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专四阅读理解练习11-20 www.TopSage.com 大家网 1 / 33 更多精品在大家! http://www.topsage.com 大家网,大家的! 专四阅读理解练习 11 Most earthquakes occur within the upper 15 miles of the earth's surface. But earthquakes can and do occur at all depths to about 460 miles. Their number decreases as the depth i...
www.TopSage.com 大家网 1 / 33 更多精品在大家! http://www.topsage.com 大家网,大家的! 专四阅读理解练习 11 Most earthquakes occur within the upper 15 miles of the earth's surface. But earthquakes can and do occur at all depths to about 460 miles. Their number decreases as the depth increases. At about 460 miles one earthquake occurs only every few years. Near the surface earthquakes may run as high as 100 in a month, but the yearly average does not vary much. In comparison with the total number of earthquakes each year, the number of disastrous earthquakes is very small. The extent of the disaster in an earthquake depends on many factors. If you carefully build a toy house with an erect set, it will still stand no matter how much you shake the table. But if you build a toy house with a pack of cards, a slight shake of the table will make it fall. An earthquake in Agadir, Morocco, was not strong enough to be recorded on distant instruments, but it completely destroyed the city. Many stronger earthquakes have done comparatively little damage. If a building is well constructed and built on solid ground, it will resist an earthquake. Most deaths in earthquakes have been due to faulty building construction or poor building sites. A third and very serious factor is panic. When people rush out into narrow streets, more deaths will result. The United Nations has played an important part in reducing the damage done by earthquakes. It has sent a team of experts to all countries known to be affected by earthquakes. Working with local geologists and engineers, the experts have studied the nature of the ground and the type of most practical building code for the local area. If followed, these suggestions will make disastrous earthquakes almost a thing of the past. There is one type of earthquake disaster that little can be done about. This is the disaster caused by seismic sea waves, or tsunamis. (These are often called tidal waves, but the name is incorrect. They have nothing to do with tides.) In certain areas, earthquakes take 下列均可免费下载: 冲击波系列 ?2011 年英语专业 4 级听写 100 篇文本及 MP3 下载(大家网首发) 冲击波系列 ?2011 年英语专业 4 级听力文书及 MP3 下载(大家网首发) 冲击波系列 ?2011 年英语专业 4 级阅读书下载(大家网首发) 冲击波系列 ?2011 年英语专业 4 级完型填空书下载(大家网首发) 冲击波系列 ?2011 年英语专业 4 级写作书下载(大家网首发) 冲击波系列 ?2011 年英语专业 4 级语法与词汇书下载(大家网首发) 【2010 年新书】英语专业四级考试高分集训之写作下载 张福元 -【2010 年】英语专业四级考试词汇必备 下载 英语专业四级考试专家 : 词汇手册 PDF 书下载 英语专业 4 级词汇轻松背 ( 新大纲新标准 ) 东南大学出版社 PDF 下载 英语专业四级完形填空 88 练 高校英语专业四级考试写作参考 一书下载 英语专业四级完型填空训练与指导一书下载 英语专业四级十年真题及详解( 2000-2009 )PDF 书下载 英语专业四级历年真题听力下载( 2000-2009 ) 李桂春:英语专业四级考试词汇与语法训练营 专四预测试卷共 10 套下载(含 MP3 及LRC 字幕) 宋秀葵:英语专业四级考试阅读训练营 张艳莉 :英语专业四八级词汇一本通共约 400 页PDF 书下载 代奎华:英语专业四级考试写作训练营 黄嫱:英语专业四级考试阅读理解高分过关 黄嫱:英语专业四级考试语法与词汇、完型填空高分过关约 250 页PDF下载 黄嫱:英语专业四级考试写作高分过关 PDF 书下载 郝飞雪:英语专业四级真题解析 PDF 书下载 常骏跃:英语专业四级听写 50 篇PDF 书下载 常春藤:英语专业四级新闻听力训练 PDF书下载 常春藤:英语专业四级词汇考点速记 PDF书下载 方志平:英语专业四级考试模拟试题集 PDF 书下载 孙慧:英语专业四级考试阅读理解综合训练与解析 PDF 书下载 王蕾:英语专业四级听力 PDF 书下载 赵亚莉:快乐英语岛 英语专业四级 写作书下载 快乐英语岛:英语专业四级 -语法 PDF 书下载 江萍:高校英语专业四级应考教程:阅读理解与写作 PDF书下载 常春藤:英语专业四级完型填空 语法与词汇指南 PDF 书下载 宋秀葵:英语专业四级考试听力训练营 PDF 书下载 专四必背单词约 40 页WORD 下载 英语专四常见短语 WORD 下载 专业四级考前恶补之语法词汇 WORD 下载 专四词汇恶补之十篇电子书下载 专四词汇冲刺练习共 15 期电子书下载 专四填空训练及答案解析 70 篇电子书下载 英语专业四级词汇与语法模拟练习及答案解析 19 篇电子书下载 专四考试词汇与语法模拟题及答案解析 72 篇电子书(文本下载) 专四词汇练习及答案汇总 专四常见名词和介词搭配短语汇总 专四 8000 词逻辑辩证记忆汇总 专四高频词汇及短语约 17 页WORD 下载 闭着眼睛背 1000 单词共 50 篇下载 英语基础词汇及解析共 170 篇电子书下载 英语词汇正误辨析共 44 篇电子书下载 热门话题新词汇总共 17 篇下载 800 个有趣句子帮你记忆 7000 个单词(完整修正版) 英语常用同义词辨析 English Synonyms 总结归纳:非谓语动词用法分析说明 专四常见动词短语汇总 专四语法词汇详解汇总及文本下载 英语语法共 128 篇下载 专四必备语法汇总 英语语法之名词用法共 48 篇电子书下载 英语语法之代词用法共 47 篇电子书下载 专业英语考试必背 100 个句式 WORD 下载 专业英语四级必考语法 WORD 下载 英语专业四级历年真题听力下载( 2000-2010 ) 2010 年英语专业四级考试听力真题(电子版) 专四考试指南文本及听力共 14 篇下载 专四听力训练共 8 篇文本及听力 MP3 下载 专四历年听写答案 (94-08)及MP3 [下载 ][ 推荐 ]专四常考听力习语专业英语四级必考语法 英语专业四级 Dictation 听写 50 篇 专业四级新闻听力练习答案及高频使用词汇下载 专四阅读理解练习及答案汇总 专四每日一读汇总 专业四级考前恶补之阅读完型 WORD 下载 阅读难点关键句 200(中英对照) . 专四完型模拟练习及答案汇总 专业四级考试分块练习汇总及答案 WORD 下载 完形填空词组及固定搭配常考汇总( WORD )下载 英语专业四级作文实用技巧及近 200 篇作文范文 WORD 下载 专业四级作文范文共 36 篇电子书下载 专四作文范文汇总 专四写作高招汇总 疯狂口语写作句型 300 句及文本下载 专业四级考前恶补之写作 WORD 下载 应用文写作共 29 篇下载 英语写作必背 200 句 英语句型宝典 2 / 33 专四阅读理解练习 11-20.doc TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! http://www.topsage.com 更多精品在大家! place beneath the sea. These submarine earthquakes sometimes give rise to seismic sea waves. The waves are not noticeable out at sea because of their long wave length. But when they roll into harbors, they pile up into walls of water 6 to 60 feet high. The Japanese call them "tsunamis", meaning "harbor waves", because they reach a sizable height only in harbors. Tsunamis travel fairly slowly, at speeds up to 500 miles an hour. An adequate warning system is in use to warn all shores likely to be reached by the waves. But this only enables people to leave the threatened shores for higher ground. There is no way to stop the oncoming wave. 18. Which of the following CANNOT be concluded from the passage? A. The number of earthquakes is closely related to depth. B. Roughly the same number of earthquakes occur each year. C. Earthquakes are impossible at depths over 460 miles. D. Earthquakes are most likely to occur near the surfaces. 19. The destruction of Agadir is an example of ______.   A. faulty building construction B. an earthquake's strength C. widespread panic in earthquakes D. ineffective instruments 20. The United Nations' experts are supposed to______.   A. construct strong buildings B. put forward proposals C. detect disastrous earthquakes D. monitor earthquakes www.TopSage.com 大家网 3 / 33 更多精品在大家! http://www.topsage.com 大家网,大家的! 21. The significance of the slow speed of tsunamis is that people may______.   A. notice them out at sea B. find ways to stop them C. be warned early enough D. develop warning systems ■答案 ■ 答案: 18-21 C A B C 专四阅读理解练习 12 I live in the land of Disney, Hollywood and year-round sun. You may think people in such a glamorous , fun-filled place are happier than others. If so, you have some mistaken ideas about the nature of happiness. Many intelligent people still equate happiness with fun. The truth is that fun and happiness have little or nothing in common. Fun is what we experience during an act. Happiness is what we experience after an act. It is a deeper, more abiding emotion. Going to an amusement park or ball game, watching a movie or television, are fun activities that help us relax, temporarily forget our problems and maybe even laugh. But they do not bring happiness, because their positive effects end when the fun ends. 4 / 33 专四阅读理解练习 11-20.doc TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! http://www.topsage.com 更多精品在大家! I have often thought that if Hollywood stars have a role to play, it is to teach us that happiness has nothing to do with fun. These rich, beautiful individuals have constant access to glamorous parties, fancy cars, expensive homes, everything that spells “ happiness ” . But in memoir after memoir, celebrities reveal the unhappiness hidden beneath all their fun: depression, alcoholism , drug addiction, broken marriages, troubled children and profound loneliness. Ask a bachelor why he resists marriage even though he finds dating to be less and less satisfying. If he ’ s honest, he will tell you that he is afraid of making a commitment. For commitment is in fact quite painful. The single life is filled with fun, adventure and excitement. Marriage has such moments, but they are not its most distinguishing features. Similarly, couples that choose not to have children are deciding in favor of painless fun over painful happiness. They can dine out ever they want and sleep as late as they want. Couples with infant children are lucky to get a whole night ’ s sleep or a three-day vacation. I don ’ t know any parent who would choose the word fun to describe raising children. Understanding and accepting that true happiness has nothing to do with fun is one of the most liberating realizations we can ever come to. It liberates time: now we can devote more hours to activities that can genuinely increase our happiness. It liberates money: buying that new car or those fancy clothes that will do nothing to increase our happiness now seems pointless. And it liberates us from envy: we now understand that all those rich and glamorous people we were so sure are happy because they are always having so much fun actually may not be happy at all. 1.Which of the following is true? A.Fun creates long-lasting satisfaction. B.Fun provides enjoyment while pain leads to happiness. www.TopSage.com 大家网 5 / 33 更多精品在大家! http://www.topsage.com 大家网,大家的! C.Happiness is enduring whereas fun is short-lived. D.Fun that is long-standing may lead to happiness. 2.To the author, Hollywood stars all have an important role to play that is to __. A.rite memoir after memoir about their happiness. B.tell the public that happiness has nothing to do with fun. C.teach people how to enjoy their lives. D.bring happiness to the public instead of going to glamorous parties. 3.In the author ’ s opinion, marriage___. A.affords greater fun. B.leads to raising children. C.indicates commitment. D.ends in pain. 4.Couples having infant children___. A.are lucky since they can have a whole night ’ s sleep. B.find fun in tucking them into bed at night. C.find more time to play and joke with them. D.derive happiness from their endeavor. 5.If one get the meaning of the true sense of happiness, he will__. A.stop playing games and joking with others. B.make the best use of his time increasing happiness. C.give a free hand to money. D.keep himself with his family. 答案: CBCDB 6 / 33 专四阅读理解练习 11-20.doc TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! http://www.topsage.com 更多精品在大家! 词汇讲解 1. glamorous 富有魅力的 ,迷人的 I know you want adventure and, be that as it may, the Foreign Legion is not as glamorous as it appears in the films. 我知道你喜欢冒险,不过得想一想, “外国军团 ”并不像电影中出现的那样具有魅力。 My job is not a very glamorous one but it does have its moment. 我的工作虽不算十分吸引人,但也自有其乐趣所在。 2. equate ... with ... 同等看待 ,使相等 He equates poverty with misery. 他认为贫穷就是不幸 . "Nowadays, many people equate passing examinations with being educated." 当今很多人把考试及格与受过教育等同起来。 3. abiding 永久的 ,持久的 ,不变的 An abiding love of music. 对音乐持久的爱好 4. alcoholism 酒精中毒 , 酗酒 www.TopSage.com 大家网 7 / 33 更多精品在大家! http://www.topsage.com 大家网,大家的! A person who drinks alcoholic substances habitually and to excess or who suffers from alcoholism. 酗酒者习惯性和过量饮用含有酒精物质的人或者由于酗酒或酒精中毒而遭受痛苦的人。 专四阅读理解练习 13 Once it was possible to define male and female roles easily by the division of labor. Men worked outside the home and earned the income to support their families, while women cooked the meals and took care of the home and the children. These roles were firmly fixed for most people, and there was not much opportunity for women to exchange their roles. But by the middle of this century, men ’ s and women ’ s roles were becoming less firmly fixed. In the 1950s, economic and social success was the goal of the typical American. But in the 1960s a new force developed called the counterculture . The people involved in this movement did not value the middle-class American goals. The counterculture presented men and women with new role choices. Taking more interest in childcare, men began to share child-raising tasks with their wives. In fact, some young men and women moved to communal homes or farms where the economic and childcare responsibilities were shared equally by both sexes. In addition, many Americans did not value the traditional male role of soldier. Some young men refused to be drafted as soldiers to fight in the war in Vietnam. In terms of numbers, the counterculture was not a very large group of people. But its influence spread to many parts of American society. Working men of all classes began to change their economic and social patterns. Industrial workers and business executives alike cut down on “ overtime ” work so that they could spend more leisure time with their families. Some doctors, lawyers, and teachers turned away from high paying situations to practice their professions in poorer neighborhoods. 8 / 33 专四阅读理解练习 11-20.doc TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! http://www.topsage.com 更多精品在大家! In the 1970s, the feminist movement, or women ’ s liberation, produced additional economic and social changes. Women of all ages and at all levels of society were entering the work force in greater numbers. Most of them still took traditional women ’ s jobs as public school teaching, nursing, and secretarial work. But some women began to enter traditionally male occupations: police work, banking, dentistry, and construction work. Women were asking for equal work, and equal opportunities for promotion. Today the experts generally agree that important changes are taking place in the roles of men and women. Naturally, there are difficulties in adjusting to these transformations. 1.Which of the following best express the main idea of Paragraph 1? A.Women usually worked outside the home for wages. B.Men and women ’ s roles were easily exchanged in the past. C.Men ’ s roles at home were more firmly fixed than women ’ s. D.Men and women ’ s roles were usually quite separated in the past. 2.Which sentence best expresses the main idea of Paragraph 2? A.The first sentence. B.The second and the third sentences. C.The fourth sentence. D.The last sentence. 3.In the passage the author proposes that the counterculture___. A.destroyed the United States. B.transformed some American values. C.was not important in the United States. D.brought people more leisure time with their families. www.TopSage.com 大家网 9 / 33 更多精品在大家! http://www.topsage.com 大家网,大家的! 4.It could be inferred from the passage that___. A.men and women will never share the same goals. B.some men will be willing to exchange their traditional male roles. C.most men will be happy to share some of the household responsibilities with their wives. D.more American households are headed by women than ever before. 5.The best title for the passage may be ___. A.Results of Feminist Movements B.New influence in American Life C.Counterculture and Its consequence D.Traditional Division of Male and Female Roles. 答案 DCBCB 词汇讲解 1. division 区分 ,分开 The Bill was read without a division. 该法案未经分组决即进行宣读。 The divisions between the various classes of society are not so sharply marked as they used to be. 现在社会上各阶级的区分不象过去那样明显了。 2. counterculture 反传统[主流]文化 A young person, especially a member of a rebellious counterculture group. 10 / 33 专四阅读理解练习 11-20.doc TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! http://www.topsage.com 更多精品在大家! 叛逆的年轻人尤指加入反叛性的反文化组织的年轻人 An eccentric or nonconformist person, especially a member of a counterculture. 离经叛道之人反常或不符合常规之人,尤指反主流文化的成员 3. communal 公有的 A communal toilet of a type often used in a camp or barracks. 公共厕所通常用在帐篷或营房里的一种公共厕所 Belief in or practice of communal ownership, as of goods and property. 公社主义公社所有权的信仰或实践,如对商品和财产 4. adjust 调整 ,使... 适于 Could you teach me how to adjust the iris of the camera? 你能教我怎么调照相机的光圈吗? This kind of desk can be adjusted to the height you need. 这种书桌的高低可以按照你的需要调节。 专四阅读理解练习 14 Recent research has claimed that an excess of positive ions in the air can have an ill effect on people ’ s physical or psychological health. What are positive ions? Well, the air is full of ions, electrically charged particles, and generally there is a rough balance between the www.TopSage.com 大家网 11 / 33 更多精品在大家! http://www.topsage.com 大家网,大家的! positive and the negative charged. But sometimes this balance becomes disturbed and a larger proportion of positive ions are found. This happens naturally before thunderstorm, earthquakes when winds such as the Mistral, Hamsin or Sharav are blowing in certain countries. Or it can be caused by a build-up of static electricity indoors from carpets or clothing made of man-made fibres, or from TV sets, duplicators or computer display screens. When a large number of positive ions are present in the air many people experience unpleasant effects such as headaches, fatigue, irritability , and some particularly sensitive people suffer nausea or even mental disturbance. Animals are also affected, particularly before earthquakes, snakes have been observed to come out of hibernation, rats to flee from their burrows, dogs howl and cats jump about unaccountably. This has led the US Geographical Survey to fund a network of volunteers to watch animals in an effort to foresee such disasters before they hit vulnerable areas such as California. Conversely, when large numbers of negative ions are present, then people have a feeling of well-being. Natural conditions that produce these large amounts are near the sea, close to waterfalls or fountains, or in any place where water is sprayed, or forms a spray. This probably accounts for the beneficial effect of a holiday by the sea, or in the mountains with tumbling streams or waterfalls. To increase the supply of negative ions indoors, some scientists recommend the use of ionisers: small portable machines, which generate negative ions. They claim that ionisers not only clean and refresh the air but also improve the health of people sensitive to excess positive ions. Of course, there are the detractors, other scientists, who dismiss such claims and are skeptical about negative/positive ion research. Therefore people can only make up their own minds by observing the effects on themselves, or on others, of a negative rich or 12 / 33 专四阅读理解练习 11-20.doc TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! http://www.topsage.com 更多精品在大家! poor environment. After all it is debatable whether depending on seismic readings to anticipate earthquakes is more effective than watching the cat. 1.What effect does exceeding positive ionization have on some people? A.They think they are insane. B.They feel rather bad-tempered and short-fussed. C.They become violently sick. D.They are too tired to do anything. 2.In accordance with the passage, static electricity can be caused by___. A.using home-made electrical goods. B.wearing clothes made of natural materials. C.walking on artificial floor coverings. D.copying TV programs on a computer. 3.A high negative ion count is likely to be found___. A.near a pound with a water pump. B.close to a slow-flowing river. C.high in some barren mountains. D.by a rotating water sprinkler. 4.What kind of machine can generate negative ions indoors? A.Ionisers. B.Air-conditioners. C.Exhaust-fans D.Vacuum pumps. www.TopSage.com 大家网 13 / 33 更多精品在大家! http://www.topsage.com 大家网,大家的! 5.Some scientists believe that___. A.watching animals to anticipate earthquakes is more effective than depending on seismography. B.the unusual behavior of animals cannot be trusted. C.neither watching nor using seismographs is reliable. D.earthquake 答案 BCDAA 词汇讲解 1. irritability 易怒 ,过敏性 ,兴奋性 Even in his irritability he was gentle, for Mary was with child. 即使在他被激怒的时候,他仍很温柔,因为玛丽怀孕了。 Manic-depression, which affects about 2.3 million American adults, involves episodes of depression and mania, states of abnormally high mood or irritability. 目前美国有 230 万成年人饱受躁郁症之苦。 这种病的症候主要是间歇性的抑郁和狂躁, 出现反常的情绪 高涨或者兴奋。 2. foresee 预见 ,预知 Do you foresee any problems with the new system? 对于这种新体制,你看会有什么问题吗? He foresaw that his journey would be delayed by bad weather. 他预知自己的旅程会被恶劣天气耽搁。 14 / 33 专四阅读理解练习 11-20.doc TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! http://www.topsage.com 更多精品在大家! 3. seismic 地震的,有关地震的,地震引起的 An electronic receiver designed to pick up seismic vibrations. 地音探听器,地震检波器被设计用来收集地震震幅的电子接收器 A surface at which seismic wave velocities change. 不连续面间断面,地震波速度突变面 专四阅读理解练习 15 A study of art history might be a good way to learn more about a culture than is possible to learn in general history classes. Most typical history courses concentrate on politics, economics, and war. But art history focuses on much more than this because art reflects not only the political values of a people, but also religious beliefs, emotions, and psychology. In addition, information about the daily activities of our ancestors — or of people very different from our own — can be provided by art. In short, art expresses the essential qualities of a time and a place, and a study of it clearly offer us a deeper understanding than can be found in most history books. In history books, objective information about the political life of a country is presented; that is, facts about politics are given, but opinions are not expressed. Art, on the other hand, is subjective: it reflects emotions and opinions. The great Spanish painter Francisco Goya was perhaps the first truly “ political ” artist. In his well-known painting The Third of May 1808, he criticized the Spanish government for its misuse of power over people. Over a hundred years later, symbolic images were used in Pablo Picasso ’ s Guernica to express the horror of war. Meanwhile, on another continent, the powerful paintings of Diego Rivera, www.TopSage.com 大家网 15 / 33 更多精品在大家! http://www.topsage.com 大家网,大家的! Jose Clemente Orozco, and David Alfaro Siqueiros — as well as the works of Alfredo Ramos Martines — depicted these Mexican artists ’ deep anger and sadness about social problems. In the same way, art can reflect a culture ’ s religious beliefs. For hundreds of years in Europe, religious art was almost the only type of art that existed. Churches and other religious buildings were filled with paintings that depicted people and stories from the Bible. Although most people couldn ’ t read, they could still understand biblical stories in the pictures on church walls. By contrast, one of the main characteristics of art in the Middle East was (and still is) its absence of human and animal images. This reflects the Islamic belief that statues are unholy. 1.More can be learned about a culture from a study of art history than general history because art history__. A.show us the religious and emotions of a people in addition to political values. B.provide us with information about the daily activities of people in the past. C.give us an insight into the essential qualities of a time and a place. D.all of the above. 2.Art is subjective in that__. A.a personal and emotional view of history is presented through it. B.it can easily rouse our anger or sadness about social problems. C.it will find a ready echo in our hearts. D.both B and C. 3.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A.Unlike Francisco Goya, Pablo and several Mexican artists expressed their political opinions in their paintings. B.History books often reveal the compilers ’ political views. 16 / 33 专四阅读理解练习 11-20.doc TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! http://www.topsage.com 更多精品在大家! C.Religious art remained in Europe for centuries the only type of art because most people regarded the Bible as the Holy Book. D.All the above mentioned. 4.The passage is mainly discussing__. A.the difference between general history and art history. B.The making of art history. C.What can we learn from art. D.The influence of artists on art history. 5.In may be concluded from this passage that__. A.Islamic artists have had to create architectural decorations with images of flowers or geometric forms. B.History teachers are more objective than general history. C.It is more difficult to study art history than general history. D.People and stories from the Bible were painted on churches and other buildings in order to popularize the Bible. 答案: DDDCA 词汇讲解 1. misuse 误用 , 滥用 He felt misused by the company. 他觉得公司对他使用不当。 www.TopSage.com 大家网 17 / 33 更多精品在大家! http://www.topsage.com 大家网,大家的! The manufacturers disclaim all responsibility for the damage caused by misuse. 因使用不当造成的损坏,生产厂家不负任何责任。 2. depict 描述 It's a picture depicting him as a clown. 这是一幅把他画成小丑的画。 This painting depicts the birth of Venus. 这幅画描绘的是维纳斯的诞生。 专四阅读理解练习 16 If the old maxim that the customer is always right still has meaning, then the airlines that ply the world ’ s busiest air route between London and Paris have a flight on their hands. The Eurostar train service linking the UK and French capitals via the Channel Tunnel is winning customers in increasing numbers. In late May, it carried its one millionth passenger, having run only a limited service between London, Paris and Brussels since November 1994, starting with two trains a day in each direction to Paris and Brussels. By 1997, the company believes that it will be carrying ten million passengers a year, and continue to grow from there. From July, Eurostar steps its service to nine trains each way between London and Paris, and five between London and Brussels. Each train carries almost 800 passengers, 210 of them in first class. The airlines estimate that they will initially lose around 15%-20% of their London-Paris traffic to the railways once Eurostar starts a full service later this year (1995), with 15 18 / 33 专四阅读理解练习 11-20.doc TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! http://www.topsage.com 更多精品在大家! trains a day each way. A similar service will start to Brussels. The damage will be limited, however, the airlines believe, with passenger numbers returning to previous levels within two to three years. In the short term, the damage caused by the 1 million people-levels traveling between London and Paris and Brussels on Eurostar trains means that some air services are already suffering. Some of the major carriers say that their passenger numbers are down by less than 5% and point to their rivals-Particularly Air France-as having suffered the problems. On the Brussels route, the railway company had less success, and the airlines report anything from around a 5% drop to no visible decline in traffic. The airlines' optimism on returning traffic levels is based on historical precedent. British Midland, for example, points to its experience on Heathrow Leeds Bradford service which saw passenger numbers fold by 15% when British Rail electrified and modernized the railway line between London and Yorkshire. Two years later, travel had risen between the two destinations to the point where the airline was carrying record numbers of passengers. 1.British airlines confide in the fact that__. A.they are more powerful than other European airlines. B.their total loss won ’ t go beyond a drop of 5% passengers. C.their traffic levels will return in 2-3 years. D.traveling by rail can never catch up with traveling by air. 2.The author ’ s attitude towards the drop of passengers may be described as__. A.worried. B.delighted C.puzzled. D.unrivaled. www.TopSage.com 大家网 19 / 33 更多精品在大家! http://www.topsage.com 大家网,大家的! 3.In the passage, British Rail (Para 6) is mentioned to__. A.provide a comparison with Eurostar. B.support the airlines ’ optimism. C.prove the inevitable drop of air passengers. D.call for electrification and modernization of the railway. 4.The railway ’ s Brussels route is brought forth to show that__. A.the Eurostar train service is not doing good business. B.the airlines can well compete with the railway. C.the Eurostar train service only caused little damage. D.only some airlines, such as Air France, are suffering. 5.The passage is taken from the first of an essay, from which we may well predict that in the following part the author is going to__. A.praise the airlines ’ clear-mindedness. B.warn the airlines of high-speed rail services. C.propose a reduction of London/Paris flights. D.advise the airlines to follow British Midland as their model. 答案: CABCB 词汇讲解 1. initially 最初 , 开头 She came initially to spend a few days, but in the end she stayed for a whole month. 起先她只打算来待几天,但後来却住了整整一个月。 20 / 33 专四阅读理解练习 11-20.doc TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! http://www.topsage.com 更多精品在大家! Initially, I disagree with his proposal, but later I changed my mind. 起初我不同意他的提议,不过后来我改了主意。 2. optimism 乐观 , 乐观主义 Her mood varied from optimism to extreme depression. 她的情绪由乐观一变而为极度消沉 . They professed optimism about the outcome. 他们对结果表示乐观 . 专四阅读理解练习 17 Without regular supplies of some hormones our capacity to behave would be seriously impaired ; without others we would soon die. Tiny amounts of some hormones can modify moods and actions, our inclination to eat or drink, our aggressiveness or submissivenes s, and our reproductive and parental behavior. And hormones do more than influence adult behavior; early in life they help to determine the development of bodily form and may even determine an individual ’ s behavioral capacities. Later in life the changing outputs of some endocrine glands and the body ’ s changing sensitivity to some hormones are essential aspects of the phenomena of aging. Communication within the body and the consequent integration of behavior were considered the exclusive province of the nervous system up to the beginning of the present century. The emergence of endocrinology as a separate discipline can probably be traced to the experiments of Bayliss and Starling on the hormone secretion. This substance is secreted from cells in the intestinal walls when food enters the stomach; it travels through the bloodstream and stimulates the pancreas to liberate pancreatic juice, which aids in www.TopSage.com 大家网 21 / 33 更多精品在大家! http://www.topsage.com 大家网,大家的! digestion. By showing that special cells secret chemical agents that are conveyed by the bloodstream and regulate distant target organs or tissues. Bayliss and starling demonstrated that chemical integration could occur without participation of the nervous system. The term “ hormone ” was first used with reference to secretion. Starling derived the term from the Greek hormone, meaning “ to excite or set in motion. The term “ endocrine ” was introduced shortly thereafter “ Endocrine ” is used to refer to glands that secret products into the bloodstream. The term “ endocrine ” contrasts with “ exocrine ” , which is applied to glands that secret their products though ducts to the site of action. Examples of exocrine glands are the tear glands, the sweat glands, and the pancreas, which secrets pancreatic juice through a duct into the intestine. Exocrine glands are also called duct glands, while endocrine glands are called ductless. 1.What is the author ’ s main purpose in the passage? A.To explain the specific functions of various hormones. B.To provide general information about hormones. C.To explain how the term “ hormone ” evolved. D.To report on experiments in endocrinology. 2.The passage supports which of the following conclusions? A.The human body requires large amounts of most hormones. B.Synthetic hormones can replace a person ’ s natural supply of hormones if necessary. C.The quantity of hormones produced and their effects on the body are related to a person ’ s age. D.The short child of tall parents very likely had a hormone deficiency early in life. 22 / 33 专四阅读理解练习 11-20.doc TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! http://www.topsage.com 更多精品在大家! 3.It can be inferred from the passage that before the Bayliss and Starling experiments, most people believed that chemical integration occurred only___. A.during sleep. B.in the endocrine glands. C.under control of the nervous system. D.during strenuous exercise. 4.The word “ liberate ” could best be replaced by which of the following? A.Emancipate B.Discharge C.Surrender D.Save 5.According to the passage another term for exocrine glands is___. A.duct glands B.endocrine glands C.ductless glands D.intestinal glands. 1. capacity 能力 ,容量 ,容积 In prospect of increase in demand, we should operate at full capacity. 预计需求会有很大增长 , 我们应该开足马力生产。 The drama drew a capacity audience; you should have gone to see it. 这出戏吸引了满场观众;你真该去看的。 www.TopSage.com 大家网 23 / 33 更多精品在大家! http://www.topsage.com 大家网,大家的! 2. impair 损害 On a communications link, noise or unwanted signals that impair the receipt or correct interpretation of speech or data. 在通信链路上出现的噪音或无用的信号,它损害语音、数据的接收或正确的解释。 His illness has impaired his efficiency. 生病降低了他的效率。 3. aggressiveness 进取精神 , 侵犯 ,侵略 Surely, while most intellectuals cannot bear the aggressiveness of Bill, they admire his generosity. 大多数的知识分子不能忍受盖茨的凶悍,但欣赏他的慷慨。 4. submissiveness 柔顺 , 服从 The condition or quality of being passive; inactivity, quiescence, or submissiveness. 被动性被动的状态或性质;不主动、沉默或顺从 5. pancreatic 胰 ( 腺 ) 的 The starch-digesting amylase produced by the pancreas and present in pancreatic juice. 胰淀粉酶胰产生的淀粉酶,存在于胰液中 专四阅读理解练习 18 24 / 33 专四阅读理解练习 11-20.doc TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! http://www.topsage.com 更多精品在大家! The discovery of the Antarctic not only proved one of the most interesting of all geographical adventures, but created what might be called “ the heroic age of Antarctic exploration ” . By their tremendous heroism, men such as Shakleton, Scott, and Amundsen caused a new continent to emerge from the shadows, and yet that heroic age, little more than a century old, is already passing. Modern science and inventions are revolutionizing the endurance, future journeys into these icy wastes will probably depend on motor vehicles equipped with caterpillar traction rather than on the dogs that earlier discoverers found so invaluable and hardly comparable. Few realize that this Antarctic continent is almost equal in size to South America, and enormous field of work awaits geographers and prospectors. The coasts of this continent remain to be accurately charted, and the maping of the whole of the interior presents a formidable task to the cartographers who undertake the work. Once their labors are completed, it will be possible to prospect the vast natural resources which scientists believe will furnish one of the largest treasure hoards of metals and minerals the world has yet known, and almost inexhaustible sources of copper, coal, uranium, and many other ores will become available to man. Such discoveries will usher in an era of practical exploitation of the Antarctic wastes. The polar darkness which hides this continent for the six winter months will be defeated by huge batteries of light, and make possible the establishing of air-fields for the future inter-continental air services by making these areas as light as day. Present flying routes will be completely changed, for the Antarctic refueling bases will make flights from Australia to South America comparatively easy over the 5,000 miles journey. The climate is not likely to offer an insuperable problem, for the explorer Admiral Byrd has shown that the climate is possible even for men completely untrained for expeditions into www.TopSage.com 大家网 25 / 33 更多精品在大家! http://www.topsage.com 大家网,大家的! those frozen wastes. Some of his parties were men who had never seen snow before, and yet he records that they survived the rigors of the Antarctic climate comfortably, so that, provided that the appropriate installations are made, we may assume that human beings from all countries could live there safely. Byrd even affirms that it is probably the most healthy climate in the world, for the intense cold of thousands of years has sterilize this continent, and rendered it absolutely germfree, with the consequences that ordinary and extraordinary sickness and diseases from which man suffers in other zones with different climates are here utterly unknown. There exist no problems of conservation and preservation of food supplies, for the latter keep indefinitely without any signs of deterioration ; it may even be that later generations will come to regard the Antarctic as the natural storehouse for the whole world. Plans are already on foot to set up permanent bases on the shores of this continent, and what so few years ago was regarded as a “ dead continent ” now promises to be a most active center of human life and endeavor. 1.When did man begin to explore the Antarctic? A.About 100years ago. B.In this century. C.At the beginning of the 19th century. D.In 1798. 2.What must the explorers be, even though they have modern equipment and techniques? A.Brave and tough B.Stubborn and arrogant. C.Well-liked and humorous. D.Stout and smart. 26 / 33 专四阅读理解练习 11-20.doc TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! http://www.topsage.com 更多精品在大家! 3.The most healthy climate in the world is___. A.in South America. B.in the Arctic Region. C.in the Antarctic Continent. D.in the Atlantic Ocean. 4.What kind of metals and minerals can we find in the Antarctic? A.Magnetite, coal and ores. B.Copper, coal and uranium. C.Silver, natural gas and uranium. D.Aluminum, copper and natural gas. 5.What is planned for the continent? A.Building dams along the coasts. B.Setting up several summer resorts along the coasts. C.Mapping the coast and whole territory. D.Setting up permanent bases on the coasts. 答案: BDCBA 词汇讲解 1. comparatively 比较地 ,相当地 ,多少 All this was comparatively slow until, with the coming of science, the tempo was suddenly raised. 所有这些发展都比较缓慢,直到出现了科学,其速度才突然加快。 www.TopSage.com 大家网 27 / 33 更多精品在大家! http://www.topsage.com 大家网,大家的! The Norwegians live in a comparatively cold zone. 挪威人生活在比较寒冷的地区。 2. insuperable 不能制胜的 , 不能克服的 The difficulties that confront us seem insuperable. 我们面临的困难似乎是不可克服的。 Your 15th difficulty not insuperable expect your utmost endeavor advise result 15 日电悉,困难并非不可克服,望尽最大努力并电告结果。 3. sterilize 使成不毛 ,断种 ,杀菌 After her fourth child she decided to be/have herself sterilized. 她生了第四个孩子後决定做绝育手术 . The doctor performs operations with sterilized surgical instruments. 医生用消过毒的外科手术器械做手术。 4. deterioration 恶化 ,降低 ,退化 Inevitable and steady deterioration of a system or society. 恶化,败坏系统或社会不可避免的无法逆转的恶化或败坏 专四阅读理解练习 19 The discovery of the Antarctic not only proved one of the most interesting of all geographical adventures, but created what might be called “ the heroic age of Antarctic exploration ” . By their tremendous heroism, men such as Shakleton, Scott, and Amundsen caused a new continent to emerge from the shadows, and yet that heroic age, little more than a century old, is already passing. Modern science and inventions are revolutionizing 28 / 33 专四阅读理解练习 11-20.doc TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! http://www.topsage.com 更多精品在大家! the endurance, future journeys into these icy wastes will probably depend on motor vehicles equipped with caterpillar traction rather than on the dogs that earlier discoverers found so invaluable and hardly comparable. Few realize that this Antarctic continent is almost equal in size to South America, and enormous field of work awaits geographers and prospectors. The coasts of this continent remain to be accurately charted, and the maping of the whole of the interior presents a formidable task to the cartographers who undertake the work. Once their labors are completed, it will be possible to prospect the vast natural resources which scientists believe will furnish one of the largest treasure hoards of metals and minerals the world has yet known, and almost inexhaustible sources of copper , coal, uranium, and many other ores will become available to man. Such discoveries will usher in an era of practical exploitation of the Antarctic wastes. The polar darkness which hides this continent for the six winter months will be defeated by huge batteries of light, and make possible the establishing of air-fields for the future inter-continental air services by making these areas as light as day. Present flying routes will be completely changed, for the Antarctic refueling bases will make flights from Australia to South America comparatively easy over the 5,000 miles journey. The climate is not likely to offer an insuperable problem, for the explorer Admiral Byrd has shown that the climate is possible even for men completely untrained for expeditions into those frozen wastes. Some of his parties were men who had never seen snow before, and yet he records that they survived the rigors of the Antarctic climate comfortably, so that, provided that the appropriate installations are made, we may assume that human beings from all countries could live there safely. Byrd even affirms that it is probably the most healthy climate in the world, for the intense cold of thousands of years has sterilize this continent, and rendered it absolutely germfree, with the consequences that ordinary and extraordinary sickness and diseases from which man suffers in other zones with different climates are here utterly unknown. There exist no problems of conservation and preservation of food supplies, for the latter keep indefinitely without any signs of deterioration; it may even be that later generations will come to regard the Antarctic as the natural storehouse for the whole world. Plans are already on foot to set up permanent bases on the shores of this continent, and what so few years ago was regarded as a “ dead continent ” now promises to be a most active center of human life and endeavor . 1.When did man begin to explore the Antarctic A.About 100years ago. B.In this century. C.At the beginning of the 19th century. D.In 1798. 2.What must the explorers be, even though they have modern equipment and techniques A.Brave and tough www.TopSage.com 大家网 29 / 33 更多精品在大家! http://www.topsage.com 大家网,大家的! B.Stubborn and arrogant. C.Well-liked and humorous. D.Stout and smart. 3.The most healthy climate in the world is___. A.in South America. B.in the Arctic Region. C.in the Antarctic Continent. D.in the Atlantic Ocean. 4.What kind of metals and minerals can we find in the Antarctic A.Magnetite, coal and ores. B.Copper , coal and uranium. C.Silver , natural gas and uranium. D.Aluminum, copper and natural gas. 5.What is planned for the continent A.Building dams along the coasts. B.Setting up several summer resorts along the coasts. C.Mapping the coast and whole territory. D.Setting up permanent bases on the coasts. 答案: AACBD 词汇讲解 1. caterpillar 链轨 , 履带车 ; 坦克车 ; 履带拖拉机 A butterfly is produced by metamorphosis from a caterpillar. 蝴蝶是由毛虫蜕变而成的。 Jacob was a hairy man; a hairy caterpillar. 雅各是个多毛的男人;毛虫。 2. formidable 可怕的 , 可畏的 To grapple with an unexpectedly formidable opponent. 30 / 33 专四阅读理解练习 11-20.doc TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! http://www.topsage.com 更多精品在大家! 遇上劲敌与一名出乎意料难对付的对手拼搏 The king's mother was formidable old lady. 国王的母亲是个令人望而生畏的老妇人。 3. inexhaustible 无穷尽的 , 用不完的 I shall die again and again to know that life is inexhaustible. 我将死了又死,以明白生是无穷无尽的。 These guerrilla units are powerful auxiliaries to the main force and serve as inexhaustible reserves for its continuous growth. 这种广大的游击部队,造成这个主力的丰富的羽翼,又是这个主力继续扩大的不断的源泉。 4. insuperable 不能克服的 , 难以超越的 Your 15th difficulty not insuperable expect your utmost endeavor advise result 15 日电悉,困难并非不可克服,望尽最大努力并电告结果。 专四阅读理解练习 20 At some time in your life you may have a strong desire to do something strange or terrible. However , chances are that you don ’ t act on your impulse , but let it pass instead. You know that to commit the action is wrong in some way and that other people will not accept your behavior . Perhaps the most interesting thing about the phenomenon of taboo behavior is how it can change over the years within the same society, how certain behavior and attitudes once considered taboo can become perfectly acceptable and natural at another point in time. Topics such as death, for example, were once considered so upsetting and unpleasant that it was a taboo to even talk about them. Now with the publication of important books such as On Death and Dying and Learning to Say Goodbye, people have become more aware of the importance of expressing feelings about death and, as a result, are more willing to talk about this taboo subject. www.TopSage.com 大家网 31 / 33 更多精品在大家! http://www.topsage.com 大家网,大家的! One of the newest taboos in American society is the topic of fat. Unlike many other taboos, fat is topic that Americans talk about constantly. It ’ s not taboo to talk about fat; it ’ s taboo to be fat. The “ in ” look is thin, not fat. In the work world, most companies prefer youthful-looking, trim executives to sell their image as well as their products to the public. The thin look is associated with youth, vigor , and success. The fat person, on the other hand, is thought of as lazy and lacking in energy, self-discipline, and self-respect. In an image-conscious society like the U.S., thin is “ in ” , fat is “ out ” . It ’ s not surprising, then, that millions of Americans have become obsessed with staying slim and “ in shape ” . The pursuit of a youthful physical appearance is not, however , the sole reason for America ’ s fascination with diet and exercise. Recent research has shown the critical importance of diet and exercise for personal health. As in most technologically developed nations, the life-style of North Americans has changed dramatically during the course of the last century. Modern machines do all the physical labor that people were once forced to do by hand. Cars and buses transport us quickly from point to point. As a result of inactivity and disuse, people ’ s bodies can easily become weak and vulnerable to disease. In an effort to avoid such a fate, millions of Americans are spending more of their time exercising. 1.From the passage we can infer taboo is__. A.a strong desire to do something strange or terrible. B.a crime committed on impulse. C.behavior considered unacceptable in society ’ s eyes. D.an unfavorable impression left on other people. 2.Based on the ideas presented in the passage we can conclude “ being fat ” __ in American society. A.will always remain a taboo. B.is not considered a taboo by most people. C.has long been a taboo. D.may no longer be a taboo some day. 3.The topic of fat is __ many other taboo subjects. A.the same as B.different from C.more popular than D.less often talked about than. 4.In the U.S., thin is “ in ” , fat is “ out ” , this means__. A.thin is “ inside ” , fat is “ outside ” . B.thin is “ diligent ” , fat is “ lazy ” . C.thin is “ youthful ” , fat is “ spiritless ” . D.thin is “ fashionable ” , fat is “ unfashionable ” . 5.Apart from this new understanding of the correlation between health and exercise, the 32 / 33 专四阅读理解练习 11-20.doc TopSage.com 大家网,大家的! http://www.topsage.com 更多精品在大家! main reason the passage gives for why so many Americans are exercising regularly is__. A.their changed life-style. B.their eagerness to stay thin and youthful. C.their appreciation of the importance of exercise. D.the encouragement they have received from their companies. 答案: CDBDB 词汇讲解 1. impulse 冲动,推动力 We were seized by a sudden impulse to run. 我们身不由己突然想跑 . On impulse, I picked up the phone and rang my sister in Australia. 我一时心血来潮,拿起话筒就给在澳大利亚的妹妹打了个电话。 2. taboo 禁忌 ,禁止接近 ,禁止使用 Questions and problems that were once taboo are now discussed openly. 一度视为犯忌的许多问题现在可以公开谈论了 . Any mention of politics is taboo in his house. 在他家里一提政治就犯忌 . 3. pursuit 追求 , 追赶 ,工作 He exercises everyday in pursuit of health. 他为了健康而每天锻炼。 www.TopSage.com 大家网 33 / 33 更多精品在大家! http://www.topsage.com 大家网,大家的! His life is spent in the pursuit of pleasure. 他一生都在寻欢作乐 . 4. vulnerable 易受伤害的 ,有弱点的 She is very young and vulnerable to temptation/fraud. 她很年轻,易受诱惑/易受骗上当。 The potato is vulnerable to several pests. 马铃薯易受几种害虫的侵害 .
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