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鞋类英文单词鞋类英文单词 成型專用術語 硫磺:Sulphur Special Items for Assembling 面/底清潔:Upper/Outsole cleanliness 成型課:Assembling dept 拆包:Unpacking , 結邦整理 Lasting,cleaning 後跟高:Heel height X片:Torsion bar 橡膠底:Rubber sole 膠水粘性:Cement adhesive 補膠:Repair cement st脫膠:Cement comes off cementing 第一次...
鞋类英文单词 成型專用術語 硫磺:Sulphur Special Items for Assembling 面/底清潔:Upper/Outsole cleanliness 成型課:Assembling dept 拆包:Unpacking , 結邦整理 Lasting,cleaning 後跟高:Heel height X片:Torsion bar 橡膠底:Rubber sole 膠水粘性:Cement adhesive 補膠:Repair cement st脫膠:Cement comes off cementing 第一次上膠:1 內盒:Inner box 藥水刷:Prime brush 內盒貼紙:Inner box label , 設備:Equipment 包裝紙:Tissue paper 外箱:Outer carton 鞋頭蒸汽機:Toe steamer machine 條型碼:Barcode label 正嘜:Main mark 後跟定型機:Heel counter molding 側嘜:Side mark 烘箱:Oven 吊牌:Hang tag , 成品整理:Cleaning 噴膠機:Hot-melt sprayer 前邦:Toe last 冷凍機:Cooling machine machine 後邦:Heel last , 鞋類:Shoes籃球鞋:Basketball shoe 鞋底外觀:Outsole appearance 少年鞋:Junior shoe 鞋跟外觀:Heel wedge appearance 慢跑鞋:Running shoe 鞋面厚度:Upper thickness 兒童鞋:kid shoe 鞋墊印刷:Sockliner logo 跳舞鞋:Dancing shoe 入楦:Insert last 網球鞋:Tennis shoe 拔楦:Delasting/Pull out last 包中底:Strobel stitching 室內鞋:Indoor shoe 熱熔膠:Hot-melt 嬰兒鞋Infant shoe 足弓高度Arch spring 吸水率:Water absorption 足球鞋:cleated shoe 舌前位:Tongue lace loop 鞋面刷藥水Upper priming 化學品:Chemical 鞋面刷膠:Upper cementing 射出底:Injection midsole 膠水:Cement 水銀筆:Silver pen 配雙:Match pairs 藥水:Primer 打包:Packing 鞋帶長度:Lace length 橡膠:Rubber 分類:Assortment 串號Wrong size 硬化劑:Stabilizer 粘合不良:Poor bonding Special Items for 硬度:Hardness 第 1 頁 底加工Stockfitting 生膠底: Plantation sole 發泡底: Sponge sole 水洗:Washing Process 射出底:Injection sole 水洗機:Washing machine 沖孔: Perf holes/punch PH值: PH Value 裁斷:Cutting 藥水槽: Detergent tank 磨前蹺:Buff toe spring 超音波:Ultrasonic 噴水槽:Water spray tank , 噴漆流程:Painting Process 酸洗槽: Acid solution tank 貼膠帶: Attach tape 風干箱:Blower/blowing dryer 撕膠帶: Tear tape , UV照射流程:UV-Light Process 噴槍: Spray gun 上藥水: Primming 模具:Mould 瑩光燈:Fluorescent Light 整理: Fixing 烘干:Drying / Heating 調漆: Mix paint 冷卻: Cooling 噴漆機:Spray painting machine UV照射:UV Light , 貼合流程:Lamination Process 能量: Energy 1.副料: Accessories 磨底.磨型.流程:Buffing process (1)X片: Torsion Bar 大.中底: Out/Mid Sole (2).防震片: Adiprene 打粗:Buffing (3).中底材料: VGB/BIM 吹粉: Clean powder with air compressor (4).中底飾片:Midsole underlay 橡膠底: Rubber sole 2.配雙:Match pairs 第 2 頁 3.上膠: Cementing 5.缺料: Discrepenly / Lack of materials 4.貼合: Lamination 6.塌陷: Side down 5.壓機:Pressing machine 7.溢膠: Over-cement (1).正壓機:Front pressing machine 8.脫膠: Cement comes off (2).牆式壓機: Sole pressing machine 9.清潔度:Cleaning (3).點壓機: Point pressing machine 10.全檢: Full inspection (4).水壓機: Multi-pressing machine 11.巡檢: Roving QC 6.貼條形碼: Attach bar code 12.剔除: Destroy 7.入庫:Send to warehouse , 其他:Others 8.上模: Upper mould 1混合: Compound 9.下模: Bottom mould 2燒熟: Cure 10.整理:finishing 3修邊: Trimming (1)清洗: Cleaning 4.毛邊: Hairy (2).擦膠: Clean cement 5.聚氯乙烯: PVC (3).補膠:Repair cement 6.全號半號: Full and half size (4).補漆: Repair paint 11.返修:Repair 原物料專業用語 , QC的檢驗:QC Inspection Special Items for Incoming Materials 1.色差:Color difference 常用名稱Common Items 2.溢色: Color bleeding 魔術帶:Velcro/Magic tape 3.黃變: Light fastness / Yellowing 射出片:Torsion Bar T/B 4.破損: Breakage 鞋帶: Lace 第 3 頁 舌標:Tongue logo /Size logo 內盒:Inner box 拉鏈: Zipper 大底:Outsole 干燥劑:Drying primer 外箱:Outer carton 棉線:Cotton thread 中底: Midsole 尼龍線:Nylon thread 標簽: Label 吊牌:Hang tag 包裝紙:Tissue paper 膠帶:Tape 鞋眼扣:Buckle 裝飾:Ornament 封箱釘:Staple 針:Needle 鞋眼: Eyelet 電腦繡花:Computer embroidery 鞋墊: Sockliner 鐵釘:Iron nail 泡棉:Foam 帶扣:Fasten nail / buckle 人造膠:Imitation cement 鞋楦:Last 海棉:Sponge 松緊帶:Elastic 天然膠:Plantation crepe 中插:Indsole / Wedge 橡膠底:Rubber sole , 問題點:Issues of Concern 鉚釘:Revit 血管痕:Blood vessel 織帶:Webbing 剝離:Peel off 塑料跟:Plastic heel 蛀孔:Eaten hole/Eat hollow 鞋眼拉環:Eyestay loop 字體模糊:Blurred word 模具: Mould 暗痕:Scar 轉印紙:Transfer paper 第 4 頁 字體殘缺:Incomplete word 龜裂:Crack 毛邊:Hairy 吐白:Blooming 斑點:Speckle 生繡:Get rusty 資材名稱:Items for Materials 抽紗:Drawnwork 牛皮:leather 平穩度:Stability 仿牛皮:Imitation leather 粗細:Thick and thin 特立可得:Tricot 污點:Stain 珠面皮:Full grain leather 歪斜:Crooked 尼龍布:Nylon 脫膠:Cement comes off 透心柒皮:Drum dyed leather 破損:Damage 尼龍網:Nylon mesh 太硬:Too hard 壓花/榔皮:Finished split 變形:Out of shape. deformation 帆布:Canvas 太軟:Too soft 二榔反毛皮:Split suede 脫色:Color delamination / Color fade 軟皮:Casting leather 破裂:Crack 人工皮:Synthetic leather 脫漆:Paint comes off 折皺:Wrinkle 上膠不良:Poor cementing 色差:Color difference 色移:Color migration 麻布:Jute 修邊不良:Poor trimming 鏡面皮:Patent leather 修邊過多:Over trimming 棉絨布:Cotton flannel 收縮:Shrinkage 第 5 頁 小牛皮:Calfskin leather 尖鑽:Driller 不織布:Non-woven cloth 撕裂強度:Tearing strength 小山羊皮:Kidskin leather 銀筆:Silver pen auto-vanishing pen 豬皮:Pig leather 伸展率:Elongation rate 磨面皮:Smooth leather 皮尺:Tape ruler 漆皮:PU coated leather 吸水率:Water absorption rate 鍔魚皮:Crocodile leather 鋼尺:Steel ruler 羊皮:Sheep skin 密度:Density 刺痕:Scratch 拉力:Tensile 測試相關術語:Special Items for Test 溫度計:Thermometer 硬度:Hardness 水解:Hydrolysis 剪刀:Scissors 網板:Silk screen film 剝離強度:Peeling strength 長度:Length 厚度計:Thickness gauge 刀模:Cutting die 厚度:Thickness 直徑:Diameter 粘度計:Adhesion tester 游標卡尺:Caliper 縫線抗拉強度:Seaming thread tensile 寬度:Width 皮刀:Leather knife 砂紙:Abrasion paper 老虎鉗:Pincers 耐寒測試:Freezing test 美工刀:Bladed knife 起子:Screw driver 彈性:Resilience 壓縮歪測試:Compression set test 第 6 頁 物性測試:Physical test 腰片:Mudguard 紙板:Pattern 領口:Collar 磨耗測試:Abrasion test 後跟:Heel 電流計:Rhometer 套後:Heel counter 目視:0q0 翼狀頭蓋:Wing cap 針車術語 中底:Midsole Special Items for Stitching 鞋頭片:Tip/Toe cap Shoe Components 鞋部位 反領口:Cuff 鞋舌: Tongue 面前飾片:Vamp patch 鞋舌飾片:Tongue patch 領口泡棉:Collar foam 鞋舌泡棉:Tongue foam 後跟耳:Pull tab 鞋舌內里:Tongue lining 內里:heel Lining Size標:size label 眼套:Eyestay 舌標:Tongue logo 眼扣:Eyelet 舌耳:Tongue lace loop 鞋眼扣環:Eyestay clip 舌前衛:Tongue lace loop 後跟飾片:Heel patch/decoration 舌蓋:Tongue cover 面前包頭片:Heel/toe bumper 鞋面:Upper 魔術帶:Magic tape/Velcro 鞋頭:Toe cap 通孔:Perforation 鞋頭飾片:Toe cap underlay b後包片:Back stay 面前:Vamp 半插:Wedge 邊飾:Stripe 第 7 頁 , 針車類型Stitching Machines 面里:Vamp lining 鎖邊車:Binding Machine 松緊帶:Elastic 萬能車:Zig-Zag Sewing Machine 眼套補強:Eyestay reinforcement 高單車:Single Needle Sewing Machine 面後補強:Quarter reinforcement 高雙車:Twin Needles Sewing Machine 面後下接片:Bottom panel 鴉腳車/平角車:Flat Foot Sewing Machine 面前下接片:Vamp underlay 旋轉車:Shuffle Type Sewing Machine 面後翼片下前:Lat/med quarter trim 滾輪車:Feed Roll Sewing Machine 面後翼片下後:Quarter trim rear 電腦車:Computer Sewing Machine 面後翼片內外:L/m quarter trim , 針車車法Ways of Stitching 面後翼片上:Quarter trim underlay 萬能車法:Zig-Zag Stitching 面後翼片上(內外) L/m quarter trim underlay 重針車法:Firench Stitching 面後內外:Quarter L/M lateral media 跑邊圈:Running Stitching 面後飾片上墊片 外翻車法:Stitchsown construction Quarter trim reinforcement 邊環車法:Chain stitching 飾洞補強:Perf reinforcement 拼撻車法:Pintuck glove stitching 舌前位補強 Tongue lace loop reinforcement , 針車部件,配件及相關用語 Stitching 面後補強:Quarter reinforcement Components Spare Parts and Relevant Words 鞋頭補強:Toe cap reinforcement 梭子/梭蓋:Bobbin Cases/Capes 勾子:Looper/Hook 領口補強:Collar reinforcement 舌飾片上:Tongue overlay 捶平機:Hammer Machine 厚度計:Thickness Gauge 後跟內里:Heel lining 第 8 頁 圓頭針:Ball/Round Point Needle 車內里:Lining stitching 劍尾針:Chisel Point Needle 車眼套:Eyestay stitching 剪刀:Scissors 織帶:Webbing 游標卡尺: Caliper 噴熱熔膠于部件Hot Melt Application to Components , 相關用語Relevant Items 修邊:Trimming 折邊:Folding 剪線頭: Thread End Cutting 滾邊 :Binding 烘線頭:Thread End Heating 假飾縫 Decorative Stitching 色卡: Color Swatch 車舌布標:Tongue Logo Stitching 配色:Match Color 車鞋舌:Tongue Stitching 色差: Color Difference 車底線:Sole Thread Stitching 折皺: Wrinkle 車內/外線:Inside/Outside Welt Stitching 龜裂: Crack 車後帶飾物:Backstrap Stitching 毛邊: Fussy/Hairy 車邊飾:Stripes Stitching 清潔度: Cleaning 無接縫鞋面:Seamless Vamp 漏車/跳針:Skip Stitch 直條滾邊: Straight binding 斷針:Needle Breakage 斜針布條滾邊:Bias binding 斷線:Thread Breakage 針數: Number of stitches 打眼扣:Eyelet Punching 針距:Stitches per inch 釘眼扣:Set Metal Eyelet 縫線:Sewing thread 熱熔膠:Hot Melt Cement 齒號:Mark 實線:Continuous Line 第 9 頁 虛線:Line Of Dashes 斜裁:Tilted Cutting 邊距:Stitching Distance To The Edge 伸縮性:Elasticity 行距:Width Between Twin Needles 銀筆:Silver Pen 包裝:Packing 水解筆:Auto-Vanishing Pen 禁線:Stitches For Lining Fixing /Lock Stitc 超層:Over-Layer 裁斷專業術語 拉力方向:Tensile Direction Special Items for Cutting 沖孔:Punching 小車流程: Cutting Process資材錯誤: Wrong 資材皺折:Material Wrinkle Material 竄型體:Wrong Art No. 色差:Color Difference 污染:Stain 配雙:Match Pairs 定位套板:Mark Gauge 合並:Mix Up 毛邊:Hairy 剔除:Reject 配套:Match Up 抽紗:Drawn Work 變形:Out of Shape 打蠟:Waxing 沖孔破裂:Punched Hole Is Broken 橫刀:Horizontal Dies 沖孔堵塞:Punched Hole Is Stocked 豎刀:Upright Dies 資材脫層:Material Delamination 擺刀錯誤:Wrong Stretch 擺刀歪斜:Crooked Stretch 紋路歪斜:Crook Grain 外框:Outer-Frame 滑刀:Slide Cutting 內框:Inner-Frame 虛邊:Lock Edge 派工單:Information Sheet 色溢:Color Bleeding 第 10 頁 生繡:Get Rusty 綱板:Silk Screen Film 流程指導書:Production Process Sheet 刮刀:Scraper 紙板:Pattern 轉印台:Printing Table 斬板:Cutting board 油墨:Ink 斬刀: Cutting dies 移位:Dislocation 斷面:White cutting section 中粘度:Mid-Viscosity 斷面處理:White cutting section treatment 低粘度:Low-Viscosity 毛邊處理:hairy treatment 定位偏:Wrong Location 高週波:Embossing Process 高粘度:High-viscosity 模具:Mould 削皮:Skiving Process 定位外框:Fix The Outer- Frame 片皮:Splitting 定位內框:Fix The Inner- Frame 打粗:Roughing 絕緣紙:Insulation Paper 預磨:Buffing 溢膠:Over-Cement 折邊:Folding 邊距:Distance To The Edge/Margin 削皮:Skiving 脫膠: Cement Comes off 熱壓模Hot Pressing 脫漆: Paint Comes off 缺角:Material Shortage 褪色:Color Fading 燒焦:Scorch 黃變:Yellowing 稀膠:Thin Cement 投影紙:Projection Paper 濃膠:Thick Cement , 印刷:Printing Process 灌膠:Cement Pouring 第 11 頁 上模:Upper-Mould 金屬部件抗腐蝕性測試: Corrosion Resistance of Metal Parts 下模:Bottom-Mould 金屬重量:Metal weight 立體感:Dimension 硬度測試:Hardness Measurement 亮霧面:Bright and Dull Surface 成品鞋中插硬度測量 面沾膠:Cement Stains on Surface Hardness measurement of midsoles on finished shoes 資材不良:Material Defect 撓曲測試:Bending test 裝模: Mould Installation 壓縮變形測試:Compression set test , 機台名稱: ITEMS FOR Machines 收縮測試:Shrinkage test 固定裁斷機 面料的撓曲測試:Flexometer test Stationary Head Beam Dinker 龍門移動式裁斷機 斯多路(stoll)摩擦:Stoll Abrasion Travelling Head Beam Dinker 摩擦程度:Rubbing Fastness 搖臂式裁斷機 粘合劑中的固化含量:Solid content of Swing Arm Cutting Machine Adhesive 片皮機:Splitting Machine 橡膠的老化:Ageing of Rubber 削皮機:Skiving Machine 硬紙板的吸水能力:Water Absorption of 熱壓模機:Hot pressing machine cardboard 高週波機:HF(high frequency) embossing machine 貼合測試:Bonding test 電繡機:Embroidery machine 原物料物性測試:Physical test of Raw material 電腦裁斷機:Computer cutting machine 縫接強度:Seam strength 實驗室專用術語 Special Items for Lab 粘合測試:Adhesion test , 實驗方法:Ways of Test 牢固度鑒定:Fastness test Evaluation 材料的鑒別: Identification of Materials 第 12 頁 with multi-fiber 顏色滲離:Color Migration 高溫高濕環境處理下的老化測試 Ageing Courtauld測試:Courtauld test in high temperature and Humidity conditions Suntest耐黃程度:Suntest light Fastness 縫接的損壞程度:Damage of seams 材料厚度:Material thickness 水清洗測試:Washing test 水解測試:Hydrolysis test 彎曲測試:Flex test 中插硬度測試:Hardness measurement 部件的拉力處理:Parts pulling procedure on midsoles 彈性回能測試:Resilience test 實驗儀器:Testing Apparatus 密度的測量:Determination of Density 化學溶劑:Chemical solvents 皮面的破裂:Cracking of Grain 白色濾紙:Filter paper 面料折起狀態:Material Folding state 玻璃片:Glass plate DIN摩擦:DIN Abrasion 游標卡尺:Caliper 濕式測試:Wet test 不銹鋼支架:Stainless steel stand 白化測試:Blooming test 蒸餾水:Distilled water 硬紙板的粘合力:Cardboard Adhesion 砝碼:weight 拉力測試:Tensile strength 球形針:Ball needle 撕扯測試:Tear strength 量杯:Beaker 車縫針腳抗拉力度:Stitch Tear Resistance 手動爆破儀:Handlastometer 耐曬程度:Light Fastness 撓度計:Bally Flexometer 滲離牢固度:Migration Fastness 高度測量規:Height measurement gauge 無痕跡測試:Non marking test 摩擦板:Abrasion plate 編織品的色彩漂移測試:Color migration 空心鑽:Hardened hollow Drill 第 13 頁 電子天平:Electronic scale 橡膠膜:Rubber diaphragm Taber耐磨機: Taber Abrasion Machine DIN摩擦測試機:DIN Abrasion tester 帶粘膠的硬度紙板墊托:Cardboard backer with 標準橡膠:Standard Rubber adhesive 研磨紙:Abrasion paper Veslic測試器:Veslic tester H-22砂輪:H-22 Abrasion wheels 有蓋玻璃瓶:Glass bottles with lid. 鍍銀紙:Silver paper 粘度計:Viscometer 恆溫器:Thermostat 計時器:Stap-watch 空氣循環烘箱:Air circulating oven 貼合測試夾緊裝置:Bonding test clamp 拉力機:Tensile machine 橡膠面的夾子:Rubber faced clamp 撕裂測試夾緊裝置:Tear test clamps 線測試夾緊裝置:Clamps of threads 織帶測試夾緊裝置:Clamps of webbings 打火機/本生機:Bunsen-burner/Lighter 金屬別針:Metal pin 浸液皿盤:Immersion dish 每10mm有6個針孔的夾緊裝置:Clamping device 厚度測量儀:Thickness measurement equipment with 6 needles per 10mm 天平粘合測試夾緊裝置:Adhesion test clamps :scale 家用闊口瓶:House-hold-preserving jar 旋轉托盤:Rotating table 硬度測量儀:Durometer 多光源對色燈箱:Super daylight 冷凍箱:Refrigerator PVC膜:PVC film Ross撓曲裝置:Ross flexing apparatus 汗液:Sweat solution 烘箱:Oven Courtauld測試工具組:Courtauld test equipment kit 微調螺絲:Micrometic screw 夾心結構:Sandwich construction 320#砂紙:Abrasion paper grade 320 第 14 頁 Ross 撓曲裝置:Ross flexing machine 毛氈塊:Felt 洗衣粉:Household washing powder 機械性能:Mechanical property 溫度計:Thermometer 泡棉墊: Foam Cushion 不透光薄片:Opaque foil 快鎖環:Quick clamp 紫外光烘箱:UV-Light oven 中間環:Center Ring 玻璃片支架:Stand for glass plates 表面不起皺:Remain free of creases 晾衣夾:Clothes peg 槽體:Trough 疤痕:Scar Atlas耐黃機:Atlas Suntester XLS+ 保護層:Protection Foil 家庭洗衣機:Household washing machine DW型多縴維布:Multifiber fabric of type DW , 其他:Others 顏色變化:Color change 聚合物:Polymer 擺錘:Pendulum 間隔墊厚度:Thickness of spacer 室溫:Room temperature 轉台:Turntable 緊固環:Clamping ring 正方形:Square shape 機器轉軸:Machine spindle 白色紙張:White sheet of paper 金屬條:Metallic frames 剝離程度:Delamination 第 15 頁
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