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英语周报 责任编辑:韩 拓 Tel:(0435)猿怨源园缘猿员;Email: hantuowin@126.com 责任校对:孙红云 孙 佳 美术编辑:刘利涛 电脑排版:侯喜福 英语辅导报·沈阳八年级版 圆园园8—圆园园9学年度上学期第 2期 — 12 — 第 期2 社长兼总编:包天仁 执 行 总 编:刘大伟 2008年 7月 14日 星期一 国内统一刊号:CN22—0701/(F) www.ecp.com.cn email:pj@ecp.com.cn 本报被评为全国十大创新行业报 The baby-sitter A two-...
责任编辑:韩 拓 Tel:(0435)猿怨源园缘猿员;Email: hantuowin@126.com 责任校对:孙红云 孙 佳 美术编辑:刘利涛 电脑排版:侯喜福 英语辅导报·沈阳八年级版 圆园园8—圆园园9学年度上学期第 2期 — 12 — 第 期2 社长兼总编:包天仁 执 行 总 编:刘大伟 2008年 7月 14日 星期一 国内统一刊号:CN22—0701/(F) www.ecp.com.cn email:pj@ecp.com.cn 本报被评为全国十大创新行业报 The baby-sitter A two-dollar bill Vitamin valentines 主 管 :吉 林 省 新 闻 出 版 局 主 办 、编 辑 、出 版 :英 语 辅 导 报 社 排 版 :英 语 辅 导 报 社 激 光 照 排 中 心 发 行 :英 语 辅 导 报 社 发 行 中 心 ;河 南 省 报 刊 发 行 局 ;辽 宁 省 铁 岭 市 邮 政 局 发 行 范 围 :全 国 报社地址:吉林省通化市西昌工贸开发区 2 号 电话:园源猿缘原猿怨源园缘远远 邮政编码:134001 开户银行:吉林省通化市中行营业部 账户名称:英语辅导报社 账号:00448808091001 广告许可证:2205001504038 定价:1.40 元 / 期 动漫小屋 本报资料 短文阅读相对难易标志: 简单 适中 较难 Picture gallery 沈阳茨榆柁二中 胡碧琼 开心乐吧 本报资料 迷你小文 沈阳 53中学 李红霞 DIY学堂 沈阳 147中学 孟静波 走进美国 沈阳实验中学 董 艳 背景补给站 沈阳 51中学 催玉香 A man with the Chinese flag painted on his face shouted before the beginning of the Olympic Torch (火炬) Relay in San Francisco, California. The head (头部 ) is thought to be the most important part of the human body. So a leader is often compared to a head. Thus we have the Head of State (国家元首 ) or the head of a delegation (代表团团长). The head is where the brain is located. It is usually connected with ideas. Very often, we need other people蒺s ideas when we want to do something well. This is because two heads are better than one (一人计短,二人计长). 同学们通过一 年多的英语学习,已 经掌握了不少词汇, 但有些词语背后有 许多有趣的引申意义或习惯用法,大家知道多 少呢?从本期起,这个阅读栏目就帮助大家更 好地理解和运用这些词汇! A single mother needed to go out one day. She found a young man named John to baby-sit her kids. At bedtime he sent the kids upstairs to bed. Then he went down to watch football. One child kept creeping (爬) down the stairs, but the young man kept sending him back to bed. At 9 p.m. the doorbell rang. It was the next-door neighbour, Mrs Brown. She asked whether her son was there. John replied,“No.” Just then a little head appeared over the stairs and shouted, “I蒺m here, Mum, but he won蒺t let me go home! ” In the United States the two-dollar bill is considered unlucky since it is a reminder (提醒) of the two or deuce in a deck of playing cards;“deuce”is an old name for the devil. To change the bad luck, the corner of the bill should be torn off. A: Paul, can you lend me some money? B: All I have is this two-dollar bill. Do you want it? A: Sure. I蒺ll tear (撕 ) the corner to be safe. Then maybe I蒺ll get lucky and my pay check will come early. Have a grown-up help you with the cutting. What you need: 誗 Cheese 誗 Pineapple (fresh or canned, unswee- tened) 誗 Bananas, oranges or apples 誗 Strawberries 誗 Plastic straws What you do: 1. Cut the cheese into bite-sized chunks. 2. Cut all of the fruit into chunks, except the straw berries. 3. Wash and drain the strawberries. 4. Push a straw through a piece of cheese, then a piece of fruit, then cheese, and so on. Try to place two strawberries in the middle like a pair of loving hearts. In Britain, there are some world-famous univ- ersities, such as Oxford University and Cambridge University. The British education is also compulsory education (义务教育 ). In Britain, children between five and sixteen must accept education. This is the shortest schooling time. At present, more and more children begin their kindergarten (幼儿园) education at the age of three or four. The school system is two-track system which includes the public school and the private school (私立学校). In Britain, one out of three students go to private schools. The students can attend the exams only when they are at least sixteen years old. They have two years to prepare for the exams. After the examinations, students can make a decision about themselves according to the exam results. They can go on studying or choose to learn some skills, so it蒺s the turning point (转折点) for most students. 阅读后完成下列各题。 1. How old do most British children go to kindergarten? A. Five. B. Two. C. Three to four. D. Six. 2. Which country is Oxford University in? A. Britain. B. America. C. Canada. D. Australia. (参考见本期 C面) “听、说、读、写、译”是英语学习的五项基本技能,“译”更能体现英语学习者的英语水平。翻译 英文要做到“信、达、雅”不是一件容易的事,需要经常练习,不断地培养自己的文化素养。所以为了 全面培养同学们的英语学习能力,激发和培养英语学习兴趣,鼓励和表彰全国各地英语学习爱好者, 英语辅导报社将面向全国举办“2008年全国中学生英语翻译大赛”。欢迎全国各地的广大中学生抓 住这次难得的机会,踊跃参赛! 【参赛要求】由《英语辅导报》编辑部提供,将刊登在本版报纸的第 2、3、4、5期上的四篇英语原 版文章译成汉语(不集齐四篇者不予参评)。要求参赛者用钢笔、圆珠笔或碳素笔将翻译稿写在 16K 白纸上。不得打印,要求全部用信封邮寄,必须有指导教师一名(仅限一名)。 【参赛对象】初二 /八年级的在校学生。 【评奖】本次翻译大赛将设一等奖 100名,二等奖 150名,三等奖 200名,将向获奖者颁发获奖证书,师生同奖。 一、二、三等奖所有获奖者名单将在英语辅导报社网站(http: / / www.ecp.com.cn)上公布。 【译文评选】由国内外英语专家和英语辅导报社资深编 辑组成的“全国中学生英语翻译大赛”评选委员会,本着公 平、公正的原则进行评选。 【截止日期】2008年 10月 10日(以当地邮戳为准) 【参赛办法】参赛者须按以下表格各项内容自制一张表 格,逐项填写好后,将表格贴在译文前。(注:要准确填写参赛 者及指导教师姓名;所在学校地址要详细;指导教师的联系 电话要注明区号;字迹要工整清晰。) 【邮寄地址】吉林省通化市西昌工贸开发区 2号英语辅 导报社“全国中学生英语翻译大赛”组委会沈阳八年级版放 飞 收 邮编:134001 联系电话:0435-3940531 “全国中学生英语翻译大赛”组委会 2008年 7月 14日 参赛者 所在 学校 班级 指导 教师 邮政 编码 联系 电话 2008年全国中学生英语翻译大 赛拉开帷幕了! 详情请参阅 A面启事 为大家整理、归纳特殊疑问代词 和副词的用法。寅语法秀场 翻译大赛的第一篇翻译样文。寅 C面翻译样文 你抓过老鼠吗?你是否也在捕鼠 器上放过奶酪来诱惑老鼠呢?为什么 老鼠如此喜欢奶酪呢?寅I wonder why 蒺 The boy in this photo is Timothy Miner. He is 7 years old and performs“bear hug”, one of eight new “Kids Choice Colours”. All these eight ones are a part of the 50th birthday celebration for the Crayola 64 Box. And these were chosen by nearly 20,000 kids through an online survey (调查) and speak to what蒺s important to today蒺s youth. Let蒺s watch TV.What蒺s on now,Caroline? Hmm... It蒺s halfpast five... There蒺sfootball on ChannelOne... But on Channel Three there蒺sMichael Clacton...and a magicshow on Channel Two! Hey! That蒺s my UncleJohn蒺s show. I want to watchthat programme! Well, I lovefootball. But I want to watchUncle John... and it蒺s myhouse. What蒺s the matter,children? Oh dear! Be quiet, please!What does Caroline want to do? Well, I don蒺twant to watchTV... What?! I want to do somemagic...7,5,3...SHAZAM! Where蒺s thetelevision?What蒺s that? It蒺s a satellite.A satellite sendsus TV pictures, youknow. That蒺s very clever, but I want towatch the news at six o蒺clock. Er... OK... Oh, Ican蒺t remember! Grrr.. Give methat book! 银订购合计 金额 源怨元以下 加收订购金额 猿园豫的邮费,缘园—怨怨 元加收 圆园豫的邮费,员园园—员怨怨 元加 收 员园豫的邮费,圆园园 元以上免收邮 费。银汇款地址:吉林省通化市西 昌工贸开发区 圆号 英语辅导报社; 邮政编码:员猿源园园员;收订人:杨帆。汇 款时请在汇款单附言栏中注明您所 订阅的报纸的版别、期别、份数和联 系电话;订阅咨询电话:园源猿缘 原猿怨源园缘缘园/员/圆/猿/源/缘/远/苑/愿/怨。免费咨询 热线:愿园园愿源远缘远远远。 报纸以“时尚、实用、实效、实惠” 为办报目标,致力于打造“第 3 代”优秀英语教辅读物,期平均 有效发行量达 1373万份,是同 类报纸中信息量最大、实用性最 强、影响面最广、青少年经常阅 读比率最高的学习类报纸。 透彻全面的知识技能讲练 原汁原味的听说读写材料 系统权威的考试竞赛辅导 实用高效的学法教法点拨 丰富多彩的全彩版面设计 初一年级: 新目标版、冀教版、牛津版、RA 版、WY版、外研初中起点版、上 海版、佛山版、沈阳版、北京版 初二年级: 新目标版、冀教版、牛津版、RA 版、WY版、外研初中起点版、上 海版、佛山版、沈阳版、北京版 初三年级: 新目标版、冀教版、牛津版、RA 版、宁波版、河南版、上海版、佛 山版、浙江版、云南版、WY版、外 研初中起点版、沈阳版、北京版 1. 邮局订阅(在邮局报刊征 订期间到邮局办理订购手续)本 报各版报纸均交邮局邮发。订阅 代号及价格等详情请查阅全国 报刊目录“河南省部分”。 2. 邮购订阅(订户直接汇款 到报社订阅) 国内统一刊号: CN22-0701/(F) 全 国 十 大 创 新 行 业 报 全 国 青 少 年 经 常 阅 读 比 率 最 高 的 报 纸 欢迎订阅 2008—2009学年度上学期 同学们,本期为你们刊登第一篇翻 译大赛样文,希望大家积极踊跃地投入 到我们的活动中来。具体参赛要求请参 见本期 A面的“2008年全国中学生英语翻译大赛启事”。现 在就让我们动手翻译下面的短文吧! 一、特殊疑问词的种类。 我们所学过的特殊疑问词主要分两种,即: 疑问代词和疑问副词。疑问代词有:who, what, whom, which;疑问副词有:how, why, where, when等。 二、特殊疑问词的用法。 1. 疑问代词,顾名思义,相当于代词,在句 子中可以作主语或宾语,也就是说,如果对句 子的主语或宾语进行提问,就使用疑问代词。 但要注意 whom只能作宾语,而 who既可以作 主语,也可以作宾语。如: 1)The boy goes to school with his good friends every day.(对划线部分提问) Who / Whom does the boy go to school with every day? 2)The teacher likes his job very much.(对 划线部分提问) Who likes his job very much? (由于作主 语,因此只能使用 who,不能够使用 whom) 注意:which 除了用于对主语或宾语进行 提问之外,还可以用于对定语进行提问。如: There are two nice bags. Which do you like better?(which作宾语) —Which boy is your brother? —The tallest boy.(which作定语) 疑问代词的具体用法如下: 2. 疑问副词的具体用法如下: 三、我们所使用的特殊疑问词还有表示数 量的 how many, how much,how old等。how many, how much都表示“多少”,都是 对名词的“量”进行提问。how many是对可数名 词的量进行提问, 因此 how many 后面加可数 名词复数形式;而 how much是对不可数名词 的量进行提问,因此,how much后面加不可数 名词。how old表示“(年龄)多大;几岁”。如:How much water is there in the bottle? 瓶子 里面有多少水?How many students are there in the classroom? 教室里有多少名学生? 疑问代词 含义 对什么提问 在句中担任的成分 what 表示“什么” 对“事/物”进 行提问 可以作主语,也可 以作宾语 who 表示“谁” 对“人”进行 提问 可以作主语,也可 以作宾语 whom 表示“谁” 对“人”进行 提问 只能作宾语 which 表示“哪一个, 哪一些(人/ 物)” 对“人/物”进 行提问 既可以作主语或宾 语,也可以作定语 英语辅导报·沈阳八年级版 圆园园8—圆园园9学年度上学期第 2期 — 10 —B C英语辅导报·沈阳八年级版— 11 — 圆园园8—圆园园9学年度上学期第 2期 报社电话:区号:0435 总编室:3940599;《英语辅导报》小学版编辑室:3940528;初一版编辑室:3940527;初二版编辑室:3940531;初三、四版编辑室:3940548;高一版编辑室:3940545;高二版编辑室:3940530; 高 三 版 编 辑 室 :3940526;大 学 版 编 辑 室 :3940789;图 书 编 辑 部 :3940532;音 像 编 辑 部 :3940588;广 告 部 :3940573;发 行 中 心 :3940562,3940563;监 察 部 :3940518;传 真 :3940566,3940565 8A Chapter 1课本同步解析 (二) in rare form 表现特别出色 Mr Smith was in rare form at the dinner. His speech was one of the most eloquent we had heard all year. 史密斯先生在晚宴上表现极佳。他的讲话是今年我们听到的最出色的演讲之一。 特殊疑问词的用法 8A Chapter 1 易混词语辨析(二) 零距离课堂 沈阳法库十间房中学 郭庆伟 语法秀场 沈阳 67中学 史秀芬 词语一点通 沈阳东北育才 叶晶波 翻译样文 竞赛直通车 习语充电: 答案角 Group 1: would like; feel like; want 它们都是“想;想要”的意思,但更强 调意愿,表示“愿意”,语气较委婉,后面接 名词、代词宾格或动词不定式作宾语,即 would like sth. / would like to do sth.; 而 want的用法与 would like相同,只是语气 没有 would like委婉,即 want sth. / want to do sth.;feel like 后面接 V-ing 形式或名 词、代词宾格作宾语,即 feel like sth. / doing sth.。如: —What would you like? —I蒺d like some coffee. ———你想要点儿什么? ———请给我来一些咖啡。 Group 2: length; long length是名词, 表示“长度”;而 long是 形容词,表示“长的;长久的”。如: The room is 15 feet in length and 10 feet in breadth. 这房间长 15英尺,宽 10英 尺。 She was slender and had long dark hair. 她身材苗条,有一头黑黑的长发。 (相关练习见本期 E面) 1. I was born in Newcastle in 1986. 我于 1986年出生于纽卡斯尔。 【一点就通】 be born表示“出生”,且动词 be通常用 was 或 were。 born + in / on表示“出生的时间、地点”。 如: Karl Marx was born in Trier on May 5. 卡 尔·马克思于 5月 5日生于特里尔。 同时对时间和地点提问用 when and where,回答时地点在时间的前面。如: When and where was Li Ping born? 李平 于何时何地出生? Li Ping was born in Shenyang in 1988. 李 平在一九八八年出生于沈阳。 2. He works as an architect, in London. 他在伦敦做建筑师工作。 【一点就通】as意为“作为;以……身份”。 如: He was famous as a singer. 他那时是一位 著名的歌手。 He works as a teacher. 他是一名教师。 He talked to me as a father. 他以父亲的 身份跟我谈话。 3. I am keen on sports. 我喜爱运动。 【一点就通】be keen on意为“喜爱、热衷 于做某事”,后常接名词、代词或 V-ing形式。 如: My son is keen on table tennis. 我的儿子 喜爱乒乓球。 They are keen on playing football. 他们喜 欢踢足球。 4. My ambition is to be an engineer. 我 的理想是成为一名工程师。 【一点就通】此句中的动词不定式 to be an engineer作表语,说明主语的具体内容。如: His goal is to be a scientist. 他的目标是 当一位科学家。 My only wish is to do something for the public. 我唯一的愿望是为公众做些事。 Your mistake was to sign that letter. 你的 错误是签署了那封信。 5. I hope you will write to me soon... 我 希望你尽快给我写信…… 【一点就通】hope意为“希望”,表示对实 现某一愿望有把握或有信心,其后常接不定式 或宾语从句。如: I hope to go to Shanghai with you. 我希望 和你一起去上海。 He hopes his mother will come back soon. 他希望他的妈妈会尽快回来。 wish 也表示“希望”,后面一般接不定式 或宾语从句。接从句时,从句常用过去时态,表 示与事实相反。在口语中,wish接双宾语表示 祝愿。wish 的常见句型有 wish to do sth.; wish + 从句; wish sb. to do sth.; wish sb. sth.。如: I don蒺t wish to leave my mother. 我不希望 离开我的母亲。 I wish him to come to my party tomorrow. 我希望他明天能来参加我的聚会。 I wish that I could fly in the sky. 我真希 望我能在空中飞翔。 I wish you a happy birthday. 我祝愿你生 日快乐。 8A Chapter 1 同步验收练习 (二)参考答案 I. 听力测试录音原文及参 考答案 A) 1. What subject do you like best?2. How does Sidney travel to Tianjin?3. What does your parents own in China? 4. What does your brother work as?5. When did you move to China? Key: 1—5 BBCBB B) 6. W: What does the dictionary tell us? M: It tells us about words, like spelling, meanings andso on. Q: What are the two man talking about?7. W: Does your mother walk to work every day, Kate? M: Yes, she does. But when it rains, she rides a bike. Q: How does Kate蒺s mother go to work every day? 8. W: Which is Lucy in the picture? M: She has got big eyes and curly brown hair. Q: What does Lucy look like?9. W: What will Jenny do when she grows up? M: She will go to the hospital and look after thepatients. Q: What蒺s Jenny蒺s ambition?10. W: I haven蒺t got a letter from my sister since last month. M: Don蒺t worry. Letters from the United States can beslow sometimes. Q: What can we learn about the woman from the dialogue? Key: 6—10 BBCCA C) 听第一段对话,回答第 11—12题。 M: Do you mind turning off your radio? W: Why? What蒺s the matter? M: It蒺s too loud. We can蒺t fall asleep. Please stop making so much noise. W: But it蒺s early. Nobody is asleep yet. M: It蒺s almost midnight. And tomorrow is a workday. People have to go to work. W: I蒺m one of them, too. M: Then turn off your radio and go to bed. W: Oh, all right. But isn蒺t this music great? M: It isn蒺t great music at midnight. 听第二段对话,回答第 13—15题。 M: Hi, Kate. What about a game of tennis some time? W: I蒺d like to, Bill, but not today. I am really busy. M: What are you doing? W: Sam has got a cold, so I蒺m going to take him to thedoctor this morning. M: Oh, dear! W: And then I蒺m driving my mother to the park. Afterschool, Emma wants me to help her buy some new shoes.She doesn蒺t like shopping by herself. M: My daughter doesn蒺t, either. You are going to theconcert this evening, aren蒺t you? W: I蒺m afraid not. But Ben loves music, so he蒺ll go. M: I蒺m sure he will. Well, perhaps we can go to thetennis club tomorrow? W: Yes, OK! Key: 11—15 ABABC D) M: Dear David, Look at this photo. It蒺s me. My name is Miyoko. I amfrom Japan. I蒺m ten years old. My birthday is on 10thOctober. My father works in Shenyang, so I蒺m with himnow. I蒺m not very tall. I have black hair. I have two bigeyes. I蒺m at No. 2 Middle School. I蒺m in Class 4, Grade7. I have a brother. His name is Sato. He is 14 years old. Ihave a sister, too. Her name is Michiko. She is 8 yearsold. I love animals. I have a little dog. Its name is Dudu. Ilove sports. I love swimming, running, playing tennis andbasketball. I like playing tennis best. I want to be aplayer very much. Can you e -mail me soon? And can you send me aphoto? Miyoko Key: 16—20 BAABB II. A) 21. shuts 22. hobby 23. playing 24. recent25. tidy B) 26. actress 27. ambition 28. lazy 29. physics 30. born III. 粤) 31—35 DBCAD B) 36. The 37. How 38. time 39. Does 40. many C) 41. How often 42. enjoy / like / love 43. How long44. as 45. Which team IV. A) 46—50 云悦粤阅月 B) 51. On 52. What 53. Why 54. What 55. often V. A) 56. their 57. it 58. when 59. ways 60. what 61. enjoy 62. from 63. because 64. do 65. so B) 66—70 BCADC 71—75 BADCD C) 76. Ronald Reagan. 77. At the age of five. 78. Nine. 79. In the United Nations.80. Many film stars have other talents besides acting. D) 81. much 82. 一些人只是想成为好人 83. favourite sports 84. if 85. ambition VI. One possible version: No. 7 Middle School Shenyang, China July 10th, 2008 Dear Sam, Thank you for your letter. I蒺d like very much to be your pen-friend. I was born in Shenyang on May 12, 1993. I蒺m studying at No. 7 Middle School. We learn Chinese,maths, English, history and other subjects. I am keen on singing, dancing and swimming. My father and mother are both teachers. They are busy with their work, but they care for me very much. I love them all. I know little about Canana, and I hope I can go to visit yourcountry one day. Please write to me soon. Yours, Wang Hai 背景补给站:1. C. 2. A 随堂小考场:I. 1. ambition, to be an 2. When, where were, born 3. hope, write to me 4. are keen on playing 5. wish, happy birthday II. 1. listening to 2. was born3. to find 4. works as 5. to be a policeman III. 1—5 DADDA 语法同步练:一、1. How many 2. How much 3. Where 4. What 5. How 二、1. B 2. F 3. G 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. E 三、1. What 2. Who / Whom 3. Which boy 4. How 5. Why 词语练习:I. 1. length 2. long 3. length II. 1. would like 2. feel like 3. Would, like 4. feels like 读读做做: 1. No, I / we don蒺t. 2. By e-mail. 读闻天下: 1. It lies in the north of London, the capital of England. 2. They are very beautiful. 限时阅读: 1. F 2. F 疑问副词 含义 对什么提问 how 怎么;怎样 对方式状语进行提问,如:by bus,in a car等。 where 在哪里 对地点状语进行提问,如:inShenyang, at school 等。 when / what time 何时;什么 时候 对时间状语进行提问,如:at 9:00, in the morning, in 2008等。 why 为什么 对原因状语进行提问,通常是由because引导的原因状语从句。 An episode in the train Michael and Derek are good friends, but they like to pull each other蒺s leg sometimes. One day during the holidays they decided to go to London together. They went to the station and bought their tickets. When the train came in, Michael boarded it first and without knowing it, dropped his ticket on the platform as he got into the carriage. Derek, who was close behind, saw the ticket fall and quickly picked it up. Without a word to his friend, he put it in his pocket. After they had been in the train a little while, they heard the ticket inspector coming down the corridor, shouting,“Ticket, please! ” Michael looked for his ticket and of course couldn蒺t find it. “Oh dear, I can蒺t find my ticket, Derek,”he said.“Have another look, Michael. It must be somewhere,”said Derek.“No, I can蒺t find it anywhere. Whatever shall I do?”“Perhaps you had better hide under the seat, then the inspector won蒺t know you are here.” So Michael crawled under the seat as far as he could and lay perfectly still. Presently the door opened, and the inspector came in.“Ticket, please,”he said. Derek handed him two tickets, and said,“This is mine. The other belongs to my friend who prefers to travel under the seat.” (“全国中学生英语翻译大赛”组委会 提供) (相关练习见本期 E面) 听力问句应答题的分析与预测 问句应答题是竞赛中听力的常见 题型,要求所听的内容也是初二阶段里 所熟知的,没有偏难词汇,其语法与句 子结构也是平时所练。这种题型都是以 问句的形式出现,其主要有特殊疑问句 和一般疑问句两种。 当问句是特殊疑问句时,其答语一 定是符合疑问词所询问的信息,所以, 听清疑问词至关重要;当问句是一般疑 问句时,其答语有时是符合英美人说话 的习惯搭配,而不仅是简单的以 Yes或 No作答。 【真题再现】 1. A. Five yuan a kilo. B. Three tomatoes. C. About ten minutes蒺 walk. D. It蒺s Room 7. (07年决赛) 【解析】 1. 听力材料为:How much are the potatoes? 此问句是一个特殊疑问句,重 点要听清疑问词组 how much, 听清是 询问价钱的,即可选出正确答案 A。 【模拟考场】 听句子,选出最佳的应答句。 1. A. On Monday. B. By bike. C. In the library. D. It蒺s her uncle. 2. A. Yes, I will. B. See you. C. Good idea. D. You蒺re welcome. 【解析】 1. 听力材料为:How did you come to school last week? 先看此题的四个选 项分别是:A项回答时间;B项回答方 式;C项回答地点;D项强调人物。所以 做此题听清疑问词很重要,只要听清 how就迎刃而解了,其答案为 B。 2. 听 力 材 料 为 :Shall we go shopping this Sunday? 这是一个建议性 的询问,我们通常不用 Yes或 No来回 答,而用 Good idea.来回应,所以此题 选 C。 做听力的问句应答题时,还要切忌 一定不要慌,不要因为一开始错过了疑 问词而懊悔,就对此题失去信心,你还 可以仔细听后面的内容,再从选项中对 比听力的句子中所缺的结构,也可以选 出正确答案。 (“全国中学生英语能力竞赛”组委会 提供) 《考试与评价》系列杂 志是国家新闻出版总署命名 的中国期刊方阵“双效期 刊”,并于 2004年和 2007年 分别荣获第一届和第二届 “北方优秀期刊奖”。 《考试与评价》顺应课 程改革的潮流,遵循“课程标 准”的精神,按照其要求,面 向初中、高中各个年级的学 生,分年级、分教材、分层次 辅导各级各类英语考试,是 学生提高英语学习成绩的得 力助手! 《考试与评价》现有如 下版别,请读者在报刊征订 期间到当地邮局订阅(请在 订阅目录“辽宁省”杂志部分 中查找): 2008年 《考试与评价》 月刊 欢迎订阅 《考试与评价》杂志社 编辑热线: 0435-3940570 3940529 3940521 邮购热线:0435-3940551/ 2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 I wonder why 沈阳 147中学 孟静波 限时阅读 沈阳 53中学 杨 丽 一、使用适当的特殊疑问词填空。 1. — people are there in your family? —There are five. 2. — is a bottle of water? —One yuan. 3. — are you going, Lily? —I am going to Beijing. 4. — does your father often do on Sunday? —He often mends his car. 5. — did you go to school last year? —I went to school on foot. 二、连线。根据句子意思选择适当的问句及回答句。 三、对划线部分提问。 1. I will tell you something about myself. will you tell me? 2. She often writes to her sister every year. does she often write to every year? 3. The middle boy in the photo is my little brother. in the photo is your little brother? 4. My mother goes to work on her bicycle every day. does your mother go to work every day? 5. He has to look after his mother at home because she is ill. does he have to look after his mother at home? (参考答案见本期 C面) 1. How old is your sister, Andy? 2. What does she like doing? 3. When does she get up every morning? 4. How does she go to the kindergarten every day? 5. When does she get there every day? 6. How many children are there in the kindergarten? 7. Oh, listen. Why is she crying in her room? A. She goes there on my mother蒺s bicycle. B. She is only five years old. C. She gets there at 9:00 in the morning. D. There are about 200 children. E. Because..., I don蒺t know. Let蒺s go and see. F. She likes eating chocolate very much. G. She often gets up at seven o蒺clock in the morning. E - m a i l s 英语辅导报·沈阳八年级版 圆园园8—圆园园9学年度上学期第 2期 — 16 — Beautiful Cambridge 8 A C h a p t e r 1 随堂测试(二) 8 A C h a p t e r 1 易混词语练习(二) 疑问词训练台S t a ge f r i gh t (I I ) 英语辅导报·沈阳八年级版— 13 — 圆园园8—圆园园9学年度上学期第 2期 剑桥位于伦敦的北面,是一个非常安静、富有自然气息的地方,因为这里有所世界著名的大学———剑桥大 学。 英语辅导报社是全国最大的英语外语教育教学科研基地。本着“取之于教,用之于教”的办报方针,每年斥资 1500 万人民币举办许多大型外语教学研究活动并开设许多外语教研、培训项目,与国内国际同行进行广泛的交流和联系,积极推动我国大、中、小学英语教材、教法和测试改革。英语辅导报社积极承办全国大、中、小学生英语能力竞赛。针对竞赛进行系统、全程辅导,独家提供竞赛样题,并公布最新竞赛的命题范围、试题类型和改革动态;《英语辅导报》中小学各版还针对全国中小学英语学习成绩测试(NEAT)进行全程辅导。《英语辅导报》是教师辅导和学生备战竞赛和考试的权威资料
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