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光华路小学一年级少先队活动案例光华路小学一年级少先队活动案例 武汉市少先队活动课程 优秀案例申报材料 (自己的事自己干 靠天靠地靠父母 不算是好汉)题目 姓 名: 冯婷婷 所在学校: 光华路小学 任辅时间: 2013-9 任课方向: 数学 提交日期: 2014-4 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to s...
光华路小学少先队活动 武汉市少先队活动课程 优秀案例申报材料 (自己的事自己干 靠天靠地靠父母 不算是好汉)题目 姓 名: 冯婷婷 所在学校: 光华路小学 任辅时间: 2013-9 任课方向: 数学 提交日期: 2014-4 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 活动主题: “劳动实践”活动:自己的事学着自己做 活动目标: 懂得自己的事情自己做的基本道理,掌握生活自理的要求,学习自己整理生活用品和学习用具,理解劳动对生活的意义。 ——《少先队活动课纲要(试行)》分年级活动建议 自己的事自己干 靠天靠地靠父母 不算是好汉 —— 一年级少先队活动课案例 现在的家庭大多数只有一个孩子,他们成了家里的“小公主”“小皇帝”。爷爷、奶奶、爸爸、妈妈为他们包办了一切事情,他们锻炼自己的机会少,自理能力差。尤其是刚步入一年级的学生,他们有的不会自己穿衣服、穿鞋,不会整理自己的学习用品。希望通过这次活动,使孩子们懂得自己的事情应该自己做,从小养成良好的行为习惯,培养孩子的心和自信心,以及生活上自治自理的能力。教育孩子不娇气,不懒惰,自己的事情自己做,不会的事情要学着做,让孩子们充分得到锻炼,自理能力得到提高。 队课主持人,赵欣欣、中队委 环节一:观小品 明道理 小品引入课题,早晨,上课铃响了,本班一位同学急急忙忙跑进教室,只见他衣服扣子错位、鞋子反穿、鞋带没系、脸上脏兮兮,引起全班哄堂大笑。在同学的笑声中,切入主题,自己的holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 事情自己做。 儿歌响起《我有一双小小手》。 主持人,大家都有一双小小手,那你们知道手有什么用处吗, 同学们纷纷举手答,“手可以写字,手可以拿东西,手可以用来吃饭时拿筷子和碗,手可以玩,手可以开汽车,手可以打拳……”。主持人,“双手的用处可真大啊,你有一双勤劳的手吗,我们来看看小同学小刚的故事。” 投影仪播放小品《小刚的早晨》。,小刚正躺在床上睡觉,时针指六点。闹钟响了,小刚揉揉眼睛, 小刚喊,“奶奶,我醒了。” 奶奶,“这孩子,天天让奶奶帮助着衣服。” ,奶奶帮助小刚穿上衣服,小刚自己系扣子, 奶奶,“瞧你,扣子位置都系错了。” ,小刚穿完裤子,穿上一只袜子, 小刚,“奶奶,我另一只袜子哪儿,” ,奶奶在床底上找到了另一只袜子, 小刚喊,“奶奶,我的鞋子哪去了,” ,奶奶又给小刚找到鞋, 奶奶,“鞋和袜子都乱扔到床下,瞧瞧多乱。” 小刚,“奶奶我系不上鞋带了。” 奶奶,“你呀,天天看都看不会了。” ,奶奶给小刚系好鞋带,又把被子叠上, ,小刚拿起牙缸刷牙,奶奶又把洗脸水打来, holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 奶奶,“小刚啊,快把脸洗干净。” 小刚,“奶奶,我会洗脸。”,洗后自己擦干净, 奶奶,“哟,都六点四十了,快吃饭吧。” 小刚,“奶奶,这鱼刺会扎着我的。你喂我吃。” 奶奶,“你呀,都一年级了,连幼儿园都不如。” 小刚,“哎呀,奶奶你又说我。” ,奶奶喂小刚吃完饭,小刚去漱口,奶奶收拾桌子并洗碗。小刚背上书包, 小刚,“奶奶,再见。” 奶奶,“哎,快去吧。” ,小刚又跑回来, 小刚,“奶奶,我的红领巾。” ,小刚和奶奶一起找,奶奶在床下找到了红领巾,给小刚系好, 小刚,“奶奶,再见,” 奶奶,“真拿你没,”,演完, 主持人问,“同学们,小品中的小刚怎样吗,”你想对他说什么, ,同学们讨论, 陈瑞林,“小刚把纽扣系错了。” 高天翔,“小刚让奶奶穿衣,系鞋带小对。” 蔡金津,“小刚起床不叠被子,把红领巾、袜子、鞋乱扔不holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 对。” 刘若阳,“小刚让奶奶喂饭,还不洗碗不对。” 主持人,“那么怎么做才对呢,” 同学们齐答,“自己的事情自己做,” 通过短片,启发学生应学会自己刷牙、洗脸、穿脱衣服、吃饭、穿鞋等等。 环节二:比一比 谁最棒 主持人,“好,咱们今天比一比,看谁做得又快又好,” 主持人,“请中队辅导员宣布比赛内容和规则。” 中队辅导员,“今天比赛一共三个项目,每个项目派出10位同学参加比赛,每个项目完成地又快又好的同学获胜。第一个项目,穿运动服、戴红领巾。第二项比赛内容,穿鞋子,系鞋带。第三项比赛,整理文具,清理书包。看谁在最短的时间内完成。” 主持人,“好紧张的比赛场面呀,从比赛我们看出,一,6,班队员真棒,同学们,相信大家从今天起,都能进一步认识到,我们长大了,自己的事情可以自己做了,对吗, ” 比赛结束,班主任,辅导员给每项比赛中优秀的同学颁发奖状,授予“勤劳小蜜蜂”徽章。 通过比赛每个激发了每个同学爱劳动的热情,通过比赛有的同学发现了自己的不足,暗暗下决心,今后一定要自己动手做自己的事,培养自己的生活能力。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 环节三:学儿歌 表决心 主持人,请听个小队儿歌表演, 第一小队表演《双手多灵巧》,双手多灵巧,从小就勤劳。起床把被叠,衣袜都穿好。刷牙又洗脸,发辫自己搞。文具都整齐,放进小书包。手帕洗得勤,地面常打扫,桌椅擦干净,垃圾不忘倒。爸爸地里忙,我来帮拔草。别说我年少,人小志气高。从小爱劳动,个个夸我好。 第二小队表演《别看我人小》,别看我人小,别看我人小,劳动热情高。衣服自己穿,鞋带系得牢。饭前摆碗筷,饭后把地扫。从小爱劳动,人人夸我好。 第三小队表演《我能行》,相信自己行,才会我能行,别人说我行,努力才会行,你在这点行,我在那点行,今天若不行,明天争取行,我们一,6,班,勤奋好学,团结守纪,个个好样的,相信自己,充满希望,我们的未来定会辉煌。 第四小队表演《自立歌》,吃自己的饭,流自己的汗,自己的事自己干,靠天靠地靠父母,不算是好汉。 主持人,“看了同学们表演的节目,我相信我们中队各个同学都是好样的,通过自己的努力,能够做好自己身边的每一件小事。下面由中队长向全体同学发出号召,” 中队长,请我们中队的全体队员从今天开始都能做到, 1、会穿衣服和系鞋带, holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 2、自己会系红领巾和洗红领巾, 3、会自己整理床铺和书包, 4、会自己洗脸、洗脚、梳头, 5、帮助爸爸妈妈做自己力所能力的家务。 环节四:能力培养 填写拓展卡 主持人,同学们,其实,在我们的班级中,就有许多勤劳能干的同学,老师为你们设计了一张表格“自己的事情自己做”,每个小朋友选择几个项目挑战,让爸爸妈妈来做你的见证人,下个星期我们再来评一评比一比。好吗, 自己的事情自己做 班级:一(6)班 姓名: 我选择的项目: 我会自己戴红领巾了( ) 我会自己系鞋带了( ) 我会自己削铅笔( ) 我会自己洗脚 ( ) 我会自己穿衣 ( ) 我会自己剪指甲( ) 我会自己收拾书包( ) 我还会自己( )。 家长评价(优秀、良好、一般) 老师评价: 辅导员心得: 儿童的自立、自强是很重要的,如何使他们从小树立这种独holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 立的意识呢,伟大的人民教育家陶行知先生提出过六条,解放儿童的头脑,使其能想,解放儿童的眼睛,使其能看,解放儿童的双手,使其能干,解放儿童的嘴,使其发问,解放儿童的空间,使其接触社会,解放儿童的时间,使其学习人生。 本次队会的切入点选取了学生口中常说却又极不易做到的“自己的事自己做”为主题,通过富有“童趣”的比赛、儿歌、小品等一系列丰富多彩的活动,调动每个队员的积极性,帮助他们形成自己的事自己做的意识和习惯,自己照顾自己。自己的书包自己理,自己的衣服鞋袜自己穿戴,逐渐放大延伸至自己的学习、休息、生活自己安排,力所能及的事情尽量自己动手解决。将“自己的事自己做”的意识逐渐融入队员的心田,使其受益一生。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection
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