

2011-03-07 28页 ppt 211KB 22阅读




writing(5)nullnullPractice: It is common knowledge that drug abuse leads to harmful consequences. Why then do people - particularly youngsters - continue to use drugs? Psychologists claims that there are three basic motivations that influence people to take d...
nullnullPractice: It is common knowledge that drug abuse leads to harmful consequences. Why then do people - particularly youngsters - continue to use drugs? Psychologists claims that there are three basic motivations that influence people to take drugs: curiosity, stress and environmental factors.null It is common knowledge that drug abuse leads to harmful consequences. Why then do people-particularly youngsters-continue to use drugs? Psychologists claims that there are three basic motivations that influence people to take drugs: curiosity, stress and environmental factors. Sometimes, youngsters take drugs simply because they are curious. In some cases, youngsters are depressed or frustrated because of problems related to parents, school or the opposite sex. In other cases, the environment is conductive to taking drugs. null It is common knowledge that drug abuse leads to harmful consequences. Why then do people-particularly youngsters-continue to use drugs? Psychologists claims that there are three basic motivations that influence people to take drugs: curiosity, stress and environmental factors. Sometimes, youngsters take drugs simply because they are curious. Taking drugs seems to be the “in-thing” for their generation. In some cases, youngsters are depressed or frustrated because of problems related to parents, school or the opposite sex. They take drugs to escape from the stress brought on by all these problems. In other cases, the environment is conductive to taking drugs. For instance, other youngsters take drugs, he may soon be tempted to follow suit, for fear of ostracism or non-acceptance. null Fundamental skills of English Writing How to design an opening paragraph 好的文章开头,要像渔夫用渔饵诱鱼上钩,得把读者的兴趣提得高高的,使之饶有兴趣地跟着你读下去. For example: Can you think of a sentence in which the word “and” appears five times without any words in between? There is one at the end of this story. There was once an inn which was called “ The Horse And Cart”. It had a sign outside the door with a picture of a horse and cart on it, but the sign was getting very old, so the owner of the inn decided to have a new one made. He went to a painter and asked him to paint one, and to write “ The Horse And Cart” on it in large letters.null A few days later, he went to see how the painter was getting on. He liked the picture of the horse and cart very much, but he did not like the writing at all. He said to the painter,” No, no! There is too much space between HORSE and AND and AND and CART!” null开头段的几种形式: 1.经历-以与主题相关的,简短的小开始,引起读者的兴趣,这样处理能建立起信任感. My purse strap suddenly left my hand, I turned, and saw the man’s back just before he vanished behind a six-foot-high pile of earth across the street. I chased him, screaming, “ Stop thief!” What is intelligence, anyway? When I was in the school I received a kind of aptitude test that all students took and, against a normal of 100, scored 160. No one there had ever seen a figure like that and for two hours they made a big fuss over me. But it didn’t mean anything. null 2. 比喻---生动,引人入胜 “Fathers and sons are just like gasoline and matches. Who knows at what time they will explode.” Nowadays we can often hear the comments of this kind… Habit may be likened to a cable; every day we weave a thread, and soon we cannot break it. A real friend is like a mirror that can help you see any dirt on your face. null 3. 引用---名人名言,箴言谚语,来引出文章要展开讨论的一种观点 "Knowledge is power." such is the remark made by Bacon. This remark has been shared by more and more people . It is no use crying over spilt milk. This proverb advises that it really is a waste of time to weep over mistakes that have already made. Instead, it is much better to Make the best of a bad job---to do your best whatever the situation. null 4. 数字统计   原理:要想更有说服力,就应该用实际的或令读者感到惊异的数字来说明。这样能给人在这方面有权威的印象,令人信服.      According to a survey, about 78.9%of the college students wanted to further their study after their graduation. Of every four school pupils in Shanghai , one is shortsighted. The rate has been rising surprisingly sharply to 55 % in middle schools, and in high schools it is even as high as 70%. Consider what effect this high rate of eye problem will have upon the future of our society!null 5.观点法   文章开门见山,直截了当提出作者对文章要讨论的问题的观点,也即文章的中心思想。 Nowhere in the world has the issue of birth control been more evident than in China. The nation is faced with such serious situation as the one in which its population is increasing much faster than the supply of food and available resources.   Perhaps no issue in this world is as basic to individual and national survival as food. But China in recent years has experienced a serious waste of food in one way or another. Especially in many big cities, this waste has become habitual and traditional, to the extent that people are seldom aware of it in their daily life. null6.现象法   对某种社会现象、倾向或社会问题进行剖析的文章往往在文章一开始首先引出这种现象或问题,然后评论。 One of the most popular topics many city residents talk about now is the tide of the rural flooding the cities. They complain that the migrants have brought crime and prostitution, that they are putting pressure on population control and social order; that they are threatening to take already scarce city jobs and exacerbating housing shortages; and that they have worsened traffic and sanitation problems. True, these are the problems posed by the migration, but what about the contribution the rural workers have made to the city's development and prosperity?  null7.设问: 此类主要用于讨论一个有争议性主题的文章。文章的开头用一个要讨论或解答的问题设问,可以一下激起读者的兴趣。 How do we think of the heavy burden a student has to carry from kindergarten through graduate school? How do we measure success in education? How does education affect not only labor skills but the quality of life? In seeking answers to such questions, there is much room--- indeed necessity--- for consideration and robust debate. What is your most enjoyable entertainment? For a majority of people, the answer is Television! For television presents a vivid world in front of us.null Letter of thanks (Thank-you letter) Thank you letters are frequently employed in social intercourse, for a thank-you letter can enhance personal and business relationships and can handsomely reward those who make a practice of sending them. Conversely, some people find them difficult to write, which is perhaps why so many arrival late or even not at all. If you are not sure whether a thank you is necessary, you err on the side of “necessary”. Even when you have graciously thanked someone in person, a written thank you is often expected or required, or at least, appreciated. In the business world, thank you letters have become a must if you care about your career. It is said that people who are too busy to say thank you will get fewer and fewer chances to succeed.nullProcess of Writing: 1. Begin your letter by describing in some detail what you are grateful for( not just “the lovely gift” or “ a nice present”. 2. Elaborate on your appreciation. Tell how useful or appreciate it is, how you plan to use it, where you have placed it( home, office, wardrobe) or how it enhances your life. Be specific about what pleased you. 3. Close your letter with one or two sentences unrelated to the object of your gratitude, such as expressing affection, promising to see the person soon, sending greetings to family members, etc. 4.Some letter-writing experts dislike the expression of “ Thanks again” that concludes thank-your letters. However, it is a popular way of reminding the recipient of the purpose of the letter. nullNotes on writing: 1. Write a thank-you letter as soon as possible. It is easier to find words when you feel grateful than it is after your enthusiasm has cooled. 2. Some people hold that a thank-you letter should be written within three days of receiving a gift. However reasons there are, two weeks would be maximum. For a stay in someone’s home, write within one to three days , but certainly within a week; for dinner and other hospitality, within a day or two. null3.When you write to a family, address the parents but mention the children by name. If you write to only the one who invited you or the one who was primarily responsible for your comfort, extend your thanks to the other household members. 4.When you receive duplicate gifts, do not mention this to the giver. 5. Do not ask where the gift was purchased so you can exchange it. 6. Never express more than you feel in thank-you letters. Actually, simple “ thank you” is effective. nullCommon expressions: 1. I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for.. 2. Thanks enormously for your generous assistance.对你的慷慨相助我感激不尽. 3. I am extremely grateful to you for…/I truly appreciate… 4. Many thanks for your hospitality during my stay. 感谢你们的盛情款待. 5. Thank you more than I can say.不胜感激. 6. We look forward to having you over.我们期待邀请你过来玩  7. Do give me the chance to return your help.一定要给机会来报答你. 8. Thanks for getting out of your way to have us over.感谢你百忙之中抽空邀请我们到你家去. 9. I have never had so much fun. 我从来都没有玩得这么开心过. 10. This is to show our deep gratitude for … 这封信是要深深感谢…nullApril10,2007 Mr.Yuan jianpin Minister of Economic Cooperation 34#Jianguo road Beijing, China Dear Minister, I am writing this letter to thank you for your warm hospitality accorded to my delegation and me during our recent visit to your great country. I would also like to thank you for your sincere discussion with me that I have found very informative and practical. During the visit, my delegation and I were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm represented by your education representatives on cooperation with France. I really hope we could have more exchange like this when we would be able to continue our constructive discussion on possible ways to expand our bilateral educational cooperation and bring our people together.nullI am looking forward to your early visit to France when I will be able to pay back some of the hospitality I received during my memorable stay in your beautiful country. With kind personal regards. Faithfully yours David Hilton Minister of Education Cooperation null Holiday Thanks May 10 Dear Mom, I think you are the greatest mother. You deserve much more than this card for all that you’ve done for me, but it’s all that I can afford. Hopefully, by the time I become a Mom, I’ll be able to as giving to my child as you’ve been to me. Yours Suenull Hospitality Thanks April 10 Dear David, I want to thank you for including me as one of your guests. You’re a very good example of what southern hospitality is all about. Your home is so lovely. And your guests were such a pleasure to talk to. I wish I could have stayed all night and chatted with all of them. We’ll get together again, only my treat. Yours, Paulnull May 10 Dear Doris and Bill, Thank you for the lovely silver piggy bank you gave Jean. It is classic, and I know she will treasure it all her life. In the meantime, it has a place of honor on her desk, and we have gotten into the habit of putting our change into it at the end of the day. Can you come by to see our new apartment sometime next week? We are all feeling rested by now and would love to see you. Give me a call. Yours ever Lisanull Thanks for Birthday Gifts May 10 Dear Jasmine, I was almost afraid to open your birthday gift because it was so wonderfully wrapped. The paper and bow were just lovely! I want to thank you for thinking of me and sending this sweater. Only you could think of such a gift. Your generosity and kindness will always be remembered. I am sure you spent hours to select this lovely gift for me. Every time I wear it, I’ll think of you in return. Yours PaulnullPractice: 1. 亲爱的同学:   感谢你为“希望工程”献出的100块钱.正如捐赠卡所注明的那样,你的心意将会被“希望工程基金会”传递给最需要的人使用.   对你的慷慨和友善我们感激不尽,因为它使很多贫穷的孩子接受好的教育成为可能.                      学生会 2008,4,2                       2. 丽丽:   在此我非常感谢你及你的家人对我上星期逗留武汉时的热情款待.感谢你百忙之中抽时间陪我在武汉玩了一圈.我从来都没有玩得这么开心过.我很喜欢武汉的风味小吃,也很欣赏武汉的夜景,特别是乘船在江上游览.   很高兴见到你的父母,他们是那么好客和友善.   希望能有机会回报你的款待.                      玲玲                   2008,3,20 nullApril,2,2008 Dear student, Thank you for your contribution of 100 Yuan to the Hope Project. As stipulated on the donor card, your gift will be designated for the Hope Project Fund to be used where most needed. Thanks enormously for your generosity and kindness, which will make it possible for many poor children to have the advantage of a quality education. The Student Unionnull March,20,2008 Dear Li Li, I am writing to say thanks for the hospitality given by you and your family during my stay in Wu Han last week. It is very nice of you to get out of your way to have a tour in Wu Han with me. I have never had so much fun. I liked the snacks with local flavor and also enjoyed the night view of Wu Han, especially the cruise we went on in the Yangzi River. I am very glad to meet your parents, they are both hospitable and kind. I look forward to having a chance to return your help. Yours truly Lingling null 李明:  谢谢你几天前写给我的慰问信.我的胃病手术特别成功.你知道这几年我一直受到胃痛的折磨.这次手术摘除了病根,受点疼也值得.我的身体正在一天天好起来.我相信在医生的精心治疗下我会很快恢复健康的.谢谢你美好的祝愿. 王海                              2008,3,30 null March,30,2008 Dear Li Ming, Thanks for your letter of sympathy I received a few days ago. The operation on my stomach was a wonderful success. You know I had been suffering a lot from stomachache for years. The operation removed the cause of trouble. It is quite worth having the operation. I am daily recovering from my illness. I am confident I will soon be recovered under the doctor’s proper treatment. Thank you very much for kind wishes. Yours cordially Wang Hai
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