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英语听力入门3000·学生用书_第2册 书书书 杂贼藻责月赠杂贼藻责 英语听力入门猿园园园 学生用书 第 2 册 学生用书    出版说明 1     出版说明 “英语听力入门”系列教材是中国英语教学史上具有广泛影响力和持久 生命力的一套听力教材。 它的初版《英语听力入门》(Step by Step,张民伦等合编)问世于 20 世 纪 80 年代初,曾获得“国家教委高等院校优秀教材一等奖”等殊荣,当时被 全国大部分高校英语系选为专业课教材,推动了我国英语专业的...
书书 杂贼藻责月赠杂贼藻责 英语听力入门猿园园园 学生用书 第 2 册 学生用书    出版说明 1     出版说明 “英语听力入门”系列教材是中国英语教学史上具有广泛影响力和持久 生命力的一套听力教材。 它的初版《英语听力入门》(Step by Step,张民伦等合编)问世于 20 世 纪 80 年代初,曾获得“国家教委高等院校优秀教材一等奖”等殊荣,当时被 全国大部分高校英语系选为专业课教材,推动了我国英语专业的发展。它 哺育了一届又一届的学生,为改革开放后中国英语人才的培养作出了贡献。 这个版本至今已发行 25 年,仍在听力教材中占有一席之地。 进入新世纪之初,我社出版了《英语听力入门 2000》。“2000 版”仍由 张民伦教授主编,保留了《英语听力入门》的编写原则和思路,全面更新了听 力材料,在提高学生认知水平和培养学生能力等方面作了新的探索。《英语 听力入门 2000》得到广泛的好评,并入选“十一五”国家级规划教材。 《英语听力入门 2000》出版以后,编者团队一如既往地关注英语教学的 最新发展,并沉潜于听力教学的理论与实践探索。在 2008 这个特别的年 份,编者奉献出了凝聚着强烈时代意识的《英语听力入门 3000》,把“英语听 力入门”系列教材带到了一个新的高度。 我们深深感谢读者 25 年来对“英语听力入门”系列教材的认可和喜爱。 我们也深深感谢编者,其难能可贵的严谨学风是“英语听力入门”系列教材 25 年来旺盛生命力的根本原因,也是“英语听力入门”系列教材值得读者信 赖的切实保障。 我们热切期待《英语听力入门 3000》和大家共创英语听力教学的美好 未来! 华东师范大学出版社 2008. 8 前  言 《英语听力入门 2000》 3            《英语听力入门 2000》 前摇言 初版《英语听力入门》(Step by Step,下称《听力入门》)在走过十五个春 秋之后,正式向大家告别了。编者由衷地感激众多同行与广大师生多年来 所给予的厚爱和帮助。其实,这份情缘也正是《听力入门》的生命力之所在。 而且,当历史的车轮和社会的巨变以咄咄逼人之势挑战《听力入门》时,还是 这份情缘为《听力入门》的更新与发展铺路导航。今天,在新世纪的曙光中 《英语听力入门 2000》(下称《听力入门 2000》)迈出了第一步。编者特意将 千禧之年各国人民普天同庆的真实编入《听力入门 2000》第一册第一 单元。这首先是为了致意;第二则是借此引出《听力入门 2000》富有时代性 的主内涵并达其继往开来的责任与志向。 《听力入门 2000》共分为四册,供大专院校英语专业听力课使用,也可 供具有较高英语水平的其他专业的研究生、本科生和科技人员等广大英语 学习者选用。 《听力入门 2000》是《听力入门》的延伸。它仍遵循内容与听力技巧并 重的原则,注重入选材料的语言真实度和典型性,把重点始终放在发展学生 的听力理解能力和思维能力等方面。 《听力入门 2000》更是《听力入门》的超越。它采用全新的听力素材,且 更注意四册教材中主题布局的整体性。以人为本,围绕学生这个主体,努力 体现各阶级所学内容与人的发展之间的内在关系,以引导学生认识迅变中 的客观世界,扎扎实实地发展自我。就听力技能而言,《听力入门 2000》继 续重视各项微技能和综合技能的训练,并尝试用小讲座形式从理论上分析 听的本质,点明要领,帮助学生消除可能产生的心理问题和听法障碍。“语 前  言 《英语听力入门 2000》4     言欣赏与语言学习”是《听力入门 2000》中的又一个创意。课本中的这个部 分适时地归纳了各相关篇章中的英语习惯用语或其他优美的语言表达方 式,以示范学习,鼓励积累知识,使学生进一步体会英语听力学习过程 中的美感与快乐。由于华东师范大学出版社外语编辑室、音像部及有关设 计和美编人员的共同努力,《听力入门 2000》的外观、版式、图片、色彩和录 音也都令人耳目一新。 《听力入门 2000》得到了华东师大外语学院领导、语言实验室、资料室、 办公室以及英语系等各部门许多同事的经常性支持和帮助。Paul William Kinnis教授审阅了第一册全部书稿。参加录音的朋友有 John Fazzon,Mi chael Clements,Katie Regan,Scott Allen,Kendra Hamilton,Shawn Gansol ley,Kelly White,Adam MacMahon,AnneCecilie Kaltenborn和许茜等。在 编写过程中,我们还参阅过国内外有关的一些书籍和资料,在此表示诚挚的 谢意。参阅书目详见 Acknowledgements。 由于编者水平和各方面条件所限,本教材中肯定存有不少疏漏与不妥 之处,敬请指正。 《英语听力入门 2000》期盼着朋友们新的合作。     《英语听力入门》 《英语听力入门 2000》编者 2000. 6   前  言 5     前摇言 《英语听力入门 2000》是在千禧之年的钟声里迈出第一步的。当时有 朋友鼓励说,它的诞生使初版《英语听力入门》焕发出了青春的活力。而今, 多少个寒暑又已过去,我们或许应该说,正在一步一步进入而立之年的教材 又必须重新振奋,因为唯独如此,它才有可能在真正意义上走向成熟。这就 是历史赋予《英语听力入门 3000》的责任与光荣。 在冷静的反思之后,编者从《听力入门》(以下均使用简称)与《听力入 门 2000》各自的特色和缺陷里初步悟到了《听力入门 3000》的方向。 上个世纪八十年代初开始酝酿《听力入门》的时候,中国大地刚刚改革 开放,英语学习热潮四处升腾。基于当时的教学实际,编者将重点牢牢地锁 定在英语有声语言的真实性以及听力基本功训练等两个方面。之后多年的 实践证明,比较系统和扎实细致的技能训练对增强学生的能力与后劲是至 关重要的。 到《听力入门 2000》出版之时,全国的英语教学水平已普遍提高,社会 巨变所带来的新鲜气象和热门话题也层出不穷。教材将扩展教学内容的广 度与深度置于中心位置,这在很大程度上满足了师生的需要。 今天,前两轮实践均已取得阶段性成果。但当我们站到一个更加客观、 更加全面的角度去审视时,又深感某些遗憾与不足。愿《听力入门 3000》带 给我们新的机会与进步。 与《听力入门 2000》一样,《听力入门 3000》仍坚持“延伸”与“超越”的 基本准则。就总体目标而言,《听力入门 3000》更加着力于追求听力教学中 “知识”与“技能”的平衡性,试图将两者之间的关系处理得更加自然合理。   前  言6     在《听力入门 3000》中,包括数字快速反应、要点选择、关键词速记、纲要拟 列以及归纳小结等一系列听力单项或综合基本技能训练的分量会有所增 加,训练策略也有所改变。就内容而言,有将近一半兼具时代特征和典型价 值的新鲜篇章注入到了《听力入门 3000》之中。 编者衷心希望,新近融合于《听力入门 3000》的理念与元素能更好地回 报广大师生的支持与关爱。事实上,本套教材的发展本身就是一个与广大 师生互动的进程。编者衷心感谢同行们、同学们富有创见的反馈信息,并向 所有为《听力入门》、《听力入门 2000》和《听力入门 3000》的出版作出努力 与贡献的朋友们致意。 《听力入门 3000》同以往一样,得到了各方面的帮助和支持。新参加 《听力入门 3000》录音的朋友有 Jonathan,Laura,Alex和Matt Dinsmore等。 在编写过程中,我们还参阅过国内外有关的一些书籍和资料,在此表示诚挚 的谢意。 编者 2008. 6 摇图书在版编目(悦陨孕)数据   英语听力入门 3000.第 2册 /张民伦主编.—上海:华 东师范大学出版社,2008   学生用书   ISBN 9787561765661   Ⅰ.英⋯  Ⅱ.张⋯  Ⅲ.英语 听说教学 高等学校 教 材  Ⅳ. H319. 9   中国版本图书馆 CIP数据核字(2008)第 208517号 杂贼藻责遭赠杂贼藻责猿园园园 !"#$%&猿园园园 (第 2 册  学生用书) 主     编   张民伦 责任编辑   朱文秋   王清伟 封面设计   梁若基 版式设计   蒋   克 出版发行   华东师范大学出版社 社     址   上海市中山北路 3663 号   邮编 200062 电话总机   02162450163 转各部门   行政传真 02162572105 客服电话   02162865537(兼传真) 门市(邮购)电话   02162869887 门市地址   上海市中山北路 3663 号华东师范大学校内先锋路口 网     址   www. ecnupress. com. cn 印 刷 者  上海丽佳制版印刷有限公司 开     本   700 ×1000  16 开 插     页   1 印     张   11 . 5 字     数   128 千字 版     次   2009 年 1 月第一版 印     次   2009 年 1 月第一次 印     数   8 000 书     号   ISBN 9787561765661 / H·431 定     价   29 . 00 元(含盘) 出 版 人  朱杰人 (如发现本版图书有印订质量问题,请寄回本社客服中心调换或电话 021鄄62865537 联系) Contents 1                   悦韵晕栽耘晕栽杂         !"#$ %  &’(() *’+#,) -#./ !"#$ %  Warming up / 3 !"#$ %%  All you need is love?/ 6 !"#$ %%%  First meetings / 9 !"#$ %&  A Valentine story / 10 !"#$ 0  12’(#"3 ’"4 5/62’(#"3 7/869"’,#$) !"#$ %  Warming up / 15 !"#$ %%  Selfesteem / 17 !"#$ %%%  How to deal with depression and anger?/ 19 !"#$ %&  Short talks on listening skills / 21 Represent the Ideas Clear and Clean — Outlining !"#$ :  ;,, <’" 1=>>//4 !"#$ %  Warming up / 25 !"#$ %%  The road to success / 29 !"#$ %%%  Good better best / 32 !"#$ %&  Language study and language appreciation / 34 Contents2     !"#$ ?  @/$$#"3 5/’4) .98 $2/ *=$=8/ <’8//8 !"#$ %  Warming up / 39 !"#$ %%  Painting for pay / 43 !"#$ %%%  Choosing a career / 45 !"#$ %&  My pet hate / 47 !"#$ A  <8/’$#B/ C#"46 !"#$ %  Warming up / 51 !"#$ %%  Scientists of the millennium(I) / 54 !"#$ %%%  Scientists of the millennium(II) / 56 !"#$ %&  Short talks on listening skills / 58 Letting Things Go—Speed and Vocabulary !"#$ D  E$6 @8/’$ $9 F/ ’ <2’+(#9" !"#$ %  Warming up / 63 !"#$ %%  They are the champion!/ 66 !"#$ %%%  Luck in the hat / 68 !"#$ %&  Language study and language appreciation / 70 !"#$ G  -/#6=8/ H#+/ !"#$ %  Warming up / 75 !"#$ %%  Mozarts music still alive today / 79 !"#$ %%%  The man with the horn / 81 !"#$ %&  Bank Holiday DIY / 83 !"#$ I  JB/8)K94) <’" &/,( $2/ J"B#89"+/"$ !"#$ %  Warming up / 87 !"#$ %%  Campaign California ReLeaf / 91 Contents 3     !"#$ %%%  PBS—a biodegradable plastic product / 93 !"#$ %&  Short talks on listening skills / 95 The“Inverted Pyramid”in News Reporting !"#$ L  M/N6 EO P#6’6$/86 !"#$ %  Warming up / 99 !"#$ %%  News items / 104 !"#$ %%%  Torrential storms in Kenya / 106 !"#$ %&  Language study and language appreciation / 108 !"#$ %Q  M/N6 EEO &/’,$2 !"#$ %  Warming up / 113 !"#$ %%  Hand washing / 117 !"#$ %%%  Lifestyle & environmental factors vs cancers / 118 !"#$ %&  Doctors on the Internet / 120 !"#$ %%  M/N6 EEEO 1(’>/ !"#$ %  Warming up / 125 !"#$ %%  Astronomers discover solar system / 128 !"#$ %%%  Compton Gamma Ray Observatory / 129 !"#$ %&  Language study and language appreciation / 130 !"#$ %0  P#>$’$#9" / 131 R9>’K=,’8) / 143 ;>S"9N,/43/+/"$6 / 172 !"#$          ! Part I Warming up 3                 Part I  Warming up !   !"# $%&’() family    name    age   *%+,-./,&#) architect Wales Supply the missing information about the Porter family according to what you hear. "   !"# $%&’()   dates    specific    protect    talk    understand    respect   *%+,-./,&#)   fatigue    foxhole    distracted    abuse You are going to hear some ideas that may help make a marriage work. Listen carefully. Complete the following seven tips,and decide whether you agree or disagree with the speaker. Check the appropriate box. Unit 1 Happy Family Life4     !"#$ %&’ ( )(##* +(’’"(,- .,’-- /"$(,’-- ! "# #$       %&’( )*+( #’(),- .)$)% ,#/*$’&+ 0))1&$23 45                                     - 6 7) *3             *3 5#8 +*$ %()$ 5#8               ,/*9) *             ,#, #00),           - : ;()$ 3’,)33)< 45           #, 5#8, #%$                 ,&/*2&$) 5#8 *$< 5#8, =*,’$), &$ *               ,38,,#8$<)< 45 <*$2),- >$3’)*< #0             *’ 5#8, =*,’$),,0&$< * %*5 ’#             ’() =*,’$), 3(&=? @ ;()$ 5#8 0))1“          ,” ’*19 *4#8’ &’ %&’( 5#8, =*,’$),- A 7) *338,)< ’(*’ =*,’$),3 &$                 3#/)’&/)3 2)’ ’&,)<,&,,&’*41),#, <&3’,*+’)<-                                             )*+( #’(),- B           )*+( #’(),- C)*D) &0           )E&3’3- F&$<                   ()1= &0             ,3)E 8*1,)/#’&#$*1,#,             *483) #++8,3- G F&2(’ ’#“                  ,”$#’ ’#“        -” #   !"# $%&’()   losing    “loselose”solutions    control   *%+,-./,&#)   attest    excel    reside in    configuration    spouse Here is a passage about how to excel in the art of domestic argument. Supply the missing words while listening. Having been married for more than     years,I can attest to the truth of the following statement:To         in the art of                             ,one must master the art of           . Modern psychologists are taken with the“            ”solution. But in marriage,success resides more in“            ”solutions. Out of these,both parties can         . For in the love configuration,losing Part I Warming up 5     gives             that always             . The issues that people                 most in marriage,such as how to spend money,often         the real ones. The key issue is:         is going to be               ?When I was younger,my need to control arose out of         ,a lack of trust,insecurity. The day I fi nally realized I                 to control my wife — that,indeed,I                     control her,that I               control her, and that if I             ,I would             our marriage — was the day our                 began. What is it we want most from a marriage?To         and be         . To be happy and           . To grow to             . A love relationship is the             in which we plant,              and harvest                         of crops,our                 ,and in which our spouse is provided the same rich soil in which to             . We cannot         what we want unless                 also gets what he or she wants. So remember:if you want to feel                             ,give up             . !"#$          ! Unit 1 Happy Family Life6                 Part II  All you need is love牽 !   !"# $%&’() social backgrounds    race    ethnic    religion   *%+,-./,&#) preindustrial    propose    criterion You are going to hear a report on how people in different parts of the world choose their mates. A1  Before listening,think about some of the qualities you would look for in a mate. A2  As you listen,try to write down the three main criteria people usually maintain for choosing a mate. 1:Having                                         . 2:Having                                                                             . 3:Having                                         . A3  Listen again. Answer the questions. 1. Why does the speaker say that some of the past practices related to marriage customs are weakening?     2. Why does the speaker say that the races are still largely separate in marriage in the U. S.?     Part II All you need is love? 7     "   !"# $%&’() physical appearance    fall in love    loving somebody   *%+,-./,&#) sustain    differentiate Barbara Cartland Listen to a dialogue that discusses personal and family relationships. Complete the following main ideas expressed by the second speaker. 1. Unfortunately,perhaps in the initial stages its the                                               . 2. In fact it shouldnt be                                       that is important. You should be able to                                                 and see what sort of a person he or she is. 3. In pop songs and magazines and newspapers and so on,the idea of falling in love is always emphasized. — In fact I think we can proba bly lay there the blame for                                                         . 4. I think you have to differentiate between                                       ,which I see as more superficial,and                       ,which I see as a deeper emotion and one that perhaps lasts. #   !"# $%&’() “justright”wife    physical qualities    athletic sports qualities    nationalities   *%+,-./,&#) vow    upper portion    designer clothing Now you are going to hear some views on mens“justright”wives. Listen carefully. Complete the summary. 杂怎皂皂葬则赠 For years men and women have been getting married. When a man and a woman get married,it is                                   Unit 1 Happy Family Life8                                       . A man may select a woman because he,in his own eyes,sees her                                                 . Every man has his own                                                     . For instance,                                                both may define their“justright”wife according to                                 but use                         . Although some men define the“justright”wife                                     ,other men describe their“justright”wife                                           . Both the outdoors man and the inside sportsman may define their“justright”wife by her sports qualities but                                               . Men from all nationalities                                                                                             . But the Italian mans definition is different from the French mans. And similarly,                                                                                       . !"#$          ! Part III First meetings 9                 Part III  First meetings   !"# $%&’() baseball diamond    pizza    fancydress party    film    river   *%+,-./,&#) frizzy    yearbook    platonic    hit it off    chap trip over     You are going to hear five people talking about their first meetings. A  Before listening,read and consider the following questions. 1. How easy is it in your city for young men and women to meet and spend time alone together? 2. At what age do young men and women usually begin to date with each other? 3. At what age is it customary for people to get married and how long do engagements last? 4. What do you think of the“boymeetsgirl”custom? 5. What do you think of the arranged marriages? B  Listen to five people describing their first meetings with their present partners. Listen carefully and take notes in the following chart. 0)-’- 1"1 )- 2 $)- %"’$3 +--3 )"$ 2 )-’ #(’34-’5 0)(3$ 3)- +&$3 "+#’-$$"6- 3)"4,5 H*’)                                           H),,5                     I#,*15$                     J&11               I*,#1)                     !"#$          ! Unit 1 Happy Family Life10                Part IV  A Valentine story   !"# $%&’() correspond    romance    first meeting    red rose    test wisdom   *%+,-./,&#) intrigue    insightful    budding    lapel    provocative    tuck    plump    thrust    uphold    grip    square salute     A  Listen to the first part of a Valentine story,then write an ending for the story. . . .                         B  Now listen to the last part of the story. Fill in the blanks with the words you hear and make a comparison between the ending you designed and the one you heard. . . . I squared my shoulders and saluted and held out the         to the woman,even though while I spoke I felt         by the bitterness of my                     :“Im Lieutenant John Blanchard,and you must be Miss Maynell. I am so glad you could meet me;may I                             ?”The womans face broadened into a     Part IV A Valentine story 11                  . “I dont know what this is about,son,” she an swered,“but the young lady in the green suit who just                 ,she begged me to wear this         on my coat. And she said if you were to ask me out to dinner,I should go and tell you that she is waiting for you in the                     across the street. She said it was some kind of         !”It is not difficult to                                 Miss Maynells wisdom. !"#$          " Part I Warming up 15                Part I  Warming up !   !"# $%&’() constellation    months    dates   *%+,-./,&#) constellation    Taurus    Virgo    Capricorn    Pisces    Aquarius    Leo    Cancer    Aries    Gemini Sagittarius    centaur    Scorpio    Libra The constellations are totally imaginary things that poets,farmers and as tronomers have made up over the past 6,000 years and probably even more. Listen to the following information about 12 constellations and match Column A with Column B.       摇悦燥造怎皂灶粤摇摇摇摇摇摇摇摇摇 悦燥造怎皂灶月     1. VIRGO a. January 21—February 19     2. TAURUS b. February 20—March 20     3. SCORPIO c. March 21—April 20     4. SAGITTARIUS d. April 21—May 21     5. PISCES e. May 22—June 21     6. LIBRA f. June 22—July 22     7. LEO g. July 23—August 22     8. GEMINI h. August 23—September 23     9. CAPRICORN i. September 24—October 23     10. CANCER j. October 24—November 22     11. ARIES k. November 23—December 21     12. AQUARIUS l. December 22—January 20 1—(    )    2—(    )    3—(    )    4—(    ) 5—(    ) 6—(    ) 7—(    ) 8—(    ) 9—(    ) 10—(    ) 11—(    ) 12—(    ) Unit 2 Shaping and Reshaping Personality16    "   !"# $%&’() personality survey    aggressive    selfish    kind    patient jealous   *%+,-./,&#) aggressive    raise the roof In the following short dialogue,a man is trying to help a woman do a per sonality survey. Listen carefully and complete the survey below by putting checks where proper. .,,’-$$"6- 7-8%"$) 9"41 :(3"-43 ;-(8&<$ KE’,)/)15 L),5 M#,’ #0 N#’ D),5 N#’ *’ *11 #   !"# $%&’() business    successful    a lost wallet    movie    shopping   *%+,-./,&#) smart    identification Now listen to three conversations. Check the two adjectives that best de scribe George,Karen,and Pam. =-&’,- 9(’-4 :(+ O/4&’S P)1=081 P#$)3’ Q,#8< M)10&3( R$,)1&*41) !"#$          " Part II Selfesteem 17                Part II  Selfesteem   !"# $%&’() selfesteem    respect    ability    value    tests    observations    active    express ideas    relations with other people    love   *%+,-./,&#) investigate    selfesteem    observation    harsh democratic     In this part you are going to hear a science report on selfesteem. Listen carefully and complete the experiment report. 耘曾责藻则蚤皂藻灶贼砸藻责燥则贼 孕则燥躁藻糟贼:the development of selfesteem 杂怎遭躁藻糟贼泽:                孕则燥糟藻凿怎则藻: 1. testing(what?):         2. dividing(how?):         3. followup study(where and when?):         韵遭泽藻则增葬贼蚤燥灶泽:the behavior of the boys 1. boys with high selfesteem:                 2. boys with middle selfesteem:         Unit 2 Shaping and Reshaping Personality18            3. boys with low selfesteem:             云蚤灶凿蚤灶早泽: 1. Three groups of boys act differently. 2. >&*$ ?"3) )",) $-8%-$3--+ >&*$ ?"3) 8&? $-8%-$3--+ *-               4)’%))$ ’() 4#53 *$< ’()&, =*,)$’3 *- 4-                     <)/*$<)< 4- *11#%)< ’# <#       +-               ,81)3 /*<) 45 ’() =*,)$’3S           48’ $#’ (*,3( T 1)< &$ *                               %*5 +-         ,81)3 <- 4)(*D&#, +#,,)+’)< 45               <- /&3’*9)3 +#,,)+’)< 45                 )-                 0*/&15 1&0)S +(&1<,)$3 &<)*3               45 ’() =*,)$’3 )- 0- 9$#%&$2 ’()&,                 ’# ’() =*,)$’3 %(#3) 1#D) 0#, ’() +(&1<,)$ %*3 $)D),                         0- 4)1&)D&$2 ’(*’ ’()&, =*, )$’3                 !"#$          " Part III How to deal with depression and anger? 19                Part III  How to deal with       depression and       anger牽 !   !"# $%&’() depression    drugs    psychotherapy    public education   *%+,-./,&#) moderate Listen to a talk about how to treat depression. Fill in the blanks with the words you hear. When most people are         ,they know the feeling is only                 . But there are large numbers of people who stay sad for a         time. These people suffer from the common             sickness known as depression. Depression can affect           . Researchers say one out of     persons in the world has the chance of                 a major depres sion at some time. About             of the depressed patients can be helped with one of several         that have all been found               in treating depression. Doctors say, however,the drugs must be used very                 . Depression also can be trea ted             drugs. Some doctors say that moderate             four or five times a
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