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随心富手机刷卡器功能使用说明随心富手机刷卡器功能使用说明 “随心富”手机刷卡器使用说明书 目录 第一节 随心富手机刷卡器外观.................................................................................. 0 简介............................................................................................... 31.1手机刷卡器 1.2手机刷卡器功能.............
随心富手机刷卡器功能 “随心富”手机刷卡器使用说明书 目录 第一节 随心富手机刷卡器外观.................................................................................. 0 简介............................................................................................... 31.1手机刷卡器 1.2手机刷卡器功能............................................................................................... 2 第二节 启动随心富手机刷卡器功能前提条件.......................................................... 2 .......................................................... 2 2.1 手机开启无线网络................................ 2.1.1 手机卡数据连接.................................................................................... 2 2.1.2 手机无线网络........................................................................................ 2 第三节 随心富手机刷卡器新版本升级...................................................................... 3 3.1 手机刷卡器升级操作...................................................................................... 3 第四节 随心富手机刷卡器刷卡操作.......................................................................... 3 4.1 手机刷卡器刷卡操作步骤.............................................................................. 3 第五节 随心富手机刷卡器绑定操作.......................................................................... 4 5.1 手机刷卡器注册步骤...................................................................................... 4 第六节 随心富手机刷卡器功能介绍.......................................................................... 7 6.1 银行卡转账...................................................................................................... 7 6.2 银行卡余额查询.............................................................................................. 7 6.3 信用卡还款...................................................................................................... 7 6.4 手机充值.......................................................................................................... 8 6.5 购买Q币.........................................................................................................8 6.6 燃气、水电等公用事业缴费...........................................................................8 6.7 订单支付.........................................................................................................8 6.8 支付宝充值.....................................................................................................8 6.9 其他功能.........................................................................................................8 第七节 随心富手机刷卡器刷卡器异常处理.............................................................. 8 7.1 手机刷卡器时无法连接服务器或服务器忙.................................................. 7 and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is no small matter. Business services a small mistake, it is possible to order at its meetings disrupted the entire, feedback on the content and timing a bit negligent, it could work in a passive position, slightly poor reception, may affect the image of a place and unit. Therefore, the Office staff with a high degree of professionalism and responsibility, serious and responsible, meticulous, careful to do everything to ensure that globalSmoothly. To carry forward the hard work, honest style. Adhere to the "Ning public and poverty, is not private and rich" old adage, bearing in mind the purpose of serving, consciously resist the erosion of various corruption and self-discipline, integrity, do not take leadership on behalf of the Office for personal affairs, not banner of leading organs of self-serving, and always maintain and carry forward the fine style of hard work, thrift and career, be honest and upright. Comrades, Government Office work task is glorious, a great responsibility. Hope the city's system of Government Office around the overall situation, pay attention to implementation of work in the purpose, give full play to staff aides, integrated and coordinated implementation, supervision, service functions, close contact, strengthen coordination, collaboration, efforts for grass-roots leadership services, service, quality and level of services for the masses to push to a new level. 2003 annual summary meeting of the Office of the municipal government reports on innovation 第一节 随心富手机刷卡器外观 f leading organs of selfdiscipline, integrity, do not take leadership on behalf of the Office for personal affairs, not banner o-rious corruption and selfand poverty, is not private and rich" old adage, bearing in mind the purpose of serving, consciously resist the erosion of va Adhere to the "Ning public careful to do everything to ensure that globalSmoothly. To carry forward the hard work, honest style. . Therefore, the Office staff with a high degree of professionalism and responsibility, serious and responsible, meticulous, unit and timing a bit negligent, it could work in a passive position, slightly poor reception, may affect the image of a place and ter. Business services a small mistake, it is possible to order at its meetings disrupted the entire, feedback on the contentthe meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is no small matImplementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward and other bad habits. meeting of the Office of the municipal government reports on innovationroots leadership services, service, quality and level of services for the masses to push to a new level. 2003 annual summary -efforts for grassion, integrated and coordinated implementation, supervision, service functions, close contact, strengthen coordination, collaborat t Office around the overall situation, pay attention to implementation of work in the purpose, give full play to staff aides,Hope the city's system of Governmen s, Government Office work task is glorious, a great responsibility. serving, and always maintain and carry forward the fine style of hard work, thrift and career, be honest and upright. Comrade-1 1.1随心富手机刷卡器简介 随心富手机刷卡器,类似一款外接读卡器,通过3.5mm音频插孔提供一插即刷功能,只要将它插入智能手机音频孔建立连接后就能使用余额查询、转账汇款、信用卡还款、手机充值、支付宝订单支付、支付宝充值、购买Q币、缴纳水电煤等众多功能。随心富刷卡器在苹果iPhone手机和谷歌Android系统手机上都能使用。(随心富客户端可登陆随心富网站下载 ) 1.2 随心富手机刷卡器功能 随心富手机刷卡器的强大功能: 余额查询、转账汇款、信用卡还款、手机充值、支付宝订单支付、支付宝充值、购买Q币、缴纳水电煤等众多功能。 第二节 启动随心富手机刷卡器前提条件 2.1 手机卡开启数据连接或手机开启无线网络 开启方法:(只需二选其一) 2.1.1 手机卡数据连接 (1).用户的手机卡必须开通上网功能(提示:因上网流量费自付,建议办理包月上网套餐,定制最基础的上网套餐就够用,)(友情提示:别用手机的流量看视频,下载大的软件,费用高。) (2).手机必须开启上网数据连接。(步骤:菜单键?设置?无线和网络?移动网络?启用数据) 设置成功后手机屏幕出现: 2.1.2 手机无线网络 步骤:菜单键?设置?无线和网络?WLAN(勾选)?WLAN设置?WLAN网络(如附 -service functions, close contact, strengthen coordination, collaboration, efforts for grass ose, give full play to staff aides, integrated and coordinated implementation, supervision,Hope the city's system of Government Office around the overall situation, pay attention to implementation of work in the purp is glorious, a great responsibility. s, Government Office work task serving, and always maintain and carry forward the fine style of hard work, thrift and career, be honest and upright. Comrade-take leadership on behalf of the Office for personal affairs, not banner of leading organs of self discipline, integrity, do not-ly resist the erosion of various corruption and selfAdhere to the "Ning public and poverty, is not private and rich" old adage, bearing in mind the purpose of serving, conscious To carry forward the hard work, honest style. thly. f professionalism and responsibility, serious and responsible, meticulous, careful to do everything to ensure that globalSmooposition, slightly poor reception, may affect the image of a place and unit. Therefore, the Office staff with a high degree ossive ible to order at its meetings disrupted the entire, feedback on the content and timing a bit negligent, it could work in a pacarry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is no small matter. Business services a small mistake, it is possImplementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To and other bad habits. government reports on innovation meeting of the Office of the municipalroots leadership services, service, quality and level of services for the masses to push to a new level. 2003 annual summary 2 近有无线网络WLAN网络下方就有可用的无线网络用户名,单击连接输入密码,连接成功后手机屏幕上方就出现扇形的图标,白色代表信号强弱。) (此连接一般在有无线路由的家中,单位,休闲场所,酒店等有无线网络服务) 设置成功后手机屏幕出现: 第三节 手机刷卡器新版本升级 3.1 手机刷卡器升级操作 在操作手机刷卡器功能的时候如有提示新版本升级请升级 步骤:提示发现新版本?点确定?弹出浏览器直接进入?自动下载新版本?下载完成?单击下载文件?弹出替换应用程序?点确定?点安装?点打开。 第四节 手机刷卡器刷卡操作 4.1 手机刷卡器刷卡操作步骤 刷卡方法:一只手用银行卡磁条面对着刷卡器厚的一面,从一侧均匀刷过,另一只手固定刷卡器。如刷卡不成功请改变刷卡速度和平稳度。 -rious corruption and selfand poverty, is not private and rich" old adage, bearing in mind the purpose of serving, consciously resist the erosion of va Adhere to the "Ning public careful to do everything to ensure that globalSmoothly. To carry forward the hard work, honest style. . Therefore, the Office staff with a high degree of professionalism and responsibility, serious and responsible, meticulous, unit and timing a bit negligent, it could work in a passive position, slightly poor reception, may affect the image of a place and ter. Business services a small mistake, it is possible to order at its meetings disrupted the entire, feedback on the contentthe meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is no small matImplementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward and other bad habits. meeting of the Office of the municipal government reports on innovationroots leadership services, service, quality and level of services for the masses to push to a new level. 2003 annual summary -efforts for grassion, integrated and coordinated implementation, supervision, service functions, close contact, strengthen coordination, collaborat t Office around the overall situation, pay attention to implementation of work in the purpose, give full play to staff aides,Hope the city's system of Governmen s, Government Office work task is glorious, a great responsibility. serving, and always maintain and carry forward the fine style of hard work, thrift and career, be honest and upright. Comrade-f leading organs of selfdiscipline, integrity, do not take leadership on behalf of the Office for personal affairs, not banner o3 第五节 手机刷卡器绑定操作 5.1 手机客户端注册步骤: 1.登录手机上“随心富”手机刷卡器客户端软件,点下方创建账户 2.插上刷卡器,直至插稳后屏幕上方就会出现耳机的标识,方可使用。 3.创建账户: 1).点击“请登录后使用”出现如下页面,然后点击新用户注册 meeting of the Office of the municipalroots leadership services, service, quality and level of services for the masses to push to a new level. 2003 annual summary -service functions, close contact, strengthen coordination, collaboration, efforts for grass ose, give full play to staff aides, integrated and coordinated implementation, supervision,Hope the city's system of Government Office around the overall situation, pay attention to implementation of work in the purp is glorious, a great responsibility. s, Government Office work task serving, and always maintain and carry forward the fine style of hard work, thrift and career, be honest and upright. Comrade-take leadership on behalf of the Office for personal affairs, not banner of leading organs of self discipline, integrity, do not-ly resist the erosion of various corruption and selfAdhere to the "Ning public and poverty, is not private and rich" old adage, bearing in mind the purpose of serving, conscious To carry forward the hard work, honest style. thly. f professionalism and responsibility, serious and responsible, meticulous, careful to do everything to ensure that globalSmooposition, slightly poor reception, may affect the image of a place and unit. Therefore, the Office staff with a high degree ossive ible to order at its meetings disrupted the entire, feedback on the content and timing a bit negligent, it could work in a pacarry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is no small matter. Business services a small mistake, it is possImplementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To and other bad habits. government reports on innovation 4 2).输入要注册的账号及收到的验证码、密码及身份证号用户姓名等信息,最后确认注册,系统会提示注册成功。 3).注册成功以后,用刚才注册的账号登录。 4).成功登录后,刷卡器使用前需要先与登录账号绑定。(刷卡器首次插入使用时系统会自动提示绑定。) 5)若用户想把绑定的刷卡器借给他人使用,需要先解绑,用户解除刷卡器绑定,可在“账 efforts for grassion, integrated and coordinated implementation, supervision, service functions, close contact, strengthen coordination, collaborat t Office around the overall situation, pay attention to implementation of work in the purpose, give full play to staff aides,Hope the city's system of Governmen s, Government Office work task is glorious, a great responsibility. serving, and always maintain and carry forward the fine style of hard work, thrift and career, be honest and upright. Comrade-f leading organs of selfdiscipline, integrity, do not take leadership on behalf of the Office for personal affairs, not banner o-rious corruption and selfand poverty, is not private and rich" old adage, bearing in mind the purpose of serving, consciously resist the erosion of va Adhere to the "Ning public careful to do everything to ensure that globalSmoothly. To carry forward the hard work, honest style. . Therefore, the Office staff with a high degree of professionalism and responsibility, serious and responsible, meticulous, unit and timing a bit negligent, it could work in a passive position, slightly poor reception, may affect the image of a place and ter. Business services a small mistake, it is possible to order at its meetings disrupted the entire, feedback on the contentthe meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is no small matImplementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward and other bad habits. meeting of the Office of the municipal government reports on innovationroots leadership services, service, quality and level of services for the masses to push to a new level. 2003 annual summary -5 户管理”菜单下点击“刷卡器解绑”。 第六节 手机刷卡器功能介绍 6.1 银行卡转账 步骤:输入收款卡号?输入收款人名字?转帐金额?下一步?付款卡号密码?付款人姓名?确认订单 (到账时间一分钟内,付款卡支持所有带有银联标志的银行借记卡。) 6.2 银行卡余额查询 步骤:点击“银行卡余额”?刷要查询的银行卡?输入密码?“下一步”?操作完成 6.3信用卡还款 步骤:点信用卡还款?刷要还款的信用卡或直接填写卡号?输入还款金额?点下一步?刷银行卡或直接填写卡号?输入密码?确认订单?完成交易 government reports on innovation meeting of the Office of the municipalroots leadership services, service, quality and level of services for the masses to push to a new level. 2003 annual summary -service functions, close contact, strengthen coordination, collaboration, efforts for grass ose, give full play to staff aides, integrated and coordinated implementation, supervision,Hope the city's system of Government Office around the overall situation, pay attention to implementation of work in the purp is glorious, a great responsibility. s, Government Office work task serving, and always maintain and carry forward the fine style of hard work, thrift and career, be honest and upright. Comrade-take leadership on behalf of the Office for personal affairs, not banner of leading organs of self discipline, integrity, do not-ly resist the erosion of various corruption and selfAdhere to the "Ning public and poverty, is not private and rich" old adage, bearing in mind the purpose of serving, conscious To carry forward the hard work, honest style. thly. f professionalism and responsibility, serious and responsible, meticulous, careful to do everything to ensure that globalSmooposition, slightly poor reception, may affect the image of a place and unit. Therefore, the Office staff with a high degree ossive ible to order at its meetings disrupted the entire, feedback on the content and timing a bit negligent, it could work in a pacarry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is no small matter. Business services a small mistake, it is possImplementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To and other bad habits. 6 6.4 手机充值 可以支持移动、联通、电信手机的话费充值。 6.5 购买Q币 可使用带有银联标识的借记卡给腾讯QQ用户充值。 6.6 固话/宽带、燃气、水、电等公用事业缴费 可实现便民缴费,随时随地可以缴纳水、电、燃气等物业收费。 6.7订单支付 用户输入12或16位支付宝交易号,填写订单金额、手机号码,点击“下一步”,刷卡、输入密码,完成支付。 6.8支付宝充值 用户填写充值金额、用于接收充值验证码的手机号码,点击“下一步”;刷卡、输入密码,完成支付;支付完毕、用户购买的的充值码会以短信形式发送到手机;用户登录支付宝账户,选择充值---网点充值---用充值码充值,输入充值码确认提交后,支付宝会以短信的形式将6位校验码发送到接收充值验证码的手机上,用户输入校验码后完成充值。 (以上具体功能详见随心富手机刷卡器网站相关公告) 随心富网址:www.suixinfu.cn 6.9 其它功能 游戏点卡充值、预订机票、彩票等更多功能还在研发中,以后将会逐步增加更多方便快捷通道。 第七节 随心富手机刷卡器刷卡异常处理 7.1手机刷卡器刷卡时无法连接服务器或服务器忙 Hope the city's system of Governmen s, Government Office work task is glorious, a great responsibility. serving, and always maintain and carry forward the fine style of hard work, thrift and career, be honest and upright. Comrade-f leading organs of selfdiscipline, integrity, do not take leadership on behalf of the Office for personal affairs, not banner o-rious corruption and selfand poverty, is not private and rich" old adage, bearing in mind the purpose of serving, consciously resist the erosion of va Adhere to the "Ning public careful to do everything to ensure that globalSmoothly. To carry forward the hard work, honest style. . Therefore, the Office staff with a high degree of professionalism and responsibility, serious and responsible, meticulous, unit and timing a bit negligent, it could work in a passive position, slightly poor reception, may affect the image of a place and ter. Business services a small mistake, it is possible to order at its meetings disrupted the entire, feedback on the contentthe meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is no small matImplementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward and other bad habits. meeting of the Office of the municipal government reports on innovationroots leadership services, service, quality and level of services for the masses to push to a new level. 2003 annual summary -efforts for grassion, integrated and coordinated implementation, supervision, service functions, close contact, strengthen coordination, collaborat t Office around the overall situation, pay attention to implementation of work in the purpose, give full play to staff aides,7 1、确认手机是否开通上网功能; 2、手机信号是否正常,不稳定也不会连接; 3、请确认卡槽内是否有异物存在; 4、请将卡正向或是反向多次进行刷卡,看是否依然报错; 5、请确认该卡的磁条是否已经消磁导致刷卡一直失败; 6、请确认手机刷卡器电量是否充足。 如果以上均不能解决问,请您提供您的联系方式,我们会把您的问题向公司反映,我们的工作人员会在48小时内联系您。我们的服务热线:400-921-6668 roots leadership services, service, quality and level of services for the masses to push to a new level. 2003 annual summary -service functions, close contact, strengthen coordination, collaboration, efforts for grass ose, give full play to staff aides, integrated and coordinated implementation, supervision,Hope the city's system of Government Office around the overall situation, pay attention to implementation of work in the purp is glorious, a great responsibility. s, Government Office work task serving, and always maintain and carry forward the fine style of hard work, thrift and career, be honest and upright. Comrade-take leadership on behalf of the Office for personal affairs, not banner of leading organs of self discipline, integrity, do not-ly resist the erosion of various corruption and selfAdhere to the "Ning public and poverty, is not private and rich" old adage, bearing in mind the purpose of serving, conscious To carry forward the hard work, honest style. thly. f professionalism and responsibility, serious and responsible, meticulous, careful to do everything to ensure that globalSmooposition, slightly poor reception, may affect the image of a place and unit. Therefore, the Office staff with a high degree ossive ible to order at its meetings disrupted the entire, feedback on the content and timing a bit negligent, it could work in a pacarry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is no small matter. Business services a small mistake, it is possImplementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To and other bad habits. government reports on innovation meeting of the Office of the municipal8
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