

2011-09-20 10页 doc 62KB 29阅读




复试英语材料最后可以说:Thank you for giving me the chance. I hope to see you again and soon. (谢谢您给我机会,我希望很快能再见到您。 最后可以说:Thank you for giving me the chance. I hope to see you again and soon. (谢谢您给我机会,我希望很快能再见到您。 考研复试之疯狂英语口语句型 在这里列出一些最常用的句子,要熟读,在面试中要熟练。看起来很简单,可是要做到脱口而出,不一定很简单。   一、 第一...
最后可以说:Thank you for giving me the chance. I hope to see you again and soon. (谢谢您给我机会,我希望很快能再见到您。 最后可以说:Thank you for giving me the chance. I hope to see you again and soon. (谢谢您给我机会,我希望很快能再见到您。 考研复试之疯狂英语口语句型 在这里列出一些最常用的句子,要熟读,在面试中要熟练。看起来很简单,可是要做到脱口而出,不一定很简单。   一、 第一句话(first word)   见到考官的第一句话,很关键,不用说的很复杂。可以是一个简单句,但一定要铿锵有力。 展示出自信和实力。千万不要来一句“sorry, my English is poor”.常见的开头有:   1. Good morning! may I introduce myself ..   2. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. I’m peter white, my NO is …(北大清华等学校参加面试的考生很多,可能对考生有一个编号,说一下自己的编号显得很职业,也很正式。) 二、作自我介绍——成长经历(making a self-introduction ——developing history)   有很多学校要求做一个自我介绍,这一问题并非在请你大谈你的个人历史。考官是要在你的介绍中寻找有关你性格、资历、志向和生活动力的线索。来判断你是否适合读MBA。你可以先介绍一下成长的经历,出生地和毕业学校等内容。在这一部分要介绍的有些特色,让老师在听几十个人流水帐式的介绍中增加一点乐趣,就权且当作MBA人际关系管理的第一个挑战吧!   I come from ******,the capital of *******Province. I graduated from the ******* department of *****University in July ,1997. (很简单的一句话,一定要发音准确!要把毕业学校的英文准确名字搞清楚了。)   你可以借光一下家乡的名人,可以用这句高水平的话,展示高超你高超的口语。   You know, there is a saying that “The greatness of a man lends a glory to a place”. I think the city really deserves it.    另外在介绍性格和爱好的时候,适合把家庭介绍结合在一起,可以说父母给了你哪些方面良好的影响。不要流水帐似的介绍家庭成员。可以这么说:    Just like my father, I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of history. Frequently I exchange ideas with my family during super. In addition , during my college years, I was once the chairman of the Student Union. These work have urged me develop active and responsible characters.   在这里给出描述个人品质常用词汇的中英文对照,可以参考。   able 有才干的,能干的 adaptable 适应性强的 active 主动的,活跃的   aggressive 有进取心的 ambitious 有雄心壮志的 amiable 和蔼可亲的   amicable 友好的 analytical 善于分析的 apprehensive 有理解力的   aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的 audacious 有冒险精神的 capable 有能力的,有才能   careful 办理仔细的 candid 正直的 competent 能胜任的constructive 建设性的 cooperative 有合作精神的 creative 富创造力的  dedicated 有奉献精神的 dependable 可靠的 diplomatic 老练的,有策disciplined 守纪律的 dutiful尽职的 well-educated 受过良好教育的  efficient 有效率的 energetic 精力充沛的 expressivity 善于表达   faithful 守信的,忠诚的 frank 直率的,真诚的 generous 宽宏大量的   genteel 有教养的 gentle 有礼貌的 humorous 有幽默   impartial 公正的 independent 有主见的 industrious 勤奋的   ingenious 有独创性的 motivated 目的明确的 intelligent 理解力强的   learned 精通某门学问的 logical 条理分明的 methodical 有的   modest 谦虚的 objective 客观的 precise 一丝不苟的   punctual 严守时刻的 elastic 实事求是的 responsible 负责的   sensible 明白事理的 sporting 光明正大的 steady 踏实的   systematic有系统的 purposeful 意志坚强的 sweet-tempered性情温和的   temperate 稳健的 tireless 孜孜不倦的 自我介绍(self-introduce)   Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce   myself. My name is ***, 24. I come from ******,the capital of *******Province. I graduated from the ******* department of *****University in July ,2001.In the past two years I have been prepareing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teaching *****in NO.****middle School and I was a head-teacher of a class in junior grade two.Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you .   I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of history.In my spare time,I have broad interests like many other youngers.I like reading books, especially those about *******.Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line.In addition ,during my college years,I was once a Net-bar technician.So, I have a comparative good command of network application.I am able to operate the computer well.I am skillful in searching for information in Internet.I am a football fan for years.Italian team is my favorite.Anyway,I feel great pity for our country’s team.   I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning .Of course, if I am given a chance to study ****** in this famous University,I will stare no effort to master a good command of advance ******. Good morning/afternoon,my dear teachers:   my name is CC,23 years old,I graduated from XX University in 1999.I also have an English name.My English name is Stell,that means a star.I take stell as my English name because my Chinese nickname is BeiBei which means star in Chinese.   I have many hobbies,I like music、chinese chess、sports、and I like English very much I improve my oral and listening ability by listen English songs and watch English   movies.I passed CET6 this year.But I do think my English is not good enough,so I will do my best to study English.   Thank you for your attention! Good morning:  My name is XX, you can also call me Eason,I has such an english name just because the pronunciation of it is like my chinese name. I graduated from this university last year(如果你是考本校的,这一句很重要,一开场就表明自己的身份,我们考的时候,老师拿到的名单只有名字,没有资料,他又不认识你,于是你必须自己说明), and major in computer science, I liked computer very much, especially in multimedia technology, and wanted to make some achievement in this field, but when I finished my school, I realized that what I had learned was not enough for this target, I thought it would be great if I can continue my interest in that, so that was why I choose to further my study with a master degree.   Well, in my spare time, I like soccer, pop music, and stamp, being a soccer fan, I always show my love to Manchester United and Ryan Giggs is my favorite. I also like English very much, and had passed Band six this year, but I do think it’s still a long way to study it, so I wouldn’t give up my English studying, and improve my oral and listening ability.   So that’s all, thank you. 考研原因 (reasons for my choice)   There are several reasons.   I have been deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere when I came here last summer. In my opinion, as one of the most famous ******in our country, it provide people with enough room to get further enrichment . This is the first reason.   The second one is I am long for doing research in ******throughout my life. Its a pleasure to be with my favorite ******for lifetime. I suppose this is the most important factor in my decision.   Thirdly, I learnt a lot from my *****job during the past two years. However, I think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value. Life is precious. It is necessary to seize any chance for self-development, especially in this competitive modern world.   In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here. 3.研究生期间你的 (plans in the postgraduate study) First, I hope I can form systematic view of *****. As for ******, my express wish is to get a complete comprehension of the formation and development as well as **************. If possible, I will go on with my study for doctorate degree.   In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here. (简单了一些,望高手补充) 4 .介绍你的家乡(about hometown) I am from Fuzhou, a famous city with a long history over 2,200 years. It is called “Rong Cheng ” because there were lots of banians even 900 years ago. The city lies in the eastern part of the province. It is the center of politics, economy and culture. Many celebrities were born here, for instance, Yanfu, Xie Bingxin, Lin Zexu and so on . . You know, there is a saying that “The greatness of a man lends a glory to a place”. I think the city really deserves it. The top three artware are Shoushan Stone, cattle-horn combs and bodiless lacquerware. In addition, it is famous for the hot springs. Theyare known for high-quality. Visitors athome and abroad feel it comfortable bathing here.There is my beloved hometown. 5.你的家庭(about family)   There are four members in my family; my parents, my cute cat of 9 years old and  me. My father is a technician in the Fujian TV station. He often goes out on business. So most of the housework is done by my industrious mom. Climbing at weekends is our common interest. The fresh air and natural beauty can help us get rid of tiredness. They can strengthen our relation, too.During my prepareing for coming here,my parents’love and support have always been my power.and I hope in future I wil be able to repay them. 6.你的大学(about university) **********University is the oldest one in the province. It was founded in *******and covers an area of over******* mu. The building area is ************square meters. It develops into a comprehensive university with efforts of generations, especially after the reform and opening up. It takes the lead among the *********universities with nice teaching and scientific research ability. The library has a storage of *******books. . various research institutes are set up including 52 research centers. There are teaching research experimental bases. For example, the computer center, analyzing-test center, modern education technical center and so on. 备战考研复试口语的十八大佛脚 充分利用材料的技巧:先看中文,看能否比较快就口译为英文,再与后面的英文比较,看自己的中文式英语表现在哪些方面。   一、委婉抱怨   不知你是否能够帮助我一下   很抱歉,打扰了,我想……   有点事情想请你帮个忙   真不好意思,只是   I wonder if you could help me   Look, I’m sorry to bother you, but   There’s something you could help me with   I hate to have to say this, but   二、如何劝解别人的生气   放心吧  你难得不觉得你自己是不是反应过度了一点吗?(太敏感了吗)  没什么值得心烦的  你一说,我还真不好意思(难为情了)   Take it easy!   Don’t you think you’re overacting a bit?   There is no reason to get upset.   I am sorry to hear that.   三、提出建议和忠告   不知您有没有考虑过……  我想那是一个不错的注意  你想到过没有  你总是……  我要是你,就…… 你最好   I was wondering if you’d ever thought of   I think it might be a good idea.   Have you ever thought of   Don’t you think it might be a good idea to   You could always……   If I were you I’d……   Why don’t you……   You’d better……   四、了解别人经历   Didn’t you once……   Did you ever……   Tell me about the time you……   I hear you once……   You’ve…, haven’t you?   帮助别人回忆  后来呢   你为什么不  哪之前你 那时候你感觉如何   What happened next?   Why didn’t you…?   Did you… before that?   How do you feel when…?   Where were you doing while……?   Then what did you do?   Did you think of…?   五、回顾时引导别人的想象   要是……你会干了些什么   要是……情况会怎么样   如果……你会有什么样的感觉?   What would you have done if   What would have happened if   How would you felt if   六、这样回应引导 我不知道,我猜我会  很难说,但是我想我会  当然啦,我……   Oh, I don’t know, I guess I would have……   Hard to say, but I think I would have……   Well, of course, I could have……   七、老实道歉   噢,实在对不起   歉意之深,实在是无以言表(我无法告诉你我是多么的内疚)   我真不知该怎样说才好   万分抱歉   Oh, I’m awfully sorry……   I can’t tell you how sorry I am……   I just don’t know what to say……   I’m extremely sorry 八、我错了   我为……而道歉  恐怕我得说真不知该怎样说,……  要解释清楚并不容易   I’ve got to apologize for   I’m afraid I have something to say   I’m not exactly sure how to put this, but   Um, this isn’t easy to explain   九、没关系,我原谅你  没关系,不要在意  算了  不是你的错  啊呀,不要放在心上,真的没什么  千万别自怨自艾了(别再自责了)   Oh, that’s right; don’t worry about it   Forget it   It’ not your fault   Oh, never mind never mind. It really doesn’t matter.   Please don’t blame yourself。   十、开始一个故事  我告诉过你那时我  那使我想起  你竟然提起那件事,真是很有意思。因为类似的事情也曾经在我身上发生过   Did I ever tell you about the time I   That reminds of the time I   Funny you should mention that, because something similar happened to me once 十一、有效控制叙述   言归正传  当我说这句话的时候   不管怎么样,无论如何  长话短说   不敢怎么说,最后的结局就是这样的   To get back to the story   As I was saying   To make a long story short   Anyway, what happened in the end was this:   十二、制造悬念   倒霉的就是(然后呢)他掉到了河里   他打开的是一封信   你可以猜猜他当时的感觉   你想他会怎么做?   然后你知道他干了吗?   你根本无法想象,下面发生了什么事情   当他……想想我的惊讶吧   What happened to him was he fell into the river   What he die was open the letter   You can guess what he felt like   What do you think he did   And then do you know what he did   You’ll never guess what happened next   Imagine my surprise when he   十三、如何陈述观点   如果你问我的话   你知道我的想法吗?我认为   要点就是  您不这样说吗?   你不这样认为吗?  照我看来,   我只是想说说我的想法,……   我要指出的是……   If you ask me,   You know what I think? I think that   The point is   Wouldn’t you say that   Don’t you agree that   As I see it   I’d just like to say that I think that   I’d like to point out that   十四、如何表示同意与不同意   (1) 同意  的确如此(完全同意)  我一万个同意  那正是我想的  那正是我想的  好注意  英雄所见略同   Exactly   I couldn’t agree more   That’s just was I was thinking   You know, that’s what I think   That’s a good point   Great minds think alike   (2) 不同意   是的,说的不错,但是,   我不敢肯定我是否同意……   你在那一方面是有道理,但是,   也许吧,但是你难道没有想到   yes, that’s true, but   I’m not sure if I agree   Well. You have s point there, but   Maybe, but don’t you think that   (3) 朋友之间   开玩笑吧  别装蒜了!  吹什么吹!别骗人了。   Are you kidding?   Don’t make laugh!   Come off it!   十五、如何进行讨论   (1) 委婉表达意见   有时我想  我听说过  你不是说  你认为你说……是对的吗?  我倒觉得  I sometimes think that   Well, I’ve heard that   Wouldn’t you say that   Do you think it’s right to say that   It’s my feeling that   (2) 不懂就问   我不明白你说的关于……的情况   对不起,我不明白你的意思   你到底想告诉我什么   我不能完全理解难得意旨   I didn’t follow what you said about   Sorry,I don’t see what you mean   I don’t see what you’re getting at   What exactly are you trying to tell me   (3) 被人误解和被人不懂立即解释   那不完全是我想表达的   让我换一种说法   让我再讲一次   That’s mot exactly what I mean   Let me put it another way   Sorry, let me explain 十六、如何提出问题;如何拖延,回答的技巧   (1) 提问   不知你是否能够帮助我,我想知道   I was wondering if you could help me. I’d like to know   不知你是否介意告诉我   I wonder if you could tell me   这也许听起来是一个愚蠢的问题,但我想知道   我希望你不要介意我的问题,我想知道   你很介意告诉我   打扰一下,我能不能很快问你一个问题   你是否碰巧知道   This sounds like a dumb a question but I’d like to know   Excuse me, do you know   I hope you don’t mind my asking, but I’d like to know   Would mind telling me…   Excuse me, but could I ask you a quick question?   Do you happen to know   (2) 拖延, 避免冷场  好好好,让我想想  好的,我想一下  我不敢肯定,我要核查一下  那真实一个有趣的问题   Well,let me see   Oh let me think for a minute   I’ m not sure; I’ll have to check   That’s a very interesting question   十七、巧妙拒绝   我真的不能肯定  我无法回答   对不起,真是不知道   我没什么想法   我很愿意帮你,只是   这个嘛,我现在不是很想谈   别问我这个   I’m not really sure   I cannot answer that one   I’m sorry, I really don’t know   I’ve got no idea   I’d like to help you, but.   That’s something I’d rather not talk about just now 十八、如何知道得更多     Could you tell me some more about   Could you mind telling me more about   I’d like to know more about   Something else I was wondering about was   Something else I’ d like to know is   Sorry to keep after you, but could you tell me   Sorry, I don’t quite understand
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