
SB1 U1 Good friends

2010-02-01 31页 ppt 757KB 25阅读




SB1 U1 Good friendsnullnull many-flavored friends: good friends, close friends, school friends, fair- weather friends, friends across borders, e- pals, pen friends … A friend in need is a friend indeed.null1 be more honest about sth 2 be honest with sb 3give an honest opinion...
SB1 U1 Good friends
nullnull many-flavored friends: good friends, close friends, school friends, fair- weather friends, friends across borders, e- pals, pen friends … A friend in need is a friend indeed.null1 be more honest about sth 2 be honest with sb 3give an honest opinion 4 an honest face 5 make an honest living 6 earn an honest penny 7 to be honest 8 admire one’s honesty 9 doubt/ question/ suspect one’s honesty 10 dishonest honestly 1 关于这一点你应更诚实 2 对某人老实说 3 提出坦陈的意见 4 一副诚实的面孔 5 靠正当的收入生活 6以正当的手段挣钱 7 说实话 8钦佩某人的正直 9 怀疑某人的诚实 10 不诚实的 的确;以正当方式 null1 关于这一点你应更诚实 2 对某人老实说 3 提出坦陈的意见 4 一副诚实的面孔 5 靠正当的收入生活 6以正当的手段挣钱 7 说实话 8钦佩某人的正直 9 怀疑某人的诚实 10 不诚实的 的确;以正当方式 1 be more honest about sth 2 be honest with sb 3give an honest opinion 4 an honest face 5 make an honest living 6 earn an honest penny 7 to be honest 8 admire one’s honesty 9 doubt/ question/ suspect one’s honesty 10 dishonest honestly null1 a brave soldier brave icy wind and rain to see the procession vt brave it out vi bravery n bravely adv cowardly a as brave as a lion brave, courageous, bold, fearless, heroic, daring1 一位勇敢地战士 2 不顾风雨(勇敢地面对风雨)去看游行队伍 3 勇敢地挺过去null be loyal to sb /sth be good / friendly / cruel to sb be angry with sb be angry at / about sth be good for sb/ sth be hard on sb be rough on sb be tough with sb be honest with sb be devoted to (doing)sth be faithful to sb/ sth be true to his word/ sb 对某人忠诚 对某人好、友好、残酷 对某人生气 因某事生气 对某人有益 对某人苛刻;严厉 对某人粗暴地对待;苛刻 对某人不留情面,严厉,凶恶 忠诚于;热爱;专心于 忠实于;信守 忠实于;遵守 nulltrue to life true to oneself true ,false, actual, real, genuine remain loyal to one’s political principles He is highly honored for his loyalty to his country. swear/ swore one’s loyalty to the king 逼真 安分守己 仍旧信守自己的政治原则 他因忠心于祖国而受到好评 宣誓对国王效忠 nulla tall handsome young officer handsome profit / sum/offer Handsome is that handsome does. beautiful, charming, pretty, ugly good-looking, lovely, attractive , 一位高大英俊的军官 可观的利润、数额、出价 品德优美才是真美。 nullwise a unwise a wisdom n make a wise decision a wise leader wise , smart, bright, clever, intelligent the solution to the problem classical music 做出明智的决定 一位英明的领导 一位英明的领导人 问题的解决办法 古典音乐 null argue v argument n argue about sth argue with sb argue with sb about/ over sth argue for/ against sth argue sb into doing sth 力劝 argue sb out of doing sth reason / talk sb into / out of doing sth 说服 persuade sb to do sth persuade sb into doing sth persuade sb out of doing sth convince sb to do sth quarrel n/ v quarrel with sb about/ over sth null be fond of sb/(doing) sth don’t care to do sth (否) be into sth have a fondness for have a liking for have a taste for/in have a taste of sth have an appetite for show no/ little appetite for be (rather/ very)keen on have a great love for have a preference for (doing) sth 喜欢 喜欢 喜欢 喜欢;爱好 喜欢;爱好 品尝 对…感兴趣;喜欢;渴求 对…毫无兴趣 喜欢;迷恋,酷爱 深爱 喜欢null go in for sth/ go for don’t go much for= don’t think much of sth care for (疑、否、条) take/ have / show/ find a great interest in sth develop an interest in sth be interested in doing sth One’s favorite 名词 is sth is one’s favorite+ n be crazy / mad about (doing) sth以…为嗜好;对…感兴趣;爱好 不太喜欢 对…有兴趣 逐渐对…感兴趣 某人最喜欢的是 特别喜欢;痴迷于 null feel like (doing) sth be pleased with sb/ sth delight in (doing) sth take delight/pleasure in (doing) sth delight to do sth fancy sth take a fancy to sb / sth have a fancy for chess/ travelling to one’s fancy be full of fancies a fancy fair fancy dress Fancy that! 喜欢(做) 喜欢 喜欢(做) 喜欢(做) 惯常地喜欢干某事 爱上 对…喜欢起来,看中 热衷于下棋、旅行/ 爱好/爱上/ 入迷 合自己心意 异想天开 小商品市场 化装舞会化装服装 真想不到!真奇怪! null be wild about (doing) sth/sb be wild to do sth take to sb/ sth dislike (doing) sth / to do have/ take a (strong) dislike of/ for/ to sb/sth have a particular dislike of sth hate sb/ sth hate doing/ to do sth hate sb doing / to do sth I hate it when clause= I don’t like it when… 狂热地迷恋某人 热衷于做某事 对…产生好感;喜欢 不喜欢 (很)不喜欢 特别讨厌 憎恨;厌恶;不喜欢 我不喜欢…null have a hatred for sb have a hatred at sth be/ get/ grow / become tired of (doing) sth be / get fed up with sth/sb be / get bored with sth strike a match hold up a mirror to reflect oneself admire oneself in the mirror look at oneself in the mirror 憎恨某人 讨厌某事 对…厌烦; 厌倦做… 对…厌倦/厌烦 厌烦 划火柴 照镜子 null fry some eggs fry/ stew in one’s own grease French fries fried chicken hit nails with a hammer saw logs (sawed, sawed/ sawn) saw off the lower branches of tie a rope around a dog’s neck know the ropes compass card beyond one’s compass(某物所能活动的范围) 煎几个鸡蛋 自作自受 油炸薯条 炸鸡 锯木头 锯掉低的树枝 用一根绳子拴住狗的脖子 熟悉内幕; 懂得诀窍 罗盘盘面 某人力所不及 null go to the movies (Br) go to the cinema (Am) see educational movies The setting sun casts long shadows across the garden. cast sb as Cinderella cast a vote cast a net / dice cast seed cast a glance at sb be cast away on a desert/ deserted island sb be cast away cast off the skin 看电影 看教育电影 落日余辉在院子投射出长长的影子 选某人担任灰姑娘的角色 投票 撒网/掷骰子 播种 投去一瞥 遭遇船难被冲上荒岛 使某人沮丧,失望 蜕皮 null survive two world wars survive the earthquake survive sb sb survive (in) the air crash survival n survivor n hunt for /look for/ search for hunt/ search a place for search sb for seek for/ after the truth in order to do/ so as to do share sth with sb share your experience with the rest of the group 经历两次世界大战 经历地震之后还活着 活的比某人要长 在空难中幸存下来 寻找 在某地找寻 搜身找 寻找;寻求;追求 为了 与…共用; 把自己的想法、经历、感情告诉别人null share sth out between/ among sb share (in) sth share a common interest in botany share in her love of animals to one’s sorrow the joys and sorrows of family life share happiness and sorrow share the / one’s joys and sorrows share thoughts and feelings feel sorrow cause much sorrow to sb drown one’s sorrows 把…分给…;和某人分享 有相同的感情/想法/ 经历; 共同承担 使某人悲痛的是 家庭生活的苦与乐 感到悲伤 使某人大为伤心 于某人同甘共苦 借酒解愁null care about feelings of shame and guilt a sudden feeling of tiredness hide one’s feelings my own feeling ( opinion/ attitude) have / get a feeling ( that) lose all feeling in his legs be lost to all feeling have mixed feelings feeling of responsibility feeling of inferiority/ superiority good feeling/ bad/ ill feeling 担心;关心 羞耻和内疚的感觉 突然疲劳的感觉 隐藏某人的感受 我自己的想法 感觉(某事可能是真的 或可能发生) 身体对疼痛、冷热的知觉 麻木不仁 悲喜交加 责任感 自卑感/ 优越感 好感/ 愤慨;反感null feeling, emotion, passion, affection 感情 feeling 所示的“感情”,常用复数,可以是愉快的、痛苦的,喜爱的、厌恶的。 emotion “感情”比feeling 多了一层“激动”的意义,指精神上极强烈的感情。 passion 比emotion强,表示强烈的“激情”,这种感情可以是占有或报复的欲望,而且较少或根本不受理智的制约 affection 主要用于表示“爱好”或“倾向于喜爱”, 通常包含“愿望”含义。null她的嗓音激动的颤抖。 Her voice was trembling with emotion. 女性往往比男性容易表达感情。 Women tend to express their emotions more easily than men. with emotion 激动地 with great passion 满怀激情 have a passion for music 酷爱,热爱 the object of one’s affections 意中人 fix one’s affections on sb 钟情于某人 feel a great affection for/towards her 对她有很深的感情 null a man full of adventure adventure / venture an opinion the new venture venture into politics be scared of scare away/ off scare sb into/ out of doing sth skip classes to keep an eye on the restaurant 充满冒险精神的人 大胆提出一个意见 生命危险或经济风险大时用venture ;想使人心振奋,寻求刺激性的冒险用adventure 新的投资项目 敢于涉足政坛 害怕 把…吓跑 吓得某人做/不做 逃课去照管餐馆null acquire the friendship of sb cultivate the friendship with sb break friendship with sb build up/ establish the friendship between develop a friendship with sb treasure/ value friendship 获得某人的友谊 培养与某人的友谊 与某人断交 建立…之间的友谊 建立于某人的友谊 珍惜友谊null1.你说出了真相,真是坦白诚实。(honest) It is honest of you to tell the truth. 3. 某人做…真勇敢 It is brave of sb to do sth.= sb is brave to do sth. 4. 早些离开是明智之举。 it would be wise to leave early. 5.查克是位商人,总是忙得很少有时间和朋友在一起。 Chuck is a businessman who is always so busy that he has little time for his friends.null so + adj/ adv + that clause so + adj +a(n) + n + that clause(as/ too/ how) so many/ few + n(pl) + that clause so much/ little + un + that clause a(n) + adj + cn such + adj + cn(pl) that clause adj + unnull6 你认为他们如何做才能解决问题呢? What do you think they should do to solve their problems? 7 一天,查克飞越太平洋时,他的飞机突然坠毁。 One day Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashes. ①was/ were doing … when…正在做…这时… ② was/ were about to do… when 刚要做…这时... ③ be on the point of doing …when刚要做…这时 ④ had done… when…刚做了…这时…null8 尽排球管威尔逊只不过是一个,他还是渐渐喜欢上了他。 Even though Wilson is just a volleyball, he becomes fond of him. question: 引导让步状语从句的连词有哪些? ①even though, even if, though, although, as, ②whatever, whoever, whichever, whenever, wherever, however= no matter what/ who/ which/ when/ where/ how ③whether… or (not)… ④ 介词或介词短语 despite, in spite of , regardless ofnull9 为了生存,查克与一名异类朋友建立了友谊。 In order to survive, Chuck develops a friendship with an unusual friend. 问题:引导目的状语从句的连词有哪些? ①主句+so that/ in order that clause +may/might/can/ could … ②主句+ lest/ for fear that (以免,以防) (should) do/ be … I avoid mentioning the subject lest/ for fear that he be offended. null“也,不”表达 我不喜欢唱歌,也不喜欢电脑。 I don’t enjoy singing, nor do I like computers. 摇滚乐不错,滑雪也可以。 Rock music is OK, and so is skiing. 他和我都不对。 Neither she nor I am right. 他和我必有一人对。 Either she or I am right. 他和我都对。 Both she and I are right.null约翰喜欢鱼但不喜欢肉,玛丽也是。 John likes fish but doesn’t like meat, so it is with Mary. 约翰出生在乡下,生长在北京,玛丽也一样。 John was born in the countryside but he grew up in Beijing, and it was the same with Mary. 他和 他母亲一样会弹钢琴。 He plays the piano, as/so does his mother. 老师请我去取粉笔,我去取了。 The teacher asked me to fetch some chalk, and I did so. ---Tom speaks English well.--- So he does. null不仅老师而且所有学生都在参加运动会。 All the students as well as their teachers are attending the school sports meet. Not only the teachers but all the students are attending the school sports meet.
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