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初中英语语法复习课件免费下载nullRevision of Junior English 主讲:王伟 江西师范大学英语培训中心英语教研室 Revision of Junior English 主讲:王伟 江西师范大学英语培训中心英语教研室 nullNouns 名词null名 词 表示人、事物、地点的名称或者抽象概念的词 分为专有名词和普通名词null专有名词 表示个别的人、事物、地点等专有的名称。专有名词第一个字母要大写 * Lucy * China * the Summer Palacenul...
nullRevision of Junior English 主讲:王伟 江西师范大学英语培训中心英语教研室 Revision of Junior English 主讲:王伟 江西师范大学英语培训中心英语教研室 nullNouns 名词null名 词 表示人、事物、地点的名称或者抽象概念的词 分为专有名词和普通名词null专有名词 表示个别的人、事物、地点等专有的名称。专有名词第一个字母要大写 * Lucy * China * the Summer Palacenull普通名词 分为可数名词和不可数名词 ★可数名词 表示人、事物、地点等的名称。 可数名词有单数和复数两种形式之分 null名词的单数形式 一般可用a来修饰 * a car *a book 在元音发音开头的单词前用 an * an elephant * an apple 请区别:a useful machine null名词的复数形式 1.复数形式的构成 (1) 一般在复数名词后加“s”/s/or/z/ * dog – dogs * book – books (2) 以s、x、ch、sh结尾的名词加“es”/iz/ *box – boxes *watch – watches null(3)以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i加“es” /iz/ * country – countries * factory – factories 请区别:如果是元音字母加y 结尾的名词则只须加“s” * boy – boys * monkey – monkeys null(4) 以o结尾的名词加“s” /z/ * radio – radios * zoo – zoos 只有 potato tomato加“es”构成复数 potato – potatoes tomato – tomatoes (5) 以f、fe 结尾的名词,变f、fe 为v再加“es” /vz/ * half – halves * shelf – shelves *knife – knives * leaf – leaves null2.特殊变化的单词 (1)单复数同形 Chinese – Chinese fish – fish Japanese – Japanese sheep – sheep (2)变元音字母oo为ee tooth – teeth foot – feet null3.变man为 men man – men woman – women policeman – policemen Frenchman – Frenchmen 请区别:German(德国人) – Germans 4. 其它形式 child – children mouse – mice null 5.一些合成名词的复数构成分两种情况 (1)将中心词变为复数 girlfriend – girlfriends grandchild – grandchildren (2) man,woman 构成的合成词,每个名词都要变成复数 a man doctor – men doctors a woman teacher – women teachers null6.常以复数形式出现的名词 people clothes police trousers glasses 这些名词作主语时,注意它们的谓语用复数 * My clothes are newer than yours. * The police often come here.null 7.可用how many,many,a few,few,any,lots of, some,a lot of 等修饰可数名词复数 *There are a few people in the park. *How many knives are there in your pencil-box?null★不可数名词 物质名词和抽象名词属于不可数名词如: water,rice,fish,meat 等。 特别记住: work chalk time space music money weather cotton homework wood information news medicinenull 1.不可数名词无复数,作主语时常看成单数 *Some bread is over there. *No news is good news. 2.常用how much, much, a little, little, a lot of, some, any等来修饰不可数名词 *They had much money. *He does little housework at home.null 3.常用a piece of, a cup of, a glass of,a bottle of等来表示不可数名词的量,单复数表现在of 前面的名词上,而 of 后始终是单数 *There is a piece of paper in the book. *Three glasses of orange are on the desk.null注意: 可数名词也可用量来表示, of 后用复数 * There are two bags of clothes over there. * We have five boxes of apples.null 4.有些可数名词或不可数名词在一定情 况下可相互转化,同一个词,但意思不同 (1) glass(玻璃)– a glass(玻璃杯) paper(纸) – a paper(报纸) work(工作) – a work(著作) room(空间) – a room(房间)null (2) fruit(水果) – fruits (各种水果) fish(鱼) – fishes(各种鱼) hair(所有头发) – hairs (几根头发) time(时间) – times(时代)null名词的一般用法 ★名词做定语 1.修饰另一名词时,一般用单数 * He has two pencil-boxes. * There are three banana trees over there. 2.man woman用做定语时,应与后面的名词保持数的一致 *We need a man teacher. *They are all women workers.null 3.sports,clothes做定语时,仍用复数形式 *a sports field *a clothes shop 4. 当数词与单位名词一起做定语时, 单位名词往往用单数形式,数词与单位名词用“-”连接。 *He is a fourteen-year-old boy. *This is a two-hour plan.null★名词做主语时,应注意名词的数,避免主谓不一致。 * Her family is a large one and her family are all teachers. 她家是一个大家庭,她的家人都是老师。 *There is a pair of glasses on the desk. 桌上有一副眼镜null名词所有格 表示名词间的所有关系“ …的” 一.名词所有格的构成方法 1.单数名词后加“’ s” *Tom ’ s book *my friend’ s uncle 2.以s结尾的复数名词,则在s后加“ ’”即可 *Teachers ’ Day *two weeks ’ holidaynull 3.不以s结尾的复数名词的所有格,仍按惯例加“’ s” * Children’ s Day * men’ s shoes 4.用of加名词,构成所属关系的短语,主要用于表示无生命名词的所有关系 *the color of the wall *a picture of the classroomnull二.名词所有格的几个注意点 1.可用名词所有格表示地点, 地点名词习惯上省略 * my aunt’s ( home) (我姑姑家) * go to the teachers’ ( office) (去老师办公室)   2.有些名词的所有格可用两种形式 *the cat’s name / the name of the cat *China’s capital/ the capital of Chinanull 3.表示两人共同拥有,在最后一个名词后加“’s” * Lucy and Lily’s room 露西和莉莉的房间(两人共有一间房间) 请区别: Lucy’s and Lily’s rooms 露西的房间和莉莉的房间 (两人各有一间房间)nullArticle 冠词null冠 词 虚词,本身无独立的意义, 它用来帮助说明名词所指的人或物是泛指还是特指 不定冠词a, an(泛指) 定冠词 the (特指)null1.不定冠词的用法 1)表示某人(事物)的某一种类 * My father is a driver. * Do you like an apple or a pear? 2) 表示某一事物中的任何一个 *An elephant is bigger than a horse. *A monkey can climb trees.null 3)表示某人某物,但不具体说明何人何物。 *A student from Class Two runs fastest. *A man is calling now. 4)表示数量, 有“一” 的含义 *There is a flower in the vase. *A panda has a mouth , a nose,two eyes.null 5)有些不可数名词要表示“一种”、“一场”、“一堆”时, 须加不定冠词 *a heavy snow *a strong wind *make a fire *have a good time 6)用于固定词组 *half an hour *a moment ago * a lot of *have a rest *a little a few *a pair ifnull2.定冠词的用法 1)指上文提到过的人或物,用定冠词the 2)世界上独一无二的事物前用定冠词the *the sun *the moon *the earth 3)定冠词the用于序数词前或表示方位的名词前和形容词最高级前 *the first *the best *in the south null 4)乐器名称前用定冠词the * play the piano * play the violin 5)在复数姓氏前加the,表示××一家人,常看成复数 *The Browns are going to Shanghai for a holiday this summer. =The Brown family are going to Shanghai for a holiday this summer.null 6)在一些形容词前,表示一类人 *the rich 富人 *the old 老人 *the deaf 聋子 在一些专有名词和习惯用语中常用定冠词the * the Great Wall *by the way *in the morning *on the right *behind the chair *all the time null3.不用冠词 1)在节日、星期、月份、季节、年、学科等词前不用冠词 *in summer *in August *on Sunday *study physics 请区别:in the spring of 1945 (特指,加the ) 2)一日三餐和球类运动名词前不用冠词 *have breakfast *play footballnull 3)名词前已有this, that, my, your, some, any,each作定语,不用冠词 * They met here this morning. * Each boy has a workbook. 4)一些专有名词、不可数名词、称呼、头衔不用冠词 China Grade Two Mr.Li Dr.Liu meat null 5)表示颜色、语种、国家前不用冠词 * in purple * in red * Japanese * Britain 6)固定词组 * go to bed * by bus * at night * in timenull4.在有些词组中,有冠词和无冠词意思不同 ★ in front of 在…前面 in the front of 在…范围内的前部 *There is a tree in front of the house. 房子前面有一棵树 * The teachers’ desk is in the front of the classroom. 讲台在教室的前部null ★ in hospital (生病)住院 in the hospital 在医院里 *He’s ill in hospital. 他生病住院。 *My parents work in the hospital. 我的父母在医院工作。nullExercisesnull用名词的正确形式填空 1 He cut the apple into ________ (half). 2 The ________ (potato) are mine. 3 How many ________ (family) are there in this town? 4 There are ten ________ (deer) on the farm. 5 These ________ (German) are __________ (businessman). 6 Last week we went to the __________ (child) Park.halvespotatoesfamiliesdeerGermansbusinessmenChildren’snull改错 1. It’s a hard work. 2.We don’t have any class on Sundays. 3. The room’s windows are very big. . It’s hard work.We don’t have any classes on Sundays.The windows of the room are very big.null4 How many milk is there in the bag? 5.Could I have three papers ,please? 6.These two pieces of bread is over there. How much milk is there in the bag?Could I have three pieces of paper ,please?These two pieces of bread are over there.null( )1 I found ____ good news in ____ newspaper. A. a, a B.a piece of , a piece of C.a, a piece of D. a piece of , a ( )2 What ____ it is today! A. a fine weather B. fine weather C. fine a weather D. the fine weather ( )3 To their _____ , they have all passed the exam. A. surprise B. surprising C. surprises D. surprised DBAnull( )4 Lucy is ____ sister. A. Mary and Jack B. Mary’s and Jack’s C. Mary and Jacks D. Mary and Jack’s ( )5 Please make ____ for him. He is very tired. A. any room B. any room C. some rooms D. some room ( )6 The model plane was made by a ____ boy. A. ten-years-old B. ten-year-older C. ten-year-old D. ten-year oldDDCnull( ) 7 He went to the ____ to buy a pair of shoes. A shoes store B shoe store C shoe’s store D shoes’ store ( ) 8 I will give you ____ to finish it. A two week’s time B two weeks’ time C two week time D two weeks time ( ) 9 The two bedroom are the ____. A twins B twin’s C twins’ D twins BBCnull( ) 10 This is an old photo of mine when I ____. A have short hairs B had short hairs C have short hair D had short hair ( ) 11 I think the country is much more beautiful than any other ____ in the world. A country B countries C the country D the countries ( ) 12 John’s uncle has many friends. Mr. Shute is a friend of ____. A John’s uncle B John uncle’s C John’s uncle’s D John uncleDACnullExercises 1 There is ________ “m” in ________ word “mother”. 2 Did you play ________ basketball or play ________ piano after _______school? 3 Turn right at ________ third crossing on ________ left. 4 They got to ________ moon by ________ spaceship. 5 She is ________ university student, she likes ________ music of ________ film.ana/the/thethethe/athethe
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