

2013-02-25 50页 ppt 1MB 413阅读




小学英语新课标null小学新标准英语 1-4册总归纳 小学新标准英语 1-4册总归纳 同学们,这些学习资料是汇集型的,希望对你们有所帮助, 盛老师null1.打招呼+自我介绍 2.多少个…? +数字 3.学校+文具+教室物品 4.家庭成员+职业 5.身体+动词 6. 动物园+相关形容词 7.食物+饮料 8.时间+学校科目+日常活动 9.方位词 10.运动与爱好 11. 节日 12. 季节+天气 13. 衣服+拥有... 14. 日常活动+进行时 15. 能力 16. 旅游+将来时+运动日 17. There be +月份 18. 首都 1...
null新标准英语 1-4册总归纳 小学新标准英语 1-4册总归纳 同学们,这些学习资料是汇集型的,希望对你们有所帮助, 盛老师null1.打招呼+自我介绍 2.多少个…? +数字 3.学校+文具+教室物品 4.家庭成员+职业 5.身体+动词 6. 动物园+相关形容词 7.食物+饮料 8.时间+学校科目+日常活动 9.方位词 10.运动与爱好 11. 节日 12. 季节+天气 13. 衣服+拥有... 14. 日常活动+进行时 15. 能力 16. 旅游+将来时+运动日 17. There be +月份 18. 首都 19. 国家+城市+方向 20. 将来时+活动+星期 21. 将来时+天气 22.形容词+形容词比较级 23.过去时 24.过去时+疾病1.打招呼+介绍1.打招呼+介绍1)单词/词组: Hi 嗨 good 好 morning 早上 afternoon 下午 evening 晚上 How 怎样 you 你/你们 I 我 am 是 Ms 女士 Sam 山姆 What 什么 your 你的 name 名字 smart 聪明 fine 好 thank 谢谢 goodbye再见 1.打招呼+介绍1.打招呼+介绍2) 打招呼(greeting) 你有没有打招呼的好习惯? 我们是如何用英语和他人打招呼的呢? 很简单, 你试试… 1.打招呼+介绍1.打招呼+介绍2) 打招呼(greeting) *Hi/Hello *How are you? (一般回答:I’m fine, thank you.) *How do you do? (第一次见面, 回答也要用How do you do? ) *Good morning/afternoon/evening! 分开时则说: * Goodbye! 1.打招呼+介绍1.打招呼+介绍3) 介绍(Introduction) 在许多场合我们都需要介绍自己, 那该说些什么呢? 1.打招呼+介绍1.打招呼+介绍3)介绍(Introduction) 直入主题: 我是… *I’m Sam.(=I am Sam. 我是山姆) *I’m Ms Smart. (Ms女士 Mr.先生 Mrs.夫人) 要主动了解他人,则问: *What’s your name? (回答要用:I’m… 或 My name is ….)1.打招呼+介绍1.打招呼+介绍3)练习: Hello, I’m Sam. Hello, Sam. Goodbye, Lingling. Goodbye, Daming. Bye-bye, Amy. Bye-bye, Amy. Good morning, Sam. How are you, Sam? I’m fine, thank you. I’m Ms Smart. Hello, Ms Smart. I’m Lingling. Hello, I’m Lili. What’s your name? Hi, I’m Li Ping.null休息休息,再继续下一部分2.多少个…? +数字2.多少个…? +数字1) 单词/词组: How, many, boy, girl, cat, cap, dog How many? 多少个?(固定搭配, ) 读下面的数字: Seven, nine, six, five, three, four, two, ten, eleven, twelve, one, eight, thirteen, fifteen, nineteen, fourteen, sixteen, seventeen, twenty2.多少个…? +数字2.多少个…? +数字生活里有许多东西,有些可以数,如苹果,树,人,房子…, 但也有许多东西是不能数的,如液体状的水,牛奶等,肉类,面包及奶酪等,在说英语时,想问 “有多少”,该怎么说呢? 请试试: 有多少个苹果? 有多少牛奶? 2.多少个…? +数字2.多少个…? +数字 有多少个苹果? How many apples? (apple 一定要复数) 有多少牛奶? How much milk? …你对了吗?2.多少个…? +数字2.多少个…? +数字2) 句型掌握: How many girls? How many dogs? How many cats? How many red caps? How many blue caps? null休息休息,再继续下一部分3.学校+文具+教室物品3.学校+文具+教室物品1) 单词/词组: this 这个 that 那个 is 是 stand 站 sit 坐 up 上 down 下 What 什么 it 它 Ms 女士point 指向 pupil 小学生 teacher 老师 classroom 教室 pen 钢笔 pencil 铅笔 blackboard 黑板 chair 椅子 desk书桌 window 窗 door 门3.学校+文具+教室物品3.学校+文具+教室物品2) 在学校和教室里有许多物品,我们刚上学时可以都很好奇,会不停地问: 这是什么? 那是什么? 你会用英语问吗?3.学校+文具+教室物品3.学校+文具+教室物品2) 这是什么? What’s this? 那是什么? What’s that? 3.学校+文具+教室物品3.学校+文具+教室物品3) what是个用得最多的疑问词之一, 我们学过 “你叫什么名字?” What’s your name? 读: What’s this? It’s a blackboard. What’s that? It’s a pencil. Point to the door. Stand up. Sit down. I’m a pupil. This is my school. This is my English teacher, Ms Smart.null休息休息,再继续下一部分4.家庭成员+职业+形容词 4.家庭成员+职业+形容词 1)读单词,如不懂查字典 father mother grandpa grandma brother sister doctor driver policeman nursefarmer teacher nice cool clever naughty cute good bad shy4.家庭成员+职业 4.家庭成员+职业 怎么介绍自己的爸爸妈妈等家庭成员呢? 而且也把他们的职业也介绍一下, 你会吗?请试试: 这是我爸爸.他是个医生.4.家庭成员+职业 4.家庭成员+职业 This is my father. He’s a doctor. 这是我爸爸.他是个医生. 你做对了吗? Are you right? 4.家庭成员+职业 4.家庭成员+职业 2) 句型: This is my father. He’s a doctor. This is my mother. She’s my teacher. This is my grandpa. 4.家庭成员+职业 4.家庭成员+职业 2)怎么把这些肯定句变成疑问句呢? 同学们试试: This is my sister. 改成: 这是你的妹妹吗?4.家庭成员+职业4.家庭成员+职业2) This is my sister. => Is this your sister? 请注意是怎样变成疑问句的 …你做对了吗?  4.家庭成员+职业4.家庭成员+职业3) 请把下面改成疑问句: This is my mother. She is a teacher. He is a doctor. 4.家庭成员+职业 4.家庭成员+职业 This is my mother. => Is this your mother? She is a teacher. => Is she a teacher? He is a doctor. => Is he a doctor? 你得100分了吗? 4.家庭成员+职业4.家庭成员+职业4) 熟读并理解: He’s a doctor. She’s a driver. He’s a policeman. She’s a nurse. He’s a farmer. She’s a teacher.4.家庭成员+职业4.家庭成员+职业5) Reading: This is my big brother. He’s cool. This is my mother. She’s very nice. This is my father. He’s very clever. This is my friend. He’s very naughty. null休息休息,再继续下一部分5.身体+动词5.身体+动词 head arm hand leg foot nose eye mouth ear see hear smell taste touch5.身体+动词5.身体+动词2) 句型: Point to his nose. Point to her eyes. This is his head. This is his arm. This is his hand. This is his leg.5.身体+动词5.身体+动词3) 附加内容: I see with my eyes. (with..用) I hear with my ears. I smell with my nose. I taste with my tongue. I touch with my hands. null休息休息,再继续下一部分6.动物+动物园+相关形容词6.动物+动物园+相关形容词单词/词组 zoo tiger lion elephant monkey panda tall short big small fat thin 6. 动物园+相关形容词6. 动物园+相关形容词2) 在动物园里,我们会不停地问 “这是什么?” “他们是什么?” , 而且还会说 “这个熊猫好可爱哦!”,“那只老虎好大!”…现在你试着翻译:   这是什么?   它们是什么?   这只熊猫好大哦! 6. 动物园+相关形容词6. 动物园+相关形容词2)   这是什么? What is this?   它们是什么? What are they?   这只熊猫好大哦! The panda is big! 6. 动物园+相关形容词6. 动物园+相关形容词3) 句型掌握 What’s this? It’s a tiger. What are they? They’re lions. They are big. The panda is fat. The monkey is thin. The elephant is big. null休息休息,再继续下一部分7.食物+饮料 7.食物+饮料 单词/词组 meat, fish, milk, noodles, rice, banana, orange, pear7.食物+饮料 7.食物+饮料 2) 食物是我们每天要吃的东西, “我喜欢吃水果,你呢?”…那用英语怎么说呢? 请试试: 我喜欢水果.大明喜欢肉.  7.食物+饮料 7.食物+饮料 2) 我喜欢水果.大明喜欢肉. I like fruit. Daming likes meat.   你对了吗?  7.食物+饮料+口味7.食物+饮料+口味3)请注意肯定句转化为疑问句的变化,试着把下面两句改疑问句: You like bananas. Daming likes oranges. 7.食物+饮料+口味7.食物+饮料+口味 You like bananas.=>  Do you like bananas? Daming likes oranges. => Does Daming like oranges? 拿到100分了吗? 7.食物+饮料 7.食物+饮料 翻译: 他们喜欢苹果吗? 你们喜欢橙吗? 他喜欢苹果吗? 她喜欢香蕉吗?  7.食物+饮料 7.食物+饮料 翻译: 他们喜欢苹果吗? Do they like apples? 你们喜欢橙吗? Do you like oranges? 他喜欢苹果吗? Does he like apples? 她喜欢香蕉吗? Does she like bananas? 7.食物+饮料 7.食物+饮料 3) 句型 Do you like meat? Yes, I do./No, I don’t. Pass me the rice, please. Here you are, Mum. Does Daming like bananas? Yes, he does./ No, he doesn’t. I like rice. Do you like rice? Does Daming like rice? null休息休息,再继续下一部分8.时间+学校科目+日常活动8.时间+学校科目+日常活动1)时间表达: 7:30 = half past seven 7:00 = seven o’clock 7:15 = a quarter past seven 7:45 = a quarter to eight in the morning/afternoon/evening at the weekend 8.时间+学校科目+日常活动8.时间+学校科目+日常活动2) 日常活动 have breakfast/lunch/dinner 吃早餐/中餐/晚餐 get up 起床 go to school 去学校 go to bedsleep 睡觉 watch TV 看电视 play basketball 打篮球 go swimming 去游泳8.时间+学校科目+日常活动8.时间+学校科目+日常活动3) 科目 Chinese, English, Science, Maths, Art, P.E. music have music, Art and PE 上音乐,美术和体育课 have English and Chinese上英语和语文 have Maths and Science上数学和科学8.时间+学校科目+日常活动8.时间+学校科目+日常活动4) 翻译: 几点了? 我在七点起床. 8.时间+学校科目+日常活动8.时间+学校科目+日常活动4) 翻译: 几点了? What time is it? 我在七点起床. I get up at seven o’clock. 你说出来了吗?8.时间+学校科目+日常活动8.时间+学校科目+日常活动5) 句型: What’s the time, please?  It’s half past seven. I have breakfast at half past seven. I have dinner at half past six. I get up at seven o’clock. 8.时间+学校科目+日常活动 8.时间+学校科目+日常活动 6) 询问动作, “做什么…?” What do you do at school, Sam? 请问:蓝色的do与绿色的do有什么不同? do本意是“做”, do却没有任何含义,但却非常 重要,它帮助句子成为一个疑问句,是个助动词. do才是 “做”,整个句子意思为: “山姆,你在学校做什么?” 8.时间+学校科目+日常活动 8.时间+学校科目+日常活动 7) 练习: What do you do at school, Sam? I have English and Chinese. I have Maths and Science. What do you do at the weekend? I go swimming. I play football.8.时间+学校科目+日常活动 8.时间+学校科目+日常活动 8)询问动作, “做…吗?” Do you play football in the morning? No, I don’t. I play football in the afternoon. What do you do in the morning? I sleep in the morning. 8.时间+学校科目+日常活动8.时间+学校科目+日常活动9) 主语为第三人称单数时的主谓一致: What does she do at the weekend? She plays basketball. She goes swimming. She watches TV and sleeps. What does Lingling have at school today, Daming? She has music, Art and PE today. 8.时间+学校科目+日常活动8.时间+学校科目+日常活动5) 请把下面的动词改为第三人称单数动词形式: play basketball => go swimming => watch TV => sleep => have music, Art and PE => have English and Chinese => have Maths and Science =>8.时间+学校科目+日常活动8.时间+学校科目+日常活动5) 第三人称单数后的动词变化: play basketball => plays basketball go swimming => goes swimming watch TV => watches TV sleep => sleeps have music, Art and PE => has music… fly kites => flies kites walk => walks null休息休息,再继续下一部分9.方位词9.方位词1) 单词/词组 on, in, under, between, behind, next to, in front of 9.方位词9.方位词2)句型 Oh, what’s this? It’s a book. A present for you. It’s on your desk. It’s in the box. It’s on the box. It’s under the box. 9.方位词9.方位词 3) 读背: In spring, Daming flies kites in the park. In winter, he walks on the snow. In summer, he goes fishing under the tree. In autumn, he swims in the lake.9.方位词9.方位词2) 询问方位时用什么单词? 那个苹果在哪里? 9.方位词9.方位词2) Where is the apple? 那个苹果在哪里? 9.方位词9.方位词3) 询问方位时运用Where Where is the apple? It’s on the chair. Where does Daming fly kites? He flies kites in the park. null休息休息,再继续下一部分10.运动与爱好10.运动与爱好单词/词组 sport playground ball football basketball tennis table tennis morning exercise swimming riding bikes skipping10.运动与爱好10.运动与爱好2) I like football. I don’t like football. Q:请同学翻译这两个句子,看意思上有什么不同. 10.运动与爱好10.运动与爱好2) I like football. I don’t like football. don’t是个否定词, 由do+not组合而成.而do是个助动词,没有含义,但帮助这个句子成为否定句. 你试着造个否定句吧! 10.运动与爱好10.运动与爱好3) Reading: *I like swimming. I don’t like skipping. *I like skipping. I don’t like riding bikes. *I like morning exercises. I don’t like football. null休息休息,再继续下一部分11. 节日11. 节日单词/词组 festival, Spring Festival, Chinese New Year Christmas, a big family dinner, peanut, sweets, about, for, give present, sing songs 11. 节日11. 节日2) 每年我们都过许多节日,用英语怎么表达 “过春节”呢? 11. 节日11. 节日2) 很简单,用have…就可以解决问题啦! have Spring Festival 或 have Chinese New Year 那怎么表达 “过圣诞节”呢? 11. 节日11. 节日2) “过圣诞节” have Christmas Q: 那祝贺节日怎么说呢? 11. 节日11. 节日2) Happy Spring Festival! Happy Christmas! …其它的节日: Happy Birthday! Happy Children’s Day! Happy Mothers’ Day! 11. 节日11. 节日3) 句型掌握 We have Spring Festival in China. What is Spring Festival? It’s Chinese New year! At Spring Festival, we have a big family dinner. And we have peanuts and sweets. We say “Happy New Year!” 蓝色部分是什么意思?...有花生和糖果? …No, 是 “吃花生和糖果”, 本意是 “ 拥有...”,但可以延伸出很多别的意思.11. 节日11. 节日3) 句型掌握 We have Christmas in England. We sing songs. we have a Christmas tree. We give presents. we eat peanuts and sweets. null休息休息,再继续下一部分12. 季节+天气12. 季节+天气1)单词/词组 spring summer autumn winter warm hot cool cold sunny windy snowing raining fly kites go swimming play football watch TV play table tennis12. 季节+天气12. 季节+天气2) 我们该怎样去描述四个季节呢? 很简单… It’s warm in spring. It’s hot in summer. It’s cool in autumn. It’s cold in winter. 只要用上4个形容词就可以啦! 12. 季节+天气12. 季节+天气3) 在不同的季节我们常做什么? 看看下面: We fly kites in spring. We go swimming in summer. We play football in autumn. We watch TV and play table tennis in winter. 能背下来吗? 肯定没问题:)… 12. 季节+天气12. 季节+天气3) 学会问问题, Q:翻译 “你在春天做什么?” 12. 季节+天气12. 季节+天气3) 学会问问题, Q:翻译 在春天 in spring 做 do 什么 what 你 you What do you do in Spring? 你在春天做什么? 要求: 试着问另三个季节.12. 季节+天气12. 季节+天气4) 句型掌握 It’s hot and sunny today. It’s warm today, but it’s raining. it’s cool and windy today. It’s snowing today. It’s very cold. rain下雨, snow下雪, is raining正在下雨, is snowing正在下雪 null休息休息,再继续下一部分13. 衣服+拥有...…13. 衣服+拥有...…have have got new nice about dress coat sweater T-shirt bike car go to school go to work walk to work how each day by bike sport13. 衣服+拥有...…13. 衣服+拥有...…每个人都拥有...些东西,怎样用英语表达出来呢? very easy , 我们用… have got 试翻译: 我有一本新书.它是关于动物的.13. 衣服+拥有...…13. 衣服+拥有...… 翻译: I’ve got a new book. It’s about animals. 你做对了吗?13. 衣服+拥有...…13. 衣服+拥有...… 把下面句子改成疑问句: I’ve got a new book. 13. 衣服+拥有...…13. 衣服+拥有...… I’ve got a new book. => Have you got a new book? 13. 衣服+拥有...…13. 衣服+拥有...…当主语是第三人称单数时,还是用 have got 吗? He have got a new book. Yes or no?13. 衣服+拥有...…13. 衣服+拥有...… No!13. 衣服+拥有...…13. 衣服+拥有...… He has got a new book. have got =>has got Tom has got a new sweater. 山姆有一件新毛衣. 13. 衣服+拥有...…13. 衣服+拥有...… 请改成疑问句: Tom has got a new sweater. 山姆有一件新毛衣. 13. 衣服+拥有...…13. 衣服+拥有...… Has Tom got a new sweater? 你做对了吗? 嗯…13. 衣服+拥有...…13. 衣服+拥有...…3) 理解并背诵 I’ve got a new book. It’s about animals. Have you got a book too, Daming? Yes, I have. Look, it’s about sports. Has sam got a sweater? Yes, he has. Has Tom got new sweater? No, he hasn’t. Tom has got a new T-shirt.13. 衣服+拥有... 13. 衣服+拥有... 4) 理解并背诵: Amy has got a bike. She goes to school by bike. Mr Smart has got a car. He goes to work by car. Sam hasn’t got a bike. He goes to school by bus. Ms Smart hasn’t got a car. She walks to work. 13. 衣服+拥有...…13. 衣服+拥有...…5) 理解并背诵: How do you go to school each day? I go to school by bike. How does Mum go to work each day? She goes to work by bus. null休息休息,再继续下一部分14. 日常活动+进行时14. 日常活动+进行时write a letter 写信 take pictures 拍照 talk to her friend 与她的朋友交谈 play with a toy train 玩玩具火车 listen to music 听音乐 watch TV 看电视 read a book 读书 do taijiquan 打太极拳 14. 日常活动+进行时14. 日常活动+进行时row a dragon boat 划龙舟 play chess 下国际象棋 drink soybean milk 喝豆奶 make dumplings 包饺子 cook vegetables 炒菜 make soup 做汤 make noodles 做面条 hungry 饥饿 14. 日常活动+进行时14. 日常活动+进行时2) 让我们先来看下面的句子: She is writing a letter. write + ing =>writing is writing 是英语中表达动作正在进行中,也叫做 “进行时”14. 日常活动+进行时14. 日常活动+进行时3) 理解并背诵 *This is my friend, Daming. He’s taking pictures. *This is my sister, Amy. She is talking to her friend. This is my little brother, Tom. He’s playing with a toy train. This is my friend, Lingling. She’s writing a letter. 14. 日常活动+进行时14. 日常活动+进行时4) 怎样提问问题? 山姆在做什么? 他在做什么? 你/你们在做什么? 他们在做什么? 14. 日常活动+进行时14. 日常活动+进行时4) 怎样提问问题? 什么what 在做is doing 山姆Sam 山姆在做什么? What is Sam doing? 14. 日常活动+进行时14. 日常活动+进行时4) Read: * What are you doing, children? I’m listening to music! I’m watching TV! * What is Tom doing? Oh, he’s reading a book! What are they doing? They are doing taijiquan. They are rowing a dragon boat. 14. 日常活动+进行时14. 日常活动+进行时5) 从上面的学习中,我们知道在动词后+ing, 通过be doing 结构才能正确表达进行时态, write a letter =>writing a letter take pictures => taking pictures talk to her friend => talking to her friend play with a toy train => playing with a toy train listen to music => listening to music watch TV => watching TV read a book => reading a book do taijiquan => doing taijiquan. 14. 日常活动+进行时14. 日常活动+进行时row a dragon boat => rowing a dragon boat play chess => playing chess drink soybean milk => drinking soybean milk make dumplings => making dumplings cook vegetables => cooking vegetables make soup => making soup make noodles => making noodles null休息休息,再继续下一部分15. 能力15. 能力1) can can’t = can not run fast jump high jump far ride fast winnermake a cake play the flute wash clothes draw a dragon have some sweets have some bread 15. 能力15. 能力1) 我能写英文信件啦! “能”的英语怎么说呢?15. 能力15. 能力2) I can write English letters! 你对了吗?  15. 能力15. 能力2) I can write English letters! 同学们能把句子变成疑问句吗? Can you? :) 15. 能力15. 能力2) I can write English letters! => Can you write English letters? 你能写英语信吗?15. 能力15. 能力3) Reading Amy, can you run fast? Yes, I can. Daming, can you jump high? Yes, I can. Look, you can’t run fast! you can’t jump high! I’m the winner. 15. 能力15. 能力3) Reading Mum, I’m hungry. Can I have some soup? Sorry, you can’t. Now you can have some biscuits, some fruit and some cake. null休息休息,再继续下一部分16. 旅游+将来时+运动日16. 旅游+将来时+运动日words bedtime 睡觉时间 get up 起床 be from…来自 swimsuit 游泳衣 camel 骆驼 scary 吓人的 monster 怪物 Hong Kong 香港16. 旅游+将来时+运动日16. 旅游+将来时+运动日visit the Ming Tombs 参观明墓 visit my grandpa 看望我的爷爷 stone animals 石头动物 have a Sports Day 过运动节 run the 100 metres 跑100米 do the high jump 跳高 do the long jump 跳远 16. 旅游+将来时+运动日16. 旅游+将来时+运动日2) 明天我将要去看望我奶奶. 怎样才能表达 “将要”呢? 16. 旅游+将来时+运动日16. 旅游+将来时+运动日2) I’m going to visit my grandma tomorrow. be going to 表达将来的一种方法 另一方法是使用 will 你对了吗? Are you right? 16. 旅游+将来时+运动日16. 旅游+将来时+运动日2) 怎么提问将来时态呢? 你明天要去看望你奶奶吗? 16. 旅游+将来时+运动日16. 旅游+将来时+运动日2) 你明天要去看望你奶奶吗? Are you going to visit your grandma tomorrow? 16. 旅游+将来时+运动日16. 旅游+将来时+运动日3) Reading We’re going to visit the Ming Tombs tomorrow. We’re going to Beijing. I’m going to Hong Kong. She’s going to Hong. We’re going to visit the lions and tigers.16. 旅游+将来时+运动日16. 旅游+将来时+运动日3) Reading We’re going to go to Hainan tomorrow. We’re going to go by plane. We’re going to go by plane. We’re going to get up at 5 o’clock. I’m going to swim in the sea. I’m from England. I’m from China. 16. 旅游+将来时+运动日16. 旅游+将来时+运动日4) 翻译: What are you going to do? 16. 旅游+将来时+运动日16. 旅游+将来时+运动日4) 翻译: What are you going to do?  你要做什么? 16. 旅游+将来时+运动日16. 旅游+将来时+运动日5) Reading We’re going to have a sports Day. What are you going to do for Sports Day? I’m going to run the 100 metres. I’m going to run every day. Where are you going, Daming? I’m going to run in the park. null休息休息,再继续下一部分17. There be +月份 17. There be +月份 words count friends’ birthdays How many…are there? party lots of festival17. There be +月份 17. There be +月份 January February March April May June July August September October November December month17. There be +月份 17. There be +月份 2) 我们常说: 一年有十二个月.          有用英语该怎么说呢?17. There be +月份 17. There be +月份 2) 一年有十二个月. There are twelve months in a year. There be 结构是我们经常要用到的表达方式,希望同学多加练习. 17. There be +月份 17. There be +月份 3) * What are you doing, Lingling? I’m counting my friends’ birthdays. January. There are three. February. There are six. March. There is one. … * How many birthdays are there? There are thirty-five. I’m going to thirty-five birthday parties this year! 17. There be +月份 17. There be +月份 4) I like January and February. There are lots of festivals. I don’t like January and February. It’s cold and there is snow. I like July. we can go to the park in July. null休息休息,再继续下一部分18. 首都 18. 首都 Tower Bridge long wide old tall beautiful small big famous London capital about England Buckingham Palace Queen’s house River Thames. Big Ben Hyde Park18. 首都 18. 首都 怎样用英语表达呢? 伦敦是英语的首都. 北京是中国的首都.18. 首都 18. 首都 怎样用英语表达呢? 伦敦是英国的首都. London is the capital of England. 北京是中国的首都. Beijing is the capital of China. 你对了吗? 18. 首都 18. 首都 2) 翻译: 我是伦敦人. 或 我来自伦敦. 18. 首都 18. 首都 2) 翻译: 我是伦敦人. /我来自伦敦. I am from London. = I’m from London =I come from London 18. 首都 18. 首都 4) Reading: What’s this? It’s a book about London. It’s very nice. I’m from London. London is the capital of England. Yes! and it’s very big! 18. 首都 18. 首都 4) Reading: Ooooh! What’s this? It’s Buchkingham Palace. It’s very big and very beautiful. Yes, it is! Is that your house? No, it’s the Queen’s house. This is my house! It’s small. But it’s very beautiful, too. 18. 首都 18. 首都 4) Reading: This is the River Thames. It’s long and wide. There are many boats on the river. This is Big Ben. It’s very old. And it’s very tall. This is Hyde Park. It’s very beautiful. And this is Tower Bridge. It’s very famous. And it’s very beautiful, too. null休息休息,再继续下一部分19. 国家+城市+方向 19. 国家+城市+方向 1) words project America be called USA speak right Washington D.C. New Yorkeast west north south San Francisco cousin live there19. 国家+城市+方向19. 国家+城市+方向2) 我们对美国的了解有多少呢?让我们认识几个美国的城市和一些信息吧! 首先,  哪个城市是美国的首都? 美国人讲什么语言?     19. 国家+城市+方向19. 国家+城市+方向2)     哪个城市是美国的首都? Washington D.C. is the capital of USA. 美国人讲什么语言? Americans speak English.  can you understand?    or ?19. 国家+城市+方向 19. 国家+城市+方向 3) 翻译:  Washington D.C. is in the east.19. 国家+城市+方向 19. 国家+城市+方向 3) 翻译:  华盛顿在东部. 你能说东南西北吗?19. 国家+城市+方向19. 国家+城市+方向4) *Beijing is the capital of China. It’s in the north. *Sanya is a famous city in China. It’s in the south. *Washington D.C. is the capital of America. It’s in the east. *San Francisco is a famous city in America. It’s in the west. 19. 国家+城市+方向 19. 国家+城市+方向 4) *Look, Sam. This is my project. It’s about America. *It’s also called the USA. *I know that. *People speak English in America. *That’s right. *Washington D.C. is the capital of the USA. It’s in the east. 19. 国家+城市+方向 19. 国家+城市+方向 4) *Yes, New York is in the east, too. And it’s very big. * San Francisco is a nice city. It’s in the west. My cousin, Dalong, lives there. null休息休息,再继续下一部分20. 将来时+活动+星期 20. 将来时+活动+星期 1) words have a picnic take your kite take your ball next week go swimming play with friends go to the park do my homework visit my grandma help my mother read books Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Fr
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