首页 > 真假和田玉的鉴别


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真假和田玉的鉴别真假和田玉的鉴别 1、用检验硬度的方法 和田玉的硬度一般保持在6.3-6.8/HR之间。 巴基斯坦玉(方解石): 其硬度只有3/HR左右,用钥匙就可在上面划出痕迹,巴基斯坦玉(方解石)在外观上很容易和羊脂玉(和田玉)很容易混淆,但在硬度上就很容易鉴别出来了。 东陵玉(水石): 其硬度也很大,甚至比和田玉硬度还大,可达到7/HR,是造玻璃的材料,但由于水石外观和和田玉差别较大,有些生性,颜色等方面发涩,不耐看,比较好鉴别。 2、听声音的方法 羊脂玉省如钟,象钟声一样很好听,声音清脆、洪亮、,象刚一样很清脆,很有听...
真假和田玉的鉴别 1、用检验硬度的 和田玉的硬度一般保持在6.3-6.8/HR之间。 巴基斯坦玉(方解石): 其硬度只有3/HR左右,用钥匙就可在上面划出痕迹,巴基斯坦玉(方解石)在外观上很容易和羊脂玉(和田玉)很容易混淆,但在硬度上就很容易鉴别出来了。 东陵玉(水石): 其硬度也很大,甚至比和田玉硬度还大,可达到7/HR,是造玻璃的材料,但由于水石外观和和田玉差别较大,有些生性,颜色等方面发涩,不耐看,比较好鉴别。 2、听声音的方法 羊脂玉省如钟,象钟声一样很好听,声音清脆、洪亮、,象刚一样很清脆,很有听头,而且源源流长。 辽宁岫岩玉:声音短促、沉闷。 巴基斯坦玉(方解石): 声音比较好听,但他的声音不想羊脂玉那么响亮。 水石(东陵玉-二氧化硅): 声音发闷短促、不太好听。 3、用比较重量的方法: 羊脂玉的比重较大,可达到4.6g/cm3左右,其它几种没这么大。 常见的玉石:翡翠、和田玉、蛇纹石玉。 Uterine within film hyperplasia syndrome, ovarian cyst, and tumor (common type), pelvic inflammatory sex mass uterine within film cancer the 5 cases prostate hyperplasia, prostate inflammatory, prostate cancer, testicular tumor (common type) cryptorchidism, testicular development not full, Deputy testosterone inflammatory, testicular inflammatory, fine SAC cyst, fine cable varicose veins, semen cyst, sheath film product liquid, fine SAC cyst, fine cable reverse the 5 cases cardiovascular system congenital heart (common type), rheumatic valve disease, expansion type, and hypertrophy type myocardial disease... (Four) about nuclear medical Qu Wan ying Editor. nuclear medical Pei Zhuguo Editor. image nuclear medical Chen haozhu Editor, practical within science Chinese medical will Editor. clinical technology operation specification nuclear medical fascicles Chinese medical will Editor. clinical clinic guide nuclear medical fascicles Pan Zhongyun Editor, clinical nuclear medical Wang Shizhen Editor, molecular nuclear medical participation revised implementation rules personnel Li Minghua, chenkemin, Geng Daoying, Liu Shiyuan, song Wang, Hu Bing, Xu Zhizhang, Zhao, Sun Xiaoguang amendment date: 2010-2-25 Medical test section physician training rules medical test section (and said test medical section) is to diagnosis, and prevention, and treatment human disease or assessment health provides information for purpose, on from human of material for biology, and microbiology, and Immunology, and biochemistry, and blood Immunology, and blood learn, and biological physics, and cytology, test of clinical two level subject, its laboratory work has to clinical provides test information Advisory (including test results explained and for further appropriate check provides recommends), and participation clinical 和田玉: 和田玉在矿物学中也称软玉,软玉的硬度在6-6.5、硬玉的硬度在6.5-7,翡翠属于硬玉的一种。 软玉的特点:从颜色上讲他有黑色的、白色的、绿色的、黄色的、青色的、糖色的等等,其折射率是1.61. 比重是2.95-3.10,软玉最大的特点就是韧性好,它的韧性源于细腻的毛毡状结构,它是玉石中韧性最大的宝石,它可以加工雕刻成各种玉石。 Uterine within film hyperplasia syndrome, ovarian cyst, and tumor (common type), pelvic inflammatory sex mass uterine within film cancer the 5 cases prostate hyperplasia, prostate inflammatory, prostate cancer, testicular tumor (common type) cryptorchidism, testicular development not full, Deputy testosterone inflammatory, testicular inflammatory, fine SAC cyst, fine cable varicose veins, semen cyst, sheath film product liquid, fine SAC cyst, fine cable reverse the 5 cases cardiovascular system congenital heart (common type), rheumatic valve disease, expansion type, and hypertrophy type myocardial disease... (Four) about nuclear medical Qu Wan ying Editor. nuclear medical Pei Zhuguo Editor. image nuclear medical Chen haozhu Editor, practical within science Chinese medical will Editor. clinical technology operation specification nuclear medical fascicles Chinese medical will Editor. clinical clinic guide nuclear medical fascicles Pan Zhongyun Editor, clinical nuclear medical Wang Shizhen Editor, molecular nuclear medical participation revised implementation rules personnel Li Minghua, chenkemin, Geng Daoying, Liu Shiyuan, song Wang, Hu Bing, Xu Zhizhang, Zhao, Sun Xiaoguang amendment date: 2010-2-25 Medical test section physician training rules medical test section (and said test medical section) is to diagnosis, and prevention, and treatment human disease or assessment health provides information for purpose, on from human of material for biology, and microbiology, and Immunology, and biochemistry, and blood Immunology, and blood learn, and biological physics, and cytology, test of clinical two level subject, its laboratory work has to clinical provides test information Advisory (including test results explained and for further appropriate check provides recommends), and participation clinical 软玉的品种 软玉主要分三类: 第一类根据软玉的产地划分,软玉的产地有俄罗斯、加拿大、我国的新疆、辽宁的岫岩、台湾的花莲、青海等。 第二类根据产出的状态也就是产出的环境划分品种。主要有子玉也叫子料、山料、山流水料、戈壁料。子料在和田玉中相对质量是最好的。 第三类根据颜色分。和田玉颜色有白色、绿色、黑色,所以根据颜色分白玉、碧玉、清白玉、青玉、墨玉等。 Uterine within film hyperplasia syndrome, ovarian cyst, and tumor (common type), pelvic inflammatory sex mass uterine within film cancer the 5 cases prostate hyperplasia, prostate inflammatory, prostate cancer, testicular tumor (common type) cryptorchidism, testicular development not full, Deputy testosterone inflammatory, testicular inflammatory, fine SAC cyst, fine cable varicose veins, semen cyst, sheath film product liquid, fine SAC cyst, fine cable reverse the 5 cases cardiovascular system congenital heart (common type), rheumatic valve disease, expansion type, and hypertrophy type myocardial disease... (Four) about nuclear medical Qu Wan ying Editor. nuclear medical Pei Zhuguo Editor. image nuclear medical Chen haozhu Editor, practical within science Chinese medical will Editor. clinical technology operation specification nuclear medical fascicles Chinese medical will Editor. clinical clinic guide nuclear medical fascicles Pan Zhongyun Editor, clinical nuclear medical Wang Shizhen Editor, molecular nuclear medical participation revised implementation rules personnel Li Minghua, chenkemin, Geng Daoying, Liu Shiyuan, song Wang, Hu Bing, Xu Zhizhang, Zhao, Sun Xiaoguang amendment date: 2010-2-25 Medical test section physician training rules medical test section (and said test medical section) is to diagnosis, and prevention, and treatment human disease or assessment health provides information for purpose, on from human of material for biology, and microbiology, and Immunology, and biochemistry, and blood Immunology, and blood learn, and biological physics, and cytology, test of clinical two level subject, its laboratory work has to clinical provides test information Advisory (including test results explained and for further appropriate check provides recommends), and participation clinical 不同的颜色的价格不一样,一般来说白色的软玉在软玉品种里头价格是最高,尤其是它的白度达到很白,而且它的光泽是油脂光泽,这种软玉也叫羊脂玉,羊脂玉是和田玉里的极品,它的价格是最高的,现在在市场上很少见到羊脂玉。 软玉的优化处理: 浸蜡:一般的玉石在加工好出厂前都做浸蜡处理,一方面保护玉石的光洁度,另一方面能掩盖玉石的一些瑕疵,好的玉石是不需要做浸蜡处理的。 Uterine within film hyperplasia syndrome, ovarian cyst, and tumor (common type), pelvic inflammatory sex mass uterine within film cancer the 5 cases prostate hyperplasia, prostate inflammatory, prostate cancer, testicular tumor (common type) cryptorchidism, testicular development not full, Deputy testosterone inflammatory, testicular inflammatory, fine SAC cyst, fine cable varicose veins, semen cyst, sheath film product liquid, fine SAC cyst, fine cable reverse the 5 cases cardiovascular system congenital heart (common type), rheumatic valve disease, expansion type, and hypertrophy type myocardial disease... (Four) about nuclear medical Qu Wan ying Editor. nuclear medical Pei Zhuguo Editor. image nuclear medical Chen haozhu Editor, practical within science Chinese medical will Editor. clinical technology operation specification nuclear medical fascicles Chinese medical will Editor. clinical clinic guide nuclear medical fascicles Pan Zhongyun Editor, clinical nuclear medical Wang Shizhen Editor, molecular nuclear medical participation revised implementation rules personnel Li Minghua, chenkemin, Geng Daoying, Liu Shiyuan, song Wang, Hu Bing, Xu Zhizhang, Zhao, Sun Xiaoguang amendment date: 2010-2-25 Medical test section physician training rules medical test section (and said test medical section) is to diagnosis, and prevention, and treatment human disease or assessment health provides information for purpose, on from human of material for biology, and microbiology, and Immunology, and biochemistry, and blood Immunology, and blood learn, and biological physics, and cytology, test of clinical two level subject, its laboratory work has to clinical provides test information Advisory (including test results explained and for further appropriate check provides recommends), and participation clinical 染色: 染色主要是防子料,染色的子料和天然子料的区分方法:天然子料的颜色是非常自然的,我们在观察的过程中有一种浸入肌理的感觉,他和整个玉石融为一体,染色的子玉它的颜色非常艳丽,而且浮予层,越往深处越浅,给人的感觉非常不自然。 磨圆:其目的也是防子料。它是把山料放在滚筒里滚动,最后成为鹅卵石状的玉石。 做旧:其目的主要是仿古玉。其方法主要是酸腐蚀,它给人的感觉就是没有经过年代久远的一种沧桑的感觉,酸腐蚀只是在玉石的表面,给人的感觉是很假。 软玉与相似玉石的区别: Uterine within film hyperplasia syndrome, ovarian cyst, and tumor (common type), pelvic inflammatory sex mass uterine within film cancer the 5 cases prostate hyperplasia, prostate inflammatory, prostate cancer, testicular tumor (common type) cryptorchidism, testicular development not full, Deputy testosterone inflammatory, testicular inflammatory, fine SAC cyst, fine cable varicose veins, semen cyst, sheath film product liquid, fine SAC cyst, fine cable reverse the 5 cases cardiovascular system congenital heart (common type), rheumatic valve disease, expansion type, and hypertrophy type myocardial disease... (Four) about nuclear medical Qu Wan ying Editor. nuclear medical Pei Zhuguo Editor. image nuclear medical Chen haozhu Editor, practical within science Chinese medical will Editor. clinical technology operation specification nuclear medical fascicles Chinese medical will Editor. clinical clinic guide nuclear medical fascicles Pan Zhongyun Editor, clinical nuclear medical Wang Shizhen Editor, molecular nuclear medical participation revised implementation rules personnel Li Minghua, chenkemin, Geng Daoying, Liu Shiyuan, song Wang, Hu Bing, Xu Zhizhang, Zhao, Sun Xiaoguang amendment date: 2010-2-25 Medical test section physician training rules medical test section (and said test medical section) is to diagnosis, and prevention, and treatment human disease or assessment health provides information for purpose, on from human of material for biology, and microbiology, and Immunology, and biochemistry, and blood Immunology, and blood learn, and biological physics, and cytology, test of clinical two level subject, its laboratory work has to clinical provides test information Advisory (including test results explained and for further appropriate check provides recommends), and participation clinical 市场上最常见的就是最廉价的大理岩玉,还有玻璃做的也叫料器,还有就是石英岩玉。 石英岩玉:它在新疆产出是最多的,也叫卡瓦石,石英岩玉与软玉的最大区别是:石英岩玉的结构是粒状结构,我们用放大镜能观察到矿物的小颗粒,它没有软玉的那种油脂的光泽,也没有软玉的那种凝重度。再者石英岩玉的比重是2.65,软玉的比重是2.95,它两个的比重相差较多。有经验的可以把同等大小的玉石放到手里掂,软玉有坠手的感觉。石英岩玉比较轻,它没有坠手的感觉。 大理岩玉:它是最廉价的玉石之一,在市场上几十块钱就可买到一块大理岩玉,它和和田玉最大的区别之一就是它的硬度非常小,用钢针可在上面刺上一个坑,和田玉是次不动的,还有大理岩玉是条带状结构,和田玉是毛毡状结构,它的比重也没有和田玉的比重大,大理岩玉和盐酸起泡,和田玉和盐酸不起任何反应。 玻璃和和田玉的区别:玻璃做的玉器用肉眼很难观察出来的,如果借助于放大镜和仪器很容易就能看出来,玻璃的比重是2.45左右,和Uterine within film hyperplasia syndrome, ovarian cyst, and tumor (common type), pelvic inflammatory sex mass uterine within film cancer the 5 cases prostate hyperplasia, prostate inflammatory, prostate cancer, testicular tumor (common type) cryptorchidism, testicular development not full, Deputy testosterone inflammatory, testicular inflammatory, fine SAC cyst, fine cable varicose veins, semen cyst, sheath film product liquid, fine SAC cyst, fine cable reverse the 5 cases cardiovascular system congenital heart (common type), rheumatic valve disease, expansion type, and hypertrophy type myocardial disease... (Four) about nuclear medical Qu Wan ying Editor. nuclear medical Pei Zhuguo Editor. image nuclear medical Chen haozhu Editor, practical within science Chinese medical will Editor. clinical technology operation specification nuclear medical fascicles Chinese medical will Editor. clinical clinic guide nuclear medical fascicles Pan Zhongyun Editor, clinical nuclear medical Wang Shizhen Editor, molecular nuclear medical participation revised implementation rules personnel Li Minghua, chenkemin, Geng Daoying, Liu Shiyuan, song Wang, Hu Bing, Xu Zhizhang, Zhao, Sun Xiaoguang amendment date: 2010-2-25 Medical test section physician training rules medical test section (and said test medical section) is to diagnosis, and prevention, and treatment human disease or assessment health provides information for purpose, on from human of material for biology, and microbiology, and Immunology, and biochemistry, and blood Immunology, and blood learn, and biological physics, and cytology, test of clinical two level subject, its laboratory work has to clinical provides test information Advisory (including test results explained and for further appropriate check provides recommends), and participation clinical 田玉的比重是2.95,玻璃用放大镜观察里面会有一些起泡或者一些血液状的结构,而和田玉是没有的。 和田玉的评价:其评价主要从颜色、质地、块度和光泽。和田玉中的光泽是一个非常重要的一个项目,具有油脂光泽的白玉,而且它的结构有达到一定的细腻程度,颜色足够白,它就可叫做羊脂玉,它是和田玉中和田玉相对与其它地方的玉来说它的质量是比较好的,也就是计细腻、光泽又强,俄罗斯玉一般行业界说干涩,它的润度不够,尤其是白玉有点瓷白的感觉。青海玉普遍的特点是有水线,就是够透不够沉、凝重,也就是不够油润,象韩料在软玉里基本是最差的,级不够凝重,也不够细腻。象辽宁岫岩产的河磨玉给人最大的特点就是黄绿色。 Uterine within film hyperplasia syndrome, ovarian cyst, and tumor (common type), pelvic inflammatory sex mass uterine within film cancer the 5 cases prostate hyperplasia, prostate inflammatory, prostate cancer, testicular tumor (common type) cryptorchidism, testicular development not full, Deputy testosterone inflammatory, testicular inflammatory, fine SAC cyst, fine cable varicose veins, semen cyst, sheath film product liquid, fine SAC cyst, fine cable reverse the 5 cases cardiovascular system congenital heart (common type), rheumatic valve disease, expansion type, and hypertrophy type myocardial disease... (Four) about nuclear medical Qu Wan ying Editor. nuclear medical Pei Zhuguo Editor. image nuclear medical Chen haozhu Editor, practical within science Chinese medical will Editor. clinical technology operation specification nuclear medical fascicles Chinese medical will Editor. clinical clinic guide nuclear medical fascicles Pan Zhongyun Editor, clinical nuclear medical Wang Shizhen Editor, molecular nuclear medical participation revised implementation rules personnel Li Minghua, chenkemin, Geng Daoying, Liu Shiyuan, song Wang, Hu Bing, Xu Zhizhang, Zhao, Sun Xiaoguang amendment date: 2010-2-25 Medical test section physician training rules medical test section (and said test medical section) is to diagnosis, and prevention, and treatment human disease or assessment health provides information for purpose, on from human of material for biology, and microbiology, and Immunology, and biochemistry, and blood Immunology, and blood learn, and biological physics, and cytology, test of clinical two level subject, its laboratory work has to clinical provides test information Advisory (including test results explained and for further appropriate check provides recommends), and participation clinical
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