首页 > (水滴系列)七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Don’t eat in class(第4课时)Section B(1a-1d)教案 人教新目标版

(水滴系列)七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Don’t eat in class(第4课时)Section B(1a-1d)教案 人教新目标版

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(水滴系列)七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Don’t eat in class(第4课时)Section B(1a-1d)教案 人教新目标版(水滴系列)七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Don’t eat in class(第4课时)Section B(1a-1d)教案 人教新目标版 Unit4 Don’t eat in class. Section B (1a-1d) Teaching and learning Goals 一、语言知识: 1.熟练掌握以下词汇和短语: out, go out, practice, dish, do the dishes, before. 2.熟练掌握以下句型: -Can Dave go out on school ni...
(水滴系列)七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Don’t eat in class(第4课时)Section B(1a-1d)教案 人教新目标版
(水滴系列)七年级 Unit 4 Don’t eat in class(第4课时)Section B(1a-1d) 人教新目标版 Unit4 Don’t eat in class. Section B (1a-1d) Teaching and learning Goals 一、语言知识: 1.熟练掌握以下词汇和短语: out, go out, practice, dish, do the dishes, before. 2.熟练掌握以下句型: -Can Dave go out on school nights? –Yes, he can. / No, he can’t. 二、语言功能: Talk about the rules in Dave’s house. 三、学习策略 能根据常识预测听力内容。 四、情感态度 Enable students to obey the rules and to be a good student. (设计意图:目标引领,用一段话述了本节课的知识、能力和情感目标,学生能够快速 领略本课核心。) Preview: Task1. Look at P22, put the following into English orally, and then write them down without looking at books. 1. 外出______________________________________ 2. 看望朋友__________________________________ 3. 做家庭作业 _______________________________ 4. 练习吉他__________________________________ 5. 洗餐具____________________________________ 6. 看电视_____________________________________ 7. 帮助妈妈做早饭_____________________________ 8. 打扫房间___________________________________ Task2. Put the following into Chinese. 1. I can’t go out on school nights.________________________ 2. What other rules do you have?_________________________ 3. I must practice the guitar before dinner.__________________ 1 4. That’s too bad.___________________________________ 5. You do have a lot of rules!________________________ (设计意图:通过预习检测这个环节,既培养学生课前预习的能力,同时预习题的设计 都来源于文中的重点短语和句子,为学生的听力和对话扫除障碍。) Warming up and leading in热身导入 T: look at some pictures and talk about school rules. Ss: Don’t arrive later for class. Ss: Don’t fight. Ss: Don’t eat in the classroom. Ss: Don’t run in the hallways. 2 Ss: Don’t listen to music in class. Ss: Don’t sleep in class. T: These are your school rules. After you get home, most of you have family rules. Today, we will talk about family rules. Let’s come to 1a. (设计意图:通过学生们熟悉的校规图片导入,创设了一个轻松愉快的学习氛围, 调动 了学生的学习兴趣谈论规定,同时又复习了上节课所学的校规。) T: Look at the pictures and talk about the rules. go out do the dishes do his homework help mom make breakfast practice the guitar clean his room 3 Watch TV see friends While-listening 1. Listen for the general idea(听取大意) Listen and choose the main idea of the conversation. The main idea of the conversation is to talk about______ A. Dave’s school rules B. Dave’s family rules. C. Dave’s likes and dislikes. (设计意图:让学生通过听录音整体感知。通过审题,找出需要听的关键词,然后找出谈论的主旨大意。这样能提高学生整体理解听力内容的能力,节省时间,提高效率。) 2. Listen for the specific ideas(听取细节) Task1. Listen again and fill in the chart. T: 1b Listen and put an × for things Dave can’t do and a ?for things he has to do. Rules Can(×) Have to/ Must (?) go out × see friends do his homework practice the guitar do the dishes watch TV 4 help his mom make breakfast clean his room T: Listen again. Write when Dave has to follow the rules in the chart in 1b Rules When go out see friends do his homework practice the guitar do the dishes watch TV help his mom make breakfast clean his room Task2. Listen and fill in the blanks. Emily: Hi, Dave. Do you want to __________in the parks this evening? Dave: I’d love to, but I can’t ________on school nights. Emily: Oh, that’s too bad. Dave: Yeah, I have so many rules„ Emily: Really? 5 Dave: Yeah, I can’t see my friends ___________ and I have to ________after school. Emily: What other rules do you have? Dave: Mmm„I must ______________before dinner and then I have to ____________ after dinner. And I can’t ______ in the evening. Emily: Oh. Well, I __________ help my mom make dinner sometimes. Dave: Me, too. I have to help my mom _________every morning. And I must____________ every Saturday. Emily: Wow, you do have a lot of rules. Listen and repeat. T: Next, you will listen to the tape and repeat after it sentence by sentence. Please pay more attention to your pronunciation and intonation. (设计意图: 让学生听并跟读,学生能够模仿正确的语音语调,并 纠正自己的 发音错误,培养学生的模仿能力和英语语感。) listening activities (听后活动) Post- Task1. First look at pictures and talk about the rules in Dave’s house. Next according to the mind-map to retell Dave’s family rules. a. A: Can Dave go out on school nights? B: No, he can’t. b. A: Does Dave have to do his homework after school? B: Yes, he has to. f. A: Must Dave clean his room every Saturday? B: Yes, he must. 6 go out on watch TV in see friends school nights the evening on school days help his mom make clean his breakfast room every can’t Saturday do homework has to must after dinner practice the guitar before dinner Dave’s Family rules T: Look at the mind-map. Listen to me carefully. Try to say it with me if you can. Then give the students some time to prepare for it. Finally ask some of them to retell Dave’s family rules. 7 (设计意图:通过mind-map的设计让学生感知文本的脉络,进一步熟悉Dave的家规,同时 引导学生复述听力稿,锻炼学生的概括以及语言表达能力。) Task 2. Pairwork Liu Xing has many family rules. Look at the pictures and talk about his rules and at last make a list of his rules. 8-9 pm Not sing loudly. A: what are Liu Xing’s family rules? B: He can’t sing loudly. A: That’s too bad. He likes music. B: But he can play computer games from 8pm to 9 pm. A: I know he likes computer. B: He must be kind to his brother. A: They are good friends. What other rules does he have? B: He has to get up early. He can’t sleep late on weekends. A: He does have a lot of rules. T: You did a good job. Now make a list of Liu Xing’s family rules. Family rules 1.___________________ 8 2._____________________ 3._____________________ (设计意图: 通过图片谈论刘星的家规,调动学生的参与度,锻炼学生的语言表达能力,同时制作家规清单又锻炼了学生的概括能力。) Task 3. Groupwork Make a survey first and complete the chart. Then report. T: Make a survey about family rules in your group and complete the chart. name Family rules A B C D A: What are your family rules, B? B: I have so many rules. I have to get up at 6:00 every morning. And „ A: What are your family rules, C? C: „ A: What are your family rules, D? D: „ Report like this: I have so many rules. I can’t „. I have to „. I must „.B can’t „. He has to „. He must „.C„ (设计意图:培养学生的综合语言运用能力,由课本内容拓展到现实生活,既能培养学生在实践中运用所学知识的能力,也能锻炼他们的思维、口语表达、写作等各项综合能力。长期坚持这样训练,能激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力.) 9 Teacher’s words In our daily life, there are many rules. Please obey the rules and to be an excellent student. (设计意图: 对学生进行知识教育的同时,依然要注重对学生的情感教育。) Inquiry into knowledge by translation 一(Practice the guitar_____________________________ 1. practice 此处用作动词,意为_______, 其后跟_____, ______或动名词做宾语, practice 也可用作名词,意为“练习,实践” a. 我经常在早晨练习英语。 I often _______my __________in the moring b. 她每天练习钢琴。 She _________________every day. 2. a. I have ____breakfast at 7:00 in the morning. b. We play _____ basketball after school. 总结:_________和________前不用定冠词,_________前加定冠词the. 二(Do the dishes ________________ Dish 做“餐具”讲时,常用___________ 形式,其前常加________, do the dishes 相当于______________. 三(Help his mom make breakfast____________________ Help sb. (to) do sth.____________, help sb. with sth.意为“____________”,with 后跟______或________. 1. He often ________me ________clean the classroom. 2. He often _______me ________my math (设计意图:引导学生自己观察、发现、归纳和掌握语言规律,有利于形成有效的学习策 略。小组合作竞学的机制,充分调动学生的积极性,培养了学生既要合作又要竞争的现 代学习意识。教师只需要在学生都不会的地方精讲,更好地落实了以学定教的教育理念。) Summary Let students sum up what they have learnt this class, and ask some of them to say their opinions. T: What have you learned in this class? 1. Important words and phrases: out; go out; practice; practice the guitar; dish; 10 do the dishes. 2. Important sentences: Can Dave go out on school nights? No, he can’t. (设计意图:引导学生自己进行课堂总结,既能培养学生勤于动脑思考的好习惯,又能培养他们对所学内容进行归纳和概括的能力,从而促使学生养成良好的思维习惯。) The end-of- class test当堂检测 一(根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。 1. I can’t go ________(外出)on school nights。 2. I must ________(练习)the guitar before dinner。 3. I have to do the d_______ after dinner 4. I must wash my hands b_________ dinner. 5. You do have lots of r______. 二.翻译下列句子。 1. 在上学的晚上我不能外出。 ________________________ 2. 我有如此多的规定。 ________________________ 3. 放学后我必须做我的家庭作业。 ________________________ 4. 晚饭后我必须洗餐具。 _________________________________ 5. 我必须每个星期六打扫我的房间. _________________________________ (设计意图:当堂达标题都是课堂中重点操练的单词和句型,这样既巩固了本节课所学知识点,也检测了学生学习成果。) Homework Write a short passage about your family rules. (设计意图:话题为家规,贴近学生生活,同时锻炼了学生的写作能力。) 亮点: 1. 热身导入环节。引导学生利用图片来谈论校规,调动学生的积极性和主动性。同时 利用图片来学习家规,使学生自然而然地导入新课。 2. 本课的听力训练。整合课本听力材料,设计两个听力填表,降低听力难度, 让学生 逐步适应中考考试听力填表题。 11 3. 听后活动中先根据图片谈论Dave的家规,然后根据思维树概括Dave的家规。搭档 间谈论刘星的家规最后列出清单锻炼学生的归纳能力。总之,听后活动设计培养学 生在实践中运用所学知识的能力,也能锻炼他们的思维、口语表达、写作等各项综 合能力。 不足: 听力环节在本节课中相对于语言表达环节,比重较小,但不会影响学生的知识输入过 程。小组活动中,内容量较大,语言表达能力要求高一些,老师应该建议成绩好的去带动 小组活动的进行。 使用建议: 导入环节中,尽量让更多的学生参与其中,锻炼本单元的所学的校规。听力填表环节 尽量不要让学生参考听力内容,独立完成。听后活动中,家规的话题,结合了学生的实际 生活,让足够多的学生去参与,让学生享受学习带来的乐趣。 参考答案: Preview: Task 1. 1.go out 2. see friends 3. do his homework. 4. practice the guitar 5. do the dishes 6. watch TV 7. help his mom make breakfast 8. clean his room Task 2. 1.我在上学的晚上不能外出。2. 你有其他的规定吗,3. 我必须在晚饭前练习吉他。 4. 那太糟糕了。5. 你的确有许多规定。 While-listening 1.B Inquiry into knowledge by translation 一( 练习吉他 1. 练习;名词;代词 阿 a. practice English b. practices the piano 2.a. 不填 不填 三餐 球类 乐器 二( 洗餐具;复数 the; wash the dishes 三( 帮助他妈妈做早饭;帮助某人做某事;帮助某人做某事;名词或代词 a. helps to b. helps with The end-of- class test 一(1. out 2. practice 3. dishes 4. before 5. rules 二(1. I can’t go out on school nights. 2. I have so many rules. 3. I must do my homework after school 4. I must do the dishes after dinner. 5. I must clean my room every Saturday. 12
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