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强力推荐 全面的口译练习哦~~适合备考中高级口译及CATTI

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强力推荐 全面的口译练习哦~~适合备考中高级口译及CATTICATTI二级笔译练习:中美海上交锋 CATTI二级笔译练习:中美海上交锋 Only 10 days ago, US defence officials described their dialogue with China as a love- fest. The two sides had just had their “best ever” talks, said David Sedney, the Pentagon's top official for China. 仅10多天前,美国国防官员还将与中国的对话形容为是“...
强力推荐 全面的口译练习哦~~适合备考中高级口译及CATTI
CATTI二级笔译练习:中美海上交锋 CATTI二级笔译练习:中美海上交锋 Only 10 days ago, US defence officials described their dialogue with China as a love- fest. The two sides had just had their “best ever” talks, said David Sedney, the Pentagon's top official for China. 仅10多天前,美国国防官员还将与中国的对话形容为是“友好和值得称赞的”。五角大楼(Pentagon)中国事务负责人谢伟森(David Sedney)示,双方进行了“有史以来最好的”一次对话。 This week, a Chinese military leader called the US “villains” in response to accusations from the Pentagon that Chinese ships had harassed Impeccable, a US Navy survey vessel, in the South China Sea last weekend. Dennis Blair, the national intelligence director and former head of US Pacific Command, said the incident was the “most serious” since the collision of a US spy plane and a Chinese fighter jet over Hainan island in 2001. 然而上周,在回应五角大楼指责中国船只于3月9号在南中国海骚扰了美国海军监测船“无瑕号”(Impeccable)时,中国军方一位领导人把美国称为“ 恶人”。美国国家情报总监、美太平洋司令部前总司令丹尼斯•布莱尔(Dennis Blair)则表示,自美国侦察机于2001年与中国战斗机在海南岛上空发生碰撞以来,此次冲突是中美双方“最严重”的一次事件。 After initial bursts of outrage, both sides seem determined not to allow the incident to damage broader relations. But it serves as a chilling reminder of the reality in military ties between the world's only superpower and the nation most likely to become its main challenger. 在最初的义愤填膺之后,中美双方似乎都决心不让此次事件的损害牵连更广。然而,它再次提醒我们,让我们冷静地认识到中美军事关系的现实(美国是世界上唯一的超级大国,而中国则最有可能成为其主要挑战者)。 These ties have a history of cautious steps forward intermingled with stalling and shock disruptions. Mr Sedney's meetings with People's Liberation Army leaders in Beijing last month were, in fact, aimed at bringing bilateral military dialogue back on track after a partial suspension late last year after Washington confirmed its intention to go ahead with certain weapons sales to Taiwan. 一向以来,中美军事关在谨慎地往前发展,其间还会出现停滞和突然性的中断。事实上,谢伟森与中国人民解放军领导人上个月在北京的会晤,就是为了将双方军事对话重新带回正轨。在美国政府证实将继续向台湾出售某些武器的意向之后,该对话于去年晚些时候被部分中止。 There was, and still is, much reason for optimism that dialogue can become more frequent and meaningful and cover a wider range of topics, say defence officials and scholars. 国防官员和学者表示,无论是过去,还是现在,就双方对话变得更加频繁、更加有意义,以及够覆盖更多议题而言,我们有很多理由保持乐观。 One is the fact the two sides have started discussing security conditions in Pakistan and Afghanistan, China's backyard, something unheard of earlier. Another is the intensive and detailed bilateral exchanges between a PLA naval anti-piracy mission to the Gulf of Aden and its US counterparts. 其中一个理由是,双方已经开始探讨中国后院巴基斯坦和阿富汗安全状况的事实,这是以前没有过的事情。另一个理由是,中国人民解放军在打击亚丁湾(Gulf of Aden) 海盗时,与美国海军进行了密集而详细的双边交流。 “The military relationship is in a phase of adjustment after the Obama administration took office,” says Zhang Minqian, an academic from the University of International Relations, adding that Beijing might have regarded the change of government in the US as an opportunity. 来自国际关系学院(University of International Relations)的学者张敏谦表示:“中美军事关系正处于奥巴马(Obama)政府上台后的调整阶段。”他补充称,中国政府可能已经把美国政府的更替视为一次机会。 This opportunity coincides with efforts on the part of the PLA to transform itself to fill the role of the armed forces of a major power. As China stated in its defence white paper this year, the country pays increasing attention to non-traditional security threats such as terrorism and piracy. 此时,也正值中国人民解放军努力改革,以担负一个主要大国武装力量的。正如中国在其今年的国防白皮里所说,它对恐怖主义和海盗等非传统安全威胁正给与越来越多的关注。 It intends to strengthen its naval capability to secure future lines of communication, increase military contacts with other countries and take on ever more responsibility in dealing with regional and global security threats. 中国计划加强海军军力,确保未来海洋运输的能力,加大与其它国家的军事联系,并在处理地区和全球安全威胁问题上,担负起更多前所未有的职责。 The US has emphasised it welcomes this and hopes to see more of it. Mr Sedney said the US “welcomes China as a global player”. 美国强调指出,它欢迎这种做法,并且希望看到更多这样的措施。谢伟森表示,美国“欢迎中国在全球事务中扮演其角色”。 These changes, however, will continue to come very gradually, caution experts. “I don't think that China will be satisfying all of the US's expectations with regard to international involvement and responsibility from now on,” says Mr Zhang. 但专家警告称,这些改变将是非常缓慢的。张敏谦表示:“我不认为从现在开始,中国将会在国际性参与和责任方面满足美国的所有期望。” The main reason is that distrust runs deep on both sides. 主要原因是双方互不信任由来已久。 The US continues to feel that China is building a military capability that is not necessary to address the purely defensive strategic goals it claims it has. 美国仍然觉得,中国正在打造的军事能力,不只会用于实现所声称的、纯粹的防御性战略目标而言。 One example of this is China's apparent desire to own aircraft carriers, again confirmed by growing calls from senior military officials this week that the country was capable of and should build its own carrier. 其中一个例子就是中国显然想拥有航空母舰,上周来自高级军事官员不断加大的呼声——中国能够并且应该打造自己的航母——也再次证实了这一想法。 The PLA pairs these calls with the assurance that China would not seek hegemony and its military strategy remained defensive. 同时,中国人民解放军还表示,中国不会寻求霸权,以及不会改变防御性的军事战略。 But US military officials are not convinced. Washington also accuses China regularly of hiding part of its military expenditure and failing to explain what it is really doing. 然而,美国军事官员对此并不信服。美国政府还指责中国经常隐藏部分军事开支,并且没有对此真实用途作出解释。 “It is not natural for these people to reveal anything,” said a military source in frequent contact with the PLA. 一位与中国人民解放军有着频繁接触的军事消息来源表示:“对于这些人来说,他们可不习惯对任何事情作出披露。” The feeling of unease is mutual. “In the past, we would dig ourselves in but there is no one invading now,” says Peng Guangqian, a military scholar with close ties to the PLA. 这种不安的感觉是相互的。与人民解放军关系密切的军事学者彭光谦表示:“在过去,我们会做好准备,但现在没有人会发动侵略了。” “In the era of globalisation, we are interdependent. However, none of us likes it deep in our hearts. It is like a marriage without love,” Mr Peng added. 他补充表示:“在全球化时代,我们相互依赖。然而,在内心深处,我们当中的任何一方都不喜欢这种依赖。它就像一个没有爱的婚姻。” CATTI二级口译练习:甲型流感、军事问题 问:最近在国内有两宗输入性的甲型H1N1流感确诊个案。香港方面已经要求美国卫生部做好口岸防疫措施,减少其他地方的输入性病例。外交部有没有通过外交途径向美国方面提出有关要求?如果没有,是否有计划提出? Q: There have been two confirmed imported cases of influenza A H1N1 on the mainland recently. Hong Kong has asked the US Department of Health and Human Services to improve quarantine measures at points of exit to reduce imported cases elsewhere. Has the Foreign Ministry made any requests in this regard to the US through diplomatic channels? If not, do you have any plans to do so?    答:中国政府采取了及时、有效的疫情防控措施。有关部门也及时发布了疫情在中国的有关情况和信息,这些情况有关国家都是非常清楚的。我们希望通过国际合作,共同遏制甲型H1N1病毒的流行,早日克服这一疫情。我们将进一步加强这方面的合作。 A: The Chinese Government has taken timely and effective flu prevention and control measures. Competent departments have also timely released updates on flu-related information. The relevant countries are well aware. We hope to work together to contain the spread of the disease as soon as possible through international cooperation, and will continue to strengthen cooperation in this regard.    问:前几天澳大利亚在白皮书中宣布要增强它的武器系统,包括潜水艇等,并称最重要的防务发展动向是中国地位的上升。同时据报道,澳大利亚政府跟中国政府提前打招呼,说澳上述动作不是针对中国或其他国家。你认为这个说法站得住脚吗? Q: Recently Australia announced in its White Paper that it will enhance its weapon system, including submarines, and claimed that the most important trend in defence is the rise of China. And according to reports, the Australian Government has informed the Chinese Government in advance that the above measures do not target China or any other country. Do you think the story holds water?    答:关于这个问题,我已经多次在发布会上做了回答。中国坚持走和平发展的道路,奉行防御性的国防政策,不对任何国家构成威胁。中国是维护亚太地区乃至世界和平与稳定的坚定力量。这一事实是有目共睹的,世界各国是了解的。 A: I answered this question at several previous press conferences. China adheres to the road of peaceful development, adopts a defence policy that is defensive in nature, and does not pose a threat to any country. China is a staunch force for peace and stability in Asia-Pacific and the whole world. The fact is witnessed by all and known by all countries in the world. CATTI二级口译练习:加中贸易理事会演讲 非常高兴出席今天的午餐会。首先,我要感谢加中贸易理事会的热情邀请和周到安排,使我有机会同各位新老朋友见面。长期以来,在座各位为增进中加两国人民相互了解和友谊、推动两国关系改善和发展作出了积极努力。我对此表示衷心感谢。 I am delighted to join you at this luncheon. I want to thank the Canada China Business Council (CCBC) for its kind invitation and warm hospitality. It is a real pleasure to meet all of you, friends both old and new. For years, you have worked hard to enhance mutual understanding and friendship between our two peoples and promote bilateral relations between our two countries. Let me take this opportunity to express sincere thanks for what you have done. 我首次访问加拿大是在30多年前。当时,我从事外交工作不久,作为一个中方代表团的工作人员访问贵国。加拿大热情的人民、广袤的土地、优美的环境给我留下了深刻印象。后来由于工作关系,我多次来访。此次是我担任中国外长以来首次访加,故地重游,倍感亲切。我这次来访是为了与加方就中加关系和共同关心的问题深入交换意见,增加了解,扩大共识,深化合作,推动两国关系进一步改善和发展。昨天,我同坎农外长举行了会谈,并会见了金塞拉参议长。今天上午,我分别会见了哈珀总理和自由党领袖伊格纳蒂夫先生。我们谈得很好,访问取得了积极成果。 I first visited Canada more than 30 years ago. That was shortly after I joined the foreign service and I came here as a staff member of a Chinese delegation. I was deeply impressed by your warm people, vast land mass and beautiful scenery. Later on, my work brought me here several times. Yet this is my first visit to Canada as the Chinese Foreign Minister and it is nice to be back again. The purpose of my visit is to continue our in-depth discussions on bilateral relations and other issues of mutual interest, increase understanding, build consensus, deepen cooperation, and push for continued improvement and growth of our bilateral ties. Yesterday, I had talks with Minister Cannon, and met with the Honorable Noël A. Kinsella, Speaker of the Senate. And this morning, I had separate meetings with the Right Honorable Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Honorable Michael Ignatieff, Leader of the Liberal Party. The talks and meetings went very well, making my visit a very productive one. 200块钱,上新东方名师的口译课程>> 中加关系源远流长。一百多年前,中国劳工来到加拿大,为修筑横贯这个国家东西部的“太平洋铁路”作出了不可磨灭的贡献。第二次世界大战期间,中加两国人民并肩抗击法西斯。白求恩大夫的英雄事迹在中国家喻户晓,他毫不利己、专门利人的国际主义精神永远激励着世界上爱好和平的人们。上世纪60年代初,加拿大在西方国家中率先开展对华贸易,出口小麦到中国,向中国人民提供了宝贵支持。1970年,中加实现建交,加拿大成为最早与新中国建交的西方国家之一,两国关系由此揭开了新篇章。 Relations between China and Canada have a long history. More than 100 years ago, Chinese workers came to Canada and made indelible contribution to the building of the Pacific Railway that extends from the east to the west of Canada. During World War II, people of our two countries fought side by side against the fascists. The heroic deeds of Dr. Norman Bethune are remembered by all the Chinese people. His internationalist spirit, his dedication to the service of others, has always been a source of inspiration to the peace-loving people of the world. In the early 1960s, Canada became the first Western country to conduct trade with China, exporting wheat to my country. That was a valuable support to the Chinese people. In 1970, the two countries established diplomatic relations and Canada became one of the first Western countries to establish diplomatic ties with the People's Republic of China, opening a new chapter in China-Canada relations. CATTI二级口译练习:胡锦涛“金砖四国”讲话 很高兴在美丽的叶卡捷琳堡同各位相聚,就共同关心的重大问题交换看法,共商加强我们四国合作和发展大计。首先,我谨对梅德韦杰夫总统和俄罗斯政府的盛情邀请和周到安排,表示衷心的感谢! It gives me great pleasure to join you in the beautiful city of Yekaterinburg and exchange views with you on major issues of common interest and ways to promote cooperation and development of our four countries. Let me first express sincere thanks to President Medvedev and the Russian Government for the kind invitation and thoughtful arrangements. 当今世界,世界多极化和经济全球化深入发展,科技进步日新月异,各国相互依存不断加深,加强对话、深化合作、实现共赢已成为处理国际事务的主旋律。然而,国际金融危机仍在蔓延深化,形形色色的保护主义抬头,世界经济陷入衰退,南北差距持续扩大。与此同时,气候变化、粮食安全、能源资源安全、公共卫生安全问题突出,恐怖主义、大规模杀伤性武器扩散、有组织跨国犯罪等全球性挑战依然严峻。 We live at a time when the trend toward a multi-polar world and economic globalization is gaining momentum. Science and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds, and countries are increasingly interdependent. Enhanced dialogue and deeper cooperation for win-win progress has become the main approach in handling international affairs. On the other hand, however, the international financial crisis is still spreading and deepening, protectionism of various kinds is on the rise, the world economy has slid into recession, and the North-South gap is widening. We are faced with such prominent issues as climate change, food security, energy and resource security, and public health security. Global challenges such as terrorism, the spread of weapons of mass destruction and organized transnational crime remain as severe as ever. 作为主要新兴市场国家,“金砖四国”人口占世界总人口的42%,国内生产总值占世界总量的14.6%,贸易额占全球贸易额的12.8%,按购买力平价计算对世界经济增长的贡献率已超过50%。我们四国国情不同,但都肩负着维护世界和平、携手应对传统和非传统安全威胁的重大使命,都承载着加快经济社会发展、提高人民生活水平的重大责任,都面临着维护发展中国家权益、推动国际金融体系改革的重大课题。 As major emerging markets, BRIC countries account for 42% of the world’s population, 14.6% of the world’s GDP and 12.8% of global trade. Our combined contribution in PPP terms to world economic growth exceeds 50%. The four countries have different national conditions, but we all shoulder the important mission of maintaining world peace and jointly managing traditional and non-traditional security threats. We all have the heavy responsibility of accelerating economic and social development and improving people’s livelihood. And we all face the major task of safeguarding the rights and interests of developing countries and advancing reform of the international financial system. CATTI二级口译练习:联合国发展高级别会议讲话 今年是联合国千年发展目标中期审评年。此时召开非洲发展高级别会议,有助于各方回顾对非洲发展承诺的落实情况,评估非洲发展的需求与挑战,帮助和推动非洲加快发展,具有特殊意义。 This year is the year of mid-term review of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). It is of special significance that we are having the high-level meeting on Africa's development needs at this time, as this will help all parties review the delivery of their commitments to Africa's development, evaluate Africa's development needs and challenges and offer assistance and support to the accelerated development of Africa. 当今世界,求和平、谋稳定、促发展是各国人民的共同心愿。然而,天下并不太平,传统热点依旧,新的冲突时有发生,恐怖威胁、疾病传播、环境恶化、贫富加剧等非传统安全问题日益突出。经济全球化给发展中国家带来机遇,也造成挑战。 In today's world, peace, stability and development are the shared aspiration of people of all countries. However, the world is not trouble-free. While traditional hotspot issues remain unresolved, new conflicts break out from time to time. Non-traditional security issues are growing more serious, including terrorist threats, spread of diseases, environmental degradation and widening income gaps. Economic globalization presents both opportunities and challenges to developing countries. 近年来,非洲和平安全形势不断改善,区域合作和 一体化进程稳步推进。非洲经济保持了较快增长,贸易条件有所改善,债务负担进一步减轻,政府治理能力不断加强。非洲发展的步伐正在加快,势头令人鼓舞。同 时,非洲在前进的道路上仍面临艰巨挑战:和平稳定局面亟待进一步巩固;农业基础和粮食安全有待继续加强;基础设施薄弱、发展资金匮乏、外债负担沉重影响着 投资环境的改善,制约着自主发展能力的提升;医疗卫生、文化教育等社会事业的严重滞后也阻碍着人民生活水平的提高。 In recent years, the peace and security situation in Africa has kept improving and steady progress has been made in regional cooperation and its integration process. Africa has maintained fairly rapid economic growth. Its terms of trade have improved, its debt burden eased further and its governance capacity strengthened. Africa is now showing an encouraging momentum of accelerated development. At the same time, Africa is still faced with daunting challenges on the way ahead. Its peace and stability need to be consolidated, and its agricultural basis and food security need to be strengthened. Its weak infrastructure, lack of development finance and heavy burden of external debt affect the improvement of its investment climate and independent development capacity. The serious shortfalls in social services such as health and medical care, culture and education also make it more difficult to improve people's living standards. CATTI二级口译练习:博鳌亚洲论坛演讲 很高兴参加博鳌亚洲论坛2009年年会。首先,我谨代表中国政府对年会的召开表示热烈的祝贺!对各位来宾表示诚挚的欢迎!本届年会把“经济危机与亚洲:挑战和展望”作为主题,对于凝聚共识、增强信心、深化合作、战胜危机,具有十分重要的意义。我衷心祝愿本届年会取得圆满成功! I am delighted to be here at the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2009. Let me begin by extending, on behalf of the Chinese Government, warm congratulations on the opening of the conference and a hearty welcome to all the guests present. This conference, with "Asia: Managing Beyond Crisis" as its theme, is a highly important one. It will contribute to our efforts to build consensus, strengthen confidence, deepen cooperation and overcome the crisis. I wish the conference a great success. 2008年9月以来,世界经济遭受了上世纪大萧条以来最为严峻的挑战。各国纷纷采取措施,应对国际金融危机的严重冲击。中国政府及时果断调整宏观经济政策,实施积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,迅速出台促进经济平稳较快发展的一揽子计划,对缓解经济运行中的突出矛盾、增强信心、稳定预期,发挥了重要作用。这个一揽子计划最直接、最重要的目标,是扭转经济增速下滑趋势、保持经济平稳较快增长,并力求解决制约中国经济发展的结构性问题,加快转变发展方式,全面提升各种生产要素的质量和水平,为中国经济长远发展打下更加牢固的基础。 Since last September, the world economy has run into the most serious challenges ever since the Great Depression of the last century. Countries around the world have taken steps to cope with the severe impact of the global financial crisis. In the face of the crisis, the Chinese Government made swift and decisive adjustments to its macroeconomic policies. We adopted a proactive fiscal policy and a moderately easy monetary policy, and put in place a package plan to ensure steady and relatively fast economic growth. These measures have proved essential for easing major problems in the economy, shoring up confidence and stabilizing expectations. The most immediate and important goal of our package plan is to reverse the economic downturn and maintain steady and relatively fast growth. It is also designed to address structural problems constraining China's economic development, speed up the transformation of growth pattern and raise the quality and performance of factors of production in order to lay a more solid foundation for China's economic growth in the long run. CATTI二级口译练习:总统告别演说 For eight years, we have also strived to expand opportunity and hope here at home. Across our country, students are rising to meet higher standards in public schools. A new Medicare prescription drug benefit is bringing peace of mind to seniors and the disabled. Every taxpayer pays lower income taxes. The addicted and suffering are finding new hope through faith- based programs. Vulnerable human life is better protected. Funding for our veterans has nearly doubled. America's air, water and lands are measurably cleaner. And the federal bench includes wise new members, like Justice Sam Alito and Chief Justice John Roberts. 过去的八年,我们努力扩大美国人民所拥有的机会与希望。在美国,学生不断上进,以求符合公立学校更高的。对于老人和残疾人来说,一种新的医疗处方药福利令他们颇感舒心。每个纳税人缴纳了更少的税款。通过以信仰为基础的治疗项目,那些瘾君子和痛苦的人们找到了新希望。过去八年来的工作更好地保护了人脆弱的生命。对于退伍老兵的补助几乎增加了一倍。美国的一山一水都真切地变得更为干净。睿智的山姆•阿力拓、首席法官约翰•罗伯茨加入到联邦法院中。 When challenges to our prosperity emerged, we rose to meet them. Facing the prospect of a financial collapse, we took decisive measures to safeguard our economy. These are very tough times for hardworking families, but the toll would be far worse if we had not acted. All Americans are in this together. And together, with determination and hard work, we will restore our economy to the path of growth. We will show the world once again the resilience of America's free enterprise system. 当美国的繁荣遇到挑战时,我们勇敢地去面对。当金融危机发生时,我们采取果断措施来保护我们的经济。对于那些辛勤工作的家庭来说,这些都是十分艰难的时期。但是如果我们不采取行动的话,结果将会更为糟糕。所有的美国人都站在了一起。凭借着我们的决心和辛勤工作,我们将美国经济重新拉回到增长的车道上。我们将向世界再次展现美国自由企业的复兴。 Like all who have held this office before me, I have experienced setbacks and there are things I would do differently, if given the chance. Yet, I've always acted with the best interests of our country in mind. I have followed my conscience and done what I thought was right. You may not agree with some tough decisions I have made, but I hope you can agree that I was willing to make the tough decisions. The decades ahead will bring more hard choices for our country, and there are some guiding principles that should shape our course. 正如所有前任总统一样,我也曾经历过挫折。如果可能的话,我会采取不一样的方式来应对这些措施。但是,我总是为国家利益的最大化来行动。你也许会不同意我所做出的一些决定,但我希望你能理解我是愿意采取这些措施的。未来的几十年,美国将面对更多的艰难抉择,而有一些指导性原则可以塑造我们的道路。  CATTI二级口译练习:能源业应对金融危机 上午好!今天,国务院新闻办公室举办关于能源问题的新闻发布会,这是一个为国内外关注的话题。当前应对国际金融危机,以美国为代表的很多国家都把发展新能源作为一个重要的应对举措。 Good Morning! The State Council Information Office is here today to hold this press conference on the issue of energy, which is a common concern at home and abroad. Many countries, especially USA, have taken the development of the new energy as an important means against the current world-wide financial turndown. 国内能源行业在一定程度上也受到金融危机的影响,能源需求下降,部分企业效益下滑。 Since the breakout of the world-wide financial turmoil, energy industry has exp
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