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净化通风空调安装方法净化通风空调安装方法 净化通风空调施工工法 1、适用范围 本工法适用于医药、电子等行业净化通风管道、净化设备以及净化空调配件的安装。 2、施工工序 2.1净化通风管道制作与安装施工工序 2.1.1制作:施工准备(包括机械、器具检查;班组施工技术、安全交底;熟悉施工图纸等)?板材检查、验收?材料清洗、清除油污?放样、下料?制作咬口(折方)清洗咬口油污?制作风管半成品?清除表面油污杂物?铆接成型再清洗风管内外表面?检查验收?封闭管口?入库存放待装。 2.1.2安装:施工准备?吊装制作(包括下料、调直、成形、除锈刷油等...
净化通风空调安装 净化通风空调施工工法 1、适用范围 本工法适用于医药、电子等行业净化通风管道、净化设备以及净化空调配件的安装。 2、施工工序 2.1净化通风管道制作与安装施工工序 2.1.1制作:施工准备(包括机械、器具检查;班组施工技术、安全交底;熟悉施工图纸等)?板材检查、验收?材料清洗、清除油污?放样、下料?制作咬口(折方)清洗咬口油污?制作风管半成品?清除表面油污杂物?铆接成型再清洗风管内外表面?检查验收?封闭管口?入库存放待装。 2.1.2安装:施工准备?吊装制作(包括下料、调直、成形、除锈刷油等)?现场吊点布置?半成品运至现场组装间?风管组装(包括清洗合格的阀部件)?封闭端口测量配管(再按制作工序制作配管)?运至现场组装成封闭系统。 2.2净化空调设备安装施工工序 施工准备(包括熟悉图纸、班组技术交底、机具材料准备等)?基础验收、复测、修正、处理?设备开箱、清点、检查、验收?清洗设备?设备吊装、就位、找平、找正?设备配管的制作、安装(按净化风管的制作、安装工序进行)?设备试运转?设备带负荷运行调试?。 3、施工工艺及技术措施 3.1通风管道制作的施工工艺及技术措施 3.1.1板材的验收材料到货必须有质保。材料外观检查必须平整、光滑、无锈蚀、无划痕、如是镀锌钢板要求无锌层锐落现象。材料要求为优质。 3.1.2清除材料油污:在放样下料前必须清除板料表面的油污,必须做到:一摸、二擦、三查看,保证彻底清除板料表面油污。 3.1.3放样下料:为避免在放样下料时在板料表面划磨出伤痕,破坏镀锌层,沾污灰尘,特不得在水泥或土坏地坪上下料,而应在平整的水泥地面上铺以δ=3mm的夹布橡胶皮板上下料。 system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 3.1.4制咬口:镀锌钢板在剪切成片料后,搬运时不得触地拖拉,以防磨出伤痕或沾染灰尘,应使用自制存放架或四轮小车进行转运,制作咬口。 3.1.5清除咬口油污:由于咬口机械的污染,在制作咬口时往往在咬口中含有油污杂物。在组合成型必须再次清洗板材片料的内外表面及咬口处。 3.1.6制成半成品:咬口油污清除后,可以将板材片料组合成型,制成风管的半成品。 3.1.7清洗表面的油污杂物:在板材片料组合成型后,必须再次清洗风管半成品的表面油污杂物。 3.1.8铆接成型:风管片料组合成型后,须与风管法兰铆接成型,铆接时要严格按照国家规范要求铆接,且铆钉必须经过镀锌处理,铆接后采用涂胶或锡焊的方法填塞缝隙或孔洞,需要加固的风管,加固时加固筋只能设在风管在外表面,且不得采用楞筋方法加固。 3.1.9清洗内外表面:铆接成型的风管须进行最后的清洗,其顺序如下:用机械吸尘器清除风内外的浮尘。用稀释的清洗剂进行内外擦洗(重点是内表面),再用清洗剂擦洗内表面,以污物全部溶解为限。继续用清水擦洗风管直到刷洗干净。用漂白新布擦干风管的内外表面,要求无水迹,无露珠。最后用丝绸在内壁擦试两遍。 3.1.10验收、封口、入库:预制了了的风管随同填写好的报验表交检查员检查,经检查合格后方可入库,具体的操作程序如下:检验设专人负责,认真地对风管进行全面的检查,方法是用白丝绸布对负管上有可疑的地方作局部试擦,以达到确无污物为合格。负责鉴证验收合格方可进行封口,封口材料选用优质素性薄膜,各边超出法兰边100mm左右。为解决塑料薄膜易碰破而造成污染,在塑料薄膜外加盖一层涂塑纺织布进行保护。最后封口部分用胶布(带)箍扎严密,再入库存放。 3.2风管法兰制作的施工工艺及技术措施 system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 3.2.1法兰的型材必须达到优质标准,不得有严重锈蚀、结皮或有麻点。 3.2.2短形法兰内边(或圆形法兰内径)尺寸允许偏差为?2mm。 3.2.3法兰组焊对缝不平整度不大于0.5mm,铆钉孔间距不应大于100mm,螺栓孔间距不应大于120mm,孔距要求准确,并具有互换性。 3.2.4清除焊渣,擦净浮锈。 3.2.5涂刷附着力强的防锈漆两度,螺孔及转角处不得有油漆淋滴现象。 3.2.6法兰成品存放必须分类找平,不得扭曲,并注意保护漆面不受磨损。 3.3通风管道安装的施工工艺及技术措施 3.3.1风管安装须从主管根部向前安装,避免风管对口时,被灰尘污梁,故安装前必须做到:对所需安装的风管走向进行测位放样,把所需加设的吊、托、支架提前安装好,不允许安装边打吊点,以避免开启封口时灰尘侵入管内。洁净风管开封安装过程中不得与其它工种交叉作业。净化区域的外墙必须全部砌好,门窗安装完毕,并装好玻璃,所有孔洞封闭严密,以达到无外界污物侵入。净化区域的内隔墙必须等待洁净风管安装完毕,端口封闭好再进行施工,以防止隔间的砖缝积灰被震动飞出侵入风管内。地坪和墙面须进行全面清帚,并用吸尘器仔细清除浮尘,地面用清水冲刷干净,经常保持良好的环境,安装工人须先在门外更衣室换衣、换鞋后方可进入室内操作。 3.3.2风管一经开封立即与法兰连接,避免风管开启时间太长,灰尘侵入管内,暂不连接的一边不得开封,以保持管内洁净。 3.3.3法兰连接垫料采用8501阴燃型密封胶条,垫料不得凸入管内,而就与管内壁平齐。 3.3.4待装的成品件不分自制的或外购,均应进行清理,经检查达到洁净要求时进行封口,其操作方法与净化风管的制作方法相同。 3.3.5洁净系统中的阀部件,其制作与安装的处理方法除按图纸技术要求外,均与净化风管的制作方法相同。 system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 3.4空调设备安装的施工工艺及技术措施。 洁净系统中的通风空调设备除必须按照国家施工验收规范中设备安装部分的技术措施外,还必须做到: 3.4.1空调机、新风机组在安装前需检查验收合格进行清洁处理,要求达到无油污、无浮尘,并对所有孔、口进行封闭。 3.4.2设备与系统风管相接,应预先做好尺寸准确的配管,并按照净化风管的制作方法,做好封口,运至现场。安装时开封敞口时间不得太长,以确保灰尘、污物不得侵入风管及空调设备内,与设备相接的软接其制作与安装要求应遵守图纸设计要求及国家验收规范,其洁净处理参照风管处理。 3.4.3高效过滤器安装必须做到:高效过滤器应按出厂标志竖向搬运和存放。高效过滤器安装前必须逐个检查,过滤器的纸应无裂缝针孔及其损坏(可用灯光检查)其外型尺寸不允许超过?1.5mm过滤器外框不得修改。高效过滤器必须待洁净系统全部工程安装完毕,并进行全面清帚吹试车达到洁净要求后,方可开箱检查(应不得有变形、破损和漏胶等)合格后立即安装就位。过滤器与框架之间的密封垫料应定位贴在过滤器边框上,粘贴前先除净过滤器边框上的污物,8501阻燃型密封胶条采用7m?5mm?mm。高效过滤器安装时,应注意外框上的箭头应与气流方向一致,不得装反,并不得用头、手或工具等触摸滤纸,以防损坏,用波纹板组合的过滤器在竖向安装时波纹纸必须垂直地地面,不得反向。 3.5净化空调系统制作安装中的注意事项 3.5.1风管及阀部件制作咬口形式昼采用单平咬口,转角咬口和联合角咬口,如采用按扣式咬口必须全缝涂密封胶,禁止用插榫式连接,风管四角及开洞四角均需涂8601密封胶。 3.5.2风管制作应尽量减少拼缝,矩形风管底边宽在900mm以内,不应有拼缝,在900mm以上应尽量减少纵向拼缝,但不得有横向拼缝,1000mm以下限一条拼缝,2400mm以下限两条拼缝,拼缝咬口采用单平式咬口,注意制作咬口时将拼缝平整面放在管内壁,不得有反制现象。 3.5.3柔性软接矩形风管制作采用优质光面人造革(或涂塑布),制作时内壁光滑,纵向接缝胶合要求平整,不得有孔洞或漏胶缝隙。 system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 3.5.4设置于洁净系统风道上的检查门,制作应达到方便开闭,密封性好,不得用黑钢板加工。 3.5.5板半清除油污,存放为了便于清洗和避免沾染污物,须搭设高出地面300mm的平台,上铺δ=3mm的夹布橡胶板。 3.5.6加工三台活动平板车用来转运板料、半成品,尺寸没计为1300?000?00(单位mm)。用型钢做骨架,采用优质橡胶轮,上面铺设镀锌钢板,并要求保持清洁。 3.5.7为了避免风管预制作间灰尘飞扬应经常用清水冲洗,必须做一标准水泥地坪,并在离墙150mm四周做出排水沟,以便冲洗场地的排水。 3.5.8在清洗室,成品堆放在仓库应设置门窗帘以防灰尘。 3.5.9操作人员在施工时应穿清洁、光滑、柔软且不起尘的护士卫生服,进入洁净室操作应换鞋,工作手套用白布手套为宜。 4、机具设备 4.1剪刀机(Qcl2y-6?500) 1台 4.2电焊机(BX2-300-2) 2台 4.3砂轮切割机 2台 4.4型钢切断机(CY30-6) 1台 4.5折弯机(WY67-100/3200) 1台 4.6按扣咬口机(δ=1mm) 2台 4.7联合咬口机(δ=1.2mm) 2台 4.8单平咬口机(δ=1.2mm) 1台 5、劳动组合 根据工程项目大小及施工进度要求,一般设置通风工20,30人,电焊工2,4人,调试工6,8人。 6、质量要求 6.1对风管进行漏光检查,每10m接缝,漏光点不应超过2处,且100m接缝平均不应大于16处,对漏光点进行密封处理。 system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction 6.2用白绸布擦试检查无油污和浮尘。 system to ensure that the system provides the life cycle runs continuously, so that the user is responsible for technical support and service. Security and privacy: characteristics of centres for the rehabilitation of the project, in design and construction of the system, that is, to consider the sharing of information resources, should also pay attention to the security and confidentiality of the information. When effective management measures and technical means, including the establishment of appropriate security systems, control mechanisms, to ensure the overall security of the system 1.6 design based on the weak electricity system construction project will be in accordance with international, national and regional, industry-related standards and specifications. In addition, the system's overall structure and subsystems in addition can be done in a structured and standardized requirements in the building, and to strictly comply with the technical requirements of the project tender document design and construction. The design basis and referring to the following design specifications and requirements: civil building electrical design specification JGJ162008 against lightning of building electronic information system design GB50334-2004 GB/T50314 intelligent building design standard specification for engineering design of generic cabling system for electrical design of civil construction
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