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金啊琪-调查报告金啊琪-调查报告 浙江广播电视大学 学生社会调查情况登记表 2012 年 4 月 30 日 学生姓名 金啊琪 级别 2010春 专业 电子商务 工作单位 指导老师姓名 彭芳芳 职称 调研课题 大学生网购调查报告 选题理由 了解大学生对网上购物的情况 1、明确调查目的:大学生网购的情况。 2、确定调查对象:大学生。 3、确定调查方法:问卷调查 调查计划 4、搜集资料 5、整理分析内容 现在网络购物的现象非常普及,大都是追求新奇与有特性 的产品,他们的需求具有差异性,追求购买过程的方便与享受。调查报告提要 大...
金啊琪-调查报告 浙江广播电视大学 学生社会调查情况登记表 2012 年 4 月 30 日 学生姓名 金啊琪 级别 2010春 专业 电子商务 工作单位 指导老师姓名 彭芳芳 职称 调研课题 大学生网购调查报告 选题理由 了解大学生对网上购物的情况 1、明确调查目的:大学生网购的情况。 2、确定调查对象:大学生。 3、确定调查方法:问卷调查 调查 4、搜集资料 5、整理分析内容 现在网络购物的现象非常普及,大都是追求新奇与有特性 的产品,他们的需求具有差异性,追求购买过程的方便与享受。调查报告提要 大学生作为一个年轻时尚、追求新奇生活的新群体,那么他们 对于网购又是持以何种态度呢,另一方面大学生人接触网络比(150字) 较多,因此对大学生调查在网上购物的情况进行分析、总结与 建议。 实践单位意见 实践单位(章) 年 月 日 指导老师评语 及成绩 指导教师(签章) 年 月 日 教学初审意见 0et structure column,situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements s-shear walls, beams using inray o thethe building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design requirements, when the hole close tless than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transparent sewing. Infilled beams according to not isn 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing should be control in 20mm around, but sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but not is less than 10MM, not is greater thafilling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, g heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after masonry between the upper plate beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight 5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is--llowed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3latness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, filling Vertical joints with mortar, fowall ffrom the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila control elevation of masonry and ely a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, pectivsport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after entering varieties and specifications, resck, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks debris on the surface of the rear handle. During handling and tranPu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: blo 浙江广播电视大学社会实践 实践课题 大 学 生 网 购 调 查 报 告 姓 名 金 啊 琪 教育层次 开放专科 学 号 1033001420437 省级电大 浙江广播电视大学 专 业 电 子 商 务 市级电大 温州电大 指导教师 彭 芳 芳 教 学 点 永嘉分院 社会调查报告题目 大学生网购调查报告 被调查单位(盖章) 成绩: 评语: 社会调查指导教师: 年 月 日 分校(工作站)审核意见: 省电大复核意见: 签名盖章: 签名盖章: 年 月 日 年 月 日 Pu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks debris on the surface of the rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after entering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3--5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after masonry between the upper plate beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transparent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in-situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column, 电子商务专业调查报告 调查报告题目 大学生网购调查报告 学生姓名 金啊琪 学 号 1033001420437 指导教师 彭芳芳 专 业 电子商务 年 级 2010春 学 校 永嘉学院 二012年 4 月 30 日 互联网和通信技术的高速发展,使电子商务迅速普及。凭借互联网无地域限制的优势,消除了产品、服务供应商和需求者之间地点与距离相关的障碍,我国经济正逐渐成为以互联网、通信技术为基础的新经济。 现在越来越多的人为了方便节约时间,网上购物越来越贴近人们的生活,B2C、C2C模式在降低运营成本、方便快捷等方面的优势,大大降低了企业和个人的行业进入门槛,一时间网商如雨后春笋般纷纷涌现。网络购物的兴起,正悄然改变着社会的商业结构和生活方式。大学生作为一个年轻时尚、追求新奇生活的新群体,那么他们对于网购又是持以何种态度呢,另一方面大学生人接触网络比较多,所以针对这一情况,2012年3月1日-4月1日,我对大学生网上购物情况进行了调查,现把调查情况报告如下: 1.调查和结果 1.1 调查目的 对大学生网上购物的调查,以便了解大学生在网上购物的情况与需要,此次调查网络购物作为一种新兴的信息载体,近几年在大学里日趋流行,受到愈来愈多的大学生的青睐。 1.2 调查对象和方法 1.2.1 调查对象 本次调查以一个班级为总体,为了能全面反映在校大学生的上网购物状况,使其更加接近大学生群体上网购物现象的真实情况。 1.2.2 资料收集方法 采用问卷调查方法调查。向一个班级发放《大学生网上购物调查》主要了解学生关于上网购物基本情形和情况。 本次调查实际发放问卷43份,回收问卷36份,有效率84%。 2.调查的内容 Pu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks debris on the surface of the rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after entering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3--5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after masonry between the upper plate beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transparent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in-situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column, 表1. 在校大学生网上购物普及情况表 人数/人 所占比例(%) 有网上购物经验者 20 57.1 无网上购物经验者 15 42.9 合计 35 100 从表1可以看出,在校大学生网上网上购物普及率已经达到了57%,说明我们大学生在接受新事物的能力上还是很强的。大部分学生已经接触并接受了这一新的购物方式。 2.1 大学生对网上购物的分析 下面是调查结果: 表2. 在校大学生有网购经验者月生活费范围情况表 月生活费范围 人数/人 所占比例(%) 500以下 5 25 500~800 12 60 800~1200 2 10 1200以上 1 5 合计 20 100 从表2中可以看出,有过网购经验的同学生活费相对来说比较高,500~800元占了60%。由此可见选择网上购物同学购物金额都不高,他们所选的产品一般为低价产品,这是因为大学生收入能力有限,因此消费水平也有限。 表3. 大校大学生有网购经验者接触时间情况表 接触网络时间 人数/人 所占比例(%) 1年以上 2 10 1~2年 3 15 2~3年 2 10 3~4年 3 15 4年以上 10 50 合计 20 100 从表3中可以看出接触网络时间在4年以上的就占了50%,说明大学生基本的时间都是在网上购物。 1 表4. 在校大学生了解网购的途径表 网购的途径 人数/人 所占比例(%) 同学亲友推荐 9 45 网络广告 10 50 报纸杂志 0 0 电视广播 0 0 其他 1 5 合计 20 100 从表4中可以看出网络广告占的比例大,大学生受广告影响的比较多。 表5. 在校大学生网购的原因情况表 网络原因 人数/人 所占比例(%) 节省时间,节约费用 4 20 方便,送货上门 8 40 寻找稀有商品 0 0 出于好奇,有趣 2 10 时尚,款式新颖 3 15 受身边朋友影响 1 5 可以货比三家,没有营业员施2 10 加的压力 合计 20 100 从表5中可以看出,大部分人是因为方便可以送货上门才网上购物的,其次是因为其中的时效性、便利性,能够节省时间,节约费用,款式新颖也是其中一个重要的原因。 表6. 在校大学生网上购买产品的判断情况表 网上购买产品的判断标人数/人 所占比例(%) 准 产品品牌 1 5 产品价格 6 30 产品质量 7 35 售后服务 0 0 网友评价 5 25 返利券 0 0 包邮 1 5 合计 20 100 Pu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks debris on the surface of the rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after entering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3--5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after masonry between the upper plate beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transparent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in-situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column, 从表6中可以看出产品质量是购买产品判断标准主要成份,再次是产品价格和网友评价。大多数大学生对网上货物的质量和网友评价持有怀疑与担心。 2.2 网购问题的分析 此部分我们从网络可信度、优点、因素及困难进行分析和统计。 表7. 在校大学生认为网购的可信度情况表 网购的可信度(%) 人数/人 所占比例(%) 90~100 3 15 60~80 15 75 40~60 1 5 40以下 1 5 合计 20 100 从表7中可以看出,大部分对网购的可信度不高,这说明他们都有在网上购物的想法,但对网上购物的信心不足,对网络可信性问题也比较关心,对于别的没有什么太大的捆扰。 表8. 在校大学生认为网购的优点情况表 网购的优点 人数/人 所占比例(%) 在家可以“逛商店”,订货不6 30 受时间的限制 获得大量的商品信息,可以8 40 买到当地没有的商品 省时省力,十分方便 5 25 低廉的价格 1 5 合计 20 100 从表8中可以看出,大学生对网购的优点在于能获得大量的商品信息和在家可以“逛商店”不受时间限制,而不是对网购的认识。 表9. 在校大学生具备哪些因素会选择网购情况表 因素 人数/人 所占比例(%) 网站信誉度高 4 26 价格相比较与市场更加便宜 8 54 免费送货 2 13 赠送电子优惠券或者其他小礼品 1 7 合计 15 100 从表9中可以看出,大部分认为网上的产品价格比市场便宜,从而在网上购买产品。 3 表10. 在校大学生网购遇到的困难情况表 网购遇到的困难 人数/人 所占比例(%) 商品描述不清楚 8 40 产品种类和网站数目太多 6 30 界面复杂,不易操作 2 10 网站速度慢 1 5 结算方式不理想 3 15 其他 0 0 合计 20 100 从表10中可以看出,网购遇到的困难是商品描述不清楚和产品种类、网站数目太多,对网络安全性问题较关心。 2.3 对网上购物预期情况调查 进行网上购物的同学,对网购存在自己的看法和见解,那么他们对于网上网物未来发展的预期会怎么样呢,针对这一想法,对他们进行了解。 表11. 在校大学生对网购未来发展前景预期情况表 未来发展前景预期 人数/人 所占比例(%) 发展空间很大 14 70 不怎样 5 25 短期内不会有太大发展 4 20 其他 1 5 合计 20 100 从表11可以看出有70%的人对网上购物的未来发展预期良好,但也有45%的人认为网上购物未来发展不怎样,或短期内不会有太大的发展,其他的则是因为不知道会怎么样,可见其对网上购物未来没有多少信心。 表12.在校大学生对预计未来网上购物时间情况表 未来网上购物时间 人数/人 所占比例(%) 三个月 1 5 半年 2 10 一年 3 15 一年以上 6 30 不确定 8 40 合计 20 100 Pu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks debris on the surface of the rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after entering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3--5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after masonry between the upper plate beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transparent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in-situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column, 从表12可以看出在未来三个月内想在网上购物的人比例占5%,不确定的占40%,半年的占10%和一年以上的占30%。 3.调查报告总结与建议 通过上述的调查报告,说明大多数大学生在网上购物还不是很普及,但潜在很大的发展空间,现在大多数主要还是依靠传统的购买方式,有在网上购物的大都是追求新奇与有特性的产品,他们的需求具有差异性,追求购买过程的方便与享受,具有交叉性,一般是比较理性的消费,但阻碍他们的只要是网上售后服务的问题与货物的质量,与货物配送问题。 针对以上的总结我们也对厂商门提出一些的建议,要加强网络安全的服务,要监督好网上商品质量,保证消费者买到的是货真价实的商品,这样他们在购买后心里才不会与预期的落差相差很大。 5 4.大学生网购情况调查问卷 性别:男() 女() 1、你在网络上浏览网购网站的频率是多少, ( ) A、经常,每天 B、偶尔,一个礼拜看一两次 C、很少,有空才看 D、没看过 2、你一年之内在网上购物的次数是多少, ( ) A、从没有过 B、一到五次 C、六到十次 D、十次以上 3、你选择网络购物的原因是什么, ( ) A、价格便宜 B、方便 C、选择更多 4、你对网购最多的的什么商品, ( ) A、服饰 B、手机数码 C、日化用品 D、书籍音像 E、运动产品 F、其他 5、你一般在哪些网站上购物, ( ) A、淘宝 B、易趣 C、拍拍 D、卓越 E、亚马逊 F、其他 6、你网络购物选择哪种付款试, ( ) A、网银支付 B、支付宝(货到付款) C、直接汇款 D、其他 7、你觉得网购商品存在哪些风险, ( ) A、货物来源不明确 B、真假难辨 C、没有质量保证 D、没有售后服务 8、你有过网上购物被骗的经历吗, ( ) A、有 B、没有 9、如货物有破损你主为应该有谁负责, ( ) A、网店店家 B、快递公司 C、自认倒霉 10、你认为购物网站需要改进的地方是什么, ( ) A、商家的质量和信息真实度 B、支付手段的安全性 C、卖家的态度 D、网站管理、相关法规的保护 E、其它 Pu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks debris on the surface of the rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after entering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3--5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after masonry between the upper plate beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transparent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in-situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column,
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