

2012-02-06 28页 pdf 515KB 47阅读




美国汇丰银行外币现钞买卖协议(中英文版) 中國建設銀行股份有限公司總行 (北京及上海分行) 向美國滙豐銀行香港分行 購買外幣現鈔協議 本協議 訂於 年 月 日 締約各方 甲方 美國滙豐銀行 香港分行 (以下簡稱 HBUSH) 乙方 中國建設銀行股份有限公司 總行 (以下簡稱 CCB) 陳述: CCB意欲購買 HBUSH的各種外幣現鈔(以下簡稱付運貨幣),HBUSH也 願意將上述付運貨幣賣給 CCB,為保証上述買...
中國建設銀行股份有限公司總行 (北京及上海分行) 向美國滙豐銀行香港分行 購買外幣現鈔協議 本協議 訂於 年 月 日 締約各方 甲方 美國滙豐銀行 香港分行 (以下簡稱 HBUSH) 乙方 中國建設銀行股份有限公司 總行 (以下簡稱 CCB) 陳述: CCB意欲購買 HBUSH的各種外幣現鈔(以下簡稱付運貨幣),HBUSH也 願意將上述付運貨幣賣給 CCB,為保証上述買賣順利進行,甲乙雙方特 簽訂本協議,其立約條件如下: A. 總則 1. 付運貨幣將以貴重物品處理,從 HBUSH 運往北京/上海國際機場, 再運送至 CCB北京/上海分行所指定之金庫(以下簡稱 CCB金庫)。 2. 每次運送金額最低限額不少於相當於 USD1,000,000(一佰萬美元)。 B. 工序/保險/費用 1. HBUSH 將提供門到門安排,意指把付運貨幣從 HBUSH 運送至 CCB金庫之運費、提貨費用及保險均全由 HBUSH負責。 2. HBUSH將負責安排運鈔車,由其監運員及保安代理委派武裝保安人 員將付運貨幣從北京/上海國際機場運至 CCB金庫。 3. 當付運貨幣送抵 CCB 金庫並經 CCB 接鈔人員逐梱大數清點付運貨 幣無誤後,CCB 接鈔人員須於“外鈔交接書”(見附件一)上簽收, 確認已收妥付運貨幣。 4. CCB 接鈔員在“外鈔交接書”上簽收確認收妥付運貨幣之前,所有 付運貨幣之保險及責任由 HBUSH承擔;當 CCB接鈔人員在“外鈔 交接書”上簽收確認收妥付運貨幣後,所有付運貨幣之保險及責任 由 CCB承擔。 5. HBUSH須承擔其監運員及保安代理的所有費用。 6. 將付運貨幣從 HBUSH運送到 CCB金庫的所有費用,由 HBUSH承 擔。 7. HBUSH 負責辦理付運貨幣入口清關手續,但 CCB 必須在貨幣付運 之前向 HBUSH提供所有符合中華人民共和國海關法的入口文件。 8. CCB 須在裝運前最少一個工作日,以押碼 SWIFT 通知 HBUSH 付 運貨幣之裝運日期。通知內容應載明裝運的日期、付運各種貨幣的 銀碼及面額。 9. HBUSH須在裝運前最少一個工作日,以押碼 SWIFT通知 CCB有關 監運員的姓名、其身份証/護照號碼,以及運載付運貨幣的航班編號 與抵達日期。 10. 雙方若在不可抗力的因素下(如航班取消、颱風、自然災害、戰爭及 交通事故等)而不能履行買賣責任,則無須向對方負責。 C. 結算 1. CCB 將按照列載附件二的費率購買現鈔(運送金額低於 A2 者,雙方 每次另議購鈔費率),並且在付運貨幣抵達其金庫的當天,將應付款 項滙到 HBUSH所指定的賬戶內。 2. HBUSH應以押碼 SWIFT通知 CCB其外幣銀行戶口資料以方便固定 掛賬滙款用。該等指示不應隨便予以更改。 D. 差錯的處理 1. CCB 接收付運貨幣後在清點時如發現多寡的情況,應盡快通知 HBUSH。CCB 應將有關的封簽/封條先傳真給 HBUSH 作調查。若 有多出的款項,CCB 須盡快將差額還給 HBUSH。若有不足, HBUSH須盡快將差額還給 CCB。 2. CCB 接收付運貨幣後在清點時如發現偽鈔,應盡快通知 HBUSH, CCB 應將有關偽鈔副本及封簽/封條先傳真給 HBUSH 作調查。CCB 在下次運鈔時將封簽/封條一同送回 HBUSH。HBUSH盡快將差額還 給 CCB 。 3. CCB 接收付運貨幣後在清點時如發現嚴重破損或不流通鈔票時,應 盡快通知 HBUSH,CCB 在下次運鈔時將破損的鈔票或不流通之鈔 票及封簽/封條一同退給 HBUSH。 HBUSH盡快將差額還給 CCB 。 4. CCB 在清點核實付運貨幣時,應對自拆封到清點完畢的整個過程的 全部細節進行錄像,以便日後調取核實。當 CCB通知 HBUSH所付 運貨幣已被收妥及核實後,其後所發現之任何差異由 CCB負責。 E. 法律 1. 本協議受香港特別行政區有關法律管轄。雙方同意受香港法院的非 專屬管轄。本協議具備中英文兩個文本,如二者之注釋有所差異, 則以英文文本為準。 2. 甲方保留授權予滙豐控股集團(滙豐集團)內的任何實體或分支機 構均可履行本協議之所有責任及應享有之所有權利。此安排須得到 乙方書面承諾方可進行。 F. 有效期 1. 本協議自簽署日起生效。如任何一方欲終止本協議,須給予對方至 少 30天書面通知。 簽署人: 簽署人: 美國滙豐銀行香港分行 中國建設銀行股份有限公司總行 日期: 年 月 日 日期: 年 月 日 附件一 日期: 年 月 日 致:中國建設銀行股份有限公司 北京/上海市分行 外鈔交接書 尊敬的先生, 玆委派我行監運員________________先生押運共計_____包外幣現鈔總 金額: 1.) ________________________(________________________元正) 2.) ________________________(________________________元正) 3.) ________________________(________________________元正) 4.) ________________________(________________________元正) 5.) ________________________(________________________元正) 6.) ________________________(________________________元正) 至貴行。請清點後在此接收單上簽收。 順致 敬意! 美國滙豐銀行香港分行 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 今收到上列所述之外幣現鈔袋數。 ------------------------------------------- 中國建設銀行股份有限公司 北京/上海市分行 經辦人 附件二 HBUSH之賣出價 貨幣 費率 美元 100.08 日元 100.10 港幣 100.12 歐元 100.22 澳大利亞元 100.26 瑞士法朗 100.28 英鎊 100.26 新加坡元 100.25 加拿大元 100.26 丹麥克朗 100.28 挪威克朗 100.28 瑞典克朗 100.28 新西蘭元 100.50 其他幣種可每次磋商釐定。 上述價格隨所購買貨幣的供求變化而變動。但事先需由 HBUSH或 CCB 雙方協商並達成共息後,方可按同意價格變動。 Foreign Currency Banknotes Agreement China Construction Bank Corporation Head Office (Beijing & Shanghai Branch) purchases from HSBC Bank USA, N. A. Hong Kong Branch THIS AGREEMENT is made on the __________________________ PARTIES 1. HSBC Bank USA, N. A. Hong Kong Branch ("HBUSH") 2. China Construction Bank Corporation Head Office ("CCB") RECITAL: CCB desires to buy from HBUSH and HBUSH desires to sell to CCB its surplus foreign banknotes (Consignments) under the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows: A. GENERAL 1. The Consignments will be shipped as valuable cargo from a Point of Delivery as directed by HBUSH (POD) to Beijing / Shanghai International Airport and delivered to CCB’s vaults in Beijing / Shanghai Branches (CCB’s premises). 2. The minimum value of each Consignment will be the equivalent of USD1,000,000. B. PROCEDURE, EXPENSES AND INSURANCE 1. HBUSH will provide a Door-to-Door arrangement, i.e. HBUSH will be responsible for the costs of transportation, insurance and delivery of the Consignments from POD to CCB’s premises. 2. HBUSH will utilise its courier and security agent to provide armed escort in transporting the Consignments from Beijing / Shanghai International Airport to CCB’s premises. 3. After the Consignments have arrived at CCB’s premises and have been bulk-counted by CCB’s authorized staff, CCB’s authorized staff will sign a Receipt (see Appendix I) thereby acknowledging proper receipt of the Consignments. 4. Once the Receipt is signed by CCB’s authorized staff and a copy of which is passed onto HBUSH, the responsibility of security and insuring the Consignments pass onto CCB. Prior to that, the same responsible is HBUSH’s. 5. HBUSH will bear all expenses in relation to its own courier and security agent. 6. The cost of transporting the Consignments from POD to CCB’s premises is account of HBUSH. 7. HBUSH will be responsible for customs clearance of the Consignments on condition that CCB will in advance provide HBUSH with all documents required and complying with the Customs Law of the People’s Republic of China for import purposes. 8. At least one business day prior to the date when HBUSH is ready to despatch the Consignments, CCB will inform HBUSH by authenticated SWIFT of the currencies its intends to purchase. Such notice should include the date CCB intends to receive the Consignments, the individual currency amount and denomination. 9. HBUSH will reply to CCB by authenticated SWIFT at least one business day prior to the shipment date the name and ID/passport number of the its courier, as well as flight number and ETA (Expected to Arrive) of the Consignments. 10. Neither party to this Agreement shall be liable to the other party in the event that due to reasons beyond its control, it cannot meet the requirements of the other party due to flight cancellation, typhoons, natural disasters, civil disorder or transportation disruption. C. SETTLEMENT 1. CCB will purchase the banknotes according to the Selling Rates as per Appendix II (rates should be made between two parties when the value of the Consignment is lower than the requirement set as per A2) and credit the proceeds for value the same business day the Consignments are delivered at CCB's premises to the nostro account(s) as directed by HBUSH. 2. Prior to commencement of business, HBUSH shall provide CCB with its Standard Settlement Instructions (SSI) by authenticated SWIFT. Such SSI are expected to remain in effect and are not to be subject to constant changes. D. DISCREPANCIES 1. In the event that shortage / overage are found in the Consignments, CCB will notify HBUSH within the shortest possible time. CCB will fax the wrapper(s) / seal(s) related to the difference to HBUSH for investigation. CCB shall pay the difference to HBUSH in respect of overage. As regards shortages, HBUSH will compensate CCB within the shortest possible time by forwarding to CCB banknotes corresponding to the shortages. CCB will return the original wrapper(s) / seal(s) to HBUSH in the next shipment. 2. In the event that any counterfeit is found in the Consignments, CCB will notify HBUSH within the shortest possible time. CCB will fax a copy of the counterfeit banknote and wrapper(s) / seal(s) related to the counterfeit to HBUSH for investigation. HBUSH will compensate CCB within the shortest possible time by forwarding to CCB banknotes corresponding to the counterfeits found. CCB will return the original wrapper(s) / seal(s) to HBUSH in the next shipment. 3. In the event that mutilated or out-of-circulation notes are found in the Consignments, CCB will notify HBUSH within the shortest possible time. HBUSH will compensate CCB in the same manner as D2) and D3). CCB will return the mutilated or out-of- circulation notes to HBUSH in the next shipment. 4. CCB should perform the entire counting process under CCTV monitoring and maintain the records for future usage. After CCB has confirmed to HBUSH that it has detailed-counted the Consignments, any differences (overages / shortages / counterfeits) found subsequently will be the responsibility of CCB. E. JURISDICTION 1. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (Hong Kong) and both parties hereby submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong Courts. English shall be the proper language of this Agreement. If there is any dispute in the interpretation between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail. 2. This Agreement may not be assigned by any party without the prior written consent of the other provided that HSBC Bank USA may at any time assign any of its rights, benefits and obligations hereunder to any of the offices, branches or subsidiaries of HSBC Holdings plc (the HSBC Group) in Hong Kong or elsewhere. F. DURATION & TERMINATION 1. This Agreement shall take effect at the date of this Agreement and shall continue until terminated by written notice by either party to the other of not less than 30 days. SIGNATURES Signed by: Signed by: ____________________________ _________________________________ HSBC Bank USA, N. A. China Construction Bank Corporation Hong Kong Branch Head Office Date:_______________________ Date:_________________________ APPENDIX I Date: To: China Construction Bank Corporation Beijing / Shanghai Branch Receipt We hereby authorized our courier _______________ to deliver __________packages of foreign currency banknotes: Currency Amount 1. ______________________ ________________________ 2. ______________________ ________________________ 3. ______________________ ________________________ 4. ______________________ ________________________ 5. ______________________ ________________________ 6. ______________________ ________________________ Please acknowledge receipt. Regards, HSBC Bank USA, N. A. Hong Kong Branch ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We hereby acknowledge receipt from HSBC Bank USA, N. A. Hong Kong the above shipment. _______________________________ China Construction Bank Corporation Beijing / Shanghai Branch Authorized Signature APPENDIX II HBUSH'S SELLING RATE CURRENCY RATE USD 100.08 JPY 100.10 HKD 100.12 EUR 100.22 AUD 100.26 CHF 100.28 GBP 100.26 SGD 100.25 CAD 100.26 DKK 100.28 NOK 100.28 SEK 100.28 NZD 100.50 Other currencies available on request. The abovementioned prices are subject to change due to market condition; such changes will only be effective with the prior agreement of HBUSH and CCB. 美國滙豐銀行香港分行 向中國建設銀行股份有限公司總行 (北京及上海分行) 購買外幣現鈔協議 本協議 訂於 年 月 日 締約各方 甲方 美國滙豐銀行 香港分行 (以下簡稱 HBUSH) 乙方 中國建設銀行股份有限公司 總行 (以下簡稱 CCB) 陳述: HBUSH意欲購買 CCB盈餘的各種外幣現鈔(以下簡稱付運貨幣),CCB也 願意將上述付運貨幣賣給 HBUSH,為保証上述買賣順利進行,甲乙雙方 特簽訂本協議,其立約條件如下: A. 總則 1. 付運貨幣將以貴重物品處理從 CCB北京/上海分行所指定金庫(以下 簡稱 CCB金庫)運往 HBUSH所指定之地點(以下簡稱 POD)。 2. 每次運送金額最低限額不少於相當於 USD1,000,000(一佰萬美元)。 B. 工序/保險/費用 1. HBUSH 將提供門到門安排,意指把付運貨幣從 CCB 金庫運送至 POD之運費、提貨費用及保險均全由 HBUSH負責。 2. HBUSH將負責安排運鈔車,由其監運員及保安代理委派之武裝保安 人員將付運貨幣從 CCB金庫運至北京/上海國際機場。 3. 當付運貨幣離開 CCB 金庫時,HBUSH 監運員須於“外鈔交接書” (見附件一)上簽收,確認已收妥付運貨幣。 4. HBUSH監運員在“外鈔交接書”上簽收確認收妥付運貨幣之前,所 有付運貨幣之保險及責任由 CCB承擔;當 HBUSH監運員在“外鈔 交接書”上簽收確認收妥付運貨幣之後,所有付運貨幣之保險及責 任由 HBUSH承擔。 5. HBUSH須承擔其監運員及保安代理的所有費用。 6. 將付運貨幣從 CCB 金庫運送到 POD 之所有運費,由 HBUSH 承 擔。 7. HBUSH 負責辦理付運貨幣出口清關手續,而 CCB 必須在付運貨幣 出運之前向 HBUSH 提供所有符合中華人民共和國海關法的出口文 件。 8. CCB須在裝運前最少一個工作日,以押碼 SWIFT通知 HBUSH付運 貨幣之裝運日期。通知內容應載明裝運的日期、付運各種貨幣的銀 碼及面額。 9. HBUSH須在裝運前最少一個工作日,以押碼 SWIFT通知 CCB有關 監運員的姓名、其身份証/護照號碼,以及運載付運貨幣的航班編號 與起飛時間。 10. HBUSH監運員應在裝運的前一天或當天到達 CCB金庫,在 CCB授 權人員鑒察下,當場逐捆大數清點鈔票及將付運貨幣放到錢袋內, 然後用塑料封條將錢袋封好。 11. CCB有關人員應在允許 HBUSH監運員進入 CCB金庫之前請其出示 “授權証明書”(見附件二),並核對按本協議規定由 HBUSH提供之 有關名單上所載的監運員姓名、身份証/護照號碼,以核證 HBUSH 監運員的身份。若有懷疑,則應立即同 HBUSH聯絡,予以澄清。 12. 若在裝運的前一天進行清點打包,則應將密封好的錢袋放在 CCB金 庫內存放一夜,由 CCB妥為保管。在存放期間,CCB應對付運貨幣 嚴加保管及承擔保險責任。在提貨出金庫當天,HBUSH 應到 CCB 金庫,從 CCB 的授權人員手中取回密封的錢袋。監運員與 CCB 授 權人員應檢查錢袋的塑料封條有否被破損或被更換,以確定付運貨 幣是完好無損。 13. 如因非正常原因引起的問題而令付運貨幣必須返回北京/上海者, HBUSH 監運員及其保安代理應即與 CCB 取得聯系以將付運貨幣送 回 CCB所在地保存。當付運貨幣折回 CCB所在地時,HBUSH監運 員與 CCB主管人員需檢查裝有付運貨幣的袋數無誤及確定錢袋的塑 料封條是否完好。然後,CCB 應將“外鈔交接書”還予 HBUSH 監 運員。當付運貨幣在 CCB 之交接地時,其安全及保險由 CCB 負 責。HBUSH 將同 CCB 再作安排,使該批付運貨幣再次出運。付運 貨幣的工序與運作按本協議之規定辦理。 14. 當運鈔航班抵達 POD 後,HBUSH 將負責辦理清關及提取付運貨幣 的手續及其費用。 15. 雙方若在不可抗力的因素下(如航班取消、颱風、自然災害、戰爭及 交通事故等)而不能履行買賣責任,則無須向對方負責。 C. 結算 1. HBUSH將按照列載附件三的費率購買現鈔(運送金額低於 A2者,雙 方每次另議購鈔費率),並且在付運貨幣抵達 POD 之後的第一個工 作日,將應付款項滙到 CCB 所指定的賬戶內。就金額不到 USD10,000 (壹萬美元)等值之其他貨幣,HBUSH 根據當天滙款之掛 牌價折成美元,滙至 CCB的指定賬戶內。 2. CCB應以押碼 SWIFT通知 HBUSH其外幣銀行戶口資料方便固定掛 賬滙款用。該等指示不應隨便予以更改。 3. 付運貨幣抵達 POD 後一個工作日,HBUSH 將以押碼 SWIFT 通知 CCB 所付運貨幣已被收妥及清點核實。此通知應載明交易的具體資 料,包括兌換率、差誤資料(多付/少付/偽鈔)及貸記入 CCB賬戶的金 額及付款日。 D. 差誤的處理 1. HBUSH 接收付運貨幣後在清點時如發現多寡的情況,應盡快通知 CCB。HBUSH 應將有關的封簽/封條先傳真給 CCB 作調查。若有多 出的款項,HBUSH須盡快將差額還給 CCB。若有不足,HBUSH將 在入賬時扣除不足的款項。HBUSH 在下次運鈔時將封簽/封條一同 送回 CCB。 2. HBUSH 接收付運貨幣後在清點時如發現偽鈔,應盡快通知 CCB, HBUSH 應將有關偽鈔副本及封簽/封條先傳真給 CCB 作調查。 HBUSH 在入賬時將扣除偽鈔數值。HBUSH 在下次運鈔時將偽鈔圖 片及封簽/封條一同送回 CCB。 3. HBUSH 接收付運貨幣後在清點時如發現嚴重破損或不流通之鈔票 時,應盡快通知 CCB,HBUSH 在入賬時將扣除有關現鈔的數值。 HBUSH 在下次運鈔時將破損的鈔票或不流通之鈔票及封簽/封條一 同送回 CCB。 4. HBUSH在清點核實付運貨幣時,應對自拆封到清點完畢的整個過程 的全部細節進行錄像,以便日後調取核實。當 HBUSH通知 CCB所 付運貨幣已被收妥及核實後,其後所發現之任何差異由 HBUSH 負 責。 5. 對於嚴重破損及已停止流通之鈔票,HBUSH 同意向 CCB 提供托收 安排。CCB 須將該等鈔票存放在密封的封套內,並連同清單(列明鈔 票的幣值及面額)交予 HBUSH。HBUSH將盡力待其變現,在收妥款 項後向 CCB支付該等款項。 E. 法律 1. 本協議受香港特別行政區有關法律管轄。雙方同意受香港法院的非 專屬管轄。本協議具備中英文兩個文本,如二者之注釋有所差異, 則以英文文本為準。 2. 甲方保留授權予滙豐控股集團(滙豐集團)內的任何實體或分支機 構均可履行本協議之所有責任及應享有之所有權利。此安排須得到 乙方書面承諾方可進行。 F. 有效期 1. 本協議自簽署日起生效。如任何一方欲終止本協議,須給予對方至 少 30天書面通知。 簽署人: 簽署人: 美國滙豐銀行香港分行 中國建設銀行股份有限公司總行 日期: 年 月 日 日期: 年 月 日 附件一 日期: 年 月 日 致: 中國建設銀行股份有限公司 北京/上海市分行 中國 外鈔交接書 玆收到貴行付運貨幣共________________件。 封條編號 _____________ ______________ _____________ ______________ _____________ ______________ _____________ ______________ _____________ ______________ _____________ ______________ 美國滙豐銀行香港分行 _____________________________ 監運員 附件二 日期: 年 月 日 致: 中國建設銀行股份有限公司 北京/上海市分行 中國 授權証明書 尊敬的先生, 現謹授權我行監運員: 姓名 身份証號碼 點收貴行之付運貨幣。 順致 敬意! 美國滙豐銀行香港分行 _____________________________ 授權人簽字 附件三 HBUSH之買入價 貨幣 費率 美元 99.92 日元 99.85 港幣 99.92 歐元 99.80 澳大利亞元 99.75 瑞士法朗 99.75 英鎊 99.75 新加坡元 99.75 加拿大元 99.75 丹麥克朗 99.75 挪威克朗 99.75 瑞典克朗 99.75 新西蘭元 99.70 其他幣種可每次磋商釐定。 上述價格會因所購買貨幣的供求變化而變動,但事先需由 HBUSH和 CCB 雙方協商並達成共息後,方可按同意價格變動。 Foreign Currency Banknotes Agreement HSBC Bank USA, N. A. Hong Kong Branch purchase from China Construction Bank Corporation Head Office (Beijing & Shanghai Branch) THIS AGREEMENT is made on the __________________________ PARTIES 1. HSBC Bank USA, N. A. Hong Kong Branch ("HBUSH") 2. China Construction Bank Corporation Head Office ("CCB") RECITAL: HBUSH desires to buy from CCB and CCB desires to sell to HBUSH its surplus foreign banknotes (Consignments) under the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows: A. GENERAL 1. The Consignments will be shipped as valuable cargo from CCB’s premises in Beijing / Shanghai Branches (CCB’s premises) to a Point of Destination (POD) as directed by HBUSH. 2. The minimum value of each Consignment will be the equivalent of USD1,000,000. B. PROCEDURE, EXPENSES AND INSURANCE 1. HBUSH will provide a Door-to-Door arrangement, i.e. HBUSH will be responsible for the costs of collection, transportation, insurance and delivery of the Consignments from CCB’s premises up until their arrival at POD. 2. HBUSH will utilise its courier and security agent to provide armed escort in transporting the Consignments from CCB’s premises to Beijing / Shanghai International Airport. 3. At the time the Consignments are to leave CCB’s premises, HBUSH courier will sign a Receipt (see Appendix I) thereby acknowledging proper receipt of the Consignments. 4. Once the Receipt is signed by HBUSH courier and a copy of which is passed onto CCB, the responsibility of security and insuring the Consignment pass onto HBUSH. Prior to that, the same responsibility is CCB’s. 5. HBUSH will bear all expenses in relation to its own courier and security agent. 6. The cost of transporting the Consignments from CCB’s premises to POD is for account of HBUSH. 7. HBUSH will be responsible for customs clearance of the Consignments on condition that CCB will in advance provide HBUSH with all documents required and complying with the Customs Laws of the People’s Republic of China for export purposes. 8. At least one business day prior to the shipment date, CCB will inform HBUSH by authenticated SWIFT of an intended shipment. Such notice should include the shipment date, individual currency amounts and denominations. 9. HBUSH will reply to CCB by authenticated SWIFT at least one business day prior to the shipment date the name and ID/passport number of the HBUSH courier, as well as the flight number and its ETD (Expected to Depart). 10. HBUSH courier will arrive at CCB’s premises one day prior to shipment or on the same day to bulk count and pack the Consignments, and seal the containers (that contain the Consignments) in the presence of CCB’s authorized staff. 11. Prior to entering CCB’s premises, HBUSH courier will present to CCB the “Authorization Letter” (see Appendix II) which confirms his authority to collect the Consignments. At the same time, CCB will verify the identity of the HBUSH courier against the Couriers’ List as provided earlier by HBUSH. If there is any query in relation to the identity of the courier, under no circumstances will CCB release the Consignments to HBUSH. CCB will immediately seek clarification from HBUSH. 12. If the packing process is performed one day prior to shipment, the sealed containers (of Consignments) will be placed under the custody of CCB who will provide proper protection and insurance coverage during its overnight storage. On day of flight departure, HBUSH courier will visit CCB again and receive from CCB’s authorized staff the seals containers. They will jointly inspect the Consignments and ascertain that the seals are intact and the Consignments are in good order. 13. In the unlikely event that the armoured vehicle carrying the Consignments has to return to Beijing / Shanghai and that the operation is aborted, HBUSH courier will liaise with HBUSH security agent and arrange with CCB to return the Consignments to CCB’s premises. After the Consignments are returned to CCB’s premises, HBUSH courier and CCB’s authorized staff will inspect the seals and ascertain that they are intact an
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