

2018-01-13 12页 doc 37KB 13阅读




欢乐夫妻情感交流短信欢乐夫妻情感交流短信 漫漫人生路上,认识你真好~不管前面的路怎么走,让我们一起共度。 枕头上还有你的味道,就象你还我身旁。把我的头深深地埋进你的枕头里,就象还在你的怀里。快回来吧,我的爱~ 亲爱的,与你共度一生是我今生最大的幸福~让我与你携手走过人生的每一天,让每一天你都在我的港湾里嬉戏~ 在千万人中,偏偏遇见你;在千万年中,没有早一步,也没有晚一步,偏偏遇见你……嫁给你是我今生最浪漫的选择~ 城市猎人该回家了,猎物在家等你呢。 老婆,想我的时候,自己偷着笑一笑吧。 喜欢亲你的眼睛,看你的笑,亲你的嘴唇,看你的俏。...
欢乐夫妻情感交流短信 漫漫人生路上,认识你真好~不管前面的路怎么走,让我们一起共度。 枕头上还有你的味道,就象你还我身旁。把我的头深深地埋进你的枕头里,就象还在你的怀里。快回来吧,我的爱~ 亲爱的,与你共度一生是我今生最大的幸福~让我与你携手走过人生的每一天,让每一天你都在我的港湾里嬉戏~ 在千万人中,偏偏遇见你;在千万年中,没有早一步,也没有晚一步,偏偏遇见你……嫁给你是我今生最浪漫的选择~ 城市猎人该回家了,猎物在家等你呢。 老婆,想我的时候,自己偷着笑一笑吧。 喜欢亲你的眼睛,看你的笑,亲你的嘴唇,看你的俏。给你的温柔一直到老~ 老公你是我的爱,就算变成老头老太,也要天天一起去买菜,你还是我的依赖,我永远是你最爱。 清晨看着你,上午看着你,中午看着你,下午看着你,傍晚看着你,晚上看着你,“咕噜咕噜,老婆,什么时候开饭呀,” 老公,我爱你是一心一意的,如果我骗你是不得好死的,我俩的感情是培养出来的。 喜欢亲你的眼睛,看你的笑;亲你的嘴唇,看你的俏。给你的温柔一直到老。 亲爱的咱俩好,我好你更好,你我伴到老。 真的想和你一起慢慢变老,直到老得哪儿也去不了,我依然会把你当成我手心里的宝。 昨夜,梦见你有了另外的女人。我哭了,很伤心。醒来时,我才知道其实我心里还一直象初恋时那样在乎你。 你的味道让我醉了,愿生生世世倦在你怀中,你是我苦苦寻觅的爱人,亲亲爱爱的宝贝。 今夜星光灿烂。你在何处浪漫,儿子吵这要吃饭,快点回了共进晚餐~爱你的老公~ 所谓情话,就是婚前一天讲十次,婚后十天也不见得讲一次的话。 甜蜜的痛苦,美妙的忧伤,将在我们华发初上的时光,和着那暖暖的斜阳,让每一个走过的脚印都回味悠长…… 我们彼此的心有灵犀让我们终于走在了一起,我们永远这样走下去,直到我们慢慢变老。 days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow 直从有了你,我便收敛了闲云野鹤般的心灵,找到了对你的思念,从此。孤独和寂寞不会占据有你的日子。 你总怪我当初追你时没写过情。然而,我认为:真正的“情书”,是应该用婚后的每时每刻来写的…… “爱”是要给对方有一定的空间。相信对方,理解对方,才会有长久的“爱情”~ 能得一知己,能相知相解相伴共渡人生,能无怨无悔无求无欲,真的是很幸运的,你认为呢, 没有你的日子,我已懒得对镜贴花黄。没有你的日子,三餐食而无味。人道是小别胜新婚,我却指望我们天天在一起。 你知道我,最喜欢的是你,可你总说我不爱你,你比我生命更重要.为了你的幸福,我仅暂时的离开你,很快你就能到我怀里。 老公老公你真帅~你有拓哉的鼻子,克鲁斯的眼睛……不能多说了,否则有人要来抢了,爱你~ 如果不能长相厮守,何必当初苦苦相恋~如果你只想在百花争艳中飞翔,又何必要让我放弃整个森林~ 婚前希望你的就是我的,我的就是你的。婚后肯定你的就是我的,我的就是你的。离婚后你还是你的我还是我的。 女儿在前,母亲在左,姐姐在右,老婆在后,那么多女人围着你,喝那么多酒干啥呀。 老公像个弥勒佛,有一个大肚皮,包容我的任性,承受我的烦恼,老公是最好的老公世界上没有比老公还好的老公。 这些日子以来我爱你的每一天都好比是一年,亿万年太短,但我没有虚度~ 你的爱让我变的如此美丽,你的变让我爱的越来越痛,放、永远的后悔。不放一生的遗憾。 早晨的太阳红彤彤,我俩的爱情一场空。中午的太阳红似火,为什麽受伤的总是我,傍晚的太阳西边落,都是女人惹的祸~ 你给过我一生中最快乐的日子,也给了我一辈子的伤悲。我渴望你给我的快乐,但我不希望你再带给我伤害。 你是早上的面包,夏天的雪糕,山东人的大蒜,四川人的辣椒。遇到你心跳加快,不见你心情变坏,梦见你时间过得太快,拥有你但愿不是漫长的等待。 亲爱的,每天我起床之后的第一件事便是:想你~第二件事便是:看你的照片~第三件事则是:为你祈祷~亲爱的,请原谅我的离去,因为我爱你实在爱得昏天黑地。 days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow 激情是一种希望。这种希望可能变成失望。激情同时意味着痛苦和过渡。希望破灭时,激情便终止了。 没牵住你的手是我一生的错,无论是在天涯海角还是近在眼前,你都是我心中最深的思念最深的痛。 感情已欠费,爱情已停机,诺言是空号,信任已关机,关怀无法接通,美好不在服务区,一切暂停使用,生活彻底死机~ 不见你娇美的姿容已经一个星期了,真如七年一样。在这七天里,你的倩影无时不刻在我心海浮现~ 我现在觉得是上天害了我~为什么天公造出你又造出了我,为什么使我们相识而不使我们结合, 亲爱的,你不要问我近况如何,我憔悴得仿佛和这朵花一样。若是你见了它忍不住落泪,就请你把泪滴在花上。花儿得你眼泪滋润,枯槁的它也许会有复苏的一天。 只是被遗弃的我,几时才能重受你的爱恋, 夜深了,我还伏在案头给你写信:天天掰着指头计算着你的归期,可日子像和我作对,踱着方步迟迟不肯离去。 你走了,留给我的是无尽的思念。但,即使再不能见到你,有这份真情伴我也就够了。 你使我第一次懂得了思恋的滋味,第一次懂得了全身心的骚动和欢娱…… 在一年的每个日子,在一天每个小时,在一小时的每一分钟,在一分钟的每一秒,我都在想你。 晚上,对着孤灯,我陷入不可名状的思念之中,实在排解不开时,我徘徊在我俩散步的海滩、草地,对着星星、月亮,声声呼唤着你~ 随着天各一方的时间越来越长,我的思念也越来越深,我很想找一个万籁俱寂的深夜或一个阳光明媚的早晨,把许多心底的惆怅、寂寞向你倾诉. 这几天,我真正知道什么叫坠人情网,那种思念那种渴盼那种迷乱那种不安,是怎样的缠人撩人折磨人啊。 虽然只分别了两个星期,可是对我来说,好像是几个世纪了~我在这里,看见和你差不多的女孩就会情不自禁地想起你,并且偷偷地和你比较,,,放心,还没有一个能和你比的~ 每一天醒来,你的清影就在我眼前转。不管手里干什么事,一会儿,准走神儿了,呆呆的只想你,算着你什么时候回来。 days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow 1 有一种想见不敢见的伤痛,这一种爱还埋藏在我心中,让我对你的思念越来越浓,我却只能把你你放在我心中。有多少爱可以重来,有多少人愿意等待,当懂得珍惜以后回来,却不知那份爱,会不会还在. 三十年后,如果世界上还有坚持这个词,我希望它属于我;三十年后,如果世界上还有感动这个词,我希望它属于你 2 在不经意的一瞬间,你自然而优雅地走进了我的视线轻柔地拔动着我那尘封己久的心弦我知道你的身影将成为我今生注目的焦点 我今生最开心的事是认识你,最爱做的事是爱足你一生一世!最大的愿望是做你此生最最最疼爱的人!亲爱的,好挂住你啊!你呢? 我只愿,在你的理想和希望里能为你增加一点鼓励,在你生活出现失意和疲惫时能给你一点儿力量和希冀。 3 遇见你是无意,认识你是天意,想着你是情意,不见你时三心二意,见到你便一心一意. 爱是一种了解,爱是一种付出,爱是一种陶醉,爱是一种承诺,爱是一种理想…… 亲爱的,我真的好爱好爱你~ 在你快乐的时候我愿意与你分享,在你难过的时候我愿意和你一起分担! 发自内心的说一声:我爱你!?^!^?每一天! 4 我真的想你了。没有你的日子,就好像:炒菜没放盐,桔子不太甜,喝酒没有烟,上街没带钱... 如果你爱我,请看这条信息。既然你看了这条信息,那么我知道了,你是爱我的~:) 想你想你好想你,找个画家画下你,把你贴在杯子里,每天喝水亲亲你 5 你是我的毒药,渗入我的血液,穿透我的神经,控制我的大脑,如果哪天你的药性发作,请别忘了,给我解药~ 相爱时需要真心;争吵时需要沟通;生气时需要冷静;快乐时需要分享;爱上你是一种感觉;吻着你是一种幸福.我爱你 爱你是我的职业,想你是我的事业,抱你是我的特长,吻你是我的专业~ 6 帅呆酷毙简直无法比喻;生活失去勇气;工作不能继续;感情缺乏甜蜜;地球没吸引力;总之就剩一句没有你活不下去。 送你一片美丽的星空。????(???? ????(.:?(??(是我亲手为你摘下希望你会喜欢 我想就这样牵着你的手不放开 爱能不能够永远单纯没有悲哀 7 你是我的化蝶,我愿做你今生的传奇;你是我的音符,我愿做你的乐谱;伸出你的手,让我套你一生的幸福,嫁给我吧~ 最爱你的眼,藏着我的深情你的柔情;最爱你的唇,交知着我的热情你的迷情;最爱你的人,给你我的今生你的一生~ 没有你的日子,生活是一种摆设,是街心没有生命的雕塑,是案头没有香味的花朵,是天空却没有小鸟~ 8 我的每一下心跳想你一次,直到我生命停止,心不再跳动~我爱你~ 你是我的心,你是我的肝,你是我生命的四分之三。你是我的胃,你是我的肺,你是我心中的红玫瑰~ 当城市退却了色彩,玫瑰也化成了尘埃,我的心纵然在夜幕下也无法掩盖,是你让我相思成灾~ 9 一次偶然的相遇,一次甜蜜的约会,一次激情的拥抱,一次伤感的别离.认识你,就是一个完美的结局. 相识是缘起,相知是缘续,相守是缘定。是缘使我们走到了一起,希望我们能一直走下去从缘起走到缘续从缘续走到缘定。 深爱一个人会醉;恨一个人会碎;最痛苦的是等待~不知道你会等我多久,可我知道我会等你一生一世~ days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow 10 花自飘零水自流。一种相思,两处闲愁。此情无计可消除,才下眉头,却上心头。 你是我的一切,你是我的月亮、星星、太阳、你是我的花朵,在我眼里悄悄的绽开。 你就是我上天入地,漂洋过海,历经百世轮回要寻找的人。答应我,至少,今生今世不要再离开我的视线好吗, 11 一天想你一遍,又一遍,再一遍。每一天爱你一遍,又一遍,再一遍。永远不会改变~ 我用我的痴心,换取你的真心;我把我的爱心,献给我的甜心;不要对我无心,与我永结同心。 生命有期限,爱情无期限,如果选期限,把握有期限,爱个无期限~ 12 轻轻的风,吹开你紧琐的眉头,让所有的愁向后飞去。请不要回头去追,你应该向前奔跑,因为快乐在前方~ 你是世上最强的磁石,当一走近你的磁场,己没有逃脱的可能,我己被你完全俘虏,注定此生为你而沉醉。 我在天空写你的名字被风儿吹走,我在沙滩写你的名字被海水冲走,于是我在每个角落写下你的名字,哇噻,却被警察带走 13 我象一个蚊子一样追寻着你,我象你的影子一样陪伴着你,我象在沙漠中行走需要水一样需要你。只因为我爱你~ 日里想着你,夜里念着你,梦里绕着你,眼里望着你,手里握着你,心里爱着你~ 我是亲嘴,你是含片。含在嘴里,舌绕千遍。酸甜凉苦,回味无限。想在心里,度日如年。一旦拥有,别无她求~ 14 “别把我忘了,请让我占据你心中唯一我的地盘,好吗,” 好想好想和你在一起,踏遍万水千山,走遍海角天涯,让每一个日子都串连成我们最美丽的回忆~ 想你成歌,飞扬;想你成河,流淌;想你成云;飘荡;想你成吻,舒畅。想你不是一个定格,想你永恒 15 你是鲜花我是绿叶来衬托你的美丽,你是月亮我是星星来衬托你的靓丽,你是茶叶我是开水,我可以泡你吗,牵你的手,朝朝暮暮,牵你的手,等待明天,牵你的手,走过今生,牵你的手,生生世世 左手刻着我,右手写着你,心中充满爱,当我们掌心相对,心心相印时,所有的人都会看到--我爱你 days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow
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