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中高级口译证书高频翻译考点右脑王英语学习机r6899.asktang.com 右脑王英语学习机r6899.asktang.com 国家教育部重点推广外语学习机 右脑王英语学习机官方r6899.asktang.com 官方优惠代码R6899,购买输入获更多优惠   中高级口译证书高频翻译考点   港澳台 背景(Background) 香 港 香港是中国的一部分。自古以来,我们的祖先在这块土地上劳动、生活。历史上从秦代到清朝,中国一直对香港实行管辖,行使主权。19世纪中叶,英国发动两次鸦片战争,迫使腐败无能的清政府签订了不...
右脑王英语学习机r6899.asktang.com 右脑王英语学习机r6899.asktang.com 国家教育部重点推广外语学习机 右脑王英语学习机官方r6899.asktang.com 官方优惠代码R6899,购买输入获更多优惠   中高级口译证书高频翻译考点   港澳台 背景(Background) 香 港 香港是中国的一部分。自古以来,我们的祖先在这块土地上劳动、生活。历史上从秦代到清朝,中国一直对香港实行管辖,行使主权。19世纪中叶,英国发动两次鸦片战争,迫使腐败无能的清政府签订了不平等条约并于1898年侵占了整个香港地区。 香港于1997年7月1日回归祖国,现有人口约630万。 Hong Kong is an inalienable part of China. Since ancient times, our ancestors lived and labored on this land. Historically from the Qing Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, China exercised jurisdiction and sovereignty over Hong Kong. In mid-19th century after launching two Opium Wars, Britain forced the corrupt and incompetent Qing govemment to sign the unequal treaties. In 1898, Britain occupied the entire Hong Kong region. On July 1, 1997, Hong Kong finally returned to the motherland. It has a population of 6.3 million. ◆香港同胞有着光荣的爱国主义传统 Hong Kong compatriots have a glorious patriotic tradition. ◆一国两制、港人治港及高度自治等基本方针将不会改变 The basic policies of one country, two systems, Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong and a high degree of autonomy will remain unchanged. ◆香港将继续保持作为国际财经金融中心的地位 Hong Kong will continue to retain its status of functioning as an international financial center ◆未来的香港,人人都有平等竞争的机会 In future Hong Kong, everyone will be given an equal right for competition 澳 门 自古以来,澳门就是中国的领土。我们的祖先很早就开始在澳门生活。16世纪中期,葡萄牙人行贿中国朝廷官员,获准借澳门暂住。19世纪鸦片战争前,葡萄牙人已完全控制了澳门。1887年 清政府被迫签订了不平等的《中葡条约》。 1987年,中葡签订了"中葡联合声明",宣布澳门为中国领土,中国政府将于1999年12月20日对其恢复行使主权。 澳门于1999年12月20日回归祖国;现有人口约45万。 Macao is historically Chinese territory and the ancestors of the Chinese people started to live in Macao as early as the New Stone Age. During the mid-16th century, the Portuguese bribed Chinese officials and obtained permission to live on the Macao Peninsula temporarily. In the 19th century, the Portuguese took full control over Macao in the wake of the Opium War. In 1887, the Qing Government was forced to sign an unequal treaty and Portuguese stayed in Macao permanently. In 1987, China and Portugal signed the Sino=Portuguese Joint Declaration which declared Macao is Chinese territory and that the Chinese Government would resume the exercise of sovereignty over it from December20, 1999. It now has a population of about 450,000. ◆澳门的回归将从此借宿外国在中国土地上统治耻辱的年代 Macao's return will end years of humiliating foreign rule over Chinese land. ◆澳门社会市中西文化融合,同时也是连结海峡两岸的桥梁 Macao society is a blend of Chinese and Western cultures and acts as a bridge linking the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. 台 湾 ◆台湾市中国领土不可分割的一部分。1895年,日本通过侵华战争强迫清政府签订不平等的《马关条约》,霸占了台湾。1945年,中国政府新恢复对台湾行使主权。 台湾现有人口约2094万。 Taiwan is an inalienable part of China. In 1895, through a war of aggression against China, Japan forced the Qing Government to sign the unequal Treaty of Shimonoseki, and forcibly occupied Taiwan. In 1945, the Chinese Government recovered Taiwan, resuming the exercise of sovereignty over Taiwan. Taiwan has a population of about 20.94 million. ◆一个中国原则是实现和平统一的基础和前提 The one-China principle is the basis and prerequisite for achieving peaceful reunification ◆在一个中国原则下,什么问题都可以谈 Any question can be discussed under one-China principle. ◆不能允许台湾问题的解决再无限期地拖下去了 The people of the whole of China cannot allow the resolution of the Taiwan issue to be dragged on indefinitely ◆台湾新领导人的选举,并不能改变台湾是中国领土的一部分的事实 The election of a new leader in Taiwan cannot change the fact that Taiwan is part of Chinese territory ◆我们解决台湾问题的原则是"和平统一祖国和一国两制" Our guideline for solving the Taiwan question is "peaceful reunification and the one country, two systems" ◆台湾当局必须抛弃"两国"论 The Taiwanese authorities must abandon "two states" statement 方针(Major Policies) 一个国家,两种 One country, two systems. ◆港人治港 Hong Kong people administer Hong Kong ◆澳人治澳 Macao people administer Macao ◆一个中国的原则 One-China principle ◆和平统一祖国 Peaceful reunification of the motherland ◆高度自治 a high degree of autonomy 改革开放 基本观点(Basic Viewpoints) ◆发展是硬道理 Development is the main principle ◆深化改革,加强和改善宏观调控 Deepen reform and strengthen and improve macro-control ◆在我国现代化过程中,我们必须始终坚持一手抓物质文明,一手抓精神文明。 In the process of China's modernization, we must always work for material progress and at the same time for cultural and ethical progress ◆深化改革为国民经济和社会发展注入了新的活力。 The deepened reform has injected a flow of fresh vitality into our national economic and social development. ◆市场也有盲目性和局限性。 The market is unplanned and has its limitations. ◆国有企业改革是当前经济体制改革的重点。 The reform of state-owned enterprises is the principal task of the on-going economic restructuring ◆我们要继续扩大对外开放,并形成全方位、多层次、宽领域的开放格局。 We must continue an omni-directional, multilevel and wide-range opening to the outside world. ◆国民经济市场化、社会的程度得到明显提高。 The national economy is notably more market-oriented and socialized. 时代观点 ◆深入学习邓小平理论。 Study Deng Xiaoping Theory deeply ◆治国现治党,治党必从严。 To rule the country, first rule the Party, and with a strong hand ◆加强廉政建设,惩治贪污腐败。 Work harder to build an honest government, punish graft and corruption ◆让雷锋精神永驻心间。 Let the Lei Feng spirit be in your heart year-round ◆我们既面临难得的机遇,也面临严峻的挑战。 We are faced with both a rare opportunity and grave challenges. ◆实践是检验真理的唯一标准。 Practice is the sole criterion for judging truth. ◆打破垄断,鼓励竞争。 扩大内需促繁荣。 Encourage domestic demand and promote prosperity. ◆保护地球环境-人类共有的家园。 Protect the earth's environment-the homeland of all mankind. ◆保护环境是每个公民的与义务。 Protecting environment is every citizen's responsibility and moral duty. ◆为子孙后代留下青山绿水。 Preserve the green mountains and clear rivers for posterity ◆治理大气污染,还城市一片蓝天! Control air pollution and bring back city's blue sky! ◆污染者应该承担污染的代价。 The polluter should pay. ◆全社会都来关心再就业。 Our entire society should be involved in the effort to find new jobs for laid-off workers. ◆积极参加下岗再就业。 Laid-off employees should take full advantage of retraining programs. ◆下岗是对生产力的一次大解放-给自己一个重新选择的机会。 Lay offs are a great liberation of productive forces - give yourself a chance to make a fresh choice. ◆消费可以刺激经济发展。 Consumer buying can build up the economy. ◆中国加入世贸组织符合中美两国人民的利益、 China's entry into the WTO is in the best interest of both the Chinese and Americans. ◆中美两国人民应该加强了解,增进共识。 Chinese and Americans should strengthen mutual understanding and promote the positions they share. ◆拒买盗版物,保护知识产权。 Don't buy pirated goods. Protect intellectual property rights. ◆珍爱生命,永不沾毒。 value your own life-stay away from drugs. ◆不要让烟草缩短你的宝贵的生命。 Don't let smoking take years away from your life. ◆拒绝毒品,别拿生命做赌注。 Say no to drugs. Don't gamble your life away. ◆减轻课业负担,还孩子快乐童年! Less homework for our children - give school kids more free time. ◆以旅游为桥梁,增进各国人民友谊。 Use tourism as a bridge and promote the friendship between people from different countries. ◆告别违章行车,保证交通顺畅。 Say goodbye to lawless driving, ensure the smooth flow of traffic. ◆深化改革,全面推进素质教育。 Efforts should be made to deepen the educational reform and promote the qualification-oriented education in an all-round way. ◆全面推进依法行政,从严治政,建设廉洁,勤政。务实,高效政府。 The government should be strict with itself in carrying out its official duties in accordance with the law and try to be honest, diligent, pragmatic and efficient. ◆发展是硬道理。 Development is the absolute principle. ◆厉行勤俭,反对奢侈浪费。 We must practice strict economy and combat extravagance. 西部大开发 基本观点(Basic Viewpoints) ◆自从开发西部战略提出以来,中央政府各部委都已积极行动起来。许多部委已经采取了支持西部发展的新举措。 Since China launched the strategy of developing the country's west, various ministries and commissions under the Central Government have gone into action. Many of them have adopted new measures for supporting the western region development program. ◆中央政府将给予优惠政策,增加对西部的财政投入。 The Government will give preferential policies to increase financial input to the western region. ◆国家将给西部发放政府长期贷款。 The state will issue long-term government loans to the western region. 开发西部应该引进新思想和新机制。 In developing the west, new ideas and mechanisms should be adopted. ◆国家很快将出台一系列有关西部发展的政策。 The state will soon stage a series of policy measures in relation to western region development. 金融 基本观点(Basic Viewpoints) ◆深化金融改革,整顿金融秩序,强化金融监管和法制,努力提高经营效益。 We should continue to deepen financial reform, rectify financial order, tighten financial supervision and regulation by law and improve performance. ◆在坚持稳健经营的原则下,金融系统要加大对经济发展支持的力度。 In accordance with the principle of prudent operation , financial institutions should their support for economic development. ◆要进一步发挥货币政策的作用。 We should take better advantage of the role of monetary policy. ◆我们要进一步和发展证券市场,增加企业直接融资比重。 We should further standardize and develop securities market so that enterprises will be able to increase the proportion of direct financing. ◆要努力解决农民贷款难的问题。 We should strive to solve the problem of farmers having difficulty taking out loans. 环境保护 基本观点(Basic Viewpoints) ◆提高全民族环保意识。 Awaken the whole nation to the importance of environmental protection. ◆中国已规定并修改了有关水、空气及固体垃圾污染的有关法律,为取得持续发展打下了基础。 China has stipulated and revised the relevant laws on water air and solid waste pollution, laying the foundation for achieving sustainable development. ◆保护地球环境-人类共有的家园。 Protect the earth's environment -- the homeland of all mankind. ◆保护环境识每个公民的责任与义务。 Protecting the environment is every citizen's responsibility and moral duty. ◆对环境问题的关注已经成为一种不可逆转的历史潮流。 The attention to environment issue has become an irreversible historical trend. ◆切实搞好生态环境建设。 Practical measures need to be taken to improve the environment. ◆工厂废气、污水排放到2000年底必须符合排放标准。 All factories must meet discharge standards by the end of 2000. ◆到2010年,我国可能制止城乡环境的恶化。 By 2010, our country expects to curb environmental deterioration in the cities and villages. ◆为了避免破坏西部环境,有必要对西部地区的经济开发与建设进行严格监督。 To avoid ruining the environment in the west, strict supervision of economic development and construction in the western areas is necessary. 人权问题 基本观点(Major Viewpoints) ◆自改革开放以来,中国找到了一条适合自己国情的促进和发展人权的道路。 Since reform and opening up, China has found a road for the promotion and development of human rights that suits its realty. ◆将生存权,发展权放在首位,在改革,发展,稳定的情况下,全面推进人权。 Put the rights to subsistence and development in the first place and under the conditions of reform. Development and stability, promote human rights development in an overall way. ◆我们完全有理由相信中国的人权状况将不断改善。 We have every reason to believe that China's human rights situation will continue to improve. ◆中国重视维护公民的劳动和社会保障权利。 China attaches great importance to the protection of the citizen's labour and social security rights. ◆为解决事业人员和下岗职工的再就业问题,中国重1994年开始实施再就业工程。 A re-employment project aiming at solving the problems of the jobless and the laid-off worker was initiated in 1994. ◆公民受教育的权利进一步得到保障。 The right of Chinese citizens to receive education has been further guaranteed. ◆中国在人权问题上一贯主张对话,反对对抗。 China always advocates dialogue and opposes confrontation in the field of human rights. ◆中国反对"人权高于主权"的主张。 China family opposes the idea of "human rights above sovereignty". ◆中国对人权问题的立场识十分清楚的、一贯的,那就是强烈地反对以人权为借口,干涉别国内政的任何企图。 China's stand on the human rights issue is clear and consistent, that it strongly object to any attempt to interfere in the internal affairs of other nations using human rights as a pretext. 中高级口译证书高频翻译考点(二)   中美关系 背景 中美两国在世界上具有很大的影响,两国人民都希望保持和发展健康,稳定的关系。中美两国既有共同利益,也有分歧。中美三个联合公报于1972年在上海签订。1997年下半年,江泽民主席对美国进行了访问。1998年,克林顿总统也对中国进行了9天访问。中美关系健康,平稳发展的关键在于严格遵守中美三个联合公报的原则。目前,中美两国将继续一起共同努力建立 建设性战略伙伴关系。 Both China and the United States exert a considerable influence in the world, and the two peoples wish to maintain and develop healthy and stable ties. There ere both common interests and differences between China and the United States. The three Sino-US Joint Communiques were signed in Shanghai in 1972.President Jiang Zemin visited the United States in late 1997, President Bill Clinton paid a 9-day visit to China in 1998. The key to the healthy and steady development of Sino-US ties is strictly abiding by the principles' set in the three Sino-US Joint Communiques. At present, China and the United States will continue to work together to set up a constructive strategic partnership. 基本观点 ◆我们应该根据互相尊重、平等互利、互不干涉内政和求同存异的原则,妥善解决分歧。 We should properly address our differences on the principle of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, non-interference in each other's internal affairs and seeking common ground while reserving differences. ◆中国希望美国采取有效步骤,坚持"一个中国'的立场,这不仅在口头上,而且要有实际行动。 China hopes that the United States will adopt effective steps to stick to "one China" stand, not only in words but also in deeds. ◆台湾问题是中美关系中最重要,最敏感的问题 The Taiwan issue remains the most important and the most sensitive problem in Sino-US relations. ◆ 中国反对霸权主义,中国永远也不搞霸权。 China opposes hegemonism, and China will never seek hegemony. ◆中国的发展将不会对任何国家构成威胁。 China's development will not pose a threat to any other country. ◆在对华贸易中,美国应该放弃任何形式的歧视性政策。 In trading with China, the United States should also give up all forms of discriminatory policies. 中俄关系在过去50年既有过亲密联盟的黄金时代,也经历过关系紧张的困难时期。1950年中苏两国签订了"中苏友好同盟互助条约"。但从1958年开始,中苏关系开始恶化。1989年,戈巴乔夫和邓小平举行了高峰会议。到此时,中苏关系完全正常化。1996年两国决定发展一种面向21世纪平等、互相信任、互相协作的战略伙伴关系。 In the past 50 years of Sino. Russian relations, there were both golden ages of intimacy and alliance and a tough period of hostility. In 1950, the two countries signed the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance. But since. 1958, the Sino-Soviet relationship began worsening . in 1989, Gorbachev and Deng Xiaoping held a summit meeting. By this time, the Sino-Soviet relationship had been completely normalized. In 1996, the two countries resolved to develop a "strategic partnership of equality, mutual confidence and mutual coordination directed toward the 21st century". 网络 基本观点 ◆使我们生活得以变革的因特网,已成为世界经济中不可逆转的趋势。 The Internet, which has already revolutionized our lives, has become an irreversible trend in the world economy. ◆中国有世界上最大的因特网市场。 China has the largest Internet market in the world. ◆基于高科技和因特网技术的经济是未来社会繁荣的源泉。 The economy based on high - technology and the Internet is the source of future prosperity. ◆ 中国有越来越多的用户上网漫游。 More and more users in China began to surf on the Internet. ◆很多用户都能上因特网。 All households have internet access.    右脑王英语学习机r6899.asktang.com 国家教育部重点推广外语学习机 右脑王英语学习机官方r6899.asktang.com 官方优惠代码R6899,购买输入获更多优惠  
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