

2017-09-20 11页 doc 33KB 44阅读




垒球规则垒球规则 壘球規則 壹、比賽場地,係指在其區域內可執行正式的進攻與防守之比賽場地。 1、全壘打距離,於本壘板起,快式女子60.69公尺,200呎,,男子68.58 公尺,225呎,,慢式女子壘球80.77公尺,265呎,,男子83.82公尺,275 呎,至兩界線之內側,必須平坦無阻的廣場。附註,國內比賽慢式壘球女 子68.58公尺,225呎,,男子80.77公尺,265尺,。 2、壘間距離,快式,社會組,男、女18.29公尺,60呎,,慢式,社會組, 男、女19.81公尺,65呎,。 3、投球距離,快式,社會組,女子12...
垒球 壘球規則 壹、比賽場地,係指在其區域內可執行正式的進攻與防守之比賽場地。 1、全壘打距離,於本壘板起,快式女子60.69公尺,200呎,,男子68.58 公尺,225呎,,慢式女子壘球80.77公尺,265呎,,男子83.82公尺,275 呎,至兩界線之內側,必須平坦無阻的廣場。附註,國內比賽慢式壘球女 子68.58公尺,225呎,,男子80.77公尺,265尺,。 2、壘間距離,快式,社會組,男、女18.29公尺,60呎,,慢式,社會組, 男、女19.81公尺,65呎,。 3、投球距離,快式,社會組,女子12.19公尺,40呎,,男子14.02公尺,46 呎,,慢式,社會組,女子14.02公尺,46呎,,男子15.2公尺,50呎,。 貳、比賽, 1、除主辦單位有所規定外,攻守之選擇應以擲硬幣決定。 2、正式比賽為七局,先守隊在第七局上半或在最後一局下半三人出局以前, 所得分數多於先攻隊時,則不必賽完第七局。 3、賽完第七局得分相等必須繼續比賽,直到一隊在同一局中得分較多,或先 守隊在下半局中得分多於先攻隊時,比賽即告結束。 4、若打完七局,尚未分出勝負時,則採突破僵局制,自第八局開始,前半局 最後一位出局球員,則變為二壘跑壘員,然後開始比賽,直到勝負區分為 止,同時該跑壘員亦可按照替補規則予以替補。慢速壘球賽制若打滿四局 雙方分數相差十分(含)以上,滿五局相差七分(含)以上則提前結束比賽。 5、每隊三人出局各互換攻守一次,乃為比賽的一個單元。 6、在一局中,球隊教練或其球隊代表,只能與擊球員或跑壘員面授機宜一次。 罰則,教練或指導員堅持要一次「面授機宜」時,則判逐離場。 7、下列情形,在一局中為第三人出局時,得分無效, a、擊球員至一壘前,被判出局時。b、擊球員上一壘,卻造成跑壘員封殺 出局時。c、,快式,投手向擊球員投球,球離手之前跑壘員離壘時。d、 ,慢式,投手向擊球員投出之球,在未到達本壘板前或未經擊球員打擊 前,跑壘員離壘時。 參、球員與替補球員, 1、一支球隊的組成應包含, a、,快式,由九名球員擔任守備外,另含一名「指定球員」EH,共十名。 但EH可以取消,並可上場擔任守備,但至比賽結束時不得再使用EH權 頁 1 利。 b、,慢式,由十名球員擔任守備外,另含一名「特殊球員」EP,共十一名。 但EP則不得上場擔任守備,候補未上場時,球員可隨時更換為EP,但 擔任EP球員被換下場後,則不得再上場比賽。 2、任何替補球員在任何時間,均可在比賽中為「指定球員」或「特殊球員」, 可擔任代打或代跑,但必須以未上場之球員為限。 「指定球員」被替補退場之後,則不得再度上場比賽。 3、 4、除「指定球員」,快式,或「特殊球員」,慢式,外,任何首任球員均可以 再上場一次,但其打擊順序不變。 5、欲替補球員時,球隊教練或代表須事先向球審告知,否則投出一球之後即構成違規。 肆、打擊與跑壘, 1、打擊者可享有三好球與四壞球,若三好球打者未擊球為三振出局,若等到對 方投手投出四壞球,可得保送一壘。,慢,投手可直接向球審提出四壞保送 打擊員,而勿須做任何投球動作。 2、好球帶乃指擊球員在正常打擊站立姿勢下,,快,在其腋部以下至膝部以上 的高度,並在本壘板平面上之任何部份空間之內,,慢,其高度則在肩部以 下至膝部以上的高度。 3、打擊者必須站在打擊區內,準備擊球,打者不得單足或雙足完全踏出打擊區 外擊球,並不得故意妨礙捕手之接球。 4、,快,打擊者在第一好球之後,打出界外球時為兩好球數,但在兩好球後所 打出之界外球則不計予好球數,除非界外球被接殺,,慢,兩好球後所擊出 之界外球時打者出局。 5、,快,打擊者在兩好球後,採用觸擊短打將球打出界外時,打者出局,,慢, 打者一律不得採用觸擊短打否則打者出局。 6、擦棒球即是擊出之球為, a、球擦過球棒之後直接被捕手接住,b、擊球低於擊球員之頭部,c、擊球是被捕手合法接住。 註,,快,被接住之擦棒球為好球,應繼續比賽,壘上跑壘員可合法採取盜 壘,,慢,則為死球,且跑壘員不可盜壘。 7、一局中,擊球員未完成打擊行為前,造成第三人出局時,則該球員為次局的 首位擊球員,此時在此局的比賽得重新計算球數。 8、下列情形打擊者出局, 頁 2 a、第三好球被捕手接住。b、第三好球擊空,而打者的身體觸及投出之球時。 c、第三好球,觸擊成界外球時,若是被合法接住,則比賽繼續,跑壘員 可盜壘。d、界外高飛球,被合法接住時。 9、下列合法之擊出球為界內球, a、停留或觸擊本壘與一壘,或本壘與三壘間之界內區時。b、碰著一、二、 三壘包時。c、落地反彈過一壘、三壘,壘包越過界內區或其上空時。d、 最初落於一壘或三壘,壘包後方之外野手區,界內,時。e、直接飛越過 或碰觸到之外野圍欄時。 10、下列合法擊出球為界外球, a、停留本壘與一壘或本壘與三壘間之界外區時。b、由一壘或三壘,壘包前 之地面及其上空彈至界外區時。c、最初落地在一壘或三壘,壘包後方之 界外區時。d、若野手拋至手套在界外區,上使擊出球觸及即落入界內區 亦是界外球 11、若發現錯位打擊球員正在打擊時,應立即更正由正位擊球員繼承之,此時錯 位擊球員已得之球數,進壘與得分均屬正當。 12、擊球員擊出之球成界內球時,未上一壘而轉回球員席,被判出局。 13、打擊率即是安打數除以打擊次數,除不盡時求小數點第四位再四捨五入。 14、跑者在每一局的第三人出局前,合法的循觸一、二、三壘包及本壘板即得一分。 15、,快,跑者必須在投手投球時,球離手,才可離壘,否則被判出局,,慢, 跑者則必須在擊球員擊中球時,才可離壘,否則被判出局。 16、兩名跑者不得同時佔同一壘包,前位跑壘員有權合法佔有該壘,除非是被迫 進壘者,否則後位跑壘員被球觸而告出局。 17、兩人出局前,一、二壘,或一、二、三壘等有跑壘員時,內野球員將可以接 住之界內飛球,包括平飛球,或,快式之觸擊飛球,故意漏接時,打者出局 其壘上之跑壘員,須返回原壘。 18、兩人出局後,打擊者不管擊出高飛球、滾地球,跑者一定離壘往次壘前進, 但在一人出局時,要判斷高飛球即停留原壘,滾地球則進壘,而二、三壘有 跑者時,要視情況方可前進。 19、下列情形跑者出局, a、不論是進壘或返壘,為了迴避持球的守備員之觸殺,而離開壘間線三呎以 上時。b、跑者故意將野手漏接之球踢開時。 c、裁判員認為指導員用身體接觸或推拉,以助跑者返壘或離壘時。d、比賽 頁 3 進行中,跑者未觸壘包被野手持球合法的觸殺時。e、跑者合法的越過一 壘後,企圖進二壘再返回一壘時,被合法的觸殺時。 20、下列情形跑者安全進壘, a、打者四壞球保送上一壘,而被迫進壘時。b、野手未處理擊出球或未持球 觸殺跑者,而阻礙跑者時。c、野手將穿著之球衣、帽子、手套離開身體 的定位,去迎接或觸及擊出球時 因打擊者安全上一壘,而被迫進壘時。e、投手違規投球時。 d、 伍、投手投球, 1、,快,投手必須雙足立於二十四吋寬的投手板內,其雙肩與一、三壘平行, 雙手必須分開,球握於手套內或投球手套中,,慢,投手則可同時以單足或 雙足立於投手板上,但是不得超出投手板之兩側。 2、投球前必須維持該姿勢,至少一秒鐘,且不得超過十秒鐘。 3、投手未持球不得立於投手板上,或其附近做準備投球的動作。 4、當投手雙手分開,或採用任何揮臂投球姿勢時,即為投球動作開始。 5、合法之投球,必須採用低手動作投球給予擊球員。 6、投手就投球位置後,不得故意落球、滾球或拍球以干擾擊球員擊球。 7、除非捕手在捕手區,其他的防守球員在界內區,否則投手不得投球。 8、每半局開始前,或更換投手時,投球練習以一分鐘為限,與捕手或其他同對 球員之投球、傳球最多不超過三球,練習即應停止。 9、每一局比賽中,在球員休息區之教練或其代理人只得與投手面授機宜一次, 若再次面授機宜,必須更換投手,但當教練離開界線返回球員席時,則面授 機宜即告結束,該投手仍可繼續比賽。 10、當投手持球揮臂或向後擺時,球滑落地,則繼續比賽,跑壘員可以冒險進壘, 且給予擊球員一個壞球。 11、,慢,投球時,可以不跨步,亦可以向前、向後或向側跨出一步。軸足仍然 接觸投手板,或 於球離手同時離開。 12、,慢,投球應將球以適當之速度投出,球速適當與否則由裁判員判定。若是 球速太快,裁判員應予警告。若再犯時,即應更換投手,繼續比賽。 13、2000年國際壘球規則。投手投出之球必須成弧形球路,其高度距地1.8公 尺,60尺,至3.65公尺,120尺,。 14、,慢,捕手必須位於捕手區內,直到所投出之球被擊中或是到達本壘板為止。 註,有關雙色壘包之適用規則如下, 頁 4 1、擊出之球,觸著白色壘包者為界內球,觸著橙色壘包者為界外球。 2、擊出內野球後或第三好球漏接擊跑員跑至一壘,若未踏觸橙色壘包,野手在 擊跑員回一壘之前「提訴」時,則判出局。 3、野手擬使擊跑員出局於一壘時,必需使用白色壘包。 附註,「快式」若比賽球落於一壘側之界外區,且為活球時,則擊跑員及野 手均可使用白色或橙色的壘包。 4、擊跑員踏過壘包之後,其返壘時必須踏過白色壘包。 5、擊跑員擊出穿過內野球或外野之安打球,可以踏觸任一壘包。 6、擊出飛球時,一壘跑壘員必須踏觸白色壘包。 7、當牽制時,一壘跑壘員必須返觸白色壘包。 8、當跑壘員返觸白色壘包時,若只踏觸橙色壘包時,則認為該球員未觸壘。下 列情況,則告出局,a跑壘員被持球觸著或b投球時,由橙色壘包離壘。 註,國際壘總所舉辦之世界錦標比賽必須採用雙色壘包。 Softball rules (1) Behaviers (1)Don’t say any bad word during the compteted time, and please follow the cotch rules. (2) If any team wants to discussion anything please direct talk to your team leader, let your leader argue with the referee. Do not argue by your self. (2) Tournament Rules: (1) All participating teams must follow the rules set out. If any team shall benefit from breaking them, that team will be stripped of these benefits, and no protest is to be raised. (2) Unless otherwise announced by the Association, all games shall commence on time as set out in the program. 頁 5 (3) Under the consideration that participating teams are from all over the world, and have time and transportation constraints, games are to take place regardless of the weather conditions. (4) A pitching mat will be used for balls and strikes starting with a standard ball / strike count. (5) Each team must have a minimum of 10 players to start the game. Each team's roster is limited to 20 players. (6) All games have unlimited home runs. (7) Within the time constraints, all games shall consist of seven (7)innings, unless the lower scoring team has completed its turn at bat and: a. Trails by twelve (12) or more runs in the fifth inning or b. Trails by ten (10) or more runs in the sixth inning. (8) All games are conducted under time constraint. No new inning will start after 60 minutes. (9) All games are scheduled for 60 minutes, starting from the first pitch, as recorded by the head umpire. (10) Players may not play for more than one team, the first game played in as recorded by scorekeeper is valid. (11) Starting line-up shall be made available to the official scorekeeper ten (10) minutes before scheduled game time. The coach or his representative must notify the scorekeeper of each substitution. (12) Lineup must have the following: Name of coach, manager and players’ numbers. Substitutes' numbers must be recorded to be eligible. Non-registered players may not participate in the game. If coach or manager also register as player, the name should also appear in the players’ column to be eligible as a player. (13) All players must present ID, either ID card, driver’s license and/or passport. 頁 6 (14) Players not listed in the program are not to participate in the tournament. If an appeal occurs, it shall be ruled by the tournament committee . (15) All players qualifications (playing for two teams, illegal substitution, etc…) may be challenged by opposing team. Challenged player must provide identification before being allowed to resume play. (16) Incorrect back numbering – concerned player to show identification. Once umpire has verified the player’s identification, the record will be rectified and the game continues. If the concerned player is unable to provide identification, the umpire shall fault the team and eject the team from the tournament. (17) Players’ attire: All to wear same style of top, pants and cap. The top shall bear the name of the team and have a number on the back. Each number should be at least 15cm tall, and cannot be handwritten or temporarily stuck on. Manager, coach and instructor shall wear the same style of attire in accordance to the rules of the game. Playing teams should have helmets. Batter and runners must wear helmets or be ruled “out”. (18) No other players are to enter the dugout area unless his/her team is playing. Written Appeal: The umpire’s ruling is final and no appeal will be accepted. If wishing to challenge the ruling, should be done in writing within half hour after the game. The procedure is as follows: Written appeal must be signed by the captain of the team and submitted to the appeals committee along with NT$5000 deposit. The committee will hold a meeting and make a ruling. If the ruling is not overturned, the deposit will not be returned. 16. Official Helmet: Playing teams should have their own helmets, protecting both ears and having a safety strap under the chin.oversea team committee can support. 17. Hitter cannot throw the bat. If this occurs a second time, player will be ruled out. If the umpire perceives it as an intentional act of violence, he may eject the player from the tournament directly without giving first warning. 18. Hitter not wearing helmet in the batting area shall be called out when the pitcher delivers a pitch. 19. Except for ordinary time out, Head Umpire will inform scorekeeper of any other time outs, and when time is up, will inform the scorekeeper and both playing teams. 頁 7 20. When hitter or runner intentionally throws the helmet, the umpire may rule him/her out. 21. A line dissecting the third base foul line 15 feet away from home plate will be employed. When runner crosses line, he can be “forced’ out at home plate. No tag is necessary. Once runner crosses line, he is committed to run to home plate. Both the runner and the defense may use both home plate and the strike mat. That is the runner will be safe at home if he touches either home plate and/or mat before he is forced or tagged out at home. The defense may be touching either home plate or mat to complete the force out. 22. Once the runner steps on or crosses the white line, he may not return to third base. If he attempts to do so, he will be ruled “out”. 23. Once approved, all players and teams are to adhere to the above. 24. The Association may amend any of the above if it deems necessary. 頁 8 頁 9
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