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沧州_沧州大学_沧州旅游景点沧州_沧州大学_沧州旅游景点 沧州市 沧州名片 基本资料。 沧州市地处河北省东南部,东临渤海,北靠京津,与山东半岛及辽东半岛隔海相望,是国务院确定的经济开放区。距首都北京240公里,距天津120公里,距省会石家庄221公里。沧州地处环渤海中心地带,是河北省确 开放一线地区,也是京津通往东部沿海地定的“两环” (环京津、环渤海) 区的交通要冲。京沪(北京,上海)铁路、朔黄(朔州,黄骅港)铁路和京沪(北京,上海)高速公路、石黄(石家庄,黄骅)高速公路在沧州交汇。京九(北京,九龙)铁路、朔黄(朔州,黄骅港)铁路在该市肃宁县...
沧州_沧州大学_沧州旅游景点 沧州市 沧州名片 基本资料。 沧州市地处河北省东南部,东临渤海,北靠京津,与山东半岛及辽东半岛隔海相望,是国务院确定的经济开放区。距首都北京240公里,距天津120公里,距省会石家庄221公里。沧州地处环渤海中心地带,是河北省确 开放一线地区,也是京津通往东部沿海地定的“两环” (环京津、环渤海) 区的交通要冲。京沪(北京,上海)铁路、朔黄(朔州,黄骅港)铁路和京沪(北京,上海)高速公路、石黄(石家庄,黄骅)高速公路在沧州交汇。京九(北京,九龙)铁路、朔黄(朔州,黄骅港)铁路在该市肃宁县交汇,并建有编组站。国家“九五”重点黄骅港和朔黄(朔州,黄骅港)铁路的建成,沧州成为西煤东运新通道的出海口和冀中南、鲁西北以及晋陕和内蒙古等西部地区对外开放的桥头堡,区位优势将日趋明显。 旅游名胜 泊头清真寺 泊头清真寺位于市区清真街南端,始建于明永乐二年(公元1404年),占地面积11200平方米,房屋近200间,建筑面积3000多平方米。1982年7月列为河北省重点文物保护单位。2001年成为全国第五批重点文物保护单位。是回族穆斯林群众正常的民族宗教活动主要场所,也是泊头市对外文化交流的窗口。尤其是2004年电视剧《民族英雄马本斋》在泊头清真寺开拍以来,再现了马本斋烈士少年时期在泊头清真寺的成长经历,也再现了马本斋将这里作为主要根据地的战斗历程。 泊头清真寺不仅驰名国内,且在国外伊斯兰教界亦享有一定的声誉。1935年,土耳其一中学校长麦尔稣穆曾来传教考察。解放前,清真寺还是中共地下党组织的活动场所,先后建立过“贫民夜校”、“工人夜校”等党的外围组织。“文化大革命”中,该寺According to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrap-up session, which reads as follows: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of the implementation of security, quality and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In order to ensure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his party, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the company, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 calendar day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will plans arrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragraph organization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjustment progress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshop for, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The project skeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period, all other nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finished product testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of finished and semi-finished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an 遭到破坏。自1982年起,国务院宗教局、省文化局及泊头市政府共拨款30多万元,对该寺进行修缮,现主要建筑已按原样修葺一新。2005年,国家将投资700多万元维 [5]修这座有600多年历史的国家重点文物保护单位,工期将历时三年。 沧州铁狮子 沧州铁狮子,当地又称作“镇海吼”,它位于沧县旧州城内,坐落在原开元寺前。关于铁狮子的确实来历,有许多说法,古今不一。据《沧县志》记载,相传周世宗北征契丹罚罪人所铸,“以镇州城”。可是,后来的考据 沧州铁狮子 家分辩说,周世宗素不信佛,罚罪之说不足信。流传广泛又比较合乎情理的,是当地一个有名的传说。古时沧州一带滨临沧海,海水经常泛滥,海啸为害,民不聊生,当地人为清除这无情的水患,自动集资捐钱,请山东有名的铸造师李云铸此狮以镇遏海啸水患,并取名“镇海吼”。狮身外面铸有捐钱者的姓名,一般认为此说比较可信。 铁狮精巧的铸造工艺,确系我国铸造工艺的一大珍品。但是,这件总重3万公斤的铁狮是如何铸造的呢,据研究,这是古人采用一种特殊的“泥范明铸法”,分节叠铸而成的。铁狮腹内光滑,外面拼以长宽三四十厘米不等的范块,逐层垒起,分层浇注,共用范544块拼铸而成。凭1000多年前的手工冶铸技术,能铸造出如此庞然大物,足见其制模、冶炼、浇铸工艺是相当高的,充分显示了我国古代铸造工艺的高度成就。 1957年春天,一位苏联专家来沧州参观考察,当他看到铁狮子威武凛然的形象和豪迈磅礴的气势时,非常钦佩并赞叹中国古代劳动人民和工匠的聪明才智。但当他发现由于多年风雨剥蚀,铁狮多处伤残,特别是因下巴损坏残缺影响铁狮造型时,感慨地说:“这样的珍贵文物堪称国宝,如果在我们国家是要受到加意保护的,我要天天 [6]去看它一趟,因为它可以引为国家和民族的骄傲。” 南皮石金刚 南皮县的两尊唐代雕刻石金刚,身披铠甲,形如武将,怒目而视,在金刚亭内东西相向而立。石像雕工精致,铠甲浮雕云龙,造型威武雄壮,神色飞舞,为古代石雕艺术珍品,是河北省文物保护单位. 北距沧州47公里的南皮县城东北有两尊唐代雕刻的石金刚。这两尊雕像立在金刚亭内,东西相向而立,身披铠甲,形如武将,怒目而视。东像双手合十胸前,两臂托锏,西According to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrap-up session, which reads as follows: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of the implementation of security, quality and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In order to ensure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his party, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the company, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 calendar day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will plans arrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragraph organization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjustment progress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshop for, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The project skeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period, all other nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finished product testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of finished and semi-finished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an 像两手扶锏杵地。石像连同石座总高2.96米,雕工精致,铠甲浮雕云龙,造型威武雄壮,神色飞舞,为古代石雕艺术珍品,是河北省重点文物保护单位。 石金刚所在的地方,原为兴化寺,兴化寺为明朝所建。据传,在建兴化寺的时候,从寺前水坑中挖得两尊石金刚,置于兴化寺山门之内,后因兵燹,寺宇倒塌,仅存下石金刚。据县志载:“识者以艺术考之,为唐代所造。”1964年南皮县重修金刚亭,亭三面环水,池岸柳树成荫,环境清幽,石金刚置于亭中,以供观赏。 东光铁佛寺 铁佛寺,位于沧州市偏西南60公里处的东光县城内,素有“沧州狮子景州塔,东光县的铁菩萨”而闻名遐迩。据《东光县志》记载,铁佛寺原名“普照寺”,始建于北宋开宝五年(公元973年)。现“铁佛寺”匾为原全国政协副主席、中国佛教协会会长赵朴初所题。铁佛寺由山门、天王殿、大雄宝殿及东西配殿组成。大雄宝殿正中的释迦牟尼佛为铁铸,高8.24米,重48吨,是我国最大的座式铸铁佛像。 北宋从太祖开宝到至道年间,大雨频繁,洪水泛滥,死伤者无数。人们为了乞求神力,决定铸塑铁佛,以镇天灾。吴桥镇有一位张铁匠,带领数百名工匠,支起百余盘熔炉,化开铁水,铸成铁佛。百姓又为铁佛建起庙宇,题名“普照寺”,意为铁菩萨金光普照东光。原普照寺殿后有千佛阁,钟鼓楼于两侧。 青县盘古庙 地处青县城南6公里有村曰“大盘古”,村西有座盘古庙。盘古庙始建于元世祖至元十五年(1278年),明弘治和崇祯年间曾重修,清康熙二十七年(1688年)因河流冲刷,设于秋祠西南重建,均有碑记。据文献记载和民间传说,当年的盘古庙状似北京的故宫三殿,石、砖、木结构,琉璃瓦盖顶,金碧辉煌,蔚为壮观。前殿高三丈六尺,象征一年360天;台阶18级,为18层地狱之说;飞檐椽子108根,按36天罡、72地煞而布;每根椽头系铜铃一枚,照工、商、角、征、羽五音而置,有所谓“风摇铃响天动乐,光照殿顶地生辉”之说。殿内有身披树叶,手托日月的铁铸涂金盘古像,高一丈零八寸。中殿塑有南海观音像,股坐莲盆,金童玉女立两侧。后殿设老君、孔子、龙王三塑像,殿前有合抱粗的合欢树两株,殿后铁磬悬于古槐。可惜盘古庙在1947年毁于战火。九十年代,当地群众组织起来修复盘古胜迹,以满足来此朝圣拜祖的人流寻访。 大盘古村位于黑龙港河(古黄河故道)西岸。其南有小盘古村,皆因相传盘古在此定居而得名。传说,大禹治水的时候,在这里发现了盘古墓。大禹对开天辟地的盘古氏十分崇敬,首先把盘古墓修好,又修了享堂祭殿,然后留下200户人家,100户守墓,100户看殿。人们把看殿的这100户人家叫大盘古村,那100户守墓的人家叫小盘古村。据说这两个村名就是从那时留下来的,至今已5000年了。 那么,盘古为什么选择此处定居呢,据青县民间传说,盘古开天辟地后就开始漫游天下,这一天漫游到青县,见天悬日月星辰,地缀水陆山川,又见这里高岗松柏河According to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrap-up session, which reads as follows: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of the implementation of security, quality and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In order to ensure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his party, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the company, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 calendar day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will plans arrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragraph organization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjustment progress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshop for, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The project skeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period, all other nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finished product testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of finished and semi-finished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an 边柳,平地瓜果兼五谷,百花争艳蜂蝶舞,鸟唱高枝鱼浮游,可谓草肥水美,木秀花香,于是便择此定居。盘古氏带领其家族垫台筑巢,造房建屋。一日在挖坑取土时,正巧挖至海眼,立时泉水喷涌,遂成为后人所称的“盘古潭”。在历史上,盘古潭边曾苍松翠柏,高达数丈,游人咏其“潭波击碎月,松柏卷青天”。潭内常年泉水满塘,深不见底,且鱼虾繁多,故有“百网百鱼”之说,百里皆闻其名。 盘古的后裔不仅在这里修建了盘古墓、盘古村,还修建了盘古沟、盘古港等。 传说盘古九月初九生日,三月初三归天,于是盘古庙设一年两度庙会。每年春节一过,各地商贾云集而来,搭棚、占地、备货、洽谈,筹备三月三庙会;庙会一散,主持僧就抬着木雕盘古像出来行雨。待透雨落下后,农民们抢种早熟庄稼。秋天,不待庄稼收割完,全国各地商贾又蜂拥而来,筹备九月初九庙会,届时又是一番热闹景象:善男信女,寺院僧道,五行八作,泛舟骑马,云集而来。 观音寺 观音寺在河北省沧州市青县大孝子墓村,位于青县城西南20公里。东临渤海,西眺省会,南控齐鲁,北锁幽燕,地理位置优越。东傍京沪高速公路一公里,南 汇沧保高速公路二公里,交通发达。从大孝子墓观音寺发往青县城的班车,每30分钟一趟;发往沧州市的班车,每15分钟一趟;每天早晨有直达天津、北京、保 定、石家庄的班车,出行方便;京沪铁路、京九铁路左右蜿蜒,实为旅游理想之地。 “孝”为中华民族文明千古之传统美德,大孝子墓村以一曲孝子壮歌惊天地、泣鬼神,亘延数百载,声振华北,名扬四海。座落于大孝子墓村的观音古刹更是声震远播,孝子墓与观音寺一体同辉,历为文人墨客观瞻凭吊,诗文会友之处。前人有诗曰: 《旌于孝子墓》 留插松楸荒垅边,茕茕苫块历三年。 尽伤荼蓼心中苦,缥缈君灬(,,,,音熏)蒿鼎内烟。 伏腊兔狐同野穴,晨昏鸟雀共林巅。 嗟予空抱终生恨,羡尔高风意惘然。 《游观音古刹》 东濒大海西临涧,南控齐鲁锁幽燕。 沧青自古称要津,拱卫京畿事悠关。 民性淳朴仰书香,忠泣神鬼孝惊天。 古刹历代高僧栖,名播天下誉津南。 高等院校 沧州市现有普通高等院校6所,其中5所为专科院校,1所为本科院校。 其中4所专科院校为:河北工程技术高等专科学校、沧州医学高等专科学校、沧州职业技术学院(沧州市)、渤海石油职业学院(任丘市) According to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrap-up session, which reads as follows: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of the implementation of security, quality and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In order to ensure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his party, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the company, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 calendar day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will plans arrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragraph organization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjustment progress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshop for, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The project skeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period, all other nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finished product testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of finished and semi-finished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an 2所为本科院校为:沧州师范学院(沧州市)、北京交通大学海滨 学院(黄骅市)。 According to practical problems in the construction, organized by the project manager once a week wrap-up session, which reads as follows: a construction programme, implementation of the construction plan summary; B Summary of the implementation of security, quality and technical standards; C summary of work this week, jiangyoufalie; D Organization of work for the next week. In order to ensure progress and quality, also held regular meetings, invited the representatives of the owner, installed captain and his party, the coordination of all aspects of the project, communication, meeting minutes, returned to the General Manager of the company, so that the whole arrangement. This engineering outside decorative construction cycle full standard paragraph for 60 calendar day, I company has many similar engineering also duration of actual engineering construction experience, I company will plans arrangements 100 name construction labor in site is responsible for installation construction, addition full standard paragraph organization at least 50 people above of prepared team according to site actual construction please condition flexible adjustment progress, most key of is most of material processing surface ornaments board processing are in I company processing workshop for, such and can guarantee processing quality and can reduced site job environment and ensure installation progress , The project skeleton completed plans installation period of 35 days, install side trim Panel plans to use 48 days installation period, all other nodes are included in the framework of construction and surface trim install the appropriate construction. 9, finished product testing, after the installation of protective measures, different materials, different techniques, different parts of finished and semi-finished products correspond to measures of protection, work product protection. To sum up, as an
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