗,(4分) (1)大地旅行。(打古代一位诗人) ( ) (2)“齐国人怎么这么没出息,干这种事儿,” ( ) (3)正在得意洋洋的夸耀自己的马。 ( ) (4)“我最不中用,所以派到这儿来了。” ( ) 4、给下面的句子加上标点符号,使句子示的意思不同。(2分) (1) 你 同 意 他 不 同 意 (2) 你 同 意 他不 同 意 5、你知道2008年北京奥运会主题口号是什么吗,(1分) 6、《赤壁之战》是我国长篇历史小说《 》中的一个故事,事情发生在 ,是历史上一个有名的 的战例。它与《 》、《 》、《 》合称中国四大古典名著。(3分) 得分 三、开心阅读。(25分) (一)课内阅读。(13分) 《白杨》(节选) 车窗外是茫茫的大戈壁,没有山,没有水,也没有人烟。天和地的界限并不那么清晰,都是昏黄一体。 从哪儿看得出列车在前进呢, 那就是沿着铁路线的一行白杨树。每隔几秒钟,窗外就飞快地闪过一个高大挺秀的身影。 1、写出下面词语的反义词:(2分) 清晰—— ( ) 高大—— ( ) s dibble. A, seedling rate should be commensurate with the speed of planted seedlings, planted along, kind of finish, minimizplanting holes, you should check the planting hole size and depth, while root system requirements are not met, trimming plant plants" before the tree into-shrub---small tree---plant "outside the high to low, the first after the first" grown order "big tree : should be checked according to the design drawings and seedling varieties, specifications and plant location. Principles ofements trees planted seedlings before planting quality requir?n place, to turn the roots covered with straw to prevent water loss. , seedling quality of trees dug a well ... C, trees have been delivered to the site in a give?ners, the appropriate changes. desig en natural trees found in the planting hole dug seriously affect the operation of the underground obstacle, get in touch withld pit (hole) diameter increased 1 to twice times, harmful substances removal clean and put on suitable planting soil. F, greshou ifications, and debris picked up by clearing encountered lime slag, against the growth substances such as stone, asphalt, youthan 90cm, shrubs not less than 60cm, to be not less than 20cm. Poor quality of the soil, should enlarge the hole (hole) spec Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not lessfertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection can be carried out. the fic seedlings, good seedlings and planting depth should be identified, roots with soil plug solid rear mud balls can be underoot exposure. On planting trench, remaining seedling exposed roots should be kept buried with soil. B, depending on the speciing r3 2、戈壁的最大特点是( ),可以从( )一词看出,大戈壁的环境恶劣,可以从 ( )的句话中体会到。(4分) 3、戈壁的环境亚劣,白杨树却长得( ),不管遇到( ),不管遇到( ),它从不软弱也不动摇,可见白杨树的生命力是多么( )。(4分) 4、《白杨》是一篇托物言志或者叫 ( )的文章。那么请你联系课文内容说说白杨在文中象征意思是 ( )(3分) (二)课外阅读。(12分) 珍惜时间 鲁迅是我国伟大的文学家、思想家、革命家。他在从事写作的三十年间,写作和翻译了六百多万字。有人说鲁迅是位天才,可是他自己说:“哪里有天才,我是把别人喝咖啡的时间都用在写作上。”意思是说,他的知识和成就,是由于珍惜时间,努力工作和学习得来的。 鲁迅充分利用时间,总想在较少的时间内为革命做更多的工作。他曾经说过:“节省时间,就等于延长一个人的生命。”他工作起来不知疲惫,常常白天做别的工作,晚上写文章,一写就写到天亮。他在书房里,总是从在桌前不停地工作。有时,也靠在躺椅上看看书,他认为这就是休息。 鲁迅到了晚年,对时间抓得更紧,不管斗争多么紧张,环境多么恶劣,身体多么不好,他仍是rú jī sì kě( )地学习,yã yǐ jì rì( )地忘我工作。病得的时候,他就想着病好了要做什么,病稍微好一些,他就动手做起来。他在逝世前生着病,体温很高,体重不足八十斤,可是他仍然紧张地翻译文章。他前三天,还给别人翻译的一本苏联小说撰写了一篇序言;在逝世的前一天还记了日记。鲁迅一直战斗到他离开我们的那天,从来没有浪费过时间。 鲁迅不仅珍惜自己的时间,也珍惜别人的时间。他参加会议,从来不迟到,绝不叫别人等他。就是下着大雨,他总是冒着大雨准时赶到。他曾经说过:“时间就是生命,无级无故地耗费别人的时间,就和图才害命没有什么两样。” 鲁迅珍惜时间,为的是认真学习和掌握马克思主义,为的是更好的地用文学 这个锋利武器,揭露旧社会的黑暗,鼓舞人民同敌人作斗争。他几十年如一日, 把毕生的精力,都献给了革命事业。 1、看音节在文中相应的括号写词语。(2分) ees dug a well ... C, trees have been delivered to the site in a given place, to turn the roots covered with straw to prevent, seedling quality of tr?ct the operation of the underground obstacle, get in touch with designers, the appropriate changes. affe l substances removal clean and put on suitable planting soil. F, green natural trees found in the planting hole dug seriouslyslag, against the growth substances such as stone, asphalt, you should pit (hole) diameter increased 1 to twice times, harmfu lime n 20cm. Poor quality of the soil, should enlarge the hole (hole) specifications, and debris picked up by clearing encounteredbe carried out. Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not less than 90cm, shrubs not less than 60cm, to be not less tha fertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection canntified, roots with soil plug solid rear mud balls can be under thebe ideosed roots should be kept buried with soil. B, depending on the specific seedlings, good seedlings and planting depth should eed of planted seedlings, planted along, kind of finish, minimizing root exposure. On planting trench, remaining seedling exps are not met, trimming plants dibble. A, seedling rate should be commensurate with the spplants" before the tree into planting holes, you should check the planting hole size and depth, while root system requirement-shrub---small tree---own order "big treet" grseedling varieties, specifications and plant location. Principles of plant "outside the high to low, the first after the firs trees planted seedlings before planting quality requirements: should be checked according to the design drawings and ?loss. water4 2、按短文内容填容。(3分) 鲁迅是我国伟大的( )、( )、( )。 3、判断句意,在解释正确的句子后面打“?”(1分) “节省时间,就等于延长一个人的生命。” ?节省时间,就能延长一个人的命。 ( ) ?要延长一个人的生命就要延长时间。 ( ) ?充分利用时间,在较少的时间内为革命做更多的事情,就等于把一个人的生命延长了。 ( ) 4、用“ ”画出说明鲁迅为什么珍惜时间的句子。(1分) 5、第二自然段是围绕哪一句话写的,请用“”画出来。(1分) 6、写一句珍惜时间的诗句或格言。(2分) 7、这篇短文主要内容是什么,(2分) 得分 四、笔下生花。(25分) 同学们:紧张而有意义的100分钟即将过去了,你们每个人都很聪日新月异,都有自己的个性,都有许多闪光点„„请你以《为自己喝彩》为题写一篇不少于400字的文章。 要求:写清楚因为什么“为自己喝彩”,在叙述事情的过程中,思路要清晰,语句要通顺,要把自己的感受写进去。注意不要出现真实的校名和姓名。 plant "outside the high to low, the first after the first" grown order "big tree : should be checked according to the design drawings and seedling varieties, specifications and plant location. Principles ofements trees planted seedlings before planting quality requir?n place, to turn the roots covered with straw to prevent water loss. , seedling quality of trees dug a well ... C, trees have been delivered to the site in a give?ners, the appropriate changes. desig en natural trees found in the planting hole dug seriously affect the operation of the underground obstacle, get in touch withld pit (hole) diameter increased 1 to twice times, harmful substances removal clean and put on suitable planting soil. F, greshou ifications, and debris picked up by clearing encountered lime slag, against the growth substances such as stone, asphalt, youthan 90cm, shrubs not less than 60cm, to be not less than 20cm. Poor quality of the soil, should enlarge the hole (hole) spec Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not lessfertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection can be carried out. the fic seedlings, good seedlings and planting depth should be identified, roots with soil plug solid rear mud balls can be underoot exposure. On planting trench, remaining seedling exposed roots should be kept buried with soil. B, depending on the speciing rs dibble. A, seedling rate should be commensurate with the speed of planted seedlings, planted along, kind of finish, minimizplanting holes, you should check the planting hole size and depth, while root system requirements are not met, trimming plant plants" before the tree into-shrub---small tree---5 trees planted seedlings before planting quality requirements: should be checked according to the design drawings and ?loss. water ees dug a well ... C, trees have been delivered to the site in a given place, to turn the roots covered with straw to prevent, seedling quality of tr?ct the operation of the underground obstacle, get in touch with designers, the appropriate changes. affe l substances removal clean and put on suitable planting soil. F, green natural trees found in the planting hole dug seriouslyslag, against the growth substances such as stone, asphalt, you should pit (hole) diameter increased 1 to twice times, harmfu lime n 20cm. Poor quality of the soil, should enlarge the hole (hole) specifications, and debris picked up by clearing encounteredbe carried out. Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not less than 90cm, shrubs not less than 60cm, to be not less tha fertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection canntified, roots with soil plug solid rear mud balls can be under thebe ideosed roots should be kept buried with soil. B, depending on the specific seedlings, good seedlings and planting depth should eed of planted seedlings, planted along, kind of finish, minimizing root exposure. On planting trench, remaining seedling exps are not met, trimming plants dibble. A, seedling rate should be commensurate with the spplants" before the tree into planting holes, you should check the planting hole size and depth, while root system requirement-shrub---small tree---own order "big treet" grseedling varieties, specifications and plant location. Principles of plant "outside the high to low, the first after the firs6 -shrub---small tree---plant "outside the high to low, the first after the first" grown order "big tree : should be checked according to the design drawings and seedling varieties, specifications and plant location. Principles ofements trees planted seedlings before planting quality requir?n place, to turn the roots covered with straw to prevent water loss. , seedling quality of trees dug a well ... C, trees have been delivered to the site in a give?ners, the appropriate changes. desig en natural trees found in the planting hole dug seriously affect the operation of the underground obstacle, get in touch withld pit (hole) diameter increased 1 to twice times, harmful substances removal clean and put on suitable planting soil. F, greshou ifications, and debris picked up by clearing encountered lime slag, against the growth substances such as stone, asphalt, youthan 90cm, shrubs not less than 60cm, to be not less than 20cm. Poor quality of the soil, should enlarge the hole (hole) spec Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not lessfertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection can be carried out. the fic seedlings, good seedlings and planting depth should be identified, roots with soil plug solid rear mud balls can be underoot exposure. On planting trench, remaining seedling exposed roots should be kept buried with soil. B, depending on the speciing rs dibble. A, seedling rate should be commensurate with the speed of planted seedlings, planted along, kind of finish, minimizplanting holes, you should check the planting hole size and depth, while root system requirements are not met, trimming plant plants" before the tree into7
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